special penal laws and elements

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  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    P"ili!!ine %ig"&a)' any road, street, passage, !ig!way andbridges or ot!er parts t!ereof, or railway or railroad wit!in t!e"!ilippines used by persons, or ve!icles or locootives or trainsfor t!e oveent or circulation of persons or transportation of goods, articles, or property or bot!

    Pirac)' Any attac! upon or seiure of any vessel, or t!etaking away of t!e w!ole or part t!ereof or its cargo,

    euipent, or t!e personal belongings of its copleent orpassengers, irrespective of t!e value t!ereof, by eans of violence against or intiidation of persons or force upon t!ings,coitted by any person, including a passenger or eber of t!e copleent of said vessel, in "!ilippine waters.

    %ig"&a) *obber)34rigandage' t!e seiure of any personfor ranso, e+tortion or ot!er unlawful purposes, or t!e takingaway of t!e property of anot!er by eans of violence against orintiidation of person or force upon t!ings of ot!er unlawfuleans, coitted by any person on any "!ilippine *ig!way.

    W"o 5a) 4e Liable  "iracy


    *ig!way ;obbery$Brigandage

    "irates < any person, includingpassenger, or eber of t!ecopleent of vessel, in"!ilippine watersAny person on any "!ilippine*ig!way

    Acco#!lice 0Sec- 6Any person w!o:1. =nowingly aids or protects

    pirates or !ig!wayrobbers$brigands, suc! asgiving t!e inforationabout t!e oveent of police or ot!er peaceo(cers of t!e governent.

    &. Acuires or receivesproperty taken by suc!pirates or brigands or inany anner derives anybene-t t!erefro, or

    ). /irectly or indirectly abetst!e coission of piracy or

    !ig!way robbery orbrigandage.

    %o& Co##itted  Pirac)



    Attack upon or seiure of anyvessel, or t!e taking away of t!e w!ole or part t!ereof or itscargo, euipent, or t!e

    personal belongings of itscopleent or passengers,irrespective of t!e valuet!ereof, by eans of violenceagainst or intiidation of persons or force upon t!ings,coitted by any person,including a passenger oreber of t!e copleent of said vessel, in "!ilippinewaters.

    4eiure of any person forranso, e+tortion or ot!erlawful purposes, or t!e takingaway of t!e property of anot!er by eans of violenceagainst or intiidation of person or force upon t!ings orot!er unlawful eans.

    Ele#ents • 4eiure of any person

    for ranso, e+tortion or

    ot!er unlawfulpurposes,

    • or t!e taking away of 

    t!e property of anot!erby eans of violenceagainst or intiidationof person or force upont!ings or ot!er unlawfuleans,

    • coitted by any

    person on any"!ilippine *ig!way

    •  !e robbery ust be

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    directed not onlyagainst speci-c,intended orpreconceived victis,but against any and allprospective victis.>"pl. ?. /aniel @erbito; 1&693

    4- Acts Punis"able and t"eir Penalties 0Sec- ,Acts Punis"able Penalties"iracy Reclusion temporal in its

    medium and maximum periods

    "iracy wit! p!ysical in'uries orot!er cries

    Reclusion perpetua

    "iracy wit! rape, urder or!oicide

    "iracy and ot!er o#enders:1. Abandoned t!e victis

    wit!out eans of savingt!eselves% or

    &. 4eied t!e vessel by-ring upon ;boarding it

    2andatory penalty of deat!>now reclusion perpetualife iprisonent

    %ig"&a) robber)34rigandage

    Reclusion temporaliniu period

    *ig!way ;obbery$ Brigandage

    wit! p!ysical in'uries or ot!ercries

    Reclusion temporal- ediu

    and a+iu periods

    *ig!way ;obbery$ Brigandagewit! kidnapping for ranso ore+tortion, or urder or!oicide, or rape

    /eat! penalty >nowreclusion perpetua or lifeiprisonent

    Presu#!tionAny person w!o does any of t!e acts provided !erein !asperfored t!e knowingly, unless t!e contrary is proven

    Anti(%i7acing La&An Act Pro"ibiting Certain Acts Ini#ical to Ciil

    Aiation: and or ot"er !ur!oses*e!ublic Act ;2,+

    Approved: 19 June 1931

    @ries against Cational 4ecurity

    W"o 5a)be Liable Any person

    %o& Co##itted 1. @opel a c!ange in t!ecourse or destination of an aircraft of "!ilippineregistry

    &. 4eie or usurp t!econtrol t!ereof, w!ile itis in 5ig!t

    ). @opel an aircraft of foreign registry to landin "!ilippine territory% or

    . 4eie or usurp t!econtrol t!ereof w!ile itis wit!in t!e saidterritory

    t s!all be unlawful for anyperson to coit any of t!eacts entioned in no.1 under

    any of t!e followingcircustances >4ec. &1. D!enever !e !as -red

    upon t!e pilot, eberof t!e crew orpassenger of t!eaircraft%

    &. D!enever !e !ase+ploded or atteptedto e+plode any bob ore+plosive to destroy t!eaircraft

    ). D!enever t!e crie is

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    accopanied byurder, !oicide,serious p!ysical in'uriesor rape.

    t s!all be unlawful for anyperson, natural or 'uridical, tos!ip, load or carry in any

    passenger aircraft operating asa public utility wit!in t!e"!ilippines, and e+plosive,5aable, corrosive orpoisonous substance oraterial >4ec. )

    Aircraft copanies w!ic!

    operate as public utilities or

    operators of aircraft w!ic! are

    for !ire are aut!oried to open

    and investigate suspicious

    packages and cargoes in t!e

    presence of t!e owner or

    s!ipper, or !is aut!oried

    representatives if present% in

    order to !elp t!e aut!orities in

    t!e enforceent of t!e

    provisions of t!is Act:

    Provided, !at if t!e owner,

    s!ipper or !is representative

    refuses to !ave t!e sae

    opened and inspected, t!e

    airline or air carrier is

    aut!oried to refuse t!e

    loading t!ereof. >4ec. 8

    %u#an Securit) Act o 2under !ow coitted punis!able by t!e ;"@

    and ot!er special laws




    & or orepersonscoe to anagreeentconcerningt!ecoission

    of t!e crieof terrorisand decideto coitt!e sae



    Any personw!o notbeing aprincipal oraconspirator,cooperatesin t!ee+ecution of eit!er t!ecrie of  terroris orconspiracyto coitterroris byprevious orsiultaneous acts.

    13yrs, os,1 dayto&E yrsiprisonent

    Acces Any person 1E yrs

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements



    w!o !avingknowledgeof t!ecoissionof t!e crieof terrorisorconspiracy

    to coitterroris,and wit!out!avingparticipatedt!erein,takes partsubseuentto itscoissionin any of  


    a. "ro-ting!iself orassistingt!eo#endertopro-tbyt!ee#ects of  t!ecrie%

    b. @oncealin

    g or

    and 1day to1&yearsiprisonent

    destroyingt!ebodyof t!ecrie or

    t!ee#ects orinstruentst!ereof inordertoprev


    c. *arboring,concealing orassistingint!eescape of t!eprincipalorconspirat


  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    E>ce!tion0Notliable' !ose w!oare suc!wit! respectto t!eir:

    a. 4pouses

    b. Ascendants

    c. /escendants

    d. Gegitiate,

    naturalandadoptedbrot!ersandsisters, or

    e. ;elativesbya(nitywit!in t!esaedegrees

    E>ce!tionto t"e


    0Liable'Accessoriesfallingwit!in t!eprovisionsof subparagrap! >a

    Note'Articles 18and 19 of  t!e ;"@ onaccoplicesandaccessoriesdo Capply sincet!e penalty

    of noenclature in t!e Actis not t!esae ast!at of t!e;"@.


    Hnder ;"@:1. "iracy in general and 2utiny in t!e !ig! seas

    or in "!ilippine waters. >Art. 1&&&. ;ebellion or insurrection >art. 1)). @oup dI etat including acts coitted by

    private persons >Art. 1)7a. 2urder >Art. &8. =idnapping and 4erious llegal /etention >Art.

    &636. @rie involving destruction >Art. )&

    Hnder 4pecial Gaws:1. Gaw on Arson >"./. 161)&. o+ic substances and *aardous Cuclear

    Daste @ontrol Act of 199E >;.A. 6969). Atoic nergy ;egulatory and Giability Act of 

    1968 >;.A. &E3

    . Anti7*i'acking Gaw >;.A. 6&)

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    . Anti7"iracy and Anti7*ig!way ;obbery Gaw of 193 >"./. )&

    6. /ecree @odifying t!e Gaws on llegal andHnlawful "ossession, 2anufacture, /ealing in,Acuisition or /isposition of Firears,Aunitions or +plosives >"./. 1866


    1. !e act coitted sows and creates acondition of widespread and e+traordinary fear

    and panic aong t!e populace, and&. Act was coitted in order to coerce t!e

    governent to give in to an unlawful deand.

    Note' Bene-t of parole under t!e ndeterinate 4entence Gaw>Act 1E) in C applicable to persons convicted under t!isAct.

    4urveillance of 4uspects and nterception and ;ecording of @ounication >4ec.3?eneral *ule' Cotwit!standing ;A &EE >Anti7Dire apping

    Gaw, a police or law enforceent o(cial and ebers of !istea ay upon written order of t!e @A, listen to, intercept andrecord any counication between ebers of a 'udiciallydeclared and outlawed terrorist organiation or group of personsor any person c!arged wit! or suspected of t!e crie of terroris or conspiracy to coit terroris.

    E>ce!tion' @ounications between:1. Gawyers and clients&. /octors and patients). Journalists and t!eir sources. @on-dential business correspondence

    *e@uisites or or#al A!!lication or BudicialAut"orization to Interce!t and *ecord Co##unication'0Sec-8

    1. !ere ust be an ex parte application by t!e police of law enforceent o(cial.

    &. !e applicant ust !ave been duly aut!oried in writingby t!e Anti7erroris @ouncil, and

    ). +aination under oat! or a(ration of t!e applicantand t!e witnesses !e ay produce to establis! t!at

    a. !ere is probable cause to believe based on

    personal knowledge of facts t!at t!e said crie of 

    terroris or conspiracy to coit terroris !asbeen coitted, is being coitted or is about tobe coitted.

    b. !ere is probable cause to believe based onpersonal knowledge of facts t!at evidence w!ic! isessential to t!e conviction of any c!arged orsuspected person, will be obtained, and

    c. !ere is C ot!er e#ective eans for acuiring

    suc! evidence.

    Classi.ed Inor#ation 0Sec- 91. Dritten order granted by t!e aut!oriing division of t!e

    @A&. rder by t!e @A to e+tend or renew order). riginal application of t!e applicant. Application to e+tend or renew order. Dritten aut!oriations of t!e Anti7erroris council and6. 4ealed envelope or package deposited wit! t!e

    aut!oriing division of t!e @A >4ec. 1)

    Proided' "erson under surveillance or w!osecounications !ave been onitored, listened to, buggedor recorded !as t!e rig!t to be infored of t!e acts done byt!e law enforceent aut!orities and to c!allenge t!e legalityof t!e interference before t!e @A w!ic! issued t!e order.

    E$ectiit) 0Sec- 1

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    -led by t!e one ne+t in rank to t!e original applicant aongt!e ebers of !is tea.

     !e applicant s!all !ave )E days after t!e terination of t!eperiod granted by t!e @A wit!in w!ic! to -le t!e appropriatecase before t!e "ublic "rosecutorIs (ce.

    f no case is -led wit!in t!e )E7day period, t!e applicant

    s!all iediately notify t!e person sub'ect of t!esurveillance of t!e terination of suc! surveillance orrecording.

    Custod) o Interce!ted and *ecorded Inor#ation 0Sec-11All tapes, discs and recordings ade pursuant to t!eaut!oriation of t!e @A, >including e+cerpts, suaries andwritten notes ade in connection t!erewit! s!all be depositedin a sealed envelope or package accopanied by a 'ointa(davit of t!e applicant7police o(cer or law enforceent

    o(cials and t!e ebers of !is tea, wit! t!e aut!oriing @Adivision wit!in 8 !ours after t!e e+piration of t!e order.

    t is unlawful for any person, police o(cer, or any custodian of t!e tapes, discs and recording, and t!eir e+cerpts andsuaries, written note or eoranda to copy w!atever for,to reove, delete, e+punge, incinerate, s!red or destroy in anyanner t!e ites enuerated above in w!ole or in part underany prete+t w!atsoever.

    Dis!osition o De!osited 5aterials 0Sec- 1, !e sealed envelope or package and t!e contents t!ereof s!all

    be deeed classi-ed inforation and t!e sae s!all not beopened and its contents s!all not be divulged or used asevidence unless aut!oried by written order of t!e aut!oriing@A division.

    /"e said &ritten order s"all be granted u!on'1- A written application of /J -led before t!e aut!oriing

    division of @A.2- A s!owing t!at t!e /J !as been duly aut!oried in

    writing by t!e Anti7erroris @ouncil to -le suc!application% and

    ,- "roper notice to t!e person w!ose counication !asbeen sub'ected to surveillance t!at t!e sealed envelopeor package s!all be opened.

    /"e &ritten a!!lication s"all clearl) state t"e !ur!ose orreason' 0Sec- 16

    1. For opening t!e sealed envelope&. For revealing or disclosing its classi-ed contents

    ). For replaying, divulging, and or reading any of t!elistened to, intercepted, and recorded counications,etc% and

    . For using any of t!e said listened to, intercepted andrecorded counications as evidence.

    Eidentiar) alue o De!osited 5aterials 0Sec- 1+Any listened to intercepted and recorded counications, orany inforation or fact contained t!erein, including t!eire+istence, content, substance, purport, e#ect, or eaning w!ic!!ave been secured in violation of t!e pertinent provisions of t!is

    Act, s!all be absolutely NO/ adissible and usable as evidenceagainst anybody in any 'udicial, uasi7'udicial, legislative, oradinistrative investigation, inuiry, proceeding, or !earing

    Proscri!tion or /errorist Organizations: Associations or?rou! or Persons 0Sec- 1=Hpon application by /J before a copetent ;@ wit! duenotice and opportunity to be !eard given to t!e said group, said;@ s!all declare t!e following organiation, association orgroup of persons as a terrorist and outlawed organiation,association or group of persons:

    1. rganied for t!e purpose of engaging in terroris or&. alt!oug! not organied for t!at purpose, actually uses

    t!e acts to terrorie entioned in t!is Act or to sow andcreate a condition of widespread and e+traordinary fearand panic aong t!e populace in order to coerce t!egovernent to give in to an unlawful deand

    Cote: An association of terrorist is not an illegal associationde-ned under t!e ;"@.

    Illegal Associations 0*PC: Art- 16=

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    Associations totally or partially organied for t!e purpose of coitting any of t!e cries punis!able under t!is @ode orsoe purpose contrary to public orals.

    Period o Detention &it"out Budicial Warrant o Arrest?eneral *ule' Cotwit!standing Art. 1& of ;"@, any police orlaw enforceent personnel w!o !as taken custody of a personc!arged or suspected of t!e crie of terroris or conspiracy to

    coit terroris s!all deliver said c!arged person to t!e proper 'udicial aut!ority wit!in ) days counted fro t!e oent of arrest.

    Cote: Anti7terroris law aended Art. 1& of t!e ;"@ insofar asterroris and conspiracy to coit terroris are concerned.

    Dela) in t"e delier) o detained !ersons to t"e !ro!er 7udicial aut"orities 0*PC: Art- 12+ !e penalties provided in t!e ne+t preceding article s!all beiposed upon t!e public o(cer or eployee w!o s!all detain

    any person for soe legal ground and s!all fail to deliver suc!person to t!e proper 'udicial aut!orities wit!in t!e period of 1&!ours for cries or o#enses punis!able by lig!t penalties, ort!eir euivalent% 18 !ours for cries or o#enses punis!able bycorrectional penalties, or t!eir euivalent and )6 !ours forcries, or o#enses punis!able by aKictive or capital penalties,or t!eir euivalent.

    E>ce!tion 0Sec- 19' n t!e event of actual or iinentterrorist attack, suspects ay be detained for ore t!an ) daysupon written approval of

    1. 2unicipal, city, provincial or regional o(cial of *uan

    ;ig!ts @oission2-  Judge of 2@, ;@ or 4andiganbayan or,-  Justice of @A nearest t!e place of arrest

     !e written approval ust be procured wit!in daysafter t!e date of detention% ";?// t!at wit!in ) daysafter detention, suspects w!ose connection wit! t!eterror attac! or t!reat is not establis!ed s!all be releasediediately.

    f t!e arrest is ade during 4aturdays, 4undays, *olidays

    or after o(ce !ours, t!e police or law enforceentpersonnel s!all bring t!e arrested person to t!e

    residence of any of t!e o(cials entioned above t!at isnearest t!e place w!ere t!e accused was arrested.

    S!ecial Cases 0Sec- 18D!ere t!e arrest resulted fro:

    1. surveillance or interception of counication% or2- e+aination of bank deposits

    Before detaining t!e person suspected of t!e crie of terrorisor conspiracy to coit terroris, t!e arresting o(cer s!allpresent !i$!er before any 'udge at t!e latterIs residence oro(ce nearest t!e place w!ere t!e arrest took place at any tieof t!e day or nig!t.

    /uties of t!e Judge:a. Ascertain t!e identity of t!e police or law enforceent

    personnel and t!e person arrested%b- nuire on t!e reason for t!e arrest%c- /eterine by uestioning and personal observation

    w!et!er or not t!e person arrested !as been sub'ected toany p!ysical, oral or psyc!ological torture, by w!oand w!y% and

    d- 4ubit a written report of !is$!er observations wit!in )calendar days fro t!e tie t!e suspect was broug!tbefore !il

    ailure to Delier Sus!ect to Pro!er Budicial Aut"orit)0Sec- 2

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    2- ;ig!t to reain silent.). ;ig!t to !ave copetent and independent counsel

    preferably of !is c!oice

    Note' f t!e person cannot a#ord t!e services of counsel of !is c!oice, t!e police or law enforceent o(cers concerneds!all iediately contact t!e free legal assistance unit of t!e B" or "A. !ese rig!ts cannot be waived e+cept in

    writing and in t!e presence of t!e counsel of c!oice.

    . ;ig!t to be infored of t!e cause of !is detention in t!epresence of !is legal counsel%

    . Allowed to counicate freely wit! !is counsel%6. Allowed to counicate freely and privately wit! t!e

    ebers of !is faily or wit! !is nearest relatives and tobe visited by t!e% and

    3. Allowed freely to avail of t!e service of a p!ysician of c!oice.

    *estriction on /rael 0Sec- 2;


    1. vidence of guilt is not strong&. "erson c!arged wit! t!e crie of terroris or conspiracy

    to coit terroris is entitled to bail and is granted t!esae, and

    ). Application by prosecutor to t!e court to liit t!e rig!t totravel of t!e accused.

    Li#itation to t"e *ig"t o /rael o t"e Accused1- Dit!in t!e unicipality or city w!ere !e resides or w!ere

    t!e case is pending < travel outside of said unicipality

    or city wit!out t!e aut!oriation of t!e court, s!all bedeeed a violation of t!e ters and conditions of !is bailw!ic! s!all be t!en forfeited as provided under t!e ;ulesof @ourt

    2- *ouse arrest at t!e usual place of residence of t!eaccused < accused ay not use telep!ones, cellp!ones,e7ails, coputers, t!e internet or ot!er eans of counications wit! people outside t!e residence untilot!erwise ordered by t!e court.

    5odes o /er#ination o *estrictions'

    1. Acuittal of t!e accused&. /isissal of t!e case -led against t!e accused

    ). /iscretion of t!e court on otion of t!e prosecutor or of t!e accused.

    E>a#ination o 4an De!osits: Accounts and *ecords0Sec- 2=Cotwit!standing ;A 1E >Bank 4ecrecy Gaw as aended, t!e 'ustices of @A designated to !andle anti7terroris cases ayissue 'udicial aut!oriation to e+aine bank deposits, accounts

    and records after satisfying t!eselves of t!e e+istence of probable cause in a !earing called for t!at purpose t!at:

    1. "erson c!arged wit! or suspected of t!e crie of terroris or, conspiracy to coit terroris

    &. A 'udicially declared and outlawed terrorist organiation,association, or group of persons, and

    ). A eber of suc! 'udicially declared and outlawedorganiation, association, or group of persons.

    t aut!ories in writing any police or law enforceent o(cer andt!e ebers of !is$!er tea duly aut!oried in writing by t!e

    anti7terroris council to:

    1. +aine or cause t!e e+aination of deposits,placeents, trust accounts, assets and records in a bankor -nancial institution and

    &. at!er or cause t!e gat!ering of any relevant inforationabout suc! deposits, placeents, trust accounts, assetsand records fro a bank or -nancial institution.

    Cote: Bank or Financial institution concerned s!all C refuse toallow suc! e+aination or to provide t!e desired inforation,w!en so ordered by and served wit! t!e written order of t!e

    @ourt of Appeals.

    *e@uisites or A!!lication to E>a#ine 4an De!osits0Sec- 28

    1- Ex parte application to t!e @A by t!e police or lawenforceent o(cial.

    2-  !e police of law enforceent o(cial ust be dulyaut!oried in writing by t!e Anti7erroris @ouncil to -lesuc! application% and

    ,- +aination under oat! or a(ration of t!e applicantand t!e witnesses !e ay produce to establis! t!e facts

    t!at will 'ustify t!e need and urgency of e+aining and

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    freeing t!e bank deposits, placeents, trust accounts,assets and records.

    E$ectiit) i Budicial Aut"orization 0Sec- ,

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    person and$or entity in

    connection wit! any

    governent contract or pro'ect

    or by reason of t!e o(ce or

    position of t!e public o(cer%

    >c by t!e illegal or fraudulent

    conveyance or disposition of assets belonging to t!e

    Cational overnent or any of 

    its subdivisions, agencies or

    instruentalities of  

    overnent owned or

    controlled corporations or t!eir


    >d by obtaining, receiving or

    accepting directly or indirectlyany s!ares of stock, euity or

    any ot!er for of interest or

    participation including t!e

    proise of future eployent

    in any business enterprise or


    >e by establis!ing agricultural,

    industrial or coercial

    onopolies or ot!ercobinations and$or

    ipleentation of decrees and

    orders intended to bene-t

    particular persons or special

    interests% or

    >f by taking advantage of 

    o(cial position, aut!ority,

    relations!ip, connection or

    in5uence to un'ustly enric!

    !iself or t!eselves at t!e

    e+pense and to t!e daage

    and pre'udice of t!e Filipino

    people and t!e ;epublic of t!e

    "!ilippines% and,

    ). !at t!e aggregate aount

    or total value of t!e ill7gottenwealt! aassed, accuulated

    or acuired is at least


    LCote: !e t!res!old aount isoriginally "3 2illion under ;A3E8E. !is was aended by ;A369 >199), w!ic! is an actiposing t!e deat! penalty oncertain !einous cries

    including plunder, decreasingt!e t!res!old aount to "E2illion.

    De.nition o /er#s 0Sec- 1

    t!er legitiately acuired propertyAny real or personal property, oney or securities w!ic! t!erespondent !as at any tie acuired by in!eritance and incoet!ereof, or by gift inter vivos before becoing a public o(cer oreployee, or any property >or incoe t!ereof already

    pertaining to !i w!en !e uali-ed for public o(ce oreployent, or t!e fruits and incoe of t!e e+clusive propertyof t!e respondentIs spouse. t s!all not include:

    1. "roperty unlawfully acuired by t!e respondent, but itsowners!ip is concealed by its being recorded in t!e naeof, or !eld by, t!e respondentIs spouse, ascendants,descendants, relatives of any ot!er person%

    &. "roperty unlawfully acuired by t!e respondent, buttransferred by !i to anot!er person$s on or before t!ee#ectivity of t!is Act% and

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    ). "roperty donated to t!e respondent during !isincubency, unless !e can prove to t!e satisfaction of t!e court t!at t!e donation is lawful.

    iling o Petition 0Sec- 2

    1. @oplaint is -led by any ta+payer to t!e city or provincial-scal.

    &. !e -scal s!all conduct a previous inuiry siilar topreliinary investigations in criinal cases and s!allcertify to t!e 4olicitor eneral t!at t!ere is reasonableground to believe t!at t!ere !as been coitted aviolation of t!is Act and t!e respondent is probably guiltyt!ereof.

    ). !e 4olicitor eneral s!all -le, in t!e nae and on be!alf of t!e ;epublic of t!e "!ilippines in t!e ;@ of t!e city orprovince w!ere said public o(cer or eployee resides or!olds o(ce, a petition for a writ coanding said o(ceror eployee to s!ow cause w!y t!e property aforesaid,

    or any part t!ereof, s!ould not be declared property of t!e 4tate.Note' No suc" !etition s"all be .led'

    1. Dit!in one year before any general election or&. Dit!in t!ree ont!s before any special election.

     !e property s!all be presued  prima facie to !ave beenunlawfully acuired w!enever any public o(cer or eployee!as acuired during !is incubency an aount of propertyw!ic! is anifestly out of proportion to !is salary as suc! publico(cer or eployee and to !is ot!er lawful incoe and t!eincoe fro legitiately acuired property.

     !e resignation, disissal or separation of t!e o(cer oreployee fro !is o(ce or eployent in t!eovernent or in t!e overnent7owned or controlledcorporation s!all not be a bar to t!e -ling of t!e petition.

    "rescription: ;ig!t to -le petition s!all prescribe after years fro t!e date of t!e resignation, disissal, orseparation or e+piration of t!e ter of t!e o(cer oreployee concerned.

    E$ect o ailure o *es!ondent to S"o& t"at "e "asLa&ull) Ac@uired t"e Sub7ect Pro!ert) 0Sec- ;

    @ourt s!all declare t!e property forfeited in favor of t!e 4tate,by virtue of suc! 'udgent t!e property aforesaid s!all becoeproperty of t!e 4tate.

    Cote: Co 'udgent s!all be rendered:1. Dit!in 6 ont!s before any special election or&. Dit!in ) ont!s before any special election.

    n addition, @ourt ay refer t!e case to t!e corresponding+ecutive /epartent for adinistrative or criinal action, orbot!.

    Anti(/orture Act o 2ecution of t!e act of tortureor ot!er cruel, in!uan anddegrading treatent orpunis!ent by previous orsiultaneous acts%

    Any su!erior #ilitar): !oliceor la& enorce#ent oceror senior governent o(cialw!o issued an order to anylower ranking personnel tocoit torture for w!ateverpurpose%

    I##ediate Co##andingOcer o t"e unitconcerned of t!e AF" or t!ei##ediate senior !ublic

    ocial o t"e PNP and ot!er

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    law enforceent agencies, forany act or oission, ornegligence coitted by!i$!er t!at s!all !ave led,assisted, abetted or allowed,w!et!er directly or indirectly,t!e coission t!ereof by!is$!er subordinates % and

    I##ediate co##andingocer w!o !as knowledge of or, owing to t!e circustancesat t!e tie, s!ould !aveknown t!at acts of torture orot!er cruel, in!uan anddegrading treatent orpunis!ent s!all becoitted, or !as beencoitted by !is$!er

    subordinates or by ot!erswit!in !is$!er area of  responsibility and, despitesuc! knowledge, did not takepreventive or corrective actioneit!er before or during oriediately after itscoission, w!en s$!e !ast!e aut!ority to prevent orinvestigate allegations of torture or ot!er cruel,in!uan, degrading treatent

    of punis!ent but failed toprevent or investigateallegations of suc! act,w!et!er deliberately or due tonegligence.

    Accessor) if s$!e !asknowledge t!at torture orot!er cruel, in!uan, anddegrading treatent orpunis!ent is being

    coitted and wit!out !avingparticipated t!erein, eit!er as

    principal of accoplice, takespart subseuent to itscoission in any of t!efollowing anner:

    a. By t!eselves!ro.ting ro# orassisting t!e o#ender

    to pro-t fro t!e e#ectsof t!e act of torture orot!er cruel, in!uanand degradingtreatent orpunis!ent

    b. By concealing t!e actof torture or ot!er cruelin!uan and degradingtreatent orpunis!ent and$or

    destro)ing t!e e#ectsor instruents t!ereof in order to !reent itsdiscoer)% or

    c. By "arboring:concealing orassisting in t"eesca!e of t!eprincipal$s in t!e act of torture or ot!er cruel,in!uan and degradingtreatent or

    punis!ent% provided,t!at t!e accessory actsare done wit! t!e abuseof t!e o(cialIs publicfunction

    %o& Co##itted Acts o /orture w!ic! s!allinclude, but not liited to t!e#:

    1. P")sical torture for of 

    treatent or punis!ent

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    in5icted by a person inaut!ority or agent of a personin aut!ority upon anot!er in!is$!er custody t!at causessevere pain, e+!austion,disability or dysfunction of oneor ore parts of t!e body,suc! as:

    a. 4ysteatic beating,!ead banging,punc!ing, kicking,striking wit! trunc!eonor ri5e butt or ot!ersiilar ob'ects, and 'uping on t!estoac!%

    b. Food deprivation orforcible feeding wit!

    spoiled food, anial or!uan e+creta andot!er stu# orsubstances not norallyeaten%

    c. lectric s!ockd. @igarette burning%

    burning by electrically!eated rods, !ot oil,acid% by rubbing of pepper or ot!erc!eical substances on

    ucous ebranes, oracids or spices directlyon t!e wounds

    e. 4ubersion of t!e !eadin water or waterpolluted wit!e+creent, urine,voit, and$or blooduntil t!e brink of  su#ocation

    f. Being tied or forced to

    assue -+ed andstressful bodily position

    g. ;ape and se+ual abuse,including t!e insertionof foreign ob'ects intot!e se+ organ or rectuor electrical torture of t!e genitals

    !. 2utilation oraputation of t!e

    essential parts of t!ebody suc! as t!egenitalia, ear, tongue,etc.

    i. /ental torture or t!eforced e+traction of t!eteet!

     '. "ulling out of -ngernailsk. *arful e+posure to t!e

    eleents suc! assunlig!t and e+tree

    coldl. !e use of plastic bagand ot!er aterialsplaced over t!e !ead tot!e point of  asp!y+iation

    . Hse of psyc!oactivedrugs to c!ange t!eperception, eory,alertness, or will of aperson, suc! as:

    a. !e

    adinistration of drugs to induceconfession and$orreduce entalcopetency or

    b. !e use of drugsto inducee+tree pain orcertainsyptos of adisease

    n. t!er analogous acts of p!ysical torture

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    2- 2ental or "syc!ological orture 7 acts coitted by aperson in aut!ority or agent of a person in aut!ority w!ic! arecalculated to a#ect or confuset!e ind and$or underine apersonIs dignity and orale,

    suc! asa. Blindfoldingb. !reatening a person$s

    or !is$!er relative$swit! bodily !ar ,e+ecution or ot!erwrongful acts

    c.@on-neent in solitarycells or secretdetention places

    d."rolonged interrogation

    e."reparing a prisoner fora s!ow trial, publicdisplay or public!uiliation of adetainee or prisoner

    f. @ausing unsc!eduledtransfer of a persondeprived of libertyfro one place toanot!er creating t!ebelief t!at s$!e s!allbe suarily

    e+ecutedg.2altreating eber$s

    of personIs faily!.@ausing t!e torture

    sessions to bewitnessed by t!epersonIs faily,relatives or any t!irdparty

    i. /enial of sleep$rest '. 4!ae in5iction suc! as

    stripping t!e personnaked, parading

    !i$!er in publicplaces, s!aving t!evictiIs !ead orputting arks on!is$!er body against!is$!er will

    k./eliberately pro!ibitingt!e victi to

    counicate wit! anyeber of !is$!erfaily and

    l. t!er analogous actsof ental$psyc!ologicaltorture

    leents !e victi is sub'ected totorture or ot!er cruel, in!uanand degrading treatent orpunis!ent as de-ned in 4ecs.

    ) and .

    Any person w!o !as su#ered!ar as a result of any act$s of torture or ot!er cruel, in!uanand degrading treatent orpunis!ent.

    "!ysical torture is in5icted bya person in aut!ority or !isagent upon anot!er person in!is$!er custody t!at causes

    severe pain, e+!austion,disability or dysfunction of oneor ore parts of t!e body.

     !e one coitting ental orpsyc!ological torture is aperson in aut!ority or !isagent

    A!!licabilit) 0Sec- ; orture and ot!er cruel, in!uan and degrading treatent or

    punis!ent as cri#inal acts s!all apply to all circustances.

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    State o War nor t"reat o &ar not a deense'4tate of war or t!reat or war, internal political instability, or anyot!er public eergency, or a docuent or any deterinationcoprising an order of battle s!all C and can never beinvoked as a 'usti-cation for torture and ot!er cruel, in!uanand degrading treatent or punis!ent

    Pro"ibited Detention 0Sec- =4ecret detention places, solitary con-neent, incommunicado,or ot!er siilar fors of detention, w!ere torture ay becarried out wit! ipunity are !ereby pro!ibited. n w!ic! case,t!e "!il Cational "olice, t!e AF" and ot!er law enforceentagencies concerned s!all ake an updated list of all detentioncenters and facilities under t!eir respective 'urisdictions wit! t!ecorresponding data on t!e prisoners or detainees incarceratedor detained t!erein suc! as aong ot!ers, naes, dates of arrests and incarcerations and t!e cries or o#ensescoitted.

    NO/E' Gist of detainees and detention facilities s!all beavailable to t!e public at all ties and subitted to t!e@oission on *uan ;ig!ts wit!in days of every ont! att!e iniu

    Non(A!!licabilit) o E>clusionar) *ule 0Sec- 8Any confession, adission or stateent obtained as a result of torture s!all be inadissible in evidence in any proceedings.E>ce!t i t"e sa#e is used as eidence against a !ersonor !ersons accused o co##itting torture-

    /orture as a Se!arate and Inde!endent Cri#e 0Sec- 1+ orture as a crie s"all NO/ absorb or s"all NO/ beabsorbed by any ot!er crie or felony coitted as aconseuence, or as a eans in t!e conduct or coissiont!ereof. n w!ic! case, torture s!all be treated as a separateand independent criinal act w!ose penalties s!all beiposable wit!out pre'udice to any ot!er criinal liabilityprovided for by doestic and international laws.

    E>clusion ro# t"e Coerage o S!ecial A#nest) La&0Sec- 1;

    "ersons w!o !ave coitted any act of torture s"all notbene.t fro any s!ecial a#nest) la& or siilar easures

    t!at will !ave t!e e#ect of e+epting t!e fro any criinalproceedings and sanctions. !is is in order not to depreciatet!e crie of torture.

    A!!licabilit) o t"e *PC 0Sec- 22 !e ;"@ is suppletory to t!is act, insofar as t!ey are applicable.f t!e coission of any crie punis!able as Cri#es AgainstPersons and Cri#es Against Personal Libert)  and

    Securit) of t!e ;"@ is attended by any of t!e acts constitutingtorture and ot!er cruel, in!uan and degrading treatent orpunis!ent as de-ned !erein, t!e !enalt) to i#!osed s"allbe in its #a>i#u# !eriod.

    Anti(5one) Laundering Act o 2FH.c. poses reuireents on custoer identi-cation, record7keeping and reporting of covered and suspicious transactions.

    d. ;ela+es strict bank deposit secrecy laws.e. "rovides for freeing$seiure$forfeiture recovery of dirtyoney$property.f. "rovides for international cooperation

    W"o 5a)be Liable Any person w!o !asno&ledge t!at anyonetary instruent$propertyrepresents proceeds frounlawful activity and >1transacts3atte#!ts to

    transacts  said proceeds, >&

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    perfors or fails to perforany act w!ic! resulted to!is$!er acilitating  t!eo#ense of oney laundering>)fails to disclose or -le wit!t!e A2G@ knowing t!at it !adto be -led and disclose wit! it.

    Any person wit! alice andbad fait! w!o -les acopletely unwarranted orfalse inforation against anyperson relative to oneylaundering transaction.

    %o& Co##itted 1. Any person knowingt!at any onetaryinstruent or propertyrepresents, involves orrelates to t!e proceeds

    of any unlawful activity,transacts or attepts totransact said onetaryinstruent of property.

    &. Any person knowingt!at any onetaryinstruent or propertyinvolves t!e proceeds of any unlawful activity,perfors or fails toperfors any act as aresult of w!ic! !e

    facilitates t!e o#ense of oney launderingreferred to in paragrap!>a above.

    ). Any person knowingt!at any onetaryinstruent or propertyis reuired under t!isAct to be disclosed and-led wit! t!e Anti72oney Gaundering

    @ouncil >A2G@, fails to

    do so.. Failure to =eep ;ecords

    >4ec 9b. All records of all transactions covered

    . 2alicious ;eporting>4ec. 1c Any personw!o wit! alice or inbad fait!, reports or

    -les a copletelyunwarranted or falseinforation relative tooney launderingtransaction against anyperson.

    f o#ender is a 'uridicalperson, court aysuspend or revoke itslicense.

    f o#ender an alien,deportation wit!outfurt!er proceedingsafter serving t!epenalties prescribed.

    f o#ender is a publico(cial$eployee,perpetual or teporaryabsolute disuali-cationfro o(ce, in addition

    to t!e penaltiesprescribed.

    Ele#ents Coered /ransactions ransaction in case or ot!ereuivalent onetaryinstruent involving a totalaount in e>cess o  P+

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     ransaction wit! coveredinstitutions, regardless of t!eaount involved, w!ere any of t!e following circustancese+ists:

    1. !ere is no underlyinglegal or trade

    obligation, purpose oreconoic 'usti-cationfor t!at transaction%

    &. !e client >individualaking t!e transactionis not propertyidenti-ed%

    ). Aount involved is notcoensurate wit! t!ebusiness or -nancialcapacity of t!e client

    . aking into account allknown circustances, itay perceived t!at t!eclientIs transaction isstructured in order toavoid being t!e sub'ectof reportingreuireents under t!eAct.

    . Any circustancesrelating to t!etransaction w!ic! is

    observed to deviatefro t!e pro-le of t!eclient and$or t!e clientIspast transactions wit!t!e covered institution%

    6. !e transactions is in away related to anunlawful activity oro#ense under t!is Actt!at is about to be, isbeing or !as been

    coitted% or3. Any transactions t!at is

    siilar or analogous toany of t!e foregoing.

    nla&ul Actiities underA5LA 0Sec- ,iAny act or oission or seriesor cobination t!ereof involving or !aving relation to

    t!e following:

    1. =idnapping for ranso&. /rug o#enses). raft and corrupt

    practices%. "lunder%. ;obbery and e+tortion6. Jueteng and asiao3. "iracy on t!e !ig! seas8. Muali-ed t!eft

    9. 4windling1E.4uggling11.lectronic coerce

    cries1&.*i'acking, destructive

    arson and urder%1).4ecurities fraud%1.Felonies or o#enses of a

    siilar naturepunis!able under t!epenal laws of ot!ercountries.

    Prosecution 0Sec- ;Hnder t!e A2GA, a person can be prosecuted and punis!ed forbot! t!e underlying unlawful activity and t!e oney launderingo#ense, and t!e proceeds t!ereof can be con-scated orforfeited in favor of t!e governent.

    E$ect o 4an De!osit Secrec) La&s on t"eI#!le#entation o A5LA 0Sec- 9D!en reporting covered or suspicious transactions to t!e A2G@,coered institutions and t"eir ocers and e#!lo)ees are

    not deeed to !ave violated t!e bank deposit secrecy laws.

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    *owever, t!ey are strictly !ro"ibited ro# disclosing  suc!transactions to an) !erson in an) #anner or b) an)#eans. !e violation of con-dentiality akes t!e criinallyliable.

    Co#!re"ensie irear#s and A##unition *egulation Act*e!ublic Act 14ec. )

    Licensed Citizen4$!e is a Filipino w!o coplies wit! t!e uali-cations set fort! int!is Act and duly issued wit! a license to possess or to carry-rears outside of t!e residence in accordance wit! t!is Act.

    Loose irear#;efers to an unregistered -rear, an obliterated or altered-rear, -rear w!ic! !as been lost or stolen, illegallyanufactured -rears, registered -rears in t!e possession of an individual ot!er t!an t!e licensee and t!ose wit! revokedlicenses in accordance wit! t!e rules and regulations.

    Per#it to Carr) irear# Outside o *esidenceDritten aut!ority issued to licensed citien by t!e @!ief of t!e"C" w!ic! entitles suc! person to carry !is$!er registered orlawfully issued -rear outside of t!e residence for t!e durationand purpose speci-ed in t!e aut!ority.

    Per#it to /rans!ort irear#Dritten aut!ority issued to licensed citien or entity by t!e @!ief of t!e "C" or by a "C" ;egional /irector w!ic! entitles suc!person or entity to transport a particular -rear fro and to aspeci-c location wit!in t!e duration and purpose in t!e aut!ority*esidence;efers to t!e place or places of abode of t!e licensed citien asindicated in !is$!er license.

    /a#!ered: Obliterated or Altered irear#

    ;efers to any -rear w!ose serial nuber or ot!eridenti-cation or ballistics c!aracteristics !ave been intentionallytapered wit!, obliterated or altered wit!out aut!ority or inorder to conceal its source, identity or owners!ip.

    W"o 5a)be Liable Any person w!o unlawfullyacuired or possessed -rearor aunition

    #ender used loose -rear int!e coission of crie.

    Gicensed -rear owner w!o

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    carries gun outside of residencewit!out perit to carry weaponoutside of residence

    Any person w!o unlawfullyanufactures, sells, iports,acuires, disposes or possesses-rears or aunition or


    Any laborer, worker, eployeeof a licensed -rear dealer w!ounlawfully takes, sells and sells,or disposes parts of -rears oraunition w!ic! t!e copanyanufactures and sells, andot!er aterials used by t!ecopany in t!e anufacture orsale of -rears or aunition.

    a. Buyer$possessorof stolen part oraterial, w!o isaware t!at suc!part or aterialwas stolen is alsopenalied.

    Any person w!o plantsevidence for t!e purpose of iplicating or incriinating t!eperson or iputing t!e

    coission of any violation of t!is Acts to said individual.

    Any person w!o fails to notifylost or stolen -rear or lig!tweapon to "C"Is F

    Any person w!o transfers orregisters -rears to one w!o!as not obtained license orperit t!ereof.

    Any person w!o uses iitation

    -rear in t!e coission of acrie.

    %o& Co##itted 1. Hnlawful acuisition orpossession of -rears andaunition

    Aggravating @ircustances:b. Goaded wit!

    aunition orinserted wit! aloaded againe%

    c. Fitted or ountedwit! laser or anygadget used toguide t!e s!ooterto !it t!e targetsuc! as t!eralweapon sig!t>D4 and t!e like

    d. Fitted or ountedwit! spinerscopes, -rearuKer or -rearsilencer.

    e. Accopanied wit!an e+tra barrel%and

    f. @onverted to becapable of -ringfull autoaticbursts.

    &. Hse of loose -rear int!e coission of acrie < considered as anaggravatingcircustance >;.A.1E91, 4ec. &9:

    Cote: f violation is nfurt!erance of, orincident to, or in

    connection wit! t!e

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    crie of rebellion,insurrection, orattepted coup d’ etat ,suc! violation s!all beabsorbed as an eleentof t!e crie of rebellion,insurrection, orattepted coup d’ etat.

    f t!e crie is coittedby t!e person wit!outusing t!e loose -rear,t!e violation s!all beconsidered as a distinctand separate o#ense.

    ). @arriage of registered-rear outside of  residence by a licensedperson wit!out any legalaut!ority t!erefor >;.A.1E91, 4ec. )1

    . Hnlawful anufacture,sale, iportation,acuisition, dispositionor possession of -rearsor aunition orinstruents >;.A 1E91,4ec. )&

    Cote: "ossession of anyac!inery, tool or instruentused directly in t!eanufacture of -rears,aunition, or a'or partst!ereof by any person w!osebusiness, eployent, oractivity does not lawfully dealwit! t!e possession of suc!article s!all be  prima facieevidence t!at suc! article is

    intended to be used n t!eunlawful$illegal anufacture of 

    -rears, aunition or partst!ereof.

    . Hnlawful taking, sale ordisposition by anylaborer, worker,eployee of a licensed-rear dealer of parts of 

    -rears or aunitionw!ic! t!e copanyanufactures and sells,and ot!er aterials usedby t!e copany in t!eanufacture or sale of -rears or aunition.

    Cote: Buyer$possessor of suc!stolen part or aterial, w!o isaware t!at suc! part oraterial was stolen is alsopenalied.

    6. Ars suggling >4ec.))

    3. Hnlawful tapering,obliteration or alterationof -rearIs identi-cation>4ec. )

    8. "lanting evidence or t!ewillful and aliciousinsertion, placing and$or

    attac!ent, directly orindirectly, t!roug! anyovert or covert act, of any -rear oraunition, or partst!ereof in t!e person,!ouse, e#ects, or in t!eiediate vicinity of aninnocent individual fort!e purpose of  iplicating or

    incriinating t!e person,or iputing t!e

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    coission of anyviolation of t!e provisionof t!is Act to saidindividual >4ec. )8

    9. Failure to notify lost orstolen -rear or lig!tweapon to t!e Firearsand +plosives (ce

    >F of t!e "C" wit!in)E days fro discovery4ec. E

    1E.Failure to notify t!e Fof t!e "C" of a licensedpersonIs c!ange of residence or o(ceaddress, ot!er t!an t!atindicated in t!e licensecard, wit!in )E daysfro transfer%

    11. llegal transfer orregistration of -rearsto any person w!o !asnot yet obtained orsecured t!e necessarylicense or perit t!ereof.

    Con.scation and oreiture 0Sec- ,= !e iposition of penalty for any violation of t!is Act s!all carrywit! it t!e accessory penalty of con-scation and forfeiture of t!e-rear aunition, or parts t!ereof, ac!inery, tool orinstruent in favor of t!e governent w!ic! s!all be disposed

    of in accordance wit! law.

    Anti(/racing in Persons Act o 2

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    acts, battery, assault, coercion, !arassent or arbitrarydeprivation of liberty.

    • ncludes:

    a. "!ysical violence%o Acts t!at include bodily or p!ysical !ar.

    b. 4e+ual violenceo Act w!ic! is se+ual in nature, coitted

    against a woan or !er c!ild.

    o ncludes, but is not liited to:1 ;ape, se+ual !arassent, acts of 

    lasciviousness, treating a woan or!er c!ild as a se+ ob'ect, akingdeeaning and se+ually suggestiverearks, p!ysically attacking t!ese+ual parts of t!e victi0s body,forcing !er$!i to watc! obscenepublications and indecent s!ows orforcing t!e woan or !er c!ild to doindecent acts and$or ake -ls

    t!ereof, forcing t!e wife andistress$lover to live in t!e con'ugal!oe or sleep toget!er in t!e saeroo wit! t!e abuser%

    & Acts causing or attepting to causet!e victi to engage in any se+ualactivity by force, t!reat of force,p!ysical or ot!er !ar or t!reat of p!ysical or ot!er !ar or coercion%

    ) "rostituting t!e woan or c!ild.c. "syc!ological violence

    o Acts or oissions causing or likely to cause

    ental or eotional su#ering of t!e victisuc! as but not liited to intiidation,!arassent, stalking, daage to property,public ridicule or !uiliation, repeatedverbal abuse and ental in-delity.

    o ncludes causing or allowing t!e victi:

    1 o witness t!e p!ysical, se+ual orpsyc!ological abuse of a eber of t!e faily to w!ic! t!e victibelongs, or

    & o witness pornograp!y in any for


    ) o witness abusive in'ury to pets orto unlawful or unwanted deprivationof t!e rig!t to custody and$orvisitation of coon c!ildren.

    d. conoic abuseo Acts t!at ake or attept to ake a

    woan -nancially dependent w!ic!includes, but is not liited to t!e following:

    1 Dit!drawal of -nancial support orpreventing t!e victi fro engagingin any legitiate profession,occupation, business or activity,e+cept in cases w!erein t!e ot!erspouse$partner ob'ects on valid,serious and oral grounds asde-ned in Article 3) of t!e Faily@ode%

    & /eprivation or t!reat of deprivationof -nancial resources and t!e rig!t tot!e use and en'oyent of t!econ'ugal, counity or propertyowned in coon%

    ) /estroying !ouse!old property% @ontrolling t!e victis0 own oney

    or properties or solely controlling t!econ'ugal oney or properties.

    Acts o iolence against &o#en and t"eir c"ildren'1. @ausing p!ysical !ar to t!e woan or !er c!ild%&. !reatening to cause t!e woan or !er c!ild p!ysical


    ). Attepting to cause t!e woan or !er c!ild p!ysical!ar%

    . "lacing t!e woan or !er c!ild in fear of iinentp!ysical !ar%

    . Attepting to copel or copelling t!e woan or !erc!ild to engage in conduct w!ic! t!e woan or !er c!ild!as t!e rig!t to desist fro or desist fro conduct w!ic!t!e woan or !er c!ild !as t!e rig!t to engage in, orattepting to restrict or restricting t!e woan0s or !erc!ild0s freedo of oveent or conduct by force ort!reat of force, p!ysical or ot!er !ar or t!reat of 

    p!ysical or ot!er !ar, or intiidation directed againstt!e woan or c!ild. !is s!all include, but not liited to,

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    t!e following acts coitted wit! t!e purpose or e#ectof controlling or restricting t!e woan0s or !er c!ild0soveent or conduct:

    a. !reatening to deprive or actually depriving t!ewoan or !er c!ild of custody to !er$!is faily%

    b. /epriving or t!reatening to deprive t!e woan or!er c!ildren of -nancial support legally due !er or!er faily, or deliberately providing t!e woan0s

    c!ildren insu(cient -nancial support%c. /epriving or t!reatening to deprive t!e woan or!er c!ild of a legal rig!t%

    d. "reventing t!e woan in engaging in anylegitiate profession, occupation, business oractivity or controlling t!e victi0s own oney orproperties, or solely controlling t!e con'ugal orcoon oney, or properties%

    6. n5icting or t!reatening to in5ict p!ysical !ar on oneself for t!e purpose of controlling !er actions or decisions%

    3. @ausing or attepting to cause t!e woan or !er c!ild toengage in any se+ual activity w!ic! does not constituterape, by force or t!reat of force, p!ysical !ar, ort!roug! intiidation directed against t!e woan or !erc!ild or !er$!is iediate faily%

    8. ngaging in purposeful, knowing, or reckless conduct,personally or t!roug! anot!er, t!at alars or causessubstantial eotional or psyc!ological distress to t!ewoan or !er c!ild. !is s!all include, but not be liitedto, t!e following acts:

    a. 4talking or following t!e woan or !er c!ild inpublic or private places%

    b. "eering in t!e window or lingering outside t!e

    residence of t!e woan or !er c!ild%c. ntering or reaining in t!e dwelling or on t!e

    property of t!e woan or !er c!ild against !er$!iswill%

    d. /estroying t!e property and personal belongingsor in5icting !ar to anials or pets of t!e woanor !er c!ild% and

    e. ngaging in any for of !arassent or violence%f. @ausing ental or eotional anguis!, public

    ridicule or !uiliation to t!e woan or !er c!ild,including, but not liited to, repeated verbal and

    eotional abuse, and denial of -nancial support or

    custody of inor c!ildren of access to t!ewoan0s c!ild$c!ildren.

    Anti(C"ild Pornogra!") Act o 2

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    ii. /ata and$ or iages stored ona coputer disk or byelectronic eans capable of conversion into a visualiage%

    iii. "!otograp!, -l, video,picture, digital iage orpicture, coputer iage or

    picture, w!et!er ade orproduced by electronic,ec!anical or ot!er eans%

    iv. /rawings, cartoons,sculptures or paintingsdepicting c!ildren% or

    v. t!er analogous visualdepiction.

    b. Audio representation of a person w!o is oris represented as being a c!ild and w!o isengaged in or is represented as beingengaged in e+plicit se+ual activity, or anaudio representation t!at advocates,encourages or counsels any se+ual activitywit! c!ildren.

    • ncludes audio recordings and live

    audio transission conveyedt!roug! w!atever ediu conveyedw!atever ediu including real7tieinternet counications.

    c. Dritten te+t or aterial t!at advocates orcounsels e+plicit se+ual activity wit! a c!ildand w!ose doinant c!aracteristic is t!e

    description, for a se+ual purpose, of ane+plicit se+ual activity wit! a c!ild.

    &. As to content:

    • ncludes representation of a person w!o is,

    appears to be, or is represented as being ac!ild, t!e doinant c!aracteristic of w!ic!is t!e depiction, for a se+ual purpose, of:

    a. !e se+ual organ or t!e anal region,or a representation t!ereof% or

    b. !e breasts, or a representation of t!e breasts, of a feale person.

    Acts !unis"able'1. o !ire, eploy, use, persuade, induce or coerce a c!ild

    to perfor in t!e creation or production of any for of c!ild pornograp!y%

    &. o produce, direct, anufacture or create any for of c!ild pornograp!y%

    ). o publis! o#er, transit, sell, distribute, broadcast,advertise, proote, e+port or iport any for of c!ild

    pornograp!y%. o possess any for of c!ild pornograp!y wit! t!e intentto sell, distribute, publis!, or broadcast%

    • "ossession of t!ree >) or ore articles of c!ild

    pornograp!y of t!e sae for s!all be pria facieevidence of t!e intent to sell, distribute, publis! orbroadcast.

    . o knowingly, willfully and intentionally provide a venuefor t!e coission of pro!ibited acts as, but not liitedto, dens, private roos, cubicles, cineas, !ouses or inestablis!ents purporting to be a legitiate business%

    6. For -l distributors, t!eaters and telecounicationcopanies, by t!eselves or in cooperation wit! ot!erentities, to distribute any for of c!ild pornograp!y%

    3. For a parent, legal guardian or person !aving custody orcontrol of a c!ild to knowingly perit t!e c!ild to engage,participate or assist in any for of c!ild pornograp!y%

    8. o engage in t!e luring or grooing of a c!ild%9. o engage in pandering of any for of c!ild pornograp!y%1E.o willfully access any for of c!ild pornograp!y%11.o conspire to coit any of t!e pro!ibited stated%

    •   @onspiracy to coit any for of c!ild

    pornograp!yo @oitted w!en two >& or ore persons

    coe to an agreeent concerning t!ecoission of any of t!e said pro!ibitedacts and decide to coit it.

    1&.o possess any for of c!ild pornograp!y.

    Anti(%azing La&*e!ublic Act 8

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    !is growt! and developent or in !is peranentincapacity or deat!.

    Circu#stances &"ic" grael) t"reaten or endanger t"esurial and nor#al deelo!#ent o c"ildren

    • nclude, but are not liited to, t!e following:1. Being in a counity w!ere t!ere is ared

    con5ict or being a#ected by ared con5ict7related

    activities%&. Dorking under conditions !aardous to life, safety

    and noral w!ic! unduly interfere wit! t!eirnoral developent%

    ). Giving in or fending for t!eselves in t!e streets of urban or rural areas wit!out t!e care of parents ora guardian or basic services needed for a gooduality of life%

    . Being a eber of an indigenous culturalcounity and$or living under conditions of e+tree poverty or in an area w!ic! isunderdeveloped and$or lacks or !as inadeuateaccess to basic services needed for a good ualityof life%

    . Being a victi of a an7ade or natural disasteror calaity% or

    6. @ircustances analogous to t!ose above statedw!ic! endanger t!e life, safety or noraldevelopent of c!ildren.

    Acts !unis"able W"o is liable3 %o&co##itted

    1. @!ild prostitution and

    ot!er se+ual abuse%

    a. !ose w!o engage in or

    proote, facilitate orinduce c!ild prostitutionw!ic! include, but arenot liited to, t!efollowing:

    i. Acting as aprocurer of ac!ild prostitute%

    ii. nducing aperson to be aclient of a c!ild

    prostitute by

    eans of writtenor oraladvertiseentsor ot!er siilareans%

    ii i. aking advantageof in5uence orrelations!ip to

    procure a c!ildas prostitute%iv. !reatening or

    using violencetowards a c!ildto engage !i asa prostitute% or

    v. iving onetaryconsiderationgoods or ot!erpecuniary bene-tto a c!ild wit!intent to engagesuc! c!ild inprostitution.

    b. !ose w!o coit t!eact of se+ualintercourse or lasciviousconduct wit! a c!ilde+ploited in prostitutionor sub'ect to ot!erse+ual abuse% and

    c. !ose w!o derive pro-t

    or advantage t!erefro,w!et!er as anager orowner of t!eestablis!ent w!eret!e prostitution takesplace, or of t!e sauna,disco, bar, resort, placeof entertainent orestablis!ent servingas a cover or w!ic!engages in prostitution

    in addition to t!eactivity for w!ic! t!e

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    b. Any ascendant,guardian, or personentrusted in anycapacity wit! t!e careof a c!ild w!o s!allcause and$or allow suc!c!ild to be eployed orto participate in an

    obscene play, scene,act, ovie or s!ow or inany ot!er acts

    6. t!er acts of neglect,abuse, cruelty ore+ploitation and ot!erconditions pre'udicial tot!e c!ildIsdevelopent%

    a. Any person w!o s!allcoit any ot!er actsof c!ild abuse, crueltyor e+ploitation or to beresponsible for ot!erconditions pre'udicial tot!e c!ild0sdevelopent%

    b. Any person w!o s!allkeep or !ave in !iscopany a inor,twelve >1& years orunder or w!o in ten >1Eyears or ore !is 'uniorin any public or privateplace, !otel, otel, beer 'oint, discot!eue,cabaret, pension !ouse,sauna or assageparlor, beac! and$or

    ot!er tourist resort orsiilar places%

    • /oes not apply to

    any person w!ois related wit!int!e fourt! degreeof consanguinityor a(nity or anybond recogniedby law, localcusto and

    tradition or acts

    in t!eperforance of asocial, oral orlegal duty.

    c. Any person w!o s!allinduce, deliver or o#era inor to any onepro!ibited by t!is Act to

    keep or !ave in !iscopany a inor asprovided in t!epreceding paragrap!%

    d. Any person, owner,anager or oneentrusted wit! t!eoperation of any publicor private place of accoodation,w!et!er for occupancy,food, drink or ot!erwise,including residentialplaces, w!o allows anyperson to take alongwit! !i to suc! placeor places any inor%

    e. Any person w!o s!alluse, coerce, force orintiidate a street c!ildor any ot!er c!ild to:

    i. Beg or usebegging as a

    eans of living%ii. Act as conduit or

    iddleen indrug tra(ckingor pus!ing% or

    iii. @onduct anyillegal activities.

    3. ngageent of c!ildrenin t!e worst fors of c!ild labor%

    a. All fors of slavery orpractices siilar toslavery%

    b. Hse, procuring or

    o#ering of a c!ild for

  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    prostitution, for t!eproduction of  pornograp!y or forpornograp!icperforances%

    c. Hse, procuring oro#ering of a c!ild forillegal or illicit activities%

    ord. Dork w!ic!, by itsnature or circustancesin w!ic! it is carriedout, is !aardous orlikely to be !arful tot!e !ealt!, safety ororals of c!ildren, suc!t!at it:

    i. /ebases,degrades ordeeans t!eintrinsic wort!and dignity of ac!ild as a !uanbeing%

    ii. +poses t!e c!ildto p!ysical,eotional orse+ual abuse, oris found to be!ig!ly stressfulpsyc!ologically

    or ay pre'udiceorals%

    iii. s perforedunderground,underwater or atdangerous!eig!ts%

    iv. nvolves t!e useof dangerousac!inery,euipent and

    tools%v. +poses t!e c!ild

    to p!ysicaldanger or w!ic!reuires t!eanual transportof !eavy loads%

    vi. s perfored inan un!ealt!yenvironent

    e+posing t!ec!ild to!aardousworkingconditions,eleents,substances, co7agents orprocessesinvolvingioniing,radiation, -re,5aablesubstances,no+iouscoponents andt!e like, or toe+treeteperatures,noise levels orvibrations%

    vii. s perforedunder


    viii. +poses t!e c!ildto biologicalagents% or

    i+. nvolves t!eanufacturer or!andling of  e+plosives andot!er pyrotec!nic


  • 8/9/2019 Special Penal Laws and Elements


    8. ployent of c!ildrenas odel inadvertiseent directlyor indirectly prootingalco!olic beverages,into+icating drinks,tobacco and itsbyproducts, gabling or

    any for of violence orpornograp!y% and

    ?eneral *ule' Co c!ild below1 years s!all beeployed.

    E>ce!tions'a. D!en a c!ild works

    directly under t!e soleresponsibility of !is

    parents or legalguardian and w!ereonly ebers of t!eeployer0s faily areeployed% "rovidedt!at:

    i. ployentneit!erendangers !islife, safety and!ealt! andorals, noripairs !isnoraldevelopent%and

    ii. "arent or legalguardian s!allprovide t!e saidinor c!ild wit!t!e prescribedpriary and$orsecondary

    education.b. D!en a c!ild0s

    eployent orparticipation in public Oentertainent orinforation t!roug!cinea, t!eater, radioor television isessential% provided t!at:

    i. ployentcontract

    concluded by t!ec!ild0s parent or

    guardian, wit!t!e e+pressagreeent of t!ec!ild concerned,if possible, andt!e approval of t!e /G.

    ii. !e eployer

    s!all ensure t!eprotection,!ealt!, safetyand orals of t!ec!ild%

    iii. ployer s!allinstituteeasures toprevent t!ec!ild0se+ploitation ordiscriinationtaking intoaccount t!esyste and levelof reuneration,and t!e durationand arrangeentof working tie%and

    iv. ployer s!allforulate andipleent,

    sub'ect to t!eapproval andsupervision of copetentaut!orities, acontinuingprogra fortraining and skillacuisition of t!ec!ild.

    %ours o Wor o a WoringC"ild

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    Age %ours o  Wor 

    Below 1years of age

    Cot oret!an &E!ours aweek% works!all not beore t!an

    !ours at anygiven day.

    Cot allowedto workbetween8:EE"2 and6:EEA2 of t!e followingday.

    1 years of age butbelow 18

    Cot allowedto work forore t!an 8!ours a dayand in nocase beyondE !ours aweek.

    Cot allowedto workbetween1E:EE"2 and

    6:EEA2 t!efollowingday.

    9. /iscriination of  c!ildren of indigenouscultural counities.

     Buenile Bustice and Welare Act o 2

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    into consideration by t!e court, under t!e principle of restorative 'ustice%

    11.;ig!t to !ave restrictions on !is personal liberty liitedto t!e iniu, and w!ere discretion is given by law tot!e 'udge to deterine w!et!er to ipose -ne oriprisonent, t!e iposition of -ne being preferred ast!e ore appropriate penalty%

    1&.;ig!t to autoatic suspension of sentence%

    1).;ig!t to probation as an alternative to iprisonent, if uali-ed under t!e "robation Gaw%1.;ig!t to be free fro liability for per'ury, concealent or

    isrepresentation% and1.t!er rig!ts as provided for under e+isting laws, rules

    and regulations.

    Ages and Corres!onding Liabilit)Age Cri#inal Liabilit) Ciil Liabilit)

    1 years of age andunder at t!e tie of t!e coission of t!e o#ense

    +ept but s!allundergointerventionprogra.

    4ub'ect to civilliability.

    Above 1 years butbelow 18 years of age wit!outdiscernent

    +ept but s!allundergointerventionprogra.

    4ub'ect to civilliability.

    Above 1 years butbelow 18 years of age wit!outdiscernent

    4ub'ect to criinalliability but s!allundergo diversionprogra.

    4ub'ect to civilliability.

    At least 18 years of age

    4ub'ect to criinalliability.

    4ub'ect to civilliability.

    Procedure'/eterination of Age

    f 1 < 18 years oldwit! discernent.

    f 1 < 18 years oldwit!out


    f below 1.

    4ub'ect to diversionprogra.

    4ub'ect tointervention


    4ub'ected tointervention


     Buenile 7ustice and &elare s)ste#

    • A syste dealing wit! c!ildren at risk and c!ildren in

    con5ict wit! t!e law, w!ic! provides c!ild7appropriateproceedings, including progras and services forprevention, diversion, re!abilitation, re7integration andaftercare to ensure t!eir noral growt! anddevelopent.

    Anti(Wireta!!ing La&*e!ublic Act 62

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    6. ;ebellion, conspiracy and proposal to coitrebellion, inciting to rebellion%

    3. 4edition, conspiracy to coit sedition, inciting tosedition%

    8. =idnapping% and9. ?iolations of @A616, punis!ing espionage and ot!er

    o#enses against national security.

    Anti(encing La& o 19=9Presidential Decree 1;12

    Approved: June 1, 1939


    • Act of any person w!o, wit! intent to gain for !iself or

    for anot!er, s!all buy, receive, possess, keep, acuire,conceal, sell or dispose of, or s!all buy and sell, or in anyot!er anner deal in any article, ite, ob'ect or anyt!ingof value w!ic! !e knows, or s!ould be known to !i, to!ave been derived fro t!e proceeds of t!e crie of robbery or t!eft.

    Presu#!tion o encing

    • 2ere possession of any good, article, ite, ob'ect, or

    anyt!ing of value w!ic! !as been t!e sub'ect of robberyor t!ievery s!all be pria facie evidence of fencing.

    • E>ce!tion'  "ossession of clearance$ perit to sell$

    use second !and articles.o All stores, establis!ents or entities dealing in t!e

    buy and sell of any good, article ite, ob'ect of anyt!ing of value obtained fro an unlicenseddealer or supplier t!ereof, s!all before o#ering t!esae for sale to t!e public, secure t!e necessaryclearance or perit fro t!e station coanderof t!e ntegrated Cational "olice in t!e town or cityw!ere suc! store, establis!ent or entity islocated.

    4ouncing C"ecs La&4atas Pa#bansa 22

    Approved: April ), 1939

    W"o is liable'1. Any person w!o akes or draws and issues any c!eck to

    apply on account or for value, knowing at t!e tie of issue t!at !e does not !ave su(cient funds in or creditwit! t!e drawee bank for t!e payent of suc! c!eck infull upon its presentent, w!ic! c!eck is subseuentlydis!onored by t!e drawee bank for insu(ciency of fundsor credit or would !ave been dis!onored for t!e sae

    reason !ad not t!e drawer, wit!out any valid reason,ordered t!e bank to stop payent.

    • vidence of knowledge of insu(cient funds

    o !e aking, drawing and issuance of a

    c!eck payent of w!ic! is refused by t!edrawee because of insu(cient funds in orcredit wit! suc! bank, w!en presentedwit!in ninety >9E days fro t!e date of t!ec!eck, s!all be pria facie evidence of knowledge of suc! insu(ciency of funds orcredit.

    o +ceptions: f t!e aker or drawer:

    a. "ays t!e !older t!ereof t!e aountdue t!ereon wit!in banking daysafter receiving notice t!at suc!c!eck !as not been paid by t!edrawee% or

    b. 2akes arrangeents for payent infull by t!e drawee of suc! c!eckwit!in banking days after receivingnotice t!at suc! c!eck !as not beenpaid by t!e drawee.

    &. Any person w!o, !aving su(cient funds in or credit wit!

    t!e drawee bank w!en !e akes or draws and issues ac!eck, s!all fail to keep su(cient funds or to aintain acredit to cover t!e full aount of t!e c!eck if presentedwit!in a period of ninety >9E days fro t!e dateappearing t!ereon, for w!ic! reason it is dis!onored byt!e drawee bank.

    Anti(Carna!!ing Act o 19=2*e!ublic Act o ;+,9: as a#ended b) *A =;+9

    Approved: August &6, 193&

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    • Any person w!o s!all undertake to asseble or rebuild or

    cause t!e assebly or rebuilding of a otor ve!icle s!all-rst secure a certi-cate of clearance fro t!e "!ilippine@onstabulary: "rovided, !at no suc! perit s!all beissued unless t!e applicant s!all present a stateentunder oat! containing t!e type, ake and serial nubersof t!e engine, c!assis and body, if any, and t!e copletelist of t!e spare parts of t!e otor ve!icle to be

    assebled or rebuilt toget!er wit! t!e naes andaddresses of t!e sources t!ereof.

    • n t!e case of otor ve!icle engines to be ounted onotor boats, otor bancas and ot!er lig!t water vessels,t!e applicant s!all secure a perit fro t!e "!ilippine@oast uard, w!ic! o(ce s!all in turn furnis! t!e Gand ransportation @oission t!e pertinent data concerningt!e otor ve!icle engines including t!eir type, ake andserial nubers.

    Anti(Arson La&Presidential Decree 1;1,

    Ginds o Arson %o& co##itted1. Arson D!en any person burns or sets

    -re to t!e property of anot!er,or !is own property undercircustances w!ic! e+pose todanger t!e life or property of anot!er.

    &. /estructive Arson Burning of:a. Any aunition factory

    and ot!er establis!entw!ere e+plosives,in5aable orcobustible aterialsare stored.

    b. Any arc!ive, useu,w!et!er public orprivate, or any edi-cedevoted to culture,education or socialservices.

    c. Any c!urc! or place of 

    wors!ip or ot!erbuilding w!ere peopleusually asseble.

    d. Any train, airplane orany aircraft, vessel orwatercraft, orconveyance fortransportation of  

    persons or propertye. Any building w!ereevidence is kept for usein any legislative, 'udicial, adinistrativeor ot!er o(cialproceedings.

    f. Any !ospital, !otel,doritory, lodging!ouse, !ousingteneent, s!oppingcenter, public or private

    arket, t!eater orovie !ouse or anysiilar place orbuilding.

    g. Any building, w!et!erused as a dwelling ornot, situated in apopulated or congestedarea.

    ). t!er cases of Arson Burning of:a. Any building used as

    o(ces of t!egovernent or any of its agencies%

    b. Any in!abited !ouse ordwelling%

    c. Any industrialestablis!ent,s!ipyard, oil well orine s!aft, platfor ortunnel%

    d. Any plantation, far,

    pastureland, growing

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    crop, grain -eld,orc!ard, baboo groveor forest%

    e. Any rice ill, sugar ill,cane ill or ill central%and

    f. Any railway or busstation, airport, w!arf or


    S!ecial Aggraating Circu#stances on Arson'1. f coitted wit! intent to gain%&. f coitted for t!e bene-t of anot!er%). f t!e o#ender is otivated by spite or !atred towards

    t!e owner or occupant of t!e property burned%. f coitted by a syndicate.

    • f it is planned or carried out by a group of t!ree

    >) or ore persons.

    Pri#a acie Eidence o Arson'1. f t!e -re started siultaneously in ore t!an one part of 

    t!e building or establis!ent.&. f substantial aount of 5aable substances or

    aterials are stored wit!in t!e building not necessary int!e business of t!e o#ender nor for !ouse!old us.

    ). f gasoline, kerosene, petroleu or ot!er 5aable orcobustible substances or aterials soaked t!erewit! orcontainers t!ereof, or any ec!anical, electrical,c!eical, or electronic contrivance designed to start a-re, or as!es or traces of any of t!e foregoing are foundin t!e ruins or preises of t!e burned building or

    property.. f t!e building or property is insured for substantially

    ore t!an its actual value at t!e tie of t!e issuance of t!e policy.

    . f during t!e lifetie of t!e corresponding -re insurancepolicy ore t!an two -res !ave occurred in t!e sae orot!er preises owned or under t!e control of t!eo#ender and$or insured.

    6. f s!ortly before t!e -re, a substantial portion of t!ee#ects insured and stored in a building or property !adbeen wit!drawn fro t!e preises e+cept in t!e ordinary

    course of business.

    3. f a deand for oney or ot!er valuable considerationwas ade before t!e -re in e+c!ange for t!e desistanceof t!e o#ender or for t!e safety of t!e person or propertyof t!e victi.

    Anti(P"oto and ideo o)euris# Act o 2

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    of privacy%&. o copy or reproduce, or

    to cause to be copied orreproduced, suc! p!otoor video or recording of se+ual act or any siilaractivity wit! or wit!outconsideration%

    "ro!ibition applies even if consent to record or takep!oto or video coverage wasgiven by suc! person$s

    ). o sell or distribute, orcause to be sold ordistributed, suc! p!otoor video or recording of se+ual act, w!et!er itbe t!e original copy orreproduction t!ereof%

    . o publis! or broadcast,

    or cause to bepublis!ed or broadcast,w!et!er in print orbroadcast edia, ors!ow or e+!ibit t!ep!oto or video coverageor recordings of suc!se+ual act or any siilar

    activity t!roug!?@/$/?/, internet,cellular p!ones andot!er siilar eans ordevice.