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Southern Federal University (SFedU)

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Southern Federal University (SFedU). Southern Federal University is the largest academic and educational centre in the South of Russia The University dates its history back to 1915. In 2015 Southern Federal University will celebrate its 100 th anniversary. SFedU Facts. - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Southern Federal University (SFedU)

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• Southern Federal University is the largest academic and educational centre in the South of Russia

• The University dates its history back to 1915. In 2015 Southern Federal University will celebrate its 100th anniversary

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SFedU Facts•Number of students – 40,000•International students – 800•Staff – 8,700 •SFedU provides training in majors and courses, including: 79 Bachelor’s programmes,14 Specialist degree programmes,47 Master’s programmes

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SFedU International Profile• 231 partnerships in 39 countries

• Member of European Consortium of Innovative Universities

• Around 50 annual international research projects

• Around 80 annual international conferences

• More than 60 individual grants received by staff annually

• Internationally focused centres

• Around 500 SFedU staff members and 350 students go abroad annually

• 450 experts, lecturers and interns from abroad visit SFedU Annually

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SFedU Programmes Accreditation• State Accreditation by Federal Service on Supervision over

Education and Science• 32 programmes have already been accredited by international

agencies, out of them: • 21 programmes accredited by ACQUIN (Accreditation, Certification

and Quality Assurance Institute), Germany• 4 programmes accredited by AQAS (Agency for Quality Assurance

through Accreditation of Study Programs), Germany• 4 programmes accredited by Association of the Engineering

Education of Russia, Accreditation Center • 3 programmes accredited by European Council for Business


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Diploma Supplement• SFedU graduates are provided with Diploma Supplement issued in Accordance with the ECTS standards (European Credit Transfer System)

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SFedU’s Priority Research Fields•nanomaterials , nanotechnology ;• biotechnology , technology of living systems , environmental security ;•information and communication technologies , devices and systems ;• marine , aviation, rocket & space engineering, radio engineering , automation and control ;•design and architectural environment , land management and cadastre;•humanitarian technologies and models of human capital development and socioeconomic tolerant multi-ethnic communities in the South of Russia

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SFedU’s Degree Programs

Training is provided in five key areas:

•natural sciences and mathematics, •applied science, •humanities and social sciences, •architecture,•education and pedagogy

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Duration of Study and Deadlines• The standard duration of degree programs:

Bachelor’s degree - 4 years, Master’s degree - 2 years, Specialist degree - 5 years, Postgraduate research training (Aspirantura) - 3 years

• Аcademic year: 1st of September – 30th of June• Admission service: available during the academic

year until late July.

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Tuition Fees•Bachelor’s and Master’s programs: 1550 – 3000 Euros• Postgraduate Studies (Aspirantura): 2000 – 3150 Euros

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Housing at SFedUThe University’s two campuses have a number of up-to-date residence halls providing students with convenient and comfortable accommodation in twin rooms in either one-room or two-room apartments

Accommodation fees: 1255 - 2700 Rubles per month

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Ready to Apply?SFedU International Students CentreAddress: Office 103, 5 Zorge St., Rostov-on-Don,

344090, RussiaIrina Savchenkova, Director of the CentreTel.: +7 (863) 222 68 12, Fax: +7 (863) 222 68 03E-mail: [email protected]: