song of a celtic angel

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  • 8/9/2019 Song of a Celtic Angel


    Chapter 1

    Music World

    It all begins with the Emmerson family at their music clubMusic World. Mary is

    performing a beautiful country version of Mary Did You Know.When Mary finishes her song, everyone cheers and applauds her, as she stepsoff the stage, and heads back to the table, where her family is.Alicia: You were great, Mom.Mary: Oh, thank you, Honey. (Looks around) Wheres the waiter with our food?Im gettin hungry.David: I dont know, but Im about to pass out.Mary: Youre not the only one.The waiter comes to the table, carrying the food.Waiter: Im sorry that took so long. Its a busy night.John: Thats alright.Waiter: Who ordered the Philly cheese steak with fries?Mary: I did. Thank you.Waiter: (Places Marys food in front of her) Who ordered the doublecheeseburger?Alicia: Oh, me. I did.Waiter: (Places Alicias food in front of her) There you go.Alicia: Thanks.Waiter: Cajun chicken?John: Thats me.Waiter: (Places the plate in front of John) Here you go, sir.John: Thank you.Waiter: (To David) And, I guess that leaves the Grilled Chicken Caesar for you,sir. (Places the salad in front of him)David: Thanks.Waiter: Is there anything else I can get for you?John: Id like more wine, please.Waiter: Sure. Ill be right back.Host: Uh, pardon the interruption, but I have an announcement. We have aspecial treat for everyone, especially for those of you who enjoy Celtic music.Please welcome our Celtic Angel, Lyrica Mhaolchatha!Everyone screams and cheers as Lyrica walks onto the stage. She takes a bow,and takes her place, in front of the microphone.Lyrica: (Smiles at everyone) Hi, everyone! Im Lyrica Mhaolchatha, and I am sohappy to be here, singing for you tonight. Its Christmas time, and I have aspecial treat for all of you. How many of you know Christmas Pipes?The whole crowd stands up, cheers, and raises their hands.Lyrica: Good, because thats what Id like to sing for you, and I want you to singalong.Lyrica sings her song as everyone sings along.Host: (After Lyrica finishes) That was very lovely, Lyrica. People, give it up forLyrica Mhaolchatha!

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    Everyone cheers again.Lyrica: (Smiling at everyone) Thank you!David: (Shouting) I love you, Lyrica!Lyrica: I love you, too! I love you all!Alicia: I smell a crush.

    David: On who?Alicia: (Laughing) On Lyrica. You like her.David: (Embarrassed) I do not.Alicia: Yeah, you do.David: Okay, I do.Mary: (Teasing) Not that we blame you. (Chuckles)David: Shes amazing.Alicia: Go talk to her.David: (Nervously) No, I I cant.Alicia: Why not?David: Too shy.

    Alicia: (Teasing) Awww, Davie too shy?David: Okay, Ill go talk to her.David gets up from his seat, and waltzes right up to Lyrica.David: (Shyly) Hi.Lyrica: Hello.David: (Nervously) Im David. Im your biggest fan. I love your music.Lyrica: Thank you, David.David: I sing, too.Lyrica: Really?David: Yeah. My whole familys really musical.Lyrica: Oh, was that your mum singing Mary Did You Know?

    David: Yep. My mom sings country music.Lyrica: She sang beautifully.David: Yeah, she has a great voice.Lyrica: What kind of music do you sing?David: Pop ballads. I love slow songs.Lyrica: Im sure you sing very well. Have you ever thought of doing any Celticpieces?David: That would be totally awesome.Lyrica: Would you like to sing with me?David: Totally.Lyrica: Do you know Jesu Joy of Mans Desiring?David: Yeah.Lyrica: Good. Ill announce you.David: (Smiling) Okay.Lyrica: (To the crowd) I have another treat for you. Ill be singing Jesu Joy ofMans Desiringwith my new friend, David.Everyone is silent as David and Lyrica sing together. They jump up and cheerwhen the song is finished.Lyrica: Thank you!

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    Lyrica: Well, Ill see all of you tomorrow night. David and I will sing togetheragain.Mary: Good luck, and well be there.

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    Chapter 2

    The Accident

    Lyrica leaves the club, gets into her car, and drives away to her hotel. Halfway

    there, she sees an unstable driver in the distance, and he is heading her way.Lyrica: (Frightened) Oh, no.She tries to pull away from him, and to safety, but he crashes right into her,sending her car flying.Lyrica: (Screams loudly)Her car lands in a ditch, as a police officer pulls the unstable driver over.The next day, in the late afternoon, David arrives home, carrying severalshopping bags.David: Im back!Mary: Hey, Sweetie. Did you find everything?David: Yep. (Puts down the bags and takes off his jacket) Damn, its cold outthere.Mary: Well, Im making some hot chocolate, if you want some.David: Oh, good. I could use some.Mary: Itll be ready in a minute.David: Thanks, Mom.Mary: Now, why dont you go get ready for your date tonight?David: (Embarrassed) Mom, its not a date.Mary: (Teasing) Whatever you say.David takes his bags to his room, and stores them in his closet. He turns on histelevision while he gets ready.TV Reporter: Well, Christmas wont be the same without Lyrica Mhaolchatha.David: (Drops everything and turns to the television) Huh?TV Reporter: Last night, she was driving to her hotel, after her breath-takingperformance at Music World, and she was hit by a drunk driver. He rammed hercar so hard that it sent the vehicle flying, and it landed in a ditch. Police arrestedthe driver, and found Lyricas body, smashed against a window.David: (Shocked) Oh, crap.TV Reporter: Lyricas funeral is scheduled for Monday at 11:30 AM, here inNashville. She will be painfully missed. Rest in peace, Lyrica Mhaolchatha.David turns off the television.David: (Shouting) Damn it!!David flops down on his bed, crying.Five minutes later, Mary knocks on his door, and enters the room.Mary: (Sweetly) Hey, Sweetie. I guess you heard the news. I am so sorry.David: How could I have been so stupid?Mary: Dont blame yourself, Honey. Youre not the one that killed her. Godknows you loved her.David: Maybe it was just some pathetic fantasy crush.Mary: Dont say that. You two connected. I saw it last night, when you sangwith her. I could see it in your eyes. I never saw you that happy, and she washappy, too. It wasnt a fantasy crush.

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    Chapter 3

    Lyricas Grave

    A week later, David is out for a drive, when he passes the cemetery in which

    Lyrica was buried. He decides to pay a visit to her, so he parks his car, and getsout. He looks for her grave, and when he finds it, he kneels by her.David: Lyrica? Its David. (Tearing up) Im so sorry about what happened toyou. I was really angry when I found out. I wasnt mad at you. I was mad at thebastard who killed you, and I still am. He shouldve known better. First of all, heshouldnt have been driving drunk, and secondly, he took away the greatest thingthat happened to me. I know it sounds nuts, but Ive had a huge crush on youfor about six years. Youre the sweetest, most beautiful person in the world. Iknow what you did for everyone. You put smiles on everyones faces. You putone on mine that night. I had so much fun, singing with you, and you were sonice to me. (Stands up) Well, rest in peace. (Looks to the sky) God, please takecare of her. Give her my love, and wish her a Merry Christmas. Please. (Walksaway)David gets back into his car, and drives home. As he focuses on the road, tears

    pour from his eyes, and thoughts of Lyrica fill his head. To him, it seems like along drive home, until he finally pulls into the driveway. He gets out of his car,and walks through the front door. He finds Mary in the living room.David: (Sadly) Hey, Mom.Mary: Hey, Sweetie. Where were you?David: I went to visit Lyrica.Mary: Did you say a prayer for her?David: I asked God to take care of her.Mary: He will, Sweetie.David: I might go back tomorrow, and see her again.Mary: I bet shell appreciate that. Youre probably her most loyal fan.David: Wheres Dad?Mary: At rehearsal.David: Alicia?Mary: Shes out with Olivia and Elizabeth. They should be back any minute.(Front door opens)Mary: Oh, never mind.

    Alicia and her friends walk into the living room.Alicia: Hey, Mom.Olivia: Hey, Mrs. Emmerson.Mary: Hey, girls.Alicia: (Sees Davids sad face) David, whats wrong?Mary: He just went to visit Lyricas grave.Elizabeth: I really dont blame him for being sad. I was bawling when I watchedthe news.Mary: At least the son-of-a-bitch is in prison.Olivia: Yeah.David: Im gonna go to bed.

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    Mary: Okay. Good night.David: (Kisses his mother) Night, Mom.David walks upstairs, into his room, and closes the door. He sits at hiskeyboard, and looks out the window.David: God, please send this message to Lyrica.

    He plays his keyboard, and sings a special song. Then, he goes to bed.

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    Chapter 4


    The very next night, David returns to the cemetery, to visit Lyrica, and this time,

    he is carrying a bouquet of balloons on plastic sticks. He plants them in the dirt,right next to her.David: Im back. I hope you like the balloons I bought for you. I miss you. Imiss you so much. I wish there was a way to know that you could hear what Imsaying to you. I wish you could give me a sign, and I wish you were here.

    All is quiet, until he hears Lyricas beautiful singing in the distance, and it keepsgetting closer. He looks up, and sees a sparkling light in the sky, slowlydescending towards him. Soon, the light opens, and Lyrica appears, singing hersweet Silent Night.David: Lyrica?Lyrica: David.David: Is it really you?Lyrica: Yes.David: But, how?Lyrica: I got your message.David: You mean, it worked?Lyrica: Your call was my destiny, so as God told me.David: Im your destiny?Lyrica: You want me for something, and Im here to fulfill it.David: I dont know if you can fulfill what I want, though.Lyrica: I know what you want, and I can try to fulfill it.David: You know how I feel about you?Lyrica: I heard your song. I hear everything you say to and about me. Ive beenwatching you.David: But, out of all the people who want you, whyd you choose me? Not thatIm complaining, I was just wondering.Lyrica: Because, with you, I can fulfill what you want. (Sits next to David) David,I know you love me. I know its not a fantasy, celebrity crush. When we sangtogether, I could feel something, too. It was a special feeling Ive never feltbefore, until I met you. I guess it was fate that brought us together. Its how Godwanted it, but then, that terrible accident happened. I was afraid it would stop mefrom being with you, but God told me otherwise. He wanted us to be together, sohe sent me to you.David: So, youre saying you wanna go out with me?Lyrica: Yes. I believe that if God says we were meant to be, we should give it atry. I like you very much, and I would like to see where love takes us.David: I hope it means forever.Lyrica: I hope so, too.David: Just one more question.Lyrica: What is it?David: Am I the only one that can see you?

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    Lyrica: No. I appear alive to everyone. (Laughs) This is not like those movieswhere only certain people can see the angel that visits them. But, now that Iman angel, I cant get hurt again. The body that God gave me lasts forever. I feelno physical pain.David: Even if you bang your head against the wall, it doesnt hurt?

    Lyrica: (Giggles) No, and it wont damage my brain.David: (Laughs) Good.Lyrica: Im glad God sent me to you, and I have a feeling that I have some workto do for other people as well.David: What kind of work?Lyrica: Souls to heal, hearts to warm, and love to give to those who feel alone.David: Wow, you really are a saint.Lyrica: (Rests her head on Davids shoulder and smiles sweetly) Id like to startwith you. (Kisses his cheek)David: So, while youre here, where will you stay?Lyrica: If your family doesnt mind, I can stay with you.

    David: That would be so awesome! Ill ask my parents. Wanna come homenow?Lyrica: Sure.David: (Stands up) Oh, did you see the balloons?Lyrica: Yes, I did. Theyre beautiful. (Stands up)David: Lets go home.Lyrica: Alright.Back at the house, Alicia had her two best friends over again, along withElizabeths husband, Matt.Mary: (To Elizabeth) I been meanin to ask you. Whens the baby due?Elizabeth: In a week or two.

    Mary: Oh, a Christmas baby!Elizabeth: Yeah, Im so excited.Mary: Have you thought of any names?Matt: Were still trying to decide. We wanna give the baby a really specialname.Mary: Is it a boy or a girl?Elizabeth: Were waiting for the surprise.Mary: Thats what I did with David.John: Thats what my mother did with me. (Chuckles)Mary: Hey, we havent seen you three over at the club in a while.Matt: Oh, were sorry. Weve been very busy with Christmas.Mary: Thats understandable.Elizabeth: We should be there on Friday.John: Will you be coming to the musical on Christmas Eve?Matt: If Lizzies not in labour, yeah.Mary: Well, I hope you can come. Johns playing Scrooge.Elizabeth: Oooh,A Christmas Carol, right?John: Thats right.(Front door opens)

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    John: That must be David. (Calling to David) Were in the living room, son!David enters the living room, followed by Lyrica.Mary: (Whispering to John) Is that Lyrica behind him?David: Hey, guys.John: David, is that Lyrica?

    David: Yep.John: ButLyrica: Im an angel.Mary: You sure are.David: No, literally. Shes an angel now.Lyrica: God sent me here.Mary: (To David) See? I told you angels existed.David: You were right.Mary: So, why did God send you here?Lyrica: (To David) Go get ready for bed, and Ill explain things to them.David: Okay.

    David runs to his room, and closes the door while he changes his clothes. Heremoves his jacket, and puts it away, in his closet. Then, he grabs his night T-shirt, and changes into it. He turns on the radio, and sits on his bed.

    A few minutes later, Lyrica walks in.David: Hey.Lyrica: Your family said it would be alright for me to stay.David: Awesome!Lyrica: What are you listening to?David: Its just a radio station that plays a lot of my favourite songs.Lyrica: Whats your favourite song?David: Too many to even say.

    Lyrica: I like all kinds of music.David: Yeah, me, too.Lyrica: Obviously, you enjoy my music as well as pop music.David: Yeah, its hard to choose which ones my favourite.Lyrica: I understand. I loved the song you sang to me last night. It wasbeautiful.David: It was just for you.Lyrica: I know.David: (Yawning) Im ready for bed.Lyrica: Oh, me, too. Even angels get sleepy, and they need their beauty rest,too.David: I gotta go to the bathroom, and brush my teeth first. Be right back.Lyrica: Alright.David leaves the room, and heads to the bathroom. Lyrica pulls the comforterdown, ready for David. Then, she waits, until he returns.David enters the room again.Lyrica: Better?David: Yeah. (Looks at his bed) You pulled the covers down for me?Lyrica: Yes.

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    David: That was so sweet. (Crawls into bed)Lyrica: (Crawls in and lies next to David) Oh, your bed is very comfortable.David: Thanks.Lyrica: Would you like me to sing you to sleep?David: That would be awesome. Thanks.

    Lyrica: Come here. (Holds David)David curls up in Lyricas arms, and she sings a Celtic lullaby, so sweetly to him.Then, she falls asleep.

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    Mary: Aww, well, isnt that sweet? (Joking to John) Why dont you ever sing meto sleep?John: I dont have a voice like Lyrica.Mary: Oh, yes, you do, you mo-ron!John: Hey! Whore you calling a mo-ron?

    Mary: You, you butt! (Kisses John)Lyrica: (Laughs)Mary: (Jokingly) Whats so funny?!Lyrica: (Laughing) You two are so adorable!John: (Joking to Mary) Wait a minute. You never sing to me, either!

    Alicia, David, and Lyrica laugh.Mary: Oh, now, lets be fair. You didnt sing to me first!John: You didnt sing to me, first!Mary: Oh, shut up.(Laughter continues)Lyrica: (Trying to stop laughing) Where did you meet?

    Mary: (Still laughing) We met in California. I went to college there, and I metJohn in my dorm.Lyrica: How romantic.Mary: Yeah. Ill never forget our first date. He took me to see a musical. I thinkit was uh Les Miserables. Yes, thats it! Oh, I had a great time.Lyrica: Oh, I love that musical. But, its so sad.Mary: I know. I cried through the whole thing, and so did John.Alicia: Im done.Mary: Okay. Go stick your plate in the sink.Lyrica: Im finished as well.Lyrica and Alicia put their plates in the sink, and they turn the water on to rinsethem off.Alicia: Wanna see my room now?Lyrica: Sure.Lyrica follows Alicia upstairs. Alicia opens the door to a very musical room.There are musical notes, painted on the walls, a keyboard by the window, and aguitar case next to the keyboard.Lyrica: (Looking around) Wow! You seem to have a strong passion for music!Alicia: Yeah. I love music. (Grabs her diary from her desk) This is my musicbook. I write songs.Lyrica: Oh, may I see it?Alicia: Um, sure. (Hands the book to Lyrica) Im not sure if youll like them,though.Lyrica: (Skimming through the book) No, I do! Youre an excellent songwriter.Alicia: Really?!Lyrica: Absolutely! Have you ever performed any of them at your club?Alicia: (Sighs) No.Lyrica: Why not?Alicia: Im too scared.Lyrica: What are you scared of?

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    Alicia: Im afraid no one will like them.Lyrica: I think they would. Will you sing one for me?Alicia: Um, okay. (Opens her guitar case) This is my acoustic guitar. (Takes theguitar out)Lyrica: Youre a guitarist, too?

    Alicia: Yeah. (Sighs nervously) Well, here it goes. This songs called Until YourMine.Lyrica: Lets here a little of it.

    Alicia plays and sings her song, up until the end of the first chorus.Lyrica: (Clapping) That was excellent!Alicia: You really mean it?Lyrica: Of course. Alicia, you have a beautiful voice, and you play just lovely! Ithink you should consider playing at the club.Alicia: I dont know. I mean, I know youlike it, but what if everyone else hatesit?Lyrica: Sweetheart, if theres anyone out there that hates your music, they dont

    know what theyre missing out on. Youre a wonderful person with so manytalents. Dont hide that from the world. People deserve to hear something thisamazing, and you deserve to be in the spotlight.Alicia: You think Im thatgood?Lyrica: I would neverlie to you.Alicia: My mom and dad keep nagging me to play at the club.Lyrica: Maybe you should.Alicia: Okay, but the first time I play, will you promise to be there to supportme? Itll make me less nervous.Lyrica: Absolutely!Alicia: You promise?

    Lyrica: I promise. (Hugs Alicia)Alicia: Thank you so much. (Hugs Lyrica)Lyrica: Awww.

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    Chapter 6

    Angels Romance

    That night, the Emmersons go to Music World, along with Olivia, Matt, Elizabeth,

    and of course, Lyrica. When they enter, heads turn. Everyone is surprised tosee Lyrica.Man #1: Lyrica! I thought you were dead! Im so glad to see youre alright!Man #2: Lyrica, youre okay!Girl: But but howLyrica: Ill explain it to everyone in a moment.Host: Well, it seems Lyrica made a miraculous recovery!Everyone cheers as Lyrica walks onto the stage, and takes her place at themicrophone.Lyrica: Hi, everyone!Everyone: Hi, Lyrica!Lyrica: I know youre probably wondering whats going on. This must be veryweird, seeing me again, after my accident. Well, I do have a good explanation,but Im not sure how many of you will believe me. I did die in the accident, or atleast, my body did. But, Im an angel now. Its true. I have a destiny to fulfil, soGod sent me to do so. I hope you do believe me, but if you dont, thats alright.My body is still buried in my grave.Lyrica proves to everyone that she is truly an angel by releasing colourful beamsof light from her hands. Everyone watches the beams floating in the air, anddisappearing. Tears fall from their eyes as they applaud her.Little Girl: (Shouting to Lyrica) Are you staying forever?!Lyrica: Yes. Nothing can harm me now.Everyone cheers again.Lyrica: I am so happy to be with you all again, and I cant wait to celebrateChristmas with you!Lyrica walks off stage, and she makes her way to Elizabeth and Matt.Matt: Hey, Lyrica.Lyrica: Hi. I was wondering if you and Lizzie would do me a favour.Matt: Sure. What?Meanwhile, David steps onto the dance floor, waiting for Lyrica to return.Host: Ladies and gentlemen, please welcome Matt and Elizabeth!Everyone cheers as Matt and Elizabeth take the stage, and Lyrica returns toDavid.Lyrica: I have a surprise for you.David: A surprise? (Jokingly looks surprised) For me?!Lyrica: (Laughs) Yes.Elizabeth: Hi, guys.Matt: My wife and I would like to dedicate this song to Lyrica and David.David: (Inhales deeply) You did this for me?Lyrica: I did. (Curtsies) Can I have this dance?David: (Bows) Yes, you may.

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    David pulls Lyrica close, and they dance to a romantic song, sung by Matt andElizabeth. The song is Can I Have This Dance, from the hit movie, High SchoolMusical 3. While dancing, they strike up a conversation.David: Oh, I love this song!Lyrica: Me, too.

    David: Wait, youve seen High School Musical?Lyrica: Yes, all three. This Is my favourite song from the movies.David: I know. Mine, too.Lyrica: Wow, we sure do have a lot in common, dont we?David: Yeah. I mean, we both sing.Lyrica: We both play the piano.David: We both dance.Lyrica: (Chuckling) We both love High School Musical.David: And, we both love each other a lot. (Embarrassed) Oh, I meanLyrica: No, no, no! Dont be embarrassed.David: I meant Ilove you. Um

    Lyrica: I love you, too.David: Oh, wow. We do have everything in common.Lyrica: We sure do.David: Youre amazing.Lyrica: (Sighs) David?David: Yeah?Lyrica: Hold me?David does so. He holds Lyrica tightly, and continues to dance with her, as thespotlight shines on them, and the crowd watches in awe.Mary: (Crying happily) Thats my little boy. (Blows nose)John: (Holds Mary) Theyre certainly a beautiful pair.The song ends, and David and Lyrica share their first kiss. They look at eachother, in astonishment.David: (Can barely breathe) Wow Ive just been kissed by a real angel.Lyrica: So have I.David: (Almost crying) I love you so much.Lyrica: (Tearfully) I love you, too. (Kisses David again)

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    Chapter 7

    Shopping Trip

    The very next day, during the afternoon, David is doing more shopping, along

    with Lyrica. They are shopping at the mall.David: I love this mall. I used to come here a lot, when I was little. My mom anddad like to take me and Alicia shopping for Christmas. It was a lot of fun.Lyrica: I loved Christmas shopping with my mum and dad when I was a child.David: My favourite part was when I got to sit on Santas lap, and tell him what Iwanted for Christmas.Lyrica: I enjoyed that, too.David: Hey, will you hold on a second?Lyrica: Sure.David: Ill be right back.Lyrica: Okay.David runs across the mall, and into a jewellery store.Meanwhile, Lyrica decides to walk around, and she passes by Santa Claus. Shestops, and watches the children with Santa.Santa: And, what would you like for Christmas, Todd?Todd: I want Guitar Hero! I love guitars!Santa: Ho-ho-ho! Well, have you been a good boy?Todd: Yep.Todds Mom: Hes been a very good boy, Santa.Santa: Thats good. Ill see what I can do.Todds Dad: (With a camera) Say cheese!Todd and Santa: Cheese!Todds Dad: (Takes the picture) Very nice!Todd slides off of Santas lap.Todd: Thank you, Santa.Santa: Dont forget to leave the milk and cookies out for Santa. Ho-ho-ho!Todd: Okay.Lyrica smiles as she watches Todd leave with his parents.Then, a little girl enters with her mother. She sits on Santas lap.Santa: Hello, and what would you like for Christmas, Anna?Anna: How did you know my name?Santa: Oh, Santa knows everybodys name.Anna: Well, I want a Barbie car and a Hannah Montana doll and a HannahMontana wig and a Barbie sweater and a Lyrica doll.Lyrica: (Blushing) Aww.Santa: Is there anything else you want?Anna: Yes.Santa: Tell Santa.Anna: (Sadly) I want my daddy back.Santa: Where is he?Anna: He died. (Crying) I miss him, and Mommy misses him, too. Will youplease get him back?

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    Santa: Well, well see what Santa can do for you.Tears drip from Lyricas eyes.Annas Mom: (With a camera) Okay, Anna and Santa. Smile!Anna and Santa: Cheese!

    Annas mom takes the picture.

    Anna: (Hugs Santa) I love you.Santa: Ohh, I love you, too. Santa loves everybody. Now, you be sure to leaveout the milk and the cookies. Ho-ho-ho!Anna: Okay, Santa. Thank you.

    Anna exits with her mother, but Lyrica stops her for a moment.Lyrica: (Bends over) Anna? Sweetie? I saw you with Santa Claus, and I wantyou to know that anything is possible, especially around Christmastime. Dontgive up. Remember that. (Kisses Annas cheek)Anna: Really?Lyrica: Yes.Lyrica releases colourful beams of light from her hands, which circle around

    Anna, and disappear.Anna: Wow! Thank you.Lyrica watches Anna leave with her mother.Anna: Mommy, I think she was a real-life angel.Annas Mom: (Stunned) I believe youre right.

    After they leave, David returns.David: That was really sweet what you did for that little kid.Lyrica: You saw it?David: Yeah. I was on my way back, and I saw you talking to her. I saw thoselight beams, too.Lyrica: Since I am an angel, I have that ability.

    David: Do they mean anything?Lyrica: Oh, yes. Theyre not just beams of light that float in the air. When Irelease them, Im doing something very important.David: You were born to amaze.Lyrica: I do my best.David: What else can angels do?Lyrica: They can fly.David: Really? But, where are your wings?Lyrica: Wings are only meant for flying. When Im not flying, theyre hidden.David: Thats pretty cool.Lyrica: It is. Would you like me to take you for a flight?David: When? Tonight?Lyrica: Yes. Oh, night time is always the best time for an angel to fly.David: Why?Lyrica: When we fly, we can release all kinds of beautiful light.David: Wow.

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    Chapter 8

    Angels Flight

    That night, David readies himself for his flight with Lyrica. He makes doubly sure

    to keep warm. Lyrica enters, just as David finishes putting on his jacket.Lyrica: Why are you all covered up?David: I cant handle the cold very well.Lyrica: You wont need to worry about it. You can wear a T-shirt and shorts,and youll still be warm, as long as you stay by me.David: Seriously? You can even release heat?Lyrica: Yes. If theres anyone who needs to keep warm, I can do it for them.David: Where does the heat come from?Lyrica: My arms.David: Wow. (Removes his winter cover-up)Lyrica: Come on, Sweetie. Lets go.Lyrica takes Davids hand, and as soon as they step outside, she releases thewarm heat, surrounding David. Then, she takes him into the air.David: (Nervously) Are you sure I wont fall?Lyrica: You wont fall. Youre safe with me. I would never let anything hurt you.David: (Laughs)Lyrica: Come on, Sweetheart. Loosen up. Spread your legs out. It feelsamazing.David spreads out his legs, and waves one arm in the air.David: It does.Lyrica: Dont you feel so free?David: Yeah! (Squealing) Woohoo!!Lyrica: (Giggling and squealing) Woooh!People watch from down below, and they are completely lost in amazement! Areporter is watching as well, and the flight is on the news.Reporter: Will you look at that, Nashville?! A real angel, taking a young man fora flight! Angels do exist!More people gather around to watch. They cheer as they see Lyrica and David,dancing in the air together.Elderly Woman: I never thought Id live to see a miracle as beautiful as this.Little Boy: (Shivering) Im cold, Grandma.Lyrica sends heat and warmth to the crowd of people below.Little Boy: Never mind.Lyrica and David continue to fly for another hour. Then, they descend towardsthe graveyard in which Lyrica was buried.Lyrica: Well, that was a great flight, wasnt it?David: It was amazing!Lyrica: I told you, did I not?David: You did. (Chuckles)David and Lyrica smile at each other, and he looks into her eyes.Lyrica: What is it?David: Theres something I wanna ask you.

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    Lyrica: What?David: (Nervously) Well I know we, um just started seeing each other, liketwo days ago, and I know this is kinda out of the blue. I just I love you, and Iwanna be with you. (Kneels down and takes out a diamond ring) Will you marryme?

    Lyrica: (Breathlessly looks at the ring) Oh, David! Thats so sweet of you! Idont know what to say!David: (Nervously) Yes?Lyrica: (Hesitates) I Im sorry.David: (Shocked) What?Lyrica: I cant marry you.David: Why?Lyrica: We barely even know each other. How are we supposed to know if wedlast as a married couple?David: But, didnt God tell you we were meant to be?Lyrica: We wont be able to have children. I cant get pregnant.

    David: I dont care. If I cant have kids, thats fine. At least well have eachother.Lyrica: David, when we were in the mall, I saw those beautiful children with theirparents, shopping, visiting Santa Claus, and bonding. (Starts to cry) Ill neverhave that chance.David: We can adopt a baby.Lyrica: (Crying) Im sorry. I cant go through with this. We cant get married.David: (Almost in tears) ButLyrica: (Kisses David) Goodbye, David.

    A broken-hearted David watches as Lyrica disappears into a ball of light, andascends to heaven again. He wipes away uncontrollable tears as he suddenlystarts to feel cold again, and he slowly walks home. He enters his house, andgoes straight to his room. He changes into his night T-shirt, gets ready for bed,and crawls under the covers, sobbing his heart out.Just then, Mary knocks on Davids door, and enters.Mary: (Sweetly) David whats wrong, Honey?David: (Crying) Its over, Mom. Lyrica and I broke up.Mary: Oh, no! But, I thought things were goin great for the two o you.David: So did I.Mary: What happened?David: I did something really stupid.Mary: Oh, come on, Honey. Ive never known you to do somethin stupid.David: I scared her off, apparently.Mary: How?David: I asked her to marry me, and she said no. She said she didnt thinkwe would last, and she left.Mary: Oh, Sweetie. She doesnt know it wont last. Only God knows. In fact, ifGod said that you guys were meant to be, its more likely to last, if you are bothready to commit to each other. Maybe she wasnt ready to commitat leastnot yet. Give her time, and she just might be.

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    David: Mom, shes gone. She went back to heaven.Mary: Oh, Sweetie. (Hugs David and holds him while he cries) Im so sorry. Isthere anything I can do to cheer you up?David: I need my whole family here.Mary: Anything for you, Sweetie. I just hate to see you in so much pain.

    As they are talking, Alicia and John enter the room.Alicia: (Sympathetically) Hey.Mary: (Jokingly) Were you two listenin at the door?John and Alicia: (Innocently) No.Mary: (Laughs) You little stinkers!David: Thanks for being there for me, guys.John: Son, we care very much about you.Alicia: And, when things start to suck, well always be there to help you throughit. Dude, you were always there for us.John: Were family, and a real family supports one another.David: I love you guys so much.

    Mary: AwwAlicia: We love you, too.John: Is there anything else we can do for you?David: Would it be stupid to ask for a group hug?John: Of course not.They all happily join in a group hug.Mary: Every once in a while, we all need a hug.David: Thank you.Mary: Well, well let you get some sleep.David: Okay.Alicia: Maybe youll feel better in the morning.

    David: I hope.Mary: Well pray that you do.John: (Nodding in agreement) Well, good night, son.David: Good night.

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    Chapter 9

    Follow Your Heart

    Lyrica is back in heaven, and she is talking to God.

    Lyrica: He asked me to marry him and I didnt know what to saywhat to do.God: Do you love him?Lyrica: Yes. I do. Im just afraid.God: Afraid of commitment?Lyrica: Yes, and Im afraid that if we marry, we might not last.God: Why is that?Lyrica: We just met.God: But, you two are destined to be with each other. I matched your soulstogether, long ago, when you were only children, because I knew you wereperfect for each other. You wont last if you dont try, but I have faith in this love.I can see it in your hearts. You truly love each other.Lyrica: What about having children? I know hell want children later, and I dontthink I can conceive.God: You can.Lyrica: (Happily) I can? I can have a baby?God: Yes, and this baby will be half angel.Lyrica: Oh, thats so wonderful!God: Why dont you go to David, and fix things.Lyrica: Oh, Ive hurt him so badly. I dont think hell ever forgive me.God: He will.Lyrica: (Crying) Im so sorry, God.God: You dont have to be. Just go talk to him, and patch things up. You weredestined for each other, so follow your destiny. Follow your heart.Lyrica: Oh, I will. Thank you, God. (Hugs him) Thank you so much.Back at the Emmersons, the four are having breakfast.Mary: David, how are you feelin, Sweetie?Alicia: (Places a plate in front of David) I made you a quiche, in quiche yourefeeling down.The others laugh.David: (Laughing) Have you been watching Reba?Alicia: Yeah. I was inspired.David: (Laughs) Youre a nut.Alicia: I know. I try, and I made the quiche, because I know you love it.David: Thanks, sis.Alicia: Youre welcome.David: (Takes a bite) Mmm, this is good. You make the best quiche.Alicia: Aww, thanks.

    After breakfast, David puts on his winter cover-up.Mary: Where you goin, Honey?David: To the cemetery.Mary: Okay. Stay warm.David: Ill try.

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    David walks out the door, gets into his car, and drives to the cemetery. Heparks, gets out, and heads over to Lyricas grave. As he kneels by her grave, hewipes tears from his eyes.David: (Sniffles) Lyrica, I am so sorry. I I didnt mean to push you. (Starts tocry) I just I love you so much, and I wanted to spend the rest of my life with

    you. Ive never been in love, until you came along. You opened so many doorsfor me. I found myself, because of you. I know who I am, and youve helped myfamily a lot. Alicias been too scared to sing at the club, and Ive been dying towatch her perform. She has a beautiful voice. Thanks to you, shes willing to tryand get over her stage fright. You were born to heal, and youve healed a lot ofpeople, including me. (Crying harder) I love you, Lyrica, and I am so sorry forpushing you. I hope you can forgive me, but Ill understand if you cant. (Wipeshis tears away) Damn, I feel like such a bastard.Lyricas voice: Dont say that.David turns around, and he sees Lyrica, standing there.David: (Surprised) Lyrica?

    Lyrica: Dont be ashamed of yourself. Im the one who should be sorry.(Sniffles) I broke your heart, and I was so quick to say that we have no futuretogether. (Crying) I was wrong. David, you didnt push me. You were justfollowing your heart, and I shouldve done the same.David: What does your heart say you should do?Just then, Davids cell phone rings.David: Hold on. (Answers his phone) Hello? Alicia, is everything okay?(Shocked) What?! What happened?! Are you okay?! Dad?! (Panicked) Oh, no!Ill be there in fifteen minutes! Okay. Bye. (Hangs up)Lyrica: Whats the matter?David: Its my dad. He just had a heart attack.

    Lyrica: (Sympathetically) Oh, no.David: Hes on his way to the hospital. I gotta go see him.Lyrica: Would it help if I came with you?David: Will you? Please?Lyrica: Of course.

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    Chapter 10

    Heart Attack

    David and Lyrica arrive at the hospital in less than the amount of time promised.

    They immediately rush to Johns room.David: Dad! Dad? (Sees his father in bed) Dad, are you okay?Mary: Hes sleeping. Were waitin for the doctor to bring the test results.Lyrica: I hope hell be alright. Hes a dear man.Mary: Yes, he is. (Looks at Lyrica) Lyrica, I thought youd already gone back toheaven. Did you two patch things up?Lyrica: Were working on it. Lets worry about that in a little while.David: Right now, I just wanna know if Dads gonna be okay.

    At that moment, the doctor walks in with the results.Mary: Oh, good. Dr. Miller, is my husband gonna be alright?Dr. Miller: Im afraid hell need intensive care, and he very well may be here forweeks.Mary: Weeks?! But what about the musical? And, what about Christmas?Dr. Miller: Im very sorry, Mrs. Emmerson. Were doing everything possible forhim. The best thing you can do is to go home, and get some rest. Well call youif theres any change.Mary: (Panicking) I cant go home! I cant leave! Im not gonna be able to getany rest, not when my husband, and the father of my children, could die! I justcant leave! Im not going homenot yet.Hours later, the family is still in the hospital, watching out for John, and prayingfor his recovery.Alicia: (Sobbing) Mom, Im scared.Mary: (Hugging Alicia) I know, Baby. Im scared, too, but maybejust maybeif we keep prayin, I know God will work up some sort of miracle for him. So,keep prayin for him.Alicia: Okay.David: (Sighs sadly) Im gonna go home.Mary: Are you sure?David: I cant stand to see Dad like this.Mary: Oh, I understand, Sweetie. You go on home. Well be there later.David: Thanks, Mom.David is about to leave the room.Alicia: Hey, David?David turns back around.David: Yeah?Alicia: Please say a prayer for Dad.David: I will.Lyrica: Well pray together.Alicia: Thanks.Lyrica: Lets go home, David.

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    Chapter 11

    Healing Love

    At home, David is making some hot chocolate for both him and Lyrica. When he

    finishes, he carries the drinks into the living room, where Lyrica is sitting on thesofa. He puts his drink on the coffee table.David: (Handing the other drink to Lyrica) Heres your hot chocolate.Lyrica: Thank you. (Takes a sip) Mmm, this is delicious. You make fantastic hotchocolate.David: I learned from my mom.Lyrica: She taught you well.David: Thanks.Lyrica: (Sighs) David, we need to talk.David: (Slightly nervous) Uh-oh.Lyrica: No, this is a good thing, or at least I hope so. Please sit with me.David sits next to Lyrica.Lyrica: David, I was wrong. When I said goodbye to you, I didnt mean it. Inever meant to hurt you, and I shouldnt have automatically predicted a badfuture for the two of us. I spoke with God, while I was in heaven, and he mademe realise that we really belong together. No, we wont last if we dont try. Iwas so afraid of commitment, but Im not anymore. Im ready to give our future atry. Oh, and another thing. God said that we will be able to have children, andour children will be half angel. (Chuckles) Isnt that precious?David: (Chuckles) Yeah.Lyrica: But, David, I never meant to hurt you. I knew Id broken your heart, theminute I left for heaven. I saw your tears, and I had no idea what to do. Thatswhy I turned to God for advice. He told me to follow my heart.David: What does your heart tell you to do?Lyrica: (Leans in and kisses David) It tells me to accept your proposal.David: So, youll marry me?Lyrica: Yes, I will. (Wraps her arms around David) I love you, Baby.David: (Almost in tears) WowLyrica: What?David: You just called me Baby. That was so sweet.Lyrica: Aww. (Giggles) Well, you are my baby.David: And, youre my angel.Lyrica: Ill always be your angel.David: (Cuddles up in Lyricas arms) Lyrica?Lyrica: Hmm?David: When do you wanna get married?Lyrica: Very soon.David: If my dads okay by Christmas, do you wanna have the wedding onChristmas Day?Lyrica: Hell be alright by then, and yes, Id love for us to have a Christmaswedding. I think that would be so beautiful.David: (Starts to cry) Im sorry.

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    Lyrica: Whats the matter, Baby?David: Im worried about my father. I wish he would heal now. I dont want himto die. God, I love him.Lyrica: He can heal now.David: How?

    Lyrica: With my help.David: You can do that?Lyrica: I can do my very best. Now, lets go to bed.David: Okay. I need some sleep, anyway.In the middle of the night, Lyrica is in the hospital, kneeling next to Johns bed,and gently rubbing him. She takes his hand, kisses it, and says a special prayer,as she releases the light from her hands.Lyrica: (Softly) Great Physician, we ask for the healing of body, mind, and spirit.Reveal any hindrances to this healing, and give us courage to trust in your divinegenerosity and friendship. We give you thanks for hearing our prayer. (KissesJohns cheek) Amen.

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    Chapter 12

    Speedy Recovery

    In the morning, Mary is woken up by the phone ringing. She stretches as she

    reaches for it.Mary: (Weakly) Hello? Yes, this is she. (Sits up) Oh, how is he? (Surprised) Heis? Oh, thank you! Yes, well be there in a little while. (Relieved) Thank you somuch! (Hangs up) Hey, kids!Mary gets out of bed, and stands in the hallway, outside of Davids and Aliciasbedrooms.Mary: Hey, kids?!Alicia: (Opens her door) Mom? Is everything okay?David: (Opens his door) Is it Dad?Alicia: Is he okay?Mary: I got a call from the hospital. Hes fine.David: (Surprised) What?!Mary: Yeah. Were picking him up as soon as we have breakfast, so getdressed. Ill start cookin.David, Lyrica, and Alicia join in a group hug.Alicia: (Crying happily) Oh, thank God!

    After eating breakfast, the family heads to the hospital, and they find John, sittingin the lobby. They run to him.Alicia: (Throws her arms around him) Daddy!They all join in a group hug.Mary: How did you heal so fast?John: I dont know, but last night, I felt all the pain just disappearing, and Icould swear I felt an angel, kissing my hand.David: (Looks at Lyrica in amazement) Lyrica? You did that?Lyrica: (Nods) I went to visit him, and I recited a healing prayer for him. See? Itold you. The beams I release mean something.David: (Crying happily and hugging Lyrica) Thank you, Lyrica! Thank you somuch!Mary: (Stunned) Youve given me the greatest Christmas present I could ask for.Lyrica: It was nothing.Mary: Honey, what are you talking about?John: You saved my life, and you made my heart strong again.Lyrica: Mr. Emmerson, you are a dear man, and you have so many people wholove you. You deserve to be with them, and they deserve to see you in goodhealth.John: Call me Daddy.Lyrica: Daddy?Mary: You are a saint, and I mean that. Lyrica, youve always been a big part ofour lives, but now, youre a big part of our family. You can call me Mom.Alicia: We love you so much.Lyrica gives everyone a warm hug.David: Oh, and Lyrica and I are getting married.

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    Mary: Congratulations!John: Whens the wedding?David: We decided to have it on Christmas Day.Mary: Well help you with the arrangements.Alicia: Do you think we can have the after party at Music World?

    John: Ill call them, and book it.David: Awesome!Mary: Come on, guys. Lets go home. Tonight, were having a special dinner tocelebrate.David: Celebrate what?Alicia: You guys getting married, and Daddy recovering.Mary: And, having Lyrica in our family.Lyrica: Aww.

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    Chapter 13

    That Night At Dinner

    That night, the family is eating a special dinner with Olivia, Matt, and Elizabeth.

    However, the three friends have no idea of what they are celebrating. Not yet.Elizabeth: So, whats the special occasion?John: Well, first of all, I made a speedy recovery from a very painful heartattack.Olivia: Oh, my gosh.Mary: Lyrica was the one who healed him. He had it yesterday, and she savedhis life.Matt: Just like that?Mary: Yep.Lyrica: Secondly, David and I are getting married on Christmas Day.Elizabeth: Oh, congratulations!David: Matt, I want you to be the best man.Matt: Thanks, man.Lyrica: Alicia? (Wraps her arm around Alicias neck) I want you to be my maid ofhonour.Alicia: Aww, thanks, Lyrica! Youre so sweet!Lyrica: And, Lizzie, we would like for you to be our matron of honour.Elizabeth: Aww, thank you so much! I cant wait for your wedding!Lyrica: Neither can I. (Giggles)Mary: And, lastly, were celebrating Lyrica. Were celebrating who she is, whatshes done, how happy she makes us, and how much we all love her. Shes partof the family. Shes a big part of the family.Alicia: Lyrica, because of you, Im gonna sing my song at the club, and with youthere, I wont be afraid.Lyrica: I will be there.Olivia: Ohhh, my gosh! Ive been dying to hear you sing! I am so there!Lyrica: She has such a beautiful voice. Has she ever sung for you?Olivia: No, Ive never heard her sing.Alicia: Well, youll hear me at the club.Olivia: Cant wait.Elizabeth: (Stands up) Excuse me. I I need to Excuse me.Elizabeth leaves the table.Lyrica: Is she alright?Matt: Shes nine months pregnant. Shell be okay.Mary: Go check on her just in case.Matt: Okay. (Stands up)Elizabeth: (Screaming from the bathroom) Matt!!Matt runs to Elizabeth, and knocks on the bathroom door. Elizabeth opens it,

    panting.Matt: Are you okay?Elizabeth: Matt, call the hospital. My water just broke!Matt: Okay, Ill call the ambulance.

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    Mary: (From the kitchen) Is everything okay?!Matt: Shes in labour!Everyone runs to Matt and Elizabeth.Mary: Do you want me to call the ambulance?Matt: No, Ill take care of it.

    Mary: No, you stay with your wife. Ill call them for you.Matt: Thanks.Elizabeth: (Panting) Andand, I want you guys in the delivery room with me.

    Allof you. Please?David: Well be there.

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    Chapter 14

    Another Angel Born

    The ambulance arrives, and takes the whole family to the hospital within

    minutes. Elizabeth is rushed to the delivery room, followed by her friends andfamily.Mary: (To Elizabeth) How are you feelin?Elizabeth: Scared as hell.Mary: Oh, Honey, I know its gonna hurt, but you just wait, until you see thatbeautiful baby youre gonna bring into the world.Elizabeth: I cant wait to see the baby.Lyrica: And, well be right here, by your side. If you feel afraid, you can hold myhand, and squeeze it as tightly as you need to. I wont feel any pain.Elizabeth: Thank you, Lyrica.Lyrica: Itll be alright.Elizabeth: Im really glad you guys are here. I could never do this alone.Matt: You wont have to. Were right here.Elizabeth: Matt?Matt: Yeah?Elizabeth: I love you.Four hours later, Elizabeth is giving birth to her baby, with the coaching of Dr.Thomas, and she only has one more push to go.Elizabeth: (Screaming)Dr. Thomas: Okay, take a rest.Elizabeth: (Panting) I cant do this.Dr. Thomas: Youre doing fine. You only have one more to go.Elizabeth: (Sobbing) No, this is too much pain for me!Matt: Liz, youre almost done.Lyrica: We know you can do it. Look how far youve come already.Matt: So, are you ready to give it one more oomph?Elizabeth: (Laughs through her tears) Okay. (Panting) Okay, one more time.Dr. Thomas: Okay, push!Elizabeth: (Pushing and screaming)Finally, the baby is born!Elizabeth: (Inhales in ecstasy) Aww, its a girl! Matty, its a girl! We have adaughter! Oh, my gosh. Shes so beautiful!Matt: Whatre you gonna name her?Elizabeth: Me?Matt: Yeah. I cant think of a good name.Elizabeth: I think Im gonna name her Meav Lyrica. I chose Lyrica as hermiddle name, because the Lyrica I know is a saviour.Lyrica: Awww, thank you, Lizzie.Nurse: Ill need to take her for a second. She needs a bath. Ill bring her backin a minute.Elizabeth: Okay.

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    The nurse takes Meav Lyrica to clean her, and she brings her back in tenminutes. She places the little girl in Elizabeths arms.Nurse: There you go.Elizabeth: Thank you.The nurse and the doctor leave the room.

    Matt: She looks just like her mom.Elizabeth: But, she has your dimples.Lyrica: She looks as if she was sent from heaven above.David: Kinda like you?Lyrica: (Giggles) Or, you.Elizabeth: Lyrica, do you wanna hold her?Lyrica: Id love to.Elizabeth hands the baby to Lyrica.Lyrica: (Sweetly) Hi, Baby. Hi. (Gently rubs Meavs cheeks) Oh, yourebeautiful, arent you? Im your Auntie Lyrica. (Sits down and kisses Meavs face)Here, Ill sing you a sweet lullaby. My mum used to sing this one to me when I

    was a baby. Its called Close Your Eyes, so close your eyes, Baby.Lyrica gently rocks Meav in her arms, and she sweetly sings her a lullaby,bringing tears to everyone in the room. When she finishes, she kisses Meavscheek one more time, as Meav slowly falls asleep.David: (Softly) Lyrica, that was so sweet. Youre gonna make a great mom.Lyrica: And, youll make a wonderful father. (Kisses Little Meav) I love you,Meav. I do.David: So do I. (Kisses Little Meav)

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    Chapter 15

    A Christmas Carol

    It is finally Christmas Eve, and the whole family, including Mary, David, Alicia,

    Lyrica, Matt, Olivia, Elizabeth, and Little Meav, are at the theatre, watching Johnin the musical, A Christmas Carol. They enjoy every moment of his role asScrooge, and they laugh and cry, all the way to the end.

    At the end of the play, the cast members take their bows. Then, John decides tomake an announcement.John: I want to thank everyone for coming. Ive enjoyed being in thisproduction. A Christmas musical on Christmas Eve is a perfect way to startcelebrating. Now, Id like to invite my future daughter-in-law, Lyrica, to come up,and sing for us.Everyone cheers and screams as Lyrica comes on stage to sing.Lyrica: Hi, everyone. I hope all of you are having a Merry Christmas. Id like tosing a Christmas carol that has been a part of me for years. Im not sure if youknow it, but its called The Wexford Carol.More cheers as Lyrica sings her song with a voice as pure as a true angels soul.There is not a dry eye in the theatre when she finishes, for her voice touchesevery heart. She receives a standing ovation.Lyrica: (Blushing and laughing) Thank you! Thank you, everybody! Thank youso much! Merry Christmas! (Gentler) And, remember, spread love and peace,not just at Christmastime, but everyday.

    Afterwards, the family meets outside the theatre.Mary: (Hugging John) Honey, you were magnificent!John: Thank you, Dear.Mary: (To Lyrica) And, so were you!John: Yes, you blew us all away.Lyrica: You blew me away.Mary: He has that effect. (Chuckles)John: (Flirting) Oh, shut up.Elizabeth: You guys were amazing. Well, Matty and I need to go home. Itssleepy time for Meav.Matt: And, me.Elizabeth: (Laughs) Well, good night. Merry Christmas.David: Dont forget about the wedding.Elizabeth: Are you kidding? We wouldnt miss it for the world.Elizabeth and her family leave.Alicia: Theyre not the only sleepy ones.Mary: Well, were goin home as soon as I get this sneeze out of my system.Alicia: What sneeze?Mary: (Sneezes) Excuse me!Lyrica: Bless you!Mary: Thanks, Lyrica. Okay, lets go home.The family goes home, and they go to sleep. Well, Lyrica doesnt sleep. Shedecides to go on a little journey in the middle of the night. She quietly travels

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    through Nashville, leaving special gifts under every Christmas tree, andspreading warmth, love, peace, kindness, and happiness by releasing hercolourful beams of light.

    After she gives her gifts, she goes back home, and falls asleep by Davids side.

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    Chapter 16

    Merry Christmas

    On Christmas morning, the family gathers around the tree to open presents.

    Mary: (Handing a present to Alicia) And, this is from me.Alicia opens her gift, and finds a journal with guitars on the cover.Alicia: Aww, Mom! This is awesome!Mary: Thats for when you run out of pages in your other song writing journal.Alicia: Thanks, Mom!Lyrica: I have something for you, too, Alicia.Alicia: What?Lyrica hands Alicia a small box, wrapped in Christmas Angel wrapping paper.

    Alicia removes the paper, and opens the box. She takes out an engravedbracelet with little angels all over it.Alicia: (Almost in tears) Awwwww! Lyrica! This is the prettiest bracelet Ive everseen! Thank you!

    Alicia puts the bracelet on her right wrist, and she shows it off to her family.Mary: (Takes a deep breath) Oh, thats beautiful!Lyrica: If you keep that bracelet close to your heart, you will be blessed withmany gifts.Alicia: Im gonna keep it on, except for when I take a shower. (Laughs)Lyrica: (Laughs) Dont wear it in the shower.Alicia: I have a present for you, too.Lyrica: What is it?Alicia: Youll get it at the wedding.Lyrica: Aww. (Giggles) I cant wait!David: Lyrica, I have something for you.Lyrica: What?David hands Lyrica a folded sheet of paper. Lyrica opens it, and reads what iswritten on it.Lyrica: David! Did you write this?David: Yeah. I was gonna sing it to you at the reception.Lyrica: Awww! (Kisses David) How sweet! I have something for you, too.David: Oh, really?Lyrica hands David a small box, wrapped in Christmas tree paper. David opensthe box, and takes out a bracelet.David: A bracelet?Lyrica: It symbolises harmony, companionship, and love. Try it on.David puts the bracelet on his right wrist.David: Cool!Lyrica: Do you like it?David: (Smiles) I love it.Lyrica: Merry Christmas, Sweetheart.David: Merry Christmas, Baby. (Kisses Lyrica)Meanwhile, Mary is opening a gift from John. She removes the tissue paper,and unfolds a gorgeous, soft, blue sweater.

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    Chapter 17

    In Holy Matrimony

    All afternoon, the family prepares for the wedding. Mary is having a little trouble

    choosing a dress. After John puts on his tuxedo, he is free to help her.John: What about this dress?He holds up a long, sparkly, red dress.Mary: I dont know. Red hair with a red dress? It might make me look like astop sign.John: (Laughing) No! No, you look beautiful in all red!Mary: Im still not sure.John: Alright, well, what about this dress? This is the one you wore on our firstanniversary.John holds up a long, shiny, gold dress.Mary: Oh, I forgot about that dress! Do you think itll still fit me?John: Well, try it on, and well see.While Mary tries on her dress, Alicia is having trouble with her makeup. Lyricaenters the bathroom to see how shes doing.Lyrica: Is everything alright?Alicia: Will you please help me with my makeup? I cant choose the rightcolours. I dont wanna embarrass you at the wedding by looking stupid.Lyrica: Thats not possible. Youre a very beautiful girl.Alicia: Are you sure? I mean, this is the biggest day of your life or angelslife. I dont wanna ruin it.Lyrica: Baby, just being in the wedding makes me happy. You can show upwith mud all over your face, and youll still be beautiful.Alicia: Thanks, Lyrica.Lyrica: Ill help you, Sweetheart.Alicia: Again, thanks.Lyrica: Youre welcome.Meanwhile, Mary has just finished putting on her dress. She stands outside thebathroom door, like a supermodel.Mary: It still fits! Its still comfy as ever!John: (Staring at Mary and smiling) Oh, Mary, you still look beautiful in it.Mary: Well, you look handsome in that tux!Just then, Alicia enters the room. John and Mary turn to see her.John: You look absolutely gorgeous.Alicia: You think so?Mary: You look like an angel.Alicia: Lyrica did my makeup.Mary: She did a great job. She knows my little girl just as well as we do.(Laughs) She could be your second mama.Alicia: Shes gonna be my new sister.John: Sister-in-law.Alicia: Well, sister to me.Then, David enters the room in his tuxedo.

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    Mary: Wow! David, you look awesome!David: Thank you.John: Are you wearing the bracelet Lyrica gave you?David: Yep. (Holds up his right hand to show them)Mary: Now, wheres my beautiful daughter-in-law-to-be?

    David: Shes almost finished getting ready.At that moment, Lyrica enters the room, wearing the most stunning weddinggown ever known to man. Davids eyes are glued to her.David: (Stunned) Wow! You look wow!Lyrica: You look amazing, too.David: Thanks.John: So, are you two ready for Holy Matrimony?David and Lyrica: Yes.The family is taken to the church in a limo. The ceremony begins within thirtyminutes of their arrival.Soon, it is time for the couple to recite their vows.

    David: I, David Alexander Emmerson, do promise to take Lyrica Ni Mhaolchathaas my wife. I promise to love, honour, and cherish her, for rich or for poor, insickness and in health, for all of eternity.Lyrica: I, Lyrica Ni Mhaolchatha, do promise to take David AlexanderEmmerson as my husband. I promise to love, honour, and cherish him, for richor for poor, in sickness and in health, for all of eternity.Minister: Then, by the power vested in me, by the state of Tennessee, I nowpronounce you husband and wife. David, you may now kiss your bride.David leans in, and he kisses his bride. Then, he wipes tears of joy from hiseyes, and so does she.Minister: Now, before our ceremony ends, Davids younger sister, Alicia, would

    like to present the newly weds with a gift.Alicia: This is actually both a Christmas present and a wedding present forDavid and Lyrica. Ive been trying to think of the perfect gift for them, and I finallydecided to sing something for them. I wanna sing a song from Lyricas firstalbum. This is my first time singing in public, so go easy on me. The song iscalled I Dreamt I Dwelt in Marble Halls. I listened to it, and I thought it was agreat song.The church musicians accompany Alicia with a harp, an organ, and Oliviavocalises, along with the organ, as their singing fills the church, and touchesevery heart. The two best friends take their bows at the end of the song, alongwith the accompanists.Olivia: Thanks, you guys.Alicia: Thanks, everyone. David? Lyrica? I love you guys, and Lyrica, Icouldnt be more honoured to have you as a sister-in-law. To me, youre mysister for real.The guests, and everyone who was in the wedding, cheers for the marriedcouple, and for Alicias and Olivias breath-taking performance.

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    Chapter 18

    To David and Lyrica

    The wedding reception is at the club, as planned. The guests and the family are

    having a delicious dinner.Mary: (Eating an oyster) Mmm, this tastes like chicken.John: (Chuckles) A chicken-flavoured oyster, huh?Mary: Yeah, and for dessert, a candy-flavoured husband.David, Alicia, and Lyrica laugh at Marys flirty joke.Mary: Oh, by the way, Alicia, I forgot to tell you what a magnificent job you did atthe wedding! I think Lyricas rubbin off on you.Alicia: Thanks, Mom.Mary: No, Im serious. You and Olivia sang beautifully! I actually cried.Alicia: Aww.

    After dinner, the host takes the stage and the microphone.Host: Uh, may I have your attention, please?The crowd is silent.Host: I am truly honoured to be hosting a wedding reception, here at MusicWorld, especially one for Lyrica. We have a few people wanting to sing, butbefore we get to that, I want to announce that, after careful consideration, wehave decided to rename the club. Instead of Music World, from now on, this clubwill be named The Lyrica Club. We could not ask for a better blessing than theopportunity to know Lyrica, so this club is renamed in her honour.The crowd cheers loudly for Lyrica!Host: Now, lets get some singers up here. First, we have David Emmerson andLyrica uh Emmerson.David and Lyrica take the stage and the microphone.David: I wrote this song for Lyrica. Weve had a crazy couple of weeks. I mean,first, we get cold feet, and then, my dad suffers a heart attack. But, wevemanaged to get through it, and now that we have, we can go anywhere. So, thissong is called We Can Go Anywhere, and its for the most amazing wife inheaven, and on Earth.So, David sings his song for Lyrica, and Lyrica decides to join in and sing withhim. As they sing together, they dance together. The performance receivesanother standing ovation.David: Thank you!Lyrica: But, were not finished quite yet. I want my new family to come up withus, and I would also like for Matt, Elizabeth, and Olivia to join us as well.Cheers fill the room as Mary, Alicia, John, Matt, Olivia, and Alicia join David andLyrica on stage. Elizabeth is carrying her Meav in her arms.Lyrica: This next song, I want us all to sing it together. Its been a very big partof me, ever since I first listened to it, years ago, and I have recorded it on aprevious album. Before we sing, I would just like to say that I have never felt sohappy. Im glad that God gave me the chance to fulfil my destiny, and thatdestiny was to be with who I was meant to be with. Thats David. God matchedus together when we were only little, and I couldnt begin to express my gratitude

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    for that. I love David. I was afraid of commitment at first, but now, I realise thatwere both ready to spend forever together. We can even have children. Imlooking forward to being with David forever. I love him so much, and I know forsure that Im in love with him.David: Um, I have something to say, too. Since I met Lyrica, Ive been

    experiencing nothing but miracle after miracle. Ive had a huge crush on her for awhile, but I recently discovered that it wasnt just a crush. Im in love with Lyrica,too, and I cant wait to spend the rest of my life with her. I cant wait for us tostart a family, and I cant wait to see what miracles are in store for the future.The first miracle was seeing her again, when I thought I would never see heragain. After her accident, I was really depressed. Then, one night, I went to visither grave, and I could hear her singing. Then, I looked up, and I saw this ball oflight. She was in it. I never expected something like this to happen, but it did. Inever thought I would see her again, but look. Shes standing right beside me.Another miracle was what she did for my family. She helped my little sisterovercome her stage fright, and when my dad had a heart attack, she healed him

    overnight. Thats no lie. He had a serious heart attack. The doctors thought hewould need intensive care for, probably weeks, but by the next day, he was fine,thanks to Lyrica. Have any of you experienced any miracles since Lyrica cameback from her death?Somewhere in the crowd was Little Anna. She stood up, and raised her hand toget Davids attention.David: What was your miracle?Anna: My daddy died, but he came back.David: (Stunned) Wow.Anna: (Hugs her father) I missed you, Daddy.Crowd: Awwwwww!

    David: Anyone else?No one in particular answers, but instead, the whole crowd stands up, cheering!David: (To Lyrica) You amaze me everyday.Lyrica: Aww. (Kisses David)David: Now, its time for our song.Lyrica: I would like my family to join me in singing You Raise Me Up. This songis very important to me.David: And, its our perfect theme song.Alicia: Lyrica raised us up.Everyone listens as the family sang the song together, filling so many eyes withtears, purifying so many souls, and filling so many hearts with love and warmth.

    At the last two choruses, the whole crowd joins in, and the sound is absolutelybeyond belief. The family receives the biggest standing ovation at the end oftheir song, and they join in a group hug as the caterer cuts the wedding cake.Caterer: (Shouting) Cake time!!So, a very happy family sits down to delicious and unusually large servings ofwedding cake. Since Little Meav cannot eat cake, Elizabeth rubs some frostingon her baby bottle nipple, and she feeds her.

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    Elizabeth: (Motherly voice) Here you go, Meav. Mommy gave you a wittlefwosting.Meav immediately licks the frosting off.Elizabeth: Did you like that?Meav smiles.

    Elizabeth: (To Matt) I think she did.John: Lets make a toast. To David and Lyrica, heres wishing you a happy andeverlasting marriage, full of miracles, music, kindness, warmth, teamwork, effort,and most important of all, love to last for an eternity.They all raise their glasses.John: Cheers.Others: Cheers.They all clink their glasses together, and then, they drink to David and Lyrica.For, their future is filled with nothing but love and all things good.