southern palace. ast o · k'.lpj .uh continues to tell tle!tn oliowlng are ue rect ipi. cxpu...

t,. ANCE AND TRADE. HMdiiru: Cotton b M to 1 Ex- - fh.urr 3-- .ml 1- -8 liwonnt to Far -- wla 112 I 'ii I'roiinrf aud 1'rfd Mark! The t int Balk Pork Arri.. .1 Hnd Lard lkiwn. IrrrjnUr Loral Sf rnriti. . Stagnant. t'ottoa Market Mull GOO Bale Sold o Athanrr in Rates. kfick or ; daily ArriAL, S TI r.l'AY. icl.'Der j". is... . re tit mo Htw on Mad! al t tin present Uaoutl, mnC depoaitins chHiik,'' but re u ht iu ver pn..'it ty of v tr. Broken An inualo' 1 Memphis ce aire, eu; Mem Memptiik and i Bd VlMtilNBlppl ;, l.4; diUO . 3d morlaEe ,1 railroad etc ft"; ditto coupon, loney : oM. Wgtl : tmptrolier war-ar- Oertnnny, ha lober h. Xeune- - J new.7?S Is a dlpo- - in ina Him tbeir re-- a teeners! in. Unli- very pre-- f limild. To. ll.W - II lower; Hie re Russian aa." tbe follow-uuii- a now .1. HipI - We i but I !ho knot lor . ne schemes ot e same thunder lea, and the xuu-- tae axMeubxtive iiry In lb-- - the New wen- -- l rr rally held day to ope- ns. As the I. but sales on the pre-- reported ottou held d: NewOr- - i.l above, but tbe K'.lpJ .UH continues to tell tlE!tn oliowlng are ue rect ipi. cxpu and in Mmr-lK- )K72 ItCI ItCO t y m l,f- - 191 d y 2J on bend ES tUM 7fil weipu vo date iJ2i imHa. and Charleatou railroad I aod Tenneaaee railroad.......; lroad.. m KM uiMied per wmk": and oiaer aooroaa sxroan. Antplitf. and tTiarle.ton railroad .pi and lei,uenee railroad t aiid hlo railroad ., . 1. rpreae the aenal-wa- for St. Louii to It is ao anxiowaior. I HuTir wl.i ..m Mobile, rfew Orteana ai'J .JK..I. MA a cheerful rtalng from isftdfi Th also 11 Reo have Willi 1 year li. j .air !! von U.u fbarl Uto ainued.U boeomea worth lew Ja mrtfr landine mUu olKermx eipr BuiLuaaa' atATaiAi Loalavlllc orment. p. t barrel, i 'A: plaalT Parta, , (sa15; balr, h&to pound: Sr. r Alabama TUata. by toe Sar4oJd. 1 40: ape lime, on landlmj. II 6. at',., iron ties KijfjweTtssTln. twine, lifjtlic. Baar, aanaMCtan, tc; himhjuai-ter- . Sc. Mbeep, tfk'.'" n.ajslc. Baaawaa jae v poui.a. ... extra. ' HA"rv.i-.le- aw ssaea, lrHUV; rtks jJte;jTpnM.wWa, l&mK; hmm, cbotot unoaa- - ' va,se.i. r: meed, lac ; breakfast ha on, l.lAltr. 1 h-- ar of n transaction; un". ring ' ilng doing La tli aueenoeof arri- - rata: noiiim..... aawat. riw.-;- j( In and rail weight V 3 t Hrisr-K- a. CAkjukca. Old .i frsh.ti Snassn. PoirjiAi -- alf.of w ami Mi bin m to do. twrra-Weqm- .u. at lUrfiV lur Kio, 2t9 27 '..c for Java. Eaoa Uui-- t at dvozrc Flora-Doub- le e.tra. f lOg!; treble ex- - wa, 87 mfw; nuniiv.a. ...jpr; fancy. m iiu. mrn-Appl- ea. K ij4 2.. fur mwimi i.i oboioa. lanoni at Dn. : i . - mixed, V A i DranKest SsJwlMsT boa. frAiiberne. fl.VAU V bbl. d'iiiir m!h.T' r for keg, and Ac for box wnitecriitdTetl aud irranufaled, I.1'aUe. H si - fur prime, for choice. Nat... .Ton bar, es$c eaal Z V casun uuutry hollw- - wan a ' , nx"-- , HoMJY--Vbb- l; giiu. tW W. Kra ct steady m bbi . r balf bbl. Lard Tierce refined, b'.ia.Oc; keg, 10 Ue; pall. Uc HOLASsn-Pri- me to choice plantation, bug V; inferior, 40A6e: commoii to pmue uiar-boua- syrup. mjfmt fancy, 7o& New Oath.- - Hadi effesnew good mixed at oc. Oils -- Coal ol! .t VHc (cahon; lard oil, MctfftlW: WM Virginia ialnic:.Uiuc. .WW. owiuw! Rert In plenty at Tusfl Sf); Kiivor- - r.TT.E stronger; looae, fl TStgl S'.; ahln-pin- order 92 AOmSW. Hweet potato- teJ. H bMfouthern i umu, IrlMi. al KM ou 7r; old. bbl., $.1 M0MCT1RY AM)HAiMlAL3lA TIERS as a, Ilt-- at ;tsur. r to day p tiou new," Nortl old. hart M.r. on Mail, lull6.; Mew York ,; Krle, preferred, 71; preferred, lf ; Micbi-turg- . r urt Wavne and tfiU tern, ,; .North-- ; Rock Island. 110;.; 102; HI. Paul. M: Ht. h'abasb. 71: Wabaab. rne, 1H; Terre Haute, Tred, 40; CblcaKo aud Alton. Ill tnd Alton, prelerred. 115; Ohio ppl. : Cleveland. i olumbusi U,yo,; riurlinajton and Lflcstck, 3a; Centra: on Pacific bou(K ana, U7; Uaxlem and Krle SKW ORLEANS, October ght ex- change, discount ; sterling exchange, LONDON, October a for money, ; on account, W;U. 8. HI; U.K. Wia,.l7, BH; U. . a, 87; new 5a, FRANKFORT, October 36. I". h. tonous, C, I;1.. PARIS, October 26 -I- tentes' Mf. 7c. COTTON XAKKETS Of TBE WwCLD. HgC rotarea are nrm. but few aviier1: no aalea aalea last evening, l?O0 balea; January. 1 Februarj-- , T&gc; March, IV October, 19c; November, 18 S4ie; , 1 The- - prices wrre bid. 12 p.m. Tlit cotton market la Ilrm ; ordinary, Wfc ; epod ordinary. lrC ; low mld-dlln- lW.c; mifldlinic. l.c; Alabauu, Orlfsana, i(P4c ; Tema.5V- - to-d-a , 716 baiea; futures, n Imlea; bvt evening, 571 bales : in trawli, tflat balo; Included In alea are 1KU hales to arrive. Futures flrtn; Janu- ary, is-- February, c; March, 19 i'3p.m. otton la firmer and held higher; irdiuary. lo;itood ordinary, Itfyc; low mid- dling, ISc; uilddLing, IW4C; Alal,tT c; Qrleavna, 38c ; Texa, iJlc. Sales Whim for export, lulO bales; to Hpinnera, Oio bale; In transit. 3U0 bales; future. "aU bales; sjtles laat evening for exrt. bale; to splnnera. 141 bales; In transit, Mi b&lea; included In the aalea are l&r bales to arrive. Futurua tlrm; Cotton report' lor one day at all Vnlted Stat4 por IWeelpte. 17,4ft- bales ; export io Great Hiitain, Mi bales ; Continent, MV bales. Ktocb;, : bale. NEW ORLEANS, October 2B, 110 a.m.-Cot- ton Is In fair demand and strong; mid- dling, 10c. Hales, ;u bales. 2 p.m. Cotton 1 In fair demand: mid- dling, IVr; Kai- - lar. MM fegswaj laateven-lng.wjt- ) bale-- : ree .,..-- . inlea. LIVERPOOL, October -- o, auwl ajri tot-to-n flrra; oplhndn. Orleans, lohd. :i p.m. - "ot tor: market firm ; upland-.- . '';d ; Orleaua, 14UV.. sales Ujm bales; export and bmles. 5 p.m. Coii'Mi markwS quiet; uplands, P4d HT. LOUIS, t uiber at. olton firm; ordln- - aty, IT'y-- : low inMlinK.lSc. CTS INN A I er 28. t'ollon Is steady ; mlddlina. I'.: LOT'ISVILXK, October a:. Atton ! tlrm; low middling. stock. 450 bakta, NASHVILLE. Ocl.tber 3.. Oolton Is in good demand: low middling. 17e. DRV ;OIS XAKKLT. NEW YORK, October rain storm causes the business, an.f there is nc livery of dlfrlcoli. and cansea eousi. erable inconvenience. Foreign goods a: quiet. DUMESliC PKOVLCE M.VBKE I. 36. HacK'iiK I dull s of hetivy hemp at wgggj Flour in r.kmI 96 50a7 25; A No. 1. ileinaud, but receipts ogM dull, owtns; to parked. Lard i'cal amount of new nseojas and delivered next Monday. W hisky lirm at Cftc. icWier Fl, Ml i.-Ki- .njr Is dull no to K"od, w.t or Butter. is 11 ' er 38. Kiour Is quiet and , nomiuui; "priug, extra. lear, Iecemler, ; ahurt, Tr-- uil boxeiL . in Flour Is In Kood fiun T '47 sugar-- , ure-- hatn, lse. DISSOLUTION. fl'HK arm of Hpe. I this day dlaowi i A Co., and uiil coiiUnue the liUasliiexn ant the ti le t Taylor. Joy A Oo. JOHN II. SPEED JOHN II.TAVUK. .1. 1' HTKANUl Memphln.Oct.r., 1K72. LEVI JOl. t H si'l I D. STKA.M.H urig-- fihm. JOHN H. TAYLOR. V TAYLOR, JOY & CO., (12 Mala Street. oppMitr Peatxxl) Hotel P..AI.EW TW FJLBeCl AND STAPLE DRY GOODS Boots. tVIioea, HATS AXD CLOTHING. E. A. UKIOOS vO., GAS FITTERS AND PLUMBERS, No. 8 gain Htrwt, iKKER their service, lo the nnl.ilr ...1. J Iruj prompt and .kllifal perrormane low rates, of all orders sn ttissr iij . v. mfu. tauv Uclted. Call and see Wham at . ' 869 JswTsal g fltreot. LIQUORS. A. VACC Aao. H. VAGCA0. A. a. TACT ABO C. DICK MA NIC. 4. VACCARO A CO. laaparter. and I Isra In WINES. LI QUO Kb cigars, etc., ALSO COTTON AK1- - CoznixiiMaOB Merchants, Xo. 324 Front Street, - Memphis. r V addition to th Wine and IJqnor Buhim L In which we nave been nuafii-- for pat iwenty-Cv- e years Id tb ii tve added that of Cvtton F mfflal in which the ba4nena will receive tfc Uod of oar Mr. C. l'lcknianc whose long perlence In that line, Ixnh this city and New Orleans, will, we feel sal sited, Insure full KMMnfactlun to all who ma favor ua with r Li berai ad vancea made on eon ian mcntA of ttor. All cotton Insured, unfew" oiberwiiHO lnMLrucied. Nei A. YACCARO A (. BANK. C. C. G RAH AN. J. A. HATES, Jr. rrealdeai. MECHANICS AND TRADERS BANK OF MEMPHIS, Will Open at Ko. 9 Mu.iix.n St r ret, X.rember 1, 1S7. DIlEtTOM: Q IKAHAJl, 1. C. FIZER. WILLIAM (STEWART, V. C BUTLAND, J. A. HAYES, JR. TRANSACTS A GENERAL BANKING and BROKERAGE Bl'SINESS AND DEALERS IN GOLD, SILVER, and Uomeiitlc Exruange, Govern- ment socnritlea, ritocka. Bonds, ("lty and bounty Warranti.. cji MILLINERY. Parisian Fasbious. HISS A. A. WALL. i 232 Main Street, Junt completed her HE ANON and lanweivlna; a full a&aorl-ment- (he Ia lets' I m portal ions of Kut t'eatbera and Fit went, LoDtloo and F re neb BoaneDi, WITH OTHEB FRESH NOVELTIES. Tbotte desirlnc the CboieeAt Qaods at the mul iopular I'rif -, are Invited to call. - If lea A. A. Wall cailh the attention of the Ladies of Meinphla, and tbe KurTOtiudinK country, to her g Department. forstylt'. Elegant Bridal Troasiseaun com pleled a! SALT. Jas. Jackson, successoi to Jackson A Maiwm U. M. KlLPATKICK, W. D. HBNDEKSOl late with Jackson A Anderson. OH V J ai Khun, St. Louis, Missouri. Jackson. Kilpatrick k Henderson. j Importers and lealeni In Liverpool I COARSE AND FIXE SALT Also, 11 UK'S INLABTD SALT, ft Tcboupitoulas, S New Levee, 4, 4s and 50 Common streeis. New Orleans, La. First premium IxmlsianaState Fair, itCL I'ronrietorv Flsk Salt Warehouse. a- 'i Hihf Halt. In poeketa. all t- a DENTIST. t. H. HURD, OENTIST, 255 main Street.! Next door to O. W. Jones A Vo. Draexlst. EXTRAtTS TKETH WITHOI'T PAIS BV pure Nitrous Oxide (jaa, which Is tionnjeaa. wrR. r. j. Rons, onaop I1KNTIST. nuit. a specialty of Killing, Treating am! tseamlatlnK the Ntdural Teeth. mvip YEAST POWDER. For Purity and Strength ar- - w 1 un . -- -- r m t r r "k' "UTTTIT'IM i It is TZTiioCdtxxa.lio3-- . A. J. ROACH. J. A. KIRBT. A. J. ROACH & CO. GROCERS AMI ( COTTON FACTORS 13 Union Ktreet, UH ISLWK, MEMPHIS, TENN. J. Mr JOHN & HARRM will be found In oar office. e26dAW Attathuient Notice. R. Van Rrocklln va. J. W. Mclntyre. Before me. Wm. Wallace, Justice of the Peacejfor shrlby county, Tennessee. the above uuau J suit, affidavit for at tarliment tiavlnu; been made under Section V) or he Code of the state of TiHsiii thsi tbe defendant is a of tbe state o' 1'ennemee, or is about to remove himself or property from this stale, or has removed la removing oat of the count v pri vstely. or oonoeal hi property- ao tbat the ordinary nrocew of the law cannot be him, or ha aieonded. or Ik ab- or concealtn; himself or properly. Lidentl W f. K!Ki at fraudentH Udls- jusi, and an aitachueui having ieen by me and returned by a proper ofBoer, levied, it la therefore ordered, That the deletidant J. appear before me, at my office. No. 8S Monro-attasea- , in tbe city of Memphis, TenuewM , on hr ii h day if November, A. I) , l7i. it! o'clock a.m., and defend this suit, or lh same will be proceeded with ex parte; and tbat a copy of this notice be pubMatied OouM a week lot four consexrutlve week in the Mem- phis ArriAL. 006 sat VM. WALLACE. J. P. WARFIEL0S COLO WATER SOAP Mann far I n red by Perry at Head I ni Mobile, Alal 1ITK have been appointed agents for t lie ff m, nni;eu, perieri , shing soa( and frlrInij.,R1lk, lM-ea- , Rom HlanketM and woolen m g eual to it. Ask youi Urorer for it. OLIVKR. KINNIEA CO. ( Probate Court Sale of Heal Estate KM THE TOWN OF RALFIt.If. In the Probate Court of Shelb) usasee. Indiana scott. formerly Hon, Admtnfttratrtx of J)e d'S.r of sal.! C urt, lu the ltj of Memphis, on i Saturday, XoTnalwr 2, 1878, .rig Uie town Of Kul ' uunded aa mil i ... 4. Ire and running bi ma hy L4 1 .tor frame boll k. a, B .iske the nortb 1 street ; l.ieure south Ikl feat to a stake nenls: purrhawr. eaecuUn note, wllh .j curitles. A eo. a'teM. J AM IlLI 1.1.1 t Hy J. II. Depnty Clerk, oci w. NOTICE. II A VINO bean duly appoint lor O! Ilif estate Ol injor s.d. by the Probate Cc ) Tenneasee, all persons ami to roe, witui Saw, all aoeotints l.arrel tat are i toe at ob I. I 111 woaMKLk.1 . W. U. 11. WFMDKl.. RALPH WOKaELKY .V CO., COTTON FACTORS AID COMMISSION MKKtH.lMs. !fa. B tratlT, MKUrntS. K shall continue tbe conimlsstaa bust- - m. at the hIki . stand, where we Wll h tosee all of oar friends, many of wbom we have nerved for twenty years without change; and now again place oar service mi their command, tarneatiy soliciting consign- ments of Cotton, assuring them of oar con- - uniau anuria mm uereioiuie w mti ve i nuiu tSVtr tSfciSf 'ruppiili'rtuSed. . . . . . . T . . insnrwi, niuea. uuerim . ', V ualtdaw HA.WB WOBMaXKY 00. THE MEMPHIS SUNDAY APPEAL OCTOBER 07 AUCTIONEERS. TITLE PERFECT. SALE POS! riVE. TtRMs 6, 12 and 18 month. The MeKIKNEY PROPERTY WILL BE SOLB OCTOBER 31st, 1878. . Tl'.rzaVANT RoygTERi TREZEtANT & QQ ,g REAL ESTATE EX CHANGE N. E. COR. MAIN and JEFEERSOX. BULLETIN FOR OCTOBER 26TH: TWO RESIDENCE LOTS ON MARKET SQUARE, .iOLT AUCTION, On Thnrsdaj, OrU 81st, at 13 ON THE PREMISE-- Tnnan two l.euul.fnl lou, bl(inKlnK to Mr. Wbltcltt. nti tb west td of Market s,,uar. betiiK Jio feet front by 71 deptb on the nortb pait of the lot, which will lie Hold in i o lota of 25 taeu Tlit- frontof thU boautlf u ark Rlvw tntheAot an advantage of health and comfort that we deal re to brlna to the liartlenlar attention of tboae who wlttii to buy a central city residence. Taana Third cash. ti and 12 month., with internet. aw Th k hale is rKuKMiToKY. AT THE SAME TIME AND PLUCE We will 'n to the htgheat bidder, a le.el, I.KAI TIKL'L LOT, Ja feet front by lla, feet d,ep, on the aouth side of Moeby, east of Winchester Ktre t, and join- ing the property of Mr. Enoch Taylor, In an t neighborhood. Terras cahh. or short city acoeptance at market rates of discount. An opportunity is here tiven to secure a most desirable dwelling; lot. Buyers will please ex- - amine the propertv liefore sale. IVrfect title. Building Lots. SttMlvialona or tbat well-know- n ROBESTEAII OF DR. B. R. THOMAS, NORTH MK.MPHW; Adjoining CUKL.SEA. pi. a calling the attention ol w eaauiui home id tea, and r terms of nale. at which we ai ifferthem. Call and nee map Ionoho A Balklcj. Real E-ta- Agency, N T.. MEM PI! H. RAILROADS. SOUTHERN RAILWAY SECURITY CO. Ltaaeea MemwhtN A harlton R. U. CHANGE OF TIME. i DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS. One ight' I rare! and 11 Bourn Saved. AND AFTFR SUNDAY, JX"LY S8TH. J and uut:i further notice, pawexiger trains will run as follows: Mall Train arrives nt Memnhls Mali Train leaves Memphis. 12:spjn Express Train ariivcs at Memphis U3Up.m Express Train leaves Memphis oKwaau somervilie Acc. ariivesut Mempbls. hJua.m Somerviile Acc. leaves Men, phis. . Junction Acc leaves Memphis flrtftpjii Junction Acc. arrives at Junction 1 (7 p. in Junction Acc. leaves Junction .v ...... UJ) p.m Junction Acc. arrtvea at Memphis 7:tSp.m Jv24 w. .1. Ki sup t weal Dividon. ELECTION NOTICE Tl'ESDAY, THE FIFTH ,5th) day of ON Novmbes (it being tbe Tuesday follow- ing tbe first Monday in November), 1872, 1 will open and hold au election at all the voting places Ktablished by law In Shelby county, Tennessee, for Electors for President and Vice-- 'resident of the I'nited states; aOoveruorof the stau of Tennesw; a Congressman for the Ninth CongressiODal District; a Cougressman for The State a: large; two M members of the iiMie or l.'pa?r House of he Oeueral A : bly of the tate of Tennessee for Shelby county; one fli meurber of the Senate or l"p-p- iiou- - of the Oeneral Assembly of tbe Slate of Teunsee for the counties of Shelby, Fayette and Tipton; lx dT) Kepreseutalives of the Legls.'a ure or Lower House 01 the (reije- ral Asaemhly of the s.tote of Tennessee for Shelby rouuty ; one (I) itepresentalive of the I,eKiiiM.ture .r Lower Houn- of the General a.-- . !;.!;;. f the S'ute of Tennessee fur the counties of Kayetle aud Shelby. The following Judges liave been uppolnted by the County Court of Shelby County, nnd I hcr-l- appoint the following Ieputy-Sheriff- s and '.erk. to hold said election In their re- spective disiricts and voting places. Poll Books will be furnished at my office. No. i" I Second street, Memphis, on Saturday and Monday preceding the election. First District -- at I'nian Acadr-rny- . Judges J. I. Stewart, J. W. Gregg. II. U. Brown; Ieputy-s- h rifT, W. W. fuckason; Clerks, Jesse Miller and 11. M. Thomas. aSrcoad IHstridMWuttod. Jt:dKes Chum. June. J. A. Ligon and A. 1. Hunter; LVputv-Sherif- W. B. York; Clerks, Be P. Logan and .1. A. CorbeL Third rhstrirtBvtton'aStorr. Judges It. K. Duncan. W. W. Dougherty, T. I McGliee; Deputy-Sherif- W. T. Goldsby; CU i k. James P. Brwn and U. Goldaby. tiurth District Old Union Church. JudgeeT. L. Giles, J. B. Hine, E. Irbv; R. Gay; Clerks, J. M. Frame and Roljert augiiau. fifth District Big Springs. Judges W. H. Lake, II. B. Humes and W. R. u aJdran; leputy-e.herll- Mel-ler- ; Clerks, Ike liosser aud W. Lomdale. Sixth District Malcigh. JJlljajil W. A. Moncrli f.H. B. Williford and J. W. King; IVptuy-Wheriff- , W. F. Price; Clerks, W. r. Allen and John Sainuelx. Seventh tt. Judges E. W. Caldwell. V. A. Rose and W. Gallaway ; Deputy-Sherif- B.S. Taylor ; Clerks. Daniel Shelby and C. W. Priddy. Kighth District Wythe Dcjxtt. Judges D. Aydlett.lL B. Havs and J. L Cody Depoty -- Sheriff. J. w. Herring; Clerks V. F. Marfey and Kennett .arret t. Sighth District Tg fa ion. Judges B. English. .!. B. Home and John b. Gritting; Deputy-isherii- r. H. T. Bragg; Clerks, S. L. Herring ami J. It, Matthews. Xinth District Fishrrvitic. Judge- M. L. Williams J. F. Gnmberry and D. A. Harrell ; A. J, Fletcher: CI eiks. D. V. Leake and li. Field. AitA IHstrict nt Ifrt'iunccy's Store. Judg. a liobt rt Ecklln. W. H. ill nnd J. W. Allen; Deputv sheriff, W. L. Maxwell: lerks. W. G. Alien aud J. A.Colc. Tenth District Forrest Hill. Judgss W. T. BetUa, W. M. Perkins and Ed. Hle; Deputx sheriff, M. ScoK ; Clerks, R. J. Ciush and u EL Perkins. Tenth District-(,Uiervi- lle. Judges -- J. M. Klemming, s. D. Mangutu and W. Hill; IH puty-herlf- f. G. v.. Keed ; ( lerks, W. Bogfl and W. W. Biggs. flkgofsJI District OcmunUown. Jtkdgej Frank Molliter, W. F. ftUtehell and U. Ellis; Deputy-sherif- U a. Rhodes ; Clerks, A. W. Carter and . T. CornellUN. Tiretfth DilrirtOakitle. liwlgrii Tbljrl Pfersnm. ft. F. Iamester and W. H. Nelson; Deputy-sheiif- f. R. H. Pearson ; Clerks, J. Porrai and E. E. Elatn. Turtfth Dixtrirt-- At .intin Judges -- W. A. Dun lap. C. While, A. Bow- ers; Deputy-sherif- W. D. Cannon ; Clerks, C. A. thoate, J. Means. Thirteenth District Arnold's. Judges W. H. Hoeeel. B. It. Anderson, W. A. itaines: Deputy slieriff, K. C. Stephenson; Clerks It. T. Poliard, ( has. Smith. JojurfcrnfA ond Fifteenth Districts. Appointments made In the City Wards. Sixteenth District Albert I'ike Masvmic Lodge. J idjes lit. N. i. l'. ik;ii-- . J. Graham. I. Mason: Ieputy-sh- i riff, C. L. Brooks; Clerks, C. Hill, A. J. Brooks. Scinteenth I'istrirl Ml. Vernon Church. Jiidges-- T. D. Massev. A. C. Roark. . A. Aiiff; Depuiy-sherii- i, li. K. Stone; Clerks, J B. Ciosby TIH Austin Choate. cm av aataram Firnt Vnrit Fngi nrhiirtur. Main fltrrrt. .Ilrds I. II. Ixlmon.lM.n, John fttnnintr-ham.I'atric- k Kearn; lieputx sherlfT. .lames Nwmui; , K. is. Francis, Michael D'Netl. &Vcond WarJ nininthou; Pvj.lir Street. Judltes W. t'hasij J. Ciuneron, M, K. Coch- ran : Depot ritr Peter Tosmsend : Clerks, R. K t'of.b, Theiuas McKeon. Third WartlEnniifhrm, Ottmrr (. dnir aa.1 .v ' iffrecU. Judfes A. D. Ulbaaa. M. II. L. Stewart. J. fl. Harbour; tVputy-Kaeilf- f, S. J. Atlec; lerki.,.'. A. J. Smith, C. C. Curtis. Fourth Ward Madiwn Sb rrt, ncm" Second. Judees K. J. It. L. Wynn. N. Hill, J, ; Ivputx shertll', I.T. Cartwright ; Clerks. W. W. . lilbert, J nines Martin. iA H'r.-vn- iv Coart Budding. Judge N.J. Wiggln. W. 1L Kader. W. P. Martlu: W. W. Coleman; Clerk., Harney Coleman, John Cronan. flKrt'i .ludges-- J. M. Hewett, J. W. Hmlth, X. W. Muller: Deputy-hherlf- l, J. Hajstead; Clerks. J.ti.FjmlUi, J. C. Haael. tl. rrnf H'arJ- - Eitgiiiehuuie DeSttto Street. JndMs II. O llent, A. J. White, Patrick I wohig; Deputy-Shcrlf- T. 11. Nonnent I. rks. It. ll. Midgell, W. H. Brown. WardFeptar Strrrt Markrl House. Jadgea J. L. Taylor. W. It. Lucas, James Iv .ui ; .t rsiienil. 1. .1. Sunimlier, lerks, F. fioit, Kug.lic .Vnfa rTard O'sier oj fourth and Auction mreeU. Jnileea A. ('. BeltK Jacoh Brirtt. L. D. oianllxputi iu Till I.D.llaiiliuiy ;Cleiks- - Teaf WitrA- - ilurmnjtpi Jtout-- . Judges J. H. .iSflth. A. H. Merrill, . U sluriw; Iiepuly Mieilff, Tliotua Fleming; Clerks. F. X. Muinanpi. Jam. s KuiiiuK IXpoty Uliailfr. will please make prompt re- - irn me ut the Second chancery tiiurt-r.s.n- i. W. J. P. HOYLr.. Sheriff of Shelby County. IsiIKiKC. TKAHKK, HKNRY O. TRADKR Uealdunoe, 1C11 Union streot. Oar 33d Year In Memphis. rrEi.ADXoxi eta oo. COTTON FACTORS, llacxiBC, Tie mi I'Untatioa SaepIiCk, vcaaxaHKD at uwjc.t aATaa, 1o S3. I It'll r HT., Block. ior. I'nlon and Front, CBUW. Mr.MI'HIS, TKNNrXKKF. NEW FIHM. It. U CorintAH, Memphta. W, i Kajitoh, Late wltli BinlLn, Neel Co COCHEAX k BARTON, WHOLESALE AND RETAIL ROCERS, Cotton Factors - ANU- - EHKBAL COXStlKSlOV MEKC HINTS, .nrv w, m. jew irOBl SUMI, Bel. Adam, and Waanlngton. MEMPHIS. INSURANCE. CAROLINA LIFE INSURANCE CO. MEMPHIS. TENN. Hon. JEFFERSON DAVIS, President 1. J. WICKS, HAMPTON, J. T. PETTIT, TictvPresidenSs. WH. 1. BROWNE, E. WOODWARD, M.D., Med. Examiner. EL LETT & PHELAN, Attorneys. ASSETS. OVER $1,102,000. PRINCIPAL OFFICE, DRY ssnsM OF WADE NO. 42 MADISON STREET, SOUTHERN PALACE. Out Lease FIRST of and Deslriag to Close Oat Entire Our Retail 8tock before tlia ate, we will offer DeciUl in DRESS Jeans, Cloaks, AST GOODS. Expiring NOVEMBER, GOODS, SHAWLS, Satinets, Cassimeres, Furs, Lace Curtains CLOTHS. ( LOTHING, BOOTS) and SHOES. Now is the Time to SECURE BARGAINS, ax these Uoodn mnst be Sold during the month of October. D C. & H. M. LOEWENSTINE, SOUTHERN PALACE, 332 MAIN STREET, Three Doors Xorth Union Street, Memphis, Tennessee STOVES AND RISK 6c JOHNSON, DEALERS I3ST STOVES, MANTELS, GRATES, CASTINGS AMI MA !TC Tin and Sheet Iron Ware OF EVERY DESCRIPTION. JOBBERS OF TIN PLATE, SHEET-IRO- N, SOLE AGENTS FOR THE CELEBRATED Buck's Brilliant Cooking Stove WHICH STANDS WITHOUT AN EQUAL. ALKO, AUENTS FOB C. B. EVANS" MANTEL AND URATE CO. AND WALLACE'S PATENT URATE, No. ;$06 Main Street, DRY Exclusive J. U. O WE SELL TO MERCHANTS ONLY. Ia)EWENSTINE. D. C. LOEWESSTISE. LOEWENSTINE BROTH BS EXCLTJSIVE W HOLESALE DRY GOODS, NOTIONS, WHITE GOODS, HOSIERY. Gents' Furnishing Goods, 11 Street, Hcinphis, Tiinessew?, 75 aud 77 Worth Street, York City. MAKE DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY, HAVING J COT OPENED. MERCHANTS yyE will here find a Complete, New, and one of the Largest Stocks ever exhibited In Memphis which we desire you to Examine. IRON MEMPHIS ARCHITECTURAL IRON WORKS JOHNSON, RISK & CO., SA.NTFACTIREBS OF ALL KIMS OF Iron Work for Buildings Colnmnis Sills, Lint. I., (i rutins, etc., Iron MACHINERY OF Hotel. CHICKASAW HANDLE a T . . and Jk. Bargains Main 3l"ew MANTELS. PACTl'BERS OF WIRE AND TINNERS' STOCK : Memphis, Tenii GOODS. Wholesale. H. M. LOEWENSTINE WORKS - Kcnrc, Bailings, Balronj awl Tfrandas All KINDS IRON WORKS, & HEATH, Bonnets, MACHINE SHOP. of TtdaaolxlxxoxTr, H0U8B WOItX. Colcmna, Lintels. Hills, Oraungaand Va etc. kind, of Wroogbt-Iio-n Work aoUelted. Steam Engines, Shaftin-s- , Pulleys, Couplings, Hangers Etc., Etr. aw Iron Work for Brooka, Bank., Ulley, Lynch, Cheek, Speers and other COTNON PRESSES Horse Powers, Segments and Running Gear of all kinds. WORKS CORNER OF LAUDERDALE AND COURT STREETS Office. 306 Main Street, Opposite Peabody Tennessee IRON WORKS. 08, 100, 102, 104 and 106 Second Street. AID t AJIB 51 Wl.M HB.TEE HTBEKT, MBMPHIS, TEHNTlSrEISSEIEi. Mauafactnron of Machinery, steam Engine, saw-- Mia, Horse-Powe- Shafting, Coupling Pulleys, Haugers, Boxes, etc., and also manufacturers and proprietors of Heath's Weil Auger. County and State Rights for sale. AU RI CU LTURAL Cot ton Presses, iln Ueartng, Pinions, Segments, Gndgeona, Bolt, etc. HOUSEWORK --COlumna, Untels, Sills, O ratings. Ventilators, Saab Weight, etc. Ail kinds of steamboat, Ka' lroad and repairs done on short notloe Orders for bras-- and iron castings, and ail kinds of wrought iron work solicited. Cash paid for old brasa. enpner jnrt scrap iron myK r- m- PARIS MILLINERY GOODS. ETC. C. DOHERTY, 888 JSLnlxx Street, Mem lolals. PARIS MILLINERY GOODS FALL 1YD vHRTHl STYLES IK All the Latest Novelties of the Season in SEES, VELVETS, RIBBONS AND LACES, Feather and French Flowers, FANCY GOODS, in ENDLESS Variety. Wholesale Merchants will Please Give Us a Call. FOUNDRY AND Memphis, UNION FOUNDRY AND MACHINE SHOP. CUBBINS & GTJNN, Nos. 160 and 174 Adams Street, Memphis, Tennessee, ufaoturera Steam Kngtuaa, Saw Grist Mill Baafting. Ooqpllng, Pnlleys, Bangers, Boxes, ate iriO'n'l TTTH. UoUon erKnlo All klad. af Order, for Bra, and iron Canting, and all lators, Patent cnerai Mills, GIFT CONCERT. THE KENTUCKY LIBRARY GIFT CONCERT $500,000 IX 18.43 R T fav ii I. (.ills. FUIX DRAWING lit SIGHT. HIUMMM I'OK O.MA I0. AT the f irni Gif" i 'nrert, artthor- - 17..M b3 ticket-holder- .: One l.rxn.l lin. 1'aah.. loo. 000 uue 1. I aab.. .'o.triH, 1 cash tSSpw. 1 atsj aaen I,,iO .- -, .: ' mieaeb ji.ii aw ea-- ;i Total' Triiu Oitta-'al- l . aLTn oo,i Tbe money to pay all IbcAe a now npon, and set at urt for tit rpose, In tbe Parmer.' and I trovers' Banl ill be awn by tbe loilovioa eerUAci Luc j Casbler: Faveiand Dwivm x, f Tills la to Certify thai there Z aoa podt In this Uankover half a million dc a the credit of tbe Gift Concert Fund, HH of which is heM by thl. Iltn.l; as rreai si tbe Pnbllc library of Kentucky to fi ail atfts to be awarded at Uiu Ll.'Avrimf R. . VEA."H, Cashier. TP: Whole ticket-- , lit) eaoa: I g". Qoarler-tlcfcets- , ft! 11 ule tleketa for! 'or f it nut: iflS for ' it on less than peremiiitriiy r'H,ulred to ciOM sales and returns November ytb. In oni- -r to give time lor the final nrrangemenit. Ord tlcxeU or uppUcation.i for circoluni shi addressed to Gov.THOK. E. ItKAMLETTE. Agent Pnbllc Library of Kentucky. LOCISViLLi; KENTUCKY. B. FRAXK MOORE, Aent, Cor. Madion and Front Sts., MEMPHIS, TENSESSEE. PUBLICATIONS. Continued Brilliant Success f Ditaon it Co-'- s GEMS OF SiTMAUSsi ! This fine collection, now " all the rage,'' j contains among its Gems (which fill sJ large music pages), tierniaa II carta, Aquarrelirn, 10OI Klgbis, Mtoahaften. Morg eu blatter, Artial Lire. Love and Pleaaare, Burgeralan. Klu lunube. Mar riage Bell- -. Bo ii bo BV Mi ate. Women and Nong, and many popular Waltxes. Pizzicato. New An nkk, Taitscu Txatsch. and other Polkas, with a goodly nnmoer of flr-i- -r r- - tjuadrllles, Galops, Mazurka.", Price, in Boards, 92 50; Cloth, 1 is'. Hoot, post- paid, for retail price. The ew Church Xtiie Book, THE STANDARD aUtl aves," and Is on the point of b. ins In- - irodii.-c- to a muititud-- ' of siKtug Schoola now to commence. The authors are L. U. of Boston, and H. R. Parvaa, of neither of whom will be autislit d with less than Twice tbe Ordinary Circulation of Church Music Book-- . Po not tail to 'end $1 2"i, for which, tor the present, sieclmen Copies will be sent. PKICK, l 50. OLIVER DlTisON a CO., n I'HAB. H. DITSON CO, New York. ON MAKKIAUE. Happy Relief for Tannic Men CSOOQ the effects of Errors and Abuses In early life. Manhood restored. Impedimen's Maarlass removed. New method of treatment. New and remarkable remedies. Books aud circu- lars sent free, in sealed envelopes. Address HOWARD ass M 'I AT! ON, No. 2 Sonth Ninth street, Pbiiatielphia. Pa t.;: a huh reputiUou tor and i.rofes-tfin- arm. w SPECTACLES Yonr sii-- ut! f"r Kl'.S KM SPE T i.K.V TkTOW to the Public, i.1 aresuperio: all oi'lmary spectacle 1 li ey are ground w it I great care, and are free frou :ii! imperfect-i- t ion and impur I. vs. For elear- - ness and dls Linctnesa of aion they are nn- - Trade None iisiiiat st etacl'-- should .ut ih-- Thev are mounte1 In steel, s n.l Uold Frames, and are manufactured ejprefcsjy lor, and sold .n Memphis ony. bj JEWELMW AMD OPTICIaNS. None .genuine RkSs mark 'err pair. or f eod UNDERTAKER. J. FLAHERTY. P. J. MAKl.EY. J J. SC LLI VA FLAHERTY MARLEY& SULLIVAN FUNERAL. UNDERTAKERS, INTO. 317 SECOND at HEAR MONROE. Carriage and Knrnitnrf Cars f'ir Hlrf TAXES. LANDS FORFEITED FOR TAXES. f 1 sMT Business in the office of the Commis- sioner I.i of Revenue for Mheluy county is this day resumed. Claimants of land, fmTL'lted for it SlUCe IStfrj WILL SITE COSTS TO THEMSELVES hy payment of their taxes uX once, as bills will be filed against all such land as aoon as practicable. B. P ANDERSON, rteventie t onimissn.ner p.fainv county. CrtTJce, Xo. It, Circuit ourt Building. oc! Attachment Notice. ' of lUMWA. D.-- In ;he Ktrst arcnit Court ol Shelby county, i . nn vsee. Martin x Ijktig-sxa- vs. 8. F. Birmingham. IN this cause an attachment having been sued out under section U5iV,of ihe code of Tennessee, and returned into court, levied upon personal property of the deteudant. and am davit having been made that the defend- ant tslndebtel to plaintiff in the sum of for damages on breach of ooutract, and that the defendant is a ol the iaie ui Tennessee, v is about to remove his proper ty out of the State. Ilia therefore ordered th make his per-- i sonal appearance herein, tbe oi A the First Circuit Court o; the courthouse in th" citv , third Monday in January said aitaehment suit wit ' of Ihla order be four consecutive Done at office, ihi y of September, lfCi : rAKT, Clerk. By B. F. Coleman, Clerk. at Meriwether Jt Se;.:. forprtr. seas Administrator's Notice. as t rTAVINO suggested to the Coun JLI Clerk of Sh iMienc nf estate of 15' 1 hereby notify all against toe estate to CouVt Clerk aod ill .uthcnt.cateti In the man tie- presc ', on or befire the 16tb day of A herwlae they sh all be forever ban w and eqnltT. i'IN, Adm'r. Chambers A Mean Mempbls, Tennn nt oci6 wed Probate Court Sale of Real Estate I No. 6a, R. D. In tbe Piubate Court of Sheliiy the County, Ten uessee. George L. Douglass, Adm'r of estate of K. N. Bond, deceased, vs. R. F. Bond et al. virtue ot an Interlocutory J de aie eu tared in above cause, the i toner term or the pro Dale Court, I will sell tolke) highest bidder, at pub hu lie auction, on the fKtjnsM, on Tn4ay, No. ember li, 1S72, within H al hosrs. ih- following deacribetl sn real esta brakfUftiug so the estate of K. N. J Bud, deca . tng in .;tit)y county, len In V Irlct No. 1, flange 3. Section a. hounded Lot N o. l P'.id in east line itch this lot la a part line & chains and n chains and 32 chains ai VI thenc. beglnning- - AaSOaLot I corn, i of Lo No. cliaiM and liuks S, with SWe. chains and wer lot, e the N E west tl chains and 4 r of asad dower lot stal a wltile- - oak marked and 5f links find links tract ; thenci' links to tl No.1; ti.enc atvst 14 chain e begtnaing- - contglning Terms i Be IE8 REII.LY, C'le.a. By 3. B.CC: aty ilerk. H. T. sale. ! i.u'l. ocK lfEWELL SCREW til at COTTON PRESS, T3BOM lonS tsirience, thi proved to be the most reliable in use. Never breaks or gets out of repair. A H. J. 1. HAltPHAX, Agent, NO 39 MONROE ST., . . MEMPHIS, aniw LEGAL. NoUee. Vck la the fleoond ("Tian-e- rr Court ouutuy. lenutan, Oreeq I. For va. Mary fc. TrUtf, atd Cbaat. . P. tioa a A. W. ( Bowie and Henry C. ftte'aoc, fii L'appearinc f mm the Mil which tarrn to In thla that Ike defeiuiant, M:i Trltt Ir a rewitrent of sew ; Cnaa H. p. BoWleA tl a re, .lent nf rr'. France and A. W. C. huwli s and H.nn.- - SteUon axe realdenUof thHtau.-o- New York, and thai they are all the-tai- e of TennwwM i U le tiiarriore ordered by theClertt atnd Mm- - That than aiLarance rein, Memphla. Teiu t l in Novemi Non-Rdf-- nt Notife. B. V, In tbe Probate Coart of Hheibv 1 , Tenna-see- . L. M. Vanca va Maxga-anc- .', lane Kell r J tyner, WUilajn Joy-Lot- .. Priest. William Priest, Robert, je. fcUlward Vantse.caroiiiw Vance aud rT appear tug from amended bill filed In this X cause, which Is sworn to, tbat Lou Priest and Win. Priest, her htMbAnd, are nun-real--r dsiiU of the State f Tannaaaan. axwl resident of the State of Arkansas it Is tbsrufote ordered. That ttWrraaajftEe their sgaafeaarssxeej herein, at that oH.rthouse of said Court, in the city of Memphis, or before the flrM Monday in November. Iff2. an: pieavu, answer or demur to c mplainsutfa bill, or the eajgar will betaken for coo f usued aa to thssn and set for hearing ex parte: and tbat a copy of this order be published once a week, for four successive weeks, tn the Memphis Appeal. lUlHrTlOIW O, in 4 A. A copy at teat JAM fcS REILLT, Clerk. By J. H, Ctn.i.cis, Depotv Clerk, v anee, Anderson, Meriweti a for Complainant. ocflau nt Notice No. 7ft, R. D. in tfaaj Probate rnnrt nf fibelbj connty. TenxtesstM.- - Kate Hog an vs. In Iv- or cember ue- - snur t our sucoeaalve week, to the Mei --vp- eal. This Octotjer i. Is7'i A copy attest : JAMI- - s P.E1LLY, Clerk. By J. H. rLLrx, Deputy Clerk. J. R, Robertson, sol. for eompint. ocli mo Notice. hancery Court or shIby '.B. M. Paiham va. Wit-- returned, levied on the property of ?u.J de fetidant, situated In this State; It is therefore ordered. That he make h! or aeiuur to compiainaui a bill, or the same will be taken for confessed as to him and sot for hearing exparte; and that a copy of this order be published once a week, for four successive weeks. In tbe Mempiii Appeal. Tliis ;h day of September, ItfTL A copv attest: jfci'MUND A. L, Clerk and Master. By &. J. BtaACK, Deputy C and M. Vance, Anderson, Scales t Merrtwether. ' Hols, for complainants. seStsn Notice. No. Ver -- In the First Chance Coort of Shelby county. Teantsp-- t T. J. Megibben ' vs. J. V r siipe affidavit In thla cau that it, J. V . MeglbOell resident i t the state of Kvaw and a noi the Mate of Ten it is tfe red. That he ppearati ntyof Memphis, Tennessee, on or before tin first Momiav in iecember, ItCJ, and plead, an swer or demur to complainants' suppleinenta bill or tbe same will be taken for conferee as to him and set for hearing exparte: am! that a copy of this order be pnblb&hed once a week, for four successive weeks, In the Hem phia Appeal. This Sfonday, 21st day of Oc- tober, 1HTJ. A copy attest : EDMUND A. COLE. Clerk and Master. By E. R. McRenk-- , deputy c. and M. H. lay King. Sot. for com pint. nr22 tn Notice. No. T22. In Lhancery Court of i Shelbv conn p. John Rarbert v Mrs. Eliza V. IT appear !m 1 the defen saew citizen of Ke of Masaacbus zeu of Oeoi trator of J gia. arid Augustin Murphy, of rtii-- ail of Tennessee, next of kin names and r i It Is tbt apieAran city of M Monday or demur for four A cpj attest: EDMUND A. C(LE, Clerk and Ma R.J. Black. D. C. a M. McKisstck Turley, . Is. lorcompi't. Notice. So. BT'! In the second Chancery Court of Shelby county. Tennessee. F. L. Him vs. V . j. p I. Appersou, V. P rke. which la swum ti LiU'- . M non re Th the ( them, and set fo; copy of thiM ordu tor four sut3Cei Appeal. This iM M. D. L. m Estgg Jaekso nt Notice. No.7IV-I- n th. Fin t Chancvrv Court of halbj enumv, Tenne.e. M. M. Hack 'o. va The Memphis and Little liock Railroad ' 1'oiupauy et ai. T aptearing from affidavit In this cause that the defendant. The Mempli-- s and "J- - !Cfrk Uai:r.,ad Tonipany. a resident of Arkansas, and Henry r. Vail, a eltli- - n of t a writ of attach-returne- levied, irany ; city or Memphis. TenneajsM, on or before tbe first Monday in Deoember, W2, aodpara.l..n- - swer or demur to complainants' bill, or Am same will be taken for confessed as to them and set for bearing ex parte; and that a copy this order be published once a wuek, for four successive weeks, in tiu. Memphis Ap EDMUND A. COLE. Clerk and Master, By R. J. Br... k. Depnty C. and M. H.Ciay King. ol. for complainant, oefl tt nt Nottee. No. r&. In the Second Chancery Court of SlieJby county ,TenneagaB.--Aagnat- Alston vs T. S. Ayrts, Macey, Kankin A Co.. and others. TT appearing from affldaTit filed in thla canse that the defendant, J.C. Maeey, Charles S. Uankin. Joshua P. Woit. a. Lutber Kwlng and Matilda Mitchell, firm of Macey, Kunkm Co.. Provine McCormack, Lewis '.v tieoige K. Prertton, John C. K!m-- i otvough, Patlin Preston, William B. Preston and John D. are of the State of Tennessee: It therefore ordered by the COerk and Mas-- I ter. That they make tbeir appearance herein, the court-hous- e of the second chancery Court in the city of Memphis, Tenn., oo or he-- , fore tbe first Monday in December, 1HT2. and plead, answer or demur to complainant's bill, or the same will be taken for conb-sae- to . and st--t for bearing exparte and that a copy of this order be published onoe a week, for four successive week, in the Memphis AppeaL This i etober I" isn. M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk J t Master. A couv attest. Sniith, Scott A Jefferson, S ol'r" rVrtiarp Xon-Kesid- Notice. Nn. S3 In the first Chancery Court of helby cof.f.rv, :u. J i o.e i a vs. J a- - cob SeDring. that tbe Sefendan. J Sebrina la non resident of tbe SOate ol Tenneseee; tbat above bill sworn to states that said de- fendant la indebted to complainant in tbe sum of 1238 11, as evidenced by sn open ae- - I count filed herein; that an attachment writ! has been lasnad Mid returned levied oo tbe real estate of said defendant; It is therefore ordered. That hs make appearance herein, at the conrtbousw fn the city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or before rder be published once a :or our succes-Iv- e weeks, in the. Memphis Ap- peal. Tbis October 14. IrtTa. A copy attest: E. A. COLE. Clerk and Master. By B. J. Black, D. C. and M. Young 4 MaMory. Srla. iur complnt. focLitn Administratrix Notice. T" rk of Shelby county tie lnaolvenc) let of V. M. Woodward, tify all persons bavinte ate to appear before the ewk and (Ue tbe same, ie manner prescribed re Ihe link day of Gfc-- : h- -y shall be fo rawer td - pittv. WJOD W AHD, Adm'x. J. J. r Memph V71. m$ in Attackment Notice. . D- .- la F artlett OTeoitCowrt of Shelby aty; Tennesaeo. M. L. Meacham vs. Ms canse au attachment having been ed out under aecUon ot tbe Code of sane, and returned into Coort levied ii.i pssvsskaiassnsarty of the defendant, and vit having been made that the defend-- i ant indebted to tbe plaintiff In tha o;n v nM. and that- the defendant is a non gfji 'Ut of the State o! f .nnesse-; That he make personal nppearance herein, before the Judge me Darueuvtrounv.junoi heliiy tbe eourthoiv at Bartlett,on he seCon.! Mon.lsv In iiecemrs r ilex, an.l i efeud said attaciunent eult, wtthlA tbe dm resenoe.! ciy iaw or me same will be pro- - I oeti-- d wltli aifawie : aol that aeopy f this i rder be pabUabed once a week, for foar ..nsecntlve wark". In '!! MetuDhls Annml. Done at offloe in this Ibe Kh iavof October. UfTa, JOHN Mi BHOOK, Olerk. Jam agin Krayser. AU y for nl'to-- . .kh frt Adrainistntrix Notice. TT AVTNO been appointed at the Jnly term, . 1.12. oi too rrooa te Conrt of Bheray county, Teuneeaea, Adaainlstratrlx of Oeorga Oollatiay, deeeaaed, tbls is to nouxy ajipar t sona rutvixig claims agamw ntm w yr them w i thin the tl me pmortbe Br taw. VIBulNiA liOLLAliAY, I Memctla, Team W. H. otepbeus, Aitonaw Al 17,1 CHA2TCERY SALE. DISPEfSAJtY. Chancery Sale of KUte. Ho. 12, . H Kin Chancery Coort of Sb(by connty, Tnneawi H. P. gendriclc v. J. . K !nn at ai. TJY virtue of an uecrceof aaJe D entereal la the aiT eanee f 11, SHi wlii eail at. patella Mien, to uie hlh at bidder, la front of the tlcrkand Varur oOea, Ofnaiaw Opt rahca. Hacoi. 1 aueet. awawawamj leni f S.tvdAj. '0TBbcr 16, 1873, ritvain lea-- al hotttw. the following ri be-- i mMrty: timmnm at aatak o ttie oorta fie ., ,ueei.m Mmpoia. Shelby inty. Tennessee, about 1 inches from th. or a blackamitli .hop. east of l.ayoo th.nee east tbe north side of i street lui a. Mi feet, taaxa or tence north Hr eaat U -- UI Set, more " "est side ui Plaaon K.. . I road; with line r PHwea nfe t iSaase: thenc feet, more or max, to the MM EL A. '."OLE Clerk and Ai.a.ter. gvortrsjcht A Craft. Aitorneya. oelS ( ha nt er y 8aUe of Real Estate Satwrday. No 3, 187. hancerr Court of Andrew iienkirt the city of Memphis, Termgoai a . on BatxLi-fia- November 23, J within hours, the following ii. scribed real estate, to OtiBi-- s tireet. Also, lot-- 7 and , iii kL,in Williams' addition Kmt P; k )f Sale-- A. to ioch r.n Thi h tialnea stre M. IX j. a E thaiicerj Sale of Ral Estate Sat m Jay. October SO, IS" J. No, ii, N. Kw-- Iji the Jlrat Cbancery Court ot i Shelby eotrary. Team mi. H. H. Waddeil for use, etc.. John Simmons vs. B, r. Bool e' ai. rjf virtaeof a deewo for enl red la (Mo j Sdtarday. October 26, l$.if u legal hoars, the following decrlbtd .ie iin thene line Ml is, and of clay Gant: tfe Laffwllritnni SHERIFF SAXES. Sherirs Sale of Real Estate Sove II, lT-- , DOti b s!ic plank roac Oetobt r, IsTi W.J. P. DOYLE, ShorinTui Shelby .'onnty E. C. KcDom. Attrimev. oela. Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate Wr4nr47, ov. :ii h- -r G, during legal hours, seS to tbe highest bidder, for cash, in iront of the Sher-t- t offlcn, on cond stree:, near rnioo, and in the etty of Memphis. IY:in.. the following dweribed wit: A or parcel of lnJ .yuigand situated in the county of Shelby a:: i stte of Ttisjiiisan t : Hegiii ntng at a tfce on the west t bonudary Uiwt oi he biamafiss- - tsu t ot Land in toe Lth Civii District of She. y oonntv. T .bout tf) chain ild Scott's av rnuntown pli chains to Eliaabefu avenue; thence westward with Elisabeth and Holmes avenues about 70 chains to the beginning1, embracing the orig- inal homestead of aald tieov L. Holmes, now occupied in part by Geo. C. Holmes and in part by W. H. Hoknea, Intending to levy on the entire interest of treo. C. Ho mes therein, being an undivided oue-ha- if lotareat levied on as trie property of tieo. C. HoJmea. Octo- ber W. J. P. DOTLE, ocW Sheriff Shelby onnty. Chancery Sale of Real Estate Sat;in!a, November 153, 1ST: a E. Frecg et al. ts. Jos. t'hl et ai. virtue of an order of sale enu red in This r egu, I wUleeii, at ou ;!. au. ton. to ihe C hi4hei bidder, tn front of the ds.r of the 2 isecona '.nancery Lourt-nous- ot second agree t, Mempbta, Tenneese5, On Saturday. November 23. 1812, within itgal ratal ..sidU t. a certain r (,t."ing in the ,t ,. wit: Co mm U Clerk and M agger, tot. oca he Trustee's Wale. Y rirtae of a.trnst de W. H. Ua .Iran on im. reeorded In tlie keg .ssintv. in ttOlc No. 73. .lie nurpowei paying ti described, alllse reyuv. Slat Dsj of Xovemher be Waldran Block, aadr. ctlon. to ollowing urets or lots of land, with thereon. lying, being and nr of Memphis, of f nsmggaaa, and onnuel Beginning on tne eat side a Viaaai li nur, t v.. uuaou luuuill UlfUffl BsC eu.wiruai. paraaiei witn unaen m eel, one hundred, and aeventy-flv- e (175) feet to tbe skis oi siQ.OerTy rreet; thence BBBgh wanuy with Mmberry street ghl and one-ha- lf TV ttvl to ' westward, parallel with Lin hundred and wventy-etv- a ( IV aide of Main stmt: tbaaoe ssaj the east aide of M.i:n dj one-ha- ir belsatliel k. uiln,a,l iMln.l'n. .11 th.. tRlp.' aial aupnrtenaneen tnerennto belong: Tbe canity of is waived in tnetrustdeeJ; aU taxe. ll or other eo. ainUr.uoe. will be peoj ..f n.e sale. Tbe title it b hi. nrfe..t. but I sell aa envey w. M Ml a I n trn.tee BfOTIOH. nsHE aaatgnee of Par tee A Harbert hereby I grteea notice to all persons indebted to the T late rtrm of Parte A Harbert, either by ac- count X or otherwise, to make payment only to himself, as Ue la lawlully entitled to all of their he noies and acconntB are in taa aaaoaar ira parties Cl""" to tl?rlrtSSSOAailjrie. October 14, 1872. oels DB. . S. JOH.VSOS'9 MEDICAL DISPENSARY Ml MAIN WTREET, between W hlnfton and Adama MEMPHIS, Ii now permanent e'abllabed for the treat-bot- h ment of paUenr male and fern ate, who are aCJli ed with any form of TEXEREAI. OR SECRET DlSE-lsE- , Stricture Ue or Mer-- i or bones, .. . '4 body and . ..a r' etS.f I Mil (sCCOlW LUMBER. M. E. COt.'URAN. . A. HATt liEK. J. W. COCHRAN. 3. E.& J. W.COCHRAN, LUMBER X JSj J. L 3 S. W. A. WILLIAMS. K. PL.VIN WILLIAMS & CO. XASL'FACTURERS OF LUMBER, SHINGLES AND LATH AND DEALERS IN DOORS, SASH AND BLINDS MILLS AJfD YARD: 0 Watf Rlter, NorU Front Street, SALESROOM AND YARD : Corner of fcajoso and Second street. MEMPHIS : : TE NX K K F. HAIR GOODS. Mrs. M. L. RODNER Manufacturer and Importer of all kinds HUMAN HAIR GOODS, AND Dsalerln Masks. India Rubber, i iSroaHo, and all kinds of I'mj. dren's Toys. lUKi Main Street. NEAK .il. I'M N. . W.:IIMIIS LAND SALES. In Supreme Court at Jackson. No 12S, M. C. D. Virginia Bach Ida Lonndes etaL TJY VIHTT uf Memphis. n , tkse Ft rat dny of November. !H73 .if Interest In th ? sold on a credit of until aaad no JOHN H. FREKMA.V, Clerk, li STT A MclkjWELI Solicitors. October 1, WJI. oci in .Supreme Court at Jackson No. 101, M. C. D. Joseph Boro rs. Hartley and J. H. Hartley. IF sVpnLVu?? TTnn'e.'jack Jane loth. Isn. in this cause, I will sell to highest bidder, in front of the First and i'D k nanrer r "ourt Room, on Second stro Fr: U . Uae Firat Day r Tjoveanber. 197 within legal hour, the real estate in said de- cree mentioned and described as foilowa: Lot No. one 'il in No. V ur :,. Vst he iiit until said note is paid. Enuity ut barr-d- . JOHN' H. FREEMAN , Clerk. H. Clt K:n:. trkj a ja. ivhi, .uicitorg for Complainant. oel Siupreuie Court Male. No. M, Second Chancery Docket. In Supremo Court at Jackson. D. R. Crank At o t v J. K. Frank. John F. McKinnev at aL V virtue of a nv mm U supreme Court of sck,on, May 21, 172, in this c to the high as bidder, on the bed, in me city ox Memphis, on TkanuUj, the 31st Out of October, 1872, within legal hours, tbe real estate mentioned and described In the pleadings and decree, as follows : A lot of groan d situate In Shelby county, Tenneaaee, on JetTeraon street. In the city oi Memphis: Beginning al the north went corner Igggggng we wvu ence -- outuwaruiy, on street, lie1 , feet, between Jefferson o on.-!- ii'tt ornarceLsof around la Shelby county. Teuntwee: Imp I.t, No. J(L commencing at a stake on the eaat aide of Lauderdale street, tbe southwest corner of Whittle'-lo- t; thence running on a line par- allel with Lauderdale street south 6 chains and minks to Jackson street; thence east, ou line parallel with Jackson street, i chains and 7 links to a stake at the corner of John Browu'a lot; thence north, on a line paral- lel with Brown's lot, 9 chains and 37 links to a stake on the line of Whittles lot; thence west, oa a tin of Whittle's lot. 3 chains and links to the point of beginniug; containing sft-- seres. Also. It No. SI on the plat of land surveyed and laid off and adjoining the towns of Mem- phis and Fort Pickering, and described as fol- lows: Commencing at the intersection of tbe north side of Jack -- on street with the west side of the Hernando road ; thence north on a tine of said road i west, 10 chains and 97 links to a stake; thence north tl' est, S chains and so links to a stake near the said road; thence aouth " chains and 9 links to a stake; thence west 1 chain and 31 links to a stake; thence south 6 chains and 7 links to a stake in the nortb line of Jackson txsot; thence on a tin with Jackson street eaat chains and S2 links to the point of beginning. Terms of Xole Six, twelve and eighteen months credit (a, U and H months credit); purchasers giving note with approved per- sonal security for purchase money, and a lien retained oa the land until same la paid; v;--- of redemption barred. August !, 172. JuHN H. KKEKMAN, Clerk. Beecher A r and Smith A Kittredge, Sois. for complnts P. K-- B.v consant of parties, this sale Is post- poned from tbe of September to Thursday, tJrtober '!, 1ST2. The property will be and sold by lota, andper plan and dia- gram ;urnlabed by J. F. McKlnney, Ebo. if deaires It. ocll JOHN H. FREEMAN, Clerk. Supreme Court Sale. Ho, 0. Second Chancery Do ket- -J M. rierning, adm'r of Krances St. Fl dee'd, vs. Robert H. McKay Mar. a Kay et al. n virtue of a decree prono D 172, In tbls canse, by tbe t and second street, in tb Friday, the Ut Ihty of Norember, 1872, wiUiln legal boors, tne real estate mentioned and in mud aecrea, aw iwwaa: An undi Tided half interest in a tract of land lying aud being t tn Shelby county, Ten- - nesaee. .... In Range TV. six .. . lltn rscrvejor - i -' H' S iliOFe bv Mis. ijrlsbab. r's iot. :h uSrv-- , Mrs. Troop's, and Mr west bv John Jaxuu s n.a. M..lerr Mo east tf aald ian port bast Arl minis tratrix Notice. HAVS this day taken oat letters of adkgda isr ration on the estate of my husband Mlclia' l Joyce, deeeued. All person Iiav-ii- same wiiEin tbe time prescribed by iaw. Ai persons indebted to said eatai are "eoaasted twtile :ne tme. M K A. J'jVCt Admuiiatr atrig 1 !

Upload: others

Post on 23-Jan-2020




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Page 1: SOUTHERN PALACE. AST O · K'.lpJ .UH continues to tell tlE!tn oliowlng are ue rect ipi. cxpu and in Mmr-lK-)K72 ItCI ItCO t y m l,f--191 d y 2J on bend ES tUM 7fil weipu vo date iJ2i


HMdiiru: Cotton b M to 1 Ex- -

fh.urr 3-- .ml 1- -8 liwonnt to Far-- wla 112

I 'ii I'roiinrf aud 1'rfd Mark! Thet int Balk Pork Arri.. .1

Hnd Lard lkiwn.

IrrrjnUr Loral Sf rnriti. .Stagnant.

t'ottoa Market Mull GOO Bale Sold

o Athanrr in Rates.

kfick or ; daily ArriAL,S TI r.l'AY. icl.'Der j". is...

. re tit mo Htw on Mad!al t tin present Uaoutl,

mnC depoaitins

chHiik,'' but reu ht iu ver

pn..'it ty of v

tr. BrokenAn inualo' 1

Memphis ce

aire, eu; MemMemptiik and i

Bd VlMtilNBlppl;, l.4; diUO. 3d morlaEe,1 railroad etc

ft"; ditto coupon,loney : oM. Wgtl :tmptrolier war-ar-

Oertnnny, halober h. Xeune- - J

new.7?SIs a dlpo- -



tbeir re-- a

teeners!in. Unli-very pre-- f


ll.W- II

lower; Hiere Russianaa."tbe follow-uuii- a

now.1. HipI

-We ibut I

!hoknotlor .

ne schemes ote same thunderlea, and the xuu--tae axMeubxtive

iiry In lb-- -

the Newwen- -- l rr

rally heldday to ope-ns. As theI. but saleson the pre--

reportedottou heldd: NewOr- -

i.l above, but tbeK'.lpJ .UH continues totell

tlE!tnoliowlng are ue rect ipi. cxpu andin Mmr-lK-

)K72 ItCI ItCOt y m l,f-- 191

d y 2Jon bend ES tUM 7filweipu vo date iJ2i

imHa.and Charleatou railroadI aod Tenneaaee railroad.......;

lroad.. mKM uiMied per wmk": and oiaer aooroaa

sxroan.Antplitf. and tTiarle.ton railroad

.pi and lei,uenee railroadt aiid hlo railroad ., .


rpreae the aenal-wa-

for St. Louii toIt is ao anxiowaior.


HuTir wl.i ..m Mobile, rfew Orteanaai'J

.JK..I. MA

a cheerfulrtalng fromisftdfi Th

also 11

ReohaveWilli 1


li. j.air!!vonU.ufbarlUto

ainued.U boeomea worth lew Ja mrtfrlandine mUu olKermx eipr

BuiLuaaa' atATaiAi Loalavlllc orment.p. t barrel, i 'A: plaalT Parta, ,

(sa15; balr, h&to pound:Sr. r Alabama TUata. by toeSar4oJd. 1 40: ape lime, on landlmj. II 6.

at',., iron ties KijfjweTtssTln. twine, lifjtlic.Baar, aanaMCtan, tc; himhjuai-ter- .

Sc. Mbeep, tfk'.'" n.ajslc.Baaawaa jae v poui.a. ...

extra. '

HA"rv.i-.le- aw ssaea, lrHUV; rtksjJte;jTpnM.wWa, l&mK; hmm, cbotot unoaa- - '

va,se.i. r: meed, lac ; breakfast ha on,l.lAltr.

1 h-- ar of n transaction;un". ring '

ilng doing La tli aueenoeof arri- -

rata: noiiim..... aawat.riw.-;- j( In and rail weight V 3

t Hrisr-K- a.CAkjukca. Old .i frsh.ti Snassn.PoirjiAi -- alf.of w ami Mi bin m to do.twrra-Weqm- .u. at lUrfiV lur Kio, 2t927 '..c for Java.Eaoa Uui-- t at dvozrcFlora-Doub- le e.tra. f lOg!; treble ex- -

wa, 87 mfw; nuniiv.a. ...jpr; fancy. m iiu.mrn-Appl- ea. K ij4 2.. fur mwimi i.i

oboioa. lanoni at Dn. : i . -mixed, V A i DranKest SsJwlMsTboa. frAiiberne. fl.VAU V bbl.d'iiiir m!h.T' r for keg, and Ac for box

wnitecriitdTetl aud irranufaled, I.1'aUe.H si - fur prime, for choice.

Nat... .Ton bar, es$ceaal Z V casun uuutry hollw- -

wan a ' , nx"-- ,

HoMJY--Vbb- l; giiu. tW W.

Kra ct steady m bbi . r balf bbl.Lard Tierce refined, b'.ia.Oc; keg, 10

Ue; pall. UcHOLASsn-Pri- me to choice plantation, bug

V; inferior, 40A6e: commoii to pmue uiar-boua-

syrup. mjfmt fancy, 7o& New

Oath.- - Hadi effesnew good mixed at oc.Oils -- Coal ol! .t VHc (cahon; lard oil,

MctfftlW: WM Virginia ialnic:.Uiuc. .WW.owiuw! Rert In plenty at Tusfl Sf); Kiivor- -

r.TT.E stronger; looae, fl TStgl S'.; ahln-pin-

order 92 AOmSW. Hweet potato- teJ. H

bMfouthern i umu, IrlMi. al KM ou

7r; old.

bbl., $.1


as a,Ilt-- at

;tsur. r today ptiounew,"Nortlold.

hartM.r. on

Mail, lull6.; Mew York,; Krle, preferred, 71;preferred, lf ; Micbi-turg- .

r urt Wavne andtfiU tern, ,; .North-- ;Rock Island. 110;.;

102; HI. Paul. M: Ht.h'abasb. 71: Wabaab.rne, 1H; Terre Haute,Tred, 40; CblcaKo aud

Alton. Ill tnd Alton, prelerred.115; Ohio ppl. : Cleveland.i olumbusi U,yo,; riurlinajton and

Lflcstck, 3a; Centra:on Pacific bou(Kana, U7; Uaxlem and

KrleSKW ORLEANS, October ght ex-

change, discount ; sterling exchange,

LONDON, October a for money,; on account, W;U. 8. HI; U.K.

Wia,.l7, BH; U. . a, 87; new 5a,

FRANKFORT, October 36. I". h. tonous,C, I;1..

PARIS, October 26 -I- tentes' Mf. 7c.


HgC rotarea are nrm. but few aviier1: noaalea aalea last evening, l?O0 balea;January. 1 Februarj-- , T&gc; March,IV October, 19c; November, 18 S4ie;

, 1 The- - prices wrre bid.12 p.m. Tlit cotton market la Ilrm ;

ordinary, Wfc ; epod ordinary. lrC ; low mld-dlln-

lW.c; mifldlinic. l.c; Alabauu,Orlfsana, i(P4c ; Tema.5V- - to-d-a , 716baiea; futures, n Imlea; bvt evening, 571

bales : in trawli, tflat balo; Included In aleaare 1KU hales to arrive. Futures flrtn; Janu-ary, is-- February, c; March, 19

i'3p.m. otton la firmer and held higher;irdiuary. lo;itood ordinary, Itfyc; low mid-

dling, ISc; uilddLing, IW4C; Alal,tT c;Qrleavna, 38c ; Texa, iJlc. Sales Whim forexport, lulO bales; to Hpinnera, Oio bale; Intransit. 3U0 bales; future. "aU bales; sjtleslaat evening for exrt. bale; to splnnera.141 bales; In transit, Mi b&lea; included In theaalea are l&r bales to arrive. Futurua tlrm;

Cotton report' lor one day at all VnltedStat4 por IWeelpte. 17,4ft- bales ; export ioGreat Hiitain, Mi bales ; Continent, MV bales.Ktocb;, : bale.

NEW ORLEANS, October 2B, 110 a.m.-Cot- ton

Is In fair demand and strong; mid-dling, 10c. Hales, ;u bales.

2 p.m. Cotton 1 In fair demand: mid-dling, IVr; Kai- - lar. MM fegswaj laateven-lng.wjt- )

bale-- : ree .,..--. inlea.LIVERPOOL, October --o, auwl ajri tot-to-n

flrra; oplhndn. Orleans, lohd.:i p.m. - "ot tor: market firm ; upland-.- . '';d ;

Orleaua, 14UV.. sales Ujm bales;export and bmles.

5 p.m. Coii'Mi markwS quiet; uplands, P4d

HT. LOUIS, t uiber at. olton firm; ordln- -

aty, IT'y-- : low inMlinK.lSc.CTS INN A I er 28. t'ollon Is steady ;

mlddlina. I'.:LOT'ISVILXK, October a:. Atton ! tlrm;

low middling. stock. 450 bakta,NASHVILLE. Ocl.tber 3.. Oolton Is in good

demand: low middling. 17e.


NEW YORK, Octoberrain storm causes thebusiness, an.f there is nc

livery of dlfrlcoli. and cansea eousi.erable inconvenience. Foreign goods a:quiet.


s of hetivy hemp atwgggj Flour in r.kmI96 50a7 25; A No. 1.

ileinaud, but receiptsogM dull, owtns; to

parked. Lard i'calamount of new nseojas

and delivered next Monday. W hisky lirm atCftc.

icWier Fl,


i.-Ki- .njr Is dullno to K"od, w.t


Butter. is



er 38. Kiour Is quiet and, nomiuui; "priug, extra.

lear, Iecemler, ; ahurt,Tr-- uil boxeiL . in

Flour Is In Koodfiun T '47

sugar-- , ure-- hatn, lse.

DISSOLUTION.fl'HK arm of Hpe.I this day dlaowi


A Co., and uiil coiiUnue the liUasliiexn antthe ti le t Taylor. Joy A Oo.


Memphln.Oct.r., 1K72. LEVI JOl.

t H si'l I D.STKA.M.H

urig-- fihm.JOHN H. TAYLOR. V


(12 Mala Street. oppMitr Peatxxl) Hotel



DRY GOODSBoots. tVIioea,



No. 8 gain Htrwt,iKKER their service, lo the nnl.ilr ...1.J Iruj prompt and .kllifal perrormanelow rates, of all orders sn ttissr iij

.v. mfu. tauvUclted. Call and see Wham at .

'869 JswTsal g fltreot.



4. VACCARO A CO.laaparter. and I Isra In

WINES. LIQUOKbcigars, etc.,



CoznixiiMaOB Merchants,Xo. 324 Front Street, - Memphis.r V addition to th Wine and IJqnor BuhimL In which we nave been nuafii-- forpat iwenty-Cv- e years Id tbii tve added that of Cvtton Fmfflal in whichthe ba4nena will receive tfc

Uod of oar Mr. C. l'lcknianc whose longperlence In that line, Ixnh this city andNew Orleans, will, we feel sal sited, Insure fullKMMnfactlun to all who ma favor ua with

r Li berai ad vancea made on eon ianmcntA of ttor. All cotton Insured, unfew"oiberwiiHO lnMLrucied.


C. C. G RAH AN. J. A. HATES, Jr.rrealdeai.


BANK OF MEMPHIS,Will Open at Ko. 9 Mu.iix.n St r ret,

X.rember 1, 1S7.





AND DEALERS IN GOLD, SILVER,and Uomeiitlc Exruange, Govern-

ment socnritlea, ritocka. Bonds, ("lty andbounty Warranti.. cji

MILLINERY.Parisian Fasbious.


232 Main Street,Junt completed her HE ANON

and lanweivlna; a full a&aorl-ment-

(he Ia lets' I m portal ions ofKut t'eatbera and Fit went,

LoDtloo and F reneb BoaneDi,


Tbotte desirlnc the CboieeAt Qaods at themul iopular I'rif -, are Invited to call.- If lea A. A. Wall cailh the attention ofthe Ladies of Meinphla, and tbe KurTOtiudinKcountry, to her g Department.

forstylt'.Elegant Bridal Troasiseaun com pleled a!


Jas. Jackson, successoi to Jackson A MaiwmU. M. KlLPATKICK, W. D. HBNDEKSOl

late with Jackson A Anderson.OH V J ai Khun, St. Louis, Missouri.

Jackson. Kilpatrick k Henderson.j

Importers and lealeni In Liverpool I


ft Tcboupitoulas, S New Levee, 4, 4s and 50Common streeis. New Orleans, La.

First premium IxmlsianaState Fair, itCLI'ronrietorv Flsk Salt Warehouse.

a- 'i Hihf Halt. In poeketa. all t- a


t. H. HURD,

OENTIST,255 main Street.!

Next door to O. W. Jones A Vo. Draexlst.

EXTRAtTS TKETH WITHOI'T PAIS BVpure Nitrous Oxide (jaa, which

Is tionnjeaa.

wrR. r. j. Rons, onaop I1KNTIST.nuit. a specialty of Killing, Treating am!tseamlatlnK the Ntdural Teeth. mvip

YEAST POWDER.For Purity and Strengthar- - w 1 un . -- -- r mt r r "k' "UTTTIT'IM


It is TZTiioCdtxxa.lio3-- .





COTTON FACTORS13 Union Ktreet,


Mr JOHN & HARRM will be found In oaroffice. e26dAW

Attathuient Notice.R. Van Rrocklln va. J. W. Mclntyre. Before

me. Wm. Wallace, Justice of the Peacejforshrlby county, Tennessee.

the above uuau J suit, affidavit for attarliment tiavlnu; been made under Section

V) or he Code of the state of TiHsiii thsitbe defendant is a of tbe state o'1'ennemee, or is about to remove himself orproperty from this stale, or has removed

la removing oat of the count v privstely. or oonoeal hi property- ao tbatthe ordinary nrocew of the law cannot be

him, or ha aieonded. or Ik ab-or concealtn; himself or properly.Lidentl W f. K!Ki at fraudentH Udls-

jusi, and an aitachueui having ieenby me and returned by a proper ofBoer, levied,

it la therefore ordered, That the deletidant J.appear before me, at my office. No. 8S Monro-attasea- ,

in tbe city of Memphis, TenuewM , onhr ii h day if November, A. I) , l7i. it!

o'clock a.m., and defend this suit, or lhsame will be proceeded with ex parte; andtbat a copy of this notice be pubMatied OouM aweek lot four consexrutlve week in the Mem-phis ArriAL.

006 sat VM. WALLACE. J. P.


Mann far I nred by Perry at Head I niMobile, Alal

1ITK have been appointed agents for t lief f m, nni;eu, perieri , shing soa(

andfrlrInij.,R1lk, lM-ea- , Rom

HlanketM and woolen m g

eual to it. Ask youiUrorer for it.


Probate Court Sale of Heal Estate


In the Probate Court of Shelb)usasee. Indiana scott. formerlyHon, Admtnfttratrtx of J)e

d'S.r of sal.! C urt, lu the ltj of Memphis, on i

Saturday, XoTnalwr 2, 1878,.rig

Uie town Of Kul 'uunded aa mil

i ... 4. Ireand running bi

ma hy L4 1

.tor frame bollk. a, B

.iske the nortb1 street ;

l.ieure south Iklfeat to a stake

nenls: purrhawr. eaecuUn note, wllh.j curitles.

A eo. a'teM. J AM IlLI 1.1.1 tHy J. II. Depnty Clerk, oci w.


II A VINO bean duly appointlor O! Ilif estate Ol injors.d. by the Probate Cc) Tenneasee, all persons

ami to roe, wituiSaw, all aoeotints

l.arreltat are i

toe at ob

I. I 111 woaMKLk.1 . W. U. 11. WFMDKl..



!fa. B tratlT, MKUrntS.K shall continue tbe conimlsstaa bust- -

m. at the hIki . stand, where we Wll htosee all of oar friends, many of wbom

we have nerved for twenty years withoutchange; and now again place oar service mitheir command, tarneatiy soliciting consign-ments of Cotton, assuring them of oar con- -

uniau anuria mm uereioiuie w mti ve i nuiutSVtr tSfciSf 'ruppiili'rtuSed.

. . . . . . T . .

insnrwi, niuea. uuerim .', V

ualtdaw HA.WB WOBMaXKY 00.


TITLE PERFECT. SALE POS! riVE.TtRMs 6, 12 and 18 month.



. Tl'.rzaVANT






.iOLT AUCTION,On Thnrsdaj, OrU 81st, at 13


Tnnan two l.euul.fnl lou, bl(inKlnK to Mr.Wbltcltt. nti tb west td of Market s,,uar.betiiK Jio feet front by 71 deptb on thenortb pait of the lot, which will lie Hold ini o lota of 25 taeu Tlit- frontof thU boautlf u

ark Rlvw tntheAot an advantage of healthand comfort that we deal re to brlna to theliartlenlar attention of tboae who wlttii to buya central city residence. Taana Third cash.ti and 12 month., with Th k hale is rKuKMiToKY.

AT THE SAME TIME AND PLUCEWe will 'n to the htgheat bidder, a le.el,I.KAI TIKL'L LOT, Ja feet front by lla,feet d,ep, on the aouth side of Moeby,east of Winchester Ktre t, and join-ing the property of Mr. Enoch Taylor, In an

t neighborhood. Terras cahh. or shortcity acoeptance at market rates of discount.An opportunity is here tiven to secure a mostdesirable dwelling; lot. Buyers will please ex- -

amine the propertv liefore sale. IVrfect title.

Building Lots.SttMlvialona or tbat well-know- n


pi. a calling the attention olw eaauiui home id tea, andr terms of nale. at which

we ai ifferthem. Call and neemapIonoho A Balklcj. Real E-ta- Agency,

N T.. MEM PI! H.



Ltaaeea MemwhtN A harlton R. U.

CHANGE OF TIME.i DAILY PASSENGER TRAINS.One ight' I rare! and 11 Bourn Saved.


J and uut:i further notice, pawexiger trainswill run as follows:Mall Train arrives nt Memnhls Ihiia.niMali Train leaves Memphis. 12:spjnExpress Train ariivcs at Memphis U3Up.mExpress Train leaves Memphis oKwaausomervilie Acc. ariivesut Mempbls. hJua.mSomerviile Acc. leaves Men, phis. .

Junction Acc leaves Memphis flrtftpjiiJunction Acc. arrives at Junction 1 (7 p. inJunction Acc. leaves Junction .v ...... UJ) p.mJunction Acc. arrtvea at Memphis 7:tSp.m

Jv24 w. .1. Ki sup t weal Dividon.


Tl'ESDAY, THE FIFTH ,5th) day ofON Novmbes (it being tbe Tuesday follow-ing tbe first Monday in November), 1872, 1 willopen and hold au election at all the votingplaces Ktablished by law In Shelby county,Tennessee, for Electors for President and Vice--'resident of the I'nited states; aOoveruorof

the stau of Tennesw; a Congressman for theNinth CongressiODal District; a Cougressmanfor The State a: large; two M members of the

iiMie or l.'pa?r House of he Oeueral A :

bly of the tate of Tennessee for Shelbycounty; one fli meurber of the Senate or l"p-p-

iiou- - of the Oeneral Assembly of tbeSlate of Teunsee for the counties of Shelby,Fayette and Tipton; lx dT) Kepreseutalives ofthe Legls.'a ure or Lower House 01 the (reije-ral Asaemhly of the s.tote of Tennessee forShelby rouuty ; one (I) itepresentalive of theI,eKiiiM.ture .r Lower Houn- of the Generala.-- . !;.!;;. f the S'ute of Tennessee fur thecounties of Kayetle aud Shelby.

The following Judges liave been uppolntedby the County Court of Shelby County, nnd I

hcr-l- appoint the following Ieputy-Sheriff- s

and '.erk. to hold said election In their re-spective disiricts and voting places.

Poll Books will be furnished at my office.No. i" I Second street, Memphis, on Saturdayand Monday preceding the election.

First District -- at I'nian Acadr-rny- .

Judges J. I. Stewart, J. W. Gregg. II. U.Brown; Ieputy-s- h rifT, W. W. fuckason;Clerks, Jesse Miller and 11. M. Thomas.

aSrcoad IHstridMWuttod.Jt:dKes Chum. June. J. A. Ligon and A. 1.

Hunter; LVputv-Sherif- W. B. York; Clerks,Be P. Logan and .1. A. CorbeL

Third rhstrirtBvtton'aStorr.Judges It. K. Duncan. W. W. Dougherty, T.

I McGliee; Deputy-Sherif- W. T. Goldsby;CU i k. James P. Brwn and U. Goldaby.

tiurth District Old Union Church.JudgeeT. L. Giles, J. B. Hine, E. Irbv;

R. Gay; Clerks, J. M. Frameand Roljert augiiau.

fifth District Big Springs.Judges W. H. Lake, II. B. Humes and W.

R. u aJdran; leputy-e.herll- Mel-ler-

; Clerks, Ike liosser aud W. Lomdale.Sixth District Malcigh.

JJlljajil W. A. Moncrli f.H. B. Williford andJ. W. King; IVptuy-Wheriff- , W. F. Price;Clerks, W. r. Allen and John Sainuelx.

Seventh tt.

Judges E. W. Caldwell. V. A. Rose and W.Gallaway ; Deputy-Sherif- B.S. Taylor ; Clerks.Daniel Shelby and C. W. Priddy.

Kighth District Wythe Dcjxtt.Judges D. Aydlett.lL B. Havs and J. L

Cody Depoty --Sheriff. J. w. Herring; ClerksV. F. Marfey and Kennett .arret t.

Sighth District Tg fa ion.Judges B. English. .!. B. Home and John

b. Gritting; Deputy-isherii- r. H. T. Bragg;Clerks, S. L. Herring ami J. It, Matthews.

Xinth District Fishrrvitic.Judge- M. L. Williams J. F. Gnmberry and

D. A. Harrell ; A. J, Fletcher:CI eiks. D. V. Leake and li. Field.

AitA IHstrict nt Ifrt'iunccy's Store.Judg. a liobt rt Ecklln. W. H. ill nnd J.

W. Allen; Deputv sheriff, W. L. Maxwell:lerks. W. G. Alien aud J. A.Colc.

Tenth District Forrest Hill.Judgss W. T. BetUa, W. M. Perkins and Ed.

Hle; Deputx sheriff, M. ScoK ; Clerks, R. J.Ciush and u EL Perkins.

Tenth District-(,Uiervi- lle.

Judges --J. M. Klemming, s. D. Mangutu andW. Hill; IH puty-herlf- f. G. v.. Keed ; ( lerks,

W. Bogfl and W. W. Biggs.flkgofsJI District OcmunUown.

Jtkdgej Frank Molliter, W. F. ftUtehell andU. Ellis; Deputy-sherif- U a. Rhodes ; Clerks,A. W. Carter and . T. CornellUN.

Tiretfth DilrirtOakitle.liwlgrii Tbljrl Pfersnm. ft. F. Iamester and

W. H. Nelson; Deputy-sheiif- f. R. H. Pearson ;

Clerks, J. Porrai and E. E. Elatn.Turtfth Dixtrirt-- At .intin

Judges -- W. A. Dun lap. C. While, A. Bow-ers; Deputy-sherif- W. D. Cannon ; Clerks, C.A. thoate, J. Means.

Thirteenth District Arnold's.Judges W. H. Hoeeel. B. It. Anderson, W.

A. itaines: Deputy slieriff, K. C. Stephenson;Clerks It. T. Poliard, ( has. Smith.

JojurfcrnfA ond Fifteenth Districts.Appointments made In the City Wards.

Sixteenth District Albert I'ike Masvmic Lodge.J idjes lit. N. i. l'. ik;ii-- . J. Graham. I.

Mason: Ieputy-sh- i riff, C. L. Brooks; Clerks,C. Hill, A. J. Brooks.Scinteenth I'istrirl Ml. Vernon Church.

Jiidges-- T. D. Massev. A. C. Roark. . A.Aiiff; Depuiy-sherii- i, li. K. Stone; Clerks, JB. Ciosby TIH Austin Choate.

cm av aataramFirnt Vnrit Fngi nrhiirtur. Main fltrrrt.

.Ilrds I. II. Ixlmon.lM.n, John fttnnintr-ham.I'atric- k

Kearn; lieputx sherlfT. .lamesNwmui; , K. is. Francis, MichaelD'Netl.

&Vcond WarJ nininthou; Pvj.lir Street.Judltes W. t'hasij J. Ciuneron, M, K. Coch-

ran : Depot ritr Peter Tosmsend : Clerks,R. K t'of.b, Theiuas McKeon.

Third WartlEnniifhrm, Ottmrr (. dniraa.1 .v ' iffrecU.

Judfes A. D. Ulbaaa. M. II. L. Stewart. J.fl. Harbour; tVputy-Kaeilf- f, S. J. Atlec;

lerki.,.'. A. J. Smith, C. C. Curtis.Fourth Ward Madiwn Sb rrt, ncm" Second.Judees K. J. It. L. Wynn. N. Hill, J,

; Ivputx shertll', I.T. Cartwright ; Clerks.W. W. . lilbert, J nines Martin.

iA H'r.-vn- iv Coart Budding.Judge N.J. Wiggln. W. 1L Kader. W. P.

Martlu: W. W. Coleman;Clerk., Harney Coleman, John Cronan.

flKrt'i.ludges-- J. M. Hewett, J. W. Hmlth, X. W.

Muller: Deputy-hherlf- l, J. Hajstead; Clerks.J.ti.FjmlUi, J. C. Haael. tl.

rrnf H'arJ- - Eitgiiiehuuie DeSttto Street.JndMs II. O llent, A. J. White, Patrick

I wohig; Deputy-Shcrlf- T. 11. NonnentI. rks. It. ll. Midgell, W. H. Brown.

WardFeptar Strrrt Markrl House.Jadgea J. L. Taylor. W. It. Lucas, James

Iv .ui ; .t rsiienil. 1. .1. Sunimlier,lerks, F. fioit, Kug.lic

.Vnfa rTard O'sier oj fourth and AuctionmreeU.

Jnileea A. ('. BeltK Jacoh Brirtt. L. D.oianllxputi iu Till I.D.llaiiliuiy ;Cleiks- -

Teaf WitrA- - ilurmnjtpi Jtout-- .

Judges J. H. .iSflth. A. H. Merrill, . Usluriw; Iiepuly Mieilff, Tliotua Fleming;Clerks. F. X. Muinanpi. Jam. s KuiiiuK

IXpoty Uliailfr. will please make prompt re- -

irn me ut the Second chancery tiiurt-r.s.n- i.

W. J. P. HOYLr..Sheriff of Shelby County.

IsiIKiKC. TKAHKK, HKNRY O. TRADKRUealdunoe, 1C11 Union streot.

Oar 33d Year In Memphis.

rrEi.ADXoxi eta oo.COTTON FACTORS,

llacxiBC, Tie mi I'Untatioa SaepIiCk,vcaaxaHKD at uwjc.t aATaa,

1o S3. I It'll r HT.,Block. ior. I'nlon and Front,


NEW FIHM.It. U CorintAH, Memphta.

W, i Kajitoh, Late wltli BinlLn, Neel Co


ROCERS,Cotton Factors

- ANU- -


Bel. Adam, and Waanlngton. MEMPHIS.




Hon. JEFFERSON DAVIS, President1. J. WICKS, HAMPTON, J. T. PETTIT, TictvPresidenSs.

WH. 1. BROWNE, E. WOODWARD, M.D., Med. Examiner.EL LETT & PHELAN, Attorneys.








Out Lease FIRST of and Deslriag to Close Oat Entire

Our Retail 8tock before tlia ate, we will offer DeciUl in





Expiring NOVEMBER,


Satinets, Cassimeres,

Furs, Lace CurtainsCLOTHS. ( LOTHING, BOOTS) and SHOES.

Now is the Time to SECURE BARGAINS, ax these Uoodn mnst be Sold during themonth of October.


Three Doors Xorth Union Street, Memphis, Tennessee







Buck's Brilliant Cooking StoveWHICH STANDS WITHOUT AN EQUAL.



No. ;$06 Main Street,DRY


J. U.






Gents' Furnishing Goods,11 Street, Hcinphis, Tiinessew?,

75 aud 77 Worth Street, York City.

MAKE DRESS GOODS A SPECIALTY, HAVING J COT OPENED. MERCHANTSyyEwill here find a Complete, New, and one of the Largest Stocks ever exhibited In Memphis

which we desire you to Examine.




Iron Work for BuildingsColnmnis Sills, Lint. I., (i rutins, etc., Iron





a T

. .









: Memphis, Tenii





Kcnrc, Bailings, Balronj awl Tfrandas






of TtdaaolxlxxoxTr,

H0U8B WOItX.Colcmna, Lintels. Hills, Oraungaand Va


kind, of Wroogbt-Iio-n Work aoUelted.

Steam Engines, Shaftin-s- , Pulleys, Couplings, Hangers Etc., Etr.

aw Iron Work for Brooka, Bank., Ulley, Lynch, Cheek, Speers and other COTNON PRESSESHorse Powers, Segments and Running Gear of all kinds.


Office. 306 Main Street,Opposite Peabody Tennessee


08, 100, 102, 104 and 106 Second Street.AID t AJIB 51 Wl.M HB.TEE HTBEKT,

MBMPHIS, TEHNTlSrEISSEIEi.Mauafactnron of Machinery, steam Engine, saw-- Mia, Horse-Powe- Shafting, Coupling

Pulleys, Haugers, Boxes, etc., and also manufacturers and proprietors of Heath'sWeil Auger. County and State Rights for sale.

AU RI CU LTURA L Cot ton Presses, iln Ueartng, Pinions, Segments, Gndgeona, Bolt, etc.HOUSEWORK --COlumna, Untels, Sills, O ratings. Ventilators, Saab Weight, etc.

Ail kinds of steamboat, Ka' lroad and repairs done on short notloe Orders for bras--and iron castings, and ail kinds of wrought iron work solicited. Cash paid

for old brasa. enpner jnrt scrap iron myKr- m-


C. DOHERTY,888 JSLnlxx Street, Mem lolals.


All the Latest Novelties of the Season in


Feather and French Flowers,FANCY GOODS, in ENDLESS Variety.Wholesale Merchants will Please Give Us a Call.




CUBBINS & GTJNN,Nos. 160 and 174 Adams Street, Memphis, Tennessee,

ufaotureraSteam Kngtuaa, Saw Grist Mill Baafting. Ooqpllng, Pnlleys, Bangers, Boxes, ate

iriO'n'l TTTH.

UoUon erKnloAll klad. af

Order, for Bra, and iron Canting, and all








$500,000 IX 18.43 RT fav ii I. (.ills.


AT the f irni Gif" i 'nrert, artthor- -

17..M b3

ticket-holder- .:

One l.rxn.l lin. 1'aah.. loo. 000uue 1. I aab.. .'o.triH,1 cash tSSpw. 1

atsj aaen I,,iO.- -,

.: '

mieaeb ji.ii

aw ea-- ;iTotal' Triiu Oitta-'al-l . aLTn oo,iTbe money to pay all IbcAe a now

npon, and set at urt for tit rpose,In tbe Parmer.' and I trovers' Banl ill beawn by tbe loilovioa eerUAci Luc jCasbler:

Faveiand Dwivm x, f

Tills la to Certify thai there Z aoa podtIn this Uankover half a million dc a thecredit of tbe Gift Concert Fund, HH ofwhich is heM by thl. Iltn.l; as rreai si tbePnbllc library of Kentucky to fi ailatfts to be awarded at Uiu Ll.'Avrimf

R. . VEA."H, Cashier.TP:

Whole ticket-- , lit) eaoa: Ig".

Qoarler-tlcfcets- , ft! 11 ule tleketa for!'or f it nut: iflS for '

it on less than

peremiiitriiy r'H,ulred to ciOM sales andreturns November ytb. In oni- -r to givetime lor the final nrrangemenit. OrdtlcxeU or uppUcation.i for circoluni shiaddressed to

Gov.THOK. E. ItKAMLETTE.Agent Pnbllc Library of Kentucky.


B. FRAXK MOORE, Aent,Cor. Madion and Front Sts.,


PUBLICATIONS.Continued Brilliant Success f Ditaon

it Co-'-s


This fine collection, now " all the rage,'' j

contains among its Gems (which fill sJ largemusic pages),

tierniaa II carta, Aquarrelirn, 10OIKlgbis, Mtoahaften. Morg eu blatter,

Artial Lire. Love and Pleaaare,Burgeralan. Klu lunube. Mar

riage Bell- -. Bo ii bo BV Mi ate.Women and Nong,

and many popular Waltxes.Pizzicato. New An nkk, Taitscu Txatsch.

and other Polkas, with a goodly nnmoer offlr-i- -r r- - tjuadrllles, Galops, Mazurka.",Price, in Boards, 92 50; Cloth, 1 is'. Hoot, post-paid, for retail price.

The ew Church Xtiie Book,

THE STANDARDaUtl aves," and Is on the point of b. ins In- -

irodii.-c- to a muititud-- ' of siKtug Schoolanow to commence. The authors are L. U.

of Boston, and H. R. Parvaa, ofneither of whom will be autislit d with

less thanTwice tbe Ordinary Circulation

of Church Music Book-- . Po not tail to 'end$1 2"i, for which, tor the present, sieclmenCopies will be sent.

PKICK, l 50.OLIVER DlTisON a CO., nI'HAB. H. DITSON CO, New York.

ON MAKKIAUE.Happy Relief for Tannic Men CSOOQ the

effects of Errors and Abuses In early life.Manhood restored. Impedimen's Maarlassremoved. New method of treatment. Newand remarkable remedies. Books aud circu-lars sent free, in sealed envelopes.

Address HOWARD ass M 'I AT! ON, No. 2Sonth Ninth street, Pbiiatielphia. Pa t.;:

a huh reputiUou torand i.rofes-tfin- arm. w


Yonr sii-- ut!f"r Kl'.S KM SPE T i.K.V

TkTOW to the Public,i.1 aresuperio: all oi'lmaryspectacle 1 li e y areground w i t I great care, andare free frou :ii! imperfect-i- tion and impur I. vs. For elear- -

ness and dls Linctnesa ofaion they are nn- - Trade Noneiisiiiat st etacl'-- should .ut ih-- Thevare mounte1 In steel, s n.l UoldFrames, and are manufactured ejprefcsjy lor,and sold .n Memphis ony. bj

JEWELMW AMD OPTICIaNS.None .genuine RkSs mark

'err pair. or f eod





HEAR MONROE.Carriage and Knrnitnrf Cars f'ir Hlrf



f1sMT Business in the office of the Commis-


of Revenue for Mheluy county is thisday resumed. Claimants of land, fmTL'lted for

it SlUCe IStfrj


hy payment of their taxes uX once, as billswill be filed against all such land as aoon aspracticable. B. P ANDERSON,

rteventie t onimissn.ner p.fainv county.CrtTJce, Xo. It, Circuit ourt Building. oc!

Attachment Notice.' of

lUMWA. D.-- In ;he Ktrst arcnit Court olShelby county, i . nn vsee. Martin x Ijktig-sxa-

vs. 8. F. Birmingham.IN this cause an attachment having been

sued out under section U5iV,of ihe code ofTennessee, and returned into court, leviedupon personal property of the deteudant. andam davit having been made that the defend-ant tslndebtel to plaintiff in the sum offor damages on breach of ooutract, and thatthe defendant is a ol the iaie uiTennessee, v is about to remove his property out of the State.

Ilia therefore ordered th make his per-- i

sonal appearance herein, tbe oi Athe First Circuit Court o;

the courthouse in th" citv ,

third Monday in Januarysaid aitaehment suit wit

' of Ihla order befour consecutive

Done at office, ihi y of September,lfCi : rAKT, Clerk.

By B. F. Coleman, Clerk. atMeriwether Jt Se;.:. forprtr. seas



rTAVINO suggested to the CounJLI Clerk of Sh iMiencnf estate of 15' 1

hereby notify allagainst toe estate toCouVt Clerk aod ill .uthcnt.catetiIn the man tie- presc ', on or befirethe 16tb day of A herwlae theysh all be forever ban w and eqnltT.

i'IN, Adm'r.Chambers A MeanMempbls, Tennn nt oci6 wed

Probate Court Sale of Real Estate I

No. 6a, R. D. In tbe Piubate Court of Sheliiy theCounty, Ten uessee. George L. Douglass,Adm'r of estate of K. N. Bond, deceased, vs.R. F. Bond et al.

virtue ot an InterlocutoryJ de aie eu tared in above cause,the i toner term or the pro Dale

Court, I will sell tolke) highest bidder, at pub hulie auction, on the fKtjnsM, on

Tn4ay, No. ember li, 1S72,within H al hosrs. ih- following deacribetl snreal esta brakfUftiug so the estate of K. N. JBud, deca . tng in .;tit)y county, len

In V Irlct No. 1, flange 3. Section a.hounded

Lot N o. l P'.id ineast line itch this

lot la a part line &

chains and n

chains and32 chains ai

VI thenc.beglnning- -

AaSOaLot I corn, iof Lo No. cliaiMand liuksS, with SWe.chains and

wer lot,

e the N Ewest tl

chains and 4 r of asaddower lot stal a wltile- -oak markedand 5f linksfind linkstract ; thenci'

links to tl No.1; ti.encatvst 14 chain e begtnaing- -contglning

Terms i BeIE8 REII.LY, C'le.a.

By 3. B.CC: aty ilerk.H. T. sale. ! i.u'l. ocK



T3BOM lonS tsirience, thiproved to be the most reliable in use. Never

breaks or gets out of repair.A


J. 1. HAltPHAX, Agent,NO 39 MONROE ST., . . MEMPHIS,




Vck la the fleoond ("Tian-e- rr Courtouutuy. lenutan, Oreeq I. For

va. Mary fc. TrUtf, atd Cbaat. . P. tioa aA. W. ( Bowie and Henry C. ftte'aoc, fii

L'appearinc fmm the Mil which tarrnto In thla that Ike defeiuiant, M:iTrltt Ir a rewitrent of sew

; Cnaa H. p. BoWleA tl a re, .lent nf rr'.France and A. W. C. huwli s and H.nn.- -

SteUon axe realdenUof thHtau.-o- New York,and thai they are all the-tai- e

of TennwwM iU le tiiarriore ordered by theClertt atnd Mm- -

That than aiLarance rein,Memphla. Teiu

t l in Novemi

Non-Rdf-- nt Notife.B. V, In tbe Probate Coart of Hheibv

1 , Tenna-see- . L. M. Vanca va Maxga-anc- .',

lane Kell r J tyner, WUilajn Joy-Lot- ..

Priest. William Priest, Robert,je. fcUlward Vantse.caroiiiw Vance aud

rT appear tug from amended bill filed In thisX cause, which Is sworn to, tbat Lou Priestand Win. Priest, her htMbAnd, are nun-real--r

dsiiU of the State f Tannaaaan. axwl residentof the State of Arkansas

it Is tbsrufote ordered. That ttWrraaajftEe theirsgaafeaarssxeej herein, at that oH.rthouse of saidCourt, in the city of Memphis, or beforethe flrM Monday in November. Iff2. an: pieavu,answer or demur to c mplainsutfa bill, or theeajgar will betaken for coo f usued aa to thssn andset for hearing ex parte: and tbat a copy ofthis order be published once a week, for foursuccessive weeks, tn the Memphis Appeal.

lUlHrTlOIW O, in 4 A.A copy at teat

JAM fcS REILLT, Clerk.By J. H, Ctn.i.cis, Depotv Clerk,v anee, Anderson, Meriweti a

for Complainant. ocflau

nt Notice

No. 7ft, R. D. in tfaaj Probate rnnrt nf fibelbjconnty. TenxtesstM.- - Kate Hog an vs.

In Iv-orcember ue- -

snur t

our sucoeaalve week, to the Mei --vp-eal. This Octotjer i. Is7'iA copy attest :

JAMI- - s P.E1LLY, Clerk.By J. H. rLLrx, Deputy Clerk.J. R, Robertson, sol. for eompint. ocli mo

Notice.hancery Court or shIby

'.B. M. Paiham va. Wit--

returned, levied on the property of ?u.J defetidant, situated In this State;

It is therefore ordered. That he make h!

or aeiuur to compiainaui a bill, or the samewill be taken for confessed as to him and sotfor hearing exparte; and that a copyof this order be published once a week, forfour successive weeks. In tbe MempiiiAppeal. Tliis ;h day of September, ItfTL

A copv attest:jfci'MUND A. L, Clerk and Master.

By &. J. BtaACK, Deputy C and M.Vance, Anderson, Scales t Merrtwether. '

Hols, for complainants. seStsn

Notice.No. Ver -- In the First Chance Coort of

Shelby county. Teantsp-- t T. J. Megibben '

vs. J. Vr siipe affidavit In thla cauthat it, J. V . MeglbOell

resident i t the state of Kvawand a noi the Mate of Ten

it is tfe red. That heppearati

ntyof Memphis, Tennessee, on or before tinfirst Momiav in iecember, ItCJ, and plead, answer or demur to complainants' suppleinentabill or tbe same will be taken for confereeas to him and set for hearing exparte: am!that a copy of this order be pnblb&hed once a

week, for four successive weeks, In the Hemphia Appeal. This Sfonday, 21st day of Oc-

tober, 1HTJ.

A copy attest :

EDMUND A. COLE. Clerk and Master.By E. R. McRenk-- , deputy c. and M.H. lay King. Sot. for com pint. nr22 tn

Notice.No. T22. In Lhancery Court of i

Shelbv conn p. John Rarbert vMrs. Eliza V.IT appear !m1 the defen saewcitizen of Keof Masaacbuszeu of Oeoitrator of Jgia. arid Augustin Murphy, ofrtii-- ailof Tennessee,next of kinnames and r


It Is tbtapieArancity of M

Mondayor demur

for four

A cpj attest:EDMUND A. C(LE, Clerk and Ma

R.J. Black. D. C. a M.McKisstck Turley, . Is. lorcompi't.

Notice.So. BT'! In the second Chancery Court of

Shelby county. Tennessee. F. L. Him vs.V . j. p

I. Appersou, V. Prke.which la swum ti

LiU'- . Mnon re

Ththe (

them, and set fo;copy of thiM ordutor four sut3CeiAppeal. This iM

M. D. L. mEstgg Jaekso

nt Notice.No.7IV-I- n th. Fin t Chancvrv Court of halbj

enumv, Tenne.e. M. M. Hack 'o. vaThe Memphis and Little liock Railroad '

1'oiupauy et ai.T aptearing from affidavit In this cause

that the defendant. The Mempli-- s and"J- - !Cfrk Uai:r.,ad Tonipany. a resident of

Arkansas, and Henry r. Vail, a eltli- - n of

t a writ of attach-returne-

levied,irany ;

city or Memphis. TenneajsM, on or before tbefirst Monday in Deoember, W2, aodpara.l..n- -

swer or demur to complainants' bill, or Amsame will be taken for confessed as to themand set for bearing ex parte; and that a copy

this order be published once a wuek, forfour successive weeks, in tiu. Memphis Ap

EDMUND A. COLE. Clerk and Master,By R. J. Br... k. Depnty C. and M.H.Ciay King. ol. for complainant, oefl tt

nt Nottee.No. r&. In the Second Chancery Court of

SlieJby county ,TenneagaB.--Aagnat- Alstonvs T. S. Ayrts, Macey, Kankin A Co.. andothers.

TT appearing from affldaTit filed in thlacanse that the defendant, J.C. Maeey,

Charles S. Uankin. Joshua P. Woit. a. LutberKwlng and Matilda Mitchell, firm of Macey,Kunkm Co.. Provine McCormack, Lewis

'.v tieoige K. Prertton, John C. K!m-- iotvough, Patlin Preston, William B. Prestonand John D. are of theState of Tennessee:

It therefore ordered by the COerk and Mas-- Iter. That they make tbeir appearance herein,

the court-hous- e of the second chanceryCourt in the city of Memphis, Tenn., oo or he-- ,

fore tbe first Monday in December, 1HT2. andplead, answer or demur to complainant'sbill, or the same will be taken for conb-sae-

to . and st--t for bearing exparteand that a copy of this order be publishedonoe a week, for four successive week, in theMemphis AppeaL

This i etober I" isn.M. D. L. STEWART, Clerk J t Master.

A couv attest.Sniith, Scott A Jefferson, S ol'r" rVrtiarp

Xon-Kesid- Notice.Nn. S3 In the first Chancery Court of helby

cof.f.rv, :u. J i o.e i a vs. J a- -

cob SeDring.

that tbe Sefendan. J Sebrina lanon resident of tbe SOate ol Tenneseee; tbat

above bill sworn to states that said de-fendant la indebted to complainant in tbesum of 1238 11, as evidenced by sn open ae- - I

count filed herein; that an attachment writ!has been lasnad Mid returned levied oo tbereal estate of said defendant;

It is therefore ordered. That hs makeappearance herein, at the conrtbousw fn

the city of Memphis, Tennessee, on or before

rder be published once a :orour succes-Iv- e weeks, in the. Memphis Ap-peal. Tbis October 14. IrtTa.

A copy attest:E. A. COLE. Clerk and Master.

By B. J. Black, D. C. and M.Young 4 MaMory. Srla. iur complnt. focLitn

Administratrix Notice.

T" rk of Shelby county tielnaolvenc) let of V. M. Woodward,

tify all persons bavinteate to appear before theewk and (Ue tbe same,ie manner prescribedre Ihe link day of Gfc-- :

h- -y shall be fo rawertd - pittv.WJOD W AHD, Adm'x.

J. J. rMemph V71. m$ in

Attackment Notice.. D- .- la F artlett OTeoitCowrt of Shelbyaty; Tennesaeo. M. L. Meacham vs.

Ms canse au attachment having beened out under aecUon ot tbe Code ofsane, and returned into Coort levied

ii.i pssvsskaiassnsarty of the defendant, andvit having been made that the defend-- i

ant indebted to tbe plaintiff In tha o;nv nM. and that- the defendant is a non

gfji 'Ut of the State o! f .nnesse-;That he make

personal nppearance herein, before the Judgeme Darueuvtrounv.junoi heliiytbe eourthoiv at Bartlett,on

he seCon.! Mon.lsv In iiecemrs r ilex, an.l i

efeud said attaciunent eult, wtthlA tbe dmresenoe.! ciy iaw or me same will be pro- - I

oeti-- d wltli aifawie : aol that aeopy f this i

rder be pabUabed once a week, for foar..nsecntlve wark". In '!! MetuDhls Annml.Done at offloe in this Ibe Kh iavof

October. UfTa, JOHN Mi BHOOK, Olerk.Jam agin Krayser. AU y for nl'to-- . .kh frt

Adrainistntrix Notice.

TT AVTNO been appointed at the Jnly term,. 1.12. oi too rrooa te Conrt of Bheraycounty, Teuneeaea, Adaainlstratrlx of Oeorga

Oollatiay, deeeaaed, tbls is to nouxy ajipartsona rutvixig claims agamw ntm w yr

them w i thin the tl me pmortbe Br taw.VIBulNiA liOLLAliAY, I

Memctla, TeamW. H. otepbeus, Aitonaw Al 17,1

CHA2TCERY SALE. DISPEfSAJtY.Chancery Sale of KUte.

Ho. 12, . H Kin Chancery Coort of Sb(byconnty, Tnneawi H. P. gendriclc v. J. .

K !nn at ai.TJY virtue of an uecrceof aaJeD entereal la the aiT eanee f 11,SHi wlii eail at. patella Mien, to uie hlhat bidder, la front of the tlcrkand VaruroOea, Ofnaiaw Opt rahca. Hacoi. 1 aueet.awawawamj leni

f S.tvdAj. '0TBbcr 16, 1873,ritvain lea--al hotttw. the following ri be-- i

mMrty: timmnm at aatak o ttie oortafie ., ,ueei.m Mmpoia. Shelby

inty. Tennessee, about 1 inches from th.or a blackamitli .hop. east of l.ayooth.nee east tbe north side of

i street lui a. Mi feet, taaxa ortence north Hr eaat U -- UI Set, more" "est side ui Plaaon K.. . I road;

with line r PHweanfe t iSaase: thencfeet, more or max, to the MM

EL A. '."OLE Clerk and Ai.a.ter.gvortrsjcht A Craft. Aitorneya. oelS

( ha nt ery 8aUe of Real Estate

Satwrday. No 3, 187.hancerr Court of

Andrew iienkirt

the city of Memphis, Termgoai a . on

BatxLi-fia- November 23, Jwithin hours, the following ii. scribedreal estate,

to OtiBi-- s tireet. Also, lot-- 7 and , iiikL,in Williams' addition Kmt P; k

)f Sale-- A. toioch r.n Thih tialnea stre

M. IXj. a E

thaiicerj Sale of Ral Estate

Sat m Jay. October SO, IS" J.

No, ii, N. Kw-- Iji the Jlrat Cbancery Court ot i

Shelby eotrary. Team mi. H. H. Waddeilfor use, etc.. John Simmons vs. B, r. Boole' ai.

rjf virtaeof a deewo for enl red la (Mo j

Sdtarday. October 26, l$.ifu legal hoars, the following decrlbtd

.ie iintheneline Ml

is, andof clay

Gant: tfeLaffwllritnni


Sherirs Sale of Real Estate

Sove II, lT-- ,

DOti b s!icplank roac

Oetobt r, IsTi W.J. P. DOYLE,ShorinTui Shelby .'onnty

E. C. KcDom. Attrimev. oela.

Sheriff's Sale of Real Estate

Wr4nr47, ov. :ii h- -r G,

during legal hours, seS to tbe highest bidder,for cash, in iront of the Sher-t- t offlcn, on

cond stree:, near rnioo, and in the etty ofMemphis. IY:in.. the following dweribed

wit: A or parcel of lnJ .yuigandsituated in the county of Shelby a:: i stte ofTtisjiiisan t : Hegiii ntng at a tfce on the west t

bonudary Uiwt oi he biamafiss- - tsu t ot Landin toe Lth Civii District of She. y oonntv. T

.bout tf) chainild Scott's avrnuntown pli

chains to Eliaabefu avenue; thence westwardwith Elisabeth and Holmes avenues about 70

chains to the beginning1, embracing the orig-inal homestead of aald tieov L. Holmes, nowoccupied in part by Geo. C. Holmes and inpart by W. H. Hoknea, Intending to levy onthe entire interest of treo. C. Ho mes therein,being an undivided oue-ha- if lotareat leviedon as trie property of tieo. C. HoJmea. Octo-ber W. J. P. DOTLE,

ocW Sheriff Shelby onnty.

Chancery Sale of Real Estate

Sat;in!a, November 153, 1ST: aE.

Frecg et al. ts. Jos. t'hl et ai.virtue of an order of sale enu red in Thisr egu, I wUleeii, at ou ;!. au. ton. to ihe C

hi4hei bidder, tn front of the ds.r of the 2isecona '.nancery Lourt-nous- ot secondagree t, Mempbta, Tenneese5,

On Saturday. November 23. 1812,within itgalratal ..sidU t.

a certain r(,t."ing in the,t ,.wit: Co mm

U Clerk and M agger,tot. oca

heTrustee's Wale.

Y rirtae of a.trnst deW. H. Ua .Iran on

im. reeorded In tlie keg.ssintv. in ttOlc No. 73..lie nurpowei paying tidescribed, alllse reyuv.

Slat Dsj of Xovemherbe Waldran Block, aadr.

ctlon. toollowing

urets or lots of land, withthereon. lying, being and

nr of Memphis, off nsmggaaa, and onnuelBeginning on tne eat sidea Viaaai li nur, t

v.. uuaou luuuill UlfUffl BsC

eu.wiruai. paraaiei witn unaen m eel, onehundred, and aeventy-flv- e (175) feet to tbe

skis oi siQ.OerTy rreet; thence BBBghwanuy with Mmberry street ghland one-ha- lf TV ttvl to 'westward, parallel with Linhundred and wventy-etv- a ( IVaide of Main stmt: tbaaoe ssajthe east aide of M.i:n djone-ha- ir

belsatlielk. uiln,a,l iMln.l'n. .11 th.. tRlp.'aial aupnrtenaneen tnerennto belong:

Tbe canity of iswaived in tnetrustdeeJ; aU taxe. llor other eo. ainUr.uoe. will be peoj

..f n.e sale. Tbe title it bhi. nrfe..t. but I sell aa envey

w. M Ml a I ntrn.tee

BfOTIOH.nsHE aaatgnee of Par tee A Harbert herebyI grteea notice to all persons indebted to the T

late rtrm of Parte A Harbert, either by ac-count

Xor otherwise, to make payment only to

himself, as Ue la lawlully entitled to all oftheir he noiesand acconntB are in taa aaaoaar ira partiesCl""" totl?rlrtSSSOAailjrie.

October 14, 1872. oels




between W hlnfton and Adama

MEMPHIS,Ii now permanent e'abllabed for the treat-bot- h

ment of paUenr male and fern ate,who are aCJli ed with any form of


, StrictureUe or Mer--i

or bones,.. . '4

body and.' etS.f

I Mil (sCCOlW



3. E.& J. W.COCHRAN,








0 Watf Rlter, NorU Front Street,


Corner of fcajoso and Second street.MEMPHIS : : TE N X K K F.


Mrs. M. L. RODNERManufacturer and Importer of all kinds


AND Dsalerln Masks. India Rubber,i iSroaHo, and all kinds of I'mj.

dren's Toys.

lUKi Main Street.NEAK .il. I'M N. . W.:IIMIIS

LAND SALES.In Supreme Court at Jackson.

No 12S, M. C. D. Virginia Bach IdaLonndes etaL


uf Memphis. n, tkse Ft rat dny of November. !H73

.if Interest In th? sold on a credit of

until aaad noJOHN H. FREKMA.V, Clerk,

li STT A MclkjWELI Solicitors.October 1, WJI. oci

in .Supreme Court at JacksonNo. 101, M. C. D. Joseph Boro rs.

Hartley and J. H. Hartley.

IF sVpnLVu?? TTnn'e.'jackJane loth. Isn. in this cause, I will sell tohighest bidder, in front of the First andi'D k

nanrer r "ourt Room, on Second stro

Fr: U . Uae Firat Day r Tjoveanber. 197

within legal hour, the real estate in said de-cree mentioned and described as foilowa: LotNo. one 'il in No. V ur :,. Vst

he iiit until said note is paid. Enuity utbarr-d- .

JOHN' H. FREEMAN , Clerk.H. Clt K:n:. trkj a ja. ivhi, .uicitorg

for Complainant. oel

Siupreuie Court Male.No. M, Second Chancery Docket. In Supremo

Court at Jackson. D. R. Crank A t o t vJ. K. Frank. John F. McKinnev at aL

V virtue of a nv mmU supreme Court of sck,on,May 21, 172, in this c to thehigh as bidder, on the bed, inme city ox Memphis, on

TkanuUj, the 31st Out of October, 1872,within legal hours, tbe real estate mentionedand described In the pleadings and decree, asfollows :

A lot of groan d situate In Shelby county,Tenneaaee, on JetTeraon street. In the city oiMemphis: Beginning al the north went corner

Igggggng we wvuence --outuwaruiy,on street, lie1 , feet,between Jefferson

o on.-!- ii'tt ornarceLsof around laShelby county. Teuntwee: Imp I.t, No. J(Lcommencing at a stake on the eaat aide ofLauderdale street, tbe southwest corner ofWhittle'-lo- t; thence running on a line par-allel with Lauderdale street south 6 chainsand minks to Jackson street; thence east, ou

line parallel with Jackson street, i chainsand 7 links to a stake at the corner of John

Browu'a lot; thence north, on a line paral-lel with Brown's lot, 9 chains and 37 links to astake on the line of Whittles lot; thencewest, oa a tin of Whittle's lot. 3 chains and

links to the point of beginniug; containingsft-- seres.Also. It No. SI on the plat of land surveyed

and laid off and adjoining the towns of Mem-phis and Fort Pickering, and described as fol-lows: Commencing at the intersection of tbenorth side of Jack --on street with the westside of the Hernando road ; thence north on atine of said road i west, 10 chains and 97links to a stake; thence north tl' est, Schains and so links to a stake near the saidroad; thence aouth " chains and 9 links to astake; thence west 1 chain and 31 links to astake; thence south 6 chains and 7 links to astake in the nortb line of Jackson txsot;thence on a tin with Jackson street eaatchains and S2 links to the point of beginning.

Terms of Xole Six, twelve and eighteenmonths credit (a, U and H months credit);purchasers giving note with approved per-sonal security for purchase money, and a lienretained oa the land until same la paid;

v;--- of redemption barred. August !, 172.JuHN H. KKEKMAN, Clerk.

Beecher A r and Smith A Kittredge,Sois. for complnts

P. K-- B.v consant of parties, this sale Is post-poned from tbe of September to Thursday,tJrtober '!, 1ST2. The property will be

and sold by lota, andper plan and dia-gram ;urnlabed by J. F. McKlnney, Ebo. if

deaires It.ocll JOHN H. FREEMAN, Clerk.

Supreme Court Sale.Ho, 0. Second Chancery Do ket--J M.rierning, adm'r of Krances St. Fldee'd, vs. Robert H. McKay Mar. aKay et al.n virtue of a decree prono

D 172, In tbls canse, by tbe

t and secondstreet, in tb

Friday, the Ut Ihty of Norember, 1872,wiUiln legal boors, tne real estate mentionedand in mud aecrea, aw iwwaa:

An undi Tided half interest in a tract ofland lying aud beingt tn Shelby county, Ten- -nesaee..... In Range


.. .lltn rscrvejor - i -'

H' S iliOFebv Mis. ijrlsbab. r's iot. :huSrv--, Mrs. Troop's, and Mrwest bv John Jaxuu s n.a.M..lerr Moeast tfaald ianport bast

Arl minis tratrix Notice.HAVS this day taken oat letters of adkgda

isr ration on the estate of my husbandMlclia' l Joyce, deeeued. All person Iiav-ii-

same wiiEin tbe time prescribed by iaw. Aipersons indebted to said eatai are "eoaastedtwtile :ne tme.M K A. J'jVCt Admuiiatr atrig

