speak up - voicebohx

Voicebohx - Speak Up! The 'Speak Up' Campaign was established to raise awareness for children and women in this country who are experiencing Domestic Violence and what's worse, suffering in silence. Violence against women and specifically gender based violence is an extensive Human Rights Abuse that we can no longer afford to overlook. 42,000 women across 28 member states of the European Union were asked about their experiences of physical, sexual and psychological violence, including incidence of intimate partner violence; and also asked about stalking, sexual harassment and their experiences of violence in childhood. What emerges is a picture of extensive abuse that affects many women’s lives but is systematically under reported to authorities (a) in fear of not being believed and (b) in fear of not finding the help after reporting incidents of abuse; there is still a lack of awareness. Based on the EU Survey Results, only 14% of women reported their most serious incident of intimate partner violence to the police and 13% reported their most serious incident of non-partner violence to the police. It is clear with the publication of these results, that the time is now ripe to address violence against women on the basis of the evidence supplied by the EU Wide Survey carried over 28 countries. Sadly the majority of women do not report their experiences of abuse to authorities so that the majority of violence against women continues to be hidden and as a result, perpetrators are not confronted; therefore different avenues for highlighting and combating violence against women need to be explored further so that subjects of violence who have remained silence can speak up. This is crucial among certain cultures where it is not yet wide spread to openly talk about personal experiences of violence, where reporting of incidents to the authorities are low, as they are here in Malta and where violence against women is not addressed as a mainstream policy issue. …it was the first time many women had spoken to anyone about their abuse!!! References: http://media.wix.com/ugd/bf9277_f423df924a1243be8bb08a54ab6eac48.pdf To 'Stop the Silence to STOP THE VIOLENCE', we need your sponsorship, as the problem is now at epidemic proportions and numbers are still on the rise. In terms of what we require to trun this campaign from infromation online to people in action, please refer to the following whish list; if there is anything that you can tick off for us, we would greatly appreciate it with many thanks: Category 1

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Post on 16-Jul-2015




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Page 1: Speak Up - Voicebohx

Voicebohx - Speak Up!

The 'Speak Up' Campaign was established to raise awareness for children and women in this country who are experiencing Domestic Violence and what's worse, suffering in silence.

Violence against women and specifically gender based violence is an extensive Human Rights Abuse that we can no longer afford to overlook.

42,000 women across 28 member states of the European Union were asked about their experiences of physical, sexual and psychological violence, including incidence of intimate partner violence; and also asked about stalking, sexual harassment and their experiences of violence in childhood.

What emerges is a picture of extensive abuse that affects many women’s lives but is systematically under reported to authorities (a) in fear of not being believed and (b) in fear of not finding the help after reporting incidents of abuse; there is still a lack of awareness. Based on the EU Survey Results, only 14% of women reported their most serious incident of intimate partner violence to the police and 13% reported their most serious incident of non-partner violence to the police.

It is clear with the publication of these results, that the time is now ripe to address violence against women on the basis of the evidence supplied by the EU Wide Survey carried over 28 countries.

Sadly the majority of women do not report their experiences of abuse to authorities so that the majority of violence against women continues to be hidden and as a result, perpetrators are not confronted; therefore different avenues for highlighting and combating violence against women need to be explored further so that subjects of violence who have remained silence can speak up. This is crucial among certain cultures where it is not yet wide spread to openly talk about personal experiences of violence, where reporting of incidents to the authorities are low, as they are here in Malta and where violence against women is not addressed as a mainstream policy issue.

…it was the first time many women had spoken to anyone about their abuse!!!

References: http://media.wix.com/ugd/bf9277_f423df924a1243be8bb08a54ab6eac48.pdf

To 'Stop the Silence to STOP THE VIOLENCE', we need your sponsorship, as the problem is now at epidemic proportions and numbers are still on the rise. In terms of what we require to trun this campaign from infromation online to people in action, please refer to the following whish list; if there is anything that you can tick off for us, we would greatly appreciate it with many thanks:

Category 1

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1(a) 1200 Eur for the 'Car Sticker Promotion'; which we are aiming to Launch in April - right after the tin collection street march... Volunteers have already put up their hands to participate

1(b) 12 Acrylic Nail Vouchers for all fingers and 12 bottles of nail polish

1(c) 12 cartons of beer, 6 pack

Category 2

2(a) Lap top computer with inbuilt webcam

2(b) Computer Software - Latest Versions except for the windows operating system, which would prefer Windows 8;;; Corel Draw, Adobe Photo-Shop, Ms Works, Ms Office Suite (all programs please)

2(c) Printer and 5 Reams of A4 printer paper for further proposals and related office work

Category 3

3(a) Photo Camera with batteries and 2 memory cards

3(b) Mobile Phone - Samsung Smartphone with 4.5inch screen

3(c) Phone sim card and a one off pre-pay credit top up to be contactable

Category 4

4(a) 500 Eur first years internet connection

4(b) 500 Eur for 1800/local free toll number number for the first year, which is intened to create a 'Dob in DV Free Call Line', available to the public 24/7; incidences can be reported annonymously and any information that leads to an arrest will (pending sponsorship) go into a draw to win a 'Brand New Car in December - one drawn each year I hope with adaquate sponsorship from a new car sales dealer, which I am yet to follow up on;;; don't get put off guys, it's only money and if we gel together, we can make it happen... if me and you can win war's against all odds, we can do this too!!!

Category 5

5(a) 8000 Eur for rent; 12 months office space (which includies electricity) in Valletta, local to adjoining services relevant to our cause

Category 6

6(a) Print Media; 30,000 D/Sided F/Colour Business Cards; 30,000 A5 Booklets (consisting of 5 A4 Sheets per booklet, F/Colour, D/Sided Print and gloss - the art work will be provided by me, flattened and print ready according to standard format; 32,000 DL Stickers (for indoors); and finally 30,000 Placemats to fit Macdonalds Food Trays for the promotion to follow the street march tin collection...

6(b) 'Malta, Let's Say No More' Printed T-Shirts 5,000; and 'Malta, Let's Say No More' Printed Hats 5,000; 'Malta, Let's Say No More' Printed Flags 5,000

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6(c) 300 Copies of my book titled, 'Betrayed NOT Beaten' telling of my own experineces of Domestic Violence; signed copies to be handed out with - futher to the campaign; including binding and stitching; on paperback; Novel Size consisting of 500pages

Category 7

7(a) 200 Vouchers for 'Free Martial Arts/kickboxing Classes' (for women and children affected by domestic violence) for the first 12 months training - and I'll take it on after that for thoes who want to continue training but can't afford it; I will need hall space but we've got 12months before the vouchers expire to worry about hall space

7(b) ..and then of course, there's 'Trent-Esta' Rehab Centre that I want to speak to Mr Joseph Muscat about.


To the business who contribute by way of sponsorship, let me take a quick minute to briefly explain what's in it for you? (a) As a business, you will be recognised for supporting a local and humain cause that can not be put on hold any longer, as the problem is at epidemic proportions and (b) your business will also be mentioned on all the material we intend to produce for the purpose of this campaign, which I hope will generate attention on a mass scale; the booklets, DL Stickers, McDonalds Food Trays (paper placemats), T-Shirts, Hat's and Flags - a total of 107,000. Furthermore, a local newspaper has already promised free advertising space to adequately expose the campain prior to commencement, so you as a sponsor, you will also be meionted and exposed of that print run!

Malta, please remember that by working together on this project, we can be the European Leaders for the Prevention and Minimisation of Gender Based Violence - Because to Violence Against Women, Let's say NO MORE!

T O G E T H E R, L E T' S S H O W T H E M H O W I T' S D O N E !

Email: [email protected]

Website: http://voicebohx.wix.com/anne

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Supporting Website: http://voicebohx.wix.com/campaign-night