spcf prelim prog 3-1

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  • 8/10/2019 SPCF Prelim Prog 3-1



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    1stSemester S.Y. 2014-2015

    Object Oriented Programming (Set A)


    Name: _________________________________ Score: ________________________

    Section: ________________________________ Date: _________________________

    General Directions: Read and understand each instructions carefully. Avoid making erasures or

    superimpositions on your answers. Any forms of cheating will be dealt with accordingly based on

    your student manual.

    Test 1. Identification. Write your best answer on the space provided before each number.

    (2pts each)

    _______________________ 1. It focuses on object and classes based on real world

    scenarios and emphasizes state, behavior and interaction

    of objects.

    _______________________ 2. This allows you to define new data type and is considered

    your blueprint in programming.

    _______________________ 3. An entity that has a state, behavior and identity with a well-

    defined role in problem space. Also referred to as an

    instance of a class.

    _______________________ 4. These are data elements of an object that usually stores

    information about the object.

    _______________________ 5. Describes the behavior of an object also called a function

    or procedure.

    _______________________ 6. A method-like for creating and initializing new object.

    _______________________ 7. Grouping of classes and or sub packages and can be

    viewed as analogous to a directory.

    _______________________ 8. Principle of hiding design or implementation of information

    not relevant to current object.

    _______________________ 9. Ignoring aspects of a subject not relevant to the current

    purpose to focus on those that are._______________________ 10. Relationships between classes wherein one class is the

    superclass or the parent class of another. Also refers to the

    properties and behaviors received from an ancestor.

    _______________________ 11. The ability of an object to assume many different forms.

    _______________________ 12.public, private and protected are called


    _______________________ 13. Another term used to refer as method call.

    _______________________ 14. An import statement that is needed for us to use abstract

    windowing toolkits.

    _______________________ 15. An import statement that is needed for us to use the

    Scanner class.

  • 8/10/2019 SPCF Prelim Prog 3-1



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    Test 2. True or False. Write SPCF if the statementis true otherwise write my name if

    the statement is false. (2pts each)

    _______________________ 1. You can create a child class or a subclass by usingextends followed by the name of the parent class in your

    class declaration.

    _______________________ 2. Abstract classes can be instantiated.

    _______________________ 3. Java allows you can change access modifiers at run-time.

    _______________________ 4. Method overloading is allowed in JAVA which means

    different methods within a class can share the same name.

    _______________________ 5. Abstract Windowing Toolkit is platform independent.

    _______________________ 6. Java technology is a programming language that allows you

    to develop both applets and applications.

    _______________________ 7. The primary goal of the Java Technology is to provide an

    easy-to-use language by avoiding pitfalls of other

    languages, being object-oriented and enabling users to

    create streamlined and clear code.

    _______________________ 8. Garbage collection is not a feature of Java.

    _______________________ 9. Java uses the dot notation. This is used to access object

    members including attributes and methods.

    _______________________ 10. A statement is one or more lines of code enclosed in

    double quotation marks.

    Test 3. Essay. Answer the following briefly. (5pts each)

    1. What are the different forms of comments used in Java and explain why usingcomments in your program is encouraged?

    2. What are the rules in naming your identifiers?

    3. What are the advantages of Java over other programming languages?

    4. Why do we need to properly classify the type of data in Java programming?

    -=Good Luck and God Bless=-

    "Th ere are no secrets to su ccess.

    It is the result of preparation, hard work learning from failure.~ General Col in Powel l

    Prepared by:

    Alvin M. Caragdag


    Reviewed by:

    Marsha Q. Superio

    Program Chair

    Approved by:

    Grace F. Tyler Ph.D.

    College Dean