speakers bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...van der auweraert peter international organization for migration...

Nachdiplomstudium CAS Zivile Friedensförderung Zivile Friedensförderung Civilian Peacebuilding #IVILIAN 0EACEBUILDING #OURSE &ACULTY ,IST #!3 #IVILIAN 0EACEBUILDING :IVILE &RIEDENSFÎRDERUNG

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Page 1: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

NachdiplomstudiumCAS Zivile Friedensförderung


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Page 2: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

Faculty List

Civilian Peacebuilding Course 2012/2013 1

Alphabetic Faculty List

Last Name First Name

Institutional Affiliation (if applicable)

Position Module Email-Address

AL-MASRI Muzna Researcher and Independent Consultant

Thematic Block 4 [email protected]

BAUMGARTNER Elisabeth Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Co-Head of Program Dealing with the Past

Thematic Block 3 [email protected]

BRANK Barbara Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Gender and Peacebuilding

Training Course 1 [email protected]

DITTLI Roland Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Head of Program Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact

Thematic Block 4, Training Course 2

[email protected]

EL OBEID Suhail Osec Business Network Switzerland

Consultant Africa + Middle East Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

FISCHER Rahel Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Gender and Peacebuilding

Training Course 1 [email protected]

GABRIEL Sidonia Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact

Training Course 2 [email protected]

GOETSCHEL Laurent Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace, University of Basel

Director and Head of Research,

Professor of Political Science

Introductory Module, Applied Module, Concluding Module

[email protected]

GOSTELI HAUSER Danièle Amnesty International Switzerland

Expert of Business and Human Rights

Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

GRAF Andreas Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Business and Peace, PhD Candidate

Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

GRAF Willi Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation

Deputy Head Regional Cooperation

Thematic Block 1 [email protected]

Page 3: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

Faculty List

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HAZAN Pierre Sciences Po Paris, Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel

Senior Lecturer Thematic Block 3 [email protected]

HEINIGER Markus Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation

Policy Advisor Conflict and Human Rights (South Asia Division)

Thematic Block 4 [email protected]

HOTTINGER Julian Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Human Security Division

Senior Mediation Expert Thematic Block 2 [email protected]

IFF Andrea Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Head of Program Business and Peace and Head of Program ad interim Statehood and Conflict

Thematic Block 1, Thematic Block 5

[email protected]

KELLER Ursula Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Head of Program of the Center for Peacebuilding KOFF

Training Course 1, Applied Module

[email protected]


Geneva Centre for Security Policy; Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford; World Future Council

Associate Fellow and former Course Director; Senior Research Associate; Councilor

Thematic Block 3 [email protected]

MARTHALER Esther HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation

Senior Advisor Conflict Transformation

Thematic Block 1 [email protected]

MUREZI Michael Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Human Security Division

Head of Mediation Support Thematic Block 2

PARLEVIET Michelle Independent Consultant Training Course 3 [email protected]

PACHOUD Gerald United Nations Peacebuilding Support Office

Senior Advisor to the United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding Support, former Senior Advisor to the Secretary General's Special Representative on Business and Human Rights

Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

Page 4: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

Faculty List

Civilian Peacebuilding Course 2012/2013 3

PFISTER Marco Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Statehood and Conflict

Thematic Block 1 [email protected]

PUTZEL James London School of Economics and Political Science

Director of the Crisis States Research Centre and Professor of Development Studies

Thematic Block 1 [email protected]

SALVISBERG Roland Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Directorate of Political Affairs, Human Security Division

Head of Peace Policy Thematic Block 4 [email protected]


Cheyanne Besa Consulting Principal Training Course 4 [email protected]

SIEGFRIED Matthias Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Head of the Mediation Program and the Mediation Support Project

Thematic Block 2 [email protected]

SIGRIST Franziska Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Training Officer Present during the whole course

[email protected]

STAMM Sibylle Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Program Officer Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact

Thematic Block 4 [email protected]

SUHNER Stephan Working Group Switzerland-Columbia ask!

Head Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

VAN BRABANT Koenraad Navigation 360; Interpeace Consultant; Head of Reflective Practice and Learning and Deputy Director Operations

Thematic Block 1 [email protected]


Peter International Organization for Migration

Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division

Thematic Block 3 [email protected]

WETTSTEIN Florian University of St.Gallen Director of the Institute for Business Ethics and Professor

Thematic Block 5 [email protected]

ZELLER Mathias Swiss Peace Foundation swisspeace

Mediation Program Assistant Thematic Block 3 [email protected]

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Faculty List

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Detailed Faculty List Course Management

Laurent Goetschel, Director and Head of Research, swisspeace and Professor of Political Science, University of Basel Laurent Goetschel received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Relations (IUHEI) at the University of Geneva (1993). He worked as a journalist with the Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), conducted research with the IUHEI's Program for Strategic and International Security Studies (1990-1992) and with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne (1992-1995), where he was also a lecturer (1994-1995). After having served as a visiting scholar with the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (1995-1996) he joined swisspeace as a research analyst. He has taught Swiss foreign policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Berne from 1997 to 2003 and directed a Swiss National Science Foundation's research program on Swiss foreign policy from 1997 to 2000. Since then he has been director of swisspeace and professor of political science at the Europe Institute of the University of Basel. From 2003 to 2004 he served as the political advisor to the Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey. He is currently also President of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences.


Franziska Sigrist, Training Officer, swisspeace Franziska Sigrist holds a MA in Political Science and International Law from the University of Bern, Switzerland and a Certificat d’Etudes Politiques from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France. She joined swisspeace in February 2012 as Program Officer and is responsible for the training coordination and development, particularly for designing and implementing the Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS) and the KOFF Training Series. From 2010 to 2012, Franziska Sigrist was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism at the University of Fribourg. Previously she worked for the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, the Swiss Embassy in Damascus, and UNICEF in Addis Ababa where she also conducted field research on the Ethiopian water policy for her Master thesis within the framework of the NCCR North South. During her studies she worked for the World Trade Institute in Bern, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI in Bonn and engaged as peace observer in Chiapas, Mexico. Franziska Sigrist is particularly interested in the Middle East and has lived and travelled in the region in 2008/2009.


Page 6: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

Faculty List

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Introductory Module

Laurent Goetschel, Director and Head of Research, swisspeace and Professor of Political Science, University of Basel Laurent Goetschel received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Relations (IUHEI) at the University of Geneva (1993). He worked as a journalist with the Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), conducted research with the IUHEI's Program for Strategic and International Security Studies (1990-1992) and with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne (1992-1995), where he was also a lecturer (1994-1995). After having served as a visiting scholar with the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (1995-1996) he joined swisspeace as a research analyst. He has taught Swiss foreign policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Berne from 1997 to 2003 and directed a Swiss National Science Foundation's research program on Swiss foreign policy from 1997 to 2000. Since then he has been director of swisspeace and professor of political science at the Europe Institute of the University of Basel. From 2003 to 2004 he served as the political advisor to the Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey. He is currently also President of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences.


Barbara Brank, Program Officer Gender and Peacebuilding, swisspeace Barbara Brank completed a Masters in history and later a research oriented MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at London University. Barbara Brank spent several years in the Occupied Palestinian Territories doing field research and working with UNDP/PAPP. Barbara's previous work experience includes being researcher at INTRAC in Oxford, where she provided discussion papers on key issues for NGOs in development. Afterwards she worked as policy advisor on gender and human security at the Dutch peace organization IKV Pax Christi focusing on new concepts of inclusive human security. Before joining swisspeace, Barbara Brank was advocacy officer at Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), a feminist NGO network active in 47 European countries based in Vienna. During maternity leave she worked as part-time lecturer on gender and peacebuilding at the University of Salzburg. At the Centre for Peacebuilding (KOFF) Barbara Brank is responsible for issues of Gender and Peacebuilding.


Franziska Sigrist, Training Officer, swisspeace Franziska Sigrist holds a MA in Political Science and International Law from the University of Bern, Switzerland and a Certificat d’Etudes Politiques from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France. She joined swisspeace in February 2012 as Program Officer and is responsible for the training coordination and development, particularly for designing and implementing the Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS) and the KOFF Training Series. From 2010 to 2012, Franziska Sigrist was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism at the University of Fribourg. Previously she worked for the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, the Swiss Embassy in Damascus, and UNICEF in Addis Ababa where she also conducted field research on the Ethiopian water policy for her Master thesis within the framework of the NCCR North South. During her studies she worked for the World Trade Institute in Bern, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI in Bonn and engaged as peace observer in Chiapas, Mexico. Franziska Sigrist is particularly interested in the Middle East and has lived and travelled in the region in 2008/2009.


Page 7: Speakers Bios 5 - swisspeace.ch...VAN DER AUWERAERT Peter International Organization for Migration Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division Thematic Block 3 pvanderauweraert@iom.int

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Thematic Module Thematic Block 1: Conflict and Peacebuilding in Fragile States

Andrea Iff, Head of Program Business and Peace and Head of Program ad interim Statehood and Conflict, swisspeace Dr. Andrea Iff is Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator of Business and Peace and Head of Program ad interim of Statehood and Conflict at swisspeace. She holds a PhD in political science from the Institute for Political Science at the University of Bern (2009), where she also earned her Master's degree in Political Science, Media Science and Public Law. Before joining the University of Bern as a scientific assistant, she worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Swiss Federal Government and at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Before entering the field of Business and Peace, she worked mainly on institutions and conflict transformation. She has studied with Prof. Ronald L. Watts at Queen's University, Kingston in Canada and consulted Berghof Foundation on the question of federalism and decentralization in Sri Lanka.


Willi Graf, Deputy Regional Cooperation, Swiss Agency for Development Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Dr. Willi Graf holds a PhD in agricultural economics and a MA in agronomy from the Federal Institute of Technology, Zürich. He has been working for the Swiss Development Cooperation since 22 years including positions as Program Manager and Thematic Advisor in the East Africa Division and the Agricultural Service, SDC Deputy Country Director in Bolivia, Senior Advisor in the Natural Resources Division and SDC Country Director in Afghanistan. Since 2011 he is Deputy Head of the SDC Domain Regional Cooperation in Bern.

www.deza.admin.ch/en/Home; www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html.

Esther Marthaler, Senior Advisor Conflict Transformation, HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation Esther Marthaler holds a MA in Social Anthropology and Communication Studies. She has been active in the field of development and international cooperation since 2000. Since 2008 she has been working for HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation where she is currently Senior Advisor Conflict Transformation. Her competences include integration of conflict sensitivity into planning, monitoring and evaluation, strategy development, and evaluation of peacebuilding projects. She has worked in Southeast Asia (Burma, Indonesia, Laos, Nepal, Thailand, Vietnam) in Guatemala, Kurdistan and Nigeria.

www.helvetas.org/advisory_services/who_we_are/esther_marthaler.cfm; ch.linkedin.com/pub/esther-marthaler/40/365/196; www.helvetas.ch/de/was_wir_tun/advisory_services/unsere_arbeitsbereiche22/; www.helvetas.ch.

Marco Pfister, Program Officer Statehood and Conflict, swisspeace Marco Pfister holds a Licence in International Relations from the Graduate Institute of International Studies in Geneva and an MA with a focus on Conflict Resolution and Post-Conflict Assistance from the Fletcher School of Law and Diplomacy in Boston, USA. His work experience in Sudan (2005-2011) includes the management of a civil society-support program and of an in-kind program for local government and civil society in support of the CPA peace process and in particular the related political processes.

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Before joining swisspeace in October 2011, he served as strategic advisor to the Three Areas Steering Group in Sudan, a group of ten donor countries implementing programs in Abyei, Southern Kordofan and Blue Nile. As a member of the Statehood and Conflict Program team at swisspeace, Marco Pfister focuses on questions of democratization and citizen participation in post-conflict peacebuilding and statebuilding, and contributes to the Sudan Platform.


James Putzel, Director of the Crisis States Research Centre and Professor of Development Studies, London School of Economics and Political Science James Putzel is Professor of Development Studies and, since October 2000, Director of the Crisis States Research Centre. He heads the Centre's research program on Crisis States, which is funded by the Department for International Development of the UK government. From 1996 to 1999, Professor Putzel was a member of the British Academy's Southeast Asia Committee, a Managing Editor of the Journal of Development Studies from September 1999 until January 2001 and remains a member of the editorial board. He was a member of the Advisory Board of the Institute for Latin American Studies of the University of London between 1999 and 2002. Professor Putzel was Director of D (previously the Development Studies Institute) from January 1999 until August 2001. Before that, he directed the Institute's PhD program.

His current research is focusing on politics and governance in crisis states including work on Understanding 'Failed States', Political Islam in Southeast Asia and the Politics of the HIV/AIDS crisis. His recent research and publications range from work on the politics of financial crisis, to work on nationalism, comparative politics of development in Southeast and East Asia, democratic transition, developmental states, and the role of foreign aid and NGOs in development, with a particular focus on problems of institutional change.

Professor Putzel received his BA in Honours East Asian Studies and MA in Political Science from McGill University. He received his DPhil in Politics from the University of Oxford. In the late 1980s he was a Visiting Senior Lecturer in Political Science and a Visiting Research Associate at the School of Economics at the University of the Philippines. He has extensive experience in consultancy work for development oriented non-governmental, government and multilateral development organizations.



www2.lse.ac.uk/internationalDevelopment/home.aspx; www2.lse.ac.uk/home.aspx.

Koenraad van Brabant, Independent Consultant, Navigation 360 and Head of Reflective Practice and Learning and Deputy Director Operations, Interpeace Koenraad van Brabant trained as a social anthropologist before starting out working in international cooperation. He has now over 20 years of reflected experience, in humanitarian action and peacebuilding. He has worked in managerial positions and as consultant, developing organizations, managing programs, developing and delivering training, carrying out or coordinating research, doing policy work, and conducting or managing evaluations. He is also an experienced facilitator. His practical experience covers various countries in Africa, in the Middle East, Central America, South and Southeast Asia and the Balkans. He has consulted for various multilateral and bilateral organizations and a variety of NGOs. He is currently working half time with Interpeace as Head of Reflective Practice and Learning, and consulting under the trade name ‘Navigation 360’.

ch.linkedin.com/pub/koenraad-van-brabant/36/488/592; www.interpeace.org.

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Thematic Block 2: Mediating Peace

Matthias Siegfried, Head of the Mediation Program and the Mediation Support Project, swisspeace Matthias Siegfried is heading the Mediation Program of swisspeace. He graduated from the University of Fribourg and holds two Master degrees (Master in Social Sciences; Executive Master in Business Administration for non-profit management).

After having worked in the humanitarian field (Caucasus, Central Asia) he joined the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs in 2003 as their Regional Peacebuilding Advisor for South-Eastern Europe. Based at the Swiss Embassy in Macedonia, one of the key tasks during his assignment in the Balkans was the management of the political mediation and facilitation initiatives of Switzerland in the Balkans.

From 2005 to 2009, Matthias Siegfried was leading the Mediation Support Project at swisspeace with the mandate to build up the mediation capacities of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. In this function he was also the Co-Director of the annual "Swiss Peacebuilding Training Course" and the "Peace Mediation Course".

From August 2009 until July 2010 he was working for the Mediation Support Unit (MSU) of the United Nations (Department of Political Affairs) in New York as a Political Affairs Officer. He was heading MSU's Asia team and was in charge for developing and implementing mediation support activities in this region. In addition, he was in charge of the development and management of a Mediation Expert Roster. Currently, he is also serving as the Mediation Advisor to a Personal Envoy of the Secretary General of the United Nations in ongoing peace negotiations. He also is an Associate Fellow of the Geneva Center for Security Policy (GCSP).


Julian Thomas Hottinger, Senior Mediation Expert, Human Security Division, Directorate of Political Affairs, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Dr. Julian Thomas Hottinger is currently an expert in Mediation and Facilitation attached to the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs’ Human Security Division. Until the end of 2003, he was a Senior Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism in Switzerland. After having graduated from the University of Lausanne, he obtained his PhD degree in Political Science and specialized as an International Conflict Mediator at the Canadian International Institute for Applied Negotiations (CIIAN) in Ottawa, and at the Lester Pearson Peace Keeping Center in Canada.

Julian Thomas Hottinger has worked as an expert and consultant on various projects covering conflicts in Afghanistan, Cambodia, Nicaragua, Northern Ireland, Rwanda and Sri Lanka. Until September 2000, he was the Vice-President of the Second Committee on "Democracy and Good Governance" within the Arusha Peace and Reconciliation Agreement for Burundi.

From December 2000 until October 2002, Julian Thomas Hottinger directed a "Constitutional Think Tank Workshop for the Transitional National Government of the Republic of Somalia and the Federative Government of Puntland". From October 2002 until April 2004, he was one of the Resource Persons for the first Committee on “The Federal Charter”, within the Somali National Reconciliation Conference.

In January 2002, Julian Thomas Hottinger took part, as an expert, in the negotiating of “The Nuba Mountains Ceasefire Agreement”, which was signed in Bürgenstock, Switzerland by the Government of the Republic of Sudan and the SPLA (Nuba). From January 2003 until January 2005, he was a member of the “Resource Team” working on the Machakos Peace Protocol/Naivasha Peace Negotiations in Sudan, for the Intergovernmental Authority on Development (IGAD) Secretariat.

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Furthermore, Julian Thomas Hottinger was working with the Gerakan Aceh Medeka (GAM) within the negotiations taking place with the Government of Indonesia (until July 2005); he was attached to the African Union Facilitation Team in Abuja, working on the Inter-Sudanese Negotiations on Darfur (until mid-February 2006), and he was one of the mediators within the Facilitation Team in Juba (July 2006-March 2008), working on the negotiations between the Government of Uganda and the Lord’s Resistance Army (LRA).

Currently, Julian Thomas Hottinger is working on various Somali issues, helping with the implementation of the Sudanese North/South CPA, and working on pre-negotiation preparatory meetings on Western Sahara. Most of his work these last few months, has had to do with establishing processes and designing models for future negotiations.

www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/dfa/orgcha/sectio/pad/pad4.html; www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html.

Murezi Michael, Head of Mediation Support, Human Security Division, Directorate of Political Affairs, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Murezi Michael is in charge of coordinating and supporting mediation activities in the Human Security Division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs. Before that, he worked on the Peace Promotion Program of Switzerland in the Middle East (2003-2006), as a consultant on conflict resolution and as Head of the Project Unit within the office of the OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities (1999-2002).

www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/dfa/orgcha/sectio/pad/pad4.html; www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html; www.peacemediation.ch.

Mathias Zeller, Program Assistant, swisspeace Mathias Zeller holds a Master of International Affairs from Columbia University in New York, where he specialized in International Security Policy and Conflict Resolution and a BA from the University of Zurich in Political Science and Economics. He worked for the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs as an intern from August 2011 until June 2011, supporting the mediation desk and the peace policy programs in Indonesia and Thailand. He joined the swisspeace Mediation Program in July 2012 as an assistant. From May 2010 until December 2010, he interned with the United Nations Development Program in New York, where he worked on Eastern Europe, focusing mainly on EU accession countries.


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Thematic Block 3: Dealing with the Past

Elisabeth Baumgartner, Co-Head of the Program Dealing with the Past, swisspeace Elisabeth Baumgartner is a Swiss Attorney at Law and the co-head of the Dealing with the Past Program of swisspeace. She graduated from the Faculty of Law of the University of Fribourg, is admitted to the Bar in Zurich and holds a Master in International Humanitarian Law of the University of Geneva. She has worked for the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Colombia and Ethiopia and for the Office of the Prosecutor of the Special Court for Sierra Leone (SCSL) in Freetown. She is currently teaching international criminal law at the University of Lucerne, where she had previously worked as a researcher. Elisabeth Baumgartner was a Board Member of TRIAL, the Swiss Association against Impunity and is a member of the Swiss National Commission for the Prevention of Torture.


Pierre Hazan, Senior Lecturer, Sciences Po Paris and Universities of Geneva and Neuchâtel Dr. Pierre Hazan is teaching Post Conflict Justice at Sciences Po Paris and the University of Geneva and Journalism at the University of Neuchâtel. He has been a political advisor to Louise Arbour, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, and a consultant to theSwiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs and the International Committee of the Red Cross. Previously he was UN correspondent in Geneva for several daily newspapers, covering many international crises including those in Afghanistan, the Balkans, the Great Lakes region, the Middle East, Somalia, and Sudan. He holds a PhD in Political Science from Geneva University and a master in Strategic Studies from Aberdeen University. He was a senior fellow at the United States Institute of Peace, in Washington DC and a fellow at Harvard Law School. Pierre Hazan has published extensively on topics related to conflict and transitional justice, including the books Justice in a Time of War; Judging War, Judging History; Behind Peace and Reconciliation; La Paix contre la Justice.

pierrehazan.com/about; www.sciencespo.fr; www.unige.ch/ses/spo/Membres/Enseignants/Hazan.html; www2.unine.ch.

Rama Mani, Senior Research Associate, Centre for International Studies, University of Oxford; Councilor, World Future Council; Associate Fellow and former Course Director, Geneva Centre for Security Policy Dr. Rama Mani is an internationally respected scholar and practitioner of peace, justice and human security. She holds a Ph.D. in Political Science from the University of Cambridge and is a Councilor of the World Future Council. She is a Senior Research Associate at the Centre for International Studies at the University of Oxford and an Associate Faculty at the Geneva Centre for Security Policy (GCSP). Dr. Mani is currently conducting a research project on the role of religion and spirituality in conflict and peacebuilding. Previously, she directed the research project ‘Ending Mass Atrocities: Echoes in Southern Cultures’, funded by Carnegie Corporation, in association with the Global Centre for the Responsibility to Protect. She was the Executive Director of the International Centre for Ethnic Studies in Colombo, the Director of the 'Global Peace and Security’ Course at GCSP, and Senior Strategy Adviser to the Centre for Humanitarian Dialogue in Geneva. She is the author of numerous books and articles.

www.politics.ox.ac.uk/index.php/profile/rama-mani.html; cis.politics.ox.ac.uk; www.ox.ac.uk; www.worldfuturecouncil.org/rama_mani.html; www.worldfuturecouncil.org/index.php?id=1; www.gcsp.ch/About-Us/Staff/Faculty/Associate-Visiting-Fellows/Dr-Rama-MANI; www.gcsp.ch.

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Peter Van der Auweraert, Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division, International Organization for Migration Peter Van der Auweraert works as Head of the Land, Property and Reparations Division at the International Organization for Migration (IOM) in Geneva. He has worked on post-crisis land and reparations issues in countries such as Burundi, Colombia, Haiti, Timor-Leste, Iraq, Turkey and Zimbabwe and was part of the IOM team that implemented the German Forced Labour Compensation Program. Prior to his current post, he was Executive Director of Avocats Sans Frontières (ASF), and is currently a member of their Board of Directors. Peter Van der Auweraert also held a Visiting Lectureship in International Criminal and Public Law at the University of Turku. He holds a Master in International Law from the University of London. Peter Van der Auweraert has published widely on reparations, forced migration and post-crisis land and property issues and is currently finalizing a handbook on integrating and managing land issues in peace negotiations for the US Institute of Peace.




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Thematic Block 4: Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact

Roland Dittli, Head of Program Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact, swisspeace Roland Dittli graduated from the University of Bern (modern history). After working and studying in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt) he joined swisspeace 2001 as Research Analyst for the Lusophone Africa (2001-2002) and as Program Officer at the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF) in 2003. He then held a position for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs' Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding as Head of the Swiss Delegation and Head of Staff Division at the Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (2004-2005). As a freelance consultant he carried out several consultancy mandates for German development and peacebuilding organizations in the oPt and Yemen (2005-2006). Before re-joining swisspeace in June 2008 he worked in Lilongwe/Malawi in an EU governance project as Technical Advisor for Monitoring and Evaluation. At the Centre for Peacebuilding (KOFF) he focuses on issues of peacebuilding evaluation, ‘managing for results’ as well as impact assessment and conflict sensitivity. Since August 2010 he is also heading swisspeace's Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact Program.


Markus Heiniger, Policy Advisor Conflict and Human Rights (South Asia Division), Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Markus Heiniger, lic. phil. I, historian, is Focal Point for conflict and human rights at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation. He heads the SDC network on conflict and human rights, for which fragility is a main topic. - From 2007 to 2010 he worked in Nepal as the Special Adviser for Peace Building/Nepal of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs as track 1 and 2 mediator and facilitator in Nepal’s peace process on the political level, and trough support to constitution making – expertise on federalism – and on security sector reform. Until September 2007 he was the Deputy Head of Peace Policy within the Human Security Division of the Political Directorate, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (50%) and head of the strategic controlling of the Human Security Division. Previously (since 2002) he had worked on the Swiss government’s political support and accompaniment of several Peace Processes, e.g. in Sri Lanka, Aceh/Indonesia and Guatemala. As a consultant he had worked for GTZ on mainstreaming conflict sensitivity into the Sri Lanka-program of GTZ (2001-2003); for the Austrian government by conducting an overall evaluation on their Mine Action program (2003); and for SDC to assess SDC’s involvement in peace building and conflict prevention and to make recommendations on how to improve working in fragile situations in this area (2001). Until 1999 he had been the country director of HELVETAS Swiss Intercooperation in Sri Lanka for 4 years.

Areas of expertise and experience include: mediation and facilitation in peace processes, conflict management, work on federal structures, Mine Action, Human Rights, organizational development, strategic planning, monitoring, evaluation.

www.deza.admin.ch/en/Home; www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html.

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Muzna Al-Masri, Researcher and Consultant Muzna Al-Masri is a researcher and consultant with 15 years of experience in implementing assessments, evaluations and training in development, human rights, conflict transformation and peacebuilding. She worked and consulted for a variety of UN institutions as well as international, regional and local Lebanese NGOs across several Arab countries. Muzna Al-Masri holds a MA in Conflict Transformation and Peacebuilding from Eastern Mennonite University, USA and a BA in Sociology/Anthropology from the American University of Beirut. She is currently a PhD candidate at Goldsmiths College, University of London investigating patron client relationships in conflict looking at the sectarian identity of Lebanon’s Champion football club.


Roland Salvisberg, Head of the Peace Policy Section for Europe and Asia, Human Security Division, Directorate of Political Affairs, Federal Department of Foreign Affairs Roland Salvisberg is heading the Peace Policy Section for Europe and Asia, including Mediation and Democratization, at the Human Security Division of the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs of Switzerland. He holds degrees in law and international relations from the Universities of Berne and Amsterdam. He has gained practical experience in conflict settings for twelve years where he worked as an expert in missions of the ICRC in Iraq, Kuwait, Somalia, Kenya and Ethiopia, the Special Rapporteur on the human rights situation in Former Yugoslavia, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights and the Office of High Representative in Bosnia-Herzegovina. He has been part of the human rights investigation team into the massacres of Srebrenica and was one of the facilitators in the National Dialogue for Kyrgyzstan. In addition to the development of new human security programs in the South Caucasus and in Myanmar, Roland Salvisberg is currently engaged in a number of peace processes in Asia and Europe.

www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home/dfa/orgcha/sectio/pad/pad4.html; www.eda.admin.ch/eda/en/home.html.

Sibylle Stamm, Program Officer Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact, swisspeace Sibylle Stamm is program officer at swisspeace’s Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact Program. She received her MA in Political Science from the University of Zurich and is currently pursuing a PhD as an external doctoral researcher at the Department of Peace Studies, University of Bradford (UK). She has many years of experience as an independent consultant and trainer specializing in evaluation, conflict analysis and peacebuilding. Based in the Middle East since 2004, she has provided evaluation and technical support services to a wide range of actors, including the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs (FDFA), the Lebanese Government, the UN, as well as international and local NGOs. Sibylle Stamm is the co-founder and president of DROPS Community Progress and a member of the Swiss Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding. Before joining swisspeace she was Human Security Advisor in Egypt, accompanying the Swiss FDFA’s programs on transition support, Dealing with the Past, gender and democratization.


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Thematic Block 5: Business and Peace

Andrea Iff, Head of Program Business and Peace and Head of Program ad interim Statehood and Conflict, swisspeace Dr. Andrea Iff is Senior Researcher and Project Coordinator of Business and Peace and Head of Program ad interim of Statehood and Conflict at swisspeace. She holds a PhD in political science from the Institute for Political Science at the University of Bern (2009), where she also earned her Master's degree in Political Science, Media Science and Public Law. Before joining the University of Bern as a scientific assistant, she worked with PricewaterhouseCoopers, the Swiss Federal Government and at the Institute of Political Science of the University of Zurich. Before entering the field of Business and Peace, she worked mainly on institutions and conflict transformation. She has studied with Prof. Ronald L. Watts at Queen's University, Kingston in Canada and consulted Berghof Foundation on the question of federalism and decentralization in Sri Lanka. www.swisspeace.ch/aboutus/staff/andrea-iff.html.

Suhail El Obeid, Consultant Africa + Middle East, Osec Business Network Switzerland Suhail El Obeid was born in Khartoum, Sudan and moved to Germany at the age of 7. He studied Business Administration and Economic Psychology at the Universities of Marburg and Giessen. During his studies he completed internships at Lufthansa and the German-Arab-Chamber of Commerce in Cairo and Amman. After University he worked as Marketing and Sales Manager in the food and pharmaceutical industry in Germany and Switzerland, with a focus on the African and Middle Eastern markets. Since August 2012 Suhal el Obeid is Consultant Africa & Middle East at the Business Network Switzerland Osec.


Danièle Gosteli Hauser, Responsible for Economic Relations and Human Rights, Amnesty International Switzerland Danièle Gosteli Hauser received an MA in political and social science from the University of Lausanne (1986), and a postgraduate degree in development and cooperation from the EPFL and the Institut Technologique d’Art, d’Architecture et d’Urbanisme in Tunisia (1987). From 1988-1992, she worked in the Population Studies and Labour Surveys Division of the Swiss Federal Statistical Office.

Danièle Gosteli Hauser has been working at the Swiss Section of Amnesty International since 1992. From 1992-1998, she oversaw the coordination of international campaigns and actions. Since 1998, she has been responsible for economic relations and human rights at the Swiss Section, and has represented the organization at numerous business symposiums and conferences. She gives lectures on business and human rights at universities and high schools and works in collaboration with other NGOs for the integration of human rights within companies’ operations and in broader economic relations, as well as better accountability mechanisms. www.amnesty.ch/de/themen/wirtschaft-menschenrechte.

Andreas Graf, Program Officer Business and Peace, PhD Candidate, swisspeace Andreas Graf is a project officer at the Business & Peace Team and PhD Candidate at the University of Basel. He holds a M.A. in international relations from the Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies in Geneva and a M.P.S in Peace and Security Studies from the University of Hamburg. He works for the Business Conflict

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Check project at swisspeace. In his doctoral research, Andreas Graf examines the translation of the UN Guiding Principles on Business and Human Rights into national policies and legislations. Before joining swisspeace, he has been an intern at the Swiss Agency for Development and Cooperation (SDC) in Mongolia, Caritas Belgium in Burundi, a local NGO in Palestine and at the Human Security Division of the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs.


Gerald Pachoud, Senior Advisor to the United Nations Assistant Secretary General for Peacebuilding Support and former Senior Advisor to the Secretary General's Special Representative on Business and Human Rights Gerald Pachoud is Senior Adviser to the United Nations Assistant Secretary-General (ASG) for Peacebuilding Support. His main role is to advise the ASG and formulate strategy with respect to the role of the private sector. He served from 2005 to 2011 as the Special Adviser to Professor John Ruggie during his mandate as Secretary General's Special Representative on Business and Human rights where he was closely involved in the development and drafting of the UN Guiding Principles. Gerald is currently on leave from the Swiss Department of Foreign Affairs, where he initiated and led the program on business and human security. His other prior work experience included the Swiss Ministry of Economic Affairs, the Swiss Mission to the United Nations in Geneva, and an international management firm. He has a BA in international relations and a MA in international law from the University of Geneva and the Graduate Institute of International Studies and was a research fellow with the Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University.

www.un.org/en/peacebuilding/pbso/index.shtml; www.business-humanrights.org/SpecialRepPortal/Home.

Stephan Suhner, Working Group Switzerland-Columbia ask!, Specialist on Business and Peace Stephan Suhner holds a MA in history, sociology and Spanish literature from the University of Bern, Switzerland. Before joining the Working Group Switzerland-Colombia ask! in 2001, he worked as a scientific collaborator at the Federal Office for Migration. Stephan Suhner has been involved in the human rights movement since many years and is a board member of several NGOs including Solifonds, Peacewatch and Multiwatch. At ask! he mainly focuses on business and human rights.


Prof. Florian Wettstein, Director of the Institute for Business Ethics, University of St. Gallen Florian Wettstein is director of the Institute for Business Ethics at University of St.Gallen, Switzerland. He holds an MA in management/economics and a PhD in business ethics from the University of St.Gallen. Florian Wettstein was a visiting scholar at Carroll School of Management at Boston College in 2005. In 2005/2006 he was awarded a fellowship in the Program on Human Rights and Justice at Massachusetts Institute of Technology (MIT). In 2006/07 he was a Sessional Assistant Professor in the Business and Society Program in the Division of Social Science at York University in Toronto. From 2007-2011 he was an Assistant Professor in the Department of Ethics and Business Law at Opus College of Business, University of St. Thomas in the Twin Cities (Minneapolis/St. Paul).

Prof. Wettstein’s work has appeared in journals such as Business Ethics Quarterly, Journal of Business Ethics, Business and Society Review, Journal of Corporate Citizenship, Zeitschrift für Wirtschafts- und Unternehmensethik. He is the author of Multinational Corporations and Global Justice: Human Rights Obligations of a Quasi-Governmental Institution, published by Stanford University Press in 2009.

www.iwe.unisg.ch/en/Ueber+uns/Team/Wettstein.aspx; www.iwe.unisg.ch/en.aspx; www.unisg.ch.

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Training Module Training Course 1: Women, Peace and Security – Implementing UN Resolution 1325

Barbara Brank, Program Officer Gender and Peacebuilding, swisspeace Barbara Brank completed a MA in history and later a research oriented MSc in Violence, Conflict and Development at the School of Oriental and African Studies (SOAS) at London University. Barbara Brank spent several years in the Occupied Palestinian Territories doing field research and working with UNDP/PAPP. Barbara's previous work experience includes being researcher at INTRAC in Oxford, where she provided discussion papers on key issues for NGOs in development. Afterwards she worked as policy advisor on gender and human security at the Dutch peace organization IKV Pax Christi focusing on new concepts of inclusive human security. Before joining swisspeace, Barbara Brank was advocacy officer at Women Against Violence Europe (WAVE), a feminist NGO network active in 47 European countries based in Vienna. During maternity leave she worked as part-time lecturer on gender and peacebuilding at the University of Salzburg. At the Centre for Peacebuilding (KOFF) Barbara Brank is responsible for issues of Gender and Peacebuilding.


Rahel Fischer, Program Officer Gender and Peacebuilding, swisspeace Rahel Fischer holds a MA in history, communications, and drama studies from the Universities of Bern and Fribourg. Before joining swisspeace, she worked as a researcher for Caritas Zürich and for the department of modern history at the University of Bern. For many years Rahel Fischer has been involved in the human rights movement and since 2004 has served as a board member of the Swiss section of Amnesty International. At the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF) she is working on issues of gender and peacebuilding and coordinates roundtables on Latin American countries and gender issues.


Ursula Keller, Project Director at the Center for Peacebuilding KOFF, swisspeace Ursula Keller received her Masters in Social Anthropology, Modern History and Political Science at the University of Zurich (1997). Ursula Keller held various positions at the intersection of development work and peacebuilding: She conducted research and worked as gender advisor for the German Development Service in Yemen. As a member of TIPH (Temporary International Presence in Hebron) she was in charge of community relations and the management of small-scale projects. When joining cfd (the feminist peace organization) in 2000 she developed the international cooperation strategy with a thematic focus on women's rights in conflict, gender-specific violence and women's participation in peacebuilding. Later on, she was appointed head of cfd international department and was responsible for the SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation) backstopping mandate on Gender and Peacebuilding (2007-2010). In February 2010, Ursula Keller took over the position as project director at the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF).


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Training Course 2: Managing Programs in Fragile and Conflict-Affected Contexts

Roland Dittli, Head of Program Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact, swisspeace Roland Dittli graduated from the University of Bern (modern history). After working and studying in the Occupied Palestinian Territories (oPt) he joined swisspeace 2001 as Research Analyst for the Lusophone Africa (2001-2002) and as Program Officer at the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF) in 2003. He then held a position for the Federal Department of Foreign Affairs' Expert Pool for Civilian Peacebuilding as Head of the Swiss Delegation and Head of Staff Division at the Temporary International Presence in the City of Hebron (2004-2005). As a freelance consultant he carried out several consultancy mandates for German development and peacebuilding organizations in the oPt and Yemen (2005-2006). Before re-joining swisspeace in June 2008 he worked in Lilongwe/Malawi in an EU governance project as Technical Advisor for Monitoring and Evaluation. At the Centre for Peacebuilding (KOFF) he focuses on issues of peacebuilding evaluation, ‘managing for results’ as well as impact assessment and conflict sensitivity. Since August 2010 he is also heading swisspeace's Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact Program.


Sidonia Gabriel, Program Officer Peacebuilding Analysis and Impact, swisspeace

Sidonia Gabriel graduated in sociology, modern history and international relations from the Universities of Basel and Zürich and specialized in conflict resolution (Coventry University, UK) and organizational development (MDF, Netherlands).

Over a period of two years she worked with the Swiss Federal Department of Foreign Affairs, Human Security Division, focusing on the peace processes in Sri Lanka and Nepal. She gained experience in the field of capacity building for peace with local peace and human rights organizations during her assignment with the Civil Peace Service in Liberia. In 2009/10 she supported the implementation of a youth empowerment and peacebuilding project as a consultant for UNICEF Liberia. During her stay in this post-conflict context she contributed to the strategic planning of peacebuilding interventions, mainly of the UN Peacebuilding Fund and supported the inclusion of conflict sensitivity in development policies.

Her expertise lies in the areas of strengthening the participation of local stakeholders in peace and reconstruction processes, strategic planning of peacebuilding interventions, design, implementation and evaluation of projects, capacity building for conflict transformation as well as conflict sensitivity. Sidonia Gabriel is a Program Officer at the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF) of swisspeace mainly working in the areas of conflict analysis and impact assessment as well as conflict sensitivity.


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Training Course 3: Human Rights and Conflict Transformation – From Concepts to Practice

Michelle Parlevliet, Independent Consultant Michelle Parlevliet is an independent consultant with some fifteen years experience of working on the nexus of human rights and peace work in various capacities and contexts. While currently affiliated with the University of Amsterdam, she previously served as senior conflict transformation adviser for Danida’s Human Rights and Good Governance Program in Nepal, in which capacity she also advised the Embassy of Denmark on its support to the peace process. Prior to that, she worked with the Centre for Conflict Resolution in South Africa (as program manager), the South African Truth and Reconciliation Commission (as researcher) and the International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (as project coordinator). She has consulted for the World Bank (Indonesia), the Office of the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights, the UN System Staff College, the International Council for Human Rights Policy, the Northern Ireland Parades Commission and numerous other organizations and networks. Consultancies have included design and delivery of training courses and material, preparation of research papers, program review, and facilitation of strategic reflection. She has published widely on transitional justice, conflict prevention, human rights and peacebuilding. In 2008/09, she served as an independent expert to the UN/ Spain MDG Trust Fund in its Conflict Prevention and Peacebuilding thematic window.


Training Course 4: Evaluating Peacebuilding Projects

Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church, Principal of Besa Consulting Cheyanne Scharbatke-Church is the founder of Besa Consulting; a boutique consulting firm specialized in evaluation, performance measurement systems, learning processes, program design, strategic planning and assessments for social change organizations. Besa takes its name from the Kosovar Albanian tradition, where ‘besa’ means a commitment or pledge; it represents our commitment to the highest quality work in order to contribute to catalyzing strategic change. Our clients include UN Peacebuilding Fund, ABA ROLI, CARE, RWI, ICTJ and the State Department.

Cheyanne has conducted evaluations ‘in’ and ‘on’ conflict issues as well as advising agencies on policies and systems to support quality design, monitoring and evaluation. Cheyanne also teaches classes on evaluation and corruption at the Fletcher School, Tufts University. She has held positions with the RPP, SFCG and INCORE. She is a published author and proud mother.


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Applied Module

Laurent Goetschel, Director and Head of Research, swisspeace and Professor of Political Science, University of Basel Laurent Goetschel received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Relations (IUHEI) at the University of Geneva (1993). He worked as a journalist with the Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), conducted research with the IUHEI's Program for Strategic and International Security Studies (1990-1992) and with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne (1992-1995), where he was also a lecturer (1994-1995). After having served as a visiting scholar with the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (1995-1996) he joined swisspeace as a research analyst. He has taught Swiss foreign policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Berne from 1997 to 2003 and directed a Swiss National Science Foundation's research program on Swiss foreign policy from 1997 to 2000. Since then he has been director of swisspeace and professor of political science at the Europe Institute of the University of Basel. From 2003 to 2004 he served as the political advisor to the Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey. He is currently also President of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences.

Ursula Keller, Head of Program, Center for Peacebuilding KOFF, swisspeace Ursula Keller received her Masters in Social Anthropology, Modern History and Political Science at the University of Zurich (1997). Ursula Keller held various positions at the intersection of development work and peacebuilding: She conducted research and worked as gender advisor for the German Development Service in Yemen. As a member of TIPH (Temporary International Presence in Hebron) she was in charge of community relations and the management of small-scale projects. When joining cfd (the feminist peace organization) in 2000 she developed the international cooperation strategy with a thematic focus on women's rights in conflict, gender-specific violence and women's participation in peacebuilding. Later on, she was appointed head of cfd international department and was responsible for the SDC (Swiss Development Cooperation) backstopping mandate on Gender and Peacebuilding (2007-2010). In February 2010, Ursula Keller took over the position as project director at the Center for Peacebuilding (KOFF). www.swisspeace.ch/aboutus/staff/ursula-keller.html.

Franziska Sigrist, Training Officer, swisspeace Franziska Sigrist holds a MA in Political Science and International Law from the University of Bern, Switzerland and a Certificat d’Etudes Politiques from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France. She joined swisspeace in February 2012 as Program Officer and is responsible for the training coordination and development, particularly for designing and implementing the Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS) and the KOFF Training Series. From 2010 to 2012, Franziska Sigrist was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism at the University of Fribourg. Previously she worked for the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, the Swiss Embassy in Damascus, and UNICEF in Addis Ababa where she also conducted field research on the Ethiopian water policy for her Master thesis within the framework of the NCCR North South. During her studies she worked for the World Trade Institute in Bern, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI in Bonn and engaged as peace observer in Chiapas, Mexico. Franziska Sigrist is particularly interested in the Middle East and has lived and travelled in the region in 2008/2009.


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Concluding Module

Laurent Goetschel, Director and Head of Research, swisspeace and Professor of Political Science, University of Basel Laurent Goetschel received his PhD from the Graduate Institute of International Relations (IUHEI) at the University of Geneva (1993). He worked as a journalist with the Swiss service of the Associated Press (AP), conducted research with the IUHEI's Program for Strategic and International Security Studies (1990-1992) and with the Graduate Institute of Public Administration (IDHEAP) at the University of Lausanne (1992-1995), where he was also a lecturer (1994-1995). After having served as a visiting scholar with the Center for European Studies at Harvard University (1995-1996) he joined swisspeace as a research analyst. He has taught Swiss foreign policy at the Institute of Political Science at the University of Berne from 1997 to 2003 and directed a Swiss National Science Foundation's research program on Swiss foreign policy from 1997 to 2000. Since then he has been director of swisspeace and professor of political science at the Europe Institute of the University of Basel. From 2003 to 2004 he served as the political advisor to the Swiss Minister for Foreign Affairs Micheline Calmy-Rey. He is currently also President of the Swiss Commission for Research Partnerships with Developing Countries (KFPE) of the Swiss Academy of Sciences.


Helena Puig Larrauri, Freelance Consultant Helena Puig Larrauri is a peacebuilding practitioner, focusing on the use of technology to promote peace and prevent conflict. She is currently a freelance consultant, working on projects with non-governmental and United Nations agencies in conflict and post-conflict environments including Sudan, Libya, Cyprus, Nepal, Kyrgyzstan and Iraq. Prior to 2007, Helena worked as a project manager for the Mayor of London and as a risk manager for Standard Chartered Bank. Helena is also on the Board of Advisors of the Standby Task Force, an online volunteer technical community for crisis response that she co-founded in 2010. She holds a Master in Public Affairs (Economics) from Princeton University’s Woodrow Wilson School and a Bachelor’s degree from Oxford University (where she also served as Student Union president for one year).


Franziska Sigrist, Training Officer, swisspeace Franziska Sigrist holds a MA in Political Science and International Law from the University of Bern, Switzerland and a Certificat d’Etudes Politiques from the Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Bordeaux, France. She joined swisspeace in February 2012 as Program Officer and is responsible for the training coordination and development, particularly for designing and implementing the Postgraduate Course in Civilian Peacebuilding (CAS) and the KOFF Training Series. From 2010 to 2012, Franziska Sigrist was a Research Fellow at the Institute of Federalism at the University of Fribourg. Previously she worked for the UNHCR Representation to the European Institutions in Strasbourg, the Swiss Embassy in Damascus, and UNICEF in Addis Ababa where she also conducted field research on the Ethiopian water policy for her Master thesis within the framework of the NCCR North South. During her studies she worked for the World Trade Institute in Bern, the European Association of Development Research and Training Institutes EADI in Bonn and engaged as peace observer in Chiapas, Mexico. Franziska Sigrist is particularly interested in the Middle East and has lived and travelled in the region in 2008/2009.
