soup for the soul · panel: interfaith trip to israel & palestine march 31 dr. imam imad enchassi...

8100 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127 405.789.8812 March 5, 2019 Caring & Sharing The schedule for February & March is: Weds Mar 13th 4:30 PM ‘eat out” Sun Mar 17th 4:00 pm Meeng at WOCC Weds Mar 27th 4:30 pm ‘eat out’ Everyone is invited to any of the events. For quesons or comments, please contact : Margo Thein 947-1873 or Charlene Majec 830-2281 SOUP FOR THE SOUL Sundays at 6:00 pm March 10 Rabbi Abby Jacobson March 17 Rev. Dr. George Young March 24 Panel: Interfaith Trip to Israel & Palesne March 31 Dr. Imam Imad Enchassi April 7 Dr. John Starkey Join us each Sunday evening during Lent for dinner and guest speakers. Shalom Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, in which people of faith set aside me to fast and reflect upon the state of ourselves. Join us in the sanctuary as we remember who we are and who Christ is for us. March 6, 2019 7:00 pm

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  • 8100 NW 23rd Street Oklahoma City, OK 73127 405.789.8812

    March 5, 2019

    Caring & Sharing The schedule for February & March is:

    Weds Mar 13th 4:30 PM ‘eat out”

    Sun Mar 17th 4:00 pm Meeting at WOCC

    Weds Mar 27th 4:30 pm ‘eat out’

    Everyone is invited to any of the events.

    For questions or comments, please contact :

    Margo Thein 947-1873 or Charlene Majetic 830-2281



    Sundays at 6:00 pm

    March 10 Rabbi Abby Jacobson

    March 17 Rev. Dr. George Young

    March 24 Panel: Interfaith Trip to

    Israel & Palestine

    March 31 Dr. Imam Imad Enchassi

    April 7 Dr. John Starkey

    Join us each Sunday evening during Lent for dinner and

    guest speakers.


    Ash Wednesday marks the beginning of the season of Lent, in which people of faith set

    aside time to fast and reflect upon the state of ourselves.

    Join us in the sanctuary as we remember who we are and who Christ is for us.

    March 6, 2019 7:00 pm

  • The Lenten Season This week begins the Lenten journey for us at the

    church. This means the paraments, the cloths on the

    pulpit, lectern and communion table, will be changed

    to purple. Some believe purple to be a color of royalty

    but it is also a color that can signify mourning and

    penitence. The word Lent comes from Old English

    Lenten, or the Dutch Lente, or the Germanic word

    Lenz, all meaning “Spring”. However, for Christians,

    Lent means 40 days before Easter in which we prepare

    ourselves for the events of Holy Week and the

    celebration of Easter. So, why 40 days?

    Moses spent 40 days with God on Mt. Sinai. Elijah

    spent 40 days walking to reach Mount Horeb. The

    Israelites wandered the wilderness for 40 years search-

    ing for the Promised Land. Jonah, in accordance with

    God’s instructions, was given 40 days to repent. In the

    story of Noah it rained for forty days. Following his

    baptism, Jesus goes into the wilderness and fasts for

    forty days. According to Acts 1, “After his suffering he

    presented himself alive to them by many convincing

    proofs, appearing to them over the course of forty days

    and speaking about the kingdom of God.”

    The number forty is a rather common occurrence in

    the Bible and denotes an epoch, or rather a significant

    period in someone’s life. When the Bible refers to 40

    years though, it is referring to an entire generation. So,

    what do we do for forty days? Some people think Lent

    is all about fasting like Jesus did. However, I like to

    think of it more as forty days to get closer to God.

    Jesus did not go into the wilderness to be tested or to

    give up food, but rather to get closer to God, to discov-

    er the dependence on God. In Nineveh they spent 40

    days reflecting on their lives and repenting, covering

    themselves with sack cloths and ashes as a sign of

    their repentance. So, we begin Ash Wednesday,

    marking our foreheads with ashes to mark the begin-

    ning of our own personal period of reflection, a time

    to draw closer to God, and a time of repentance. How

    does giving up something bring me closer to God?

    Many times, these very things are distractions from

    God to begin with. Other times, they are things we

    crave and when we crave them we turn to God in

    prayer to give us strength to endure.

    Now, undoubtedly, someone has counted the time

    between Ash Wednesday and Easter and said, “Wait a

    minute! There are 46 days! Is someone trying to

    sneak something over here?” As I like to look at it is

    during Lent, every Sunday can be seen as a mini East-

    er, a day of rest from your fasting. Now, this is not

    meant to be a day of indulgence, (that was Fat Tues-

    day which is the day before Ash Wednesday) but a day

    that you can relax your fasting a little bit to help you

    last 40 days.

    Whether you are fasting from soda, or caffeine, or

    something else. Or perhaps you are accepting the

    DWF challenge of 40 donated items in 40 days. Or

    perhaps you will spend 40 days taking on a new

    healthy habit, I pray that you will also spend 40 days

    in prayer and drawing closer to God.


    Frank, James 3/17

    Howry, Mandie 3/17

    Beck, Dianne 3/18

    Hughes, Jane 3/18

    Schroeder, David 3/21

    Hill, Edward 3/25

    Young, Phillip 3/25

    Jones, Taylor 3/26

    Gray, Elizabeth 3/27

    Storm, Marilyn 3/27

    Wood, Duane 3/29

    McCroskey, Rosa 3/2

    Ruedy, Shirlee 3/2

    Lunsford, George 3/4

    Conner, Jodie 3/5

    Mars, Joe 3/5

    Mars, Joey 3/5

    Joseph, Jamie 3/7

    Bradley, Donna 3/13

    Thorn, Stuart 3/15

    Graham, Jack 3/16

    Jewell, Miss Ella 3/16


    40 Items


    40 Days!

    Please bring new or gently used items

    that others would enjoy receiving.

    Bring all

    Items to

    the Church

    by April 24

    Disciples Women’s Fellowship

  • Pick up an envelope this Sunday to give to those in need of warmth.

  • March 2019

    6 Ash Wednesday 7:00pm 10 Daylight Savings Soup for the Soul Series 6:00pm 13 Bridge for Fun 1:00pm Caring & Sharing Meal 4:30pm 17 Caring & Sharing Meeting 4:00pm 19 Elders Prayer Breakfast 7:15am 21 Disciple Women 6:00pm 26 CWF Meeting and Lunch 9:30am 27 Bridge for Fun 1:00pm 27 Caring & Sharing Meal 4:30pm 31 Benevolent Sunday Family Event—Shrine Circus 2:00pm

    March Committee Meetings 19 Personnel Meeting 6:00pm Admin Meeting 7:00pm 26 Evangelism 1:00pm

    “Loving God, Serving our Neighbor”

    8100 NW 23rd Street

    Oklahoma City OK 73127

    Church Staff

    Senior Minister: Rev. Daniel U’Ren [email protected]

    Associate Minister: Rev. Julia Jordan Gillett [email protected]

    Admin Assistant: Cindy Cannon [email protected]

    Music Director: Dr. Ronald Manning [email protected]

    Youth Director: Rachael Hopkins

    Pianist: Rosa McCroskey

    Praise Band Leader: Ben Frantz

    Praise Band Members: Brett Hawk, Cheyenne Pursley, and Natalie Griffin

    Sound Technician: Alex Wilkinson & Charles Hogan

    Custodian: Lawrence Johnson

    Nursery Attendants: Shaylee White and Janet Harper


    3/3 9 AM 28 11 AM 66 General $2,945.00 Blessing

    Fund $25.00

    2/24 9 AM 42 11 AM 88 General $3,582.00 Blessing

    Fund $50.00

    10/7 9 AM 32 11 AM 84 General $5,034.00


    Fund $75.00


