special forces report.docx

Special Forces Report: Rose shines, questions remain In Charlie Strong’s inaugural campaign as the headman on the Texas sidelines, he faced many disadvantages that come along ith a !"# season that included five losses of $% points or more& 'ost ill remem(er the interceptions, )a"dropping fum(les and offensive line miscues that stood out as ma)or (lunders fueling an inauspicious start to the Strong era& *hat flies under the radar, much li+e ic+ Rose’s s oop of hair hides under his h ite helmet, is the fact that the Texas special teams unit as a lia(ility for the entire $%-. season& Something to remem(er is that the special teams didn’t have a specific coach& /efensive Coordinator 0a nce 1edford ha ndled the duties, hen he asn’t faced ith his primary concern of operating a defense& o one +nos exactly ho much attention this phase of the team received, (ut it didn’t help it didn’t have a coach& 2ccording to 3S4’s effi ciency ratings, Texas ran+ed --$ th  out of -$5 F1S teams ith a "-&6# rating& The 7onghorns ere ninth in the 1ig -$, only finishing ahead of 8ansas& Fran+ly, no aspect of special teams as very good& 9n +ic+"offs, Texas averaged -6&! yards per return, hile its opponents averaged ;%&%#, including a Touchdon from 9+lahoma& Rose (oomed )ust a(out every other +ic+ in that game to the (ac+ of the end <one for a touch(ac+, (ut couldn’t get leg enough into that particular one to even reach the goal line& Rose also +ic+ed several out of  (ounds entirely, automatically pushing the Texas defense on its heels& 'eanhile, no matter ho as (ac+ to return, Roderic+ 1ernard, /u+e Thomas, 2rmanti Foreman, /’onta Foreman, /a)e =ohnson, or some fan earing (urnt orange, rarely did the Texas off ense start past the .%, and often ithin its on $%&

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Special Forces Report: Rose shines, questions remain

In Charlie Strong’s inaugural campaign as the headman on the Texas sidelines, he faced many

disadvantages that come along ith a !"# season that included five losses of $% points or more&

'ost ill remem(er the interceptions, )a"dropping fum(les and offensive line miscues that

stood out as ma)or (lunders fueling an inauspicious start to the Strong era& *hat flies under the

radar, much li+e ic+ Rose’s soop of hair hides under his hite helmet, is the fact that the

Texas special teams unit as a lia(ility for the entire $%-. season&

Something to remem(er is that the special teams didn’t have a specific coach& /efensive

Coordinator 0ance 1edford handled the duties, hen he asn’t faced ith his primary concern

of operating a defense& o one +nos exactly ho much attention this phase of the team

received, (ut it didn’t help it didn’t have a coach&

2ccording to 3S4’s efficiency ratings, Texas ran+ed --$th out of -$5 F1S teams ith a "-&6#

rating& The 7onghorns ere ninth in the 1ig -$, only finishing ahead of 8ansas& Fran+ly, no

aspect of special teams as very good& 9n +ic+"offs, Texas averaged -6&! yards per return,

hile its opponents averaged ;%&%#, including a Touchdon from 9+lahoma& Rose (oomed )ust

a(out every other +ic+ in that game to the (ac+ of the end <one for a touch(ac+, (ut couldn’t get

leg enough into that particular one to even reach the goal line& Rose also +ic+ed several out of

 (ounds entirely, automatically pushing the Texas defense on its heels& 'eanhile, no matter ho

as (ac+ to return, Roderic+ 1ernard, /u+e Thomas, 2rmanti Foreman, /’onta Foreman, /a)e

=ohnson, or some fan earing (urnt orange, rarely did the Texas offense start past the .%, and

often ithin its on $%&

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The punt team asn’t much (etter than its counterpart& *ill Russ and al+"on 'ichael /avidson

did their (est to replace outstanding place +ic+er and punter 2nthony Fera, hile each averaged

close to .$ yards per punt& This isn’t a terri(le num(er, until one thin+s (ac+ and remem(ers

Russ’ line drive punt in 2T>T Stadium that set up a (ig return and ultimately a =erry euheisel

game"inning touchdon pass& 2nd then one remem(ers multiple shan+s, that provide an instant

momentum changer to the opponents offense, and put the defense in a rough spot, often after it

had a fe moments to rest ith the 7onghorn offense at or+& =axon Shipley didn’t return punts

extremely often ?$% returns@, (ut hen he did he averaged a solid 6&; yards"per"return& Auandre

/iggs filled in for Shipley tice, for a net yardage of negative nine& In fact, the last time the

7onghorns received a punt return touchdon, /a)e =ohnson as hammering a nail into the

Sooners coffin in $%-;& Texas fans ere, and are still searching for the days of =ordan Shipley,

Auan Cos(y and Fo<<y *hitta+er, here every return could (e ta+en to pay dirt&

7ou Bro<a 2ard finalist and 2ll"2merican 2nthony Fera left a gaping hole in more than one

ay on the $%-. roster& 3nter ic+ Rose, +non more for his hair than his right leg& Rose as

inconsistent at (est, drilling only -. of his $- field goals attempted, and he missed to extra

 points& *hat as even more frustrating, as that Rose hit from - yards, and had the leg for

a(out -% more& 7eg strength as never the issue, (ut the $%- 7onghorns are going to need a ton

more accuracy&

9h, did I forget to mention one of those misses as a (loc+ed field goal returned for a

touchdon (y 1aylor, to demorali<e a team that had a shot at the lead early Dou get the idea&

The third of the three phases as not good enough in any facet&

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Come on don =eff Traylor, ho as named the ne 7onghorns special teams and tight ends

coach in Fe(ruary& Traylor as +non more for his offenses and inning ays at Bilmer Eigh

School, than he as for his special teams& *hile he has a tall tas+ ahead, one can only imagine

this unit ill improve hen it has more coaching attention, and to add to that, it can’t get much


Special teams are limited in most scrimmages, and especially in the 9range and *hite game on

Saturday, hoever, e did get a glimpse of things to come for the $%- season& There ere no

+ic+"offs in the game, mostly (ecause of in)ury concern, and all punts required the returner to

call for a fair catch& Field goals played out as standard procedure&

2lthough e didn’t see it, one ould surely imagine Rose ill (e +ic+ing off& 1ut, I don’t thin+

anyone outside of the 7onghorns coaching staff +nos ho ill return& The Foreman (rothers,

along ith Thomas sa the most action last season& Eoever, (efore 1ernard ent don he had

seemed to ta+e over the duties& It also depends on ho much of a role certain ide receiver have,

so the coaching staff ouldn’t ant to ris+ them for in)ury& I thin+ this rules out the Foremans,

Thomas and =ohnson (ecause of the other roles they ill have& 'y guess 1ernard and some

com(ination of young receivers ho aren’t on campus yet& 1ernard seemed to have the )o( last

season (efore his in)ury, and hy not see hat one of the +ids can do&

'itchell 1ec+er as rumored to have an edge over 'atthe Sims in spring practices for the

 punting )o(, and it shoed on Saturday& 1ec+er averaged ;5&$ yards on his five punts, hich

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doesn’t (lo the screen aay& 1ut, he did have one for .6, and another that travelled .- yards,

hile pinning the offense inside the $% yard line tice& Eis other (oots, left some yards to (e

desired& Sims only had one punt, late in the scrimmage for ;. yards& It appears this is 1ec+er’s

 )o( heading into the fall& *e ill all have to ait and see, (ut there ere a fe positive signs&

/a)e =ohnson got the call to return punts, something he excelled at in $%-;& *hile he never

returned any, he had a /a)e’ type moment, (ouncing a (all off his chest as he attempted a fair

catch& It as no harm in Saturday’s scrimmage, (ut in the fall, the play ould’ve resulted in an

opponents touchdon& That muff as all Strong needed to see to yan+ =ohnson for =acorey

*arric+, ho caught punts the remainder of the afternoon&

 ate 1oyer’s exit story has circled through multiple media outlets as he attempts to ma+e the

 F7& *hat hasn’t, is the hole he leaves (ehind& =unior 8yle 2sh(y has the )o( no, and loo+ed

 )ust fine in the ne deep snapper role& 2lthough he did have one high snap that Trey Eolt< had to

restle don on a field goal attempt& Eolt< ill ta+e over for =axon Shipley, and is the first non"

receiver holder since (efore Cade 'cCreary&

I emphasi<e again that leg strength is not an issue for Rose& In arm ups, on a tee Rose san+ a

line"drive +ic+ from close to #% yards& In the game, he loo+ed a ton more comforta(le and

confident than he did one season ago& Rose hit four of his five attempts, including one from $

and another from .6& early every field goal as good from at least eight more yards& Rose’s

only miss had plenty of leg in it& Gnfortunately, he clan+ed it directly off the right upright and it

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fell short& =ordan made his only attempt from ;! yard, (ut it’s clear he doesn’t have the leg Rose

does, and isn’t this teams +ic+er in $%-&

1esides Rose’s consistency, a ne holder and snapper, (loc+ing ill (e a thing to atch& The

offensive line’s struggles are ell documented, and that has the potential to carry into the special

teams unit& 2t one point, four line(ac+ers ere (ac+ to (loc+ on a punt, and 2lex /e 7a Torre

and 2ndre 1ec+ ill have to seal the edges on the field goal team&

7i+e the theme of the day, it’s time for cautious optimism& This special teams unit ill sho us

much more during the season, and ill (e remem(ered for its (lunders over its success’s& 2ll

Strong needs in his second year, is for the HSpecial Forces not to significantly hurt his chances

at o(taining victories&