south dakota common core state standards phase ii 9-12 ela day one: 9:00 to 4:00 day two: 8:00 to...

South Dakota Common Core State Standards Phase II 9-12 ELA Day one: 9:00 to 4:00 Day two: 8:00 to 3:30

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Page 1: South Dakota Common Core State Standards Phase II 9-12 ELA Day one: 9:00 to 4:00 Day two: 8:00 to 3:30

South Dakota Common Core State Standards

Phase II

9-12 ELA

Day one: 9:00 to 4:00Day two: 8:00 to 3:30

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Trainer Introductions:

Scott [email protected]

Be sure to download your mp3 of “Common Core Blues”

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Two Kinds of IntelligenceThere are two kinds of intelligence: one acquired,as a child in school memorizes facts and conceptsfrom books and from what the teacher says,collecting information from the traditional sciencesas well as from the new sciences. With such intelligence you rise in the world.You get ranked ahead or behind othersin regard to your competence in retaininginformation. You stroll with this intelligencein and out of fields of knowledge, getting always moremarks on your preserving tablets. There is another kind of tablet, onealready completed and preserved inside you.A spring overflowing its springbox. A freshnessin the center of the chest. This other intelligencedoes not turn yellow or stagnate. It's fluid,and it doesn't move from outside to insidethrough the conduits of plumbing-learning. This second knowing is a fountainheadfrom within you, moving out.

--Rumi, from Teaching with Fire

Parker Palmer on

Inner Authority

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– Comments– Peer Review (30-40 min)

• 11:30 lunch• 4:00 done

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Technology Information

Be certain

your internet connection

is working.

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• Review, edit and finalize disaggregated standards.• To analyze lessons to ensure alignment to the

disaggregated CCSS (KUD).• To ensure the lessons meet the cognitive demand

of the CCSS.• To understand the relationship of summative and

formative assessments to CCSS.• To evaluate the purposes and uses of assessment.

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Norms Revisited

Listen with Engagement

Honor Each Other’s Thinking

Honor Private Think Time

Everyone has a Voice

Be Respectful of all Comments

Participation is Expected

Limit Side Conversation

Take Care of Your Needs

Turn Cell Phones Off or Vibrate

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Google Site

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Disaggregated Standards

• Find your group’s disaggregated standards on the Google Site:

• As a group, review all comments (don’t resolve yet)

• As a group, edit your disaggregated standards based on the comments you received– You may or may not make all the changes suggested – this is

completely up to you

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Disaggregated Standards

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Peer Review

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Final Peer Review: First Round

– Within your table group, assign everyone to a standard that you worked with• Write your assigned standard on the top of your peer review


– Create groups of three • should be individuals you have not worked with yet

– Exchange standards within your triad• Everyone should have a new standard to review

– Individually peer review your new standard• Use template provided

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Final Peer Review: Guiding Questions

The focus should include:

• Ensuring the KUDs provide a complete reflection of the


• Rigor is embedded in and reflects the intent of the

disaggregated standard.

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Final Peer Review: Second Round

– Exchange standards and completed peer review template within your triad• Everyone should have a new standard to review• Everyone should have a completed template in

which to add additional comments

– Individually peer review your new standard• Add to completed template

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Final Edit

– Form original groups

–Review feedback from peer review process

–Make final edits to disaggregated standards on Google Documents

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Delete Comments

Last Step:“Resolve” all comments from your disaggregated standards. You must complete this for each comment.

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We’ll start again at 12:30

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Steps 1 & 2

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Lesson Descriptions

Determine which disaggregated standard you will work with for the first round.

Examine ONE series of lessons from each participant in the group.

Determine which series of lessons you will use for first go round.

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Lesson Descriptions

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Discussion Questions:• With which standard do the series of lessons align?

• Why would you use this series of lessons?

• What do you expect students to learn from this series of lessons?

Lesson Descriptions

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Lesson Descriptions

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Lesson Descriptions

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Step 3

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KUD Coverage

• Using your disaggregated standard template, determine which Know, Understand and Do (KUD) components are aligned to this series of lessons.

• Write lesson number/description.

• Determine the appropriate KUD from disaggregated standard template that aligns with each lesson. – You may have multiple KUDs aligned with each lesson.

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KUD Coverage

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Theme Worksheet

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Brainstorm Lesson

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Theme of Stargirl

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KUD Coverage

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Discussion Questions

• What did you learn about your current lessons?

• How did this process help discover standard coverage?

• What are the gaps between what you are currently doing and what is required in the CCSS?

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Step 4

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Why Webb?

• SMARTER Balance– Assessments in 2015 will be based on Webb leveling

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DOK Reflection

Directions: Find completed graphic


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DOK Reflection

Discussion within your group:• Two things you learned from reading DOK article

and completing graphic organizer

• One question you still have concerning DOK

• Whole group discussion

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Card Sort

Webb Leveling• Determine the Webb Level for each activity.

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Webb Level

Webb Level Student Performance• Utilizing the list of provided activities, determine

Webb Level of each activity and provide rationale for determined Webb Level

• Worksheet activity

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Webb Level

Webb Level of Lessons• Summarize each component of lesson

under correct Webb Level Column (ex: Vocab)

• Determine the rationale as to why it meets the selected Webb Level

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Webb Level

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Webb Level

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Discussion Questions

• What did you learn about your current lessons compared to the cognitive demand of the standard?

• What are the gaps between what you are currently doing and what is required in the CCSS?

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Step 5

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Why Is Assessment Important?

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We may want to assess where a student is.

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We may want to assess where a student is…


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We may want to assess what a student has learned.

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But ultimately we want to know what to do next in order to close the gap.

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Assessment Activity

Directions: At your table, use your sticky notes

Write as many different types of assessments that you can think of in the next four minutes (one per sticky note)

Place in the middle of the table

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Thinking About Assessment

Conversation about online Stiggins’ work.

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Thinking About Assessment

80 percent of assessments given in classrooms are geared toward low-level thinking.

Decisions about assessment happen about every three to four minutes.

What do assessments tell us?

How are we using assessments?

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Summative and Formative Assessment

Summative Assessment:How much have students learned at a particular point in time?

Formative Assessment:How can we use assessments to help students learn more?

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Summative Assessment

The purpose is: to measure student achievement at a

particular point in time for reporting and accountability;

to sort students in rank order; and

to maximize student learning through standardized tests.

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Formative Assessment

The reason/purpose is: to promote further improvement of

student learning during the learning process and

to involve students in the ongoing assessment of their own achievement.

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Formative Assessments

Results are used primarily by students, educators, and parents.

Results are used for:helping students see and hit the target(s)

and identifying student needs.

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Directions: Each table needs a piece of chart paper

Create T-Chart: Summative/Formative

Using your assessments listed on sticky notes, determine which category each assessment fits into

If you get stuck, place it on the middle line

Assessment Activity

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It isn’t the method that determines whether the assessment

is summative or formative…

…it is how the results are used.

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Target Method MatchAssessment Methods

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Target Method Match

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• Each group receives laminated Target Method Match matrix

• Using the assessment descriptions, determine:– Appropriate Assessment Method, and– Appropriate DOK Level– Place in appropriate box on laminated sheet

Target Method Match

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Discussion:• How important is it to utilize multiple

assessment methods?

• What big “ah-has” did your team have when determining DOK levels?

Target Method Match

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• Determine types of assessment to use for series of lessons/standard– summative and formative

• Consider how assessment is aligned to KUD of standard

• Determine Depth of Knowledge Level and Assessment Methods for summative assessments.

Assessment Practices

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Assessment Practices

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Assessment Practices

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Step 6

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Lesson Reflection

• What strengths did you find in the analysis?

• What are some areas that might need improvement?

• List revisions that might need to be made.

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Good Luck!