
Chapter 6: “Grim Harvest” Rainee ran through the cracked cobblestone ground. Her red shirt were covered in debris. The smell of rotting flesh pierced through her nose. I have to get out of her. I can feel my sister suffering... Rainee looked ahead. Abandoned houses were everywhere. Windows were broken. Broken brooms and wands lay on the streets. A sign labeled Triton Avenue was torn in half. I feel death. So much suffering. “Hoi?” Something whispered.. What was that? Rainee froze. Something moved around in her backpack, squirming to get out. “Oh!” Rainee exclaimed. “I remember!” Rainee hid behind a dead tree. She reached behind and took out her backpack. She opened the zipper. Pieces of cracked eggshells were everywhere. “Tick tick tick tick.” A red lizard cooed. It had sharp teeth and claws. Warmth seemed to emanate from it. “My hotzilla!” Rainee whispered. The lizard yawned and curled into a sleeping position. “Aw.” Rainee said. “He's finally hatched. I wonder what I should name him.” A loud crash was heard coming from a house nearby.

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Chapter 6 SP


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Chapter 6:“Grim Harvest”

Rainee ran through the cracked cobblestone ground. Her red shirt were

covered in debris. The smell of rotting flesh pierced through her nose.

I have to get out of her. I can feel my sister suffering...

Rainee looked ahead. Abandoned houses were everywhere. Windows

were broken. Broken brooms and wands lay on the streets.

A sign labeled Triton Avenue was torn in half.

I feel death. So much suffering.

“Hoi?” Something whispered..

What was that? Rainee froze.

Something moved around in her backpack, squirming to get out.

“Oh!” Rainee exclaimed. “I remember!”

Rainee hid behind a dead tree. She reached behind and took out her

backpack. She opened the zipper. Pieces of cracked eggshells were everywhere.

“Tick tick tick tick.” A red lizard cooed.

It had sharp teeth and claws. Warmth seemed to emanate from it.

“My hotzilla!” Rainee whispered.

The lizard yawned and curled into a sleeping position.

“Aw.” Rainee said. “He's finally hatched. I wonder what I should name


A loud crash was heard coming from a house nearby.

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Rainee picked up her baby hotzilla in her arms and walked toward the


A pink haired girl with dark robes was being held by a tall hooded boy

with dark silver hair.

“Let me go! Let me go now!” The girl yelled.

“The Master would like you to join us, young lady.” The boy said.

“I have no need of your stupid hospitality!” The girl yelled. “I want my

brother back!”

“You mean Steve? He has joined us. And now, you shall too.”

The boy pointed a finger at the girl's face.

“NEVER!” The girl screamed. “Krad Wolb1!”

A blast of dark energy shot out of the girl's eyes and hit the boy's hand.

“Gah! You'll pay for that!” The boy took out his wand.

The girl released herself from the boy's grip.

“Now, tell me where Steve is or I'll destroy you.” The girl whispered and

pointed at the boy.

The boy stayed silent. Not moving at all.

Rainee walked up to them and saw the horrible sight.

The girl turned her face around and saw Rainee.

“Nooo! Not another one!” She said.

The girl saw Rainee's face and let out a sigh of relief. “Yes! You're not

one of them!”

Rainee stared at the boy. This is just like what happened with Stephen.

“What's going on? Who are you?” Rainee whispered.

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“I'm Leesha.” The girl replied. “That wizard over there. He's been cursed

by who knows what!”

The boy looked at Rainee. “You!”

Oh no. Rainee thought. She took out her wand from her secret sleeve


“The Master requests that you die.” The boy said. A faint smile formed

on his face. “And I shall be rewarded.”

“What!? You're crazy!” Rainee screamed.

The boy's eyes began to glow. “Relax. This will only hurt for a second.”

Rainee's heart pulsed like a car engine. She waved her wand and

shouted random incantations.

“No! Don't do that!” Leesha shouted. “It will only...”

To late. Rainee fizzled her spell and her skin felt like it was burning. She

dropped to the floor. Her hotzilla was crying loudly.

“AHHHHH! HELP ME!” Rainee yelled.

“Foolish novice wizardess.” The boy said. “I don't know why the Master

feels threatened by your presence, but I will do what I must.”

He put his wand away in his robes and took out a silver dagger. He

approached Rainee, preparing to stab her.

“No!” Leesha cried. “Kaolc1!”

Leesha disappeared from the boy's sight.

“Huh?” The boy muttered.

Leesha got behind him. “Krad Wolb!” She shot dark energy and hit the

boy's back.

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The boy almost fell while he turned around. “You cannot interfere with

the Master's orders.”

Rainee's skin felt normal again. She stood up and pointed her wand at

the boy.

“Tick tick tick!” The hotzilla cried. He snarled at the boy.

Leesha's cloak charm wore off. Rainee and Leesha pointed both their

wands at the boy. He stopped moving.

“Now, you will tell us everything.” Leesha said.

“Your brother...” The boy put his dagger back in his pocket. “Is with the

Harvest Lord. Soon he will be one of the Soulless Ones. The undead will rule

Wizard City.”

Leesha's hand was trembling in anger and fear. “Tell us where he is or

we will destroy you.”

The boy took off his hood. “No... I AM your BROTHER!”

Leesha gasped. “NOOOOOOOO!”

“Good boy. Good boy.” A raspy voice whispered.

Orange and red leaves spun through the air in a circle.

I wanna go home. Rainee thought.

A scarecrow materialized in front of them. Fire could be seen through its

rotting pumpkin head.

“Ah. Its good to see you Rosespirit.” The scarecrow said. “I am the

Harvest Lord. The Master's assistant.”

The Harvest Lord approached Rainee. “You don't look like the one as

described in the prophecy.” The Harvest Lord laughed.

This thing's getting on my nerves. Rainee pointed her wand at the

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Harvest Lord.

“Watch where you point that thing, Rosespirit.” The Harvest Lord


The Harvest Lord turned around and blasted Leesha with from from his

eyes. Her skin was scorched and her clothes were covered in black dust.

“Now you will come with me, or watch your friend die.” The Harvest

Lord laughed.