source code poster analysis

Film Posters

Upload: michaelsmedia7

Post on 13-Aug-2015




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Page 1: source code poster analysis

Film Posters

Page 2: source code poster analysis

Film posters are designed to catch the eye and are placed specifically to be seen by as many people as possible.

They can be posted on stationary places like billboards, around cinemas etc. or on mobile places such as the sides of busses etc.

Due to the posters being physical pieces of media there is no limit to where they can be put, whereas if you compare them to trailers, they are only available on digital technology.

Film Posters

Page 3: source code poster analysis

Poster 1

Source Code

Page 4: source code poster analysis

The source code poster has a dark grey colour scheme. The colour grey is used as it connotes to a mysterious setting, which makes the audience wonder what is in the grey background, and therefore makes them want to find out and see the film.

The fact the protagonist is holding a weapon gives the audience a hint of what the film is going to involve, as the gun connotes to violence the audience will know what genre of film it is going to be and be drawn to watch it.

The protagonist is also running away from the ground which is disappearing, also making the audience question why the ground is falling away from him. The ground itself are pictures of what we perceive as his memories, as they are like still images of perhaps his past. This links to the kind of storylines psychological thrillers involve, therefore the audience know what to expect when they go to see the film.

The font the title is in is a block text font, which gives off a serious kind of look, as does the conventional thriller protagonist suit he is wearing, and portrays the seriousness of the plot the film will have.

The tagline of the poster is designed to make the audience wonder why every second should count. It draws audiences in and makes them want to view the film.

Source Code – Poster 1

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Poster 2

Source Code

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The colour scheme of the second source code poster is a variety of blues, and it seems to be comes from a breaking kind of wall, the wall seems to be fading away as if the character is passing through a dimension of some kind, which is something audiences would link with other psychological thrillers, so they have an idea what the film is going to be about.

Also in the background of the picture the wall is curved the way a London underground tube wall is, which could give a hint of where the film is going to be set, and could attract audiences living in London or those using similar transport to tubes.

The title of the film stands out as it is red, which contrasts the colour scheme and draws the eye to it, another part of the poster that is red is the release date, letting the audience know the important information of when it is coming out. Another text written in red is the ‘from the director of MOON’, if the audience has seen the film moon and liked it, they are likely to be attracted to this film.

Another bit of text that will attract audiences is the names of the actors that have been placed in the centre of the poster so it is easier for people to notice. They may enjoy or even find the actors involved in the film attractive and may want to go and see the film for these reasons.

Source Code – Poster 2