south east asia full (no names)


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Page 1: South East Asia  Full (No names)
Page 2: South East Asia  Full (No names)

Influence of India and China Hindu and Buddhist missionaries spread their faiths. Kingdoms arose that followed these religions. Indian influences helped shape religious culture. Southeast Asian poets wrote long, elegant poems in Sanskrit-India’s ancient language. Chinese ideas and culture spread southward through

migration and trade. Chinese exerted political influence over parts of mainland

Southeast Asia; either through direct rule or by demanding tributes from local rulers.

Page 3: South East Asia  Full (No names)
Page 5: South East Asia  Full (No names)

The people South Asia which had the slightest influence by India were the Vietnamese.

During the 100B.C. the Han Dynasty took over northern Vietnamese and they remained under the control of China for 1,000 years.

As the Chinese’s Tang Dynasty grew in the early 900’s, they broke away and eventually the Vietnamese became an independent kingdom in 939.

They took in much of Chinese cultural influences, even Buddhism yet they still remained independent and had their own cultural identity preserved.

From 1009-1225 the rulers of the Ly Dynasty founded their capital at Hanoi and slowly they expanded by conquering the neighboring peoples to the south.

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Ko rean Dynastie sKo rean Dynastie s• Koreans were a group of people who created

their own traditions.• They were greatly influenced by the Chinese in

their culture. Like the Japanese, they have taken on borrowed culture to preserve a suitable lifestyle.

Geography of Korea• Korea is locate on a peninsula out of the Asian

mainland. • Its climate is hot in the summer and extremely

cold in the winter time.• Only a small part of the land can be

successfully farmed on because it is so mountainous.

• The mountains and the surrounding sea, have caused Korea to become very secluded from its neighboring countries.

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Early History• In its early days, Korea was controlled by tribes

or clans.• In 108 B.C. Korea was occupied by the Han

Empire which created a military government. • The Koreans adopted the system of centralized

government, Confucianism, Buddhism, and a writing system from the Chinese.

• Korean tribes gathered into federations during the Han rule.

• These federations expanded into three kingdoms.

• From the three rival kingdoms, the Silla conquered the other kingdoms as well as the Chinese, taking control of Korea.

• Korean built Buddhist monasteries and created stone and bronze sculptures. Also developing a writing system that used Chinese characters.

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~Koryu Dynasty~The Silla kingdom took over the Korean peninsula after defeating two other rivaling kingdoms in the mid 600s.

In 935, Wang Kon became king and named the dynasty Koryu, after one of the other kingdoms.

When Mongols invaded Korea in 1231, they demanded a large tribute and they enslaved children and artisans.

The Koryu Dynasty lasted from 935 to 1392.

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~Koryu Dynasty~Universities trained men to become scholars.

Social classes were separated completely and it was difficult to move up.

There was a large gap between wealthy landowners and the peasants.

Many rebellions took place during the 1100s.

Scholars and military officials over-threw the dynasty in 1392.

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~Koryu Culture~

Celadon pottery was very popular during the Koryu Period.

The first national book of Korean history was written during this time.

Large wooden blocks were carved for the printing of the Buddhist scriptures for 60 years.

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• Beck, Roger B.. "Kingdoms of Southest Asia and Korea". World History: Patterns of Interactions. Boston: McDougal Littell, 1999.• Korea. 2005. IChO-2006.

=• Standing Buddha of Medicine (Bhaishajyaguru). 2000–2007. The Metropolitan Museum of Art.

• Tomb of Wanggon

• Gautama Buddha (Sidhartha)

• Confucius

• 80,000 wooden printing blocks

• Koryo Celadon