southland schools chess tournament

Connected, self managing learners, striving for excellence a Newsletter Thursday 13 May 2021 Tēnā koutou katoa ngā mihi ki te whānau ō te Kura ō Otatara - greetings to all families of Otatara School. I hope you are managing to stay warm with this cold weather front we have been experiencing. Warm waterproof jackets are a bit of a necessity at school at the moment and a change of clothes in schoolbags is a good idea. Sadly last week one of our pie warmers ceased working - it was a rather busy day that day getting warmups heated - thanks to Mr N-V and our heatup team students still got warm lunches. A big thank you to our Parent Group for paying for a replacement pie warmer for us, we do appreciate being able to offer heat up facilities for students, especially on some of our cooler Southland days! PINK SHIRT DAY Tomorrow I’m expecting to see the school awash with pink as students dress up to stand up and show support for Bullying Free New Zealand Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying. ‘Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau where everyone feels safe, valued and respected’ ( Next Thursday Georgia and Lola, two of our Year 5 students are cooking burgers as part of a PRIDE Challenge to raise money for tomorrow’s Pink Shirt Day. I hope your child got their order on Tuesday so they can enjoy Georgia and Lola’s Burger Thursday! KEEPING OURSELVES SAFE PROGRAMME Constable Marty has completed his keeping ourselves safe lessons with our classes with each class having him and his trusty companion Larry the Lion visit twice. In the junior classes I observed yesterday he talked with students about the importance of them knowing their first name, last name and their address. He also challenged them to learn a parent’s cellphone number. Road safety messages about wearing seat belts were communicated through a fun little song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, if you ask your child they might sing it to you! SOUTHLAND SCHOOLS CHESS TOURNAMENT On Tuesday our school hosted the Southland Schools Chess Tournament, where 12 of our students took part in this day long competition. 53 students competed all together from 4 schools. Congratulations to Zach Hotton, Sam Ramsay, Nate Alcock and Harry Frew who have earned the right to compete in Rotorua later this year. WELCOME Today we welcomed mathematics educator Rob Proffitt-White to our junior school. Rob spent the day working alongside students and teachers across the junior team demonstrating the power of open-ended problem solving tasks where students explain and justify their solutions. OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Year 5/6 students have had a busy day today working and thinking as scientists - Pokaka and Tarata travelled to Noki Kaik to undertake a litter intelligence survey where they collected and classified the rubbish in a designated area. This data will contribute to a nationwide research project. Ti Kōuka have spent their day launching their water rockets alongside their expert partner Kane Shuttleworth. Heoi anō tāku mō ināianei - That’s all for now Nāku noa nā. - Yours sincerely WELCOME Welcome to Sophie Stoevelaar who started school in Room 1. We hope you enjoy being part of our learning community.

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Connected, self managing learners, striving for excellence


Newsletter Thursday 13 May 2021

Tēnā koutou katoa ngā mihi ki te whānau ō te Kura ō Otatara - greetings to all families of Otatara School. I hope you are managing to stay warm with this cold weather front we have been experiencing. Warm waterproof jackets are a bit of a necessity at school at the moment and a change of clothes in schoolbags is a good idea. Sadly last week one of our pie warmers ceased working - it was a rather busy day that day getting warmups heated - thanks to Mr N-V and our heatup team students still got warm lunches. A big thank you to our Parent Group for paying for a replacement pie warmer for us, we do appreciate being able to offer heat up facilities for students, especially on some of our cooler Southland days!

PINK SHIRT DAY Tomorrow I’m expecting to see the school awash with pink as students dress up to stand up and show support for Bullying Free New Zealand Kōrero Mai, Kōrero Atu, Mauri Tū, Mauri Ora - Speak Up, Stand Together, Stop Bullying. ‘Pink Shirt Day works to create schools, workplaces, communities and whānau where everyone feels safe, valued and respected’ ( Next Thursday Georgia and Lola, two of our Year 5 students are cooking burgers as part of a PRIDE Challenge to raise money for tomorrow’s Pink Shirt Day. I hope your child got their order on Tuesday so they can enjoy Georgia and Lola’s Burger Thursday!

KEEPING OURSELVES SAFE PROGRAMME Constable Marty has completed his keeping ourselves safe lessons with our classes with each class having him and his trusty companion Larry the Lion visit twice. In the junior classes I observed yesterday he talked with students about the importance of them knowing their first name, last name and their address. He also challenged them to learn a parent’s cellphone number. Road safety messages about wearing seat belts were communicated through a fun little song to the tune of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star, if you ask your child they might sing it to you!


On Tuesday our school hosted the Southland Schools Chess Tournament, where 12 of our students took part in this day long competition. 53 students competed all together from 4 schools. Congratulations to Zach Hotton, Sam Ramsay, Nate Alcock and Harry Frew who have earned the right to compete in Rotorua later this year.

WELCOME Today we welcomed mathematics educator Rob Proffitt-White to our junior school. Rob spent the day working alongside students and teachers across the junior team demonstrating the power of open-ended problem solving tasks where students explain and justify their solutions.

OUTDOOR ACTIVITIES Year 5/6 students have had a busy day today working and thinking as scientists - Pokaka and Tarata travelled to Noki Kaik to undertake a litter intelligence survey where they collected and classified the rubbish in a designated area. This data will contribute to a nationwide research project. Ti Kōuka have spent their day launching their water rockets alongside their expert partner Kane Shuttleworth.

Heoi anō tāku mō ināianei - That’s all for now Nāku noa nā. - Yours sincerely


Welcome to Sophie Stoevelaar who started school in Room 1. We hope you enjoy being part of our learning community.


Connected, self managing learners, striving for excellence


Congratulations to our latest Manaakitanga Award winners:-

Alex King Phoebe Hodson Kyla Howden Liam Pearce Stella Tagicakibau Ruby Haig Sam Jack Lola Dean Ikaysha Healey

CALENDAR 26 May NZ Playhouse Performance ‘Rumpelstiltskin’ 27 May Burger Thursday 02 June Otatara School Cross Country 09 June Zone Cross Country 18 June Southland Cross Country 25 June School Disco 26 June Strictly Jump Jam Competition 28 June BOT Meeting 7:00pm Learning Centre 01 July Janet de Wagt - Artist 06 July Student Led Conferences 08 July Student Led Conferences 09 July End of Term 2


21 May 2:00pm Junior Assembly

28 May 2:00pm Whole School Assembly

We hope you can join us to celebrate our learning


Monday 24 May to Friday 28 May

Monday Bridget Robson Tuesday Mana Harrison Wednesday Ilona Killeen Thursday Tracy Jack Friday Chris Lange

If for some reason you are unavailable on your rostered day please swap with another parent.