spartan daily sumlier: caleinder shows week less each time

California State Library Sacramento 9, California Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows SAN JOSE STATE COLLEGE Vol. 42 SAN JOSE CALIF., MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1954 No. 43 , Week Less each Time Dec. Grads May Dance At Banquet If In ti December graduates Sre interested, there is a possibil- ity that dancing might he included in the Claduation Banquet. Pat Spoonr. president, announc- ed Frisk:: "I has.. contacted Nlariani’s Restaurant uhere the banquet is to be held and they have facili- ties for dancing, providing a combo can he furnished. I be- lieve we tAn furnish a combo if the graaluates are willing to pay a slight fee," Spooner said. Spooner tirst got the idea of dancing when several graduating seniors approached him about hav- ing some other social function for the group. All ’molested graduates are Urged to ecntact Spooner as soon as possible. and if enough contact him h. w:!1 call a special meeting to determ!r, what the graduates Would like. Students are asked to !Watch the Spartan Daily for an PrIt1011111’ir- nt of a meeting. "Ii thi plan goes through, it Will he the first time that we hate had such a function," Spooner added. (Me hundred seventy-five reser- vations have been made for the banquet, and seniors .have from Nov. 24 to Dee. 6 to pick them tip Pt the Graduate Manager’s office. Parents and friends may attend the banquet tor $2.75. These res- Serrations must be made in ad- vance in ’us. a change in the num- ber of res,1-. ations has to be made. Seniors are further reminded that Nov. 24 is the deadline to order caps and gowns. Today’s Meeting 4‘. the council will be a four-way ’ass council meeting. Audubon Lecturer VcillSpeakTonight Charles A Harwell will give the second illustrated lecture in the Audubon se:ies tonight at 8 p.m. In the Morris Dailey.’ Harwell’s talk will be on East- ern Canada from Niagara Falls, through the Laurentian Moun- tains. along the St. Lawrence ri- tains. along the St. Lawrence RI - the Maritime provinces. Along with his lecture, Harwell will in- terpret some of the birds found in the area. Not a stranger to the San Jose area. Harwell lectured here two years ago :n another Audubon series. Vets Need Not Attend Lecture Veterans who have signed up for Public Safety 110 for Dec. 6, 8 and 10, will be excused from at- tending, according to Leslie W. Ross, registrar. A recert ruling of the Presi- dent’s Cnt r..1 provides that yet. erans are sensed from pulike safet3 lee- ihieen Candidate Fares Trial 7’odav Aphra Ann Poelnian, unsue- ye...did Homecoming queen can- didate, ’AM comp to trial today before "..itudent court on charg- es of adsertising violations dur- ing her ....ntpaign. At her bearing, she pleaded Innocent to Proseeuting Atlor- net Den Atkinson’s charges Cal Receives Grants that tie diplayed more than the legal 11nro of campaign posters. Lam Ba.kley is her counsel. Trial is ....lieduled for 3:30 p.m. In the Student Union. TOUCHDOWN (AT( II is being made hy Halfback Stan Reasley on a sit -yard aerial thrown tit OH Tont Teresa in the third p.riod of Sparta’s 28-0 liclort user Fresno state Urielat night. Halt M.1 Soong helps comprise the multitude of arms. FS( Fulthael. Winston Rea.let (32), no relation. %%Mulles uhile End Jim Ruh! (140) gets a hand in as does unidentified FS(’ player. photo hy John Arreola. Jr. Fresno Rooters Kidnap SJS Girls The SJS song girls and yell leaders were captured during the exchange rally last Wednesday night at Fresno State College, but were returned to the SJS rally contingent by I I p.m. On the pretext that they were to have their pictures taken for publicity, the song girls consented and pictures were taken in front of c:ii. i.hart ihi. "Bulldog" sign. After the pic-t kidnapped and taken to a girl’s tures were taken, the girls wertil Juniors Sponsor f our -way hoarding house near the campus., The yell leaders were kidnapped Class in the same manner as the song girls, hut were given an ’extended ride about the Fresno area which ended oil at the Sigma Chi house !where the yell leaders were to "bed down" for the night. Through the cooperation of the Fresno State student body and their dean, the captured song girls and yell leaders were returned in time to return to San Jose with Council ’Wenn(’ To.(luv A tom ii (1;1,s umni, SpOns.!rd by the Junior Ii -- will he held today in Room 112 et the Science building at 3:30 p.m Bob Lindsey. president of the Jun- ior class, will preside. More than 150 memiters of the COU1161s are expected to at- tend the meeting which is open to II interested students. Discussion ’Gams’ Contest . Tiro sis students Sign-ups End Hurl in Carl:rash Toda is the deadline to enter the Gorgeous Gams contest being sponsored by the Freshman class, according to Betty Easton, chair- man of the class Fund Raising oommittee. ’rhe contest is to determine which male has the "shapliest legs" on campus. Entrants must he sponsored by a fraternity, so- rority, living group or other or- lat, ganization, she said. iln)111.111,- I.itiu.uis VIA’ be the main topic. t the meeting. Itetieliments vi ill sum’. ’’ti lollouing the nas tior soPHOMORES The SONIOMOI I‘ ’t I it a 10-minute meeting trida at 3:36 p.m. in ft,winl S-112. ssiIl attend the four-waN nai inc tri I II )1 \. l’f’tit ’S () I 11111 All-(;reck Fete All ! *. n.1N s- ii on All-Coeek Shov, eornmil’.. will meet torruirio night at 7 o’clock at the Th..14 Chi house, according to Ti uu ’ranger, chairman. ’It is nernsary for all rcpic- sentatises to he at the meeting s Mel t 0u1lim40 ,11t t 0! the show uill I.. de nel State Solons See Issues Tto 19-..krar-old ttatirttls suffered minor injuries Thins- dat night is hen their car r1,1- lid...1 iiith a large rarrtol truek. Strar1 aite sins released from the san Jose hospital af ter rcerl \jog I reat men t I or Ise - ern t ion. I Ir file Rut t is :is - peeled to tie releaed I Irne SACRAMENTO (UP) Money and water %sill be the too most important issues in the 1955 ses- sion of the California Legislature. a United Press survey of all 120 members shows A detailed check ot both houses produced near- ly unanimous agreement that fiscal problems. par- ticularly budget balancing and the possibility of Remodel Chicago Harbor new or higher taxes, will he the No. 1 issue when the Lel:1st:dors reinstate here next Jan 3 BERKELEY Ill’) The P - cents of the ITnistertSily of (’11t-trlits have accepted research grants totaling $71.1424.20 and gifts totaling $156,- 106.42 upon the recommendation of President Ro- bert G. Sproul, Autumn Seme.ter NA ill Start Sept. 12. Sass Education Dean Vacation time this summer w.11 be shorter than According to dates released by the office cf tne Dean of Educational Services yesterday. 1955 autumn semester will start Sept. 12, approximately A week earlier than quarter -system starting dates of the past few years. Closing dates for the semester ,s Jan. 27, 1956 with spring :ernes - r lit.g111 Felt. 6. Closing date tor the year will he Jun,’ S. ..,, cal Ii ,1i :1:.)11:tt.11,1;X::.irtild:%I4ealr’ a stivke k ndi:i. Ito dates were prepatad u. eollrge bulletin which is ..0 to the presses earls in 1 IsT. Other dat, s has, !Kit set Is derided Giddy, Gaudy Gobble Gallop Gets Go Ahead 1,.0.iiiam5 mat ks the running e Annual Alpha Phi Omega Tur- Trot. starting time will be . siti p.m. at It Ii street. Frotn 4111 street the runners ss ill continue up to 7111 stivet and turn left to Spartan Stadium. Af- ter circling the stadium the% vi ill return along the same mute and nnish at the corner of 4th and San C... los ,tneet. %% Mlle the Turkel% Trot i tat,- ing place. a fraternitt shuttle relay race ii ill be run lief u ern 1th and :11i streets. %Inane., the f:it.t %% ill lake 1to.....,sit,11 iii the perpetual trophy.. Winners ii. th.. (tack and nose, dis isions of the Turkey Trot ii Ill , a troplis NO live tniket , as first prize. ,estrints finish- ing second third will Is’ awarded :I ,14.k anti a Its.’ liieken %,11 presented lump 1,tuf.cIl Joan Ital- 11:11-Ato tr.,141% %%ill be gill.- tIl tit it..’’ Ii., most nontestant finishing lie r ACV. ion Hubbard, n Ito ss 1.10 lint 55 iii a time 1,1 is 1’111.3.11tis ii M. an this yeat s running Sue 3 for handi- U. S. Builds Warning Net vAsiliN(vrfAN Po TM rutted Stat., will build and pay for the long -sought radat watnin- net abuse the Atetie 1 ele and across the he/. %last,. of No1111.1111%0; ./Its 11 Otis diseloted Ftiil (.111eA(1(1 II P. 1:nginenrs are wniking a plan to rvnirwlel the La k.. !Michigan shoreline Chicago and give the elf) a halbor tor oe.tan-gol. sn.sel, that would rank ss ith the greatest in tio orld. Chicago would be .spiipped to essh in On the new opportunities tor ocean commerce pro- vided by the St. Lawrence SetlYt ay and V.1/11111 his II a shoreline with the beauty and reereatirmal facili- ties of Miami Beach. Among the r s under %% as 1r 1,111114111g itl 1111. SW11111- IleNI Near are det I - seen. on esaminat ion and Mb r oc. dui es. These !!!!! ntendations In re - g.’ rd to the et ansinati .... pro- cedure I or II.,. 1111..1 aloprot% oil h RI. I at oft% I until a I Thou da Thi reeo lided pro. ed..i. s are ining tip to Is pre- sent...I at the l’reidetil s C tom ii u th. lund it,,. stilt tie made, I.. Hart tsoil 11. oh. ,i,,. it. Esamination ccitionitte,, presented the matter for the el .1111.. CI Is ennsirlotration, The (hr., geeonsnuttsdatIon. of the committee are’ I No torn-sal mid-term examin- ing period should be r,sittired and each instructor made responsibie tor setting up a schedule of s,s.t1.11 Saluatinns ol nertormanen dote. the semester ;it hir the paitietil iii’ its. .2, nisi, eard Insuid 1... alter % tit fjfl k of in - .1 runt I r "I Iii. ("I eek hie!, he Li% en e" r to orient:M..11. I e..1 ing un,i r’’141‘ I ra Itt,til. It i Ott,111.1% Mal ht lo.1.011 opt., lllll Ihtto mos ,..troinatotit 1. I ...1 ,itt, .1. ...I; .1 .11 list, A. 1111. i.,:in On Fe idat iii the taxi to the last week, thus 11()%% tog one-half dat tree for tornmeneem. to and onr-hrilt day tor fit. tacults Hs, in complet- ing flair final 1 - Date Book I NI05:111,1 -- Junior I task: 1-olIr-sia 1:,,om 5-112, 33’s Alpha Phi (Immo: Torkes Trot le I.’ 114 win Freshmen %titter 5.15 vs. iii t’mail Iligh School. there. 3 30 yIi phipisoph% I huh: Meeting, Stu- d. m l’oae) *, 30 pm I h rift! in n !Wiener. Organiration: M..tmr .1 !,;.1,. I. I. ¶III 10%1 .41 VI -- 30 and 141.1 ,N. I. 10 30 lilt: -) j.IT ATIIR 1 - - Fitiptlisi II P.. S. 1 31; 1;et Scholarship. , !.4I.4 4-114.411e. , Hi I, 1,. I Vif11 5100 1,01 h1.111,11111.. 11..111 1111. 91101.1 I huh Of MiP1110,111 i*V%. M1 AM’ IF:411th Adelina n. It’ll, o 1 i reilIggi ti,, .1111.1.1 r hile lor studs in v.’, re. I ion.

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Page 1: Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows Week Less each Time

California State Library Sacramento 9,


� Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows


Vol. 42 SAN JOSE CALIF., MONDAY, NOV. 22, 1954 No. 43 , Week Less each Time Dec. Grads May Dance At Banquet

If In ti December graduates Sre interested, there is a possibil-ity that dancing might he included in the Claduation Banquet. Pat Spoon�r. president, announc-ed Frisk::

"I has.. contacted Nlariani’s

Restaurant uhere the banquet is

to be held and they have facili-

ties for dancing, providing a

combo can he furnished. I be-

lieve we t�An furnish a combo

if the graaluates are willing to

pay a slight fee," Spooner said. Spooner tirst got the idea of

dancing when several graduating seniors approached him about hav-ing some other social function for the group.

All ’molested graduates are Urged to ecntact Spooner as soon as possible. and if enough contact him h. w:!1 call a special meeting to determ!r, what the graduates Would like. Students are asked to !Watch the Spartan Daily for an PrIt1011111’ir�-� nt of a meeting.

"Ii thi� plan goes through, it Will he the first time that we

hate had such a function," Spooner added. (Me hundred seventy-five reser-

vations have been made for the banquet, and seniors .have from Nov. 24 to Dee. 6 to pick them tip Pt the Graduate Manager’s office. Parents and friends may attend the banquet tor $2.75. These res-Serrations must be made in ad-vance in ’us. a change in the num-ber of res,1-. ations has to be made.

Seniors are further reminded that Nov. 24 is the deadline to order caps and gowns. Today’s Meeting 4‘.� the council will be a four-way � ’ass council meeting.

Audubon Lecturer VcillSpeakTonight

Charles A Harwell will give the second illustrated lecture in the Audubon se:ies tonight at 8 p.m. In the Morris Dailey.’

Harwell’s talk will be on East-ern Canada from Niagara Falls, through the Laurentian Moun-tains. along the St. Lawrence ri-tains. along the St. Lawrence RI-the Maritime provinces. Along with his lecture, Harwell will in-terpret some of the birds found in the area.

Not a stranger to the San Jose area. Harwell lectured here two years ago :n another Audubon series.

Vets Need Not Attend Lecture

Veterans who have signed up for Public Safety 110 for Dec. 6, 8 and 10, will be excused from at-tending, according to Leslie W. Ross, registrar.

A recert ruling of the Presi-dent’s Cnt r.�.1 provides that yet. erans are sensed from pulike safet3 lee-

ihieen Candidate �

Fares Trial 7’odav Aphra Ann Poelnian, unsue-

ye...did Homecoming queen can-

didate, ’AM comp to trial today

before "..itudent court on charg-

es of adsertising violations dur-

ing her ....ntpaign.

At her bearing, she pleaded

Innocent to Proseeuting Atlor-

net Den Atkinson’s charges Cal Receives Grants that �tie di�played more than the

legal 11nro of campaign posters.

Lam Ba.kley is her counsel.

Trial is ....lieduled for 3:30 p.m.

In the Student Union. � �

TOUCHDOWN (AT( II is being made hy Halfback Stan Reasley

on a sit -yard aerial thrown tit OH Tont Teresa in the third p.riod

of Sparta’s 28-0 liclort user Fresno state Urielat night. Halt M.1

Soong helps comprise the multitude of arms. FS( Fulthael. Winston

Rea.let (32), no relation. %%Mulles uhile End Jim Ruh! (140) gets a

hand in as does unidentified FS(’ player. �photo hy John Arreola. Jr.

Fresno Rooters Kidnap SJS Girls

The SJS song girls and yell leaders were captured during the exchange rally last Wednesday night at Fresno State College, but were returned to the SJS rally contingent by I I p.m.

On the pretext that they were to have their pictures taken for publicity, the song girls consented and pictures were taken in front of c:ii. i.hart ihi. "Bulldog" sign. After the pic-t

kidnapped and taken to a girl’s tures were taken, the girls wertil Juniors Sponsor f our-way hoarding house near the campus.,

The yell leaders were kidnapped Class in the same manner as the song girls, hut were given an ’extended ride about the Fresno area which ended oil at the Sigma Chi house

!where the yell leaders were to "bed down" for the night.

Through the cooperation of the Fresno State student body and their dean, the captured song girls and yell leaders were returned in time to return to San Jose with

Council ’Wenn(’ To.(luv A tom ii (1;1,s umni,

SpOns�.!rd by the Junior Ii --

will he held today in Room 112 et the Science building at 3:30 p.m Bob Lindsey. president of the Jun-ior class, will preside.

More than 150 memiters of the

COU1161s are expected to at-tend the meeting which is open to

II interested students. Discussion

’Gams’ Contest . � Tiro sis students Sign-ups End Hurl in Carl:rash

Toda is the deadline to enter the Gorgeous Gams contest being sponsored by the Freshman class, according to Betty Easton, chair-man of the class Fund Raising oommittee.

’rhe contest is to determine which male has the "shapliest legs" on campus. Entrants must he sponsored by a fraternity, so-

rority, living group or other or- lat, � � ganization, she said.


�I.itiu.uis VIA’ be the main topic. t the meeting. Itetieliments vi ill

sum’. ’’ti lollouing the nas tior soPHOMORES


it a 10-minute meeting trida at 3:36 p.m. in ft,winl S-112. ssiIl attend the four-waN nai inc

tri I II )1

\. l’f’tit ’S () I 11111

All-(;reck Fete All � !� �*. n.1N s-

ii on All-Coeek Shov, eornmil’.. will meet torruirio� night at 7 o’clock at the Th..14

Chi house, according to Ti uu ’ranger, chairman.

’It is nerns�ary for all rcpic-

sentatises to he at the meeting

s Mel � t 0u1lim�40 �,11t t 0!

the show uill I.. de


State Solons See Issues

T�to 19-..krar-old �ttatirttls

suffered minor injuries Thins-

dat night is hen their car r1,1-

lid...1 iiith a large rarrtol truek.

Str��ar1 aite sins released

from the san Jose hospital af

ter rcerl \jog I reat men t I or Ise -

ern t ion�. I Ir� file Rut t � is :is ��� -

peeled to tie relea�ed � �I Irne

SACRAMENTO (UP) Money and water %sill be the too most important issues in the 1955 ses-sion of the California Legislature. a United Press survey of all 120 members shows

A detailed check ot both houses produced near-ly unanimous agreement that fiscal problems. par-ticularly budget balancing and the possibility of Remodel Chicago Harbor new or higher taxes, will he the No. 1 issue when the Lel:1st:dors reinstate here next Jan 3

BERKELEY Ill’) The P - cents of the ITnistertSily of (’11t-trlits have accepted research grants totaling $71.1424.20 and gifts totaling $156,-106.42 upon the recommendation of President Ro-bert G. Sproul,

Autumn Seme.ter NA ill Start Sept. 12. Sass Education Dean

Vacation time this summer w.11 be shorter than According to dates released by the office cf tne Dean of Educational Services yesterday. 1955 autumn semester will start Sept. 12, approximately A

week earlier than quarter -system starting dates of the past few years. Closing dates for the semester ,s Jan. 27, 1956 with spring :ernes -

r lit.g111 Felt. 6. Closing date tor the year will he Jun,’ S.

..,, cal Ii ,1i :1:.)11:tt.11,1;X::.irtild:%I4e�alr’ a stivke k nd�i:i.

Ito dates were prepatad u.

eollrge bulletin which is ..0 to the presses earls in 1 �

IsT. Other dat, s has, !Kit set Is


Giddy, Gaudy Gobble Gallop Gets Go Ahead

1,.0.iiiam5 mat ks the running

e Annual Alpha Phi Omega Tur-

Trot. starting time will be . siti p.m. at It Ii street.

Frotn 4111 street the runners

ss ill continue up to 7111 stivet and turn left to Spartan Stadium. Af-ter circling the stadium the% vi ill return along the same mute and nnish at the corner of 4th and San C... los ,tneet.

%% Mlle the Turkel% Trot i� tat,-

ing place. a fraternitt shuttle

relay race ii ill be run lief u ern

1th and :11i streets. %Inane.,

the f:it.t� %% ill lake 1to.....,sit,11

iii the perpetual trophy..

Winners ii. th.. (tack and nose, dis isions of the Turkey Trot ii Ill

, a troplis NO live tniket

, as first prize. �,�estrints finish-ing second third will Is’

awarded :I ,14.k anti a Its.’

liieken %,11 presented

�lump 1,tuf.cIl Joan Ital-

���11:11-Ato� tr.,141% %%ill be gill.-

t�Il tit it..’’ Ii.,

most nontestant� finishing lie

r ACV.

ion Hubbard, n Ito ss 1.10 lint 55 iii a time 1,1

is 1’111.3.11tis ii M. an this yeat s running Sue 3 for handi-

U. S. Builds Warning Net �vAsiliN(vrfAN Po TM rutted Stat., will

build and pay for the long -sought radat watnin-net abuse the Atetie 1 ele and across the he/. %last,. of No1111.1111%0; ./Its 11 Otis diseloted Ftiil

(.111eA(1(1 II P. 1:nginenrs are wniking a plan to rvnirwlel the La k.. !Michigan shoreline Chicago and give the elf) a halbor tor oe.tan-gol. sn.sel, that would rank ss ith the greatest in tio

�orld. Chicago would be .spiipped to essh in On

the new opportunities tor ocean commerce pro-

vided by the St. Lawrence SetlYt ay and V.1/11111 his II

a shoreline with the beauty and reereatirmal facili-ties of Miami Beach.

Among the r s under %% as 1r 1,111114111g itl 1111.�

SW11111- Ile�NI Near are det I -seen. on esaminat ion and °Mb r

oc. dui es. These !!!!! ntendations In re -

g.’ rd to the et ansinati .... pro-

cedure I or II.,. �1�111..�1

aloprot% oil h RI. I at oft%

I °until a I Thou �da�

Thi� reeo lided pro. ed..i. s

are in�ing tip to Is pre-

sent...I at the l’re�idetil s C tom

ii u th. lund it,,. stilt

tie made,

I.. Hart tsoil 11. oh. ,i,,. it. Esamination ccitionitte,�,

presented the matter for the el .1111.. CI Is ennsirlotration,

The (hr., geeonsnuttsdatIon. of the committee are’�

I No torn-sal mid-term examin-ing period should be r,sittired and each instructor made responsibie tor setting up a schedule of s,s.t1.11 � Saluatinns ol nertormanen dote. � the semester ;it hir the paitietil iii’ its.

.2, nisi, eard� �Insuid 1... alter ���% tit fjfl k� of in -

.1 runt I r "I Iii. ("I eek hie!, he Li% en e" r

to orient:M..11. I e..1 ing un,i r’’141‘ I ra Itt,til. It i� Ott,111.1%

Mal ht� lo.1.011 opt., lllll

Ihtto mos �,..troinatotit

1.� I ...1 ’

,itt, .1. ...I; .1

.11 list, A. 1111.

i.,:in On Fe idat

iii the taxi to the last week, thus

11()%% tog one-half dat tree for

tornmeneem. to and onr-hrilt day tor fit. tacults Hs, in complet-

ing flair final 1 -

Date Book I NI05:111,1 --

Junior I task: 1-olIr-sia

1:,,om 5-112, 33’s

Alpha Phi (Immo: Torkes Trot le I.’ 114 win

Freshmen %titter 5.15 vs. iii t’mail Iligh School. there. 3 30


phipisoph% I huh: Meeting, Stu-

d. m l’oae) *, 30 pm I h rift! in n !Wiener. Organiration:

M..�tmr .1 !,;.1,. I. I. ¶III

10%1 .41 VI --

30 and 141.1 ,N.� I. 10 30 lilt: -) j.IT

ATIIR �1 - - Fitiptlisi II � P.. S.

1 31;

1;et Scholarship.


!.4�I.4 4-114.411e. , Hi I, 1,.

I Vi�f�11 5100 1,01 h1.111,11111.. 11..111

1111. 91101.1 I huh Of MiP1110,111


M1�� AM’

IF:411th Adelina n. It’ll, o 1 �i

reilIggi ti,, .1111.1.1 r

�hile� lor studs in v.’,

re. I ion.

Page 2: Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows Week Less each Time

sr %/CT %� Ii %1I.Y Monday, Nov. 2’2, 19:54 Applications ’Three Representatives Spartan Daily For Draft Test To Attend Tournament .4.*J��

� 3 it se ’s,�-+ r’ess eats,. Aprd 24 1914. et San Jose, Calif., under the ! ; tr? Pinr-cer C�’;fo�nie Newspaper Publ;shers’ Association. � , , ��� nttd Students of San Jose State Colieq� escept

� in, tt� colleg� yes,. w,th on� issu� elurinq sack final

� 4 6414-Edifor41, Eat 210 Adrert�sinq Dept., Eat. 211

�� ���� �(0.4 only on � orena n of�school year basis: .8 4., ��� $.1 .11 �III�Of C1������� $2 on spring quarter. $1.

P.o� 7���� G � P� rt,nq Co, 1445 S 1st St., Son Jose, Calif.


Mate -up Editor, this issue-GERALD OLSEN


Thrust and Parry Pursuing What


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TOillorrOW Edon Aleock and Ha:

An appla at ion-, for lb.’ � lective :-.�r\ Ice Qiialifteation Test mist 1x� postmarked 1.1) midnight tomor-row, said Dr. Harrison Heath, testing offlei’v

The test he given on the SJS ’campus Dec. 9. but applications mien be obtained before the dead-line for student to be eligible.

Although another test will be in April. Dr. Heath suggests

dents take the La�cember test.

Qualified Students Apply for Photo 70

All students who have taken

Photo 1 and are interested in tak-

ing Photo 70 I Advanced Photog-

raphy � are ui ged to contact Loren ’ockrell. photography instructor.

Enrollment for tho course is

Ilimited, and students wishing to

take it should bring their Photo 1

notebooks or other work for eval-

uation it they have taken photog-

raphy prior to this quarter. The course is open to those who

took the elementary course and with the approval of the instruct -


will represent SJS the V...,��

Speech Assn. tournament n.

cson. Ariz . today through

day. The pair, along with Dr. Lacc-

, rrnce H. Mouat, forensic directoi.

,1 e ft for the tourney Saturda:.


Several hundred students from

II western states will partic,pate,

Dr. Mouat said. The toul-ney is

being held jointly with the as-sociation convention.

Activities in which 110loway and Miss Alcock will participate in -

Faculty Members Exhibit Art Vi.ork

Two members of the Sets: Art Department faculty am currentb exhibiting works in California mu-seums. Eric ()back has one of his watercolors in the first annual Western Painters Exhibition at the Oakland Art Museum. Dr. Her-

. bert H. Sanders has had three

, art ceramic pieces selected for !excellence in design for six/wing with the California Design F:xhi

� bition at the Pasadena Art Mu-



Boys. Large quiet rooms. Kit-II.Linens furnished. $22.50 mo.

I ’illhefore 1 o’clock. 115 Viola, .�xt.,n.i, on San Salvador, 1 block ’dl 1st street.

Room and board. Spacious rooms ideal 5114.11) conditions. Excellent

;inn, 200 N 13th. CY 3-9933.

Ore 0


Variance, for two girls, 2nd quar-ter Two to a room. Good kitcheni lois lieges (’Y 5-0314, 391 S. 5th.

ROOM.. with kitchen. Men stil-’I’ rl.e.a� In college. 364 S. 9th

Too room and four room foil] e.hed Apt, close to college,. Call

2-.1282, ask for Mr. F:mig.

Rooms for boys. kitchen, linens "i0 202 S. 9th St

I a 441 desires same to share apt halt block horn, 6th St

,t�Y 1s362


Typing o ant ed. -n�rin p Expeilenced. R../1��1111-

11.11� I .11��� Nil � Russell .11�1111.11, 90)

.1.111,,I1 As -(11’ 2-11-19

pine at Is Thesis a .) term pain,. [’Ape! united Student � at. Ali � Tas lot CY 12 1-,�!��

%%AM ride to I. A, Iti%. side ilei I," Thalik..41% mg Shale .

mid ran CY 7-51’)! I II not Iltele leave name and photo’

ttit II I’

1,-lilt s 111.1:

� Ifolisetrailer, 10.011\ Illr

I,, neon,anical student � Si’.’ at 170 Sp:titan

or ’sale: AO d it,

�,, I I

Honorable Honorary I re al Tlit us I and l’.11 I

� � �’� ’Do. article IS 10 inform the sill -tote. at large the farts con-

. the editorial in the Spartan

I �,iii . dated the IX No,...tritoli 1954.

� .n.1.111111111; I ��’111/;1111%. Hon-

.oriet.,� fig looting the Val-frit Va. cc or?, (141411 ’(ti

IA.! al lie %%%%%% lea I as low-

enei prrsol��141 ��1 this orgaisira-

I ion, I aro tittn�rls,1 lit .no %%%% .1% 111:1.4.11 editor -

ad so I %t an, 111 gaa Ian a,a�aaral ,

glkiiig I le, 1.1a Is.

1,11.1 i,1 III, IL I00I int; of the l� nista( I 111���is. log if poi ;It ion ’

iT 1 iisli hon. it Is a held , WI. / �ct � � Ili I. 1)14 /Am O.. int In-

fo .. the %%ail! 10 ���,0 SVIIX)11,11Y. t�r III III, Ii1,14.0 01 Alpha

t � 1,.....� .11,1)11011r 10.1. -

1,1 1..111 �111.tI.I1

I 1 111,mo:int. ;11.’

;,.,� I.. ,i0.���� i�IIII111�S. IC-I 111 Ih�� Elating. ol the con-

’s% lit dm, %Ipha t.t signsa firld rips ’ Prima II be -

11111. SW 11 ait ,,’his. 11 V pros isles

aemoei is � 111’1 III 11

1 I 11 SI .1. 1�1111111t 1.11 pro .11,1. 1.4, .ta 1%111 1.�1*�� .r.. .1 1111. lei re-, th.� ,oiest .s.lessa. 11.11 is. I II, lest mg of direct iii,. -

I., .1. I .11111 aa% o�rh...1 al and

a II as III, gent�Viii 111 1.1111111t

11114 5551 . ’Ii tor tlo ’,rocker-

, eoi ..�!ir, oi Ilse coovern, for

� too.I..�

th.� 1.4.41.. -.11.1 11 ’ 1111/.1

’ ti.11 II

�I! ’1 � . � .1 , 0,1,11

� ’

I .II1111., III "

I � imchision, I r, comtnend to pat tan 11:111 to I. al all tin

davit Alpha Ela ’,Willa Is’ ’ e� %%111111g atiL 1.1 se�1 . Ain ’IA II

I If abli111 a CI 4111 so� ill I .1 I A.


AS1: lull ��

1(1 Ilalors Wee! II k 1. t �tol s.10���.�1 �s. �

1 � � 1/11,111, I,

e le el I 11 Ile I 11.114,1114 .1 11

ill .41 II I 11.1 1, 11..1 ill’ 11.1

I I 1 11. �.I 1 ’� 11114 �11..11111 � III., % .11 < la III.

It � 10

51/11180i ���1,� rt. ..I 11 11. II 1..11 II I 1.14 �

SAVE ME.? est ’Ai n.,i-s....-aeet

�ii /...cor�,1

ROBERT LAWS 44/ % 0/09 Ill, y

288-90 Park Ave. CY 5-9215 Free Parking in Rear

best offer Call CY 3-1779 aft./ ; Ask for JoAnn.


Found: One stray pup, descrip-tion as follows: 3 months; color, black, mustard-colored markings Owner contact Kathleen Cassell, CY 3-3201.

rEitso Seminar GR: Time, p in , Satin -

day. November 27. Place, 31 Foun-tain Allev Speaker and subject.

, Rabbi GI? ill. Aspects of Jewish I.111 and rtiltiiii�

itehate. imprornpt spi�akai.: and discusaion.

i oedou n Tickets Tickets for the KAA "lio.--

tlossn", Not. 30 go on sale to-morrow at the Wamen’s one and library Arch for 50 cents. � �


Spacial DISCOUNT on enders of 5 dozen or more to all clubs, schools, churches, ledges. ;strikes. etc.

ORDER IN ADVANCE SW Aimed’s% Aso. CY 4-6887

gakpos CY 2-0462

� corsages

1011% and Santa Clara

Flower Shop

NEED FORMAL WEAR? N4 RENT IT! Whatever the formal occasion-wear fashionably correct clothes, at reasonable rental prices!

The Tuxedo Shop 80 SO. FIRST ST.

Mon., Thurs. ’til


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Stop in at the BIG


555 W. Santa Clara at Mongomery

for . . .

� Your Dividend Card

� Finest Gasoline Available Anywhere -

� Faster, Better 24 HOUR SERVICE

Come in Today!




� � �










II .1



Page 3: Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows Week Less each Time

SJS Romps by FSC 2841

SPARTAN DAILY 3 Monday, Nov. 22, 1951

Turkey Trot

1 eresa., Hiram Spark Attack Before 10.,000 Spectators

By GII, CHESTERTON od them romp to a .., Sports Editor ifas’er a lack-lustre Fresn, :-:.�:. II

Whiperacker Bob Broovan on- t on the Spartan Stadium Lir b.-

leashed a stable of racehorse backs !lore 10.000 fans. to pasture Friday night and watch- The go-for-broke backs rip-

- ---- pod through the Bulldog tor-ssard uall to pile up 281 net

Form Sheet l( °wiled by Bud "Too Dollar Window" Winter

and Jerry "Tout" Gandy)

Jockey Don Hubbard Don Barry Bob McMullin Jim Green Melvin Stroud Duane Ludlow Jack Kirkpatrick Frank Wulftange Karl Yates Dick Gromer Bill Cameron Jim Gilmore Bob Lewis Bob Robertson Jack Albiani Gene Antone

Handicap (toner scratch Kappa Alpha 50 zds. just married

50 Yds. U.S. Army 150 yds. fiancee

Comment Odd real corner favorit

dynamite 2-1 old-timer returns 2-1

needs whip 4-1 200 yds. science lab no fear of rail 8-1 200 yds. Carpenter’s Union spry colt 8-1 225 yds. Vets Administ rat ion comeback 10-1 250 yds. Engn. Dept. weak in stretch 12-1 250 yds. two kids likes wet track 12-1 300 yds. Electronics lab. longshot 20-1 350 yds. game warden slow starter 25-1 350 yds. Jim Gilmore fast starter 25-1 350 yds. Oakland police needs blinders 350 yds. Science Dept. needs tail wind 400 yds. Kappa Tau look out, Hubbard 400 yds. Kappa Tau Look out, Albiani

ARTISTS . . . Prang S311 Screen 10


Prang Teetile Se. 4.00

PrAng Poster Se. t .75


� Intramturals

25-1 25-1 80-1 81-1


Kappa Alpha l’iKA sigma Pi Theta Chi Lambda Chi Theta Xi sigma Chi

3 2 1 1


Delta Upsilon sigma No .%To SAE

3 3

Phi Sig 1 kappa Tait 1 Delta Sig

Soccer Squad Loses To SFS 3-1 in Finale

(’omit iii its firsi ason :dropping the sport in 1912. Ow SJS soccm- squad was defeioed l. San Francisco State. 3-1 in .�\ time Saturday morning in a Nt It’

tilt on the Gator field.

The Spartan junior varsity lost to the Gator JV’s by a 3-1 count in a prelim. Carlos Eckert scored tor 5,15

downs. 12 by land. The battle betueen the two yards uhile colecting 16 first

clubs. oho nent into the fray Quarterback Tony Teresa and Halfback Roy Hiram led the %%lilies...determined the Northern

ground-gaining assault on Fresno. California intercollegiate cellar

Teresa carried the pigskin three dweller,

times for 59 yards or a 19.7 aver- A mad scramble in front of the

age. The shifty 155 pound Hiram SFS goal resulted in a score to

scampered to 109 yards in 12 tries Golden Raider Max Voshall- The for 7.9 yards per crack, locals clung to the slim one-point

San Jose registered TITs each :margin until San Francisco dead -

quarter with Teresa, Hiram, Half locked the count on a goal

Stan Beasley and End Mars Lopes Herh Anderson in the last minut.

tallying the six -pointers, of play. The Washington Square swine- Anderson sparked the Gators I.

skinners scored first on a 35 yard the important victory in the ov. - slant by Hiram over right end tam, with a . pair of goals tha with 4:34 left in the fist tieriod.


The play had been set tip to an gave San .1°s,’ Stale its fifth d.

aerial interception by Fullback feat Fanner.

Teresa, voted the outstanding � pigskin emorter in Northern

California last iv eel. by 1 he sE E�aminer, engineered San Jose’s second scoring march by direct-ing the locals 63 yard� in four phis. Ile personally arc ted for the second I �hdoss n by lig-lagging 21 yards alt. r see -

T an opening uhen back to pass � on third 1110%n. Teresa had jaunt -

1 0 ed 40 yards to highlight the

1o drive. Teresa corwerted his first

1 1 of three extra points.

1 The 175 pound Salinas juniot 2 3 0 flipped a six yard aerial to Beas-

: les oith 2:19 left in the third per-4 0

iod for the third tally climaxing an RO ard drive in nine plays Hiram shook loose for runs of 32

O 0 and 22 to spark the TD march.

O 0 San Jose scored its final teede.�

0 when Quart.�rback Benny Pierce

threw an 11 yard fourth down 2 0

pass to Lopes vt-ith 8:04 remnining

° in the contest. Fullback Matt Vu -2 4 0 - jos (swivelled with ilitatn hnhi-4 0

When you pause... make it count...have a Coke



"Coke le � regIssimea nods nw.t. 0 1931, THE COCA-COLA COMPANY

A pair of TD passes f Pierce to End Merle Flatt ley

In the final stania were both called hack by °trivial. on tWe yard penalties.

Bronzan Explains Second Half Plans

It "5 as is "go 0111 111111 pas, only , when you have to" St rategy that I

pepped up th.. Spat�tan offense in I the second half. Coach Bob Bron-van said in the locker room fol-lowing San Jose 28-0 �ictory ovei Fresno State Friday night.

"Defensively we uere alert hut lacked drhe In the first half. I told them to go out In the second half and run the hall sHow sLATE and pas. only %%hen 111.1.1,,,,30."

the a in, SJS.’ si�th tit the se:I-C:7h Bronian remarked atter

Will I lei!bark T, Roy Hiram k. � ! in the first I. I Bronzan singl. i! for spark:int!, cial plays ssla

it" I rt a n root,. � of -ssf� %%Mil the a happy Bob lironian wit et I he dre.e.ineg Egers to thank t he much -alike San Jose ht intent., for their fine spirit. "Ttoy uercri’t yelling that aftei

the Cal game." Bronzan kidded re-porters before making his speech to the sttalente.

Harriers Second In San Ilietto 1.11((.1

.0. tan harrier. In \. him in the 12tl! !neva State College 1 � cross-country race Fridi�,� non. Arizona had a low seer,. ni 17.. San Jose State 41 :Jr,’ host San Diego Stat.. third o it!

5.1% runner Don Hubbard was second in the 1.9 toil, on, o lii, h is

hium ii as the alu fornia hang’ hip Bill

r1...d t 1�"..rsns. Bad the Gold. it E..,

It:red the San They, would have been r� � unofficial California champs. having non the Cal title here It week.


to holder of ASB No. 4437 A new winner each day!

DIERKS where Spartans meet for the

best coffee and donuts in n! 371 WEST SAN CARLOS

ecoop ca.-103

c,oleTgte oT





11001 f.,S1Dr





14110 13144,


Bob Burns, Gene Chavoya. Tom O’Toole, Howard Lester



CY 5-2502 416 W. San Carlos

STUDIO CY 2 6778







Mayfair Theatre "IT’S A WOMAN’S WORLD"

--P _ "SUDDENLY" -







333311131 IN 7-3026



with � Top C.0




El Rancho Drive-In "BETRAYED"



Page 4: Spartan Daily Sumlier: Caleinder Shows Week Less each Time

Monday. Nov 72, 1%4

k rt Wing Shows (;rad’s Works


V d:sioay

. 1

I., ,I.

sari 1., st , ’.1 � In of

is At .t.l

oppenIfic.4 .or 00000 Ito � I- ..toopois ...ern to Ann..% tit,

� n14 ’ This NW 1.� Ito�iiie ..1 1,11.0111�1 1004�111- 101 11.%11�.�

0..,,lll,’o hie Ii di to oil 111.�

I�0. lie. 4 4,1111,11111.: 1111 111/1

.� 11.0�4111. id/611111% 111�01rfill.ill

1)rCilliii 1)11)41110 �14)I1

14 kr! aIr Open in Room SI)-1911

��1 � t I II 11.11t

41 gm 1�11 Salo. Ilotley in the , and I Planta (11111��� Rrettn

, II Saks SA ill 114111111W from pm daily until the ;

Pv-r. ifl tt.o rdtt I AO,"

eettngs .� .11�Ii

:it , YMCA �-� �si

k crantnif � 4, 1 .41 1. I,10.� ’Inv le

Arts, I ?Ion!

I I 11011 al 311 p nt 11

�\LI "

� ,,, , �

1 I 1.. I 1111111 II

%W ant Ion of Iii, %ein�r .1 �....,���1 � \I,4’, at

.11 All .1 clo titt�ti�. students an.

,d1 I *hi-101701ft)* NMI 01 iti/o le r tom. rne.d,

p tit hid � III the ’’Y’’

N:111% 1,11. III’ III.. fte%

unit to: loaf kilt .1.11

ii I’0111. 1.11i, to be

mg. ’tweet in /tom)] �






Burgers Beef Horn

Dogs Italian Sausage

Slakes � Hof Apple Pie � 9 a t,, 9 r

b. it �t’a 6.�

L4-curx st orb

to! sit *0.1 10\ ID is 1 HP r

Ind .,le Gallery in

‘if,e k has had nne-man ...funk, at

Fi.me4,co rat roe!. the Clock-, ci,iiiery s..;;1,-1 aril. nfo Sci

.011,1!,� Art (*.idle/ y arid rviinerou, ,ith.�1 American gallei los

in,� p.1111? ing -Mountain Farm", lia-. been printed oil f;ihrn; and

hioughout flu’ country’ arils recer�ed

Amy x are a silver modal at the exhibition at the Oak-

1�.nd Art f;allei y. first prDe at e Monterey County Fa I and

..uorahlo� mention at the imrvial �tow; of Frasier -xi() Museum of %. �

F.1 �

1?\-1111 1’1’

Pia Recital A rental of 18th century pia:

Aorks vil be presented t,s Thorn,,. lt yari the :Mina.- I re pa rt r, facalt+, torr»orrom dui in,. nu. s .t.y of MUSH: Lit eia 1.ii nail � a NO% trivets itt II,: a in III II, ’into, I 11:111 All performances g’r.en during

the .’la -.s. Ythieh rne.�ts Tuesday, suit Th011 olays are open to stu-dent, .11111 lacolt

Pi Omega Pi II ill Initiate Nine llembers

FfJI /nal ifiit iat ion ceremonies will

Ire held lin nine piospecti:e mem-ts.ri of Pi Omega Pi. business ed-ocation honorar �Vednesday. Dec.° 1 at 7 p. rn The dinner-ceremony

he held at the old flickory in Satita Clara

Speaker for the occasion will be Dr Forrest :Mayer. associate pro-fessor of Ronald Kooda, president, V. ill preside.

Nletrito�rs to he in are Joint, fief? wino. Ronald Bernard. Mary

l’atrie�ia r;oodell. Emily Retty .1.) Ann Kaufman.

Kikiiko Okawa, Frances Pollino. Cather-M,. Smith and 1.1. Col, Jos-eph E Terry.

1.t Terry, previously of the AFROTC department, will not IN. present for in ceremonies becaus, of his recent reassignment He will be admitted into the so -it’. without the

Placement Director leaves for East

!t1:� I), K. Robinson, teacher placement 41i rector, left Tuesday I.. visit relatives in the Chicago �trea, and then she will travel to Ann Arbor, Mich, to attend the National Placement Conference horn Der 1 to 4.

itatulard Oil Official Addresses Principles of Advertising Class

NI NI ad..ertising mana-ger of Standard Oil Company at California, spoke Friday to the Principles of Are:tsing class of Jack It Ifolland. associate profes-sor of business on "11ow an Ad-vertising Program is De%

M11t1eS told the class that sell log, today, is more than just fc.,1 inc or making a product that c - tomers want, telling them it through advertising, and waiting for the cash registers ’�� ring. Selling invohes 11.Saqi I . manufacturing and distribution t.. said.

All this is done through t..c� work of the different departm.,:,, according to Mattes. It took Hi:. , Nears for Standard Oil to deNel..1, its 10-30 oil helot,. it Was for the genet al market he said

lit nosing his h Ii tuld

the clas:: no ad% el tising Kogram

is complete without sales pi°. motion leading up to the pay-off. a follow-through to make sure all planned steps have been taken, and a check of results to jialge the sure. the la ogram.



68 East San Fernando St. 1 1



Cl,,. Specialty

All Dry Cleaning�Laundry Service In by 9:00�Out at 5:00

NO EXTRA COST Watch window for weekly special

l’oldett We4t DRY CLEANERS


25-29 SO. THIRD STREET CYpress 2-1052

WHAT’S THIS? For solution see paragraph below. Droodle

submitted by Michael Gross, C.C.N.Y.

COLLEGE SMOKERS PREFER Luckies�and by a wide margin �according to the largest and latest coast-to-coast college survey. Once ag:iin, the No. I reason: Luckies taste hetter. They taste better because Lucky Strike means fine Islbacco. Then, that tobacco is toasted to taste better.

Toasted" -- the famous Lucky Strike procetat � toms up Luckies’ light, good -tasting tobacco to make it taste even better. The pleasure you’ll get from Luckies’ better taste is in UR.% depicted in the Droodle above, titled: Modern artist enjoying Lucky while glancing in mirror. See the ecstatic smile? Well, you, too, can be happy. Just go Luck%

-Paten. ’Lade Laws...


,17,15 WASTED -to icsee befier �





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BIOTIN. MODS ilv halrr

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I � I ni 41 ’oro.1"



�lerv ;ray ’n her-gift of California


EARN $25: Lucky Drnodles are pouring in’ Where are yours? We pay

$25 for all Vie 1.1.P. and for mans. we don’t uiw� So send et origami Droodlo In sour noodle. with its deowriptive lo. t�. Lucky 1)r...wIle, 1’0. 11..% 67, New York 46. N.Y.

�eit000tts coo,-;041 951 br Pop., ’,we