special anniversary issue · 2013. 2. 11. · 15. capio news new capio sanidad web site capio...

Nº 12 March 2008 The Journal of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz www .capiosanidad.es 3rd International Meeting on Translational Research and Individualized Medicine 3rd Biomedical Seminar Cycle The Pharmacy Service Undergoes Renovations The FJD Facilities Plan Moves Forward SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUE

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Nº 12March 2008



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■■ 3rd International Meeting on TranslationalResearch and Individualized Medicine

■■ 3rd Biomedical Seminar Cycle

■■ The Pharmacy Service UndergoesRenovations

■■ The FJD Facilities Plan MovesForward


Page 2: SPECIAL ANNIVERSARY ISSUE · 2013. 2. 11. · 15. CAPIO NEWS New Capio Sanidad Web Site Capio Hospital de Catalunya Gives Out Science Awards Capio Hospital Sur Open Session on Combating

Fundación Jiménez Díaz – Capio Magazine Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2 - 28040 Madrid

Coordination and production: Capio-Sanidad Marketing Department [email protected] Cruz García Rueda ([email protected]) - Francisco Marín - Brenda Barbero ([email protected])

Editorial board: Juan Antonio Álvaro de la Parra (Manager), Luis Guinea (Medical Director), Natividad Comes (Nursing Director), Francisco Marín (Marketing Director )

Editing and design: Ibáñez & Plaza Asociados S.L. - Bravo Murillo, 81 (4º C) - 28003 Madrid – Spain










33.. FFJJDD NNEEWWSSSSppeecciiaall AAnnnniivveerr--ssaarryy IIssssuuee TheFJD Marks its 73rdAnniversary ●Certificates of Ho-nor Awarded ● 4thFJD Doctoral The-sis Awards ● FJDProfessionals ●Plan of Action forFJD Professionalsin Handling Instan-

ces of Verbal orPhysical Attack ●The Fundación Ji-ménez Díaz Conti-nues Renovations● New PharmacyService10. NURSINGQualitative Re-search and Nursing● New FJD Nurs-ing Rounds

12. TEACHINGAND RESEARCH3rd InternationalMeeting on Trans-lational Researchand Individualized

Medicine ● 3rdFJD BiomedicineSeminar Cycle 14. OUR SPE-CIALISTS Respi-ratory Intermediate

Care Unit (RICU)1 Treating Hyper-hidrosis15. CAPIO NEWSNew Capio SanidadWeb Site ● CapioHospital de

Catalunya GivesOut Science Awards● Capio Hospital

Sur Open Sessionon Combating Pain● Clínica CapioClideba: New Med-ical Check-Up Unit● 2006 CapioSanidad Annual Re-port ● Hospital In-fanta Elena Chil-dren’s Painting Con-test ● FJD Signs anAgreement with theNGO “Desarrollo yAsistencia”

Many years ago,on February13th, Dr. Carlos

Jiménez Díaz, in one ofhis conversations with Dr.Jiménez Casado, said,“This is a highly signifi-cant, even groundbreak-ing, day for me and forthose around me. This isour day: now we come to-gether—not just in pres-ence but also in our hopesand convictions—cele-brating this milestone aswe gather our strengthsand plan for thefuture...and look back...”

Celebrating the 73rdand 53rd anniversaries ofthe FJD brings me greatpersonal satisfaction andpride, for this date marksthe end of another 12

months of working to-gether day in and day outwith the professionals ofthis institution. Their re-ward can be seen in thefine results posted in the2007 FJD Annual Report.

Here, we see the extentto which we have madegood on our commitmentto health care: our volume,quality of care, and wait-time numbers are all re-markable. Results likethese allow us to guaranteehealth care to all the citi-zens assigned to our centeras well as those within ourarea of influence.

February 13th symbol-izes a renewed sense ofhope that comes aroundonce a year, driving us tosucceed. Because we

stand on such solidground, together we canwrite our own history.

This future that remainsto be written is one ofcommitment to theMadrid Health Service toreach the goals set for us.In this future, we will workhard to make each day bet-ter for all our patients. Ourfuture also includes a con-tinued partnership with theUniversidad Autónoma totrain excellent profession-als in medicine and nurs-ing. In times to come, re-search will remain a fun-damental pillar forprogress and develop-ment.

Now we must continuelooking forward withhope and optimism in our

project, for each day it be-comes more and moresolid thanks to our newfacilities and to all of uswho work here.

In closing, on behalf ofthe Fundación manage-ment, I would like to thankall the different groupswho make up our commu-nity for your effort. To-gether, we will continuewriting our own history.

Juan Antonio Álvaro de la Parra

FJD Manager

We continue writing our own history

March 2008 ImPULSO

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March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News

On February 13th, theFundación JiménezDíaz celebrated its

73rd anniversary. The eventgot under way with a reli-gious service in the chapel.Participants then went to themain lecture hall for a clini-cal-pathological conferenceentitled “56-Year-Old Wo-man with Low-Grade Feverand Pain in Right LumbarFossa of Ten Days’ Dura-tion” and which was presen-ted by Dr. Emma RaquelAlegre Montaner (Nephro-logy Service) and Dr. CarlosSantonja Garriga.

Following the conference,a great many of the institu-tion’s professionals gatheredin the main lecture hall forthe most emotionally mea-ningful part of the celebra-tion, the awarding of theCertificates of Honor givento FJD personnel who thisyear have completed twenty-five years of work with theorganization. Jorge Tapia,

the delegate from the Auto-nomous Community of Ma-drid for the Fundación, pre-sided over the ceremony.

During his speech, theManaging Director of thecenter, Juan Antonio Álvarezde la Parra, expressed hisgratitude to all the center’sprofessionals for yet anothersuccessful year, and encou-raged them to continue buil-ding the institution’s future.Mr. Álvaro gave a brief over-view of the hospital's work in2007 in the three areas of ca-re, teaching, and investiga-

tion, drawing special atten-tion to the FJD's fulfillmentof its commitments to thepublic health system.

Next, Dr. Pedro AlmeidaVergara, the Assistant Headof the Cardiology Service,spoke on behalf of the reci-pients of the Certificates ofHonor, thanking the Funda-ción for its gesture.

Following this, the De-puty Councillor of Healthfor the Autonomous Com-munity of Madrid, Ms. Be-lén Prado, alongside the De-puty Director-General of

Research Assessment andDevelopment at the Institutode Salud Carlos III, JoaquínArenas, handed out thefourth FJD Clinical and Bio-medical Research Awards(information on p. 5).

Professor Julio R. Villa-nueva, the President of theFundación Jiménez DíazGoverning Council, hadwords of recognition andencouragement for the ins-titution’s professionals.

The proceedings in themain lecture hall came to aclose with a speech by Ms.Prado on the solid relations-hip between the public healthsystem and our organization.

That evening, a gala din-ner was held in the Casinoon Calle de Alcalá. Thisprovided the icing on thecake for the 73rd-anniver-sary celebration of the Insti-tuto de Investigación Clíni-cas y Médicas as well as the53rd anniversary of the Clí-nica de la Concepción.

The FJD celebrates its 73rd Anniversary

Left: The FJD’s Managing Director during his speech. Right: Dr. Pedro Almeida Vergara, the Assistant Head of the Cardiology Service, who spoke on be-half of those receiving honor certificates.

Dr. Pérez Zorrilla,Assistant Head of the Rehabilitation Service, was one ofthe professionals recognized for twenty-five years of dedication.


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This year 34 FJD em-ployees receivedCertificates of Ho-

nor in recognition of theirhaving been a part of thehospital team for 25 years.The recipients were the fo-llowing:

Pedro Almeida Vergara,Pablo Andrés Yañez, LuísArroba Martín, Saturio R.Balandín Díaz, Julia Barra-gán Polo, Clemencio Barre-ría Brasero, Silvia Caballe-ro Sánchez, Carlos CastillaReparaz, Benjamín Coro-nado Pascual, ClementeFernández García, José F.Franco Ramírez, Eugenio

Francos Cabeza, Mª Car-men Gely Torio, José LuísGil Pérez, José Gil Sánchez,José Luís González Arias,Ángela González Hernán-dez, Nicolás GonzálezMangado, Alberto Gonzá-lez Pérez, Miguel A. Man-zano Robles, ConcepciónMartín Acebes, AraceliMartín Rodríguez, Juan A.Martínez Murillo, ManuelMolinero García, BegoñaMovilla López, DoloresMuñiz Batista, Rafael PérezGonzález, Gloria Pérez Te-jerizo, Eloisa Pérez Zorrilla,Francisco Ramos Sánchez,Yolanda Salcedo Gutiérrez,

Martín Sánchez Merino,Heliodoro Sánchez Núñez,José Ramón Soria Serrano,

José Emilio Tellez Mellado,José Torres Torijano, JoséTorvisco Pascual.


March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News

Certificates of Honor Awarded

GALA DINNER.– In keeping with tradition, the anniversary celebration was drawn to a close with the gala dinner held in the Casino on Calle Alcalá. Pre-siding over the event was the Deputy Councillor of Health of the Autonomous Community of Madrid, Belén Prado, who addressed those in attendance(see photo, right).


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March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News






Seven Residentstraining in the FJDtook home awardsfor best publica-tion in the “Resi-dentes Madrid2007” awards pro-gram. Prizes aregiven out as a partof the initiation ce-remony held bythe Medical Asso-ciation of Madrid.Residents recei-ving prizes were:Diana MaritzaAvila, Leticia Lo-pez Martin, JoséLuis Gracia Martí-

nez, Javier Higue-ras Nafria, JoséAlberto TorresHernández, Noe-lia Cubero de Fru-tos, and María Jo-sé Romero Valle.



BETWEEN RTVEAND THE FJD The FJD and themedical-benefitsarm of the Spanishstate media orga-nization, Radiote-levisión Española,recently came toan agreement un-der which 15,000insured RTVEemployees will beable to access allof the FJD’s servi-ces. Included un-

der the plan are allmedical, surgical,and diagnostic ser-vices we offer.


The FJD AnnualReport was pre-sented during thecenter’s anniver-sary celebration.Contained in thedocument is asummary of care-related, educatio-nal, and researchactivity carried outin 2007. Whenexamining the re-port, readers will

find the center’scare-related acti-vity to be espe-cially outstanding:24,972 discharges;a total of 300,718consultations;91,329 emergencycases; and an ave-rage hospital stayof 6.19 days.



315,435 TIMES IN

2007 During all of 2007,the FJD Web sitewasvisited 315,435times, resulting in451,009 pages vie-wed. This is threetimes the numberfor 2006, when thesite received103,841 visits.


The awarding commit-tee of the 4th FJDDoctoral Thesis

Awards unanimously gavethe distinction to the fol-lowing professionals:

• Outstanding thesis inexperimental medicine:Esther López Cernada

Thesis directors: Dr. Car-los Lahoz Navarro and Dr.Victoria del Pozo

Cash prize of 1,800 euros• Outstanding thesis in

clinical medicine: SantosCastañeda Sanz

Thesis directors: Dr.Gabriel Herrero-Beaumont

and Dr. Emilio CalvoCash prize of 1,800 eurosThe committee noted the

remarkable quality of theprojects presented, and ex-pressed its gratitude for thehigh level of impartialitywith which the awards weregiven out. This year 9 dis-sertations were received intotal: 6 in experimental bio-medicine and 3 in clinicalbiomedicine.

Belén Prado (DeputyCouncillor of Health) andJoaquín Arenas (DeputyDirector-General of Re-search Assessment and De-

velopment at the Institutode Salud Carlos III) led theproceedings. Non-winning

theses were also recognizedwith a certificate of partici-pation.

4th FJD DoctoralThesis Awards

Ms. Prado and Mr. Arenas, presiding over the awards ceremony.

The 2nd Marathon of Interdiscipli-nary Orthodontics Clinical CaseStudies was recently held in the mainlecture hall. The event was organizedby Dr. Margarita Varela, the Head ofthe Orthodontics Unit and also theDirector of the FJD Graduate Pro-gram in Orthodontics. The marathon,which lasted for 12 hours, providedthe setting for presentations on 30 in-terdisciplinary clinical case studies.There, expert orthodontists and otherprofessionals in both the field of or-thodontics and other disciplines (e.g.,prosthodontics, periodontics, oraland maxillofacial surgeons, etc.) hadthe opportunity to take in and discussa wide range of topics in their fields.

2nd Marathon of InterdisciplinaryClínical Case


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March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News

The Occupational Healthand Hazard PreventionService, in partnership

with the Improvement Com-mittee and the Quality Unit,has created internal procedureguidelines for handling work-place attacks within the FJD.

Violent attacks suffered byhealth professionals at thehands of patients of the healthsystem and those who accom-pany them are on the rise.This situation has becomecause for worry by the differ-ent organizations and agentsinvolved. In response to this,Capio Sanidad has proposed aprevention plan.

Once we reach an agree-ment on this procedure, wewould like for it to be madeknown to all. This is why wewish to remind you that it isreadily available both on theIntranet page entitled “Work-place Health and Prevention”and also under “Quality.”


Plan of Action for FJDProfessionals inHandling Instances ofVerbal or PhysicalAttack




The Spanish Council ofMinisters recently ap-proved a new 12-memberBioethics Committee.Among those on the com-mittee is Dr. Carmen Ayu-so, Assistant Chief of theGenetics Service andDeputy Director of Re-search at the FundaciónJiménez Díaz. Dr. Ayuso earned hermedical degree from theUniversidad Autónomade Madrid. Her primarylines of research focus onprenatal diagnosis andhereditary ocular dis-eases, rare genetic dis-eases, and genetic coun-selling. Her work is ap-plied in the three differentrealms of the FJD’s work:care, research, and teach-ing.




Dr. Rojo studied to be apathologist at the HospitalVall d’Hebron in Barcelo-na, later rounding out histraining in proteomictechniques at MD Ander-son Center in Houston(U.S.A.). From 1999 to2006, he performed rese-arch in the Oncology andPathology Program at theHospital Vall d’Hebron.Later, Dr. Rojo went on tothe Hospital del Mar-IMIM, also in Barcelona,where he headed the Bio-markers Laboratory, part

of the Unit for Experi-mental Cancer Therapy.





“If one thing makes usafraid it is seeing fear onthe face of whomever isbeside us...and this feardeepens if the person weare going to visit is ill,has been operated on, oris about to.” In all theyears I have been work-ing in this hospital, I havenever been afraid whilewith Dr. Cajigal. Andnow that he has movedon, I would like to offerthis tribute of gratitudeand affection.I will not only rememberhim as a magnificent sur-geon, a highly demandingspecialist, or a profession-al beyond reproach; hewill remain with me forother reasons also. Whilewith us, he was affable,easy-going, unique, and ahighly human individ-ual... He was adored bypatients and family alike.We would always marvelat how, each day, peoplewould light up when hepaid them a visit.Dr. Cajigal knew how tobe there for people goingthrough pain. With a fewprecise words, his charac-teristic calm and a self-as-surance that belied hisown shyness, he madeothers’ pain his own, re-ducing its intensity. Theway he looked at peoplecame from the heart andtook people in. Forever

respectful and approach-able with nurses, he trust-ed people and meritedtheir trust. He brought thebest out of those heworked with, buildingquality teams and instill-ing in others a spirit ofteamwork (somethingquite rare nowadays).Dr. Cajigal made the mostcomplex issues simple,and the most difficultthings easy. It was a pleas-ure to work beside him.And if all this were notenough, he was a constantpresence for my family,helping us whenever hecould, seemingly withouteffort though always toour great benefit. It is hard to say goodbyeto such a person and pro-fessional as is Dr. Caji-gal. I would rather leaveit at “farewell.” This hos-pital won’t be the samewithout you. Your humanand professional qualitiescast a long shadow aredifficult to match. Nodoubt many of us willmiss them.Many thanks, Dr. Cajigal,and farewell...

Mayte Medina de Toro



We are grieved at the pas-sing of Dr. Carlos Cara-melo, who for many yearswas an exemplary mem-ber of our team. A mancommitted to his collea-gues, he was cherished byall.

We all remember himaffectionately.


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March 2008 ImPULSO

The FJD Renovation Plan: Moving Forward

In recent years, the FJD has worked under a facilitiesrenovation plan aimed at improving quality of careand providing patients with the greatest possible

comfort. It has been a difficult period for FJD profes-sionals, with construction and care-giving carried out si-multaneously. All efforts possible have been made tominimize inconveniences for patients.

Some of the improvements set forth by the MasterPlan are the total renovation of the Inpatient Unit 36, up-grades in the Gynecology and Pharmacy Services, therelocating of the Emergency Room Waiting Area andthe Admissions Waiting Area, and the installation andrenovation of the Blook Bank. On this page one can seeimages of some of these renovations.

Blood bank

Rehabilitation Service

Gynecology consultation area

Admissions area

Unit 36

Emergency Room waiting area

FJD News

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March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News

The Fundación Jimé-nez Díaz PharmacyService has a new

home. Occupying a spaceof 587 m2 on basement le-vel 1, the service can be ac-cessed by way of theground floor either bygoing down the staircasenear Radiology or by co-ming in through the CristoRey entrance.

This modern central servi-ce showcases some of the la-test in technology, thanks toa sizable investment gearedtoward providing patientswith quality health care.

All of the different areasthat make up the depart-ment have their own space.This is a fundamental movein guaranteeing the fulfill-ment of our primary mis-sion, which is to further therational use of medicine wi-thin the FJD’s area of in-fluence.

Thanks to these new faci-lities, the service now pro-vides superior patient careand improved functionality

for the professionals thatmake up the Pharmacy te-am.

The new Pharmacy Ser-vice will strengthen the fo-llowing lines of activity:

• Electronic validationof prescriptions: The Fun-dación Jiménez Díaz is thefirst hospital in Madrid tohave in place a complete ITsystem with the capacity tomanage electronic medicalrecords and computerizedprescriptions. Electronicprescriptions are checkeddaily by the Pharmacy Ser-vice in the effort to fully in-tegrate pharmacists’ workwith that of care-relatedprofessionals.

• Inpatient drug dispen-sation: The Pharmacy Ser-vice dispenses necessarymedication for all patientsand is in charge of re-stoc-king the medical supply ro-oms in each of the hospita-l’s units. A unit-dose drugdistribution system has be-en progressively implemen-ted throughout the hospital.

• Pharmaceutical servi-ces for outpatients: Outpa-tients actively obtainingdrugs receive verbal andwritten indications for use.The service has its own en-trance and a small waitingarea, allowing each patientto receive individualized at-tention.

• Clinical trials: ThePharmacy Service partici-pates in clinical research,monitoring drugs used inresearch initiatives.

• Drug Information Cen-ter: Offers consultations ser-vices on drugs, technical re-ports supporting the processof selecting medicinal pro-ducts for the hospital, andother literature regarding theauthorization of drugs forcompassionate uses.

• Pharmacovigilanceand drug safety: Workingtogether with the officialbodies managing health-ca-re risk management andpharmacovigilance withinthe Autonomous Commu-nity of Madrid.

• Pharmacotechnology:Creation of magistral for-mulae (non-sterile) anddrug repackaging.

Unit for the creation ofintravenous mixtures andcytostatic products: Here, apharmacist supervisespharmaceutical products re-quiring sterile environ-ments, such as cytostatics,parenteral solutions, colly-riums, and other intrave-nous mixtures.

• Storeroom: Directlyaccessible from the outside.

• Management: Calcula-tes needs for pharmaceuti-cal products and carries outtheir purchase. Drafts ma-nagement procedures to fo-llow-up on drug consump-tion.

The FJD Pharmacy Ser-vice is a team of outstan-ding professionals whowork day in and day out tooffer the finest qualitywork. The new facilitieshave brought them a wealthof material resources, sothat their dedication anddesire to excel all but gua-rantee success.

Dr. Javier BecaresChief of the Pharmacy



New Pharmacy Service

Left: The place where intravenous mixtures and cytostatics are prepared. Also, a space for inpatient drug dispensation.

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March 2008 ImPULSO

FJD News

On November 5th,over one hundredspecialists in tho-

racic surgery and a greatmany nursing personnel par-ticipated in a seminar held inthe Fundación Jiménez Díazon the latest advances inchest drainage. The eventowed its success primarily tothe personal effort shown bynursing personnel (nursesand nurse’s aides), who pro-vided a wealth of informa-tion on this complex processwhose difficulty is com-pounded by a lack of currentknowledge.

The experience was espe-cially interesting because ofboth the subject matter andthe approach adopted: sur-geons and nurses draftedtheir presentations together.The following professionalstook part in the seminar:Jose Luis Bravo Bravo

(chest surgeon), FranciscoHernández Salinero (ICUnurse), Eulalia García Pérez(nurse in the operating the-ater) and Teresa CastroCabado (nurse in InpatientUnit 55).

Arantxa Díaz Testillano,an ICU supervisor, and Ol-ga Martín Velasco, the In-patient Unit 55 supervisor,were both coordinators andparticipants.

Dr. José Luis Bravo andOlga Martín, a nursingprofessional, had these an-swers for ImPULSO on theseminar and the functioningof the FJD Chest SurgeryUnit.

–What was the seminar’sobjective?

–The seminar was set upto train professionals onchest surgery by educatingthem on new treatmenttools. In recent years,

drainage tech-niques have beengoing through agradual shift.Now, they aresimpler and moreeasily performed.


–How does theFJD ChestSurgery Unitfunction?

–We operateon patients whoneed treatmentbecause of thepathologies theysuffer in the

chest region. There is a di-rect line of communicationbetween doctors and nursesso as to give patients totalcare right through the endof their treatment. The newphysical space created inthe FJD in recent years andthe development of newcare units made clear theneed for more training inchest drainage techniques.Our personnel are more andmore committed to thisproject, which is why wefocused primarily on in-creasing our professionals’knowledge in thoracicphysiopathology and theuse of drainage procedures.

–How many people workin the unit? What is theirdaily collaboration like?

A part of Unit 55, theUnit has three medical staffand a number of nurses whomake up the care team.

As in the rest of the serv-ices, there is constant coor-dination, which makes indi-vidual treatment of patientsa reality. The Chest SurgeryUnit gives utmost impor-tance to the spreading of in-formation and know-how toall the other services in thehospital. The importantthing is not the case loadbut rather on-demand needfor drain procedures thatcertain cases present. Thisis why the Unit has so muchexperience helping otherparts of the hospital in treat-ing patients.



–Can there be a multidis-ciplinary vision for han-dling chest-drainage cases?

–The Chest Surgery Unitis not alone in caring forthese patients. Many servic-es need to be involved inthese procedures, such asoncology, internal medi-cine, pneumology, the ER,or the ICU. We came to theconclusion that there exist-ed a common set of prob-lems between the differentunits in that they neededmore information andknow-how to apply newtechniques.

–What do you think arethe latest advances in post-drainage treatment care?

–Drainages are now easi-er to handle and lead tofewer complications, thusmaking them a more practi-cal alternative for patients.This increases patient com-fort, reduces hospital stays,leads to greater mobility inthe post-operative stage,and makes patients moreable to lead normal livesstarting the day after theiroperation.


The seminar on new developments inchest drainage, a total success

As can be seen in the photo, attendance far surpassed the organizers’ expectations.

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March 2008 ImPULSO

Nursing, just like anyother profession,must enrich itself

scientifically so that it maybecome a useful practicefor society.

The discipline of nurs-ing has evolved alongsidethe events and schools ofthought that have beenswept in by the tide of his-tory. During the 20th cen-tury, the discipline andprofession assumed theobjective of developing itsown body of scientificknowledge upon which itbased its methods. Be-cause of this dependenceon know-how, research isan essential instrument forcreating, validating, andredefining the acceptedknowledge within the area.Beginning in the 1960’s,nursing researchers be-came aware of the lack ofsolid theoretical systemsoffering valid conceptuallinks with actual practice.This need gave way to aneffort to provide profes-sionals with better trainingand to integrate researchwithin the discipline. Wehave come to identify thisas the research-basedphase in the history ofnursing. This stage wasushered in at the sametime that many nurses be-gan to have access to high-level training, leading to acollective embrace of the

precepts of the scientificage: “Research is the pathtoward the acquisition ofknowledge.” Research andtheory combined make upthe basis of nursing sci-ence (1).

Nursing research seeksto understand the phonom-ena that influence the inter-action that goes on in thecare process, and thus fos-ter practices that are mostbeneficial for people’slives. Its goal is to create a

body of knowledge on hu-mans’ response to real orpotential health problems.Because the problemsfound in health-care re-search are so complex, theyrequire a diversity of ap-proaches. It is thereforecrucial that we learn whichis the most appropriatemethod for making deci-sions. Nowadays, one ofthe most intense debatesgoing on in the field ofnursing research is focusedon the differences andstrong points that can befound in quantitative andqualitative research (2).


Qualitative research dif-fers from quantitativemethods in that it is an ap-proach that eschews meas-urement. Rather thanweighing variables, quali-tative research collectsnarratives that can shedlight on certain phonome-na. Once these are collect-ed, they are studied by us-ing techniques such as par-ticipant observations, non-structured interviews, andin-depth interviews. Thisdata can be registered di-rectly by text, transformedinto code, or recorded us-ing audio or video, etc.This information is lateranalyzed for its content.

Qualitative researchgives nurses the opportu-nity to find answers thatcan explain people’s expe-riences, how these are cre-ated, and how human lifegains meaning.

Qualitative research wascreated as an effort to learnthings that are inaccessiblethrough other means. In

the 1960’s and 1970’s, thequalitative method wasconsolidated and put togreater use in the field ofsocial sciences. As an ap-proach, it came as an alter-native to the positivist par-adigm of quantitative re-search, in that social andhuman sciences grapplewith problems and phe-nomena that cannot be en-tirely interpreted throughquantitative methods. Thistype of research strugglesto attain a personal under-standing of the motivesand beliefs that are at workbehind human actions.


Bogdan and Taylor (3) of-fer the following definingcharacteristics of qualita-tive research:

• Methodological induc-tive reasoning

• Researcher as a parti-cipant in the field

• A holistic view on co-horts and scenario

Holistic view of stake-holders within a socio-his-torical context

• Researcher sheds hisor her prejudices, precon-ceived notions, and beliefs

• Recognition and ac-ceptance of multiple epis-temological and methodo-logical perspectives

• Recognized humanis-tic content

• Emphasis on the vali-dity of procedures and fin-dings

• The artistic and hand-made nature of qualitativeresearch processes

• The researcher as crea-tor who is called upon tocreate his or her own mo-dels


Qualitative researchand nursing


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March 2008 ImPULSO


• Methods that followthe researcher, rather thanthe researcher as their sla-ve


Key concepts in qualita-tive research

• Complementarity andtriangulation: Reserachtechniques that are notexclusive, but rather,complementary

• Theoretical and inten-tional sampling—the op-posite of random sam-pling—lending impor-tance not to the numberof cases studied, but ra-ther the potential thateach case holds in hel-ping the researcher deve-lop a theoretical unders-tanding of the area beingstudied

• Constant feedback: inqualitative research, eachstage in the process pro-duces feedback: design,data gathering, analysis,interpretation, and publi-cation. Inductive, ratherthan deductive, procedu-res

• Negotiation of signi-ficance: data are alwayssubject to interpretation,and they must be contras-ted with those that pos-sess established signifi-cance

• Criteria for compen-sating for a lack of relia-bility (criteria of exce-llence): credibility (trian-gulation of data) andtransferability

• Weaknesses: rigorand quality of informa-tion

We can clearly see aspace for qualitative ap-proaches due to the com-

prehensiveness of exam-ining not just the physi-cal, but rather the socio-historical and, even, thespiritual. While the phys-ical realm is potentiallycontrollable, this is notthe case with socio-his-torical and spiritual is-sues, which, at best, aremuch more difficult tomanage.

If we base our work onthe cultural diversity ofour patients, then eachday we must look for newways of delivering care.This modus operandi ismost clearly explained byMadeleine Leninger inher theory on culturalcare diversity and univer-sality (1).

A. González Hernán-dez, E. Vélez Vélez

Nursing ResearchCommittee

More information can befound on the Web sitecontaining the Index onqualitative research


1.- Marrier-Toney, A.(1999). Nursing mod-els and theory (3rd edi-tion). Madrid: Har-court Brace, Mosby.

2.- Cabrero García, J. andRichart Martínez, M.(1996). The debate:Qualitative vs. quanti-tative research. Enfer-mería clínica, 6 (5),212-7.

3.- Taylor, S.J. and Bog-dan, R. (1990). Intro-duction to qualitativeresearch methodsBuenos Aires: Paidós.

Another year of Nur-sing Rounds is un-der way. For this

edition, organizers have co-me up with another formatfor the events, providing atheoretical-practical multi-disciplinary design. Thenew structure has been metwith widespread approval.

The first session in thecycle, entitled “New Ad-vances in ChestDrainage,” was held onNovember 5th. Some onehundred nurses, nurses’ as-sistants, orderlies, physi-cians, and residents were inattendance. Those present-ing were: Francisco Fer-nández Salinero (Lunganatomy and physiology);Eulalia García Pérez (Sur-gical care for thoracic pa-tients); Teresa CastroCabado (management ofPatients with PostoperativeChest Tube; Dr. José LuisBravo (Where, when, andwhy of chest drains); andFrancesc Cuxart (Opera-tion methods of a chestdrainage unit).

The session set out toprovide an overall vision ofchest-drain patient manage-ment and use of the system.

The following monthlysession on nursing was heldon December 13th in theFJD.

Thanks to the organiza-tion of Yolanda López(Unit 35 supervisor) andMaría José Checha (Unit33 supervisor), the eventmarked yet another successin terms of attendance andprofessional involvement.

Aiding in the event weretwo physicians from thePlastic Surgery Service,Dr.Caballero and Dr. Cár-camo. Several nurses fromdigestive surgery, cardio-vascular surgery, vascularsurgery, andorthopedics/traumatologyalso pitched in.

Following a brief presen-tation, those on hand talkedabout the basic principlesin VAC therapy and clini-cal experience with thetechnique. The sessionthen looked at managingVAC therapies, studying aseries of clinical cases inwhich the procedure wasapplied. At the session’send, participants engaged ina small workshop whichclearly explained how toapply the therapy.


Presenters in the nursing session held on December 13th.

New FJD Nursing Rounds

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Teaching andResearch

The 3rd InternationalMeeting on Trans-lational Research

and Individualized Medi-cine was held on February21st in the Fundación Ji-ménez Díaz. Many ex-perts in science and medi-cine from a range of spe-cialties were on hand forthe event. The meetinghighlighted advances inclinical care that have co-me out of complex areasof investigation. These in-novations represent asubstantial contribution topersonalized medicine,which seeks to provideeach patient with a cus-tom-made solution to hisor her health problems.

Real-life application ofnew and revolutionaryknowledge in clinical prac-tice should be understoodas a new form of investiga-tion, called “translationalinvestigation.” This for-ward-thinking disciplineaims to bring scientificdiscovery from the labora-tory to actual practice.


The meeting, organized byDr. Carmen Ayuso and theFJD Research Area, spon-sored eight symposia:“Pharmacogenetics andCurrent Medical Applica-tions,” “Immunotherpayand Cell Therapy: NewApproaches to TreatingCommon Diseases,” “Phe-notypes in Psychiatry,”“Current Therapies for Ge-

netic Diseases,” “Non-in-vasive Prenatal Diagno-sis,” “Cardiovascular Riskand Arteriosclerosis,”“Breast Cancer and NewTherapies,” and “NewStrategies for Diagnosisand Treatment of Obesity.”

During the meeting, Dr.Jaume Bertranpetit offereda lecture entitled “Anthro-pology, Genetics, and Dis-ease.”

Coupling aspects of ba-sic science with clinical in-vestigation, translationalresearch cannot be carried

out exclusively in tradi-tional university depart-ments or in other types ofcenters without hospitalaccess. The FundaciónJiménez Díaz performsboth types at the same timethat it provides excellentcare.

During the recent meet-ing, a great number of pro-fessionals from a variety offields got the opportunityto update and share ad-vances in treatment and al-so trade views on publichealth problems.


The 3rd International Meeting TranslationalResearch and Individualized Medicine

Opening statements. From left to right: Juan Antonio Álvaro de la Par-ra, Carmen Ayuso, Flora de Pablo, Cristina Avendaño, and Javier Urzay.Below: Photos taken in the main lecture hall

Doctoral Courses

■ ETHICAL AND LEGAL AS-PECTS IN PEDIATRICS – OnFebruary 7th and 8th, in theGrande Covián room, theFJD heldthe doctoralcourse enti-tled “Ethi-cal and Le-gal Aspectsin Pedia-trics.” Pr.M. RuizMorenoand Dr. A. Leal, of the FJDPediatrics Service, led theproceedings.

The course covered theethical aspects of pediatriccare and pediatric research.

■ BONE METABOLISM DI-SEASES: CALCIUM DISOR-DERS – Organized by theFJD and the SponsoredProfessorship in Bone Me-tabolism Diseases of theU.A.M. Medical School, adoctoral course was heldfrom February 21st-23rd asa part of the 28th Programon Bone Metabolism Dise-ase. This year’s focus wason calcium disorders.

Thanksto the coor-dination ofPr. ManuelDíazCuriel,partici-pants in thecoursetackledsuch subjects as: magne-sium and phosphorushomeostasis, especially itsrelationship with calcium;nutrition and calcium; andcalcium and arterial hyper-tension.

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March 2008 ImPULSO

Teaching andResearch

■ Controversies in Orthopedic SurgeryOn February 7th and 9th, 2008, themain lecture hall of the FundaciónJiménez Díaz provided the setting forthe Conference on Controversies in Or-thopedic Surgery. The event was led by Dr. L. ÁlvarezGalovich, Dr. F. Girardi, and Dr. E. Fer-nández-Paredes, the Chief of the Ortho-pedics and Traumatology Service.

The 3rd Biomedicine SeminarCycle will be held from Ja-nuary to June in the FJD

main lecture hall. Put together by Dr. Marina

Sáncez of the FJD Research Area,this second presentation in the cy-cle was given by Pr. Federico May-or Menéndez, holder of the Distin-guished Chair in Biomedicine anda researcher at the Severo Ochoa

Center for Molecular Biology(CSIC/UAM) in Madrid.

Professor Mayor spoke on“Cell signaling: from interac-tome to the physiopathologicalimplications on cardiovascularcondition and tumors.”


GRK levels/functioning are al-tered in several noteworthy in-stances of pathology, such as con-gestive heart failure, inflamma-tion, or certain types of tumors.This makes them potential targetsfor diagnosis and/or therapy.

According to Mayor Menén-dez, “the group's primary objec-tive is to better understand thecomplex network of functional

interactions (interactome) of theGRK proteins, as well as the phys-iopathological implications thatmight exist. What we are after is tocomprehend why their expressionor activity is changed in pathologi-cal circumstances and how thesechanges participate in the chain re-action or in the development of aseries of cardiovascular, inflamma-tory, or tumor conditions.”

❖ April 2ndJavier Díaz Nido, Pro-fessor of MolecularBiology at the SeveroOchoa Center for Mol-ecular Bilogy, CSIC/UAM (Madrid). “Neu-rodegeneration andgene therapy inFriedreich ataxia”

❖ May 7thJesús Egido, Chief ofthe Nephrology Ser-vice. FundaciónJiménez Díaz Madrid.“Identifying new bio-markers for renal andvascular damage."

❖ June 18thJoan J. Guinovart, In-titute for Research nBiomedicine and theUniversidad deBarcelona. “Glyco-gen synthase: A tro-jan horse for neu-rons.”


3rd FJD Seminar Cycle onBiomedicine

■ FJD Nurses Receive a ResearchGrant from the Spanish Society ofNephrological NursingThe grant, received from the SpanishSociety of Nephrological Nursing, waspresented during the 32nd Conferenceof the Spanish Society of NephrologicalNursing, in Cádiz. The group of nurses receiving the grantare part of the FJD Dialysis Unit. Theyare as follows: María Dolores LópezGarcía, Esperanza Vélez Vélez, MaríaPilar Manrique Gimeno, Pablo GonzálezPrados, Juan Carlos Sánchez González,and María del Carmen Olague Iraizoz.Jandry Lorenzo received the grant inrecognition of the research initiative enti-tled “Can the number of autologous arte-riovenous fistulas be increased throughan exercise program while preserving theperipheral veins?"

Coming seminars

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March 2008 ImPULSO

Our Specialists

The FJD PneumologyService has created aRespiratory Immedi-

ate Care Unit, or RICU.This service manages pa-tients with acute respiratoryfailure and acute chronicrespiratory failure. Prior tothis year, the service had amonitored unit, which wasrenovated in 2006. With thearrival of specialized per-sonnel and the addition ofnew non-invasive ventila-tion, the creation of theRICU became a possibility.

Demand for RICUs isgrowing both domesticallyand internationally becauseof their ability to treat con-ditions which formerly re-

quired intensive care,though without a need forsuch a resource-heavy set-ting. The only other RICUin Madrid is located in theHospital Gregorio MarañónEmergency Room.

RICUs avoid situations inwhich patients who are notadmitted to the General ICUare forced to receive care fortheir respiratory conditionsin conventional beds. Thefundamental technique usedin these improved units isnon-invasive mechanicalventilation, or NIMV.


The RICU can handlecases of:

Acute or acute chronicrespiratory failure or severepartial or global failure notrequiring ICU admission

Difficult weaning frommechanical ventilationand/or tracheotomy de-cannulation requiringNIMV

Postoperative respiratoryfailure following cardiotho-racic or upper digestive sur-gery requiring a high-techrespirator

High-risk bronchioscopywith NIMV in patients notsuitable for orotraqueal in-tubation

Congestive heart failurerequiring bi-level NIMVwhen not indicated in the

admission documents forentry into the CoronaryUnit

Patients at risk for sleepapnea syndrome needingmonitoring and initial adap-tation to a respirator

While not exclusive tothe unit, the nursing person-nel working in the serviceare mainly permanent em-ployees who have put fortha sizable effort to trainthemselves in managingthese types of patients.

The unit is supported bytwo technicians who spe-cialize in NIMV who staffthe area from 8 a.m. to 10p.m.

Dr. Germán Peces-Barba

Chief of the RICUDr. Sara B. Heili

Associate Physician (RICU)

Hyperhidrosis, or ex-cessive sweating, isa condition that pri-

marily affects the hands,underarms, and feet. Pa-tients with this problem ex-perience extremely highlevels of sweating, espe-cially in times of nervous-ness or even when engag-ing in something as simpleas a handshake or inter-view.

Though its origin is un-known, hyperhidrosis isthought to be slightlylinked to genetics. On thewhole, the condition is

more prevalent in womenthan in men. Experts be-lieve that the root lies inan excessive of activity inthe sympathetic nervoussystem, which affectssweat glands by makingthem produce too muchmoisture in the hands.People with hyperhidrosisoften say that their profes-sional and social lives areconditioned or even mademore difficult because oftheir situation.

While conservativemeasures such as medica-tion, local drying products,

psychotherapy, sedatives,botulinum toxin, etc. havebeen applied, experiencehas it that the only highlysuccessful treatment is sur-gery.

This type of surgery hasbeen performed for overtwenty years. The best re-sults have been achievedthrough the procedureknown as endoscopic tho-racic sympathectomy. Thetechnique irreversibly dis-sects the nerve by using ei-ther an electrosurgical unitor by clamping the areaaround the nerve.

The Fundación JiménezDíaz Chest Surgery Ser-vice has many years ofclinical experience withthese techniques. Overtime, Dr. José Luis BravoBravo has put together asurgical unit that is special-ly designed to treat thesepatients.

In recent years, thesesurgical techniques haveall been based around theprocess of video-assistedthoracoscopy. Thanks tothese advancements, over99% of the procedures car-ried out for hyperhidrosisof the hands or underarmsare a success.

Dr. José Luis BravoAssociate

Chest Surgery Service


Respiratory Inmediate Care Unit


Treatment for hyperhidrosis

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March 2008 ImPULSO

Capio News

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This initiative of theResearch Committeeis one of the ways in

which Capio Sanidad re-cognizes medical achieve-ment, awarding doctors,nurses, and administrativepersonnel with 2,500 euroseach for winning projects.

The prize for care innursing went to AnnaQuirantes and MargaritaRosas of the ENT Servicefor their work entitled“Child OSAS: A study on

the relationship betweenclinical polysomnographyand its resolution withadenotonsillar surgery.”

The award for outstand-ing prize in the medicalfield went to Dr. EduardEsteller Moner of the ENTService for the submissionentitled “Discovering un-diagnosed cases of ob-structive sleep apnea syn-drome.”

“A study on the effect ofactive carbon in irinotecan

and SN-38 on advancedcancer patients” was theproject that earned the Re-search Award. It was pre-sented by Dr. Vicente Va-lentí, Dr. Beñona Bara, andDr. Josep Ramon Germà.

Dr. Javier Mate, the Ca-pio Hospital General deCatalunya Managing Di-rector, highlighted theneed to make our profes-sionals’ working philoso-phy known to all, since itdemonstrates the extent towhich these employeesconstantly go beyond whatis asked of them, thus im-proving the care we pro-vide.

The 2006CapioSanidad

Annual Reportis a presenta-tion of themost impor-tant informa-tion on thecompany forthe year. Thefirst of its kind,the report is di-

vided into sixsections co-rresponding toall the pillarson which the

company rests.Inside, readerscan learn ofthe company’smilestones, itsactivity statis-tics, care data,and the servi-ces offered atour centers.

Scientific Awards Given Out

2006 Capio SanidadAnnual ReportIn February, Capio

Sanidad launched itsnew Web site featu-

ring added content, grea-ter functionality, and abrand new design.

In 2007, the site wasvisited 420,000 timeswith 1.4 million pageviews, clearly demons-trating its usefulness as amedium for transmittingand receiving knowled-ge about the company,its centers, and the workdone by the company’sprofessionals.

New look, design, andfunctionality. The CapioSanidad Web has addednew sections such as:physician- and specialty-searches, more ease ofaccess to content, new lo-cations for areas of inter-est, multimedia elements(videos and download-able features), moveablebanners, and a subscrip-tion service for the CapioSanidad Newsletter.

Capio SanidadGets a NewWeb Site

The New MedicalCheck-up Unit in theCapio Clideba Clinic in

Badajoz was founded to im-prove patients’ quality of lifeand lay down the basic pillarsnecessary for healthy livingwhile adapting to the physical,professional, and family-rela-ted needs of all individuals.The Unit is made up of a mul-tidisciplinary group of profes-sionals under the leadership ofDr. del Águila de los Ríos. DelÁguila de los Ríos.

The New MedicalCheck-up Unit inthe Capio Clideba

Clinic in Badajoz wasfounded to improve pa-tients’ quality of life andlay down the basic pillarsnecessary for healthy living

while adapting to thephysical, professional, andfamily-related needs of allindividuals. The Unit ismade up of a multidiscipli-nary group of professionalsunder the leadership of Dr.del Águila de los Ríos.

New Medical Check-up Unit


Open Session on Combating Pain

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March 2008 ImPULSO

On February 28th, anagreement was rea-ched to form a part-

nership between the non-pro-fit organization “Desarrollo yAsistencia” (Developmentand Care) and the FundaciónJiménez Díaz.

Those who offer their timehelp by accompanying pa-tients and their families whilein the Emergency Room.

The FJD has a special areadesigned for these supportservices on the ground floornext to the room for patientsand their families in the ER.

The volunteer service isopen from 12 noon to 2 p.m.and then from 6:30 to 9 p.m.Monday to Friday. Each turnwill have a staff of two volun-teers.

Those interested in the ser-vice should call 91 550 48 00from outside the hospital orby dialing extension 2328from within the center.

Volunteer coordinators ha-ve periodic meetings with le-aders from the Patient HelpCenter and the EmergencyRoom. Some of the responsi-bilities of these coordinatorsis to properly schedule volun-teer shifts so as to guaranteetotal coverage.

The work done by these in-dividuals is very professionaland essential to the organiza-tion, since their contributionshelp family members feel in-formed on what is going on,thus leading to a decrease inthe number of complaints re-lated to the availability of in-formation.

Partnership between theVolunteer Organization“Desarrollo y Asistencia”and the FJD

The Journal of the Fundación Jiménez Díaz - Capio Avda. Reyes Católicos, 2 - 28040 Madrid
