special senses (eye)

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  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    3.INNER NERVOUS TISSUE LAYER Inner most layer Consists of retina Externally delicate layer Composed several nerve cell bodies and


    - lying on pigmented layer attached to choroid

    Light sensitive layer- consists sensory cells

    Sensory cells are two types1. Rod to view object in black andwhite image.

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Cones to view object in color image Retina thickest layer at posterior of the

    eye ball Near the centre of posterior yellow spot Yellow spot also known macula lutea

    In the centre of the macula lutea foveacentralis

    Fovea centralis consists only cones cells Rods and cones contains photosensitive


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    Photosensitive pigments convert light raysinto nerve impulse

    Nerve fiber in retina from optic nerve Optic nerve leaves eyes from small area The small area known as optic disc / blind

    spot Optic disc no light sensitive cells- cannotdetect image fall on optic disc

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)



  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    F.PHYSIOLOGY OF SIGHT Retina is the photosensitive part of the eyes Light sensitive cells rod and cones Light rays cause chemical changes in

    photosensitive pigments Photosensitive pigments generate nerve impulse

    Impulse conduct through optic nerve tooccipital lobe in cerebrum Cones are sensory cells

    - sensitive to bright light and color- bright light rays focus on macula


  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Rods are sensory cells- More sensitive than cones

    - Stimulated by low intensity/ bim light- Contain Rhodopsin- Rhodopsin photosensitive pigment

    - Bright light bleached Rhodopsin- Rhodopsin quickly regenerated in present

    of vitamin A

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    G. ACCESORY ORGANS OF THE EYE Eye delicate organ Has 3 main accessory organ

    1. Eye brows2. Eye lids and eye lashes

    3. Lacrimal apparatus1.EYE BROWS-Two arched ridges of super orbital margins

    - Located at frontal bone-Numerous hair- Protect the eye ball from sweat ,

    dust and foreign bodies

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    2.EYE LIDS Two movable folds of tissues Situated above and below front of each eye Free edges has short curved hairs eye


    Has 4 layers forms eye lidsa. Thin skinb. Thin sub cutaneous connective

    c. Has 2 muscle orbicularis oculi- contracteye to close- Levator palpebrae

    contract eye to open

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    d. Lining conjunctiva fine transparentmembrane

    - lines eye lid- consists columnar epithelium- protect delicate cornea front of eye

    Functions of eye lidsa. Corneal reflex

    - reflex closure of eye lids- occurs when conjunctiva eye lashes

    touches/ object gets closure/ bright lightshines in to eyes

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    b. Prevent drying- tarsal gland secretes oily material

    - spread over conjunctiva blinking- delay evaporation3.LACRIMAL APPARATUS

    Consists 4 structures of lacrimal apparatusa. 1 lacrimal glandb. 2 lacrimal caanaliculic. 1 lacrimal sacd. 1 nasolacrimal duct

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Lacrimal gland exocrine glands Situated in frontal bone

    - behind super orbital margin Consists secretory cells Secretory cells secretes tears

    Tears contains of lysozyme bactericidalenzyme

    - antibodies- mineral salts sodium- water

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Tears secretion increased whena. Foreign material direct contact

    b. Irritant substantc. Emotional status Function of tears

    a. Washing away irritant materialb. Prevent microbial infection- bactericidalc. Prevent dryness of conjunctiva

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    H. STRUCTURE AND FUNCTIONS OF NOSE Nose Organ of sense of smell

    Originate nasal cavity Nasal cavity also acts as a passage way dorrespiration

    Olfactory nerve sensory nerve for smell- originate as specialized

    olfactory nerve endings

    - located - in mucousmembrane

    - on roof of the nasal cavity- above superior nasalconcha

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Picture of the olfactory structures

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    On each side of nasal septum nerve fiberPass through cribriform to olfactory bulb

    In olfactory bulb interconnection andsynapses occur Olfactory bulb bundles and nerve fiber

    form Olfactory tract Olfactory tract pass impulses to

    olfactory area in temporal lobe

    1. PHYSIOLOGY OF SMELL Odorous material give off volatile


  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Volatile molecule carried in to nosetogether with inhaled air

    Molecule dissolved in mucus stimulateolfactory chemoreceptor

    Air entering nose warmed and conventionoccur

    Air convention carried inspired air to theroof of nasal cavity

    Olfactory receptor stimulated generate

    impulse- impulse conducted through olfactory nerve to temporal lobe to

    detect perception of smell

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)



    Tongue organ sense of taste Sense of taste also known - gustation Closely linked to sense of smell

    Stimulation of chemoreceptor by dissolvedchemical Taste bud contain chemoreceptor

    Chemoreceptor has 3 small nerve ending1. Glossopharyngeal nerve

    2. Facial nerve3. Vagus nerve

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Location of chemoreceptor are1. Papillae of tongue

    2. Soft palate3. Pharynx4. Epiglottis

    Some cells has microvilli projectingtowards tiny pores dissolved in saliva

    Nerve impulse generated conduct along CN7,9 and 10 to parietal lobe to detect

    perception of taste

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    K. PHYSIOLOGY OF TASTE Has 4 sense of taste

    1. Sweet2. Sour3. Bitter

    4. Salt Tongue divided in 3 sections

    1. Tip2. Side3. Back

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    Sense of taste stimulate taste buds inspecific part of the tongue

    1. Sweet and salty at the tip2. Sour at the sides3. Bitter at the back

    Sense of taste trigger salivation andsecretion of gastric juice

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)


    The taste buds of the circumvallate papillaeare made up of a taste pore with sensitivemicrovilli (hair like structures) at the top.Inside the taste bud are taste receptor cellsconnected to nerve fiber.

  • 8/14/2019 Special Senses (EYE)
