spark winter program 2016

7/21/2019 Spark Winter Program 2016 1/26 The Avielle Foundaon, Inc || PO Box 686, Newtown, CT 06470 || (Ph) 203 - 304 - 1733  1 Winter 2 16 When: January 25th—March 2nd Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:155:00 pm  Who: 5th and 6th Grade Students Only 60 spots are available for Winter program  Cost: No Charge for rst me students Returning Students $120 (scholarships available) Where: NYA Sports & Fitness How to Register: New Student (link) Returning Student (link) Transportaon:  Reed Bus provided for drop o to NYA Snack: Healthy snacks are provided More Informaon: or  [email protected]  Building Stronger Minds, Bodies and Connecons  Music  Art Fitness Non Competitive Recreational Wellness Community Service For more informaon:[email protected] artners The Spark Afterschool Program 

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SPARK after school winter 2016


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Winter 2 16

When: January 25th—March 2nd 

Mondays and Wednesdays: 3:15—5:00 pm 

Who: 5th and 6th Grade Students 

Only 60 spots are available for Winter program  

Cost:  No Charge for rst me students 

Returning Students $120 (scholarships available) 

Where:  NYA Sports & Fitness 

How to Register:  New Student (link)

Returning Student (link)

Transportaon:  Reed Bus provided for drop o to NYA 

Snack:  Healthy snacks are provided 

More Informaon: or 

[email protected] 

“Building Stronger Minds, Bodies and Connecons” 




Non Competitive

Recreational Wellness

Community Service 

For more informaon:[email protected]


The Spark Afterschool Program 

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Dear Parents, 

On behalf of the Avielle Foundaon we want to introduce you to our Spark Aerschool program.

We are incredibly excited about this program and the feedback we have received from you about

the need for this type of program. We know how hard it is to encourage your children to try new

things, perhaps outside their comfort zone, while inslling a passion for health, growth, educaon,

and emoonal development. We want the Spark Aerschool program to help you with that. We love

that so many community partners have come together to make this program possible. I just wanted

to take a moment and talk more about the Avielle Foundaon.  

When Jennifer and I lost our daughter, Avielle, in the Sandy Hook Elementary School tragedy we had

to do something to prevent more tragedies and the innite grief that we see throughout our country

as a result of violence to self and others. Playing to our strengths as sciensts we created the Avielle

Foundaon. Our mission is to prevent violence and build compassion through neuroscience

research, community engagement, and educaon. One of the most sciencally established

protecve factors we can engender in our children is a sense of self -mastery. This refers to the

ability of our children to set and achieve goals, to recognize their emoons and regulate them, andnally, to empathize with the others. Believe it or not, this sense of self -mastery is the best predictor

of success in life – whether it is dened as health, wealth, or happiness. It is the best way to build

compassion, and it is therefore one of the best ways to prevent violence.  For this reason, we have

created the Spark Project. Our commitment through the Spark Project is to build compassion and

emoonal intelligence on a community-wide basis. This Spark Aerschool Program is our rst step at

connecng our children with a greater sense of self -mastery, condence, and the opportunity to


We are so excited to embark on this journey with you and your children and hope to see you over

the next few weeks. 


Jeremy and Jennifer 

Jeremy G Richman, PhD || Founder & CEO, The Avielle Foundaon 

619-384-1832 (Cell) ||  

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Table of Contents: 

Introducon from Jeremy 

1.  The Spark Project 

2.  The Spark Aerschool Program Overview 

3.  Collaborave Partners 

4.  Volunteers


Planning Model 

6.  Winter 2016 Dates and Times 

7.  Art Curriculum 

8.  Music/Theater Curriculum 

9.  Recreaonal Wellness Curriculum 

10.  Fitness Curriculum 

11. Sta Biographies

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The SPARK Project  

The Spark Aerschool Program is a byproduct of the Spark Project which is an iniave to develop

social-emoonal learning (SEL), Leadership, and compassion skills on community

-wide basis and

beyond.  Focusing on children, young adults and families, the Spark Project will leverage its all-

volunteer leadership team in training SEL skills collaboravely with the Newtown School System,

coaches and mentors, as well as parents and teen-peers to create a mul-layered approach to skill

development. These skills will then, not only be taught academically, but more importantly will be

modeled at all points of contact for our youth.  The Avielle Foundaon has partnered with the very

best in the area of SEL development, including Commiee for Children, 3C Instute, and Personalized

Learning Games to establish a “train the trainer” model to ensure the SEL training eort is cost

eecve and sustainable. Please explore each of these amazing organizaons by clicking the links on

the following page. 

To incenvize community commitment and engagement, Spark will secure scholarships, awards, and

opportunity commitments from colleges, universies, and respected corporate partners to reward

iniaves that demonstrate meaningful, real–world applicaon of these leadership and 21st century

skills.  The Spark team will design and implement an evidence-based SEL assessment study, which will

establish the baseline and measure SEL skill development at specic intervals over me.  These results

will be compared to a similar community not engaged in such training to objecvely determine the

ecacy of our eorts and inform the evoluon of our approach moving forward.  Finally, the Spark

team will also develop a comprehensive, step-by-step guide for any community who is inspired by

Spark and will oer all of our experience, know-how, and support so that they may succeed in

developing SEL and compassion skills in their communies as well.


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The Spark Afterschool Program Overview 

“Building Stronger Minds, Bodies and Connecons


The Spark Aerschool Program is a grass roots iniave provided by “The Avielle Foundaon” as part of

a mul-er approach “ to develop social-emoonal learning (SEL), leadership, and compassion skills on

community-wide basis and beyond.”

What if a child has the potenal to be a brilliant musician, but is never given the right opportunity to

recognize or grow his or her talent? What if a shy, introverted arst is never able to connect with his or

her peers - idened as “the athletes” -- because in a typical day their paths don’t cross? What if

children never truly learn to appreciate their inner greatness, or respect the strengths and dierences of

their peers?

Children can increase their physical and brain health and also become culturally enriched by beingexposed to a diverse oering of arts, music, and wellness. While this is a relavely agreed -upon concept,

due to chaoc schedules, nancial/me restraints, and pressure from work/life responsibilies, most

parents’ best intenons oen fall short in trying to provide this well rounded enrichment. While most

schools are completely aligned with the concept of providing their students with a culturally diverse

educaon, they too are oen inundated with mulple impeding factors and restraints. Again, making it

dicult to provide every child with a unique and inspiring opportunity.

Sparking an Interest 

The Spark Aerschool Program can bridge this gap. A team of community professionals dedicated to

partnering with schools and local community organizaons are oering unique opportunies for

students to be exposed to a culturally diverse, enriching, and health conscious curriculum. Every child

has an interest in something unique to her or him. Addionally, this program will foster the

development of social, emoonal, and characterisc skills which are vital for young people to succeed in

life. In this way, by creang a bridge between the arts, music, wellness, and our community, the

program strives to not only enrich students’ life experiences, but to help reduce possible social isolaon.

Our ulmate goal is to serve as a resource for creang immediate, and possibly inspire dramac

sustainable life-long posive change for our kids and our community.

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Sparking an Interest 

The Spark Aerschool Program can bridge this gap. A team of community professionals

dedicated to partnering with schools and local community organizaons are oering unique

opportunies for students to be exposed to a culturally diverse, enriching, and healthconscious curriculum. Every child has an interest in something unique to her or him.

Addionally, this program will foster the development of social, emoonal, and characterisc

skills which are vital for young people to succeed in life. In this way, by creang a bridge

between the arts, music, wellness, and our community, the program strives to not only enrich

students’ life experiences, but to help reduce possible social isolaon. Our ulmate goal is to

serve as a resource for creang immediate, and possibly inspire dramac sustainable life-long

posive change for our kids and our community.

A Program to Create Change 

While the program will empower students to culturally enrich their arsc, musical, and

wellness skill sets, it will also teach them leadership skills, acceptance, compassion, and self -

condence. As children are challenged to move outside of their comfort zone to equally

embrace arts, music and wellness, they will also be breaking down social barriers that are

formed by exclusion.

The program will focus on the strength of an individual’s character, the courage needed to try

something dierent, and the idea that “being cool” is more about being a well-rounded

compassionate person.

We believe that if children could beer appreciate each other’s strengths, versus focusing on

their weaknesses, there would be more empathy and less social isolaon.

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A Customized Curriculum 

To objecvely evaluate how much me a student should spend in dierent extracurricular

acvies, we will use our “Life Report Card” tool during the applicaon process. The Life

Report Card is designed as a reecve tool, one that can create a powerful dialogue and

accountability to what students are doing versus what we perceive them to be doing. Aer

compleon of this assessment, students will be able to choose elecves in art, music, and

recreaonal wellness. Special aenon will be given to the area least represented by their

me allocaon score -- and a concluding survey will look to measure improvements aer

compleon of the program.

Each student will also have the opportunity to showcase their strengths by choosing from

acvies in which they might excel. This creates another opportunity for posive social

connecons where children can help their peers. Imagine how empowering it would be if a

young arst helped an athlete learn how to paint -- and the favor was returned by the athlete

during a wellness acvity.


The Aerschool Programs 

For each category: arts, music and recreaonal wellness, there will be two choices per

semester that will run concurrently. Students will select one choice as their respecve

elecve for the duraon of the aerschool program. Qualied experts will teach each area

with a vested interest in helping inspire children to beer appreciate and experience their


While arts, music and recreaonal wellness have opons, the wellness curriculum is a xed

component built into the program. Its goal is to educate children with the universal need of

knowing how to take care of their bodies. This will include exposure to: strength training,

cardiovascular training, nutrion, and non-tradional methods (yoga, pilates, etc…).

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Collaborative Partners 

The true strength of this program is the collaborave partnerships

with community members, organizaons and families who are

invested in providing children with culturally and socially wellrounded development opportunies. Our program is taught by

experts from a network of professionals movated to share the

passion and knowledge of their cra, while reinforcing the deeper

messaging of this program. The sta is recruited based not only on

their knowledge base, but their ability to relate to children in a fun,

inspiring, and movang way. The instructor relaonship to each

student is crucial to creang the desired change. 

  Society of Creave Arts of Newtown (SCAN) and Newtown

Cultural Arts Commission (NCAC) will be heading up the

music and arts elecves by providing teachers, suppliesand support. 

NYA Sports and Fitness will provide the wellness sta and

facility usage. 

●  Ben’s Lighthouse will provide community service oversight

and will coordinate high school volunteers to assist in

program implementaon.

  Life is Good playmakers will assist in our team building

events and train our sta with SEL (social emoonal

learning) strategies and techniques.

  Peace Love will provide a structured art curriculum that

will engage children through expressive arts and creave

and innovave methods that will inspire and showcase art

in an inclusive way.

●  Newtown Resiliency Center will provide consulng and

resources to our sta and volunteers to help provide the

necessary informaon and guidance to assist children with

acve IEP’s or 504 Plans in school. This will allow us to stay

consistent with our goal of including all children to this


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While The Spark Aerschool Program is an adult driven program relying on qualied experts in

their respecve elds, we also have the support of both adults and high school volunteers. We

currently have high school volunteers from both Ben’s Lighthouse and The Avielle Foundaon

assisng us; and their connecon with our students is just one more opportunity for us to connect

our community. These volunteers are provided training by Bens Lighthouse in advance of their

work in our program. In addion this winter, several high school students will be provided training

by the Life is Good Playmakers.

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Winter 2016 Planning Model 

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Winter 2016 Dates and Times 

Orientaon Day #1 Wednesday January 20th


Mondays: Jan 25th—March 2nd

  or Jan 25th—Feb 29th

·  Art

o  “Peace Love Art” Kevin Baird and Leyla Nichols 

o  Visual Journaling “Design your personal logo” Paula Brinkman 

·  Recreaonal Wellness

o  Fun Sports 101 Steve Dreger and Mark Gerace 

o  Dance Arianna Mesaros 

Wednesdays: Jan 25th—March 2nd or Jan 27th—March 2nd 

·  Improv- Twyla Hafermann 

·  Music 101- Joe “Proc”

·  Fitness Curriculum- Cody/NYA Sta

- Strength- Andrew/Cody 


- Andrew/Cody


- Zumba- Arianna 

- Zumba- Arianna 

- Yoga- Joyce

- Nutrion- Pam Buchler 

Thursday TBD “Rock Climbing” or Snow Tubing 

Thursday TBD Community Service 

*Days o: January 18th and Feb 22nd


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Team Building Acvies 

Each day there will be a team building exercise incorporang Life is Good Playmakers strategiesand other SEL (Social Emoonal Learning) techniques.  These themes and lessons will serve as a

backdrop for all students and teachers throughout the program. In addion there will be two

team-building events that further connect the students and more deeply expose them to SEL


Cultural Enrichment O -Site Excursions 

In a dramac aempt to truly expose the greatness of each cultural endeavor, we will provide

impacul o -site excursions toward the end of each semester – i.e., a concert, trip to a

museum, a high school play, etc. This event will be determined in collaboraon with our

supporng partners in the community and the teachers for the respecve program. This is agreat opportunity to leave a lasng impression for students. 

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Community Service 

Helping others is both empowering and essenal to the message of what a community is. As such,

we will also team with Ben’s Lighthouse to provide our students with a unique and grafying

community service project each semester. Each project is selected and coordinated with Ben’s

Lighthouse and their sta and we extremely proud to be associated with this great organizaon and

their mission of helping others.

"We are not put on this earth for ourselves, but are placed here for each other. If you are there

always for others, then in me of need, someone will be there for you." 

- Je Warner


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 Art Electives 

Visual Journaling “Design your personal logo”

With Paula Brinkman 

One small idea can “SPARK” something great! Students will

be introduced to a style of visual journaling. The example

shown will be the arst/instructor's personal sketchbook,

containing thousands of small b/w doodles in a grid

format. The book took 4 years to complete, so it

represents daily discipline, observaon, and

expression. Many of the drawings were later enlarged and

colored to create individual pieces of art.

Goal: To remove inhibions about art; inspiring kids to

start small and think big.

Peace Love Art With Kevin Baird and Leyla Nichols 

A one-of -a-kind art curriculum where personal connecon

and art expression are embedded in a judgment free

environment; mistakes are embraced . This very uniquecurriculum will connect children through various art forms

and mediums allowing for individual growth and a

collecve sense of achievement.

Goal: Connect children while expressing themselves

through art in a judgment free environment and to help

them achieve improved mental health and beer quality of

life through arsc expression.

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Music Electives 

Music 101

with Joe Proc 

This fun class will expose children to percussion, strings and singing in a structured, fun,

and creave way. Designed more for the beginner student, children will have less rules

and more personal interpretaon about music.

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Theater Electives 

Theater/Acng ClassWith Twyla Hafermann 

Descripon: It's well known that children of all ages benet from expressive and imaginave

play. Using the theater as our seng for expressive and imaginave exploraons, we will

collaborate together in creang a performance that reects how our individual personalies

work together onstage. Using tools we learn from improvisaon and playing theater

games, we will develop, pracce and perform a short scripted play. Drawing on the value of

being a part of something bigger than each of us, we will work together as a cast to perform

at our best.

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Recreational Wellness Electives 

Recreaonal wellness elecves provide acvies that don’ t have the same social and physical

 pialls of tradional sports. Condence and self -mastery will be accomplished and alternave

acvies will be taught enabling addional healthy lifestyle acvies. 

Fun Sports 101

with Steve Dreger and Mark Gerace 

A non-compeve approach to learning and playing sports. This session will feature:

ulmate ball, noodle hockey, basketball and speedball. Children will have an opportunity to

re-visit sports in a way that is fun and engaging. Their individual expectaons will replace

adult measures of success and hopefully these sports will become lifelong acvies that

children will connue to engage on their own.

So You Think You Can Dance

with Ariana Mesaros

The perfect way to give children the opportunity to be acve and jam out to their favorite

music! Classes will oer kid-friendly and fun rounes that incorporate popular dances such as

“The Whip and Nae Nae,” “Wobble,” and “Cha-Cha Slide.” The steps are broken down, games

are added, and other physical acvies are conducted. “ So You Think You Can Dance? ” will

help to develop healthy lifestyles for children and incorporate tness as a natural part of

children’s lives by making tness fun. Classes incorporate key childhood developmental

elements such as leadership, respect, teamwork, condence, self -esteem, memory,

creavity, and coordinaon. Kids should wear comfortable clothes that are easy to move

around in, with socks and sneakers. A water bole is also suggested. Come work up a sweat

and show us what you got!! 

Goal: To engage children in dance in a fun, peer approved way. 

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Nutrional Preparaon

with Pam Buchler 

Children will learn how to prepare healthy organic snacks and how to make

more informed food choices. 

Goal: To educate children about nutrion. 


with Ariana Mesaros 

This kid-friendly class will use rounes based on original Zumba® choreography.

We break down the steps, add games, acvies and cultural exploraon elements intothe class structure.

Goal: Introduce children to another form of exercise and improve their cardiovascular

condioning levels.

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Staff Biographies 

Paula Brinkman– Art 

Paula grew up in Newtown and graduated from UConn in 1986 with a Bachelor of Fine

Arts degree. It was the pre-digital era, a me before technology had infused daily

life. She lived in New York City for een years, working in adversing before

venturing o on her own as a freelance illustrator. Her art appeared in numerous

magazines, books, greeng cards, and on products such as T-shirts, clocks, and

 journals. She also had the unique experience of working on Broadway, where she

styled wigs and makeup for several major shows. Her next adventure was living in Key

West Florida. Aer her daughter was born, she began creang art dolls, and was

represented by Harrison Gallery. By 2006 she returned to Newtown. Currently she is

a teacher at Trinity Day School. She also oers a variety of art classes through theParks and Rec Department. For the past two years she has held the posion of

Treasurer for the Borough of Newtown.

Nick Homan – Team Building Coordinator 

Nick has built a career around impacng the lives of others. Prior to becoming the Execuve

Director at NYA Sports Fitness in 2015, he spent 12 years with Family and Children’s Aid (FCA), a

behavioral health agency for children based in Danbury, CT. Through a twist of fate Nick was

introduced to the Life is Good Playmakers during a summer vacaon, he quickly realized its

value for the children he advocated for and worked to integrate Playmakers throughout FCAprograming. This opmisc approach not only created beer outcome for children but created

a culture of organizaonal health throughout FCA. Nick’s work bringing Playmakers to FCA and

the state of CT was recognized by Department of Children and Families Commissioner Joee

Katz in May of 2011. 

Elaine Lundquist – Site Coordinator 

Elaine Lundquist is an MSW who believes in the power of group work. Over the course of her

25 year career, she has facilitated groups for such populaons as rst me parents, bereaved

children, teens coping with parental divorce and grandparents raising their grandchildren.

Elaine has worked in a variety of sengs including homeless shelters and outreach vans,

residenal facilies, senior centers, schools and counseling centers. A mother of two boys, one

in Newtown High School and one in Hawley Elementary, Elaine is an acve volunteer in the

Newtown community. Elaine believes in the transformave possibilies of creavity and looks

forward to bringing her experience and skills to the Spark program.

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Staff Bios—Continued 

Suzy DeYoung – Community Coordinator 

Suzy DeYoung, joined the Newtown Recovery and Resiliency Team as a Care

Coordinator in the summer of 2014. 

Previously, Suzy was acve in the Newtown Community helping to develop a number

of local programs and events including, The Newtown Yoga Fesval; Community

Connecons – A Day of Shared Experience with keynote speaker Dr. Kevin Becker; The

Moving Forward Series which included guest speakers Reverend Ed Bacon and

Elizabeth Lesser; a sleep seminar for local residents and town employees suering

from insomnia with sleep specialist, Dr. Barry Krakow; and a workshop with NOVA – 

The Naonal Organizaon of Vicms Assistance. 

Born and raised in New York City, Suzy began her career as a producer and copywriter

for a variety of television programs including Live with Regis & Kathie Lee, Good

Morning America and The CBS Morning Program. 

Following the birth of her rst child, Suzy made a career switch, earning a Master’s of

Educaon in Child and Parent Development from Bank Street College of Educaon in

New York City. 

Aer teaching pre-school in New York City and Conneccut, Suzy focused her energies

on parenng and launched her website and coaching pracce: “Parenng with New

Perspecves a resource of guidance, support and informaon for parents”. 

Suzy is the parent of three children ages, 21, 18 and 16. 

Bob Gaines—Academic Support 

Bob is a highly regarded para-professional in the Newtown school system. He has

served at Head O' Meadow Elementary in kindergarten, 1st, 2nd, and 3rd grade and is

currently working in 5th grade at Reed Intermediate. Having his two sons grow up in

Sandy Hook, Bob accumulated over thirty seasons of coaching soccer, baseball and

basketball. He was also a professional ski instructor for six years. Bob and his wife

Carlen have been acve residents of Sandy Hook for over thirty years. He is a reredcorporate markeng execuve now thoroughly enjoying his second career. 

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Staff Bios—Continued 

Andrew Chimileski-Fitness 

Andrew is a popular and trusted NYA Sports and Fitness cered personal trainer who

has worked with hundreds of children in Newtown. Andrew’s personal tness journey

and early struggles with tness creates automac credibility with children and he

serves as a great role model for them. In addion to his career in personal training

Andrew is pursuing a career as a physical therapy assistant.

Steven Dreger– Recreaonal Wellness 

Steve, “Coach” or “Doctor” (just for fun) is a popular physical educaon teacher in

Newtown. He was born in Saulte Saint Marie, MI in 1963. His father was in the US

Coast Guard which led to Steve living in: MI, MN, CA, LA, VA, CT, NYC, and the

Philippines. He graduated from UCONN in 1989 with a Bachelor of Science degree and

in 1996 he earned a Master of Science degree from UNH, graduang at the top of his

class. He’s taught in Madison, CT and Mount Kisco, NY before landing in Newtown.

He’s been teaching for a total of 26 years.  He was recently the recipient of

CTAHPERD's Outstanding Program Award for my tness program called the "Tree of


Steve is involved with several charies including the American Heart Associaon andRelay For Life where Steve has helped raised a total exceeding $100,000.00. 

Steve has a 9 year old step-son, named Caden with his wonderful Karen.  They

adopted an 8 year old female greyhound named "Penelope"(Penny Poo) and a 7 year

old greyhound named Alexander Ovechkin (Alekay).  Steve have climbed Mount

Washington and competed in several 10 k races and 3 1/2 marathons.

Ariana Mesaros- Recreaonal Wellness and Fitness 

Ariana is a senior at Western Conneccut State University. She is currently the

Captain of the WCSU Cheerleading Team and is a cered Zumba Instructor. She hasexperience running events like: Chuck’s Mini-Mudder, Run or Dye Color Run, and

Campus-to-Campus 5K. She’s involved with student government and has co-chaired

Relay for Life.

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Staff Bios—Continued 

Mark Gerace—Recreaonal Wellness 

Mark is a graduate of  the University of Scranton with a B.S. of Physical Therapy, praccing at

Church Hill PT here in Newtown. He studied Health and Physical Educaon at CCSU, receiving

post-graduate degrees in both subject areas. He also completed his Master's in Educaon at

the University of Bridgeport and his 6th year administrave degree at the University of New

England.  Mark has taught in Newtown for the past 10 years, the rst nine as a Physical

Educaon teacher at Reed Intermediate School and he is currently a Health teacher at NHS.

Mark strongly believes in the importance maintaining a healthy lifestyle in order to achieve

academic success and he wants to inspire students to be physically acve.  Mark espouses a

"Just Play" learning style, encouraging children to have fun being acve in sports, games and

physical acvies. 

Joyce Rogalin– Yoga 

Joyce Rogalin had an opportunity of taking a Yoga class when she was 12 years old with her

mom. This beauful yoga experience was how the seed got planted and Joyce was able to

bring yoga back into her adult life aer having a very stressful work life in NYC. Joyce worked

as a nancial execuve in New York City for over 23 years, and raised a family of 3 children in

New Jersey. Joyce nally moved to CT in 2001 and didn’t inially realize that her daily

commute to NYC of over 5 hours a day would only compound more stress in her life. Joyce

knew health was a priority so she made lifestyles changes of beer nutrion and more physical

exercise. Joyce’s yoga pracce deepened and she decided to get cered as a Yoga Teacher at

The Kripalu Center for Yoga & Health at Lenox, MA in 2010, where she studied with Steven

Hartman (Devarshi) and Nancy Buenheim (Megha). This experience transformed her yoga

into a much more spiritual pracce. 

Pam Buchler-Nutrion 

Pam Buchler traded her art background in for the knives and pans of Westport’s Chef Table,

training under Culinary Instute of America Chef Rich Hersheld. Ulmately becoming Rich’s

Head Chef, Pam created scores of memorable dishes during her 3 years running the

kitchen.  This proved a great training ground for her next job as Head Chef of Westport ’s “Food

For Thought.” Aer 2 years, Pam traded the kitchen in for the kids and has become a

successful caterer with her own “Aquarian Caterers,” servicing clients throughout Faireld

County for the last 15 years. 

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Staff Bios—Continued 

Twyla Hafermann– Acng

Twyla is an acng and musical theatre teacher, audion coach, ballet instructor, and adirector in Newtown, Conneccut. She received her BFA from the University of Evansville

and her MFA in Acng from NYU Tisch School of the Arts. She also studied for two months

at the Moscow Arts Theatre under Tabakov. Twyla has worked as an actress in many

regional theatres and fesvals, including Actors Theatre of Louisville, the Humana Fesval,

Cleveland Play House, Studio Arena, Syracuse Stage, Virginia Stage Company, San Diego

Repertory, the Maryland and Utah Shakespeare Fesvals, the Berkshire Fesval, and the

New Harmony Project. She also made several appearances on One Life to Live. She

originated the roles of Caitlin in the play Gunshy and Cory in the play Private Eyes. Twyla

connues to teach acng classes, hold workshops, and direct plays with the Enrichment

Acvity Club in Newtown with students ranging in ages 4-17. She also teaches musical

theatre and ballet at Dance Etc.

Kevin Baird– Peace Love Art

Kevin Baird has been the Program Coordinator at Family and Children's Aid, in Danbury, CT

for the past 8 yrs. Kevin is a Cered Peace Love Creator and has had the opportunity to

facilitate expressive art workshops not only with children and adolescents, but with adult

mental health professionals as the parcipants as well. Kevin is a Cered Life is Good

Playmaker facilitator and trainer. He has facilitated Playmaker groups for 7+ years and

been a trainer for 3 years. Kevin is also a proud Newtown resident. 

Leyla Nichols—Peace Love Art 

Leyla Nichols has a Bachelor of Fine Arts from the University of Conneccut in Storrs

where her work was selected as best in class and received many awards. Along with her

own work, she has taught various courses to all ages both here in Newtown and abroad.

While her primary focus has been sculptural and ceramic work, she has extensive

experience in all mediums. Along with her career in the arts, she most recently was the

Director for The Animal Center Dog Program. 

Joe Proc -Music 

Joe’s enre life has been spent making music. He has taught guitar & bass (acousc &

electric) since high school, teaching all styles and age groups. He reads and writes music

prociently in treble and bass clefs but also plays by ear. He has coached students that

have had a desire to sing while playing an instrument. He’s an acve musician that has

played in clubs and restaurants as well as numerous other venues for the past 30 years.

He has referred students to Berklee College of Music. He has studied privately with some

of the best guitar instructors in Conneccut - Sal Salvador (Stamford), Linc Chamberlin

(Norwalk) and Guy Smith (Bridgeport). Joe is a life-long musician, full-me, guitar & bass

player, performer, vocalist, band leader, lutherie and guitar collector. 

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Staff Bios—Continued 

Cody Foss Bio- 

Cody Foss M.S., L.A.T.C., C.S.C.S., P.E.S. 

Is the father of three school aged children and has lived in Newtown for over 11

years with his wife Jennifer who is a Nurse Manager at Danbury Hospital. With

over 25 years of experience and having obtained the highest level of academic

and professional cercaons Cody is an established expert in the eld of health

and wellness. He has owned or managed: health clubs and or sports medicine

facilies in NYC or Faireld County over the course of his career. In addion to

working with hundreds of children he has trained Olympic and professional

athletes and has specialized in rehab programs. Cody has been published inmulple magazines and newspapers and is a recognized speaker.

Cody designed this program with the belief that social isolaon amongst

children is not acceptable. That culturally enriched communies create greater

opportunies for peer connecons. That all children need to learn how to take

care of themselves physically, socially and emoonally. And lastly, that

communies should be dened by their ability to demonstrate compassion,

empathy and support of one another.

Community Involvement in Newtown.

-Director of Fitness Center, NYA Sports & Fitness Center. 

-Spark member. 

-Owned and Operated The Fitness Lo of Newtown. 

-Founder and Director of Newtown Mad Dash Adventure Race.

-Developed and created “The Newtown 2,560 Weight Loss Challenge”, a town

wide wellness iniave developed for Newtown residents to collecvely lose

2,560 lbs. over 5 years. 

-Volunteer coach in community of Newtown for over 10 years.

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