special regulation no_ 04

SPECIAL REGULATION No. 4 1 SPECIAL REGULATION No. 4 Concerning rules for Construction or Improvements and Fire Protection CHAPTER I - General Provisions ARTICLE 1 - Purpose and Scope of Application The purpose of this Special Regulation is, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 34 of the General Regulations of Expo Milano 2015, to provide those requirements that must be observed in the planning, construction and demolition of buildings, installations and auxiliary facilities on the Site of Expo Milano 2015. This Special Regulation also contains the rules to be respected in relation to fire prevention, labour safety, and the protection of the environment in the course of the works described above. ARTICLE 2 - Scope of Application This Special Regulation applies to construction works taking place on individual Lots (building and landscaping) as well as to construction works taking place in Exhibition Spaces within existing buildings called Clusters. Except where otherwise specified, the term "construction" shall be used to describe the works and activities associated with both the erection of buildings and/or landscaping and the construction and/or assembly of installations within buildings. ARTICLE 3 - Compliance with “Laws and Regulations” 1. The Official Participants shall comply with the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Bureau International des Expositions on measures necessary to facilitate participation in Universal Exposition 2015 in Milan, done in Rome, on July 11th, 2012 and with the General Regulations, the Special Regulations, the relevant laws and ordinances of Italy, and the supplementary instructions, directives and Guidelines issued by the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as “Laws and Regulations”) that are in accordance with the General Regulations and the Special Regulations. 2. Supplementary instructions and directives are issued by the Organizer to provide additional information on particular subjects and to further specify the rights and obligations of the Official Participants and the Organizer. 3. In accordance with the Theme of the Exhibition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for life” and with the Special Regulation No. 1 concerning the definition of the Theme of the Exhibition, the Organizer may provide technical advice as how to minimise the use of resources and increase the use of ecological materials at a reasonable cost without any obligation to the Participant. The Organizer will issue a Theme Guide that will help Official Participants also to develop the design of Exhibition Spaces according to this key principle of Expo Milano 2015.

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SPECIAL REGULATION No. 4 Concerning rules for Construction or Improvements and Fire Protection

CHAPTER I - General Provisions

ARTICLE 1 - Purpose and Scope of Application

The purpose of this Special Regulation is, in accordance with the provisions of Articles 14, 15, 16, 17, 18 and 34 of the General Regulations of Expo Milano 2015, to provide those requirements that must be observed in the planning, construction and demolition of buildings, installations and auxiliary facilities on the Site of Expo Milano 2015. This Special Regulation also contains the rules to be respected in relation to fire prevention, labour safety, and the protection of the environment in the course of the works described above.

ARTICLE 2 - Scope of Application

This Special Regulation applies to construction works taking place on individual Lots (building and landscaping) as well as to construction works taking place in Exhibition Spaces within existing buildings called Clusters. Except where otherwise specified, the term "construction" shall be used to describe the works and activities associated with both the erection of buildings and/or landscaping and the construction and/or assembly of installations within buildings.

ARTICLE 3 - Compliance with “Laws and Regulations”

1. The Official Participants shall comply with the Agreement between the Italian Republic and the Bureau International des Expositions on measures necessary to facilitate participation in Universal Exposition 2015 in Milan, done in Rome, on July 11th, 2012 and with the General Regulations, the Special Regulations, the relevant laws and ordinances of Italy, and the supplementary instructions, directives and Guidelines issued by the Organizer (hereinafter referred to as “Laws and Regulations”) that are in accordance with the General Regulations and the Special Regulations.

2. Supplementary instructions and directives are issued by the Organizer to provide additional information on particular subjects and to further specify the rights and obligations of the Official Participants and the Organizer.

3. In accordance with the Theme of the Exhibition “Feeding the Planet, Energy for life” and with the Special Regulation No. 1 concerning the definition of the Theme of the Exhibition, the Organizer may provide technical advice as how to minimise the use of resources and increase the use of ecological materials at a reasonable cost without any obligation to the Participant. The Organizer will issue a Theme Guide that will help Official Participants also to develop the design of Exhibition Spaces according to this key principle of Expo Milano 2015.

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ARTICLE 4 - Rights and Obligations of the Official Participants

1. The Official Participants shall obtain all the necessary permits and licenses required by the “Laws and Regulations” in order to execute the construction, prior to the commencement of these works. The form and content of the application documents shall conform to the “Laws and Regulations”.

2. Official Participants shall, upon instructions from the Organizer, perform at their own expense all the modifications required to ensure compliance of the construction works performed without the required permits and/or authorisations, or performed in violation of the “Laws and Regulations”.

3. Official Participants must ensure that the representatives of the Organizer and the relevant authorities have access during working hours to the construction works sites occupied in order that said representative may verify compliance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

4. Official Participants shall bear the costs for construction, installation, and demolition of their Exhibition Space on the Lot assigned including:

a) The costs related to the extension of the public utility systems from the Participant's site boundary to the building (in the case of Participants Self – Built Exhibition Spaces.

b) The cost of hooking-up utilities and of the internal distribution of utilities within their assigned areas.

c) Costs for dismantling and demolition and for restoring the Lot assigned (or an Exhibition Space within a Cluster) to its original condition.

d) Costs for maintenance and cleaning. e) Public utility services such as water supply, sewage, electricity, air conditioning,

telecommunications, etc. for the duration of construction, exhibition and use of exhibition space or building;

f) Costs for fire prevention and for hygiene and security measures related to their exhibition area.

Official Participants shall also bear the following costs:

a) Costs related to the transport; storage, display, as well as the removal of the exhibition

materials and any other additional materials (e.g. packaging). b) Costs incurred by the Organizer in carrying-out work on behalf of, and in the interest of

the Official Participant, at the request of the same or acting under the stipulations of the Special Regulations.

c) Taxes and duties where payable, and other charges, on the basis of the “Laws and Regulations”.

5. If the Organizer undertakes any of the tasks above on behalf of the Official Participants, the

Official Participants shall bear all the relevant expenses incurred provided the Organizer has given sufficient notice to the Official Participant.

6. If an Official Participant fails to perform its obligations, the Organizer has the authority to perform these obligations at the expense of the Official Participant.

ARTICLE 5 - Rights and Obligations of the Organizer

1. The Organizer shall assume no responsibility for any damage or loss relating to and resulting from the violation of the “Laws and Regulations” by the Official Participants.

2. The Organizer may order the following actions or omissions of actions if deemed necessary, at the expense of the Official Participant:

a) Compliance with the provisions of this Special Regulation with respect to the terms and

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periods agreed upon by the Official Participant and the Organizer. b) The suspension of work on a building, or any part thereof, if said work violates the

“Laws and Regulations”, or if it is considered that hazardous conditions exist. c) The demolition of a building, or any part thereof, or of an installation, if its construction

violates the “Laws and Regulations”. d) The termination of any occupancy of the construction works site in the event of

dangerous conditions arising from the work being carried out and as yet unfinished. e) The elimination of dangerous conditions. f) The suspension of construction personnel who are not in possession of work and

residence permits as stipulated by the “Laws and Regulations”.

CHAPTER II - Allocated Spaces

ARTICLE 6 - Documents Provided by the Organizer

The Organizer shall provide Lots, or Exhibition Spaces in Clusters free of charge with connection to water and electricity to the boundary of plots to the Official Participants pursuant to Special Regulation No. 2 and Participation Contract, and provide the following requisite technical documents:

A. For Lots a) Data of preliminary geographic survey of the site; b) Data of public utilities systems such as water supply, sewage, electricity, air

conditioning, telecommunications and television; c) Relief map with marked boundary lines of the lot; d) Map showing the lot and the surrounding and/or closer roads, parking lots, green areas,

infrastructures, existing buildings and structures; e) Design parameters and guidelines; f) Regulations on construction and access of personnel and goods to the allocated lot; g) General guidelines on safety, sanitation and fire prevention for the Site.

B. For Exhibition Spaces in Clusters

a) Drawings and specifications of architectural, structural, mechanical and electrical systems;

b) Data of public utilities systems such as water supply, sewage, electricity, air conditioning, telecommunications and television;

c) Buildings and structures specifications; d) Requirements for maintenance and cleaning; e) Regulations on construction and access of personnel and goods to allocated space; f) General guidelines on safety, sanitation and fire prevention for the site.

ARTICLE 7 - Inspection of allocated Space

With prior approval of the Organizer, Official Participants may at their own cost inspect the Exhibition Spaces allocated to them.

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ARTICLE 8 - Design Parameters

1. The design of Exhibition Spaces shall comply with the “Laws and Regulations” and regulatory planning and design requirements of Expo Milano 2015. Materials and equipment used for the construction shall comply with the “Laws and Regulations”.

2. All improvements, installations, and/or modifications of any nature to existing buildings must first be approved by the Organizer and must be done in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”. In no case work which affects the operation of the technical equipment of the building or the structural integrity of the building may be undertaken.

ARTICLE 9 - Restoration of the Participants’ Buildi ng Site and Exhibition Areas

1. Participants shall remove all the exhibition materials and restore the building sites or Exhibition Spaces assigned to them to their original conditions no later than 31st December 2015 for the Cluster and 31st May 2016 for the Lots.

2. The restoration to the original conditions shall include demolition of buildings and structures including underground elements, substructures and utilities, and the restoration of the land to its original condition.

3. On the basis of a joint agreement, the Official Participant and the Organizer may divert from the provisions of paragraphs 1 and 2 of the present Article.

4. The Official Participants shall consult with the Organizer regarding the demolition and clearance activities. The Official Participants must submit a schedule for the demolition activities and, in the case of demolition of buildings and structures, shall apply for the necessary authorisation to carry out the works.

5. At the termination of the demolition works or of the removal of the internal exhibit structures, an inspection of all the Exhibition Spaces assigned to Official Participants will be carried out jointly by the Organizer and the Official Participant. If the Self – Built Exhibition Space or Exhibition Space in Cluster has been restored to its original state, the Organizer issues to the official Participant a written notification of such in the form of an acceptance letter.

6. If the work carried out by the Participant to restore the land and/or buildings to their original state has not, in the Organizer's opinion, been satisfactorily performed within the period specified in paragraph 1 of the present article, the latter may affect the remaining work, on behalf of, and at the expense of, the former.

CHAPTER III - Technical Supervision

ARTICLE 10 - Duties of the Technical Supervisor

1. Each Official Participant shall appoint a qualified Technical Supervisor with construction management skills during the works and inform the Organizer’s On-Site Manager of his/her name, work experience and contact information.

2. The Technical Supervisor shall be responsible for the supervision over quality, safety, function, programme and costs associated with design and construction of the buildings and the structures.

3. The Official Participants shall ensure that the appointed Technical Supervisor takes full responsibility for compliance with the “Laws and Regulations” of all the construction activities

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and the timely technical coordination with the Organizer’s On-site Manager. 4. Should the Technical Supervisor violate any of the “Laws and Regulations” whether deliberately

or through negligence, the Organizer shall direct the Official Participant concerned to cancel his/her appointment and prohibit his/her access to the construction works site. In such cases the Official Participant shall abide by the directives given and appoint another Technical Supervisor.

CHAPTER IV - Applications and approvals for construction and installation works

ARTICLE 11 - Technical Office and General Provisions by the Organizer

1. The Organizer shall establish a Technical Office composed of architects, engineers and specialists to provide the Official Participants with the necessary assistance in order to obtain the required permits and authorisations from the competent authorities.

2. The Official Participants shall submit all the required documents of application for approval to the Technical Office.

3. The construction permits and all other required licences can only be obtained from the competent authorities through the Organizer's Technical Office which shall interact with the relevant authorities. All applications must be submitted through the Technical Office.

4. The Participants shall bear the costs of the necessary permits to be obtained from the relevant authorities.

5. The Official Participants may employ professional organisations as the agent entitled to obtain the approval construction permits and all other required licences.

ARTICLE 12 - Approvals and authorisations

1. The Organizer, following the outline given in the Theme Statement and the review of the Exhibition Project submitted by the Official Participants, issues the approval in principle. On the basis of the recommendations received by the Organizer and consistent with the Exhibition Project approved, the Official Participant proceeds, according to the “Laws and Regulations” to develop the design of the Exhibition Space on the assigned Lots or of the Exhibition Area in Clusters.

2. The Official Participants shall obtain from the Organizer the following approvals/authorisations: a) Preliminary Design Approval. This approval is issued by the Organizer on the basis of

the preliminary design submitted by the Official Participant. b) Detailed Design Approval and Building Permit. This approval is issued by the

Organizer on the basis of the detailed design submitted by the Official Participant. This approval must be obtained in all cases including the ones for the exhibition area within the Cluster buildings. The extent of the requirements, however, varies significantly between the construction of buildings and the fit-out of exhibition areas in Clusters. A Building Permit is issued by the competent Authorities on the basis of the Detailed Design approved by the Technical Office. No works shall commence until such authorizations are fully granted.

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ARTICLE 13 - Application for Approval of the Prelim inary Design

1. The Official Participants, following the Theme Statement annexed to the Participant Contract and the “Laws and Regulations”, shall submit to the Organizer the Preliminary Design of the project which includes a written description, the layout of the site, the layout of the buildings on the site, floor plans, elevations, sections and layout of outdoor areas and landscaping, the proposed use of the planned facility and a schedule of works, sustainability report, design documents for fire prevention, environmental protection, construction management plan, dismantlement/removal plan, and other documents that need to be approved by the relevant Italian authorities.

2. Upon presentation of the Preliminary Design, the Official Participants shall also notify the Organizer as to their requirements for the supply of water, electricity, telecommunications and wastewater disposal.

3. The Official Participants shall submit the Preliminary Design at least 6 months prior to the date when construction is expected to start. The Organizer shall provide a response within 30 calendar days from the full submission date. The application shall be submitted through an Internet–based platform and 2 hard copies shall be sent to the Organizer Technical Office.

4. The Organizer shall inform the Official Participant of any failure to comply with the “Laws and Regulations”, and any errors or omissions that are noted upon examination of the Preliminary Design. When granting the approval of the Preliminary Design, the Organizer shall also determine which authorisations will be necessary.

ARTICLE 14 - Application for Approval of Detailed D esign and Building Permit

1. The Official Participants shall submit the Detailed Design to the Organizer for approval, following the development of the approved Preliminary Design and any recommendations received at the previous stage.

2. The Detailed Design shall include the following: a) construction and installations plans and timing; b) detailed descriptions and specifications including use of materials; c) layout of buildings and exhibits, floor plans, plans for interior and exterior decoration,

details of utility distribution and equipment, facility plans and landscaping plans, emergency plan;

d) sustainability report; e) design documents for fire prevention, accessibility, logistics, security, hygiene, and

environmental protection; f) maintenance plan; g) dismantlement/removal report; h) construction safety and quality superintendence documents; business licences of the

constructors and installation constructors; i) other documents that need to be approved by the relevant Italian authorities.

3. Starting from 1 June 2013, the Organiser will communicate to each Official Participants the timeframe (3-month period) for the submission of the Detailed Design to the Organiser so as to obtain the Building Permit. The Organiser shall provide a response within 60 calendar days from the date of the complete documentation handover. The application shall be submitted through an Internet–based platform and 2 hard copies shall be sent to the Organizer’s Technical Office.

4. The Organizer shall inform the Official Participant of any failure to comply with the “Laws and Regulations”, and any errors or omissions that are noted upon examination of the Detailed Design and Building Permit; the Organizer may issue the full approval, partial or conditional approval, or refuse approval. Should Official Participants wish to make revisions to approved documents, they shall go through the same procedure specified in the preceding paragraphs to get approval.

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ARTICLE 15 - Refusal of Approval

1. The Organizer may refuse approval when: a) Incorrect information is detected. b) The information presented is insufficient to demonstrate compliance with “Laws and

Regulations”, or the information is contrary there to and the Official Participants have not corrected the areas of non-compliance which were detected.

c) The project is not in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”. 2. In the case of refusal of approval, the Official Participants shall go through the same procedure

specified for the related approval.

ARTICLE 16 - Revocation of Approval

The Organizer may revoke approval if: a) The conditions subject to which the approval was granted have not been fulfilled. b) The approval was granted on the basis of false or incorrect information.

ARTICLE17 - Change/Alteration of Design

1. If an Official Participant wishes to modify any part of an approved plan, the complete documentation, specifications and drawings shall be submitted to the Technical Office for approval before on-site implementation.

2. If an Official Participant carries out works different from those included in the approved implementation plan, the Organizer may order the works to be stopped, the project remaining at a standstill until the above-mentioned approval is obtained.

CHAPTER V - Works and Supervision

ARTICLE 18 - Contractors

1. Contractors may be one or more private individuals or legal entities who, on behalf of the Organizer or the Official Participants, construct or install the approved exhibition facilities (buildings, exhibits, etc.) and perform the necessary alterations, changes and repairs.

2. Construction, engineering and technical work on the Exposition Site may only be performed by properly qualified and authorised contractors in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

3. Contractors shall ensure that the permits, authorisations, plans and technical specifications are always available on the construction site and available for inspection by the Organizer and the competent authorities, and shall comply with the site procedures established by the Organizer.

4. The Official Participants shall through their Technical Supervisor ensure that their contractors comply with the “Laws and Regulations”.

5. The Official Participants may employ specially qualified foreign staff for the construction and installation of their exhibitions, provided that this is done in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

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ARTICLE 19 - Implementation

1. Following the takeover of the assigned Lot or Exhibition Space within a Cluster, the Official Participants and their contractors may perform work during the normal working hours determined by the Organizer. Exceptions require the approval of the Organizer.

2. The Official Participants and their contractors may only perform activities in the Lot assigned to them, including site preparation and storage activities. Requests for additional space must be justified and discussed with sufficient lead time with the Organizer.

3. The Official Participants must rope off their respective construction works sites, whether these are on building sites for pavilions or exhibition areas within existing buildings (fenced-off in the case of open sites), and indicate on a panel to be determined by the Organizer, the names, addresses and telephone numbers of the responsible designer, construction manager, and technical supervisor.

ARTICLE 20 - Control of the Work

1. The Official Participants must provide the Organizer with their construction schedules during the submission of their implementation plan for approval. The schedules shall at least include:

a) The planned date for the commencement of construction, b) The scheduled dates of the main construction phases to alert inspection requirements, c) The completion deadlines in accordance with the general schedule of the Exposition.

The general schedule of the Exposition shall be supplied by the Organizer to all Participants.

2. The Official Participants shall commence work on the specified date in accordance with the approved schedule and shall complete it within the specified period.

3. The Official Participants shall collaborate with the Organiser in order to support the implementation of preventive environmental measures. For this purpose, the Organiser will plan and carry out environmental and safety reviews in agreement with Official Participants.

4. The Organizer reserves the right to forbid the commencement of construction work or to order the stoppage of construction work and the removal from the construction works site of all materials and equipment for said work at the cost of the Participant in the following cases:

a) The Official Participant fails to commence said work within fifteen (15) days of the scheduled commencement date or fails to commence it within eight (8) days after a warning is issued by the Organizer.

b) The Organizer judges that said work will not be completed by the scheduled date of completion.

c) The Official Participant encroaches upon or occupies adjoining areas not assigned to him except with the express agreement of the parties affected.

d) The Official Participant or his contractor, despite an order, performs activities that endanger personal, environment or material safety.

5. In the case of deviation from the approved schedule, the Official Participants must report to the Organizer the reason for the deviation, and supply a revised schedule within the shortest possible time. In such cases, the Organizer may exercise his right included in paragraph 3 of this Article.

ARTICLE 21 - Maintenance of the Construction Work Site

1. Contractors shall maintain the construction works site clean, safe, and in good order. 2. Contractors shall be responsible for the orderly arrangement and clearance of construction

materials on the construction work site. Failure to do so could result in the removal of materials by the Organizer at the expense of the Official Participant.

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3. Access of personnel, and transportation on the construction site, shall be controlled by the contractors in accordance with the safety measures corresponding to the nature of the construction activities and in compliance with the “Laws and Regulations”. All personnel of contractors and the Official Participants shall carry ID cards issued by the Organizer.

4. Any occurrence of fire, theft or personal injuries, as well as any other extraordinary events that take place on the construction works site, shall be reported to the Organizer immediately. This report shall not affect the responsibility of the Official Participants and contractors to take the necessary measures to correct the situation.

5. The Official Participants and contractors must cooperate with contractors working on adjacent sites regarding the use of common areas and, whenever necessary, accept that other contractors may, on conditions previously agreed upon, also act in their area.

6. The Official Participants or their contractors must verify the operational environmental safety and proper use of all machines and dangerous chemicals used on the construction works site, especially with regard to labour safety and the presence of security devices. The Official Participants shall prohibit the operation of machines not equipped with such devices.

7. Any works judged unsafe by the Organizer may be stopped immediately and without prior notice.

ARTICLE 22 - Transportation of Materials

1. Contractors and Official Participants shall transport materials and control loading activities in such a way as not to hamper the free flow of general traffic or endanger the safety of pedestrians, and shall respect the transportation rules to, from and on the Exposition Site. Details will be regulated in supplementary instructions.

2. The signs and notices on the Exposition Site must be respected during transportation and delivery of materials. These signs and notices may not be covered or moved without the approval of the Organizer.

3. The Official Participants shall respect the Organizer's requirements related to the routes and schedules both on and off the construction works site.

ARTICLE 23 - Inspection by the Organizer

Authorised representatives of the Organizer and the competent authorities shall have free access to the site to inspect all phases of the work from the technical and safety viewpoints. They shall coordinate these inspections with the technical supervisor and the contractors. The authorised representatives must carry evidence of identity regarding their activities.

ARTICLE 24 – Insurance

The Official Participants and their contractors must comply with the terms and conditions related to insurance defined in the Special Regulation No. 8 concerning Insurance.

CHAPTER VI - Structures and Materials

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ARTICLE 25 - Loads and External Forces

The Official Participants shall carry out all construction work in such a way that the construction and installations are safe and can withstand the weights of permanent loads, overloads, vibrational forces, wind forces, and rheological loads.

ARTICLE 26 - Structures and Materials

1. The Official Participants may use any means they wish for the design of structures, such as elastic, plastic, or dynamic studies. The Organizer reserves the right to submit the results of these studies to the authorities they consider appropriate and, in light of the results and comments obtained from said authorities, to issue appropriate instructions.

2. All building materials to be used in the construction works must comply with the “Laws and Regulations”. The Organizer shall give assistance to obtain approval for materials which are not normally used in Italy.

CHAPTER VII - Safety Measures applicable it buildings

ARTICLE 27 - Entries and Exits

1. All buildings on the Exposition Site shall have an adequate amount of entries and exits in relation to their floor area and capacity. The doors may only open outwards. The Official Participants shall ensure that all buildings have unobstructed exits for emergency escape by the public. The number of such exits shall be in compliance with the “Laws and Regulations”, and supported by appropriate calculations.

2. The public doors at the front of the building must not have locks or push-bolts which could prevent the public from evacuating the building in case of emergency.

3. The Official Participants shall have a “Universal Design” approach to the design, the construction and the operations of their exhibition areas. Technical barrier-free facilities and logistic implementations must be installed in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

4. The Official Participants must install visual or acoustic signalling equipment, which is easily recognised by the public, to indicate exit routes and their direction in case of an emergency.

5. Exit routes must be illuminated and indicated by signs which have a separate power source. In case the electricity from the general power source to the pavilion is switched off, these must be battery operated.

ARTICLE 28 - Arrangement of Exhibition

1. The exhibit materials and equipment must be arranged in such a way as not to hinder free passage or emergency evacuation of the public.

2. The boundary lines indicated in the display plan must be respected. 3. Suspended objects, curtains or other objects liable to cause obstructions or errors in locating exits

shall not be placed along exit routes.

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CHAPTER VIII - Fire prevention measures

ARTICLE 29 - Observance of Regulations

The Official Participants, during the design and construction phases, must comply with fire prevention measures as specified by Organizer in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations” and Special Regulations No. 5 and No. 10.

ARTICLE 30 - Emergency Exits

All floors, walls and ceilings forming part of emergency exit routes in case of emergency must be made of non - flammable, or fireproof materials which do not discharge toxic gases.

ARTICLE 31 - Hanging Materials

If the suspended materials are made of combustible material, the suspended materials must be located at the required safety distance from heat sources such as lights, arcs and other sources of heat and light.

ARTICLE 32 - Roof

Roofs on buildings shall be made of fireproof materials, unless otherwise authorised by the Organizer.

ARTICLE 33 - Flammable Materials

1. The use of open fire is strictly prohibited. Exceptions can only be made in special cases, and in special regard of the fire protection regulations, with prior approval of the Organizer. Flammable materials may only be used with the permission of the relevant authority or with a special permission from the Organizer, and in compliance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

2. Designated areas must be allocated for cooking and/or smoking. Smoking is normally prohibited in the public areas of the building. The use of cookers, electrical radiators and similar devices is only permitted with the prior permission of the Organizer.

3. Materials used by the Official Participants for decoration or other purposes (upholstery, curtains, artificial flowers, etc.) must be fireproof according to ISO standards. The Organizer shall provide supplementary instructions regarding this matter. Fireproofing certificates must be attached to the construction documentation and technical description of the building and interior work submitted to the Organizer. The lack of such documentation may result in the refusal to grant the user’s permit. The Organizer reserves the right to perform tests on the premises of the building or exhibition area on materials that have been identified by the Official Participants as having been fire-proofed.

4. Materials that give off toxic or corrosive gases or release burning drops when they burn shall not be used for construction, decoration and finishing.

5. The Official Participant and contractors must establish storage facilities when storing paint, oil and other such flammable materials; flammable materials may only be stored in quantities permitted by the “Laws and Regulations”. The entry door to such facilities should clearly indicate the storage of

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combustible materials with the legally required sign and designation. 6. Only as much quantity of flammable materials may be stored on the construction works site as are

required for a single day's operation of exhibited equipment or other Official Participant activities. Flammables must be delivered in properly sealed metal containers. Any intention to store flammables must be submitted in writing together with the preliminary project, indicating data related to the quantity and technical specifications of the stored materials.

ARTICLE 34 - Installation of Fire Prevention Facili ties

1. The Official Participants shall furnish their Exhibition Spaces with equipment, devices and systems to prevent and deal with fires, in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”. Such equipment shall be indicated on the construction plans, and must be linked to the Organizer's central alarm system. Fire extinguishers must be available in areas of potential fire hazards.

2. The Official Participants shall guarantee that their staff has had fire safety training and is familiar with the fire emergency plan and the use of fire extinguishing devices.

3. The Official Participants shall ensure the periodical maintenance and control of the fire prevention and fire fighting equipment. They must keep the documentation of completed maintenance and control inspections.

4. The Official Participants shall prepare an emergency plan for their buildings and this should be submitted at the latest with the application for the user permit.

CHAPTER IX - Environmental Protection

ARTICLE 35 - Environmental Protection Regulations

1. The Official Participants must ensure that environmental protection, health, radiation protection and security requirements as well as limits prescribed by the “Laws and Regulations” are respected at all times within their Exhibition Space. Special attention must be paid to avoid water and air pollution, soil contamination, generation of harmful noise and vibration, and the production of hazardous waste; special care shall be taken for the proper management, storage and disposition of hazardous waste.

2. To ensure compliance with the “Laws and Regulations”, the Official Participants shall, when necessary, obtain a ruling of prior authorisation from the Organizer.

3. Representatives of the competent authority on the Exposition Site working closely with the Organizer shall control compliance with the relevant environmental protection regulations as well as the adequacy of protection (i.e. effectiveness of instruments and devices used in environmental protection).

4. The Organizer may order the cessation of harmful impact on the environment, at the expense of the Official Participant. In the case of non-compliance with such an order, the Organizer shall proceed to stop the activities causing pollution and restore any area that may have been damaged at the expense of the Official Participant.

5. The Official Participants shall give prior notice to the Organizer of any proposed delivery, use or storage of radioactive materials and devices containing sources of radiation, indicating the quantity and levels of radiation, and shall include such information during the submission of their projects for preliminary approval.

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CHAPTER X - Installations electricity for water, electricity, etc…

ARTICLE 36 - General Information on Utilities

The Organizer shall provide for all Official Participants the basic public utility systems to the point of connection on the perimeter of the Self – Built Exhibition Space or Exhibition Space within the Cluster which they shall occupy. Meters for each utility supply will be installed within the Official Participant’s space. Details regarding the conditions of supply and use of water electricity, telecommunications and other services, as well as consumption costs, shall be contained in the Special Regulation No. 10 concerning the provision of General Services.

CHAPTER XI - Labour safety and Hygiene

ARTICLE 37 - Observance of Labour Safety Regulations

All Official Participants and contractors must comply with the “Laws and Regulations” concerning labour safety.

ARTICLE 38 - Occupation of Thoroughfares

1. While works are in progress, Participants' and contractors' equipment and vehicles shall circulate only on the thoroughfares designated for that purpose by the Organizer, and they shall respect the traffic signs and instructions given by the Organizer.

2. The Official Participants and/or contractors wishing to occupy any part of thoroughfares and/or spaces belonging to the Organizer in order to carry out works shall obtain prior approval from the Organizer.

ARTICLE 39 - Access to Construction Work Sites

1. The Organizer defines the access route to the construction works site upon authorisation of the Implementation Plan. Contractors responsible for construction shall set aside a specific area as access to the works, ensuring that all safety measures are applied and that access is maintained in a good state of repair.

2. All Participants and contractors employees shall park their vehicles in the areas designed for this purpose and assigned by the Organizer. No vehicles will be allowed on the Site during the construction works which are not directly involved in the transport or the placement of construction and exhibition materials.

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ARTICLE 40 - Provisional Facilities

1. The Official Participants or contractors may, within the area assigned for their works (in the case of building sites), place containers to serve as auxiliary work shelters. These shall be located so as to not hinder the progress of the works and shall be removed not later than 31th March 2015. The location of these facilities must be approved by the Organizer.

2. Work shelters and overnight containers are only allowed in areas which are designated by the Organizer.

ARTICLE 41 - Scaffolding

1. In cases where the Official Participants or contractors have to erect scaffolding, it shall be solid and secure, and be in accordance with the “Laws and Regulations”.

2. The use of damaged, warped or unsuitable materials in the construction of scaffolding shall be prohibited.

ARTICLE 42 - Hazardous Substances

1. The use by Official Participants or contractors of such substances as toxic or inflammable products, dangerous chemical or explosives is subject to prior authorisation of the Organizer.

2. The Official Participants or contractors shall provide suitable equipment to safeguard against possible fire and explosion in areas where the above-mentioned substances are handled.

ARTICLE 43 - Safe Operation of Equipment

The Official Participants or contractors shall be responsible for the safe operation of machines and equipment as required by the “Laws and Regulations”. In the case of dangerous equipment, the proper safety clothes (protecting helmets, masks, etc.) and devices must be used. Machinery shall only be operated by qualified personnel.

ARTICLE 44 - First Aid Kits

1. Each construction works site shall have a duly labelled first-aid kit containing the medication and equipment specified by the “Laws and Regulations”, which will be checked periodically.

2. The Official Participants or contractors shall be responsible at all times for the cleanliness, maintenance and replacement of its contents.

ARTICLE 45 - Suspension of Works

In the event of imminent danger or any dangerous situation, whether caused accidentally or by such weather conditions as violent winds, torrential rain storms etc., the Official Participants and contractors shall suspend work on their installations, and thereafter shall neither order nor allow workers to continue their duties until the hazardous situation has passed. The Organizer shall provide information concerning the meteorological conditions.

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ARTICLE 46 - Safety against Falls

Places where there is risk of falling or scattering objects shall warrant special measures such as protective nets, eye-shields, demarcation or fencing-off of spaces, warning signs etc.

ARTICLE 47 - Hazardous Areas

When an unprotected or unmarked hazardous area is noted on a construction works site, warning signs or suitable protection shall immediately be placed in position.

ARTICLE 48 - Temporary Hygiene Facilities

1. The Official Participants or contractors shall make available to their workers the hygiene and comfort facilities including restrooms, changing rooms, food preparation and consumption areas, etc.

2. The Official Participants or contractors shall maintain their works and facilities in a state of cleanliness and hygiene.

ARTICLE 49 - Emergency Plan

1. All Official Participants shall prepare an emergency plan in compliance with “Laws and Regulations” making provisions for possible accidents so that these situations may be dealt with in an orderly, efficient manner and shall instruct their workers on the procedures to be followed in such situations.

2. All Official Participants shall submit a copy of their emergency plan to the Organizer for approval. 3. All Official Participants shall immediately notify the Organizer of any serious incident or accident

occurring within their Exhibition Spaces.

CHAPTER XII - Use of Buildings

ARTICLE 50 - Completion of Works

Within eight days from the completion of the construction works, a report written by the Participant technical supervisor certifying the completion of the works shall be submitted by the Official Participants to the Organizer.

ARTICLE 51 - User’s Permit

1. Upon receipt of the documents referred to in the preceding article, the Organizer and the competent Italian Authorities may inspect the buildings, installation and equipment, as well as the outdoor space, in order to check their compliance with the implementation plan and the “Laws and Regulations”.

2. Having completed and arranged all decoration and exhibition material, Participants shall request

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the Organizer and the competent Italian Authorities to carry out the necessary inspection prior to granting the user’s permit. This inspection shall check all materials and their location and, in particular, safety and fire-prevention measures. If the inspection is satisfactory, the Organizer shall issue a user permit. This authorisation does not relieve the Participant from his responsibility under the “Laws and Regulations”.

3. If there should be a non-compliance with any of the provisions of the “Laws and Regulations” which present a risk of physical or material damage, the Official Participant concerned will be advised to correct said non-compliance otherwise said authorisation shall not be issued. Non-compliance must be corrected immediately.

ARTICLE 52 - Maintenance and Control

1. The Official Participants shall ensure the good maintenance of their buildings, installations and generally the whole space assigned to them.

2. The Official Participants shall ensure the maintenance and safety of measuring devices and other technical equipment installed in their Exhibition Space, and shall allow access to the Organizer for inspection of such.

3. If an Official Participant does not observe the instructions given in the previous paragraphs, the Organizer may take whatever measures he deems necessary, acting on behalf of, and at the expense of, the Participant concerned.

4. The Official Participants shall assume at their own cost the maintenance and repair of the structures and installations which they have produced, the Organizer being responsible for the maintenance and repair of the buildings which it has rented, provided that any eventual damage was not caused by the Participants or their contractors.

5. The Official Participants may, with the approval of the Organizer, carry out necessary maintenance and repairs outside the opening hours of the Exposition.

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1. The Organizer refers to EXPO 2015 S.p.A. 2. Site refers to the bounded area at North-West of the Centre of Milan and within the municipalities

of Milan, Rho, and Pero, as indicated in the Registration Dossier. 3. Lot refers to a piece of land assigned by the Organizer to an Official Participant for design and

construction of the Exhibition Space. For the Cluster participation model the Lot means the total area of the Cluster, comprising Individual Exhibition Spaces, the Common Exhibition Space and the Service Area.

4. Self – Built Exhibition Space refers one or more Exhibition Spaces built by the Official Participants on an assigned Lot. This type of space is made of buildings, interior fitting and open – air exhibition areas.

5. Buildings refer to the covered exhibition areas or enclosed structures containing exhibition areas and any other buildings included facilities, etc.

6. Cluster refers to the innovative Exhibition Model created to group within the same architectural project a number of Countries focused on a prominent, shared and representative theme. Technically it means the lot assigned by the Organizer to several Official Participants in which the creation of the exhibition spaces is the Organizer’s responsibility.

7. Individual Exhibition Space means the Exhibition Space inside the Cluster where the Country can develop its exhibition project.

8. Construction refers to all building construction and other engineering works related to open spaces, facilities, etc. (including that involved in the construction as well as the dismantlement and removal of exhibitions).

9. Exhibition Area Construction refers to the engineering work involved in the extension of buildings, as well as to open-air exhibition areas, remodelling work and interior finish work.

10. Organizer’s On-Site Manager refers to the person nominated by the Organizer as its representative in full charge of the construction site.

11. Day refers to calendar day. 12. Design and Construction Supervisor refers to those persons who design buildings or supervise

building construction. 13. Contractor refers to those persons who will undertake the construction of facilities, etc. 14. Workers refer to those who will be engaged in the construction of facilities, etc. 15. Machinery, etc. refers to the machinery, equipment, appliances and apparatus to be used in the

construction of facilities, etc.

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1. Procedure for Self-Built Exhibition -Spaces

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2. Procedure for Exhibition Space in Clusters