southern regional power committee - … line was declared faulty by kptcl, ict-1 synchronized on 400...


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Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Southern Regional Power Committee Bengaluru

Agenda for the 142nd OCC Meeting of Operation Coordination Committee

to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRPC Bangalore

1 Confirmation of the Minutes of the 141st Meeting of OCC of SRPC held on 09th March 2018

at Hyderabad.

2 Monthly Outage Plan/ Annual Outage Plan

2.1 ISGS/CGS: Generating Units

a) Shut Down Proposals for April/May 2018

b) Shut Down carried out during March 2018 along with reason for deviation, if any.

2.2 ISTS/State Sector Transmission Lines and Elements

All utilities are to submit the S/D proposals for the subsequent month by 3rd of the current

month. Shutdown requests for the same month needed to be avoided. An outage

coordination group had been created ([email protected]) for

review of the previous OCC approved shut downs (construction/critical).

In the 140th OCC Meeting after deliberations, it was decided that proposals received

after 3rd of each month would not be considered. Any deferment or changes in the

schedule needed to be communicated in the mid review and before D-3 in the WBOCS


In the 141st OCC Meeting it was decided that Mid review outages would be approved

only after confirmation from SLDCs of AP, KAR, KER, TN & TS. Proposals will be

sent to outage group and after confirmation from states the approved shutdowns

will be uploaded in SRPC website.

SRLDC to conduct a workshop through VC regarding LC importance, implications

on ATC/TTC/grid, IEGC provisions and issues in postponement, deferment etc.

Non-availing the OCC approved shut downs

SRLDC to furnish the approved vs availed percentage of shut down approved for March

2018. States/Utilities to furnish the reasons for non-availing the shutdown.

SR I was requested to furnish the list of shut downs carried out vs approved w.r.t Annual

Outage Plan for the previous month. The format had been communicated already.

MEL request for outages for MEL-NPS line for 3 days

MEL vide E-mail dated 02.03.2018 had requested outages for MEL-NPS line for 3

days (from 28th to 30th March-18) to carry out 400kV line diversion work from Phase-1

to Phase-2 to meet CERC Order. As per CERC orders, MEL had to change line

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

diversion from Phase-1 to phase-2 to facilitate evacuation of full quantum capacity of

MEL/SEL power.

In the 141st OCC Meeting after deliberations it was decided that keeping in view CTU

approved connectivity, CEA energisation certificate and Hon’ble CERC Order, MEL

shutdown was approved for shifting from 2,000 amp to 3,000 amp switchgear

(28.03.2018 to 30.03.2018). Commercial issues between SEL & MEL were beyond

the scope of OCC.

Subsequently SEL vide letter dated 22.03.2018(Annexure-2A) had informed that

SEL have not agreed for anything being done over their property and premises.

SRPC vide letter dated 27.03.2018(Annexure-2B) had forwarded SEL’s letter to


3 LGBR for upcoming five months

3.1 The following details to be furnished for discussion: Schedule of Hydro, Thermal Generation, RES, Purchases, Anticipated Consumption etc.

Shortfall/Surplus, if any and how the same is proposed to be met.

Arrangements to meet the Demand and Energy surplus/deficit.

Status review of Development of State of the Art load forecasting tools as per clause

5.4.2 of IEGC.

Load Generation Balance in real time.

3.2 LGBR for upcoming five months & TTC/ATC computations

3.2.1 All states were requested to furnish PSSE base case for August 2018.

The following details are to be updated:

State 5 months LGB

Converged PSSE Base case

ATC/TTC Computation furnished to SRLDC

ATC/TTC Computation posted on SLDC website

Nodal Officer details

AP Being Furnished





4 Review of Power Supply Position /Inflows

Constituents/ Generators to furnish the reasons for deviation:

a) Actual with respect to anticipated (MW & MU) for availability and requirement.

b) Generation variation category wise with respect to MoP targets/LGBR figures.

c) Inflows (MU) to major reservoirs: Actual w.r.t. 10 year moving average and w.r.t.

same month last year.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

d) Reasons for demand -supply gap and its variation


5.1 Projection of likely availability figures from CGS Stations

In the 141st OCC Meeting it was observed that in the present surplus scenario,

preparation of LGBR needed to be discussed/reviewed. Likely DC can be given by

generator, however requisition is under the purview of states, factoring in a number of

consideration (mainly MOD). The actual generation schedule would be restricted based

on the requisition. There is a need for clear methodology to reach at a decision like which

units to be backed down, to be taken out under RSD, outage planning etc,

The following was noted:

LGBR preparation in surplus scenario- While DC would be as per generator, scheduling would naturally be only as per merit order. Constituents were therefore requested to revert back with observation/comments in this regard which would be discussed in the 142nd OCC.

5.2 Outage of ICT-2 at Narendra

KPTCL vide letter dated 07.03.2018 had intimated that ICT-2 at Narendra was taken out

from the grid on 05.03.2018 at 13:42 hrs. KPTCL had suggested that the outage may

please be approved in the month of May 2018 and arrange the availability of the ICT-2 at

Narendra by restoring it immediately.

After deliberations the following were concluded:

SR-II would take the commissioning of new Narendra ICT (500 MVA) on priority.

Though the S/D is up to 31st March 2018, KPTCL/OCC advised SR-II to bring the

ICT by 23rd March 2018.

SR-II assured that works would be taken on priority and new 500 MVA ICT

would be commissioned by 31.03.2018.

SR-II would provide 8 SEMs on urgent basis for 220 kV lines at Kudgi-NTPC

and render assistance in commissioning. The lines would be closed at the

earliest to relieve the loading. KPTCL, Kudgi-NTPC & SR-II would coordinate.

KPTCL would work out possibility of any SPS (like tripping of Mahalingapur

feeder etc) to restrict loading on existing Narendra ICT. SR-II/KPTCL would

expedite the commissioning.

KPTCL would expedite revival of Kaiga-Guttur line. Patrolling/ maintenance

would be taken up lines in Nagjheri complex.

Subsequently it was noted that SR-II have requested for extension of additional 10

days of shutdown from 01.04.2018 to 10.04.2018. SRPC vide letter dated 27.03.2018

(Annexure-5A) had informed that this matter is of serious concern and PGCIL,

SR-II has not yet brought back the new 500 MVA ICT, instead have requested for

extension of additional 10 days of shutdown. Considering the serious constraints in

Karnataka System, the new 500 MVA ICT needs to be commissioned at the


Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.3 Enhancement of net exportable quantum for SEIL(2x660MW)

SEIL vide letter dated 22.03.2018(Annexure-5B) had submitted the following:

Sembcorp Energy India Ltd. – SEIL (formerly Thermal Powertech Corporation India

Ltd (TPCIL) was granted Connectivity by CTU for 1320 MW. Subsequently after trial

run for Unit 1&2 and declaration of commercial operation, the net exportable quantum

is considered 1240 MW (620 MW from each unit) from SEIL station and NOC is also

getting issued based on the same.

SEIL station is comfortably able to maintain net export of 1254 MW within gross

generation of 1320 MW due to reduced auxiliary consumption and other site

conditions. The same can be confirmed from the generation and export data for the

month of January to March 2018.

Net Exportable Capacity Quantum for SEIL Unit(s) may please be updated and

recorded as 1254 MW (627 MW each unit) (connectivity granted by CTU) as well.

SEIL requested that SRPC may kindly do the needful to notify the proposed increase in

the Net Exportable for SEIL Unit-1&2,

5.4 Availing shutdown of Grid element without SRLDC approval / Opening code.

SRLDC vide message dated 19.03.2018(Annexure-5C) had informed SR-II that SR II has

availed 403 Main bay at Hassan S/D at 10:19 hrs on 19.03.2018 without any intimation to

SRLDC. The above S/D was known to SRLDC only after the tripping of 400 kV Hassan –

Nelamangala-1 & ICT-1 at Hassan at 12:27 hrs. on 19.03.2018. It was noted that there

was no shutdown code issued by SRLDC for the said S/D and it is a clear violation of

IEGC 5.2(c). SRLDC requested SR II to give explanation under IEGC 5.9.5(2) to office to

avail initiating any Grid violation for the above incident.

SR II vide letter dated 19.03.2018(Annexure-5D) had intimated that SRLDC code

is obtained for the following important Transmission elements.

I. All 400 kV/230 kV ISTS lines

II. All 400 kV Transformers/Reactors

III. 765 kV and above bays, lines, Transformers and Reactors

IV. All Bus shutdowns above 220 kV and above.

Reproducing the IEGC Clause 5.2.(c) as below SR II clarified that the same is applicable

on those list of elements which has been prepared by RLDC in consultation with the

concerned users, CTU and STUs. Presently the code is taken only for i,ii,iii and iv

(c) No important elements of the National/Regional grid shall be deliberately opened or

removed from service at any time, except clearance of RLDC or with specific and prior clearance of RLDC. The list of such important grid elements on which the above stipulations apply shall be prepared by the RLDC in consultation with the concerned users. CTU and STUs, and be available at the websites of NLDC/RLDC/SLDCs. In

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

case of opening / removal of any important element of the grid under an emergency situation, the same shall be communicated to RLDC at the earliest possible time after the event. RLDC shall inform the opening/removal of the important elements of the regional grid to be affected by it) as specified in the detailed operation procedure by NLDC.

Since the 400 kV bays are not specifically meant to be included in the list of important

elements required as per IEGC 5.2(c), the code is not being asked for bay shut activities.

Hassan ICT-1 Main bay was availed by issuing CPCC code for AMP works. Due to fault

in Hassan – Nelamangala-1, the Main line breaker and Tie Breaker (Tie of ICT-1-

Nelamangala-1) got tripped. This led to disruption of power flow from in ICT-1, which got

shifted immediately to ICT-2 and no system disruption has occurred. Since Hassan –

Nelamangala-1 line was declared faulty by KPTCL, ICT-1 synchronized on 400 kV side

by opening line isolator of above line, after getting code from SRLDC and no violation of

IEGC 5.2.(c) occurred in this case.

5.5 Charging of 400 kV Tuticorin – Tirunelveli Line along with 400 kV Tuticorin GIS – reg.

SR II vide letter dated 26.02.2018 (Annexure-5E) had informed that the construction

works of 400/220 kV Tuticorin GIS along with 2 X D/C 400 kV Tuticorin – Tirunelveli Line

are in advance stage of completion and the same is scheduled for commissioning by

20.03.2018(Eestablishment of 400/220 kV Tuticorin GIS along with 2 X D/C 400 kV

Tuticorin – Tirunelveli Line under Green Energy Corridor – Part A.)

PGCIL requested M/s Mytrah Techno Electrical & Engineering Co Ltd to communicate the

readiness of associated Transmission system to be connected at 400/220 kV Tuticorin


5.6 Low voltage at Somanahalli during morning hours

SRLDC vide letter dated 29.03.2018(Annexure-5F) had informed that on many days

during March 2018 it is observed that voltage at Somahalli bus was less than 380 kV for

significant duration. Somanahalli voltage touched as minimum as 369 kV (as per SRLDC

SCADA) on 07.03.2018. Such a continuous low voltage operation is detrimental to grid

security and Karnataka confirmed two stages (stage 1 for < 380 kV and stage 2 for < 371

kV) of under voltage relay implementation at Somanahalli, in OCC meetings. SRLDC

requested KPTCL to take necessary action at KPTCL end for maintaining the voltages

within IEGC band at all times for secure grid operation and also to send the details

of under voltage relay operations, on the above mentioned dates, with the details of

load relief obtained and improvement in voltage profile of Somanahalli.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.7 Schedule of Kudgi Station during RSD of one unit

KSEBL vide letter dated 24.03.2018(Annexure-5G) had submitted the following as per

discussion held in Commercial Committee :

The schedule of Kerala from Kudgi STPS is getting revised even up to 50% of

entitlement without any request for surrender by KSEBL. The maximum reduction is

applied during morning and evening peak hours when power is required by KSEBL.

Since the on bar DC of the station remains the same, the reduction in schedule is

reflected as surrender. For instance on 06.03.18, from 06.30 Hrs to 09.30 Hrs

schedule got revised downward. Similarly on 07.03.19 reduction in schedule was

observed from 05.45 Hrs to 08.45 Hrs. Such reduction reflects as violation of merit

order by KSEBL as KSEBL is forced to schedule power from KDPP/purchase from

exchange at a higher rate compared to the VC of Kudgi. This is likely to be audit

query for this year.

Kudgi STPS was taken on RSD from 28.02.18. It is learnt that RSD has been given

on request of KPTCL who is having 53.92% share. However whenever they want

Karnataka is requesting share and is being allowed by SRLDC. This effectively

results in reduction of schedules to Kerala. KSEBLs apprehension regarding whether

this deemed surrender will be considered as contribution to RSD and liable to pay the

charges was raised in the Commercial Committee Meeting and the forum had agreed

to expedite and confirm. KSEBL desired that as the matter is of commercial

significance an early reply is solicited.

5.8 Outage of ICT for gasket replacement, and Frequent SPS operations at UPCL

UPCL vide letter dated 02.03.2018(Annexure-5H) submitted the following:

UPCL has 2x600 MW units of generation and outlets via two 400kV Lines to Hassan

and two 220kV Lines to Kemar via two ICTs of 315 MVA each.

Till end of Feb 2018, around 65% of the ex-bus generation at UPCL was off loaded

on 400kV Network to Hassan, and remaining 35% via 220kV lines to Kemar.

In March 2018, the loading on each Kemar line has crossed 270 MW, which is closely

reaching near to the thermal capacity of the 220 kV equipments. The SPS incorporates a

logic to prevent overloading of Kemar lines beyond 285 MWs persists for more than 5

seconds and triggers units to back down. Due to overloading in 220 kV network, the ICT

and line getting stressed, it is pertinent to mention here that ICT maintenance is overdue.

UPCL requested KPTCL to kindly reduce the loading in 220 kV network. Secondly

frequent unit back down are not advisable hence SPS has been kept bypassed to avoid

frequent unit back downs. There are 30 SPS operations observed in Mar 18 at UPCL, due

to Kemar line over loading, resulting in to unit back down has been observed. The system

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

is so designed that entire power can be evacuated through 400 kV network alone, hence

if SPS remains in service any unit back down due to SPS operation should not be covered

under DSM regime.

Since last 2 months UPCL have applied for the outage of ICT for maintenance purpose,

and UPCL have been asked to revise the DC due to system constraint at UPCL end, the

power could not be pushed on 400 kV network due to system constraint in the 400 kV

KPTCL network. However 400 kV single line capacity is 1500 MW. UPCL have again

applied the ICT outage for all gasket replacement in both ICT for the month of May 18.

UPCL requested that this outage may be approved for dates before monsoon

season. Present moisture contents are 10 PPM against 15 PPM recommended. The

system is so designed that entire power can be evacuated through 400 kV network, and

any outage of ICT, DC revision should not be asked from UPCL.

5.9 Change of the LTA quantum in respect of NTPC Kudgi STPS from 2,392.49 MW to 2,262


Chairperson, SRPC vide letter dated 22.02.2018(Annexure-5I) had submitted the

issues regarding change of the LTA quantum in respect of NTPC Kudgi STPS from

2,392.49 MW to 2,262 MW to CMD, PGCIL.

5.10 Coal Stock position

Coal stock position as on 04.01.2018 as uploaded in the CEA website.

ISGS Stations: NTPC Simhadri: 3 days, Kudgi:12 days, Ramagundam : 15 days,

Talcher: 6 days, NTECL: 24 days & NTPL: 37 days

State Sector: AP: Krishnapatanam: 4 days, VTPS: 1 days, SGPL: 9 days, RTPP: 8

days & HNCPL: 19 days.

Telangana: KTPP: 35 days, Kakatiya TPS: 8 days & KTPS New:29 days

Karnataka: BTPS: 5 days & RTPS: 1 day.

Tamil Nadu: MTPS Stage I: 26 days, Stage II: 20 days, NCTPS: 2 days & TTPS: 6


5.11 Task Force Committee Report on Flexibilisation of Thermal Power Plants-Unit

identification for Pilot project demonstration

In the meeting in CEA held on 08.02.2018 it was decided six units, including two units of

NTPC and one unit each from DVC, GSECL, APGENCO, MSPGCL, would be taken up

for 55 % minimum load operation in line with the CERC notification.

In the 141st OCC Meeting APGENCO had informed that they were examining the unit

which could be identified for flexibility. APGENCO would get in touch with CEA in

this regard.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.12 Overarching Agreement

It was noted that Overarching Agreement in SR had been signed by all states in SR

except Tamil Nadu. SRPC vide letter dated 24.01.2018 had requested Chairperson,

TNEB that necessary directions to TANGEDCO for signing the Overarching Agreement

may kindly be arranged be given. It was noted that in the Meeting of Southern Zonal

Council held on 28.11.2017 this was an agenda point relating to Optimum Harnessing of

Renewable Energy Integration in SR.

In the 141st OCC Meeting, constituents were requested to make use Overarching

Agreement. User name and password details were to be collected from SRLDC. Hands

on experience to process the application could be coordinated with SRLDC. TN was

requested to also kindly sign the Agreement.

5.13 TTC assessment considering temperature dependent rating of lines/terminal


Keeping in view the high demand approaching (Jan to Apr), coal shortages etc SRPC

vide letters dated 13.11.2017 and 20.11.2017 had requested NLDC to take up the issue

with the concerned entities. NPC had written letters to CTU on 21.112017 and

19.12.2017, 16.02.2018 & 13.03.2018 ..

NLDC had been requested to share the status/correspondence in respect of TTC

assessment considering temperature dependant rating of lines/terminal

equipment. NLDC was requested to pursue with CTU.

5.14 Certification of availability of Transmission system of Inter State/RPC certified feeders.

It was agreed that Intra-state / RPC certified lines outage procedure would be

followed (as circulated by SRLDC) for availability computations.

All states to furnish the outage data, element wise and availability computations

duly vetted by SLDC to SRLDC by 2nd of every month as per procedure.

5.15 Automatic Generation Control(AGC) (Refer Item No. 4 in the Minutes of 7th NPC


CERC in its Order dated 13.10.2015 in Petition No.11/SM/2015 had reiterated the need

for mandating Primary Reserves as well as AGC for enabling Secondary Reserves.

In the 7th NPC Meeting held on 8th September 2017 two aspects of AGC had been


a) AGC is the requirement of system operation where in generators has to participate in

frequency regulation.

b) Ramifications of implementation of AGC on Tariff.

NPC had decided that AGC would be discussed in detail at RPC level in a Special


As decided in the 32nd TCC/33rd SRPC Meetings, a Special Meeting was convened

on 28.03.2018 at SRPC to deliberate on the AGC matter. Minutes of the Meeting are


AGC implementation at Simhadri needed to be firmed up. AGC at N P Kunta was

needed to be pursued.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.16 Issues related to NPS-Nellore 400 kV Transmission lines loading: implementation of


In the Meeting it was noted that in the 33rd SRPC Meeting it was agreed to have an

SPS,during any tripping of one of the lines of NPS-Nellore. SPS logic would be finalized in

consultation with SRLDC, PGCIL, SEL/MEL and SRPC Secretariat. During any outage of

the interconnector, the system operator would take appropriate decision regarding

curtailment of interregional ATC or curtailment of NPS connected generators etc as per

provisions of extant regulations. In case of tripping of one line, the other line also would be

tripped through an over current relay when ampere rating increases corresponding to

1700+170 MW(10 % of thermal limit). Time delay also will be incorporated in the logic.

Time delay proposed is 20 seconds.

After deliberations the following was noted:

SPS on 400 kV Nellore-NPS was agreed. The setting agreed was 105% of 1,700 MW

with 5 second delay (Over current on both the circuits). To be disabled during closing

(when both the circuits are out). MEL/SEL agreed for the settings. SR-I agreed to

implement these settings.

Subsequently SR I, PGCIL informed that with reference to 141st OCC meeting minutes, it

was proposed to implement the proposed SPS for 400kV NPS – Nellore D/C Lines using

definite time O/C protection feature available in Main – 1 protection:

The agreed Logic is as follows: MW: 105% of 1700 = 1785MW, Corresponding Current @ 400kV Voltage = 2576A The Setting Available (in steps of 10A) = 2580A, Timer = 5 Sec

It was requested that SRPC/SRLDC may please concur the same for implementation. M/s

MEPL/SEPL was requested to arrange for deputation of M/s ABB Service Engineer for

configuration for implementing in Main-2 protection

5.17 Operation of Hydro Power Projects in Peaking Mode

It had been desired by CEA that monthly analysis of performance of Hydro Stations in

OCC Meeting was needed to be done. SRPC had suggested that the analysis be

circulated to states before the OCC so that any discrepancy is resolved mutually. Except

KSEBL, no other states is furnishing the analysis/comments on SRLDC analysis. All

SLDCs are requested to revert back with comments since the performance is

A special Meeting in this regard is now scheduled to be convened at KSEBL, SLDC

under Chairmanship of NLDC on 13.04.2018 (Meeting Notice at Annexure-5J) with

participation from SLDCs and Gencos. SLDCs had been requested to ensure the

participation of State Hydro Gencos.

5.18 Outages of NPCIL Units in Peak Demand period

In the 141st OCC Meeting TSTRANSCO and TANTRANSCO had expressed difficulties faced by them in managing their LGB due to loss of generation from NPCIL units.

After deliberations KKNPP was suggested to revive the unit II only in September to avoid refueling/Shutdown in peak months of 2019.

It was agreed to take up the issue of outages of NPCIL units with higher management of NPCIL.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.19 Implementation of PMUs

CEA vide letter dated 12.02.2018 had communicated to CTU regarding Implementation of PMUs and their analytics regarding. It is requested that the following may please be sent to NPC, CEA so that the same could be taken up with RPCs and NLDC/RLDCs for discussion and coordination:

Details of each Analytics i.e., the methodology, assumptions, inputs,

calculations etc developed / being developed by CTU.

Progress of their implementation in SLDC/RLDC/NLDC (It is understood that

some of the Analytics have been implemented at few places, these are at

testing stage or the task have been completed.

Difficulties, if any, being faced by CTU in their development/installation.

Any other information on the subject

5.20 Compliance of WTG models to applicable CEA Technical standards for Connectivity to

the Grid (as amended from time to time) as stipulated in the MNRE

Guidelines/procedure for Revised List of Models and Manufacturers (RLMM)

In the Meeting it was noted that MNRE Office Memorandum dated 01.03.2018 would

be discussed in a Special Meeting.

5.21 Utilization of RE Generators for Reactive Compensation & High Voltage

In the earlier OCC Meetings, it had been noted that even though Solar / Wind generators had very controllable reactive injection / absorption capability, they were not being utilized on account of PPA commitment / penalties. It had been suggested that SLDCs / STUs may approach their Regulator for flexible set points as per direction of SLDCs. The direction of SLDCs could be based on voltage level on single basis or on solar / non-solar hours on daily basis. SRLDC had agreed to take up the issue in the FOR forum.

In the TCC Meeting held on 16.02.2018 it was noted that certain provisions of PPA of

solar generators may not be as per the grid operational requirements and therefore this

aspect needs to be looked into. Hence, Reactive support/management of RE generators

needs to be examined and revisited keeping in view higher RE penetration. The

recommendation in this regard could be referred to FOR. CEA had stated that in draft

Amendment of CEA Connectivity Regulations, provision of voltage set point and control

of VAR interchange had also been proposed. It was opined that details could be shared

by the states and the matter could be examined to arrive at commonality in SR.

5.22 Common Transmission System Data Base (Refer Item No. 5 in the Minutes of 7th NPC

Meeting )

In the 7th NPC Meeting held on 8th September 2017, NPC had emphasized the need for

having an accurate All India power system data base for carrying out accurate power

system studies for operational and planning horizons. It was observed that data mining

needed to be carried out for this purpose. It was accepted that POSOCO may prepare

requires formats and circulate to all RPCs and in turn RPCs may obtain data from their

constituents. POSOCO was requested to circulate the format in this regard to be used by

all RPCs.

In the 139th /140th /141st OCC Meetings, NLDC had been requested to circulate the


Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5.23 State-wise allocation of 540 MW power from RGPPL to Railways

540 MW power from Ratnagiri Gas and Power Private Limited (RGPPL) has been allocated

to Indian Railways. Allocation to SR States (out of 540 MW) would be as under:

State Nodal Railway Maximum load in MW after availability of corridor between NEW Grid and SR

Telangana SCR 50

Tamil Nadu SR 100

Karnataka SR 35

35 MW MoP allocation to Railways (Karnataka) from RGPPL was operational from 25th

October 2017.

TSTRANSCO had informed that meters/communication equipment’s are being


TANTRANSCO had informed that TANGEDCO was to enter into the Agreement.

TSTRANSCO and TANTRANSCO to be ready with the infrastructure since it was

MOP allocation and was being monitored by higher bodies. At short notice, this may be

required to be operationalized.

5.24 Compliance of CEA Regulations for Grid connectivity of Renewable Energy Sources

CEA vide letter dated 12.04.2017 & 08.05.2017 (enclosing MoP letter 06.04.2017) and in

Special Meeting on 28.06.2017 & 11.09.2017 had observed that it was obligatory for all

the grid connected renewable generators to provide necessary facilities for data-

communication and data-storage and other parameters as may be stipulated. It was

decided by CEA that the respective states will submit weekly reports of data

communication status to CEA as well as to respective RPC/RLDC and NLDC.

Compliance of CEA Regulations was further discussed in 4th Meeting on LVRT for

compliance of Orders of Hon’ble CERC in respect of Petition No. 420/MP/2014 &

provisions of CEA/CERC Regulations and other RE issues held on 25.10.2017 at SRPC,


The following was the updated status on RE SCADA availability as noted in the 141st

OCC Meeting:

SCADA availability as on 28.02.2017 Mapped I/C


AP Wind: 3751/3835.77 MW (97.79%) Solar: 1911/2144.88 MW (89.10%) Total: 5662/5980.55 MW (94.67%)

Pending SCADA availability was for RE connected distribution level and for which action had been taken for compliance.

TS Wind: 100.8/100.8 MW (100%) Solar: 3008.32/3246.42 MW (92.67%) Total: 3109.12/3347.22 MW (92.89%)

Action for balance SCADA availability at 33 kV and below was being followed up and notices had been issued.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

KAR Wind: 3633.68/3633.68 MW (100%) Solar: 3764.37/3764.37 MW (100%) Total: 7398.05/7398.05 MW (100%)

KER Wind: 16/59.3 MW (26.99%) Solar: 71.18/90.858 MW (78.34%) Total: 87.18/150133 MW (58.07%)

TN Wind: 6342/7909.9 MW (80.18%) Solar: 648/1950 MW (33.23%) Total: 6990/9859.9 MW (70.89%)

Notices had been issued for SS under 10(1) for SCADA availability. 100% SCADA availability of wind was likely to be ensured by December 2017. TANTRANSCO (Communication) and TANGEDCO (Metering) had jointly initiated action for Solar SCADA availability and was targeted to be completed by March 2018.

The following had been noted in the RE/LVRT Meeting:

SRPC had pointed out that 100 % RE visibility was required to be ensured and the issue

was being viewed by MoP / CEA. Weekly status reports were to be furnished to CEA.

SRPC & SRLDC had requested the SLDCs that pending SCADA availability of RE was

to be completed sincerely with concerted efforts for compliance of CEA / CERC


In the Meeting it was also noted that TANTRANSCO solar SCADA monitoring

percentage is very less. TANTRANSCO informed that they are addressing the issue..

Subsequently it was informed by TSTRANSCO that wind SCADA monitoring would

achieve 100 % by June 2018. For Solar, action had been initiated to procure meters and

will require some more time.

5.25 Monitoring of scheme funded from PSDF

In the 7th NPC Meeting was conducted on 08.09.2017 RPCs were further requested to

examine the implementation of schemes in OCC & TCC meetings and intimate NPC

about any bottlenecks.

In the 6th Meeting of the Monitoring Group of PSDF held on 05.01.2018 at Kochi, Kerala.

It was emphasized in the meeting that better utilization was very essential, especially

since the progress is also being monitored by MoP. SRPC vide letter dated 11.01.2018

had addressed this issue SRPC constituent states.

The minutes of the 6th Meeting of the Monitoring Group of PSDF held on 05.01.2018 at

Kochi, Kerala was issued by POSOCO/NLDC letter dated 23.02.2018.

All the states/entities to kindly furnish the updated status.

5.26 Daily Load Forecasting by SLDCs/RLDCS/NLDC

SRLDC to present the error (forecast Vs actual demand) for the month of March 2018.

5.27 PSS Tuning of generators

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5th Meeting to review the status of PSS tuning of the generators had been convened on

26th July 2017 and minutes of the Meeting are available at SRPC website. All the

generators need to follow the action plan finalized in the 5th PSS meeting

5.28 RGMO margin during scheduling

SRPC had pointed out that necessary checks / interlocks needed to be in place so as to

ensure that RGMO margin is available in all the generators under SRLDC control area.

Regulation 5.2(h) of IEGC states, ‘…………….For the purpose of ensuring primary

response, RLDCs/SLDCs shall not schedule the generating station or unit (s) thereof

beyond exbus generation corresponding to 100 % of the Installed capacity of the

generating station or unit (s) thereof.’

SRLDC vide letter dated 07.02.2018 had taken up the issue with IPPs/MPPs

All IPPs / MPPs to ensure RGMO margin (ensure that total schedules of LTA,

MTOA, STOA and PX are not more than the NOC (normative ex bus)).

SRPC vide E-mail dated 27.02.2018 had requested that the Auxiliary Energy

Consumption (percentage value) considered by IPPs vis-a-vis for keeping margin

for RGMO compliance may please be shared.

5.29 Prolonged Outage

KKNPP Second reactor: Update .

6. High Frequency

6.1 High frequency at Load Change Over.

a) Status review of implementation of staggered load change over within the constituents

as per the decision of 23rd SRPC meeting, moderating own generation, surrendering of

ISGS power in advance and other actions by Regional Entities to avert high frequency


6.2 Low Frequency

a) Summary statement of different violation messages issued by SRLDC to each constituent as per new IEGC Amendment.

b) In the 124th OCC Meeting it was suggested that SRLDC may identify incidents of UD/OD for Analysis by States. SRLDC to furnish the incidence for analysis, if any.


7.1 Low voltage

a) Details of Capacitors installed during March 2018 and during April 2017 to March 2018.

Details of the healthy/faulty capacitors to be furnished.

7.2 High Voltage

High Voltage at 400 kV and 765 kV nodes

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

7.2.1 Status review of GT Tap positions

GT tap Positions - GT taps yet to change as per recommendation (Refer Table-III)

GT taps of all new units getting synchronized to grid should be kept at the nominal grid

voltage level of 400 kV or 220/230 kV. SRLDC would ensure the requirement for ISTS

connected generators while SLDCs should ensure it for their embedded generators.

7.2.2 MVAR Interchange/MVAR capability testing

Nodal Officers may kindly ensure that the data reaches SRLDC/SRPC in time (by

fourth of every month) so that SRLDC can correlate it with SCADA data and analysis

could be done facilitating actions for further improvement.

Recommendations finalized in the Special Meetings were required to be implemented.

All the SLDCs to kindly monitor VAR absorption/injection of generating units in their respective control areas in real-time.

In the 141st OCC Meeting it was noted that number of MVAR Testing had been

undertaken and review of recommendation of MVAR testing would be taken up in

the 142nd OCC- SRLDC would compile and furnish these details.

High Voltage and MVAR Injection

Details of nodes of high voltage coupled with MVAR injection during October 2017 to

January 2018 is given below:

Nodes with MVAR injection during V > 103%


Cuddapah Bidadi Kochi Alamathy Gajwel

Chittoor Munirabad Trivandrum Kalavinthapattu Hyderabad

Gazuwaka Mysore

Karaikudi Khammam

Kurnool Madhugiri

Pugalur Mehaboobnagar

Nellore PG Nelamangala

S V Chatram Malkaram

NP Kunta Pavagada

Trichy Warangal

Vijayawada Raichur



In the 141st OCC Meeting it was noted that the entities would furnish an action taken report to control over voltage and avoid MVAR injection at high voltage before 142ndOCCM.

7.2.3 Status review of Bus/Line Reactors, Line Reactors and STATCOM

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Status of implementation of Bus / Line Reactors approved in the Standing Committee /

SRPC pending for commissioning by the SR constituents.(Refer table-IV)

7.2.4 Reactive Power Planning

Status update on capacitor installation. (Refer table-V)

8 Network Protection/Security issues

8.1 U/F & df/dt Relays Schemes

Implementation of SRPC recommended quantum

SCADA mapping of feeders of AUFR & df/dt schemes

The status update as per SRLDC after validation of all the States is as follows:


mapped %


AP 65.49 One RTU to be commissioned. Balance RTUs are covered under OPGW scheme approved through PSDF.

TS 79 6 RTUs had been provided for Solar Generators and for 17 RTUs, procurement was being taken up and it could take 4-5 months. There were 18 RTUs for Interstate feeders and some would provide UFR and df/dt relief quantum also. With this they were likely to achieve 100% mapping.

KAR 100

KER 100

TN 94 Additional RTUs needed to be procured for 100% SCADA mapping. Transducers to be procured.

Pudu 92

SR 88

All the States were requested to kindly initiate the action to achieve 100 % SCADA visibility.

In the 141st OCC Meeting the following was noted:

UFR & df/dt relief quantum and visibility was to be informed by TS

(within a week). It would be jointly vetted by SRLDC & TS. A report

would be prepared in this regard.

UFR & df/dt relief quantum and visibility of TN would be jointly vetted by

SRLDC & TN, and a report would be prepared. TN would furnish a

report with time lines on the activities identified.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore


RGMO response had been deliberated in various Special/OCC/TCC/SRPC meetings.

Inadequate response was an area of serious concern and there was no noticeable

improvement. SRPC had stated that the recommendations finalized in the special

RGMO/MVAR interchange meeting should be complied by all the utilities.

RGMO implementation/ Extension of RGMO status point to SLDC (Refer Table-VI of


As per 5th Amendment to IEGC, gas stations above 50 MW Installed Capacity were also

to come under RGMO/FGMO Operation w.e.f. 1st October 2017. SLDCs were requested

to follow up for compliance of the Amendment. AP, TN and NTPC (Kayamkulam) were

requested to ensure compliance.

SRLDC had requested that the list of all hydro stations and gas stations which are

covered under FGMO/RGMO response along with the status clearly mentioning the

CERC order in case exemption/extension is received from Commission may be


In the 141st OCC Meeting SRLDC presented the RGMO response for the incident on

30.01.2018 at 10:46 hours. During 1,250 MW generation loss at Koderma, frequency dip

was 0.07 Hz. (49.89 Hz to 49.82 Hz.) 3 % of generation was considered as expected

response (5 % corresponds to 1.25 Hz).

After deliberations, it was decided that SRLDC would post the RGMO

analysis for 30.01.2018. All the ISGS and SLDCs would furnish the reasons for

limited response and also action envisaged for non performing units (approaching

SERC, RGMO meeting etc) within 10 days.

SRLDC had furnished the analysis(Annexure-8A)

8.3 Special Protection Systems

In the 140th OCC Meeting it was felt that SPS of 400kV Nunna-Vemagiri(PG) line could be

retained from security point of view, while the settings can be fixed after studies.

SR I was requested to give details like Thermal limit etc and additional margin may be

incorporated as per Planning Criteria.

8.4 Automatic Demand Side Management Scheme (Petition No. 250/MP/2012) & GSES

(Petition No. 265/MP/2012)

SRLDC had pointed out that similar to existing ADMS logic (O/D), backing down of

generation during the sustained U/Ds during high grid frequency may be required. It was

observed that KSEBL and KPTCL were having provisions of tripping/backing down of the

generators in case of U/Ds during high frequency. Other states were requested to examine

the technical feasibility/provision for backing down of generators and revert back.

8.5 Grouping of loads (IEGC clause 5.4.2 (e))

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

As per IEGC, to maintain the frequency within stipulated band and also to ensure network

security, the interruptible loads were to be arranged in four groups of loads, This was for

the purpose of scheduled power cuts/load shedding, loads for unscheduled load

shedding, loads to be shed through UF relays, df/dt relays and loads to be shed under

any SPS scheme. These loads are to be grouped in such a manner that there is no

overlapping between different groups of loads.

The issue was noted for compliance by the concerned utilities. SRLDC requested all the

states to kindly furnish the updated details in this regard.

9 LVRT Implementation

Hon’ble CERC has passed Order in respect of Petition No. 420/MP/2014 on 05.01.2016.

The Order directs a number of actionable points by various utilities for compliance of

LVRT, CEA & CERC Regulations etc. Four Special Meeting were conducted at SRPC on

05.02.2016, 18.04.2016, 05.07.2016 & 25.10.2017 (Meeting minutes are available at

SRPC website).

Number of actionable points had been finalized in the 4th Meeting on LVRT / RE issues.

SRLDC vide letter dated 29.11.2017 had requested the entities to take necessary action

and resolve the issues within the time line mentioned.

Submission of WTG data by all states as per the format circulated by SRPC / SRLDC

within one week.

Inclusion of suitable clause in the bidding documents (Solar) to ensure LVRT

compliance and provide details of NITs issued after the date of CERC Order.

Identification of optimal location for installing PMUs for LVRT analysis purposes.

Conducting capacity building workshop regarding forecasting and scheduling of RE.

STUs had been requested to study the line loading in the systems for M-1 compliance

and submit report to CEA.

Identify and implement ‘Contingency Demand Disconnection Scheme’ for locations

having large chunk of RE generation to the tune of 1000 MW and above.

All states were requested to analyze Solar generation ramp-up / ramp down based on

the capacity and identify the measures for compensating the same.

States were requested to take up the issue of PPA provision related to MVAR

interchange with respective SERCs for modifying the same to mitigate high voltage

scenario in the grid.

In the 141st OCC Meeting, SRLDC was requested to again take up the issue with

the concerned. It was felt that Special Meeting may be convened to discuss the

issues in which the concerned wing officials of the states may be called.

10 Emergency Restoration System (ERS)

As per ERS requirement outlined in MoP letter dated 05.12.2014, status update on ERS

is given at Table VI of Appendix.

In the Meeting held under the Chairmanship of Secretary (Security) on 28th June 2017 it

was noted that ERS were in procurement stage in most of the states and the response

from the states was not very encouraging.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore


A Special Meeting was held on 13,03.2018 to deliberate on pending

SCADA/Communication issues. Minutes of the Meeting is uploaded on SRPC website.

The status of pending Items as deliberated in the Special Meeting is at Table VIII of


SRLDC had invited attention of the forum that CERC had brought out Order on Suo moto

Petition 007/SM/2014 dated 29.01.2016 regarding SCADA. SRLDC had started posting

this information from February 2016 on their website.


Load ability of ICTs and revisit of the associated protection settings to prevent cascade

tripping of ICTs/high loading of transmission lines. Insufficient action in controlling the

loading of ICTs leads to N-1 criteria violation in compliance of Regulation 3.1 f(8) of

CEA(Grid Standards) Regulations 2010 and Regulation 3.5 a(i) of CERC Indian

Electricity Grid Code Regulations 2010.

Over loading of ICTs and N-1 violation at Hoody, Vemagiri, Gazuwaka & Nellore was

being observed.

13 Black Start Procedure

Status needs to be furnished in the following format :

State BSRP reports for January 2018 to June 2018

BSRP schedule for July 2018 – December 2018

Point to point mock exercise report being furnished

Updated list of Nodal Officer

Workshop Schedule

Development of mock exercise procedure for Individual Stations / Systems.

Point to point mock exercise for black start by all constituents

Development of Procedure for restoring Metro Operation in case of Black out.

KAR SLDC/SRLDC to review the BSRP in respect of Nagjheri to BTPS and Jurala to

Raichur by month end.

TS to update on DG set capacity enhancement /availability at Jurala

14 Upcoming Generating Stations

Status update of Central sector and State Sector Upcoming generating stations are at

Table VII of Appendix.

SRPC had stated that declaration of COD letter from SLDC was required to be

submitted to CEA, Fuel Management Division for purpose of coal linkages etc.

SRLDC had pointed out those new ISTS connected units should come out with detailed

metering scheme for various units commissioning schedule at least one year prior to

synchronization. The scheme needed to be discussed and finalized in the Meeting of

Commercial Sub Committee.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

15 Any other point with the permission of the Chair.

16 Date and Venue of the next Meeting

Appendix Follow up Issues


ROW issue of 400 kV Nelamangala-

Hoody Line/ commissioning of 400 kV

Yelahanka substation/220 kV

evacuation system of KPTCL at

Yelahanka substation

PGCIL: Substation commissioned on 22.03.2018 by PGCIL, SR II KPTCL:6/16 sections(2.2 kM) cable

laying completed from Yelahanka

station end. 7th section excavation is

under progress. 3/16 cable jointing

work completed and cable trench and

joint bay excavation commenced from

PGCIL end. RCC duct from JB1 to JB 2

at PGCIL end has been completed.


REMC Project

(GOI) sanction had been received in

Sep 2017

First kick off Meeting for REMC project

implementation conducted on


Site survey for SRLDC is carried out.

Implementation schedule was of 14


3 VC facility Puducherry to take up VC requirement

in 2017-18

5 Completion of Kamudhi bays at

Karaikudi by PGCIL

First bay completed.

Second bay completed by mid of

February 2018 and planning to

commission the 400 kV DC line from

Kamuthi to Karaikkudi.

TANTRANSCO end taken up the LC

works on 16.02.2018 to 18.02.2018

(TANTRANSCO was of the opinion that

both the bays would be connected


6 Operation of Nagarjunasagar /

Srisailam / Kadamparai units in pump


Srisailam, two units were operating in

Pump operation during high frequency

period from 8th November 2017.

Maximum 4 Units are being put in

pump mode operation simultaneously.

Since there is some pressure issue

more than four at a time is not possible

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

at present even though all the 6 units

are capable of operating in pump


During 09.01.2018 to 01,02,2018

NSHES / TSGENCO Units 2 to 8 were

tested successfully in pump mode


During this season only 3 units can be

operated simultaneously due to some

constraints in suction side of the water

conducting system.

7 Condenser mode of operation of

Nagarjunasagar and Srisailam LB

All the 6 units at Srisailam operated in

condenser mode at different times.

During day time four units together also

had been operated in condenser mode.

At Nagarjunasagar all the units except

Unit IV and VI put in condenser mode

and four units simultaneously also

being operated at condenser mode.

8 Closing of 220 kV Upper Sileru-

Balimela line

Idle charged from 8th January 2015

from Upper Sileru end.


PMU Status

All the States were requested to give

the requirements for Second Phase to


submitted the requirement.

10 Priority for Railways/Metros in the

matter of Restoration of Supply

TSTRANSCO had informed that

meters/communication equipment’s are

being procured.

TANTRANSCO had informed that

TANGEDCO was to enter into the




SRT of following units had been analyzed upto 5th Meeting of PSS and necessary

action had to be taken as per Recommendations

Entity Generating Stations/Units

APGENCO Rayalaseema TPS U1 to U5; VTPS U1 to U4 & U7; SDSPP U1&U2; Srisailam RB HEP U1 to U7; Lower Sileru HEP U1


TSGENCO Nagarjunasagar HEP U1 to U8; Srisailam LB HEP U1 to U6;

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Kakatiya TPS U1 & U2; Kothagudem TPS U 7&8(Report to be analysed) U10 & U11; Singareni Collieries U1 &U2 (Reports to be analyzed)

KPCL Raichur TPS U1,2,3,5,6,7& 8; BTPS U1 to U3; Varahi UGPH HEP U1 to U4; Nagjheri HEP U1 to U6 (U6 report to be analyzed); Sharavathy HEP U1,2,3,4,5,6,7,9, 10 & 8 (Report to be analyzed), Raichur TPS U4 (Report to be analyzed)



TANGEDCO MTPS-I U1 to U4 (U1 Report to be analyzed); NCTPS St-I U1 to U3; Tuticorin TPS UI(Report to be analysed)U2 to U5; NCTPS St-II U1; Kadamparai HEP U1 & U2, Mettur-II (Report to be analyzed).


CGS NTPC- Ramagundam U7 & U4 (reFport to be analyzed); NTPC-Simhadri U1 to U4; NTPC-Talcher STPS St-II U3 to U6; NTECL-Vallur TPS U1 to U3; NLC-Neyveli TPS II U4 to U7; NLC-Neyveli TPS II U1 to U3; KGS U2 (Report to be analyzed); NPCIL-KKNPP U1 & U2 (Report to be analyzed) ;NLC-Neyveli TPS II Exp. U1 & U2; (NLC & TN JV) NTPL U1; NTPC-Kudgi U1

ISTS connected IPPs

TPCIL U1 & U2 (U2 Report to be analyzed); Coastal Energen U2; IL & FS U1 & U2

For the following Units, PSS is to be tuned and SRT to be carried out / information not available.

Entity Generating Stations/Units

APGENCO VTPS U5 & U6; Lower Sileru HEP U2 to U4


KPCL Yeramarus TPP


KSEBL Idukki HEP U1 to U6

TANGEDCO NCTPS St-II U2; Kadamparai HEP U3 & U4


CGS NTPC-Ramagundam U1, U2, U3, U5 to U6; NTPC-Kudgi U2; NLC-Neyveli TPS I Exp. U1 & U2 (SRT reports not submitted); NPCIL- KGS U1, U3 & U4 ( Full Report not submitted for U4); NPCIL-MAPS U1 & U2;

ISTS connected IPPs

Coastal Energen U1; Lanco Stage II & III; SGPL-Nellore; SEL U1 to U4; MEL U1 & U4

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore


Status as on 13.03.2018 Meeting Remarks

URTDSM Status Region: Approved/Installed/Integrated/Validated SR I SS 27/25/24 SR I PMU 113/104/98 SR II SS 41/40/38 SR II PMU 142/140/135

SR-I - 9 PMU –Chittor (5) and Srikakulam (4) installation works under progress. SR-I - 5 PMU -Srisailam (4) and Kurnool (1) data validation is not completed. SR-I - 1 PMU -Simhadri (1) - SRLDC requested SR-1 to co-ordinate with NTPC Simhadri to complete the pending installation works. SR-II -2 PMU -Kaiga (2) installation works under progress. SR-II -5 PMU -Arasur (2) and Kalpakkam (3) data validation is not completed.

Supply and installation of APS- Auxiliary power supply system as part of URTDSM project

SR-II had intimated that the Auxiliary

Power Supply System is under

manufacturing and is expected to reach

site by 20thApril 2018 and commissioning

will be completed by 15th May 2018

AP and TS had expressed concern

regarding delay in supply of Auxiliary

power supply system. SR-I confirmed that

the APS System is expected to reach site in

April 2018 and commissioning was

expected by May 2018.

Status of SAT and SAVT of URTDSM project in SR

SRLDC - SAT completed and SAVT is yet to commence. KSEBL - SAT and SAVT completed. KPTCL - SAT and SAVT completed.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

TNEB - SAT completed and SAVT is yet to commence TSTRANSCO - SAT completed and SAVT has commenced from 1st March 2018 APTRANSCO - Commissioning works under progress expected to be completed by 31st March 2018.

Powergrid Analytical Application installed as part of URTDSM

All the control centers were requested to use the software and report the deficiencies.

PGCIL had agreed to make a Web group of all the Control Centers, LD&C, IIT Mumbai, SR-I/SR-II etc for exchanging the information/usage and for deficiencies / rectification etc.

PGCIL requested all constituents to submit revised PMU requirement, if any, for Phase-II considering availability of Wide Band nodes.

Table-III - GT Tap: Recommended/Implemented


Unit Present Tap And Corresponding Voltage(In kV)

Recommended Tap And Corresponding Voltage(In kV)


ISTS connected Generators:

Kaiga I 1 & 2 6 & 229.125 7 & 223.25 MVAR interchange as per Special Meeting to be ensured. Kaiga II 3 & 4 3 & 409.5 4 & 399


IPPs of AP It is recommended that all IPPS under APSLDC could be advised to change their Tap position corresponding to voltage level of 400 kV / 220 kV.


Sharavathi 9 & 10 2 & 231 4 & 220 First GT (9) reached during October 2017. Second GT reached during December 2017. Unit 10 GT erection works completed. Tap change would be carried out after receiving the ICTs.

UPCL 1 & 2 4 & 409.5 5 & 400 Observed rotor teeth temperature issues. 2 x 125 MVAR reactors agreed in 39th SCPSPSR. It was suggested that their MVAR absorption should be around 50-60 MVAR in case they are not able to change Tap.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore


Tuticorin TPS 1,2,3,4 5

8 & 243 230 All the GTs in TTPS are kept in Tap No. 10.

MTPS St.III 1 6 & 409.5 7 & 399 Provision of Bus Reactor is being carried out by GCC/TANTRANSCO, Salem. After the provision of Bus Reactor the GT Tap will be increased to 7(399 kV) from Tap- Reactor bay works were completed at present and allotment of reactor is awaited.

Table –IV- Reactor Installation Status

Entity Bus Name Status REMARKS

KPTCL Hoody Reactor erected on platform. March 2018

Nelamangala Reactor erected on platform March 2018

Entity Bus Name Capacity in MVAR

Approved in

Type Remarks

PGCIL Yelahanka 2x63 Bus

Deferred as per 40th SCPSSR. When Madhugiri line will come it will be expedited.

Cuddapah 50 to 125 39th SC Yet to be awarded


Vemagiri 125 36th SC

Bus Vemagiri and Kurnool is expected by December 2017. LoA issued on 18.06.2017. Kalpakka – will be completed by March 2018 Awaiting for APERC approval for Chittoor Reactor. Commissioning by March 2018.

Kurnool 125 Bus

Kalpaka 125 Bus

Chittoor 125 39th SC

Vijayawada 125 39th SC

It was noted that a separate reactor at Vijayawada in scope of AP had been identified. The exact location could be firmed up by APTRANSCO.



125 39th SC

APGENCO informed that reactor enquiry was being taken up. It was noted that this reactor was different from the APTRANSCO reactor.


Davangere 125 39th SC 41st SCSPSRR: Members agreed with already approved additional reactors of 1x125 MVAR (400kV) each at

Talguppa 125 39th SC

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Talaguppa and Davangere 400/220kV Substations.


Almathy 125 39th SC Specification Under Process

Manali 125 39th SC

Kayathar 125 39th SC


Mettur 125 39th SC To be diverted from Palavadi and works to be taken up.

TSTRANSCO Mamidipalli 125 36th SC


Commissioned on 23.02.2018 at 14:31 hours


Srisailam LB 125

39th SC

41st SCPSPSR: After deliberations, it was agreed that TSTRANSCO will submit the requisite data for system study to CTU. The CTU, after carrying out studies will forward the results to CEA and TSTRANSCO. The requirement will be further discussed and finalized in a Joint Meeting.

NPCIL Kaiga 2 x 125


One reactor by December 2019. Financial approval had been received. They were in the process of floating the tender.

UPCL Udupi 2 x 125

39th SC

41st SCPSPSR: It was informed that the requirement was assessed based on system studies, therefore, it was decided that the the decision taken in 39th SC Meeting may be implemented.

Table V- Reactive Power Planning

Utility Reactive Power Planning Voltage level




Kadapa: 273.6 MVAR

Vijayawada: 144 MVAR

Visakhapatanam:175 MVAR

On 33 kV side

28.8 MVAR commissioned

0 MVAR commissioned

16.6 MVAR commissioned

APSPDCL 802 MVAR 154 MVAR commissioned

APEPDCL 276 MVAR 115 MVAR commissioned.

KPTCL Bengaluru Tr. Zone:784 MVAR

12.1 kV LOA issued. 30 MVAR Installed

Bagalkot Tr. Zone :258.1 12.1 kV Material supplied. Erection

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

MVAR completed/under progress. 78.3

MVAR Installed

Hassan Tr. Zone 150.8 MVAR

Material supplied. Erection

completed/under progress. 43.5

MVAR Installed

Mysore Tr. Zone :60.9 MVAR

60.9 MVAR commissioned

Gulbarga Tr. Zone :98.60 MVAR

Installed Nil

Tumkur Tr. Zone :281.3 MVAR

12.1 kV 46.4 MVAR commissioned. 34.8 MVAR EI approval awaited.

Telangana TSNPDCL:288x2 MVAR 110x1 MVAR

190 x 2 MVAR commissioned 69 x 1 MVAR commissioned.


360 MVAR

66 kV Works will be taken up after

approval. 11kV

TANGEDCO 34 x 2.4 MVAR 11 kV

16 x 2.4 MVAR 22 kV 16 x 2.4 commissioned

59 x 2.4 MVAR 11 kV IPDS tender to be opened on


19x2.4. MVAR 22 kV IPDS tender to be opened on


13 x 2.4 MAVR 110 kV PO placed on M/s Shreem

Electric Limited.

53 x 2.4 MVAR 11/22


RAPDRP tender to be floated

101 x 2.4 MVAR 11/22


Erode region: Tender to be


32 x 2.4 MVAR 11/22


Vellore Region: Tender to be


82 sets of 11 kV, 2.4 MVAR

Capacitor Banks in

Coimbatore Region

11 kV BLTC note for price bid opening

to be submitted.

822 MVAR capacitors at

Distribution level had been

commissioned out of 931

MVAR capacitors planned.

Balance 109 MVAR to be

commissioned. However, for

further enhancement of

Reactive Power, Capacitor bank

provisions have to be arranged

by Planning/Transmission



NGR bypass

400 kV Nellore-Thiruvalam

line I & II ,Thiruvalam-

Kurnool I & II, Kozhikode-

Mysore I & II line reactors

November 2017

SR I informed that Thiruvalam

end works are over. SRLDC

informed that some voltage

issues are observed at

Thruvalam end and desired to

know the status. SR I agreed to

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

furnish the details.

Table –VI- ERS status

Transmission Utility

Requirement as per MoP

Existing Status/Remarks

APTRANSCO 3 2 PSDF funding proposal was rejected and AP will carry out the works unde O & Works

TSTRANSCO 1 Being retendered. Subsequently, it would be taken up for PSDF funding.


KSEBL 1 Tenders to be floated. Being followed up.

TANTRANSCO 2 As per Minutes of BLTC held on 03.01.2017, Procurement is put on hold


PGCIL 4 (2 Nos. Additional)

4 (SR I & SR II is having 2 no. Each)

765 KV ERS (one each for SR-I and SR-II) tendering under progress.

Table –VII- Generating Units- Under Progress

Central Sector

Station Unit Installed Capacity


Scheduled date of synchronizing / commissioning



Kudgi TPS Stage-I


3 x 800= 2400

Unit-I CoD from 31.07.2017 Unit-II. CoD from 31.12.2017 Unit–III : Synchronisation by February end, Trying to prepone COD to April 2018

Telangana STPP Phase I

2 x 800 U-I CoD May 2020 U-2 CoD December 2020

Pudimadaka AP 4 x 1000 52 Months from Zero Date

85% share to AP. Zero date yet to be finalized. AP requested NTPC to firm

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

up the zero date at the earliest. AP informed evacuation system would be developed by PGCIL


New Thermal Power Project

I 500 April 2018 CTU had informed that for evacuation LILO of Neyveli - Puducherry and 400 kV D/C to Araliyur lines are planned. NLC had applied for LTA of 340 MW which could be managed with the LILO of Neyveli – Puducherry. Balance 600 MW would be catered by 230 kV system of TANTRANSCO. Araliyur S/S was being developed by TANTRASCO and was expected by June 2018

II 500 April 2018



Kalpakkam (PFBR)

I 500 Synchronization by 2017-18 COD by 2017-18 Synchronization by March 2017 COD by Sep 2017


2023 & 2024


Krishnapatnam 3960 (6 x 660)

APEPDCL and PCKL had taken steps with their legal counsel to expedite the hearing before Honorable High Court of Delhi

Cheyyur 4000 New bids would be called


Sl No

Name of project Located in

Capacity in MW

Commissioning Schedule /Remarks

1 Rayalaseema TPS ST-IV

AP 1 x 600 2017-18

2 Dr. NTTPS, Vijayawada

AP 1 x 800 2017-18, June 2019

3 Krishnapatanam Stage II (U3)

AP 1 x 800

4 Polaki AP 4000 (5 x 800 MW)

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

5 Edlapur KAR 1 x 800

6 North Chennai Stage III TN 1 x 800 2019-20

7 North Chennai Stage IV

TN 2 x 800 Beyond 2019-20

8 Ennore TPS Exp TN 1 x 660 2018

9 Ennore replacement TN 1 x 660 2018

10 Udangudi Stage I TN 2 x 660 2019-20

11 Uppur TPP (TBCB) TN 2 x 800 2019-20

12 Manuguru PPP Telangana 4 x 270 U1 : March 2018 U2: June 2018 U3: Sep 2018 U4:Dec 2018

13 Kakatiya TPP Stage III Telangana 1 x 800 2017-18

14 Kothagudem TPS Phase VII

Telangana 1 x 800 December 2018

15 Damaracherla (Yadadri)

Telangana 5 x 800 U1 &2 Nov 2020 U3to5 20121


Sl No.

Name of project Located in

Capacity in MW

Commissioning Schedule /Remarks

1 Meenakshi PH-II AP 2 x 350 2017-18 Untied: 640 MW

2 East Coast Energy Thermal

AP 2 x 660

2017-18 AP : 300 MW

3 Thermal Powertech (TPCIL) Unit-III

AP 1 x 660


5 Godhna TPP, Janjir – Champa Dist, Chhattisgarh

For KAR 2 x 800 2017-18

Table VIII-SCADA/Communication

Update as per Meeting on 13.03.2017 Latest update

ICCP link failure/not stable

Expiry date of all licenses would be furnished by M/s GE to the respective Control Centers.

Respective Control Center would ensure that M/s GE take pro-active action to renew the licenses before the expiry.

There should not be any license renewal issues during the project cycle of the project and it needed to be ensured by Control Centers (through M/s GE).

License for external firewall is going to expire in three months. M/s GE has to update the certificates in ext

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

firewall of AP. M/s GE to take necessary action. M/s GE site engineer at respective Control Centers

to escalate the matter to BO-Noida, if they are unable the resolve the issue at their level. Further, inter-action between M/s GE site engineers at SLDCs and M/s GE site engineers at SRLDC needs to be strengthened.

Changeover to ICCP data communication through Backup SRLDC could be explored during such conditions which would reduce data outage duration.

All the ICCP links (Main/Back up CC of SLDCs to Main/Back up CC of SRLDC) to be checked daily to ensure healthiness.

All SLDCs to carry out HA test once in every month to a check SCADA/Communication system healthiness.

All states to actively raise all SCADA/communication related complain to M/s GE/CTU (M/s Tejas) /STU and not leaving the matter only to SRLDC for resolution.

It was noted there was no provision for DSM waiver during ICCP failure as per extant Regulations.

Updated communication network diagram to be submitted by SR-I and SR-II to all SLDCs & SRLDC. Further any changes done in the communication network needed to be informed to all.

Frequent data outage(State Sector/Central Sector)

PGCIL to share their observations for communication failure on the instances of data outage beyond 8 hrs put up by SRLDC.

PGCIL to share all fibre cut/equipment outage information in real time.

DCPC at Narendra is faulty which is being attended by GE(SRLDC to follow up)

Communication failure details as submitted by SRLDC for the period from 01.01.2018 to 12.03.2018 is at Annexure-I

Data outage after commissioning

Cross checking to be done with site daily values for newly commissioned elements for a period of two week duration from commissioning.

Data discrepancy

SRLDC to delete the points which are not feasible to be telemetered.

RTU/SAS Maintenance/Upgradation

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

All states/Powergrid/CGS to explore option of replacement of old RTUs and AMC for SAS, as getting spare is difficult for old RTU.

AMC need to be provided for all RTU/SAS gateways by CTU/STU.

A life/functional assessment report and action plan by PGCIL/ISGS on old RTUs would be prepared and submitted to SRLDC/SRPC.

Backup Control Centre

Backup SCADA functionality testing frequency needs to be done once in 6 months to ensure high availability of data/preparedness to operate from Back up CC in event of any contingency. Compliance report may be furnished to SRLDC.

Periodical testing was being carried out by SRLDC and KSEBL.

TN stated that communication network is being strengthened to Backup CC. Once same is completed, TN will do the testing.

APTRANSCO informed that communication link has to be established from AP CC at Vijaywada to Back Up CC of SRLDC at Delhi. Powergrid & AP confirmed to establish the same by 16.03.2018.

PGCIL would be floating new combined Open Tender for Backup SLDCs for AP (Tirupati), TS (Warangal) along-with few other states.

Backup control centre establishment for AP & TS need to be expedited.


PGCIL had confirmed that due to cyber security concerns data would not be extended to SRLDC from NTAMC ICCP.

Functional requirement of the requisite data by SRLDC would remain, which needed to be ensured by PGCIL. SRLDC would furnish the list of telemetry points that have to be extended to PGCIL within 10 days, and within 1 month PGCIL would come out with a detailed plan to be completed within 6 months (October 2018)

Modification of EMS package TSTRANSCO had received estimate of Rs 47 lakhs and

the contract was being firmed up.

SRPC had requested that PGCIL to render assistance to

TSTRANSCO as requested by them if possible.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Status review of compliance of approved protocol of handling scada & communication issues (21.03.2016 communication meeting)

If the issue is not getting resolved within 8 hrs (3 hrs for ICCP) the following action would be taken:

Shri A P Gangadharan, GM(AM), SR-II and Shri S Ravi,

GM(AM), SR-I would be informed for necessary follow


The issue would be escalated with M/s G E (both by

SLDCs and SRLDC) and with M/s Tejas (by SR-I & SR-


In case the issue was as not resolved within 24 hrs

physical involvement of OEM (M/s GE and M/s Tejas)

would be ensured through effective coordination by user /


Sustained efforts/involvement of all the concerned entities

to be ensured till the issue is resolved

In case of hardware replacement / major rectification it

would be completed by 72 hrs.

No significant data outage for NCTPS stage 2, Sriperumbudur in last month

Sparing of Fibre in Central Sector Project

TANTRANSCO had again requested for sparing of fibre in

Central Sector Project. SR-II stated that request for

sparing of fibre in new FO links could be communicated

for consideration.

In 30th TCC/31st SRPC

meetings held on

24/25.02.2017 it was

noted that keeping in

view of the non

availability of spare

fibres in most of FO

links and the approved

MoU with M/s Powertel

the scheme of

allocation the fibres was


VC issues

TSTRANSCO Video Conference issue at TSSLDC. There

was disturbance in Video Conference at TS end when

connected to SRLDC.

SRLDC confirmed as per AMC Engineer no issue was

observed at SRLDC end and software upgradation is

pending at TS end.

TSSLDC and SRLDC were requested to coordinate and

sort out the issue.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Talcher RTU

A meeting with NTPC Talcher, SR-II ULDC and SRLDC is

proposed in 3rd/4th week of March 2018.

SR-II was requested to address the communication issue

between Talcher-II & HVDC. NTPC as a User needed to

be proactive in this.


Issues as per Special VC/Meeting

Commitment/suggestion Current Status


Talcher RGMO status point yet to be provided, RGMO response of the station was very poor during the six incidents as per SRLDC analysis. Data not furnished by Talcher

NTPC agreed for providing the same by October end. RGMO needs to be implemented properly by the generator. Analysis to be submitted

In the 136th OCC Meeting it was informed that new RTU to be integrated to make available of status point. A Meeting is scheduled at SRLDC shortly with participation from NTPC Talcher and SR II


Responding mostly frequency rise (unloading of machines) incidents.

Insufficient margin available may be issue for non-response during frequency dip incidents. If same status of response continues, further reduction in Normative DC may be considered by deducting mines share from the station.

Fine tuning had been carried out for all the unis.


Performance was good during some of the incidents and it was not consistent. Generator explained that units are still facing stability issues as they are of new technology and all best efforts would be put for improving the performance.

Units are still facing stability issues as they are of new technology and all best efforts would be put for improving the performance.

NLC TS I Expansion Non-performance

Technical issues associated with Unit-1, the same needs to be

NLC informed that Powergrid is requested to help

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

addressed through OEM. RGMO status issue.


List of Gas generating stations in TN control area for which RGMO implementation is mandated as per IEGC 5th Amendment w.e.f 01.10.2017.

To be submitted 136th OCC: TANTRANSCO have requested gas stations to give the action plan and it was informed that they are planning to approach CERC for exemption since gas availability is very less

Details of hydro generating stations exempted from RGMO/FGMO implementation by Hon’ble CERC along with relevant orders to be forwarded by TNSLDC.

To be submitted 136thOCC: Exemption has been received for all irrigation based hydro stations and others yet to be received.

NCTPS ST1 Performance was poor and it was informed by generator that logic error corrected last week, performance for future incidents needs to be observed. GPS synchronization facility not available

Would be completed in three months.

MTPS Stage 1 U-2 and MTPS Stage III

GPS synchronization not available

Agreed to complete GPS synchronization within two months.

Data to be submitted

Data to be furnished

By whom

To whom



1 OCC approval requests for Generation Units Outages



3rd of every month

It was emphasized that the maintenance schedule firmed up in OCC needed to be adhered by the

generators since it had LGB, commercial, ATC/TTC, market and grid security implications. All

generators needed to plan the maintenance and have periodic preliminary review meeting with the

OEM / Maintenance Agency to avoid any rescheduling. Any unilateral decision by the generator

could be considered as violation of IEGC.

2 ISTS/State Trans SRPC/ 3rd of Outage proposals for the months of April /May in

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

Sector Transmission Lines and Elements Outage Proposals

mission Licensees/Generators

SRLDC every month

respect of Central and State Transmission lines and elements are to be submitted

An outage coordination group had been created ([email protected]) for

review of the previous OCC approved shut downs (construction/critical).

3 Availed and non-availed transmission elements report



3rd of every month

4 Comments/Reasons for non-availing the shut down.

Transmission Licensees/Generators


6th of every month

Power purchase by the states was also being planned based on these approved outages and any changes may affect their LGB and in some cases ATC/TTC was also getting affected. The issue should to percolate to the operating level/ working level it should be emphasized that they should not deviate from the approved schedule.

5 Annual Outage plan schedule vs Actual maintenance

All Generators

SRPC Monthly Information is required for the Annual Outage

Plan Deviation Report being submitted to

CERC. (CGS, State & IPPs) and Transmission


6 Reasons for demand-supply gap and its variations


SRPC for further communication to MoP/CEA

Every month along with PSP

MoP/CEA specifically needed the reasons for load shedding like transmission constraints, distribution constraints, regulatory constraints viz the power purchase not allowed beyond an agreed cost or quantum, natural calamities, tripping of some of major transmission lines etc. All the constituents to furnish the information in the specified format. Even if load shedding is zero a ‘Nil’ report needed to be furnished on monthly basis.

7 LS(In MU/MW)




8 Bilateral Purchases



9 Installation/healthy capacitors

All Constituents


Monthly Installation & ensuring healthiness of capacitor banks at distribution level should be ensured by all the constituents.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

10 MVAR Interchange/MVAR capability testing

All Generators/SLDCs


4th of every month

All the SLDCs to kindly monitor VAR absorption/injection of generating units in their respective control areas in real-time.

Order of Hon’ble CERC dated 23.12.2009 merited attention in this regard. All agencies needed to provide required reactive compensation thus avoiding the need for exchange of reactive power to/from ISTS and maintain ISTS voltage within specific range.

11 AUFR & df/dt schemes

All constituents


Updates if any changes

Details of the feeders implemented in AUFR & df/dt schemes along with the status of SCADA mapping as per the specified Formats.

12 detailed report of operation of AUFR

All constituents


Daily basis

In accordance with clause 9 (2) of CEA (Grid Standards) Regulations, 2010. It was noted that only KSEBL and PED were submitting the daily report regarding operation of relays.

13 Upcoming Wind/Solar Projects

All Constituents


Monthly Procedure for RE Frameworks had been notified and is available at NLDC website. Progress of works of RE Generators and evacuation system are available in the minutes of the LVRT/RE Meeting held on 25.10.2017.

14 Power Flow Analysis under high RE scenario

All Constituents


Monthly A project has been undertaken jointly by POSOCO, USAID and NREL for power flow analysis under high RE scenario. APTRANSCO needed to furnish the data and requested them to furnish the details at the earliest.

14 Outage deviation report

All States/Entities


Monthly Outage plan deviation Generating Units/Transmission Elements of Southern Region needed to be submitted by all the concerned which is to be communicated to Hon’ble CERC.

15 Power Supply to Rural Areas


SRPC first week of the month for previous month.

In the Meeting held at MoP on 09.04.2014 it had been decided to collect the data invariably from DISCOMs. It is requested that the data in this regard in the required format may please be arranged to be communicated to SRPC Secretariat at the following E-mail addresses: [email protected]/[email protected]

16 Status of implementation of the recommendations of the Enquiry Committee

3rd and 17th of every month

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

17 Energy Generation data Management from Renewable Energy Sources

All the states

To CEA with a copy to SRPC


18 Power supply hours in various States/UTs (Rural and Urban areas)

All States

SRPC Monthly For Replying to Parliament Questions: CEA Requirement

19 Physical and Cyber Security/Crisis Management Plan/Black Start Procedure

CEA/SRPC Quarterly Cyber Security: To be furnished to Chief Engineer, DPD, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, New Delhi-110066. Physical Security, other Mock Drills for CMP, Mock Drill for Black Start Restoration: Chief Engineer, DMLF, CEA, Sewa Bhavan, New Delhi-110066. Information required by CEA (vide letter dated 26.11.2013) regarding Security of power installations was to be furnished to CEA.

20 Declaration of availability and healthiness of various protection / defense mechanism

All States


Monthly Validated certificates needed to be communicated in a timely manner.

21 Tripping Details/Reports

All the concerned

SRLDC Within 24 hrs as per IEGC/CEA regulations.Para 29 of Hon’ble CERC Order dated 20.02.2014 in respect of Petition No.146/MP/2013 was brought to attention of the OCC.

22 Compiled Telemetry status

Utility wise

As directed by Hon’ble Commission Hon’ble Commission vide order dated 19.12.2013 on Suo-moto petition No. 56/SM/2013 had directed all the utilities to provide the required telemetry within six months of this order. It was requested that MAPS, KGS & KKNPP may please furnish the compliance status of pending SCADA inputs the earliest. Details in this regard were available on SRLDC web site.

Agenda for 142nd OCC Meeting to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRLDC ,Bangalore

For KKNPP only 2 points are pending w.r.t GT tap position. Re -tendering was going on and it will take 5 more months to complete the works.

23 Prolonged outage



Monthly All constituents were requested to convey the schedule of revival for the elements under prolonged outage to SRPC, which was to be reported to Hon’ble CERC on monthly basis. (CERC Order on petition no 146/MP/2013).

24 Nodal Officer list : Disaster Management

All utilities

SRLDC Update The updated status as per the information available with SRLDC has already been shared.

25 Presentation on Operational issues

All States/ Entities


5th of every month

Additional Agenda for 142nd OCC

to be held on 10.04.2018 at SRPC Bangalore

1. APSPCL – Evacuation of power from Ananthapuramu Ultra Mega Solar Park (1500


APSPCL vide letter dated 04.04.2018(Annexure-I) has sought certain clarifications in

regard to evacuation of Solar Power generated from Ananthapuramu Ultra Mega

Solar Power Park (1500 MW). It was also requested that this issue may kindly be an

agenda item of next OCC/Special Meeting.

The following were submitted by APSPCL

Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Corporation Pvt Ltd (APSPCL) is a Joint Venture

Company formed between Solar Energy Corporation of India Limited (SECI),

Andhra Pradesh Solar Power Generation Corporation Ltd (APGENCO) and New

& Renewable Energy Development Corporation of Andhra Pradesh Ltd

(NREDCAP) for development of Solar Parks in the State of Andhra Pradesh.

Ananthapuram Ultra Mega Solar Park at N.P.Kunta Mandal of Ananthapuram

district is being developed by APSPCL to establish total 1500 MW capacity of

Solar projects by various Solar Power Developers under various MNRE schemes

as detailed below:

I. 250 MW Solar project was already commissioned by NTPC under EPC

mode in the year 2016

II. 500 MW proposed to be developed under VGF Scheme, SECI has already

selected SPDs through ICB to establish 400 MW Solar projects as flows:

a) M/s.ACME - 150 MW

b) M/s.Tata Power - 100 MW

c) M/s.FRV - 100 MW

d) M/s.Azure - 50 MW

SPDs for balance 100 MW yet to be identified by SECI.

III. For balance 750 MW capacity, NTPC has issued NIT on 09.03.2018 for

selection of Solar Power Developers and is likely to be commissioned by

June 2019

APSPCL is creating all infrastructure facilities including Internal Evacuation

system by establishing 220/33 kV Pooling substations of each 250 MW inside the

Solar Park to evacuate entire 1500 MW Solar Park.

External Power Evacuation system for evacuation of 1500 MW capacity from this

Solar Park was established by PGCIL ie., CTU by setting 400/220 kV grid

substation within the Solar Park at N.P.Kunta village. The necessary approvals

for LTA & Connectivity approvals from PGCIL (CTU) have already taken by


In this connection, it is inform that the Interconnection point and tariff metering for

250 MW Solar project which was already commissioned by NTPC is on 33 kV

side of 220/33 kV Pooling Substation established by APSPCL as per the guide

lines/regulations prevailed at that time. Scheduling and forecasting for the power

generated from this project is being done by APSLDC since the power generated

from the project is purchased by APDISCOMs as per the PPA entered with


Out of 500 MW capacity proposed to be developed under VGF, 400 MW Solar

Projects are under development and are likely to be commissioned in the month

of April/May 2018. 3 Nos. of 220/33 Pooling Sub Stations of each 250 MW, 50

MW and 100 MW and its associated 2 Nos. 220 kV D/C lines connecting to

400/220 kV PGCIL grid substation are likely to be charged by end of April, 2018.

As per the revised guide lines/regulations the Interconnection point and tariff

metering is on 33 kV side of 220/33 kV grid substation of PGCIL ie., CTU at

N.P.Kunta site. Solar Energy Corporation of India Ltd (SECI) has entered Power

Sale Agreement (PSA) with APDISCOMS for sale of power generated from 400

MW Solar Projects. In turn, SECI has entered Power Purchase Agreement

(PPAs) with selected SPDs as above.

With the commissioning of 400 MW capacity at Galiveedu site, total capacity of

650 MW including existing 250 MW capacity will be evacuated through PGCIL

400/220 kV Grid Substation. Entire 650 MW capacity will be scheduled to

APDISCOMS as per the existing PPA/PSA.

Further to inform that minimum 10% of total 1500 MW solar power generated in

this park shall be given to out of the state.

A decision is to be taken on the following issues regarding evacuation of solar

power generated from Ananthapuram Ultra Mega Solar Park (1500 MW).

i. Whether 650 MW (250+400) capacity generated from the Solar Park is

scheduled by APSLDC or SRLDC since the entire 650 MW capacity is purchased

by APDISCOMS as per the existing PPA with NTPC for 250 MW and PSA with

SECI for 400 MW.

ii. Whether this Solar Park comes under SRLDC purview or APSLDC purview.

Presently, it is under the purview of APSLDC and tariff metering is at 33 kV side

of 220/32 kV Pooling substation.

iii. If scheduling is done by APSLDC, then the responsibility for down loading data

from tariff meters located at 220 kV side 400 kV Grid substation of PGCIL and

energy accounting is to be clarified.

iv. If scheduling is done by SRLDC, the responsibility the impact of Deviation

Settlement Mechanism on different entities may also be clarified.

v. Presently, the real time / SCADA data is being transmitted to APSLDC from

220/33 kV Pooling Substations of APSLDC through PGCIL 400/220 kV Grid

substation and SRLDC.

vi. Procedure to be followed for transmission of Data to APSLDC/SRLDC from

SCADA of 220/33 kV Pooling Substations may be clarified.

vii. PGCIL may be advised to install tariff meters at 220 kV side of 400 kV Grid

substation as per the CERC/APERC metering code.

viii. After the entire capacity of 1500 MW is commissioned and if there is any

interstate sale agreement for minimum capacity of 10% of total capacity, the

procedure to be followed may also be examined.

APSPCL requested to include the above points in the agenda of next OCC/special

meeting conducted by SRPC and desired that all related parties (NTPC, SECI,

PGCIL, APSLDC and APTRANSCO, APPCC) may also be invited to discuss the

operational/scheduling/metering/commercial at the meeting for taking decision.

Subsequently SRPC vide letter 06.04.2018 (Annexure-II) had requested SRLDC to

communicate their views/stand on the scheduling issues raised by APSPCL for

enabling SRPC to take further action in this regard. SRLDC letter dated 10.04.2017

observations of SRLDC regarding scheduling of Adani Solar Power Projects of

Kamuthi in Tamil Nadu) was also enclosed since it was felt that there may be similar

scheduling issues involved.

2. Low coal stock in Major generating stations – Action requested

SRLDC vide letter dated 03.04.2018(Annexure-III) addressed to all SLDCs and

Generators for their kind intervention at Senior management level (of respective

generating stations / ISGS) for war foot action for improving the coal stock

position and facilitate preparedness for impending summer months where the SR

demand is expected to reach new highs. With the expected supplementary increase

in the forthcoming summer coupled with low RE generation particularly wind

generation, the availability of thermal units are critical for the grid in the forthcoming

days. It is to be noted that the coal stock position in major generating stations are

running low and urgent action has to be taken in order for the improvement in the

status of coal stock and secured gird operation for the summer). In the meanwhile,

efforts may also be explored for harnessing the bottled up generation available

within Southern Region like IPPs etc who have fuel stock but less schedule. It

is also requested for suitable arrangements for procuring and movement of coal in

order to optimize their thermal generation and SLDCs have to ensure drawal from

grid to be strictly as per schedule in order to maintain the frequency within IEGC

band ensuring smooth grid operation.

3. Frequent tripping of Konaje – Manjeswaram line on overload–reg

KSEBL vide letter dated 04.04.2018(Annexure-IV) has expressed concern regarding

the frequent tripping of Konaje – Manjeswaram 110 kV feeder recently and

requested that the matter may please be included as an agenda for next OCC


The following were observed:

The trippings were found to be associated with the sudden increase in railway

traction load on two phases. Railways are drawing power at Uppala traction from

110 kV Substation of KSEBL. At present, Kubanoor Substation cannot be fed

from 220 kV system of KSEBL at Mylatty due to the inadequacy of transmission


The matter was discussed with SLDC, Karnataka on 03.04.2018. As the time at

which railways draw excess power cannot be determined, extreme corrective

action cannot be taken by KSEBL such as imposition of load shedding in the

area to allow the trains to pass. The matter has been taken up with Chief

Engineer (Transmission-North) for taking up with Railways. It is also learned that

the excessive drawal at Uppala traction station is due to the delay in

commissioning of traction station near Mangalore in Karnataka.

The matter may please be reviewed. As an interim measure, KPTCL may take

action to increase the relay setting at Konaje Substation to allow short time

loading of the feeder due to railway loading, limiting to the thermal rating of the

conductor. KSBEL can ensure that the average loading on the feeder always

remain below 22 MW as agreed in the SRPC forum.

4. Pending points regarding URTDSM project

SRLDC vide letter dated 03.04.2018(Annexure-V)had requested PGCIL, SR II to

update the current status of the UPS system under URTDSM project for SRLDC, like

whether it has been dispatched or yet to be and from where it is to be dispatched. It

was noted that in the Special Meeting held on 13.04.2018 at SR II, PGCIL it was

informed by PGCIL that the UPS will be supplied by 20th April 2018. It was also

requested to update the status of the following pending SAT deliverables from PGCIL

Communication link from SRLDC to NLDC

Internet connection for patch management of URTDSM systems.

5. Relocating the Identified loads for strengthening Raichur – Sholapur SPS of

Sothern Region

KSEBL vide letter dated 23.03.2018(Annexure-VI) had informed the following:

220 kV Kalamasseryand BrahmapuramS/Sswere identified for the reliable operation

of SPS and for the secure operation of All India grid. However, taking cognizance of

the changes in the network configuration, the stations for erection of new DTPC’s are

relocated to

1) 110 kV S/S Chalakudy

2) 220 kV S/S Shornur

The total load relief of 70 MW can be obtained from the following feeders:-

1. Chalakudy – Kodungaloor I & II (66 kV) – 20 MW

2. 11 kV load TR 110/11 # I & II Chalakudy – 14 MW

3. Shornur – Ottapalam (110 kV) – 28 MW

4. Shornur – Patharipala (110 kV) – 10 MW

A total load relief of 72 MW is identified. All these loads are visible.

The feeders Vadakara – Meppayur (110 kV) and Orakattery– Panoor (110 kV) identified

with a load relief of 70 MW now shall be disconnected on completing the DTPC

configuration work at 110 kV S/S Chalakudy and 220 kV S/S Shornur.

Subsequently SR II, Powergrid vide E-mail dated 03.04.2018 had informed SRLDC that DTPCs have been supplied at the respective identified locations and you are requested to confirm for any changes at the earliest as the agency is going to commence installation from 2nd week of April’18.

SRLDC vide E-mail dated 03.04.2018 had informed that the relocation of DTPC's for SPS proposed by KSEBL may be agreed upon. The above was also discussed with operations department of SRPC wherein it was agreed that formal concurrence for the same would be given in forthcoming SRPC OCC meeting (Apr 2018).

6. Ramp Rates

The ramp up and ramp down rates are assuming significance with higher RE

penetration, sudden changes in load, sudden PX schedules etc. The details of ramp

rates of RRAS stations are enclosed at Annexure-VII. There may be need for review of

ramp rates keeping in view the provisions in CEA Regulations. SLDCs may also review

the ramp rates of State Control Area generators.

7. SPS for 400kV Nellore - NPS D/C

SPS for 400kV Nellore - NPS D/C using O/C feature in Main - 1 Protection has been implemented at 400kV Nellore Substation today at 17:00Hrs on 08.04.2018. The adopted Setting is : 2640A, Timer = 5 Sec.

8. Revised Outage Plan and Annual Generation for 2018-19

NTECL vide letter dated 07.04.2018 (Annexure-VIII) had revised Outage Plan and

Annual Generation plan for the year 2018-19. It may be noted that as per MoP

approved target and earlier submitted data for outage/generation plan the

LGBR/Outage Plan has been sent to CEA for approval.

9. Withdrawal of Kudgi unit from RSD

SRLDC vide mail dated 07.04.2018 had informed that NLDC had asked to withdraw the

RRAS given for Unit-2 of Kudgi Unit-2 from 10:00 hrs on 07-04-2018 considering the

trend of load met by Southern region when compared to 06-04-2018. The

communication from NLDC was immediately forwarded to all the respective

beneficiaries and KUDGI Power station. The beneficiaries were also asked to take a

note of the above situation as both the Units at Kudgi were running nearly at Technical

minimum i.e. 420 MW each and there is a possibility of one Unit of going under RSD

upon removal of RRAS. However, there was no further requisition given by any of the


Accordingly, Kudgi power station was asked to revise the 'OFF Bar' and 'ON Bar' DC of

Kudgi Units and come to schedule. Kudgi power station had requested for taking Unit-1

under RSD as the schedule was less than technical minimum. Hence RSD was

concurred for Kudgi Unit-1 based on the request on Kudgi station and seeing the

schedule pattern of Kudgi Units.

10. Scheduling of Kudgi Power during RSD

TSSLDC vide letter dated 06.04.2018 (Annexure- IX) had raised certain observations

on scheduling of power from Kudgi during RSD. The following were submitted:

The issue of non-scheduling of power from Kudgi particularly during peak

hours was intimated for deliberation in the OCC during one unit under RSD.

Accordingly the subject was discussed in the 141st OCC meeting and a

consensus was arrived that, as the KPTCL’s entire requisition from both the

units of Kudgi was considered for keeping the unit-2 under Reserve Shut

Down (RSD), they can give requisition only for the balance entitlement

quantum from Unit-1. Accordingly KPTCL has restricted their requisition from

11.03.2018 to 02.04.2018. Further, it was also informed that the matter will be

taken up with CERC for clarification on scheduling power from the unit under


Even after consensus in OCC, it is observed that on 03.04.2018,

TSTRANSCO schedule was curtailed even though full requisition was made

during evening peak hours from Kudgi which is not in line with the decision

taken in OCC. The working arrangement which was agreed in 141st OCC may

be adhered to and the matter may be placed as agenda item in the 142nd


It is desired that the matter may be discussed and finalized at the regional

level for smooth operation of the grid. Necessary clarification in the operation

of RSD procedure may be obtained by SRLDC from CERC. In the absence of

any concrete resolution in this regard from SRLDC, TSTRANSCO constrained

to take up the issue with Hon’ble CERC.

TSTRANSCO views on the subject are as follows:

1. Due to surrender of power by Karnataka from both units of Kudgi led to RSD of

one of the Unit as the sum of requisitions of all other beneficiaries can be

accommodated from one unit.

2. For any requisition of power from surrendered quantity which is led to RSD has

to be considered with 8 hours prior notice and with a minimum schedule for 8

hours as per clause Nos.7.1 & 7.2 of DoP on RSD.

3. The present procedure being implemented by SRLDC is impacting the Load

Generation balance of beneficiaries who are not given consent for RSD because

of the cherry picking requisition especially during peak hours by the beneficiary

who has led to RSD.

4. The present procedure being followed by SRLDC leading to payment of fixed

charges even without availing power even though full schedule is requisitioned.

5. Also forcing additional procurement of power at higher cost.

It was also stated that the scheduling was not as per consensus arrived in 141st OCC


11. Discussion on RSD Procedure

NLDC vide letter dated (Annexure-X) has proposed discussion on RSD procedure in

each of the RPC as noted in approved RSD Procedure. WRPC secretariat has been

requested to circulate the latest Procedure.

The following were noted:

The detailed procedure for taking unit(s) under Reserve Shutdown and

Mechanism for Compensation for Degradation of Heat Rate, Aux Compensation

and Secondary Fuel Consumption, due to Part Load Operation and Multiple

Start/Stop of Units was approved by the Hon’ble Commission vide its order dated


In the same order, NLDC was also advised to deliberate the WRPC procedure in

the other RPC’s and submit its feasibility in 6 months from the date of issue of

the procedure. The relevant paras of the order are quoted below:

“6.There is already a procedure for RDS for a station in WRPC in vogue based on

principle of removal of costliest stations and also provide for adjustment of allocation of

power to other generating stations in the consent of beneficiaries. NLDC is of the view

that same needs deliberation. NLDC is advised to deliberate the WRPC procedure in

the other RPC’s and submit its feasibility in 6 months from the date of issue of the


With the implementation of 55% technical minimum wef 15.05.2017, the problem

of RSD has been relegated to the background for some time. Considering the

smooth operation, the issue did not generally come up for discussion in any of

the RPC forums.

Recently, Secretary, CERC vide letter dated 26.03.2018 has sought NLDC’s

feedback on the WRPC RSD procedure. It is requested that WRPC Secretariat

may kindly circulate a copy of the RDS procedure (latest) prepared by them

to all other RPCs & NLDC so that the same could be discussed in each

RPC. It would be beneficial if WRPC Secretariat could arrange a

presentation in each RPC on their RSD procedure.
