something which already exists in the soul of man. we are ... · sixth lesson. 1 the lesson today...

3. , "RELEASINO THE HOLY SPIRIT OF GOD IN MAN." Sixth lesson. 1 The lesson today revolves around the Idea of releasing - something which already exists in the soul of man. We are studying the and psychological man and the methods through which the soul evolves and brings into expression that which has been imprinted or impressid upon it from the very beginning. The faculty that ve will take up today in the releasing of the real spiritual man is called the imagina.tlon, and the Imagination plays a very important part in the psychology of man. It le a scientific

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Page 1: something which already exists in the soul of man. We are ... · Sixth lesson. 1 The lesson today revolves around the Idea of releasing-something which already exists in the soul

 3. ,


The lesson today revolves around the Idea of releasing-

something which already exists in the soul of man. We are studying

the and psychological man and the methods through

which the soul evolves and brings into expression that which has

been imprinted or impressid upon it from the very beginning. The

faculty that ve will take up today in the releasing of the real

spiritual man is called the imagina.tlon, and the Imagination plays

a very important part in the psychology of man. It le a scientific

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exposition of how the soul develops. It is written in the first

chapter of Genesls that God, Creative Mind, used this faculty in

creating man. We are told that Elohlm God, the universal God Mind,

created man in His image and after His likeness. In other words,

this Creative Mind imaged into the man that He vas forming Himself,

He identified Himself. He impressed, or we might say, He photographed

Himself in man's sensitive plate, the sensitive plate of manie

spirit bears the photograph of the infinite Mind. When we under-

stand this in its psychological relation, and it le up to every one

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E 3of us to develop as the photographer develops the image that has


been imprinted upon his ••niltive plate; it is for every one of us

to releasi or bring out this God image, which exists within us and

that ve have the facultles, the appliances, everything and moro

than the photographer has to release the image which the sunlight

has imprinted on his sensitive plate because we have the God power

and imagination. The ono thing la to know the law, to get better

acquainted with ourselves and know what la going on in the use of

these facultles. We are using them all the time. Every moment we

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are using s ome of this power of the mind and especially are we us-

ing this imaging power. We are constantly seeing things and seeing

(T)them either in mind or with the I AM vhich produces in our conscious-

ness that image. It is impressed upon some part of the being. So if

the very air around you were filled with pictures and you were so

plastic and receptive that some of these pictures were being im-

pressed on your body you would be careful, vouldn't you? You would

pick out the pictureathat you wanted reproduced on your body. The

body has a mind, that is, ve constantly see these pictures. It is



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called the suboonscious mind and it le receptlve to every image you

put upon it. If we don't know the original picture, from which all

these images should be received, ln our ignorance ve receive all

kinds of pictures and that is why we hive such diversity of form and

bodily structure, the blind and the lame, and all kinds of persons

are the result of this picture-making power of the mind. As we look

into it, we see that there must be a vay out or this medly of picture-

making. It is as if the whole world vere full of phobbgraphers and

each one was using some other than the Divine Law; each one using

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his own kind of developing process. But we know that there is but

one and that this one is that ideal man that the Infinite Creative

Mind has imaged for every one of us. Zo we take our central idea*

that we are going to image that man that God has photographed on the

sensitive plate of our minds. And this photograph you will find has

been impressed upon the brain at the crown of your head. That la

where you will find the perfect picture of the perfect man. This

picture li called in Genesis, the image and likeness of God, and it

was given all that the God Mind had. It was given dominion and author-

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ity and power over a11 the lesser things, the lesser ideas, or


ideals, the birds of the air, tha be/ts of the fleld, and the creep-

ing things and of the fish. Everything that moves in this outer

realm 1, under the dominion of this I AMage in man. Now we are

given a conscious mind and we are expected to receive through that

conscious mind all these images of the Infinite Mind and, through

this receptivity of the mind carry than into our world. You will

see that this is an inner process. Jesus said, "Judge not according

to appearances, but judge righteous judgment." Judgment is discrim-

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ination. We should put out of our minds all of these pictures if

we want to receive this one original picture and that ia the per-

faction of man. So Jesus sald, "Be ye perfect, even as your Father

in heaven is perfect." In other words, we must see ourselves per-

feat. Many metaphysicians get mixed up and say but WI am not perfect."

We are not talking about this outer man. We are talking about the

Christ man.


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Second Part of Lesson

Now, in the Scriptures that man first appears--not as he

is in the seoond chapter of Genesia; in the first chapter he is

the image and likeness of God, God identified, or God individual-

ized; or. in other words. as God personalized--that is, of course,

in the outer expression.

But the Jehovah God is Ood indlvidualized--that part of

us that begins to say, "I AM." WI AM THAT I AM." That is the

name of Jehovah, and it begins its formative process. That He-

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hovah God formed man out of the dust of .the earth and man be-

came a living soul,--the man of the flesh, intelleot, eto. But

the central, ideal man is within everyone of us and it la form-

ing the ideal man.

Every time you say, "I AM", you are using spiritual power.

You may not know it, but you are. The I AM in everyone of Us

is Spirit, and that 13 why it has creative power. That is why tt

brings these pictures. We get from without or from within. The

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+ 41

within is always porfect and from the Absolute. If you center

your attention within you begin to draw upon this all-potential,

all-powerful Mind, and that Mind is your mind. It is the Lord

God in man. It is in the New Testament, the anointed of God or

the Messiah. or the Greek called it the Christ. The Christ means

this image of God, this mind that was in Jesus, ihich He called

the Father. He said, "I and my Father are one." One what? Why,

one Mind.

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You have doubtless been confused on the subject of God

as a personality and God as an individual. How could there be

two? Think of God as Mind, and that that Mind li given to every

one. "All that the Father hath 13 mine." Does that mean houses,

lands, etc. No. Jesus meant ideas. These outer things came from

the expression in man of theae ideas. We must know that they

have all the essential elements which are expressed in the world

of form. Ideas rule the world, and we are the expressers through

this high place--thiswsecret place of the Most High."

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We may receive there these ideas.

It may be that you want more power. The idea comes to

you fram this high place and it is brought fram this subconsclous

mind to your power center. You want more imagination; that forma-

tive power in you is from the one Source. How shall you increase

your imagination? powerT You naturally think that that Imagination

power is from God. It cameo fram the one Mind.

That image 18 of everything's being perfect; and every-

thing in its original is perfect--that ls, in ita idea.

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every man, waman, and child in the world has in his divine

images of same kind. What makes the deviltries or departures

from this perfection. It comes from man's conscious mind. He

has not put the divine stamp on it.

Go to the top brain and ge t that concept of everything' s

being perfect. Then carry that to your Imaging, formative power

between the eyes. There la where imagination centers in mants

brain,--A third eye, the evolutionist school tells us.

When they dissect the brain they find the remnant of a

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p'. 'tr

single eye. "If thine eye be single, thy whole body shall be

full of light."

So, in this process, it 13 not always necessary to work

it cut by yourself, but this is the background. This is why we

claim that everything in divine Mind la perfect, and that ve have

all the machinery to make that perfection manifest. "Be ye per-

fect even as your Father in the heavens is perfect." Jesus meant

that, and it is true,-true of everyone of us. Then we wont be

disturbed by the appearance of evil and wrong conditions in the

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outer. We will simply know that there has not been a perfeot

glorification. Jesus glorifled this image and likeness in Him

and that is why He was different from us.

The Soripture is full and charged and overrunning with

examples of this law of the Spirit in man, coming into expression.

You will see that this la not a theory.


I think I explained to you about this power in man. The

infinite Mind exists in everyone of us. We have access to it any


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time we give 'our attention.

This virgin of course la the pure soul in man. The woman

always represents the soul,--the virgin, that pure soul conscious-

ness that conceives or begins to express in the body mind the

divine idea of man.

Isaiah 11:

You can see the purpose of this--that divine purpose.

Instead of looking at things from the outer, look within. Peace

is to be restored, and peace and harmony and all these contending

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forces wlthln man; and the animal man and thenatural man; and

then when we go into this inner consciousness and begin to see

man as perfect according to the Father Mind--this is the work of

man in bringing forth this divine idea.

Luke 2:

That, you remember, was after the angel had told her about

this ohild which she vas to bring forth. That was first in her

mind, --That Christ image. 1-he pondered that in her heart and in

her mind; she kept building it up and impressing it on her 80Ul

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Afr. 7

consciousness. It brought forth through subconsclous outer con-


John 1:

Here we have illustrations of the Christ,h the Son of

Mary, developing in his consciouaness; following that ability

to see spiritually. We have today many examples of thls power

which lie called clalrvoyance and medlumship. There is a large

amount of interest taken in all those things. We can' t ignore

them and say that they do not exist because that la part of the

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development' of man' s consciousness. We should know that, where

that comes ln. Jesus evidently knew clairvoyance, but He used

it in a spiritual way instead of for a personal reason. We can

develop this capacity--to see the images that the mind is con-

stantly making. But we must not be led away by the images, but

must see the images. Say, 'n,lne imagination is expressed in


Revelation 1:

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ZC 2 1.

This picture that John saw was Jesus in his perfeated

manifestation. He saw Him as He dxists today in the ether. That

is what we call the fourth dimension. So many people ask where

He ls. Did He go to HeavenT No, He simply merged into this di-

mension, which is in a vay like the radio. It is  here all the

time, and we live in it, but ve have not realized enough of this

spiritual consolousness to transform our five-sense man into that

noiritual man. This was not Jesus as He would appear in the body

of flesh thatt John saw.

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M. D i-

John wa. about ninety years of age at this time. He said

Me was in the Spirit . It vas not an outer expression. So


ve know that it was an awakening within John. He had realized

enough of this seeing power of the mind to tune in with that per-

feet man in his Derfect body. And that ls where Jesus is today.

When we have developed in some spiritual power and have released

these faculties that ve are given in these lessons, we shall see

Jesus as He 18 and ie will be with Him. He said, "Where I am

there may ye be also."

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But we wont attain that until ve get an understanding

of the Lord and cease to allow the outer world to reflect into

our subconsolousness all these error, discordant ideas.

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Now, as an illustration about hai sensitive this subcon-

sclous mind la, you have doubtless used the power of suggestion so

that you would avaken at a certain time in the morning. You say, "I

•ust get up." Did you awaken at that time, What did it? You have a

subconsolous mind. You can train your subconscious to carry out any

idea you vould put into lt. Hypnotism and mesmerism are used quite

a great deal and ve are told that healing is produced in that way.

jectThey put the sube•n•ek/•s into a sleep. The conscious mind l. put

asleep, made unconscious. The operator then impresses upon the .

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subject what he shall do. If, for example, he thinks hs has stomach

trouble, the operator tells him that whan h• comes out of this his

stomach trouble will be gone, and sure enough, he does forget lt.

But li that h/aling, real healing? No, it will come back, because

the operator has not dealt with the cause. HI has simply substituted

his thought of health for the sick thought of the subject. Is that

a right way to us• the law? No, it is not. All hypnotism and mes-

merlsm is a wrong,way of.using this law. Never allow yourself to

. be hypnotized. Never allow yourself to be a medium. Medlumship is

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simply allowing another entity to come in and put your conscious

mind to sleep. MAwake thou that sleepest." We must be conscious of

whatever is going on and if ve ari not conscious, we ari not growing

in soul understanding. We want to grow and use these forces and

powers. We know the power Thlch can be used to impress upon pros-

pective mothers beautiful pictures, which they can use in developing

' beautiful children. The Greeks used this power but they did not go

far enough to send out spiritual thoughts. We are beginning to sie

that we can impress upon our prospective children,-those developing

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29 .)souls, through understanding and the co-operation of the mind, as

Jesus said, MIf two of you shall agree on earth as touching any-

thing that they shal& ask, it shall be done for them of my Father

who is in heaven.H It means in this consciousness of material things

if vo hold to a thought so that the inner and outer agree on any

itproposition, you. can so impres: upon your soul that it will bring

forth. In hypnotism the operator suggests that the patient vill do

a certain thing and he does lt. That has been proved true again and

again. Some medical books say why is it that somebody else can have

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such power over another mind. Tho operator is a trained mind. Every-

one of us here can be just •s successful in training the subconscious

mind and telling it ve want it to bring forth a perfect body and it

will do it. I Am perfect. I AM Spirit and I want you to bring forth

perfection. I want you to inhibit and work in the cells of my body,

in the intelligenco, the lifi and the love centers, all of these

qualities to be formed according to Divine perfection. This formative

power of the mind I sometimes compare to a woman'• biscuit cutter."

She gets together all the ingredients that go into the blicult and

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then takes the cutter and cuts th*m out. The same thing la true of

your mind. You are pourlng in a little of this and that, more

power and life, and then when the time comes they must be formed

and through the imaging power of the mind, they take form. So be

careful what you imagini. What you affirm in the earth takes right

hold of these heavenly ideas, your attention is directed in that

way, but you must identlfy yourself with that higher power. We must

be transformed by the reneving of the Christ in us. It li Christ in

you that does the work. It 1• this perfect ideal man; thls perfection

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of man expressed in you. I might call your attention to many illus-

trations of how we are constantly impressing upon the subconscious

and bringing into manlfestation all kinds of ideas. We must use

more discrimination, more judgment, in allowing this imagination

to work in us. We let all kinds of ideas came into our minds. Be

careful. If you are at a picture-show and the picture is something

you don't want to be pictured out in you, shut your eyes and begin

to make pictures of your own. le have to keep delving into this

perfection, evon as our Father in heaven is perfect. You will find

that in nearly all of these lessons this power of the mind to make

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the pictures in the subconscious is a very prolific idea. It is so

universally used. Now, we are going to practice a little. We will

take some of Jesus' words, because •• have more filth in the affirma-

tions He used as be worked them out and demonstrated them in Himself.

Jesus never would have resurrected His body if He had not understood

how to 'impress upon His subconscious this increasing pover of lifi

and perfection. He ki/w He was perfect and He held for that perfection.

He raised His body in three days. We must first identify ourselves

with this image and likeness that was given to us in the very bo-

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ginning. "I am in the Father and the Father in me," said·Jesus. That

Father is in the God identity, it is God in man. The Christ in Jesus

was a god. Jesus vas the outer manifestation. But Jesus raised His.-

God consciousness to that place where it trandformed the outer man. ·

It transformed Jesus and He was glorlfled. We can grow just as fast as

ve keep our central idea upon the Source, the I AMage. Now I find a

wonderfully easy thought, one that ve can use every day, as follois:

HI in thee and Thou in me." Whenever you say MI" you are talking

about the Spirit. Identify yourself with that central I. MI in thee

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and Thou in me, that we may be made perfect in one." That I 10

Spirit. MI in Theo and Thou ln, me, that ve may be made perfect -

in one." Let us say this together.

