south staffordshire council

Maggie Quinn Maggie Quinn Partnerships Locality Manager Jamie Angus Jamie Angus Communications Officer

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Post on 15-Nov-2014




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  • 1. Maggie Quinn Jamie AngusPartnerships Locality Manager Communications Officer

2. Background Fourth lowest District Council Tax inthe Country South Staffordshire mainly ruraldistrict nestled among the bigconurbations of Wolverhampton,Dudley, Sandwell. Rural district with 27 Parishes andno main town 1 of 8 district councils that make upStaffordshire County. Population of approximately 106,000,named by Audit Commission asfastest ageing district in Englandparticularly across the 85+ age group 3. Locality workingMain distinguishing feature ofSouth Staffordshire is thatthere are no towns. There areseveral large villages but assuch, no focal point.To address this SouthStaffordshire Council, with itspartners and the aid of theIdEA, developed a localitymodel for the district. 4. Why Locality Working? Gaining a better understanding of what workswell already and what needs to be improved. Improving communication between the differentlevels of local government and the community Developing new ways to deliver services moreflexibly Improving the way that service providers worktogether in partnership Supporting the community to solve its ownproblems 5. 6. Customer Insight Getting toknow our residentsThings we didnt know: How residents accessedservices How they like to receiveinformation Top two groups : % ofresidents who live inisolated rural communitiesand successful professionalsliving in suburban or semi-rural homes How diverse our parishesare 7. Rural Transport Previously we had a very generoustoken based concessionary travelscheme. For those that were solely reliant onit, it didnt go very far. Public transport across the districtwas not very good or accessible. A South Staffordshire RuralTransport Partnership was convenedto explore different models. 8. Aims of the Project To develop a web based solutionwhich would allow residents ineach locality to receiveinformation. Comment on it and addadditional information. Vote on the emerging projects. Be involved in the design of thesuccessful projects. 9. What we discoveredThe council thought residents in Locality 2 wantedregular bus services to Stafford andWolverhampton. However, the consultationthrough MPMS identified that residents wanted aservice to Telford (i.e. outside the county). As adirect result of this the SSRTP introduced aSaturday service.An unexpected consequence of this decision hasbeen an increase in the number of people fromTelford travelling to the Penkridge market. 10. Benefits MyPlaceMySay has provided thestimulus for the council toinvestigate the wider use ofSocial Media. The council has, for the first time,begun to develop its social mediapresence The spin-off MPMS/business sitewill also continue as the authoritylooks to improve its relationshipwith local businesses, replacingexpensive paper copy 11. What we do now 12. Lessons learnt Technical development was a success Bolstered our knowledge of social media But tying MPMS to rural transport madeuptake more difficult Broadband connections in rural settings Project timings didnt always coincide 13. Where now? Invaluable lessons about socialmedia its benefits and itslimitations in rural communities Strong brand but technology hasdeveloped Social media plan in place unthinkable two years ago 14. Maggie QuinnJamie Angust: 01902 696530 t: 01902 696502e: [email protected] e: [email protected]