south orange county community college district district ......we provide a dynamic and innovative...

South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT-WIDE STRATEGIC PLAN 2014 - 2020

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Page 1: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities

South Orange County Community College District


Page 2: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities
Page 3: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities


Table of Contents 3

Vision, Mission and Core Values 4

Letter from the Chancellor 5

Introduction 6

Common Planning Definitions 7

Planning Assumptions 8

Development of Goals, Objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Targets 9

SOCCCD District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020 10

Goal 1 Objectives, KPIs and Targets 11

Goal 2 Objectives, KPIs and Targets 12

Goal 3 Objectives, KPIs and Targets 13

Goal 4 Objectives, KPIs and Targets 14

Acknowledgements 15

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VisionTo be an educational leader in a changing world.

Mission We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities. We promote access, success and equity to meet each student’s goals of skills development, certificate, associate degree, transfer or personal enrichment. We contribute to the economic vitality of the region.

Core Values/Guiding PrinciplesWe invest in our students’ success, employees, facilities, and community, with wise use of our resources.

Vision, Mission and Core Values

South Orange County Community College DistrictVision, Mission and Core Values

Page 5: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities


South Orange County Community College District’s 2014-2020 Strategic Plan represents many months of thoughtful, integrated planning and district-wide

collaboration from faculty, staff and administration.

Throughout the process, opportunities were provided to all employees for review and input. This was coordinated and led by the District-wide Planning Council (DWPC). A high level of interaction was maintained in order to facilitate input and move quickly through the process of developing a short term strategic plan that would meet accreditation standards.

Some of the research components for the six-year plan included an external scan reviewing enrollment, demographics and labor market analysis. Multiple strategic planning retreats and meetings were held with representation from all constituencies from the colleges and district services.

This document will serve as a short-term, six-year plan with a major evaluation in year three. This plan will provide a framework for ongoing planning that integrates with the colleges’ planning cycles and links resource allocation to planning. This short-term plan will tie in with the district’s long-term plan identifying education and facilities needs and planning priorities through 2031.

In a multi-college district, the task of planning is truly a shared one. Thank you to all of the staff from Saddleback College, Irvine Valley College and District Services for their input and collaborative work ethic. This short-term strategic plan will provide a strong framework for all future planning cycles to support the needs of more than 40,000 students and our diverse community.


Gary L. PoertnerChancellor

Letter from the Chancellor 5

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The District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020 is the District’s short-term plan. The plan was developed through the leadership of the District-wide Planning Council

(DWPC) which included many hours of meetings, discussions and collaboration. The DWPC reviewed the previous three-year district-wide strategic plan and evaluated accomplishments and identified priorities over the last two academic years (2013-2014 and 2014-2015). The outcome was broad-based consensus on four district-wide goals, defined objectives to achieve the goals, and articulation of key performance indicators which encapsulates SOCCCD’s six-year district-wide strategic plan.

This document is designed to be a living, frequently-used document which invites evaluation of progress on the objectives and goals. An annual progress report on the district-wide strategic plan and supporting plans will be produced annually

Development of the Integrated Planning Process

During the spring of 2013 a district-wide external scan was prepared that included a demographic analysis, enrollment projections and a labor market analysis. In

the summer of 2013, the District-wide Planning Council conducted its annual planning retreat. Part of the planning focused on using the external scan to inform district-wide planning assumptions and guide the development of district-wide goals and objectives in the new strategic plan. This effort continued through the academic year in all district units, with guidance of the District-wide Planning Task Force.

The council assigned the development of goals, objectives and key performance indicators to the District-wide Planning Task Force. This task force met regularly across the 2013-2014 and 2014-2015 academic years to oversee, collect, collate, and condense the district-wide input to four district-wide goals and thirteen objectives with KPIs and targets that would be included in the 2014-2020 district-wide strategic plan.

Introduction 5 6

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Common Planning Definitions

In the development of the new strategic plan, there was a need to have a vernacular that would be shared across the colleges and district services. In the past plan, there

was confusion about the inconsistent usage of terms. For this reason, the DWPC agreed to a list of common planning definitions.

Vision StatementDescribes the ideal future state of the district/college, including the results we would like to achieve and the characteristics we will need to possess. The vision statement provides direction and inspiration for the strategic plan.

Mission StatementA broad description of the purpose or philosophy of the district/college, our commitment to student learning and success and the population served. ValuesStatements of core priorities in the district/college culture that guide how we operate. They provide ways of choosing among competing priorities and guidelines.

GoalsGoals are defined as all-encompassing statements about the general direction of the district/college. There are two types of goals: district-wide goals and college goals.

ObjectivesObjectives are defined as methods for attaining goals. Good objectives are focused on outcomes or results and are S.M.A.R.T.: specific, measurable, achievable, realistic, and time-related. An objective can be achieved through one or more action steps.

Action StepsAction steps are projects or initiatives designed to reach objectives and to attain goals. They may describe complex college/district services functions involving multiple offices and/or departments. Action steps are reviewed and revised yearly.

Key Performance Indicators (KPI)KPIs are high level indicators that measure progress on goals and/or objectives. TargetsThe desired level of a KPI at the end of the planning cycle.

6 Introduction 7

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Introduction 7

Planning Assumptions

During the spring of 2013 a district-wide external scan was conducted by the College Brain Trust. This scan included a demographic analysis, enrollment projections and a

labor market analysis. This scan was utilized to build district-wide planning assumptions and help guide the development of goals and objectives in the new strategic plan.

Enrollment ProjectionsEnrollments for the district’s service area are projected to increase from between 11% to 14% by 2020. Community colleges with diverse and innovative programs, and strong partnerships with transfer institutions and industry, will be best positioned to capture and maintain their market share of this segment of students.

Labor Market AnalysisThe regional labor market will gradually improve; however, with the exception of a few occupations, job creation locally, in mid-skill, living-wage occupations, is not likely to keep pace with the regional production of completers. Consequently, strong partnerships with employers and placements outside of the local area will be necessary.

Student Success Policy and Research and AccountabilityThe eight areas of focus described in the CCCCO Student Success Initiative will require increased attention and resource investment in empirically-based and student-centered practices.

In addition to monitoring performance in completions as measured by the CCCCO Scorecard Metrics, the Student Success Initiative will require colleges to develop and monitor locally-developed student metrics.

Demands for accountability will continue to increase requiring institutions to devote an increasing share of resources to compliance activities associated with regional accrediting commissions and state and federal regulations.

Budget and EconomyThe economy and budget outlook in California is improving and is expected to continue to improve over the next three years.

TechnologyTechnology will be a critical partner for increasing student support, access and success. Major technology trends include the growth of massively open online courses (MOOCs), growing adoption of open educational resources (OER), and increased use of analytics to manage relationships with students (SRM), including the allocation of scarce student-centric resources. Distance education and technology usage will continue to increase, as well. The effective use of technology will create unique value propositions, allowing colleges to maintain a competitive edge and achieve enrollment targets.


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Development of Goals, Objectives, Key Performance Indicators (KPIs), and Targets

The District-wide Planning Council at the annual retreat in 2013 spent the day analyzing the planning assumptions, brainstorming and prioritizing a new set of goals and

objectives. Later that year, the DWPC assigned the refinement of goals and objectives to the District-wide Planning Task Force. This task force spent over 15 hours in the Fall of 2013 and evaluated over 150 suggestions for objectives aligned under four major goal areas, and derived 17 objectives to recommend to the council. On February 21, 2014, the council approved the 4 goals and 13 final objectives for the District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020. In 2014-2015 the task force spent approximately 20 hours reviewing data, discussing and vetting KPIs and targets that would be aligned with each major objective. The work plans and details of the meetings of the District-wide Strategic Planning Task Force are documented in the District-wide Planning Council’s SharePoint site. In the summer of 2015 at the annual retreat, these KPIs and targets were approved and included in the final plan.


District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020Shared Goals, Objectives, KPIs and Targets


Page 10: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities



District-wide Goals

Goal 1: SOCCCD will foster an environment characterized by creativity, innovation, respectful interactions and collaboration.

Goal 2: SOCCCD will promote students’ success by enhancing the teaching and learning environment.

Goal 3: SOCCCD will advance economic and workforce development through regional partnerships with educational institutions and industry and by strengthening career technical education.

Goal 4: SOCCCD will strengthen long-term financial health and institutional effectiveness through integrated planning and resource allocation.

District-wide Goals

Page 11: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities


Goal 1


1.1 Recognize and support innovative ideas that improve collaboration and respectful interactions district-wide.

1.2 Improve district climate in the areas of optimism, commitment, and respectful collaboration.

1.3 Improve the representative process through active engagement and communication.

1.4 Increase professional development opportunities that potentiate employees’ talents and interests.

1.5 Improve training for all employees to increase district-wide understanding of organizational structure, resources, processes and procedures.


District-wide Climate SurveyQuestion # from 2014 Climate Survey 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e, 18f, 18g, 18h, 19a, 19c, 19e, 19d, 19f

District-wide Climate SurveyQuestion # from 2014 Climate Survey 6, 8, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18e, 18g, 19a, 19b, 19c,19d, 19e, 19f

District-wide Climate SurveyQuestion # from 2014 Climate Survey 18a, 18b, 18c, 18d, 18g, 19a, 19d, 19e, 19f, 20a, 20b, 20c, 20d, 20e, 21a, 21b, 21c

District-wide Climate SurveyQuestion # from 2014 Climate Survey 24, 25, 26, 27, 31

Professional Development Survey

District-wide Climate SurveyQuestion # from 2014 Climate Survey18c, 18d, 28, 29, 30, 31

Professional Development Survey

Goal 1 Objectives, KPIs and Targets

Goal 1: SOCCCD will foster an environment characterized by creativity, innovation, respectful interactions and collaboration.


In Progress – Baselines to be established from 2014 survey results

In Progress – Baselines to be established from 2014 survey results

In Progress – Baselines to be established from 2014 survey results

In Progress – Baselines to be established from 2014 survey results

In Progress – Baselines to be established from 2014 survey results


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Goal 2 Objectives, KPIs and Targets

Goal 2: SOCCCD will promote students’ success by enhancing the teaching and learning environment.


2.1 Increase student completion rates (degrees, certificates, and transfer) while preserving access, enhancing quality, and closing achievement gaps.

2.2 Increase employee professional development opportunities that focus on student success outcomes.

2.3 Increase opportunities for student engagement inside and outside the classroom, evidenced by co-curricular participation, student services, and instructional support.


3 and 6 year Completion Rates SPAR rate and disaggregated by the following: • Certificate Completion Rate • Degree Completion Rate • Transfer Rate • Transfer Prepared

Professional Development Survey

Community College Survey of Student Engagement (CCSSE)


2.5% targets by 2020 based on a rolling base year starting in 2014-2015

Establish Baseline

Establish Baseline

12 Goal 2

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Goal 3 Objectives, KPIs and Targets

Goal 3: Goal 3: SOCCCD will advance economic and workforce development through regional partnerships with educational institutions and industry and by strengthening career technical education.


3.1 Formalize collaborative partnerships with the business community and regional educational institutions to support workforce development.

3.2 Improve alignment between workforce development offerings and regional job opportunities.


“Formalized Partnerships” List

CTE Outcome Survey


Establish Baseline

Establish Baseline

13Goal 3

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4.1 Systematically assess the effectiveness of planning and resource allocation district-wide.

4.2 Improve processes and procedures for efficiency, effectiveness, and responsiveness district-wide.

4.3 Develop and initiate multi-year financial planning


Conduct a systematic/annual assessment of planning and resource allocation document timeline and assessment Climate Survey and Employee survey

Evaluation of Business Process Analysis (BPA) sessions and implementation into Workday • 2014-2015: Begin implement of HCM and Fiscal BPAs into Workday • 2015- 2016: Complete Initial Implementation of BPAs into Workday • 2016-2017:-Evaluate BPAs implementation in Workday and identify remaining needed BPAs • 2017-2018: Continual evaluation and implementation of new and ongoing BPAs into Workday

The District Resources Allocation Committee (DRAC) and Basic Aid Allocation Recommendation Committee (BAARC) will develop models for multi-year funding/planning • 2014-2015: Develop model of multi-year resource allocation. • 2015-2016: Continue to develop the model and align with the development of the EFMP. • 2016-2017: Implement and/or pilot model in DRAC, BAARC, Capital Improvement Committee (CIC) and District-wide Technology Committee (DTC). • 2017-2018: Finalize implementation of models and evaluation. • 2018-2019 and 2019-2020: Continued evaluation and implementation of changes needed.

Goal 4 Objectives, KPIs and Targets

Goal 4: SOCCCD will strengthen long-term financial health and institutional effectiveness through integrated planning and resource allocation.


Establish Baseline

100% of this objective should be completed by the end of 4 years.

Establish Baseline


Goal 1

Goal 4

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SOCCCD District-wide Planning Council 2013- 2014

Name Organization Role/Representing

Gary Poertner District Services Chair, Chancellor

Denice Inciong District Services Co-Chair, Dir., Research, Planning & Data Management

Robert Bramucci District Services VC, Technology & Learning Services

David Bugay District Services VC, HR & Employer-Employee Relations

Brandye D’Lena District Services Exec. Dir., Fac. Planning, Purchasing & Materials Mgmt

Debra Fitzsimons District Services VC, Business Services

Tere Fluegeman District Services Dist. Dir., Public Affairs & Govt. Relations

Teddi Lorch District Services Exec. Dir., HR & Employer-Employee Relations

Kim McCord District Services Exec. Dir., Fiscal Services/Comptroller

Nicole Ortega District Services Classified Representative

Randy Peebles District Services Assoc. VC, Economic Development

Barb Blanchard Irvine Valley College Dean

Vincent Cooper Irvine Valley College Classified Representative

Linda Fontanilla Irvine Valley College VP, Student Services

Craig Hayward Irvine Valley College Dir., Research, Planning & Accreditation

Craig Justice Irvine Valley College VP, Instruction

Davit Khachatryan Irvine Valley College VP, College Administrative Services

Roopa Mathur Irvine Valley College Faculty Representative

Glenn Roquemore Irvine Valley College President

Kathy Schmeidler Irvine Valley College Academic Senate President

Juan Avalos Saddleback College VP, Student Services

Tod Burnett Saddleback College President

Caroline Durdella Saddleback College Dir., Research, Planning & Accreditation

Patricia Flanigan Chapin Saddleback College Dean

Bruce Gilman Saddleback College Faculty Representative

Carol Hilton Saddleback College VP, College Administrative Services

Mike Sauter Saddleback College Classified Representative

Dan Walsh Saddleback College Academic Senate President

Kathleen Werle Saddleback College VP, Instruction


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SOCCCD District-wide Planning Council 2014-2015 Name Organization Role/Representing

Gary Poertner District Services Chair, Chancellor

Denice Inciong District Services Co-Chair, Dir., Research, Planning & Data Management

Robert Bramucci District Services VC, Technology & Learning Services

David Bugay District Services VC, HR & Employer-Employee Relations

Debra Fitzsimons District Services VC, Business Services

Teresa Slaughter District Services Classified Representative

Vincent Cooper Irvine Valley College Classified Representative

Tere Fluegeman District Services Dist. Dir., Public Affairs & Govt. Relations

Linda Fontanilla Irvine Valley College VP, Student Services

Cathleen Greiner Irvine Valley College Dean

Craig Hayward Irvine Valley College Dir., Research, Planning & Accreditation

Craig Justice Irvine Valley College VP, Instruction

Davit Khachatryan Irvine Valley College VP, College Administrative Services

Roopa Mathur Irvine Valley College Faculty Representative

Robert Melendez Irvine Valley College Faculty Representative

Glenn Roquemore Irvine Valley College President

Kathy Schmeidler Irvine Valley College Academic Senate President

Juan Avalos Saddleback College VP, Student Services

Tod Burnett Saddleback College President

Bruce Gilman Saddleback College Faculty Representative

Carol Hilton Saddleback College VP, College Administrative Services

Nicole Ortega Saddleback College Dir., Research, Planning & Accreditation

Mike Sauter Saddleback College Classified Representative

Penny Skaff Saddleback College Faculty Representative

Blake Stephens Saddleback College Academic Senate President

Kathleen Werle Saddleback College VP, Instruction

Cadence Wynter Saddleback College Dean


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District-wide Strategic Planning Task Force – 2013-2014 Name Organization Role/Representing

Denice Inciong District Services Chair

Natalie Cooney District Services Contact

Vincent Cooper Irvine Valley College

Craig Hayward Irvine Valley College

Davit Khachatryan Irvine Valley College

Roopa Mathur Irvine Valley College

Kathy Schmeidler Irvine Valley College

Claire Cesareo-Silva Saddleback College

Caroline Durdella Saddleback College

Carol Hilton Saddleback College

Mike Sauter Saddleback College

Dan Walsh Saddleback College


Page 18: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities



District-wide Strategic Plan 2014-2020 Task Force – 2014-2015 Name Organization Role/Representing

Denice Inciong District Services Chair

Joyce Bartlomain District Services Contact

Vincent Cooper Irvine Valley College

Cathleen Greiner Irvine Valley College

Craig Hayward Irvine Valley College

Davit Khachatryan Irvine Valley College

Roopa Mathur Irvine Valley College

Robert Melendez Irvine Valley College

Kathy Schmeidler Irvine Valley College

Bruce Gilman Saddleback College

Carol Hilton Saddleback College

Nicole Ortega Saddleback College

Mike Sauter Saddleback College


Page 19: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities
Page 20: South Orange County Community College District DISTRICT ......We provide a dynamic and innovative learning environment for diverse learners of all ages, backgrounds and abilities

28000 Marguerite Pkwy. | Mission Viejo | CA 92629 | 949.582.4999 |


Barbara J. Jay, David B. Lang,Timothy Jemal, Marcia Milchiker, T.J. Prendergast III,

Terri Whitt, James R. Wright • Gary L. Poertner, Chancellor

An Equal Opportunity Employer