some tips to read kundali(by nepali thito)

Page 1 of 6 Source: Now check the power of Moon (phase of Moon) in the lagna kundli by checking how many houses apart it is present from the Sun. If Moon is present more than 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered to be in good power. If Moon is present 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered as of average power. If Moon is present less than 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered as of less power. Here the point to be noted down is Moon can't go more than 7 houses apart from the Sun. If it is 7 houses apart from the Sun it'll be 'Full Moon' (nearly 100% in phase). If it is 4 houses apart then it'll be nearly 50% in phase. If it is only one house apart then it'll be nearly 0% in phase. Now check which planets are present retrograde or 'vakriya' & combust or 'aast' in the indian birth chart. Mercury if combust will not be taken seriously because its closest to the Sun & is often present combust. Check which planets are present in their own zodiac sign in the natal chart, which planets are present uchcha (exalted), which planets are present neecha, which planets are present in the sign of friend planets & which on the sign of enemy planets. Now check which planets are 'Dikbali' (hold power due to their presence in particular direction) in janma patri. 1. Jupiter & Mercury are 'Dikbali' in 1st house, 2. Surya & Mars 'Dikbali' in 10th house, 3. Moon & Venus 'Dikbali' in 4th house & 4. Saturn is considered 'Dikbali' in 7th house. But while analyzing Saturn as 'Dikabali' don't forget that 7th house is the house of marriage, married life, love life & is quite sensitive. Saturn may even harm 7th house inspite of being 'Dikbali' . Janam Lagna :- It has a special place in Janam Kundli . Planet sitting in this place gives bad effects. Planets looking at this place also effects on the person. This place of Janam Kundli decides what your character will be. Your impression on others, your personality, Your Prestige and your Nature all is known by this place of janam kundli. Any learned astrologer can predict about your personality by studying this place of janam kundli. How much respect you will get in life, your facial beauty will be determine by this place of janam kundli. Bad Planets sitting in your lagna like Rahu, Shani, Mars, Sun & Ketu tells such things about your personality which only you knows. If any of these planets are sitting in this lagna then the bad & good effects of these planets comes in your personality. For example if Rahu is in Lagna then it is difficult to decide whether the person will keep his promise or not. If this situation found in Prashan Lagna then this person can tell the greatest lie for his own benefit. These peoples are experts in conspiring. If Rahu gets a company of Budh then person will surely be Crook or Sly who can deceive anybody. If rahu is found in pancham in your lovers kundli then beware, don’t believe him/her. However lots of marriagehappens when rahu is found in pancham but the truth comes into reality only after marriage. Shani’s third look on lagna proves that person is suffering with headache or some disease of head. Even if shani is favorable or strong still it gives worries. Mars look gives anger but the person will be hard worker. Jupiter’s effect makes a person religious. He will be Munificent/Philanthropy/Donor and will collect enough for his next life. Shukra effect not only will give you eroticism, but also yearning for love, popularity in women, Feelings towards spouse or happy married life. Moon’s effect also gives steadiness in nature. Person’s life will be full of ups & downs and he will travel a lot, long or short distant. Though everything depends on the analysis of planets but it is also true that place in the lagna do effects a lot. If sun looks at lagna then person’s married life will not be happy.

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Navagraha - Nine Planets in Hindu Astrology


Page 1: Some tips to read kundali(by Nepali Thito)

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Now check the power of Moon (phase of Moon) in the lagna kundli by checking how many houses apart it

is present from the Sun.

If Moon is present more than 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered to be in good power.

If Moon is present 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered as of average power.

If Moon is present less than 4 houses apart from Sun then it'll be considered as of less power.

Here the point to be noted down is Moon can't go more than 7 houses apart from the Sun. If it is 7 houses

apart from the Sun it'll be 'Full Moon' (nearly 100% in phase). If it is 4 houses apart then it'll be nearly 50%

in phase. If it is only one house apart then it'll be nearly 0% in phase.

Now check which planets are present retrograde or 'vakriya' & combust or 'aast' in the indian birth chart.

Mercury if combust will not be taken seriously because its closest to the Sun & is often present combust.

Check which planets are present in their own zodiac sign in the natal chart, which planets are present uchcha

(exalted), which planets are present neecha, which planets are present in the sign of friend planets & which

on the sign of enemy planets.

Now check which planets are 'Dikbali' (hold power due to their presence in particular direction) in janma


1. Jupiter & Mercury are 'Dikbali' in 1st house,

2. Surya & Mars 'Dikbali' in 10th house,

3. Moon & Venus 'Dikbali' in 4th house &

4. Saturn is considered 'Dikbali' in 7th house.

But while analyzing Saturn as 'Dikabali' don't forget that 7th house is the house of marriage, married life,

love life & is quite sensitive. Saturn may even harm 7th house inspite of being 'Dikbali'.

Janam Lagna:- It has a special place in Janam Kundli. Planet sitting in this place gives bad effects.

Planets looking at this place also effects on the person. This place of Janam Kundli decides what your

character will be. Your impression on others, your personality, Your Prestige and your Nature all is known

by this place of janam kundli. Any learned astrologer can predict about your personality by studying this

place of janam kundli. How much respect you will get in life, your facial beauty will be determine by this

place of janam kundli. Bad Planets sitting in your lagna like Rahu, Shani, Mars, Sun & Ketu tells such

things about your personality which only you knows. If any of these planets are sitting in this lagna then

the bad & good effects of these planets comes in your personality. For example if Rahu is in Lagna then it is

difficult to decide whether the person will keep his promise or not. If this situation found in Prashan

Lagna then this person can tell the greatest lie for his own benefit. These peoples are experts in conspiring.

If Rahu gets a company of Budh then person will surely be Crook or Sly who can deceive anybody.

If rahu is found in pancham in your lovers kundli then beware, don’t believe him/her. However lots

of marriagehappens when rahu is found in pancham but the truth comes into reality only after marriage.

Shani’s third look on lagna proves that person is suffering with headache or some disease of head. Even if

shani is favorable or strong still it gives worries. Mars look gives anger but the person will be hard worker.

Jupiter’s effect makes a person religious. He will be Munificent/Philanthropy/Donor and will collect

enough for his next life.

Shukra effect not only will give you eroticism, but also yearning for love, popularity in women, Feelings

towards spouse or happy married life.

Moon’s effect also gives steadiness in nature. Person’s life will be full of ups & downs and he will travel a

lot, long or short distant. Though everything depends on the analysis of planets but it is also true that place

in the lagna do effects a lot.

If sun looks at lagna then person’s married life will not be happy.

Page 2: Some tips to read kundali(by Nepali Thito)

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जन्भ रग्न का जन्भक ॊ डरी भें विशषे स्थान है I इस स्थान भें फैठा ग्रह व्मक्ति ऩय ऩूया प्रबाि डारिा है I इस स्थान

ऩय दृक्टि यखने िारे ग्रहों का बी व्मक्ति ऩय असय ऩड़िा है I क ॊ डरी के इसी स्थान से जाना जािा है कक आऩका चरयत्र

कैसा होगा I आऩका दसूयों ऩय ऩड़न ेिारा प्रबाि, आऩके व्मक्तित्ि की चभक, आऩकी Personality औय आऩका स्िबाि सफ क छ इस बाि स ेजाना जा सकिा है Iकोई बी विद्िान ्इस बाि का अध्ममन कयके आऩके फाये भें अन भान रगा सकिा है कक आऩ ककस ियह के व्मक्ति हैं I आऩको जीिन भें ककिना सम्भान मभरेगा I आऩके चहेये का यॊग रूऩ मा आऩ ककिने स न्दय हैं इसी बाि स ेऩिा रगामा जािा है I

आऩके रग्न भें फैठे अशुभ ग्रह यानी राहू, शनन, मंगऱ, सूयय और केतु आऩके व्मक्तित्ि के फाये भें फह ि क छ ऐसा फिा देिे हैं जो केिर औय केिर आऩ ही जानिे हैं I इनभ ेसे एक बी ग्रह का रग्न भें होना ग्रह स ेसम्फॊधधि ग ण मा अिग ण आऩके व्मक्तित्ि भें सक्म्भमरि कय देिा है I

उदाहयण के िौय ऩय मदद

ऱग्न में राहू होगा िो व्मक्ति िादा कयके ऩूया कयेगा इस फाि का कोई बयोसा नहीॊ है I प्रश्न रग्न भें मदद ऐसी क्स्थति

हो िो सभझ रें कक साभने िारा अऩने पामदे के मरए फड़ ेसे फड़ा झूठ फोर सकिा है I षड्मॊत्र यचन ेभें ऐस ेरोग भादहय होिे हैं I राहू को यदद बुध का साथ मभर जाए िो तनस्सॊदेह व्मक्ति चाराक औय धिूत है जो ककसी को बी चकभा दे

सकिा है I मदद प्रेभी मा प्रेमभका के ऱग्न में राहू ऩंचम में राहू में राहू देखें िो सािधान हो जाएॉ मा अधधक बयोसा भि

कयें I हाराॊकक प्रेभ वििाह के फह ि स ेभाभरे ऩॊचभ भें याहू के होने ऩय साभन ेआि ेहैं ऩयन्ि सच का ऩिा वििाह होन ेके

फाद ही रग ऩािा है I

ऱग्न ऩर शनन की िीसयी दृक्टि मसद्ध कयिी है कक व्मक्ति के सय भें क छ िकरीप मा योग अिश्म है I शतन फरिान मा श ब बी हो िो धचॊिा जरूय देिा है I

मंगऱ की दृष्टि क्रोध देिी है ऩयन्ि व्मक्ति ऩरयश्रभी होिा है I

गुरु की दृष्टि व्मक्ति के जीिन भें धभत का भागत खोर देिी है I व्मक्ति दानी होिा है औय अऩन ेअगरे जनभ के मरए

इस जन्भ भें फह ि क छ अक्जति कय रेिा है I

शुक्र की दृष्टि न केिर काभ किा देगी अवऩि प्रेभ की िड़ऩ, क्स्त्रमों भें रोकवप्रमिा, जीिन साथी के प्रति प्रेभ बाि ि

स खी िैिादहक जीिन की सूचना देिी है I

चन्द्र की दृष्टि से बी स्िबाि भें शीिरिा आ जािी है I व्मक्ति का जीिन उथर ऩ थर स ेबया होगा औय व्मक्ति

अऩन ेजीिन भें फह ि अधधक छोिी फड़ी मात्रामें कयेगा I हाराॊकक सफ क छ ग्रहों के आकरन ऩय तनबतय कयिा है ऩयन्ि मह बी सत्म है कक रग्न ऩय ऩड़न ेिारी दृक्टि ककसी बी ग्रह की हो, अऩना प्रबाि अिश्म छोडिी है I

सूयय की दृष्टि रग्न ऩय होने स ेव्मक्ति का िैिादहक जीिन स खद नहीॊ होिा I

Blue Sapphire – नीरभ Coral – भूॊगा Emerald – ऩन्ना Pearl – भोिी

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Mangal, Amangal aur Manglik Yog – मंगऱ, अमंगऱ और मंगऱीक योग

Mars According to Indian Astrology Mars/Mangal is known to be son of Earth. Mars has a very important place

among Planets. Mars exists in our blood. Who are associated with sports

like Wrestling, Cricket & Boxing comes under the effect of Mars. High Rank

Officers in Army, Police or Surgeon etc. are also under the effects of Mars. If Mars happens to be with

Shani then the person will become a Doctor & if Mars is strong then the

person will become a successful Doctor (Surgeon). If Shani is strong then

both will make a person live his living related to prison/jail. In this context

much is depend in which Nakshatra Shani & Mars is, or how much part is

there, or how strong they are or who is more strong between both of them.

Mars & Shani is known to be enemy for each other. But if they both are

sitting in any house of janam kundli they make lots of opportunities good &

bad as well. If both are sitting together then even if Manglik Yog is there its

effects will be less. But still this Jaatak/Taatika must marriage with a Manglik


Rahu & Mars both makes a person Detective. If Mars is stronger then person

will surely become a successful Detective or will serve in a Detective Agency. In a condition where Rahu is

stronger than Mars with the help of Rahu makes a person work in

a Gambling profession, Wineshop or Ammunition Factory. This type of person will be

a Traitor, Terrorist, Thief, Informer, Hypocrite or a Murderer.

Chandra & Mangal together makes a person Navy Officer but it needs Mars to be strong & Chandra in

favorable Rashi. Because Chandra represents Water & Mars represents Army. If a person become

something with the help of both of this then being mars strong makes a person work in Navy or if Chandra

is strong the a person will make his living in Ships. He can be a Scientist in Laboratory (if Mars is more

strong) or will be a Doctor in Blood-Bank.

Budh & Mars together makes a person Thug or a Theif. This needs Budh to be stronger. If Rauh is also

contributing in this Yog then this person will surely be a chief of thugs or theifs. Because Budh is known to

be for Cleverness and if he gets support of Mars power (both of these are bilateral enemies) so both makes a

bad impact on the kundli and Rahu works like a Ghee in Fire. This makes a negative impact and affacted

person tends to become a threat to society.

Jupiter and Mars together makes a person work as a trainer in Army. Jupiter is a Teacher, his nature is to

teach. In Jupiter Mars Yog if Jupiter is strong then the person remains on a high post working in a army or

police. The post of Gazetted officer is also Jupiters contribution.

Ketu Mars together makes a person live his living if Fire Department.

Sun Mars together makes a person Bone specialist Doctor.

Lagna is Mirror of your Personality – ऱग्न है आऩके व्यष्ततत्व का दऩयण

Lagna means 1st house has a special place in kundli. Lagna tells about character, complexion, Phiz,

Personality and influence of a person. Planet sitting in this place becomes automatically strong.

Moon, Budh, Guru, Shukra all these are auspicious (lucky) planet and Rahu, Mars,

Shani, Sun and Ketu are sinful planet. Planet sitting in this house makes a special impact on person. This

determines his nature. If Rashi is there in lagna, this is also very effective on person. It is lagna who tells us

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how much his previous life is effecting on his present life. This place can also decide whether the person is

true of a lier. Lagna also tells us about a person health.

If Sun is there in lagna it means the person is very ambitious. He is invincible. To live stately,

Fearlessness, Devotee to parents, Leadership virtue’s, are will be there in him. He is religious and works

at high rank.

If Chandra is in lagna then person will be emotional, boisterous, walking speed too fast, cheerful, witty and


If Mars is there in your lagna then person will be Manglik. Mangal makes a massive effect on person’s

life. Fights, injury, accidents etc. are normal in his life. But if Mangal is in swarashi, high rashi, Mool

Trikon, Aries, Leo, Scorpio, Capricorn, Pieces rashi then there is no fear of injury. Person will be

diligent, busy and having scars of injury. Face will be glowing with redness.

If Budh is there in lagna then Person will be clever, amicable, quick witted,

businessman, wealthy and money minded.

If Jupiter is in lagna then Person is true, kind, scholar, lucky, dominent over wife and saint. He does not

lack anything in life. Others are helpful to him. It is a kind of Royal life provided Jupiter must not be in

wretched rashi.

If Shukra is in Lagna then Person is liked between women, attractive if not beautiful, magnetic

personality, voluptuous, shrewd and lucky. He will also be lazy.

If Shani is in lagna then Person is of tall stature, dark complexion, stays away from greed and

avarice, solitary, ignorant and ambitious.

If Rahu is in lagna then Person will be of mysterious nature. He himself does not know what his next step

will be. He can prove to be dangerous if Rahu gets company of shani & mars. This type of person will

be diplomatic, keeps enmity untill takes retaliation. If rahu is in lagna then mariied life will be unpleasant.

If Rahu is of Aries, Scorpio, Aquarious or Capricorn rashi then person will be short tempered and

intransigent. This type of person’s wife will face miscarriage quite often.

If Ketu is in lagna then Person will be doing work related to electricity, hot tempered, greedy, voluptuous

and of tall stature. These peoples body remains lean from lower side. If ketu is in lagna then also married

life will be unpleasant. Divorce possibility will always be there.

Intuition/ Foreboding – ऩूवायभास : Intuition is to know in advance what is going to happen in future in any


This happens to those, in whose Janam Kundli Shani, Guru & Rahu is affecting Lagna. If we assume

Shani is the reason of incidents then Guru is the knowledge we anticipate in the form of intuition.

People forebode with the help of dreams, contemplation, and specific movements of animals, through

birds or self assessment. Even if we manage to forebode we cannot avoid any incident to happen but can be


So we need to follow those signs which indicate future happenings. It is not possible to write down

everything about it but some special situations can be mentioned. According to my personal experience,

every person would have intuition but not everybody feels it. I go to mention some Good Omens and

some Bad Omens here. This is for your own knowledge only. If you have any suggestion or comments then

pls. do let me know through below given comment box.

Disease or Trouble: Spilling of boiling milk indicates minor accident or Tension. Spilling of wine indicates

disaster. Cracks in wall of house means a big trouble is around the corner.

Money Gain or Money Loss: Spilling of water indicates imminent financial gain.

Signs of Death: A dog or Cats wail is a sign of bad news. If a person looks like a dead body when asleep, it

indicates imminent death. If you are not able to see your reflection in the water then it means death is very

near. Your clock stops time to time then it means any bad news is about to come.

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Intuition through Dream: If bad dreams continue to bother you daily it indicates you are suffering from

any sinful planet. Quickly do a remedy for this.

To see your own death in dreams means a sign of the dignity and freedom from disease.

If you see fire in dreams then be careful something harmful is going to happen.

To see yourself climbing at high altitude means impending Promotion, Business Expansion, Promotion in

Job or you are about to buy a big thing.

Feeling more drowsy, to see pleasant dreams or you see yourself sitting/standing on a high altitude it

means responsibilities are about to come or you will spend a fortune on some auspicious task/work.

To see fruit in dreams indicates child birth.

To see any animal attacks on you in dreams indicate, be careful somebody can harm you or can put you in


To see water in dreams is a sign of growth in your Bank Balance. To see yourself in sky or travel by Aero

plane indicates sudden financial gain.

To see Greenery/Nature in dreams indicates Prosperity and freedom from Debt.

To see yourself crying in dreams is a sign of ecstasy.

To step up a ladder in dreams means Promotion and your prestige will spreads. To step down a ladder

means you will have to struggle.

Jupiter in Kundli: According to Indian Astrology Brihaspati is also called Guru (Jupiter). This is the

biggest of all planets. This represents yellow color. Those who have more effect of Jupiter in

their kundli, becomes Teacher, Lawyer, Judge, Scholars, eminent Scholars or Astrologers. Jupiter rules

Jewellery shops, Book Shops, Ayurvedic Clinics, Library, Printing Machines etc.

Jupiter is a auspicious natural planet and wherever it resides it sanctifies that place. Prominent persons

at religious place are under the effect of this planet. All Pilgrimages are under Jupiter influence. Scholars

who religiously follow Brahman Dharma. Highest ranks under judiciary means Judge, Public prosecutor,

Main Saint among monks, Business men doing Paper business and Gazette Officers are all Jupiter


Persons influenced by Jupiter can be Well Built or overweight. They usually have big bodies.

They lie but in twisting way. They have control on anger. They are not of vindictive nature.

Their character and behavior is diplomat and simple.

They shun from false praise & Vanity and inclined to do religious activities.

This is the reason whoever Jupiter effects will be strong.

If Jupiter is with any sinful planet then a person can be – a lawyer who always supports unethical

things, corrupt politician, Gold Smuggler, Bribe official or Sorcerer.

Chandra makes you an Artist: According to Indian Astrology Chandra is considered to be the wife of

Sun. Chandrama symbolizes mother. In Horoscope this Planet has special significance because all

intellectuals come under this. Means they are doing/related to mental activities.

Persons who are affected with Moon have Feminine qualities in plenty. These persons can live their living

by doing feminine related business.

Water, Glass, Eyes, Mind, Heart, Hysteria, Faintness, Intoxication, Cold & Running Nose, Adaptation,

All White objects, Cotton clothing, Madness, Boisterous, Nervousness, Low Blood Pressure & Breath all

are affected with Moon.

If your Moon is favorable then you are able to make quick decisions and your self confidence makes all

tasks easy. Your childhood will be good. Your mother’s blessings will always remain with you.

But if your Moon is not favorable then you will feel opposite reaction to all the tasks which are related to

Moon. Alzheimer’s, Wearing spectacles in adolescent age, suffer with cold again & again, Boredom, drown

in water, Hydrophobia & Cold shoulder from mother, all this happens because of bad effect of Moon.

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The Mystery Behind Numerology: According to Horoscope Numbers are those adjective associated

with our life who not only effects our life but also foretell our future. By Numerology we can easily

understand our future. Numerology is a subject which can be understood without thorough study

of Astrology. Any person who has average knowledge of astrology can make accurate forecasts with the

help of numerology. At least you can know for yourself which number will be fruitful for you.

First of all let’s understand numbers and their related key planets.

Number 1 represents Sun. Number 2 represents Moon, number 3 Jupiter, number 4 Harshal, number 5

Budh, number 6 Shukra, number 7 Neptune, number 8 Shani and number 9 represents Mars. Before

understand the mystery of your Past, Present & Future with the help of Numerology you better note

down important incidents happened in your life. Like a special day when you achieved something, when

you completed your studies, got your degree, your marriage date, which day you met your soul mate, your

spouse’s birth date, your first child’s birth date, The day when you got your biggest happiness, your first

job’s joining date, your transfer date, your promotion date etc. Numerology tells about good and bad

both. Now note down some important bad incidents when you lost something. Like some family related

incidents or disputes.

When you have all the important dates of your life with you then you can fix a number for yourself. You

can now know the number which repeated itself again & again. There is always a certain number in

everybody’s life which repeats itself in the form of incidents. For example persons who born on 9, 18 and

27 date will experience that something bad of good happens on the same dates.

Whatever good happens with one of my relative that is always on 6, 14 and 23 date. Marriage

anniversary 23 January, First child 14 July, Transfer 14 October, Vehicle no. 1346 which was bought on 6

December 2004, Abdominal operation on 3 May 2010 and father demise on 12 September, Food injury 21

January 2011 and second operation on 30 August. By reading this you can easily find out that number 6

brings happiness while number 3 brings problems and disputes. If you look at this closely you can

understand that without the help of any astrologer you can do your important work on your lucky

dates which have your lucky number. And you can also avoid bad number dates to do anything new.

By this way you can easily sort out which number is good for you and which is bad. To escape from a bad

number you can fix your house no., Vehicle no. or phone no. with a good one and can get good

results. Number speaks, we only need to understand what they say.