special feature: piracy – it’s everyone’s problem...special feature: piracy – it’s...

SPECIAL FEATURE: PIRACY – IT’S EVERYONE’S PROBLEM Professional. Like you. VIKING SEA Goes To Sea DRY-DOCKING Make It A Great Experience NAMING CEREMONY Aurora LPG Entrusts 4 New Vessels To Us Wilhelmsen Ship Management | Issue 2 - 2016 Corporate Magazine

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Page 1: Special feature: piracy – it’S everyone’S problem...Special feature: piracy – it’S everyone’S problem professional. Like you. viking Sea Goes To Sea Dry-Docking Make It

Special feature:

piracy – it’S everyone’S problem

professional. Like you.

viking Sea Goes To Sea

Dry-DockingMake It A Great Experience

naming ceremonyAurora LPG Entrusts 4 New Vessels To Us

Wilhelmsen Ship Management | Issue 2 - 2016corporate magazine

Page 2: Special feature: piracy – it’S everyone’S problem...Special feature: piracy – it’S everyone’S problem professional. Like you. viking Sea Goes To Sea Dry-Docking Make It

1Issue 2 - 2016

contentSpiracy – it’s everyone’s problem 2

WSm Joins Sigtto as full member 7

a grand naming ceremony 8Aurora LPG

organisational changes in WSm malaysia 10Two Vessel Groups

WSm Wins nyk car carrier of the year 2015 11

25 years With intermanager 12WSM Shapes The Maritime Industry

viking Sea goes to Sea 14

news and Stories...

Norway Maritime Conference At Cebu, Philippines 16

A Trainee’s Tale On Ship Management 18

From Ship To Shore 19

The Right People And Tools Make For A Great Dry Docking Experience 20

Maintaining An Inventory Of HazardousMaterials Is Not An Option 24

Improving Seafarers’ Life With Internet On Board 26

Norwegian Students Get To Know WSM And Malaysia 28

and much more...

eDitorialamanda lohEditor [email protected]

eDitorial proDuction &grapHic DeSignmilk Designwww.theudderones.com

publiSHer Wilhelmsen Ship management malaysia19th Floor, 1 SentralJalan Rakyat, Kuala Lumpur Sentral50470 Kuala LumpurMalaysia

t +6 03 2084 5600

© All rights reserved 2016

preSiDent’S meSSageHello readers,

Change is inevitable especially during challenging times. A recent decision tosplit our Malaysia vessel management into two groups, dry cargo group and LNG/LPG group, proved to be a good move.

The new structure allows greater efficiency for managers to have better control over asset types and streamline the growing fleet under our management. In recent months, the LNG/LPG group has taken over several vessels in swift succession and more are expected for the remainder of 2016.

Speaking of which, read more about the naming ceremony of the four Aurora LPG vessels that we subsequently took over and our full membership with the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd. (SIGTTO) in this magazine.

This issue’s feature story is a review of piracy in South East Asian waters. In this turbulent economy, the last thing you want is to have your ship under attack and cargo stolen. As ship managers, we take a proactive role in safeguarding your vessels and crew by consistently assessing high risk areas and always staying vigilant in transit.

At Wilhelmsen, we are proud to be a shaper of the maritime industry and WSM has done so from our Barber times. 25 years ago, we were among the Group of Five that laid the foundation for ISMA (International Ship Manager Association), now known as InterManager. This year, InterManager celebrates its silver anniversary of setting best practices across the industry and WSM will continue to contribute towards the highest standards of ship operations.

Before you turn the page, I’m happy to share that we are always looking for ways to improve the lives of our seafarers and shore-staff. Read more about having Internet connectivity in vessels and also a testimonial from a long-serving employee who served from ship to shore.

I hope you enjoy reading the magazine.

Yours sincerely,carl SchouPresident, Wilhelmsen Ship Management

pg 20

pg 24

pg 14

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Special feature:

piracy– it’S everyone’S problembeing prepared for risky Waters

in the last decade, more than 3,000 actual and attempted pirate attacks took place and at its highest point, over 400 attacks were recorded every year from 2009-2011. in these 3 tumultuous years, Somali pirates in the gulf of aden seized ships and looted them so rampantly that international navies were called to protect these waters.

over 3,000 pirate attacks were recorded between 2006-2015











0 100 200 300 400

Source: The International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau

Since last two years, not a single attack was recorded in the once riskiest Gulf known to the Maritime Industry.

In contrast, we saw a dramatic spike of piracy in Indonesia from 40 reported incidents in 2010 to 108 last year. Vietnam is the new hotspot with 27 incidents recorded last year compared to just 12 six years ago. Piracy in the South East Asian region accounted for 60% (147 reported) of global incidents (246 reported).

Those estimates in South East Asia are conservative. We all know that there are more pirate attacks not reported to safeguard the names of shippers.



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WSMCommence transit

Experience transfer(knowledge-share)





Gulf of Aden

pirate attacks more than doubled in indonesia in six yearsChange in the number of pirate attacks recorded in selected locations from 2010-2015

0 20 40 60 80 100 120

At WSM, we assess high risk areas based on salient industry guidelines such as BMP-4, EUNAVFOR Assessments, UKMTO Briefings, IMB, ReCAAP, BIMCO and Flag State Advisories/Circulars and findings from Private Security Companies & Consultants.

Rakesh Kumar, Company Security Officer for WSM, said, “We have a setup dedicated solely for security. This has been very fruitful for keeping assets under our care safe and secure. We play an active advisory role to Management who in turn keep owners and other stakeholders informed on Maritime Security issues and concerns.”

How WSm manages transit in high risk areas

Looking from a commercial, geographical and judicial standpoint, the increase makes sense:

A third of the world’s cargo passes through the Straits of Malacca and Singapore Straits. Asian economies and consumption have grown in the last decade and trades moving between Europe and China are made in these channels;

The bottleneck and crowded waterways make it easier for pirates to blend in. It’s hard to tell if two huddled vessels are transferring fuel or cargo or under siege;

The dense traffic in South East Asia with different national territorial waters adjacent to each other makes it very hard to distinguish who has patrol responsibility.

These conditions make South East Asia a very attractive target for pirates.

Notify intent to transit


All parties monitor transit


Transit complete



Verify commence transit checklist & implement self protection measures


Send latest security information to vessel and management center


CSO, vessel manager, fleet manager/ general manager, DPA/ HSEQ conduct a risk assessment and review requirements with owner



Owner considers requirements and gives approval to proceed with route


Provide transit feedback and completed checklist


Source: The International Chamber of Commerce’s International Maritime Bureau



Vessel WSMOwner

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6 Wmanager 7Issue 2 - 2016

Stay safe with Wilhelmsen

Wilhelmsen Insurance Services AS (WIS) is an insurance broker licenced by the Financial Supervisory Authorities of Norway and owned 100% by Wilhelmsen Maritime Services. WIS is ready to provide the clients of Wilhelmsen Ship Management (WSM) with all types of marine insurances. For vessels trading in high risk areas a war risk insurance is highly recommended and WIS would preferably place this insurance with The Norwegian Shipowners’ Mutual War Risks Insurance Association (DNK) at very favourable terms and competitive insurance conditions. The DNK standard insurance covers loss and damages, costs to avert or minimize loss, crew liability and loss of hire caused by piracy. DNK is one of the major operators in the marine war risk market with a comprehensive reinsurance scheme in the international market.

In the South East Asia area, Indonesia / Malaysia / Philippines are listed as conditional war risk areas but for the time being additional premium is required only for calling the port of Jakarta. The Straits of Malacca is a “free” area according to DNK terms and conditions and ships can navigate without a duty to give notice and declare calls. In 2008 DNK introduced a No Claims Bonus and has since returned a total of USD 77 000 000 to the assured members.

For more information, please contact: annika kättström Insurance Manager / Senior Insurance Broker Wilhelmsen Insurance Services AS e-mail: [email protected]

Our managed vessels pass through the risky waters of Somalia, South East Asia and the Gulf of Guinea hundreds of times a year. We are definitely no less exposed to pirates than other trading ships. To-date, we have done exceptionally well in preventing and preparing for such attacks.

Our crew undergoes training that encourages and builds good attitude towards surveillance. The key to avoid attacks is to be on constant watch of surroundings. Our crew is after all, the first line of defence.

We are also looking at the potential of cybercrime in the seas and have begun efforts by introducing the Information Security Programme to all our managed vessels. Officers, owners and seafarers will have the opportunity to take the course and learn how to enhance their awareness of cybersecurity. Although losing a ship or cargo from cyber disruption is not yet a reality, the risk is there and we are ready for it.

Are you?

WilHelmSen SHip management JoinS Sigtto aS full memberOn 1 March 2016, Wilhelmsen Ship Management became a full member of the Society of International Gas Tanker and Terminal Operators Ltd. (SIGTTO).

It is our privilege to be part of SIGTTO and indirectly working with LPG industry players to implement best practices across the gas shipping and terminal industries,” said Carl Schou, President of WSM

The membership allows valuable information sharing as LPG industries continue to expand and larger ships with newer technologies in fleets are challenges we have to face as a third party ship manager. We want to ensure our supply of crew are competent with these advances and compliant to the highest standards by regulation,” Schou said.

There are three classes of membership; full member, associate member and non-contributory” member. Full members must fulfil the prerequisite of owning or operating assets such as ship or terminals.

With the full membership, Wilhelmsen Ship Management has voting rights at the SIGTTO Annual General Meeting.

Andrew Clifton, General Manager and CEO of SIGTTO, is delighted to welcome its newest member, Wilhelmsen Ship Management, into the society. “Our newest member is a major LPG vessel operator and they will be a key contributor to the work of the Society while receiving the extensive benefits of membership SIGTTO can offer. Joining SIGTTO shows the commitment to safe and efficient operation Wilhelmsen Ship Management has to the industry. Welcome to the SIGTTO family!”

about SigttoSIGTTO was incorporated as a non-profit making company, registered in Bermuda in October 1979. Formed originally with 13 members, the Society has continued to grow and now has more than 170 members. Collectively, SIGTTO’s membership represents nearly all the world’s LNG businesses and more than half of the global liquefied petroleum gas (LPG) businesses. SIGTTO also has observer status at the IMO as a non-governmental organisation (NGO).



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8 Wmanager Issue 2 - 2016 9

a granD naming ceremonyWSm manages aurora lpg’s four new vessels from the start

On 10 March 2016, a very special and traditional naming ceremony was held for four Aurora LPG new buildings at the Hyundai Heavy Industries Shipyard, Ulsan, South Korea.

As managers for the new vessels, WSM witnessed the commemoration of VLGCs Aurora Balder, Aurora Brage, Aurora Njord and Aurora Var.

By 22 April 2016, all four vessels came into WSM Malaysia’s technical management.

captain oleksandr trufkin, Master, and lourdes nathan m Devadoss, Chief Engineer, of Aurora Balder with leiv askvig of Aurora LPG.

Masters of all four vessels with ship staff at the ribbon cutting ceremony on the bridge of Aurora Balder. The two gentlemen on the right are leiv askvig, Chairman of the Aurora LPG Board and borge Johansen,CEO of Aurora LPG (far right).

carl Schou with all four masters of the new Aurora vessels.

Aurora Var and Aurora Njord.

carl Schou, President of Wilhelmsen Ship Management (sixth at front row from right) and captain Sundeep Dhaliwal, General Manager of LNG/LPG Group (fifth from the right) – Wilhelmsen Ship Management, with senior officers of all four Aurora vessels at naming ceremony (Aurora Balder and Aurora Brage in background).


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WManager10 11Issue 2 - 2016

organiSational cHangeS in WSm malaySia now with two vessel groups

Change is inevitable. Change is constant” Benjamin Disraeli – former British Prime Minister.

In line with our growing fleet in WSM Malaysia, we have recently restructured our organisation in the technical department. The decision was to ensure we do not compromise our service delivery to clients.

The new organisation structure comprises two fleet groups in the Kuala Lumpur office; one for the dry cargo and one for LNG/LPG vessels. With this new structure, each fleet group will be able to streamline their resources to achieve greater efficiency for the common asset type.

General Manager of WSM Malaysia, Rajiv Nigam, will lead the Dry Fleet Group while Captain Sundeep Dhaliwal is now the new General Manager for the LNG/LPG group. Rajesh Giri has been promoted to Fleet Manager of LNG/LPG group. Giri was our Vessel Manager in WSM for the last 10 years. He reports to Captain Dhaliwal in his new capacity.

With such competency in leadership, we are confident that we are able to align our goals to meet our service targets this year. In WSM, we are constantly anticipating and embracing changes!

“With this segregation of groups, we are building a solid foundation to accommodate future growth whilst continuing our focus in achieving operational excellence through our people,” said Paal Gunnulfsen, WSM Vice President of Region Asia.

rajiv nigamGeneral Manager of WSM Malaysia Dry Fleet Group

captain Sundeep DhaliwalGeneral Manager of WSM Malaysia LNG/LPG Group

WSm WinS nyk car carrier of tHe year 2015 another year of being awarded for outstanding performance

NYK has awarded WSM-managed vessels Shohjin and Hudson Leader the Car Carrier of the Year 2015 Award and Special Award respectively.

Shohjin was awarded Car Carrier of the Year 2015 based on several criteria including safety, vessel age and performance.

Hudson Leader was chosen to receive the Special Award for dedicated service of 28 years with NYK. The awards come with a commemoration plague and custom-made polo T-shirts for all crew, Masters and Chief Engineers on board.

We would like to congratulate the team, both onshore and shore-based staff, for the recognition. Thank you for your tremendous support, contribution to safety and efficient operations.

WSM has been receiving the NYK Car Carrier of the Year award since 2009. That’s 7 years of continuous service excellence!

Hudson Leader crew holding up their T-shirts to commemorate their win.

captain md. rahim ullah, Master of MV Shohjin received the award from taro nakamura from NYK.


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WManager12 13Issue 2 - 2016

25 yearS WitH intermanager carl Schou talks about WSm’s role in shaping the maritime industry

tHank you for viSiting uS at poSiDonia!

our history with intermanagerWSM has a long history of membership beyond the formation of InterManager. WSM was one of the 5 leading ship management companies known as the Group of Five” which played a pivotal role in the founding of ISMA (International Ship Manager Association). In reality, WSM has been a member right from the inception of ISMA.

a reason for continuous membershipBack then, being part of the founding group of ISMA (now InterManager) WSM wanted to establish a solid basis for improving the image and quality of ship management. Today, InterManager has taken more of a role as a “voice” for the industry.

As such InterManager is contributing to a number of quality initiatives for the industry. Besides that, InterManager also provides a platform for all members’ voices to be heard.

Together with other members, WSM would like to play a part in influencing the ship management industry towards the highest standards of ship operations.

Staying relevant in the shipping industryInterManager shapes the ship management standards in the shipping industry. The association plays an important role in facilitation of best practices across the industry, thereby constantly improving the base standards of ship operations.

For WSM, it is important that a base standard is established, it creates a level playing field for international ship managers like us to compete and differentiate. In addition, InterManager was forefront in developing KPI’s for the industry – and with this has in our opinion contributed to a new and higher level for third party managers.

Ship managers are very important!A ship manager’s role, as we see it, has evolved over time. Decades ago traditional ship management was mainly human capital intensive, process and technology driven.

Today, in addition to the above role, ship management includes regulatory complianceand strategic planning to ensure uninterrupted supply chain. So in short, ship managers play an important role in the shipping industry.

Ship managers are evolving into competence centres. With economies of scale, ship managers are able to build up specialist departments in many areas where traditional owners are not able to.

keeping us on our toesThe shipping KPI project which started in 2003 was a great system for WSM to benchmark our operational performance against the industry average. The industry benchmark provides some clarity on setting realistic targets as well as a reality check on where we are for further improvement.

We had a great time meeting all of you and your support puts a smile on our faces. See you again next time.

The WSM team at Posidonia (L-R): torbjoern aaker – Head of Marketing and Business Development for Region Americas & Europe, carl Schou – President of WSM, geir michaelsen – Global Head of Business Development, Haakon lenz – Vice President for Region Europe, and Srinath medepalli – Sales and Marketing Manager for Region Asia.


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15Issue 2 - 201614 Wmanager

Viking Sea was successfully delivered on the 24 March 2016 from Fincantieri’s Ancona shipyard in Italy to Viking Ocean Cruises and Wilhelmsen Ship Management (Norway) AS.

Viking Sea is a modern cruise vessel catering for the premium cruise segment. She is technically advanced, being fitted with state-of-the-art exhaust gas scrubbers, an advanced wastewater treatment system and high-tech entertainment systems for the guests.

She is the sister ship of Viking Star, delivered 1 April last year, also under WSM Norway management. Viking Star has had a very successful first year of operation, taking in several awards from the industry, amongst others, being named “Best New Ocean Ship” by the editorial team of Cruise Critic.

We wish Captain Atle Knutsen, on board crew and vessel manager Yngve Beite safe and smooth operations.

about viking cruisesViking Cruises is an international travel company that operates the world’s largest fleet of river cruising vessels along the rivers of Europe, Russia, China, Southeast Asia and Egypt; and with the Viking Star and Viking Sea, had a very successful launch into ocean cruising. The company was founded and is headed by Torstein Hagen.

about viking Sea 228m long Gross tonnage of 47800 tons Sails under the Norwegian flag Occupancy of 930 passengers

viking Sea goeS to Seaviking Sea Joins Sister Ship viking Star under WSm’s management

Viking Sea at Santorini, Greece, where she was at anchorage on 31 March 2016. The day was historic for Viking Ocean Cruises as it was the first time their two vessels met. Viking Star and Viking Sea rendezvoused in the early morning and sailed in formation into the volcanic crater of Santorini.


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17Issue 2 - 201616 Wmanager

norWay maritime conference at cebu, pHilippineSWaves of change. Setting the course together

The Norway Maritime Conference took place in The Philippines from 28-29 January 2016. Held in Shangri-La Macton Resort, Cebu, the Conference was jointly organised by The Royal Norwegian Embassy in Manila, the Norwegian Maritime Foundation of the Philippines and Philippines Norway Business Council.

Dag Schjerven, President and Chief Executive Officer of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services, gave a well-received presentation on getting the right results through the right way. This enforces our practice of being transparent to our customers and compliant to maritime regulations. He was also part of an interactive forum to debate on technology in the shipping industry.

Norway Maritime Conference was aimed at sharing information on the maritime trends and expectations and addressed the buzz for green technology to create a sustainable environment. With a wide range of expert speakers and participants, the venue became one giant dynamic conversation platform. Topics also navigated around workforce competence in a highly competitive and high-tech environment.

Dag Schjerven as panelist in a forum for “Is Technology the Savior?”From left: Dag Schjerven, President and Chief Executive Officer of Wilhelmsen Maritime Services; aldrin a tagsip, Deck Cadet; vivian Diana, Office Manager of WSBMI Philippines; Helge oliversen, Employer’s Representative for Philippines – WSM Marine Personnel; and espen Sending, Vice President of Marine Personnel, WSM.



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This is Kisan Karnad. He is the Manager of Quality & Recruitment for WSM India and has come a long way since his days as a second officer.

Karnad joined Wilhelmsen as a second officer in 1988, and came to shore from 2010 to become a manager at our manning office in Mumbai, India.

Every day he spends his hours motivating a team serving customers ranging from individual seafarers to vessel owners. In fact, being once a sea-going personnel himself, he is able to put his experiences into good use at his current role.

Karnad identifies diversity and opportunity as the key reasons why he’s “stuck” with WSM for 28 years.

Wilhelmsen has provided a multicultural work environment and supported my desire to pursue higher academic studies, but the main reason I’ve stayed is how closely I’m aligned with the core values of the group. I can sleep soundly at night knowing we always do business in the right manner.”

One of his prized memories with us was in 2004 when he was interviewed by National Geographic for a documentary. He was then a Captain of a vessel that was docking at Singapore.

Another career highlight was when group CEO Thomas Wilhelmsen visited Mumbai in 2011. He fondly recalled how Mr Wilhelmsen encouraged friendly interaction so everyone can have open, honest exchanges. It was a huge morale boost for all of them.

Reflecting on over 30 years in the shipping industry, including 13 years as a Captain, Karnad notes that working conditions are becoming better.

As a result of international work by regulators and pioneering efforts by companies like Wilhelmsen, I have seen significant strides made in safety and environmental protection. Adapting to new technologies through proper training and processes will be key to our success looking forward.”

from SHip to SHoreWSm paves way for career growth and change

Tore Stang summed up his five months as a trainee working with WSM in the Oslo office as a fun and instructive journey.

What I enjoyed most in WSM is the mixture of competence in the office. I learned new things every day from experienced chiefs, masters, engineers and other highly competent colleagues, who are more than willing to share their knowledge,” Stang said.

He was also greatly appreciative of the responsibilities and tasks entrusted to him from the very start. During his rotation, he learned about fuel efficiency of ships, different technical issues with scrubbers and ballast water treatment systems, went on board vessels and experienced how dry-docking was done.

a trainee’S tale on SHip managementtore Stang shares on his rotation with WSm from 1 September 2015–31 January 2016

He enjoyed the balance of being in and outside the office where he saw how his onshore efforts materialised onboard. He learnt even more by simply talking to the crew and found it very motivating that his work is making an impact on operations and their lives.

My two dry-docking experiences in Lisbon and Stavanger taught me some of the responsibilities and challenges a vessel manager meets in his work,” he said.

While early dry-docking plans are crucial for successful docking, relationship-building also plays an important role when the need arises.”

Stang is now on his second rotation in thetechnical department of Wilh. Wilhelmsen ASA.

Read more about Stang’s account on dry-docking procedures on page 22.

During Stang’s visit to MV Tarago in November 2015, he learned how the newly installed bulb can save fuel.

Stang was also grateful for the opportunity to attend a fuel saving seminar in Oslo, where suppliers and experts presented their systems and shared their knowledge in the subject.

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21Issue 2 - 201620 Wmanager

tHe rigHt people anD toolS make for a great Dry- Docking experience Dry-docking is a costly and time-consuming process for shipowners and managers, but new digital tools and are making it easier than ever to keep unexpected costs and delays under control.

WSM has been using dedicated defect reporting and docking software for the past three years and seen clear benefits to the predictability, cost-control and transparency of the dry-docking process. The software, REFMAN (short for Refit Management), is used to collect, analyse and manage various project data from schedules to quotations.

We now have in one database the full details of 60 dry-dockings we have done and we know what to expect from different types of ships,” says Sanjiv Rastogi, Head of New Building and Technical Services (NETS), a specialised dry-docking team at WSM Asia. We are trying to minimise any unplanned costs by knowing all the vessels well and by preparing every detail before the dry-dock so we go and do exactly what was specified.”

How does this work? Prior to dry-docking the ship crew uses an onboard REFMAN module to communicate with NETS which then uses that information, data from lifecycle inspections, and previous dry-dockings to prepare accurate specifications, manage quotations and evaluate potential shipyards within the software.

During the dry-dock the software is used for daily reporting and monitoring to anticipate any issues and it creates a detailed report and project analysis after the dock is finished. All relevant data is stored in the same database for easy access.

While REFMAN and similar software is increasingly used by shipowners and management companies, what sets WSM apart is its comprehensive approach.

We are using the software practically to its full capability because we have set up a small group of superusers who do all the work in the software,” explains Rastogi. “This group of specialists executed 30 dry-docking projects in 2015. A Vessel Manager, who may have one or two annual dockings can go to shipyard with a professionally readymade Docking package. The vessel managers are thus freed up to concentrate on normal Vessel operations.”

Rastogi believes the use of digital tools will continue to grow and benefit both shipowners and shipyards. NETS is also currently involved in the construction of a large gas carrier in South Korea and REFMAN will be used from the start.

the future is digital.


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WManager22 23Issue 2 - 2016


Dry-dock is a narrow basin where inspections, constructions, repairs and maintenance of vessels can be carried out. The basin can be filled with water to move a vessel or drained empty to expose a vessel’s underwater parts. A dry-dock may be a floating dock or a Graving dock.

It is mandatory for every vessel to undergo one intermediate and one complete inspection within every five-year period.

Dry-dock typically takes 10 to 14 days, but this can increase by weeks or even months if a vessel is older or needs extensive repair work. Different types of dry-docking methods are used depending on the required maintenance and repair.

Dry-dock is an expensive project not only due to its size, but also because the vessel is out of commercial service for the duration of the work. Costs are best managed with thorough planning which should be started a year prior to the actual dry-dock. Defect reporting for next docking can commence on completion of docking.

Dry-docking is available at shipyards around the world, prominent areas include China, Japan, Singapore, Middle East, Iberian peninsula and Northern Europe. A large shipyard handles 150-200 dry-dock projects per year.

tore Stang shares his first impression on dry-dock

Looking from the fresh perspective of a trainee’s point of view on dry-docking, Tore Stang, a Wilhelmsen Maritime Trainee, had the opportunity to participate in different dry-docking activities during his rotation with WSM.

For a five-year class renewal docking, I have learned that early planning is crucial to ensure a successful docking. The requirements from owner, class and operator should be addressed as early as possible, to be able to prepare a specification without allowance for expensive surprises during the docking.

By making a detailed specification, you ensure a fair competition between the yards, minimise the budget uncertainty and off-hire. For the owner, this means a high level of cost control, where the work scope can be discussed and changed according to budget and preferences,” Stang said.

Through his observations, he has many good things to say about REFMAN. It is a great tool for any vessel manager and believes that ship owners can see results and control costs if they fully optimise it.


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In 2009, the Ship Recycling Convention (HKC) was adopted in Hong Kong; it’s currently awaiting ratification.

The Convention sets down new rules to make the recycling of ships, in the future, as safe and environmentally friendly as possible.

Meanwhile, the new European Union-Ship Recycling Regulation (EU-SRR) which was enacted in December 2013 will soon be enforced; it will include an approved list of recycling yards where EU-flagged vessels can be recycled. This list is expected by the end of 2016.

All ships larger than 500 tonnes must now keep an inventory of all the hazardous(and potentially hazardous) materials (IHM) on board the vessel. This includes materials

maintaining an inventory of HazarDouS materialS iS not an optionthe value of your ship lies within

like asbestos, polychlorinated biphenyls, tributyltin and chlorofluorocarbon. The list must show the location and approximate quantities of these materials on board.

Regardless of whether the vessel owner plans on recycling the ship, we want all our ships to be as ‘green’ as possible for our crew and cargo. So this IHM process fits in perfectly with our group’s environmental objectives,” says Rakesh Bhargava, GeneralManager of IHM, Green Recycling at WSM.

The preparation process for IHM, he admits, is time consuming and tedious as it means going through lots of documentation and planning for a ship inspection.

Bhargava explains how the process works: Wilhelmsen Ship Management has set up a team of certified Hazmat experts who can spend two to three days on the ship gathering the necessary information and collecting samples which are analysed by approved laboratories. The IHM report is then prepared and submitted to the ship’s Classification Society for review and an onboard survey. Then the ship receives a Statement of Compliance.”

rakesh bhargavaGeneral Manager of Lay-up, IHM, Green Recycling at WSM

Even if the ship owner does not wish to recycle the vessel or the ratification of the HKC is delayed, there is no escape from the IHM list as every ship visiting EU ports must soon have an up-to-date IHM as per the EU-SRR.


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27Issue 2 - 201626 Wmanager

improving SeafarerS’ life WitH internet on boarDoverview of published interview by maritime korea

One of the most requested facilities for crew is onboard internet connectivity. Nothing rejuvenates a tired sailor more than seeing their family over a video call after a hard day at work.

WSM Korea operates one of the world’s largest car carriers, EUKOR Car Carriers, Inc., (EUKOR), equipped with latest maritime satellite communication. This is the third year since Internet was introduced in EUKOR ships and the system has seen a recent upgrade to Global Express (GX).

Onboard Internet connectivity allows all crew to freely use social networks to communicate with their family. At the same time, networking facilities between ships and offices have improved considerably.

crew internet useWhile many other companies do provide Internet to crew, there are limits to access. We are considerably free compared to them,” said Crew & Training Manager, Pyong-Hee, Kim.

Sharing on crew experience, Captain Keun-Seop Woo and Chief Officer Sung-Min Kim revealed that 2GB quota per crew has been allocated for their personal use. Access is not blocked but crew will only use them off duty.

Before the Internet upgrade, the quota was enough for crew who only exchanged text through Kakao Talk. Now that video calls have become popular and social applications like Facebook consume higher data capacity, WSM Korea is already in talks with EUKOR to expand the quota to 5GB.

life changing experienceI heard the birth of my first born while I was on board,” Chief Officer Kim reminisced. “It was a video call over my mobile phone and it changed my life. The welfare of our crew has improved so much through Internet.”

Captain Woo felt that real time communication with family through the Internet keeps us happy and satisfied even working away from home. Internet calls are free and communications expenses have greatly reduced.

internet for safe navigation and management of shipsWith better network, real-time discussions can be held to assess issues and quickly respond to emergency situations. In the event of crisis, the ship can make group contact with the emergency team, onshore engineers, maritime supervisors and other experts on shore side.

In the past, large file transfers were difficult between onshore and offshore. It took a long time as well. Now, photos of accidents and cargo conditions can be transferred immediately and business efficiency can be improved instantaneously,” said Captain Woo.

additional benefits for crewCrew & Training Manager Kim disclosed that maritime remote medical care and education system has been set-up as well.

With these, crew can take better care of their personal health and upgrade their skills through online learning. Even though online learning is not real-time, the training program enables crew to study, take tests and check their results in line with their job.

improvements and needInternet speed in Korea is one of the world’s best but onboard satellite Internet cannot match that for our ships. We definitely aim to improve in future and hope that ship owners can see how much this can benefit them.

The initial installation cost is high but companies who care for the welfare of their crew should put that above the cost,” said HSEQ Manager Dae-Woo Lee.

The benefits in terms of crew happiness, safety and efficiency can in the long run, outweigh the initial investment.

Sung-min kim Chief Officer, WSM Korea

pyong-Hee kimCrew & Training Manager,WSM Korea captain keun-Seop Woo

WSM Korea

Dae-Woo leeHSEQ Manager, WSM Korea

“internet speed onboardKakao Talk can be used in the middle of the Pacific Ocean and web surfing works well too. The speed may be lower in the evenings when crew are mostly resting. Online search and music apps can be used and news portals are accessed without problems,” Captain Woo said.


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28 Wmanager

norWegian StuDentS get to knoW WSm anD malaySia WSm malaysia hosts student delegation from ntnu trondheim in kuala lumpur

40 students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology came to Malaysia as part of their educational field trip.

These students are in their third year of studies and will graduate as marine engineers; contributing to the industry that is the backbone of the Norwegian economy.

On 18 March 2016, WSM prepared a comprehensive program to enable the students to better appreciate our business and its establishment in Asia.

Carl Schou, President of WSM, gave a warm welcome speech. We were also honoured to have the Deputy Head of Mission of the Royal Norwegian Embassy, Constantin Nicolaysen Karamé, to provide insights on the Norwegian business entities and how the Embassy supports these entities in Malaysia.

More in-depth presentations about WSM’s business in Asia, the global manning operations, governance, our values, HR focus and demographics in Asia were shared by Vice President of Region Asia, Paal Gunnulfsen; Vice President of Marine Personnel, Espen Sending; and Vice President of Human Resources, Kenny Lee.

Thereafter, everyone enjoyed a lunch of local and international delights and had a good time learning more about Malaysia and WSM. We wish the students success in their future undertakings as they return home with the good experience received from this visit.

Students from the Norwegian University of Science and Technology. Also in the picture are (from right) kenny lee, Vice President of Human Resources –WSM; Julia christy, Organisational Development Specialist – WSM HR & OD; espen Sending, Vice President of Marine Personnel – WSM; and carl Schou, President of WSM.


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WSm malaySia relocateS reception area anD mailroom kuala lumpur office reception and mailroom moved one floor above

Visit us and send your posts to:Wilhelmsen Ship management malaysia19th Floor, 1 SentralJalan RakyatKuala Lumpur Sentral50470 Kuala LumpurMalaysia

neW WebSite launcH


The Wilhelmsen Group launches a brand new website in the second half of 2016.With completely new architecture and design, the new site will significantly improve online presence and availability for the Wilhelmsen group and our customers.

All companies within Wilhelmsen Maritime Services will be covered. Stay tuned by following us on Facebook.

We will be at SMM Hamburg from 6-9 September 2016. Come and meet us there!

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Wilhelmsen Ship management

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