spainhour news oct 2013

October News 2013 In a world of fast food, video’s on demand and travel by plane the idea of travel by sea can sometimes be forgotten. There are 1000’s of inhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean. The majority of these islands have no airstrip and lots of the ones that do are in disrepair. Traveling by ship is the only way to truly reach the isolated of this region! SPAINHOUR N e w s l e t t e r NEW PARTNERSHIPS ON HORIZON! Since coming to help pioneer the new YWAM Ships location in Kona Hawaii, we have seen amazing opportunities for collaboration between several mission organizations. As we have continued to pray and consider what God was speaking to us as a new ministry the words of Micronesia have been very clear to us. As we have turned our attention to this region we have begun to develop relationships with groups and individuals already working in the region. I have personal convictions about the Unity in the Body of Christ, and to be able to see unity happening between mission groups and denominations is so special to me, but it is also more than that! By each of us utilizing our strengths and relying on the weaknesses of the others we can achieve so much more. Right now we are looking at how YWAM Ships can partner with Wycliffe Bible Translators, Uniskript (a ministry that turns oral language into written language) and other church’s in the region. These partnerships are already yielding much fruit. We are sending 5 or 6 teams there in January, plus ship outreaches with medical and Bible distribution teams. Then running Discipleship Training schools and Bible training schools in the middle of next year. I will write more later about this, but we are even planning on doing Bible training on a brand new Translation that will be released in July Next year!!!!!!

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Jonathan Spainhour, Missionary for YWAM personal Newsletter


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In a world of fast food, video’s on demand and travel by plane the idea of travel by sea can sometimes be forgotten. There are 1000’s of inhabited islands in the Pacific Ocean. The majority of these islands have no airstrip and lots of the ones that do are in disrepair. Traveling by ship is the only way to truly reach the isolated of this region!

SPAINHOURN e w s l e t t e r

NEW PARTNERSHIPS ON HORIZON!Since coming to help pioneer the new YWAM Ships location in

Kona Hawaii, we have seen amazing opportunities for

collaboration between several mission organizations.As we have continued to pray and consider what God was speaking to us as a new

ministry the words of Micronesia have been very clear to us. As we have turned our

attention to this region we have begun to develop relationships with groups and

individuals already working in the region. I have personal convictions about the Unity

in the Body of Christ, and to be able to see unity happening between mission groups

and denominations is so special to me, but it is also more than that! By each of us

utilizing our strengths and relying on the weaknesses of the others we can achieve so

much more. Right now we are looking at how YWAM Ships can partner with

Wycliffe Bible Translators, Uniskript (a ministry that turns oral

language into written language) and other church’s in the

region. These partnerships are already yielding much fruit.

We are sending 5 or 6 teams there in January, plus ship

outreaches with medical and Bible distribution teams.

Then running Discipleship Training schools and Bible

training schools in the middle of next year. I will

write more later about this, but we are even

planning on doing Bible training on a brand new

Translation that will be released in July Next year!!!!!!

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a part of !

Thank you for your prayer and support, I couldn't do what I do with out YOU!

Jonathan Spainhour


Jonathan Spainhour #260

75-5851 Kuakini Hwy

Kailua Kona HI, 96740

Email and Phone

[email protected]

[email protected]

Cell +1 336 880 9512

Prayer of Blessing

May the Lord Bless you and Keep you

May He make His face to shine upon you

and be gracious to youMay He Turn His face toward you and give

you peace


The year aheadI have just begun another Bible

training course. This time we have 10 students, 4 staff and me:) Out of the 15 of us there are 9 different nations represented.

Getting to train and send missionaries from all over the world has been one of the biggest blessings for me. I have been

challenged much in looking at the Bible through global eyes rather than just my own. I have much to learn yet...

So I will work with this group for 3 months before sending teams into Micronesia. In January I am looking at going to Micronesia myself. There is also a

chance of going to PNG and maybe even down to Australia as well. There is much to do there to get ready for some exciting

new Bible training opportunities here and and in Micronesia. I can’t give much detail now, but as the plans come together I will

keep you informed. All of these things are very exciting and humbling to be able to be

YWAM Gathering!Above and to the immediate right are

pictures of the University of Nations Workshop in Mexico this year. There were about 1000 missionaries from YWAM’s

training ministries. What a wonderful time of connecting with men and women from all over the world!

We had times of worship and fellowship together, and even got to hold a 600 year old scroll of the Torah during one

lecture from an archeologist. And as fun and meaningful as those times were, I think the best part was being able to connect and strategize with the different ministries

about how we can best use resources to really impact the world. We may not all be doing the same thing or even agree on

everything, but we all are there for Jesus and that makes all the difference. My prayer from this time is that we will all be

faithful to multiply the gifts and talents that the Lord has entrusted us with.

All Missionaries serving with Youth With A Mission, from the founders to the newest staff Receive no wage or income from YWAM. We all raise all of our own support. Such a blessing to see God releasing so many into the world through your contributions. For more info on this, see contact info below.