specification for the construction of 115 kv...


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Prepared by: TRC Engineers

December, 2009

Luther Forest Underground Transmission Line Construction Specification

Table of Contents

1.0 Contractor Request for Proposal Overview. .................................................................. 1

2.0 Terms and Conditions ................................................................................................... 8

3.0 Summary of Work ........................................................................................................... 12 4.0 Technical Requirements .................................................................................................. 25



PART 1 – INTRODUCTION The work covered by this specification includes the requirements for fabrication and installation of two 115 kV three phase underground electrical transmission circuits, each approximately 6,000 feet long, for the Luther Forest Technology Campus (LFTC) 115 KV electric transmission line (ETL) project. Each circuit shall be installed in its own dedicated duct line and manhole system. The duct line and manhole system has been installed by others. The Work includes fabrication and installation of single conductor 115 kV solid dielectric power cable, 115 kV terminations, 115 kV splices, ground continuity conductors, cable sheath bonding accessories, cable supports and clamps, and other cable accessories to make a complete working underground 115 kV cable system. The Work also includes the installation of a fiber optic cable and associated splices in one of the 115 kV duct lines. The underground portion of the Rotterdam - Luther Forest #2 and the Spier Falls - Luther Forest #302 lines begins at the National Grid Malta Substation in the Town of Malta, New York and proceeds approximately 1.1 miles through two separate nine way concrete encased duct banks containing six inch PVC conduits along with six inch FRE connections to the Stonebreak Road transition station. From Stonebreak Road transition station the lines extend overhead to the Luther Forest station in the Town of Stillwater a distance of approximately 1.8 miles.

The underground section of the (ETL) is part of the larger project supplying 115 KV power to the Luther Forest Technology Campus currently under construction. Other portions of this project including the Stonebreak Transition station, the Malta riser structures, the Luther Forest station and the Luther Forest – North Troy #308 and the Mohican - Luther Forest # 3 overhead transmission lines are being constructed under separate contracts and will require coordination among all contractors involved on the project. LFTC is the owner of this project until the ETL is complete at which point it will be turned over to National Grid, therefore all design and construction has to meet the requirements and acceptance of National Grid. The following sections are an overview of the project with major items including the scope of work, construction schedule, special conditions, contacts, list of drawings and bid sheets. The drawings provided with this specification are for bidding purposes only. A final set of construction drawings will be issued to the successful bidder. PART 2 – SCOPE OF WORK A. The scope of this project consists of providing all labor, materials (except owner provided

material), tools, equipment, testing, accessories and services necessary to furnish and install all the work shown per the project drawings or described in the specifications.


PART 3 – CONSTRUCTION SCHEDULE The Contractor shall submit a detailed construction schedule identifying critical milestone lead times with all required construction activities. All this work shall be accomplished in the shortest duration practical, starting on or about May 3, 2010 and must be completed by September 30, 2010. All practical methods to reduce the duration of construction shall be taken. PART 4 – SPECIAL CONDITIONS

A. The Contractor shall be required to begin his portion of this project while other Contractor(s) may be on site.

B. Bids must be accompanied by Bid Security made payable to LFTCEDC in the amount of

5% of the Bid and in the form of a certified or bank check or a Bid bond issued by a surety duly licensed and authorized to do business in New York State. The Bid Security of the successful bidder (the Contractor) will be retained until the Contractor has executed a contract with LFTCEDC, furnished the required performance and payment bonds (see below) and met the other conditions of the Notice of Award, whereupon the Bid Security will be returned. If the successful bidder fails to execute and deliver the contract and furnish the performance and payment bonds within 15 days of the Notice of Award, LFTCEDC may annul the Notice of Award and the Bid Security of that bidder will be forfeited. The Bid Security of other bidders whom LFTCEDC believes to have a reasonable chance of receiving the award may be retained by LFTCEDC until the earlier of seven days after the effective date of the contract entered into by the successful bidder and LFTCEDC or 46 days after bid opening, whereupon Bid Security furnished by such bidders will be returned.

C. The Contractor will be required to furnish a performance bond and a payment bond, each in

an amount equal to 100% of the contract price. D. The Contractor will be required to comply with covenants relating to nondiscrimination in

employment. PART 5 – CONTACTS The following Personnel will be the contacts for the duration of the project: TRC Engineers - Joseph J Procopio - Telephone (315) 671-1604 Email - [email protected] LFTC – Jon Dawes – Telephone (518) 587-0945 Email – [email protected]


PART 6 – LIST OF DRAWINGS The Contract Drawings which accompany and form part of this Specification include:

Item Drawing

Number Sheet No.

Rev. No.

Date Title

1 T10000 1 2 6/26/09 Stonebreak General Plan & Elevation

2 T10003 1 2 6/26/09 Stonebreak Foundation Plan

3 T10005 1 2 6/26/09 Duct Bank Sections and Details

4 T10011 1 0 6/26/09 Cable Sheath Bonding Diagram

5 T10012 1 0 6/26/09 Stonebreak Cable Riser Structure

6 T10013 1 2 6/26/09 Stonebreak Cable Riser Structure

7 T10015 1 0 8/15/08 Manhole Transition

8 T10016 1 0 6/26/09 Manhole drawing

9 T10017 1 0 6/26/09 Manhole Casting

10 T10018 1 0 1/5/10 Manhole Splice & Bonding Detail

11 T10020 1-10 0 7/9/08 Duct Bank Plan & Profile

12 D-37165-E 1 A 05/22/09 Stonebreak Ground Grid Plan

13 D-26501-E 1 4 Malta Station Electrical Plan

14 D-26501-E 2 4 Malta Station Electrical Elevations

15 D-26532-E 1 5 Malta Station Grounding Plan

16 D-26533-E 1 2 Malta Station Conduit & Grounding Details

17 D-26542-E 1 4 Malta Station Conduit Plan The drawings are, in general, made to scale, but all working dimensions shall be taken from the figured dimensions or by actual measurements at the job site and not by scaling. The Owner reserves the right to revise the drawings and to furnish any additional drawings for the proper execution of the work, as he may deem necessary. The Contractor shall execute the work in accordance with the latest drawing revision.


PART 7 – PROPOSAL SUBMITTALS Three (3) copies of contractor proposals shall be submitted to:

Mr. Jon Dawes, VP LFTC LFTC 28 Clinton Street Saratoga Springs, New York 12866-2110



1 Material 115 KV Solid Dielectric Cable Approx. 36,000' Cable Terminations 12 Cable Splices 18 Link Boxes & Bonding Equipment As Req’d. _________________ 4/0 Ground Continuity Conductor Approx. 12,000' 24 Count Fiber Optic Cable Approx. 6,000' Sub Total Material 2 Installation Mobilization 115 KV Solid Dielectric Cable Approx. 36,000' Cable Terminations 12 Cable Splices 18

Link Boxes & Bonding Equipment As Req’d. 4/0 Ground Continuity Conductor Approx. 12,000' 24 Count Fiber Optic Cable Approx. 6,000' Testing and Commissioning


De Mobilization Sub Total Installation Total Lump Sum Furnish and Install 3 Spare Material 115 KV Solid Dielectric Cable 1605' Cable Terminations 1 Cable Splices 2 Sheath Voltage Limiters (SVL) 6

LUMP SUM ITEMS The total lump sum price for each item shall include all labor, tools, equipment and materials required to complete the work in its entirety. The total lump sum price shall exclude sales tax. Sales tax shall be identified as a separate line item. The Contractor shall determine his material quantities for each lump sum item based on the elevations, limits and dimensions included in the Contract Specifications, Reference Drawings and/or field measurements. ADDITIONAL ITEMS/WORK NO additional work shall commence without a written Authorization for Contract Change (ACC) by the Owner prior to the start of the additional work. SCHEDULE OF COMMENCEMENT AND COMPLETION Bids will be due April 15th by 4 PM. Anticipated award date will be on or before April 29th. The Contractor agrees if awarded the Contract, that they shall commence the work not later than five (5) calendar days after they receipt of notice to proceed from the Owner. The work shall progress with all reasonable speed and diligence so as to be fully completed on or before September 30, 2010. The Contractor shall submit with his bid a detailed statement of conformance to the specification. The statement shall be of such detail as to illustrate the Contractor’s complete understanding of the work required. The Contractor shall use the scope of work detailed in this specification as a basis for the statement of conformance. It shall indicate all services, which will be provided, and those in which the opinion of the Contractor should be provided but have not been requested. Submittal of the statement of conformance will not relieve the successful Contractor of any responsibilities specified in the construction specification, construction drawings and pre-bid meeting.



Empire State Development Corporation has established the following Minority/Women’s

Business Enterprise (MBE/WBE) utilization goals for this Project. The goal is expressed as a percentage of the total bid price.

Minority Business Enterprise Utilization Goal 5% Women’s Business Enterprise Utilization Goal 5%

Information related to the current certification status of Minority or Women’s Business Enterprises can be obtained by contacting:

Empire State Development Division of Minority and Women’s Business Development 30 South Pearl Street Albany, NY 12245 518-292-5250

The Contractor shall acknowledge the goals set forth herein in the Bid and shall designate a person who will have the responsibility for tracking usage by Contractor of Minority or Women’s Business Enterprises in connection with the Project.

SUBCONTRACTORS AND SUPPLIERS We plan to use the following subcontractors and suppliers for operations as indicated: Work to be performed

Subcontractor’s & suppliers name & address

Approximate value

The Contractor agrees that this bid is to continue open for acceptance and is irrevocable until 90 days from the Bid Due Date. Name, Signature and Title of Individual Preparing Bid Name of Contractor (Firm, Corporation or Company) Address


City, State, Zip Code Telephone COMPANY NAME



The Contractor shall submit with his bid a detailed bar chart schedule reflecting different phases of work and when each phase will be carried out including dates for critical milestone lead time items. In addition to the bar chart schedule the Contractor shall submit the required bid security and performance bond information. Should the Contractor take exception to the stated dates in the Schedule of Commencement and Completion section then the Contractor shall fill in the following information: Starting Date __________Calendar Days after Written Notification of Award. Construction Duration _________Calendar Days from Start to Contract Completion.

The Contractor shall also submit a fully loaded hourly labor rate schedule for all trades to be utilized on the project along with all hourly equipment rates including operator.



PART 1 – SCOPE OF WORK 1.1 The Contractor shall perform all the Work in conformance with all applicable permits,

Federal, State, and Local engineering, construction, safety, environmental, building and electrical codes, regulations, standards, directives, requirements, rules, regulations, laws and ordinances.

1.2 The Contractor shall be solely responsible for all construction means, methods, techniques,

sequences, procedures, safety and compliance programs in connection with the performance of the work.

1.3 Initial centerlines and bench marks shall be provided by the Owner. All lines and grades

necessary for the proper construction of the project shall be established by the Contractor in accordance with the drawings. Bench marks, reference points, line stakes and/or grade stakes shall be carefully protected by the Contractor and such points disturbed by the Contractor shall be replaced at the Contractor’s expense.

It shall be the responsibility of the Contractor to verify all lines and grades shown on the

drawings or established in the field and the Contractor shall report any apparent discrepancy to the Owner before work on any such section may commence.

1.4 A performance bond and a labor and materials payment bond are required as part of the

final contract. No other bonds are required for the contract. PART 2 – PERSONNEL 2.1 The Contractor shall provide a competent full time superintendent satisfactory to the

Owner, at the Site during the progress of the Work to ensure that the Work is being performed in accordance with the contract. The superintendent shall not be removed from the Project without the Owner’s prior written approval. The superintendent shall represent the Contractor, and all directions given the superintendent shall be binding as if given to the Contractor.

PART 3 – CHANGES IN WORK 3.1 No additions to, deletions from, or alterations in the Work and no amendment or repeal of,

and no substitution for any terms, conditions, provisions or requirements of the Agreement shall be made unless first authorized in writing by the Owner.

PART 4 – PAYMENT 4.1 The Contractor shall submit invoice(s) monthly by the 25th of each month to the Field

Representative. The owner will have 40 days from the 25th to distribute payment to the Contractor. Each invoice shall reference the Owner’s Purchase Order Number. Said invoice(s) shall include cost breakdowns and unit quantities as specified by the Owner. The Contractor shall submit, along with each invoice, a lien release in the form as provided by LFTCEDC or the Engineer at the time the contract is executed. Each monthly invoice must contain lien releases from the Contractor and each subcontractor.


4.2 Ten percent (10%) of each invoice shall be retained by the Owner until Final Acceptance

by the Owner.

4.3 Not less than the prevailing rate of wages as determined by the New York State Department of Labor shall be paid to all laborers, workers and mechanics performing work under this contract. All of the Contractor’s bonds shall include a provision as will guarantee the faithful performance of such prevailing wage clause as provided by the contract. In addition, Contractor shall ensure that the above requirements are included in all its contracts and any layer of subcontracts for activities for the Project.

PART 5 – LIABILITY 5.1 If any act or omission to act on the part of the Contractor or its Subcontractors or any

person under their control causes in whole or part, death or injury to any person, including but not limited to the Owner’s or the Owner’s affiliates’ employees, or any damage to, environmental contamination of, or destruction of any property, including but not limited to property of the Owner or the Owner’s affiliates, the Contractor shall be liable for any claims, losses, damages and costs (including legal expenses) arising there from.

5.2 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless,

and at the Owner’s option, defend the Owner, its affiliates and their officers, directors, employees, agents, successors, assigns, and servants, from and against any and all claims and/or liability for damage to property, injury or death of any person, including but not limited to, the Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors, and the Subcontractor’s employees, or any other liability incurred by the Owner or its affiliates, including expenses, legal or otherwise, caused wholly or in part, by any act or omission, negligent or otherwise of the Contractor, its Subcontractors and their officers, directors, employees, agents, servants, or assigns, arising out of or connected with the Agreement, regardless of whether caused in part by a party indemnified hereunder.

5.3 To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless,

and at the Owner’s option, defend the Owner and its affiliates and their officers, directors, employees, agents, servants, and assigns from and against any liability, loss, or expense arising by reason of claims by any third party, including, but not limited to, the Contractor’s employees, Subcontractors, and Subcontractors’ employees as a result of the actual or asserted failure, omission, or neglect of the Contractor to comply with the Agreement.

5.4 The obligations under this section shall not be limited in any way by any limitation on the

Contractor’s insurance or by a limitation on the amount or type of damages. In addition, the obligations under this section shall not be limited in any way by any compensation or benefits payable by or for the Contractor or any Subcontractor under worker’s compensation acts, disability benefit acts or other employee acts.

5.5 The Owner shall not be liable to the Contractor for consequential, special, incidental,

multiple, or punitive damages (including attorney’s fees or litigation costs) for performance or non-performance of the Agreement or for any actions undertaken in connection with or related to the Agreement, including without limitation damage claims based on causes of action for breach of contract, tort (including negligence), or any other theory of recovery.


5.6 The Contractor shall at all times conduct operations in a manner to ensure the safety of the

general public and to avoid the risk of loss, theft, or damage by vandalism, sabotage, or any other means. The Contractor shall continually inspect the Project, materials, and equipment to discover and determine any conditions that might involve such risks and shall be solely responsible for discovery, determination, and correction of any such conditions.


6.1 TRADE CONTRACTOR'S INSURANCE. Prior to start of the Trade Contract Work, the Trade Contractor shall procure for the Trade Contract Work and maintain in force Workers' Compensation insurance, Employer's Liability insurance, Comprehensive Automobile Liability insurance, Comprehensive or Commercial General Liability insurance on an occurrence basis, and any other insurance required of Trade Contractor under the Trade Contractor Agreement. The Trade Contractor's insurance shall include contractual liability insurance covering the Trade Contractor's obligations under this Trade Contractor Agreement. All policies procured by the Trade Contractor pursuant to this provision shall name the Owner, the Construction Manager, the Architect/Engineer, Consultants and their agents and employees as additional insured, and shall be primary and non-contributory to any insurance carried by these additional insured. Contractor’s policy shall provide coverage for liability arising out of the acts or omissions of its Subcontractors. Each Subcontractor employed on site by the Contractor shall provide comprehensive liability insurance in accordance with the requirements of the Contractor described herein. Such insurance requirements shall be submitted to the Trade Contractor as part of the Subcontractor approval process.

The Contractor shall provide and maintain, at its own expense, insurance policies issued by

reputable insurance companies with an A. M. Best rating of at least B+ that meet or exceed the following requirements:

A. Workers' Compensation and Employers Liability Insurance, as required by New York State.

B. Public Liability, including Contractual Liability and Products/Completed Operations coverage, covering all operations to be performed under this Agreement, with minimum limits of:

1. Bodily Injury - $2,000,000 per occurrence

2. Property Damage - $2,000,000 per occurrence

C. Automobile Liability, covering all owned, non-owned and hired vehicles used under or in connection with this Agreement, with minimum limits of:

1. Bodily Injury - $1,000,000 per occurrence

2. Property Damage - $1,000,000 per occurrence

3. Combined Single Limit - $2,000,000 per occurrence

D. Excess Liability or Umbrella Liability – coverage with a minimum per occurrence limit


of $9,000,000.

Contractor shall provide certificates of insurance to the Owner evidencing these specified coverages and showing LFTCEDC, NYS Urban Development Corporation dba Empire State Development Corporation, the Town of Malta and TRC as an additional insured.


7.1 The Contractor shall be solely responsible and assume all liability for the safety and

supervision of its employees and other persons engaged in the Work or on the Site. The Contractor shall establish and effectively and continuously implement a safety program. The Contractor shall, and shall require its Subcontractors and their employees to comply with all applicable Federal, state and local safety directives, requirements, rules, regulations, laws and ordinances, whether the same are in force upon the execution of the Agreement or may in the future be passed, enacted or directed, including without limitation, compliance with the safety regulations and standards adopted under the Occupational Safety and Health Act of 1970 (OSHA), as amended from time to time. The Contractor shall continually inspect the Project and supervise its personnel to determine and enforce compliance with the above provisions.

7.2 The Contractor shall, and shall require its Subcontractors and their employees to comply

with the Contractor’s Safety Requirements and all established Project safety rules as they may be amended from time to time and to take all necessary safety and other precautions to protect property and persons from damage or injury arising out of performance on the Project, whether the same are in force at the execution of this Agreement or may in the future be passed, enacted or directed.

7.3 The Contractor shall provide adequate safeguards, safety devices and protective equipment

and enforce their use and take any other needed actions to protect the life, health and safety of the public and to protect property in connection with its performance on the Project.

7.4 The Contractor shall at its sole expense provide adequate first aid facilities and shall make

those facilities available for the treatment of persons who may be injured or become ill at the Site or while engaged in the performance of Work.

PART 8 – PERMITS, LICENSES, LAWS, AND REGULATIONS 8.1 Permits and licenses of a temporary nature necessary for the prosecution of the Work shall

be secured and paid for by the Contractor. Unless otherwise specified, permits, licenses and easements for permanent structures or permanent changes in existing facilities shall be secured and paid for by the Owner. In either case the Contractor shall be responsible for prosecuting its Work in accordance with the provisions of all applicable permits and licenses.

8.2 The Contractor shall complete the Work so that it complies with all applicable laws, rules,

regulations, requirements, orders, directives, ordinances, codes and standards of all Federal, State, and Local governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Owner and its affiliates, the Contractor, the Subcontractors, or the Project, whether the same are in force at the execution of this Agreement or may in the future be passed, enacted or directed.


PART 9 – ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 9.1 The Contractor shall comply with all permit conditions, the Owner’s policies set forth in

the Agreement, and all applicable Federal, state and local environmental laws, requirements, orders, directives, rules, regulations, ordinances, and codes whether the same are in force at the execution of this Agreement or may in the future be passed, enacted or directed. The Contractor shall immediately notify the Owner of any citations or notices incurred on the Project and forward copies thereof immediately upon receipt to the Owner.

9.2 The Contractor shall conduct all operations in such a manner to minimize the impact upon

the natural environment and shall comply with all solid waste, hazardous waste, health and safety, notice, training, and environmental protection laws, rules, regulations, requirements, orders, directives, ordinances, codes and standards, of all Federal, State and Local governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Owner and its affiliates, the Contractor, the Subcontractors, or the Project, whether the same are in force at the execution of this Agreement or may in the future be passed, enacted or directed.

9.4 The Contractor shall provide the owner with Material Safety Data Sheets covering all

materials furnished under or otherwise associated with the work under this agreement, or provide the owner with a document certifying that the Material Safety Data Sheets are not required for each such material.

9.5 If any violation of environmental permits, licenses and other environmental regulations or

statutes occurs, the Contractor shall take immediate action to mitigate any further violation. The Contractor shall immediately notify the owner of the violation.

9.6 The Contractor shall, at its sole expense, defend, indemnify and hold harmless the Owner

and its affiliates and their officers, directors, employees, agents, servants, and assigns from and against all liabilities to third parties (including governmental entities), whether civil or criminal, and all costs and expenses incurred by the Owner, its affiliates, third parties including other contractors and the Contractor as a result of the Contractor’s noncompliance with this Article.

3. SUMMARY OF WORK GENERAL PART 1 - DEFINITIONS Backfill, Common Soil suitable for use as backfill consisting of any mixture of sand

and gravel. Rocks less than 6" in diameter and silt may also be included in the mixture.

Backfill, Select Well-graded gravel, well-graded sandy gravel, or a mixture of

these materials for use as backfill also called Select Borrow.


Conservation Seed Mix A mix of annual and perennial grass seed. For local Conservation

Seed Mix contact the Soil & Water Conservation District at (518) 885-6900 ext - 3.

Engineer An entity reporting directly to the Owner responsible for the

engineering design drawings and specifications. Environmental Monitor A person reporting directly to the Owner responsible for

monitoring the Contractor’s environmental compliance and who will provide advice and guidance on issues involving Wetlands.

Field Representative A person reporting directly to the Owner responsible for

monitoring the Contractor’s compliance with the design drawings and specifications.

Materials The components used in the construction of a Project Material Storage Yard An area which is kept secured by the Contractor, and where

Materials are kept after being issued to the Contractor but before being used for a Project.

Owner Luther Forest Technology Campus Economic Development

Corporation (LFTCEDC) Plan, Resource The document prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the

Owner which describes the quantities and types all labor, equipment, Contractor furnished Materials, and other resources to be used on a Project and how those resources are to be allocated to the Project through the duration of the Agreement.

Plan, Work The document prepared by the Contractor and submitted to the

Owner describing how the Scope of Work comprising a Project is to be accomplished.

Regulated Wetland Area An area which is regulated because it is a Wetland or within the

buffer zone of a Wetland as defined by the regulations of the state in which the Work is being done.

Right-of-Way The strip of land where the Owner has legal rights to construct,

operate, and maintain an electric power line and in which the Work is to be done.

Road, Access A minimum 12’ surface within a 20’ access route between an

existing public way and the Right-of-Way on which Equipment is driven.

Route, Access A minimum 20’ wide area within a right of way utilized to move

personnel and Equipment from an existing public way to the right-of-way.


Route, Construction An improved or unimproved way utilized to move personnel and

Equipment along and across the Right-of-Way. Staging Area An area used by the Contractor during a Project for marshaling

personnel and equipment. Wetland An area that meets the definition of a wetland by an applicable

Federal, state or local statute or regulation. Wetlands include swamps, marshes, bogs, streams, rivers, ponds, and lakes.

PART 2 – MATERIALS 2.1 Contractor Furnished Materials

A. The Contractor shall furnish all material required for the completion of the Work shown on the project drawings and /or listed in the specification except those materials as specifically indicated to be supplied by the owner..

B. All Materials shall be of good quality and new, except as otherwise provided in the Specifications. If required by the Owner, the Contractor shall furnish satisfactory evidence (including reports of required tests) as to the kind and quality of Materials and equipment. All Materials shall be applied, installed, connected, erected, used, cleaned and conditioned in accordance with the instructions of the applicable supplier except as otherwise provided in the Specifications.

C. If Materials are specified by using the name of a proprietary item or the name of a particular manufacturer, fabricator, supplier or distributor, the naming of the item is intended to establish the type, function and quality required. Unless the name is followed by words indicating that no substitution is permitted, Materials or equipment of other manufacturers, fabricators, suppliers or distributors may be accepted by the Owner if sufficient information is submitted by the Contractor to allow the Owner to determine that the Materials or equipment proposed are equivalent to that named.

D. The Contractor shall provide certificates for Materials furnished by the Contractor which demonstrate proof of compliance with applicable Specifications or Drawings. Each certificate shall be executed in three (3) copies and shall be signed by an authorized official of the manufacturing company. Each certificate shall show the name and address of the Contractor, the Project title and location and the quantity and dates of shipments or deliveries to which the certificates apply. Certification shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor from furnishing satisfactory Materials if subsequent tests show that the Materials do not meet the specific requirements.

E. The Contractor shall submit shop drawings to the Field Representative for approval prior to beginning fabrication or installation of any of the Contractor furnished Material. Shop drawings shall be submitted in three (3) copies. Approval of shop drawings shall not be construed as relieving the Contractor of the responsibility of furnishing satisfactory Materials. Manufacturers’ literature and drawings shall be submitted for all items which the Contractor is to supply.


F. The procedure for review by the Owner of requests for substitute items will be as set forth in the following paragraphs.

1. Requests for review of substitute items of Materials and equipment will not be accepted by the Owner from anyone other than the Contractor. If the Contractor wishes to furnish or use a substitute item of Material or Equipment, the Contractor shall make written application to the Owner for acceptance thereof, certifying that the proposed substitute will perform adequately the functions called for by the general design, be similar and of equal substances to that specified and be suited to the same use and capable of performing the same function as that specified. The application shall state whether or not acceptance of the substitute for use in the Work shall require a change in the Drawings or Specifications to adapt the design to the substitute and whether or not incorporation or use of the substitute in connection with the Work is subject to payment of any license fee or royalty. All variations of the proposed substitute from that specified shall be identified in the application and available maintenance, repair and replacement service will be indicated.

2. The Owner will be allowed a reasonable time within which to evaluate each proposed substitute. The Owner will be the sole judge of acceptability, and no substitute shall be ordered, installed or utilized without the Owner's prior written acceptance which shall be evidenced by a reviewed shop drawing. The Owner may require the Contractor to furnish a special performance guarantee or other surety with respect to any substitute. The Owner will record time required by the Owner in evaluating substitutions proposed by the Contractor and in making changes in the Specifications occasioned thereby.

2.2 Storage and Care

A. The Contractor shall store and care for the Materials in the most suitable manner, subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative, to protect them from loss or damage from any cause whatsoever. Outside storage in Material Storage Yards is generally acceptable, provided mats, dunnage, pallets or other approved items are used to protect the Materials from moisture and contaminants. Slings for handling the Material shall be of such material or protected in such a way as not to damage the Material.

PART 3 – ACCESS 3.1 Use of Roads

A. The Contractor shall use only established roadways or new roadways approved by the Owner as may be necessary for the performance of the Work. Where materials are transported in the execution of the Work, vehicles shall not be loaded beyond the loading capacity prescribed by any Federal, State or local law or regulation. When it is necessary to cross curbings or sidewalks, protection against damage shall be provided by the Contractor. Any damaged roads, curbings, or sidewalks shall be repaired by, or at the expense of, the Contractor.


3.2 Contractor’s General Responsibilities

A. Access roads, as indicated on the Drawings, will be available for use by the Contractor; however, the Contractor shall make his own assessment of the suitability of access roads for his use. To the fullest extent permitted by law, the Contractor shall indemnify and hold harmless the Owner, any landowners on whose property the roads lie and their agents, and employees from and against all claims, damages, losses, and expenses, including, but not limited to, attorney's fees arising out of or resulting from the use of any access road.

B. The Contractor shall establish roadways as may be necessary for the performance of the Work. Unless directed otherwise, these roadways shall be left in place for future maintenance activities. The roads shall be built in accordance with the Drawings and Specifications with particular attention to erosion control and existing land use. The Contractor may use the access roads provided by the Owner as he deems necessary; however, these access roads used by the Contractor must be left in a condition equal to or better than the condition that existed prior to construction. Construction roads on the right-of-way shall be routed by the Contractor subject to the approval of the Field Representative. Stream and wetland crossings by roads shall be made where shown on the Drawings. Roads shall be routed to avoid prohibited areas such as "no vehicular access areas," archeological and historical areas, and trails not available for use as shown on the Drawings.

C. Discharge of dredged or fill material into waters of the United States or their adjacent wetlands other than the required fill roads, fords, culverts, mat roads, bridges, and structure pads shown on the Drawings shall not be allowed. Waters of the United States include inland rivers lakes, streams, and wetlands.

D. Access roads and construction roads shall be maintained by the Contractor through completion of the Work.

E. Public roads subject to interference by the operations of the Contractor shall be kept open or detours shall be provided at the expense of the Contractor. The Contractor shall provide, erect, and maintain all necessary barricades, sufficient red light warning and danger signals, and signs and shall take all necessary precautions for the protection of the Work and the safety of the public, all in accordance with the requirements of the applicable officials. Highways and roads closed to traffic or under repair shall be protected by effective barricades on which shall be placed approved warning and detour signs. Signs shall be placed, in clear view, at all points of ingress and egress to public and well traveled private roads. All barricades and obstructions shall be illuminated or reflectorized at night and all lights shall be kept burning from sunset until sunrise.

F. The Contractor shall brief all his personnel concerning the location of areas prohibited to vehicular equipment and wetlands and the requirement that vehicles and equipment, other than hand held, are not allowed in these areas. The contractor shall also brief his personnel concerning the location of areas prohibited to vehicular equipment and construction in and around archeological or historical sites within the ETL right of way that are indentified on the drawings and fenced in the field. Also within the former Wright Malta site there are areas within the ETL right of way that have been identified


by Matrix which may contain unexploded ordinance and will be fenced off in the field. Excavation in these areas will have to proceed with caution.

G. Town Roads

It is the Contractor's responsibility to coordinate the use and upgrading of town roads with the appropriate town. The Contractor shall adhere to all requirements set forth by local governing authorities.

PART 4 – ENVIRONMENTAL PROTECTION 4.1 The Contractor shall make every reasonable effort to perform the Work in a manner which

will minimize adverse impacts to the environment. 4.2 The Contractor shall be responsible for monitoring the Work and its compliance with

environmental laws, rules, regulations, ordinances, codes, orders of condition, and standards of all local, state, and Federal governmental agencies having jurisdiction over the Work and with the provisions of the Agreement.

4.3 The Contractor shall provide the Field Representative with the name and 24-hour telephone

number(s) of the person with responsibility for ensuring compliance seven days prior to the commencement of Work.

4.4 Erosion Control

A. The Contractor shall prevent soil erosion resulting from the Work. The method(s) of controlling soil erosion shall be subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative.

B. Siltation and erosion control materials acceptable to the Owner must be kept on Site at all times.

C. Installation of controls shall be in accordance with the Drawings.

4.5 Wetlands

A. General

No changes in grade, permanent removal of vegetation, or changes in hydrology are authorized within Wetlands.

B. Operation of Equipment within Wetlands

1. The operation of vehicles traveling in Wetlands shall be confined to existing Access and Construction Routes to the maximum extent possible.

2. Any vehicles used by the Contractor in Wetlands shall be operated on swamp mats or below-ground-pressure tracked vehicles or low-ground-pressure wide-tire vehicles unless otherwise directed by the Environmental Monitor and Field Representative. Swamp mats shall be constructed of wood that has not been treated with any preservative, unless otherwise approved by the Owner. Low-ground-


pressure vehicles are defined as those whose average ground pressure does not exceed 650 pounds per square foot.

3. Ruts created by low-ground-pressure vehicles may not exceed six inches in depth, and vegetation may not be excessively disturbed without the approval of the Environmental Monitor and the Field Representative.

4. If, when using vehicles in a Wetland, ruts in excess of six inches in depth are created or excessive disturbance of vegetation occurs, the use of such vehicles shall immediately be stopped. The Environmental Monitor and Field Representative shall then direct the steps to be implemented to repair and mitigate rutting.

5. The use of multiple Access or Construction Routes within a Wetland in order to increase the number of vehicle trips through a Wetland without swamp mats are not authorized.

6. Fuel, oil, and hazardous materials shall not be stored within 100 feet of Wetlands. Field refueling, equipment, and prevention of spillage shall all be strictly in compliance with the requirements of the applicable section(s) of this Specification.

7. Equipment containing petroleum or hazardous materials may not be left unattended in Wetlands during non-working hours unless the Equipment is on swamp mats and unless leaving the Equipment is authorized by the Environmental Monitor and Field Representative.

C. Erosion and Sedimentation Control

1. The Contractor shall protect against erosion or sedimentation of soil into Wetlands resulting from the Work.

2. At all Work Sites and Construction and Access Routes located in Regulated Wetland Areas where top soil is expected to be disturbed, erosion and sedimentation controls consisting of hay bales and/or siltation fence shall be installed in accordance with the Drawings prior to the disturbance of the top soil. These controls are required even under frozen ground conditions.

3. No excavated material shall be placed directly into a Wetland. Excavated material that is to be used as backfill may be temporarily stockpiled on geotextile fabric or a swamp mat adjacent to the Work Site if properly protected by erosion and sedimentation controls. Neither excess excavated material nor geotextile fabric may be left in a Wetland after work at a Work Site is complete. Methods of removing excess excavated material from Wetlands shall be subject to the review and approval of the Environmental Monitor and Field Representative. In areas adjacent to - but not in - Wetlands, excess excavated material may be spread around the Work Site with the approval of the Environmental Monitor and Field Representative. Natural drainage channels shall not be blocked.

4.6 Archeological and Historical Objects

The Contractor shall immediately notify the Field Representative if any suspected archeological objects, historical objects or ordnance are identified during performance of


the work. The Field Representative will advise the Contractor on the mitigation measures that will be necessary.

4.7 Noise Control

The Contractor shall control noise at all times to the extent possible. Air compressors shall be equipped with silencers and the exhaust of all gasoline engines and other power equipment shall be provided with mufflers.

4.8 Dust Control

The Contractor shall control nuisance dust by applying water and/or a dust palliative, other than calcium chloride, for the alleviation or prevention of dust nuisances caused by construction operations. The Contractor shall operate vehicles to minimize dust nuisances.

4.9 Equipment

A. Equipment shall be in good working order, be properly maintained, and be properly operated.

B. Equipment shall not leak fluids.

C. Smoke from equipment shall be minimized at all times to the extent possible.

4.10 Prevention of Spillage

Chemicals, fuels, oils, greases, bituminous materials, solids, waste washing, concrete or similar substances used in construction operations shall be properly stored and handled to prevent accidental spills and contamination of surface waters and ground waters. Oil spill kits and other appropriate remedial supplies shall be kept on-site at all times and on each vehicle at all times.

4.11 Field Refueling and Maintenance Operations

A. Refueling

Refueling shall not take place in Regulated Wetland Areas or in or within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive areas such as Wetlands or drinking water sources. There shall be no refueling activities within the former Wright-Malta site or anywhere in the vicinity that could leak into the monitoring wells that exist on the former Wright-Malta area and the adjacent property purchased by Global Foundries. Refueling should be done on a paved area if possible. Refueling operations shall be continuously monitored for fuel spills, drips, or seeps. If spills, drips, or seeps occur, refueling operations shall be stopped until the source is found and repaired. All spills or drips of fuel shall be properly cleaned up.


B. Grease, Oil, and Filter Change

Routine maintenance lubrication and oil changes shall not take place in Regulated Wetland Areas or within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive areas such as Wetlands and drinking water sources. Lubrication and oil changes should be done on a paved area if possible. All reasonable environmental and safety precautions shall be taken. Waste oil and lubricants shall be collected and properly disposed of. All spills and drips of grease or oil shall be properly cleaned up.

C. Other Field Maintenance Operations

Other vehicle or equipment maintenance operations shall not take place in or within 100 feet of environmentally sensitive areas such as Wetlands or drinking water sources if at all possible. Maintenance operations should be performed on a paved area if possible. If the maintenance operations must be done in or within 100 feet of an environmentally sensitive area, extraordinary precautions shall be taken to prevent oil or hazardous material from being released to the environment. These precautions include, but are not limited to, use of portable basins or similar secondary containment devices, use of ground covers such as plastic tarpaulins, and precautionary placement of floating booms on nearby surface water bodies. If the maintenance operations will be done away from an environmentally sensitive area, all reasonable environmental and safety precautions shall be taken.

4.12 Temporary Facilities

The Contractor shall provide all temporary facilities required for the Work covered in this specification including but not limited to temporary power, office trailer, telephone, water and toilets. Portable, self-contained chemical toilets shall be provided for all workers when permanent toilets are not available. The portable toilets shall be maintained and cleaned regularly and wastes shall be properly disposed of.


The Contractor shall at all times during the progress of the work keep all construction areas, including Staging Areas and Material Storage Yards, free from removed materials, waste material, and rubbish. Materials, waste material, and rubbish removed from the construction areas shall be properly disposed of.

5.2 Restoration

Unless otherwise specified below, Work Site and Right-of-Way restoration of disturbed areas shall be completed as soon as possible after the work is performed. If the work is to be done in phases, the disturbed area must be stabilized between phases so as to not degrade further.


5.3 Restoration/Clean-up Standards

A. Unless otherwise specified below, all disturbed areas, including Wetlands and Access and Construction Routes, shall be returned to original grade, seeded with a Conservation Seed Mix, and mulched with hay.

B. Yards, lawns, agricultural areas, and other improved areas shall be returned to a condition at least equal to that which existed at the start of the Project.

C. Access Roads and Construction Roads shall be returned to a condition at least equal to that which existed at the start of the Project except that Access and Construction Roads shall, at a minimum, be serviceable for four-wheel drive vehicles. Ruts shall be removed from Access and Construction Roads. Seeding and/or mulching of Access or Construction Roads is not required unless necessary to prevent erosion.

D. All damage to property occurring as a result of a project shall be immediately repaired or replaced. In some locations, it may be desirable to document preexisting damage prior to the project in order to demonstrate afterwards that the damage did not result from the Project.

E. After all work is completed; swamp mats and temporary bridges shall be removed. Removal of swamp mats and temporary bridges must be done in accordance with the Environmental Protection section of this Specification.

F. After all work has been satisfactorily completed and vegetation has been reestablished, and upon approval by the Environmental Monitor and Field Representative, all siltation fence shall be removed, stakes from hay bales shall be removed, and the strings on the hay bales cut and properly disposed of. Hay bales which were used for sedimentation or siltation control may be used to mulch disturbed areas. Remaining hay bales which do not block the flow of water may be left in place. Hay bales which block the flow of water must be moved. Siltation fence and hay bale stakes shall be disposed of properly off site.

G. Any stone wall removed or breached by construction activities shall be repaired or rebuilt, unless directed otherwise by the Field Representative. Rebuilt stone walls shall be placed on the same alignment that existed prior to temporary removal.

H. After all work has been satisfactorily completed, the Contractor shall remove all work-related trailers, buildings, rubbish, waste soil, temporary structures, and unused materials belonging to him or used under his direction during construction, or waste materials from previous construction and maintenance operations. All areas shall be left clean and restored to a stable condition and where feasible, as near as possible to its original condition, as determined by the Field Representative.

I. Upon completion of all Work, all Material Storage Yards and Staging Areas shall be completely cleared of all waste and debris. Unless otherwise directed or unless other arrangements have been made with an off right-of-way land owner, Material Storage Yards and Staging Areas shall be returned to the condition which existed prior to the installation of the Material Storage Yard or Staging Area. Whether or not arrangements have been made with a land owner, all areas shall be left in an environmentally sound


condition. Also any temporary structures erected by the Contractor, including fences, shall be removed by the Contractor and the area restored as near as possible to its original condition, including possibly seeding and mulching.

PART 6 – RIGHTS AND PERMITS 6.1 Right-of-Way Easements

A. The Owner shall obtain all easements and rights-of-entry required for the Work unless otherwise noted in this Specification.

B. The rights obtained by the Owner include the right to erect, maintain and remove structures, cables, and other appurtenances. Any other activities proposed by the Contractor shall be subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative.

6.2 Highway Traffic Control

Unless otherwise stated, the Contractor shall arrange for local and state highway traffic control and flag protection and inspection, as required.

6.3 Dig Safe

A. The Contractor shall determine the locations of all existing power, communication and pipeline facilities within the Project areas in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It shall consult with the respective agencies or owners and make all necessary provisions to avoid interference with the operation and maintenance of such facilities to the satisfaction of the Owner.

B. The Contractor shall notify: Dig Safely NY and obtain a Dig Safe number for all locations where the existing ground, public or private, within or outside the Site, will be disturbed in any way. The Contractor shall perform pre-marking, if required. The Contractor shall be aware that many municipal utilities do not participate in the Dig Safe program and shall contact each applicable municipal utility as appropriate.

PART 7 – CONTRACTOR YARDS 7.1 Material Storage Yards

A. The Contractor shall acquire rights for and construct any facilities required for Material Storage Yards. Rights-of-way and land owned by the Owner may not be used for Material Storage Yards. The Contractor shall submit copies of all signed agreements securing rights from landowners for Material Storage Yards. The Owner reserves the right to direct the Contractor to modify Material Storage Yards or provide additional Material Storage Yards.

B. The locations of Material Storage Yards shall be subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative. Material Storage Yards shall not be located in or within 100’ of Regulated Wetland Areas.


C. The Contractor shall maintain the Material Storage Yards in an orderly and clean condition. The Contractor shall remove snow from the aisles within the yards to keep them accessible at all times.

D. The Material Storage Yards must be adequate in size to store both the Owner furnished Materials and Contractor furnished Materials.

7.2 Staging Areas

A. The Contractor shall construct any facilities required for Staging Areas. All Staging Areas on the Right of Way are subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative. The Contractor shall acquire the rights to construct off Right-of-Way Staging Areas. The Contractor shall submit signed copies of all agreements securing rights from landowners for off Right-of-Way Staging Areas.

B. The locations of Staging Areas shall be subject to the review and approval of the Field Representative. Staging Areas shall not be located in or within 100’ of Regulated Wetland Areas.

PART 8 – POWER, COMMUNICATION AND PIPELINE FACILITIES 8.1 The Contractor shall determine the locations of all existing power, communication and

pipeline facilities within the Project areas in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. It shall consult with the respective agencies or owners and make all necessary provisions to avoid interference with the operation and maintenance of such facilities to the satisfaction of the Field Representative.

PART 9 – EXCAVATION 9.1 Excavation The Contractor shall do all grubbing, soil and rock excavation, drilling, forming, sheathing, shoring, trenching, pumping, and draining required for proper installation of the Work. Excavation shall be done with appropriate Equipment with the excavation size being minimized.

A. Classification of excavated material shall be as follows:

1. Rock excavation - Rock shall be defined as:

(a) All solid or ledge rock which cannot, in the opinion of the Field Representative, be removed by standard excavation Equipment and which requires the use of jack hammers, breaker points or other methods for excavation.

(b) Boulders or portions thereof where the excavation volume of the whole boulder or portion thereof exceeds one-quarter cubic yard, and where such boulder or portion thereof cannot, in the opinion of the Field Representative, be removed by standard excavation Equipment and which requires the use of jack hammers, breaker points, or other methods for excavation.


2. Common excavation - shall mean all material which is not, by definition, rock excavation.

3. All loose or disturbed soil or rock shall be removed from the bottom of excavations.

4. All excess excavated material shall be disposed of in areas approved by the Field Representative. The Contractor shall submit a disposal plan to the Field Representative for approval prior to the start of excavation.

5. All open excavations shall be covered or protected in such a manner that livestock, pets, and people cannot fall into the excavation nor can persons easily remove the covers or protection.

B. Control of Water

Since there is often a presence of a high water table, the Contractor shall be responsible for having readily available such pumps, hose lines, and other Equipment as may be required to control water inflow and to dewater excavations prior to and during placement of concrete.

If there is adequate vegetation in upland areas to function as a filter medium, the water generally will be discharged to the vegetated land surface. Where adequate vegetation is absent or where slope prohibits, water will be pumped into a temporary hay bale dewatering basins which will be located in approved areas outside wetland resource areas. Such temporary dewatering basins, as detailed on the drawings, shall be installed as directed by the Field Representative, and are incidental to the Work. The pump intake hose will not be allowed to set on the bottom of the excavation throughout dewatering. The basin and all accumulated sediment will be removed following dewatering operations and the area will be seeded and mulched.


10.1 The Contractor is responsible for compiling (6) copies of all required submittals per the

submittal schedule below. All submittals shall be distributed to the Engineer of Record “TRC” for review and approval prior to work commencing.


11.1 The Contractor is responsible for providing to the owner at completion of the project a full closeout binder to include all warranties (manufacturer and contractor), as built drawings, owner and operator manuals, daily reports, testing reports, photographs, etc. Final payment will not be released to the Contractor until receipt and acceptance of all closeout documentation provided.

11.2 Warranty

1. Upon completion of the cable system installation the Contractor shall provide the Owner with a full warranty for all materials and labor for a period of not less than 2 years from the date of final system acceptance by the Owner.


2. Should a problem with the cable system occur, as a result of the cable installation,

during this warranty period the Contractor shall repair or replace the failed component at no cost to the Owner.



This specification describes the requirements for fabrication and installation of two 115 kV three phase underground electrical transmission circuits, each approximately 6,000 feet long, for the Luther Forest Technology Campus (LFTC) 115 KV Project. Each circuit shall be installed in its own dedicated ductline and manhole system. The ductline and manhole system has been installed by others. The Work includes fabrication and installation of single conductor 115 kV solid dielectric power cable, 115 kV terminations, 115 kV splices, ground continuity conductors, cable sheath bonding accessories, cable supports and clamps, and other cable accessories to make a complete working underground 115 kV cable system. The Work also includes the installation of a fiber optic cable and associated splices in one of the 115 kV duct lines. The installation will occur between the existing National Grid Malta Substation and a new overhead to underground transition station, designated as the Stonebreak Transition Station, all in Malta, NY.

1.1 General Description of the Work

A. 115 kV Cable

1. Provide and install approximately 36,000 single phase feet of 115 kV solid dielectric transmission cable.

2. The 115 kV cables shall be installed one phase per conduit between the outdoor

riser structures at the Malta substation and the Stonebreak Transition Station. Each duct line has 3 manholes, resulting in 24 total 115 kV cable pulls.

B. 115 kV Cable Splices

1. Provide and install nine (9) 115 kV splices per circuit (18 splices total).

C. 115 kV Cable Terminations

1. Provide and install six (6) 115 kV cable terminations per circuit (12 total).

D. Ground Continuity Conductor

1. Provide and install approximately 12,000 feet of 4/0 AWG cu 2.4 kV class “ground continuity conductor”. One ground continuity conductor shall be installed in each of the two transmission ductlines between a handhole at the Malta Substation, and a handhole at the Stonebreak Transition Station

2. Splices shall be installed in the ground continuity conductor at each manhole and

at the handholes. Additional splices and connections shall be installed in the manholes and at the terminal stations, in accordance with the Drawings, to make a


complete cable shield bonding system.

E. Fiber Optic Cable

1. Provide and install one 24 fiber, fiber-optic cable in one of the two transmission ductlines between a handhole at the Malta Substation, and a junction box on a riser structure at the Stonebreak transition substation.

2. Provide and install up to five (5) splices in the fiber optic cable. The Owner will allow the Contractor to “pull through” manholes and handholes to minimize fiber optic splices, provided that the remaining requirements of this Specification are satisfied. At the Stonebreak Transition Station, the Contractor shall perform splicing of the fiber optic cable installed under this Agreement to the overhead “Optical Ground Wire” (OPGW) installed by others.

F. Cable Supports

1. Provide and install cable restraints and cable supports in the manholes. 2. Provide and install cable restraints/cable clamps on riser structures (provided by

others) at the terminal stations.

G. Bonding Accessories

1. Provide and install cable sheath bonding connections, including solid-link link boxes, Sheath Voltage Limiter (SVL) link boxes, bonding cables, connectors, splices, and miscellaneous material to make a complete cable sheath bonding system for both 115 kV circuits.

H. Testing and Commissioning

1. Perform testing and commissioning of the completed 115 kV cable system and the

fiber optic cable, as detailed in the Specification.

J. Spare Material

1. Provide spare 115 kV cable, 115 kV splices, 115 kV terminations, and other spare material, as detailed in the Material section of this Specification.


Part 2-Material

2.0 General The Contractor shall provide all materials required to complete the Project. Contractor provided material shall include, but shall not be limited to:

115 kV Power Cable 115 kV Terminations 115 kV Splices Ground Continuity Conductor Cable sheath bonding cable and accessories Cable supports and cable clamping devices Conduit ventilators and conduit sealing devices Cable Labels Fiber Optic Cable, fiber optic splices, and fiber optic accessories Cable pulling lubricant and cable pulling accessories.

2.1 115 kV Cable

2.1A 115 kV cable shall be in accordance with AEIC CS9 “Specification for Extruded

Insulation Power Cables and their Accessories Rated above 46 kV through 345 kVac”, latest revision. In the case of conflict between industry standards and this specification, the more stringent requirement shall prevail. Cable shall be rated for 90 Degree C normal conductor temperature, and a minimum of 105 Degrees C emergency conductor temperature. Contractor shall state the emergency conductor temperature capability of the provided cable.

Cables shall be installed:

One cable per duct in a concrete encased duct bank. In air at outdoor risers.

All cables will be single-point bonded through link boxes, with sheath voltage limiters at the open shield ends. Specific bonding requirements are shown in the Drawings.

2.1B Cable Input Data

The following are the operating parameters that the cable system shall be

designed to: System: 3 Phase, Solidly Grounded Wye. Nominal System Voltage: 115 kV System Frequency: 60 Hz BIL: 550 kV Maximum Ground fault Current and Duration: 20 kilo amperes for 30

cycles (0.5 seconds) normal, 40 cycles (0.67 second) stuck breaker. Reclosing: None Longitudinal Water Protection: Yes


Radial Water Protection: Yes Shield Bonding: Single point bonding through solid link, Link Boxes, with

Sheath Voltage Limiters (SVL) in link boxes at the open shield end. See Drawings for specific design.

Exposed to Solar Radiation: Yes, at outdoor risers Cable Duct Material: 6” PVC Schedule 40, and 6 inch Fiberglass

Reinforced Epoxy (FRE) Duct nominal inside Diameter: 6”

2.1C Conductor: The conductor shall be the following size and construction. The

Owner will accept the designated kcmil size, or the nearest IEC conductor size.

Conductor Size (kcmil)

Nearest IEC Conductor

Size (mm2)

Conductor Construction

2,500 1,200 Compact Segmental Copper

The conductor shall be equipped with a water blocking material compatible with the balance of the cable components.

2.1D Conductor Shield: The conductor shield shall be extruded super smooth/extra

clean black semi-conducting material, compatible with both the conductor and the cable insulation. Shield shall be easily removable from the conductor.

2.1E Insulation: Insulation shall consist of 800 mils of unfilled thermoset cross-linked

dry cured polyethylene (XLPE).

2.1F Insulation Shield: The insulation shield shall consist of 1 layer of extruded super smooth/extra clean black semi-conducting material, compatible with the cable insulation. The insulation shield shall be fully bonded to the cable insulation. Conductor shield, insulation, and insulation shield shall be applied in a true triple extrusion process.

2.1G Water Swellable Tape: A water swellable moisture barrier tape shall be installed

between the insulation shield and the metallic sheath.

2.1H Metallic Sheath/ Shield: The cable shall be equipped with a metallic sheath capable of withstanding the available short circuit currents both for normal clearing and for stuck breaker clearing.

The sheath shall form a complete hermetic seal over the cable. Acceptable sheath constructions include lead sheath, corrugated seamless copper, corrugated seam welded copper, corrugated seamless aluminum, and corrugated seam welded aluminum. Use of foil laminate as a hermetic seal, with supplemental copper strand wires for short circuit capability, is not acceptable.

2.1J Jacket: The jacket shall consist of 140 mils of extruded linear low density

polyethylene. The jacket shall have a graphite varnish coating or a conducting


extruded layer to allow for jacket testing as part of commissioning, and for routine maintenance testing.

2.1K Marking: Cable jacket shall be marked per the requirements of AEIC CS9.

Center strand identification is not required.

2.1L Production Testing: All production tests required under AEIC CS9 shall be performed on the cable. The Owner will have the option to witness all tests. A length of cable shall not be shipped until all required tests have been successfully completed, and the results show compliance with the referenced AEIC Specifications. Cable will not be considered delivered until a copy of the certified test report results for that length have been received by the Owner.

2.1M Qualification Testing (“Type Testing”): The Contractor shall provide certified

results of a recent qualification test on a complete cable system, per AEIC CS9, performed on an identical cable construction with the proposed splices and terminations, or on similar construction designed to operate at higher electrical stresses than the proposed cable construction.

2.1N Packaging: Approximate cable lengths are tabulated below. The Contractor shall

be responsible to verify all cable lengths prior to packaging. The Contractor shall report any apparent discrepancy to the Owner before cable lengths are cut.

Rotterdam-Luther Forest #2 From To A Phase

(Feet) B Phase

(Feet) C Phase

(Feet) Malta Sub MH 1 1502 +/- 1506 +/- 1512 +/- MH1 MH2 1585 +/- 1585 +/- 1585 +/- MH2 MH3 1305 +/- 1305 +/- 1305 +/- MH 3 Stonebreak 1490 +/- 1491 +/- 1494 +/- Subtotal 5882 +/- 5887 +/- 5896 +/- Total Spier Falls-Luther Forest #302 From To A Phase

(Feet) B Phase

(Feet) C Phase

(Feet) Malta Sub MH 1 1524 +/- 1527 +/- 1531 +/- MH1 MH2 1585 +/- 1585 +/- 1585 +/- MH2 MH3 1305 +/- 1305 +/- 1305 +/- MH 3 Stonebreak 1487 +/- 1490 +/- 1493 +/- Subtotal 5901 +/- 5907 +/- 5914 +/- Total 11,783 +/- 11,794 +/- 11,810 +/-

Each reel length shall be sealed at both ends to prevent moisture ingress. A pulling eye shall be attached to the leading end of the cable. The trailing cable end shall be securely lashed to the reel.


If desired, the Contractor may package multiple cable sections as a continuous length on a given reel. If this is done, the Contractor shall provide the required additional pull eyes and cable end caps for field installation for the multiple pulls off the same reel.

Reels shall be wood lagged to provide mechanical protection to the cable during transit.

Spare Cable: The Contractor shall provide a single length of spare 115 kV cable on a steel reel, satisfying all the requirements of the installed 115 kV cable. The length of the spare cable shall be a minimum of the longest installed cable section plus 20 feet. The spare cable reel shall be lagged with ACQ pressure treated lumber, and shall be suitable for long term outdoor storage.

2.1P Cable Pulling Accessories

Quantity Description As required Cable pull-eyes for 115kV cable. Minimum tension

rating 8 lbs/kcmil for compression pull-eyes on aluminum conductors, 11 lbs/kcmil for compression pull-eyes on copper conductors. Quantity provided shall include factory-installed eyes and any required field-applied pull-eyes.

As required Heat shrink or cold shrink end caps for 115kV cable.

As required Cable pulling lubricant – “Polywater J” or accepted equivalent. Contractor shall verify compatibility of pulling lubricant with cable jacket.

2.2 Ground Continuity Conductor, Cable Sheath Bonding Cable, and accessories

2.2A The ground continuity cable and cable sheath bonding cables shall consist of 4/0

copper, 2.4 kV class unshielded cable, 0.125 inch EPR insulation, 0.080 minimum PVC or Hypalon jacket, classified as MV-90 cable, and per ICEA S-96-659.

2.2B Splices for the ground continuity conductor shall utilize compression copper

straight or C crimp connectors. Straight splices and tap splices shall be insulated to a minimum of 1.0 kV with TYCO Power-Gel splices, or Owner accepted alternative.

2.2C Terminal lugs for connection to cable terminations or to link boxes shall be

NEMA 2 hole sealed copper compression lugs, or other means acceptable to the Owner.


2.3 115 kV Splices

2.3A. The Contractor shall provide eighteen (18) pre-molded polymer cable splices for installation, plus 2 spare splices crated for long term storage. All splices shall satisfy the requirements of IEEE Standard 404 and AEIC CS9, and shall have been qualified for use on the 115 kV cable, per AEIC CS9. Splices shall be rated for 115 kV AC Voltage Class, 550 kV BIL.

2.3B Splice shall incorporate a shield gap to allow for special bonding (single point or

cross bonding), as well a facilities to attach 4/0 Cu insulated bonding cable to either side of the shield gap.

2.3C Splice shall reestablish the hermetic seal of the cable, either through a metallic

housing, or through other means acceptable to Owner. 2.3D. Splice housing and bond lead connections shall be fully jacketed to provide

corrosion protection, and to preserve the special bonding requirements. 2.4 115 kV Terminations

2.4A The Contractor shall provide twelve (12) rigid pothead style outdoor cable

terminations (to air) plus one spare termination crated for long term storage. All terminations shall satisfy the requirements of IEEE Standard 48, IEC 840, and AEIC CS9. Terminations shall have been qualified for use on the 115 kV cable, per AEIC CS9.

2.4B Terminations shall be rated for 115 kV AC Voltage Class, 550 kV BIL.

2.4C Termination instructions and drawings for each type of termination shall be

provided to the Owner. In addition, one complete set of instructions and drawings shall be included with each crated termination.

2.4D Air Terminations. In addition to the General requirements listed in this Section,

all air terminations shall have the following features:

a. Class. Terminations shall be Class 1, as defined in IEEE 48.

b. Construction. Insulator Material shall be of porcelain or rigid polymer design. For porcelain or polymeric terminations, the color shall be ANSI 70 sky gray.

c. Mounting. Terminations shall be provided with a mounting plate for attachment

to the Owner’s termination support structures. Terminations shall be provided with 5 kV class ANSI 70 stand-off insulators for attachment to the termination support structures.

d. Aerial Connection. Terminations shall be equipped with a NEMA 4 hole flat pad

aerial lug.

e. Termination Bonding Equipment. All termination external bonding connections shall be easily field removable for testing purposes.


2.5 Fireproofing Material 2.5A The Contractor shall provide sufficient quantity of Arc Proofing tape, 3 inch wide,

(3M Scotch #77, or Owner accepted equivalent), and ½” wide Fiberglass Tape (3M Scotch #27, or Owner accepted equivalent) to wrap all exposed 115 kV cables and splices in the manholes, from endwall to endwall, and in accordance with the installation technique described in National Grid Underground Construction Standard 35.13.

2.6 Conduit Plugs and Ventilators

2.6A In the manholes and at risers, the Contractor shall provide solid plugs for all

unused conduits. Solid plugs shall be Jackmoon Blank Duct Plugs, or Owner accepted equivalent.

2.6B The Contractor shall provide Conduit Ventilators on all riser conduits containing

115 kV cable (12 total). The conduit ventilator shall provide protection from introduction of debris into the conduit. Ventilator shall be Roberts Electrical Products Company VAK-6 "Condulator" or Owner accepted equivalent.

2.7 115 kV Cable Shield Grounding Equipment

2.7A The Contractor shall provide Link Boxes for cable shield bonding. All Link

Boxes shall be of stainless steel construction, and shall satisfy the requirements of AEIC CS9, and the following requirements:

2.7A.1 Submersible 3 Phase Solid-Link Link Boxes: Quantity: Four (4) three phase submersible solid link boxes for use in manhole applications. Link Box shall be equipped with a gasketed and mechanically clamped door, and with removable solid links between the three phase bonding cables and the grounding cable. All cable entrances shall be from the bottom of the link box, and all cable entrances shall be equipped with a sealing bushing, or other means acceptable to the Owner, to maintain a watertight seal at the cable entrances.

2.7A.2 Submersible 3 Phase Sheath Voltage Limiter (SVL) Link Boxes: Quantity: Eight (8) three phase submersible solid link boxes for use in manhole applications. Link Box shall be equipped with a gasketed and mechanically clamped door, and with removable sheath voltage limiters (3 kV, or by design) between the three phase bonding cables and the grounding cable. All cable entrances shall be from the bottom of the link box, and all cable entrances shall be equipped with a sealing bushing, or other means acceptable to the Owner, to maintain a watertight seal at the cable entrances. 2.7A.3 Outdoor Watertight Single Phase Solid-Link Link Boxes: Quantity: Twelve (12) single phase outdoor watertight solid link boxes for use on outdoor riser structures. Link Box shall be equipped with a gasketed and mechanically clamped door, and with a removable solid link between the bonding cable and the grounding cable. All cable entrances shall be from the bottom of the link box, and all cable entrances shall be equipped with a sealing bushing, or other means.


2.7B The Contractor shall provide all miscellaneous bonding material required for

attaching bonding cables to manhole walls and structures, and to make a complete cable shield bonding system.

2.7C The Contractor shall provide six (6) spare Sheath Voltage Limiters (SVL)

identical to the SVL's provided in the SVL link boxes. Spare SVL’s shall be crated for long term storage.

2.8 Cable Clamps at Riser Structures 2.8A The Contractor shall provide sufficient cable clamps and attachment hardware to

allow for clamping exposed cables at 3 foot intervals between the riser pedestal and the base of the terminations at the termination structures.

2.8B Clamps and attachment hardware shall be of a non magnetic and non-corrosive

material. Clamps shall be designed to accommodate thermal expansion of the cables over the cable operating temperature range, and shall be designed to not damage the cable jacket or underlying cable components. Clamps shall be EHV Power Cast aluminum cable clamps, EHV 1279 Series, sized for the Cable OD, or Owner accepted alternative.

2.9 Manhole Cable Supports and Cable Clamps 2.9A The Contractor shall provide sufficient wall mounted cable supports,

racks/shelves, and wall anchors, all suitable for manhole installation, to support all 115 kV cable, fiber optic cable, and ground continuity cable in the manholes. Supports shall be of galvanized steel, reinforced polymer, or other non corroding material, suitable for long term manhole installation. Supports and attachments shall be adequate for the weight of the cables and splices, as well as for expected short circuit forces and thermo-mechanical bending forces. An adequate quantity of supports shall be provided so that the cable is supported at no more than 4 foot intervals. Splice supports shall be equipped with non metallic (porcelain or other material acceptable to the Owner) cradles to isolate the splices from the cable supports.

2.9B Cable Supports shall be arranged to support the three 115 kV cable and the

ground continuity cable along one manhole wall, and the fiber optic cable along the opposite manhole wall.

2.9C Cable supports for the 115 kV cable shall be equipped with clamps to limit

thermo-mechanical bending forces on cable splices. Clamps and attachment hardware shall be of a non magnetic and non-corrosive material. Clamps shall be designed to accommodate thermal expansion of the cables over the cable operating temperature range, and shall be designed to not damage the cable jacket or underlying cable components.

2.10 Fiber Optic Cable


2.10A Scope

This specification covers the manufacture, testing and delivery of gel filled, loose tube, all dielectric fiber optic cable for installation in electric and communication duct lines Malta, NY.

The fiber optic cable requirement is for approximately 6,000 feet of cable containing 24 single-mode fibers.

2.10B Submittals

The following data shall be provided for Owner acceptance prior to fabricating fiber optic material:

A list of industry standards which the cable and the fiber meet. All

supplemental internal standards which the cable and fiber meet shall also be included.

A written description of any non-compliance with this specification, including written explanation of reasons for non-compliance.

All the required information for installing the cable in electric and communication duct including, but not limited to: pulling tensions, bend radius, recommended installation methods and hardware and precautions during installation. Note that this cable will be installed in the same duct line (but different ducts) as a 115 kV power cable.

A description of factory acceptance testing. A cross section drawing of the fiber optic cable A description of the labeling on the cable jacket. The size and weight of the reels, with cable included. The Contractor shall provide the actual cable values of each of the

technical specifications listed in section 2 below.

2.10C Fiber Optic Cable Technical Requirements

2.10C1 Fiber Requirements

All fiber specified in the cable construction section shall comply with the following:

Multimode Fibers: All multimode fiber must be Corning InfiniCor 600 optical fibers (50um) conforming to Corning specification PI1457.

Single-Mode Fibers: All single mode fibers must be Corning SMF-28e fibers conforming to Corning specification PI1344.

LEAF Fibers: All Non-Zero Dispersion Shifter fibers must be Corning LEAF fibers conforming to Corning Specification PI1107.

2.10C2 Fiber Optic Cable Construction

Cable shall be a 24 fiber cable containing 24 Single-Mode fibers. Each buffer tube shall contain 6 fibers per tube.


All fibers and tubes shall be distinguishable by means of recognizable color in accordance with industry standard TIA/EIA-598-A

Fibers shall be placed inside loose buffer tubes with gel. Cables shall be of an “all dielectric” design. Cables shall have black polyethylene double jacket with non-metallic

reinforcement. Cables shall have dielectric central strength members. Cables shall be capable of operating continuously submerged in fresh or

salt water. The cables will be installed in ducts that may be filled with frozen water.

Cables shall have operating temperature range of -40° to +70° C and 100% humidity.

Cable jacket shall be marked with manufacturer name, sequential meter or foot markings, month and year of manufacture and the fiber count and type and repeated every 2 feet.

The Contractor shall provide manufacturers data for cable weight, bending radius (static and tension), impact resistance, crush resistance, installation and static tensile strength.

2.10D Fiber Optic Cable Factory Testing

Prior to shipment from the factory, each of the fibers in each cable reel shall be tested with an optical time domain reflector (OTDR). Acceptance tests shall also be conducted to show compliance with all specifications. Results shall consist of a certified test report to be furnished to the Purchaser and shall at least include the following information:

Name of the Seller and the Purchaser and the Purchase Order number. Test date. The cable part number and / or serial number. The reel number. Length of the ordered cable. Length of shipped cable per reel. Total number and types of fibers in each reel. Number and Type of fibers in each tube. Number of tubes. OTDR traces with fiber / tube numbers and color, cable number and reel

numbers clearly indicated on each trace. A report showing attenuation of each fiber in dB/km at 850 and 1310 nm

for the Multimode, at 1310 and 1550 nm for Single-Mode and at 1550 nm for LEAF. Each fiber shall be clearly identified by number and tube/fiber color.

The Purchaser reserves the right to witness any factory testing of the ordered cable. The Purchaser shall give the Seller at least a 72 hour notice prior to any testing date.


2.11 Tags and Labeling

The Contractor shall provide cable identification tags, holders, and tie wraps for cable identification in all manholes, handholes, and at outdoor riser locations. All tags and holders shall be of polypropylene construction. Characters shall be minimum 1 inch height, with extruded black lettering on an extruded yellow background. Attachment to cables shall be with UV resistant heavy duty black nylon cable ties. Attachment to masonry surfaces in manholes shall be with stainless steel round head screws and wedge type masonry anchors.

Tags and holders shall be Tech Products Everlast Series, horizontally mounted, or Owner accepted equivalent.

In Manholes, the following labeling requirements apply:

Manhole number “MH xxxx” mounted in each chimney (Note: 2 chimneys per manhole)

On 115 kV cables: “Circuit xxxx” and “Phase x” labels on each phase below each manhole opening (2 openings per manhole).

Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each cable below each manhole opening (2 openings per manhole.

Ground Continuity Conductor: “Circuit xxxx Ground” at each ductline face

Bonding Leads: “Phase x” and/or “Ground” on each lead at each link box.

In handholes, the following labeling requirements apply: Handhole number “HH xxxx” mounted in each chimney Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each cable

below each manhole opening. Ground Continuity Conductor – “Circuit xxxx Ground” below each

manhole opening

At exposed riser locations, the following labeling requirements apply: On 115 kV cables: “Circuit xxxx” and “Phase x” labels on each phase

approximately 6 feet above finished grade. Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each cable

approximately 6 feet above grade, or at each splice housing, as applicable. Bonding Leads: “Phase x” and/or “Ground” on each lead at each link box.

The wording shown for manholes, handholes, and riser locations is generic. The Owner will provide specific label wording by location.


Part 3-Installation

3.0 General:

3.0A. Material Storage: The Contractor shall provide indoor weather proof storage

suitable for storing cable splicing and terminating materials and other weather sensitive equipment. The storage shall be adequately sized to contain and allow inspection of the material and equipment.

3.0B Tools: The Contractor shall provide all tools required for the complete


3.0C Materials to be furnished by the Contractor: The Contractor shall provide all materials required to complete the Work, as detailed in Section 2

3.1 Description of Duct Banks for 115kV Cables

GENERAL: Two duct banks have been installed by others between the Malta Substation and the Stonebreak transition Station, as shown on the Drawings. Each ductline consists of nine 6 inch PVC conduits, concrete encased, in a 3 high by 3 wide arrangement. There is a 48 inch diameter concrete sleeve crossing under Vettura Court for each ductline. The conduits through the sleeve crossing are 6 inch fiberglass reinforced epoxy (FRE), with transition couplings to PVC conduit on either side of the sleeves. There are three manholes installed in each ductline. Manholes are precast concrete, and are approximately 20 feet long, 7 feet wide, and 6 feet - 8 inches high. All dimensions are internal. Each manhole is equipped with two 36 inch diameter frames/rings/covers. All 9 conduits for a given ductline pass through the associated manholes. At the terminal stations, the 115 kV conduits exit the ground through 90 degree riser sweeps. Riser sweeps and riser conduits are 8 foot radius FRE, concrete encased. Conduits for the ground continuity conductors and for communication cables terminate in handholes at the two terminal stations. Approximate cable section lengths are shown in Section 2.1N.

3.2 Cable Installation

3.2A. Pull eyes / Rigging:

1. The manholes are equipped with rigging points (pull eyes) on the opposite side

from each conduit face. The Contractor shall make the sole determination as to whether pulling eyes are suitable for 115 kV cable installation.

3.2B. Direction of Pull:

1. The cables shall be pulled into their assigned conduits, one cable per conduit, as

indicated on the Cable Plan. The Cable Plan will be provided to the Contractor prior to cable pulling. 115 kV cable shall only be fed into the riser conduits for all terminal pulls at Malta and Stonebreak stations.


3.2C. Cable Storage:

1. If it is necessary to store reels of cable at the Project site for any length of time, they shall be fully covered, and protected from mechanical damage.

3.2D. Reel Handling:

1. All necessary equipment and labor for loading and unloading cable reels shall be provided. Upon completion of cable pulling, the Contractor shall remove all reels from the Project site, for reuse or lawful disposal by the Contractor.

2. Under no circumstances shall reels containing cable be dropped or allowed to roll

uncontrolled down skids or runways in the process of loading or unloading. Reels shall be rolled only in the direction specified by the manufacturer. Reels shall not be rolled over obstructions that may break the lagging or damage the cable.

3. Reels shall only be lifted utilizing a spreader bar and slings attached to an arbor

inserted through the reel's arbor hole.

3.2E. Conduit Preparation:

Prior to pulling cable in any conduit:

1. The Contractor shall prove the conduit by pulling a close fitting flexible mandrel through the conduit. The mandrel outer diameter shall be approximately 1/4 inch less than the conduit nominal inside diameter. Should any conduit not prove successfully, the Contractor shall notify the Owner for resolution.

2. The Contractor shall clean the conduits by pulling a wire brush and swab, sized

for 6 inch conduit, through each conduit. Upon completion of steps 1 and 2, the Contractor shall accept the conduit as suitable for cable pulling.

3. The Contractor shall pre-lubricate the conduit with Polywater J, or accepted

alternate. This may be accomplished by mechanically drawing lubricant through the conduit, through the use of lubricant packs installed between the cable and the pulling rope, or by other means accepted by the Owner.

3.2F. Manhole Preparation:

1. Install manhole grounding ring bus using 2.4 kV unshielded and/or bare 4/0

copper, as shown in the Drawings.

2. Cable racking shall be installed on the manhole wall to provide support for the cable and splices at a minimum of 4 foot intervals.

3. Manhole racking shall be properly grounded to the manhole grounding ring bus.


3.2G. 115 kV Cable Pulling

1. Communication.

a. The Contractor shall establish and maintain two means of reliable dedicated communication between the two ends of the section of conduit in which the cable is to be installed. These communication links shall be available throughout all cable pulling operations.

b. In addition to the 115 kV cables, the Contractor shall install one (1) 4/0 AWG

2.4 kV unshielded copper ground continuity conductor in each duct bank. The ground continuity cable shall be used for cable shield connections in the manholes, and shall be connected to the station ground grids at the two terminal stations with compression connections. Cable pulling requirements apply to the ground continuity conductor as well as the 115 kV cables.

2. Pulling Winch.

a. The pulling winch shall be capable of exerting a continuous pull of at least 30,000 lbs pounds at a rate of no less than thirty (30) feet per minute and shall be of such design and manufacture that it can complete the cable pull in one continuous operation without stopping. The pulling winch shall be capable of starting the load in a smooth, even manner without jerking.

b. The pulling line shall be of adequate size and design for the anticipated loads,

and of such design to minimize conduit cutting. The pulling line shall be kept clean and free of material which would abrade or otherwise damage the interior of the conduit. A shackle and swivel for connecting the pulling line to the cable pulling eye shall be provided.

3. Conduit Protection.

a. Cable pulling operations shall be conducted in such a way as to minimize the

introductions of dirt or any other debris into the conduit.

4. Cable Installation Continuity.

a. Once begun, the installation of cable in any section of conduit shall proceed continuously until the installation is complete. The pull shall not be considered complete until the Contractor has:

1) Installed cable end seals on both ends of the pulled cable. 2) Installed a cable end seal on the cut cable end on the reel. 3) Installed temporary cable restraint support at the riser structures.

5. Lagging:

a. For the initial pull from a reel, the lagging and other protective coverings shall

be removed from the cable reel after the reel is in pulling position. Lagging material shall be removed in such fashion as to cause no damage to the cable.


Removal of reel lags shall not be performed until immediately prior to cable pulling. The Contractor shall lawfully dispose of all reel lagging material.

6. Cable Bearing Points:

a. At the feed-in location, the cable shall be guided through suitable sheaves or guide shoes to prevent excessive bearing pressures or other damage to the cable. The cable pulling apparatus at the pullout end shall be set up in such a manner that the pull is as much in line with the axis of the ductbank as possible so as not to subject the cable to excessive bearing pressure when leaving the conduit.

7. Cable Slack:

a. Cable shall be installed in such a manner that the necessary slack for splicing

and/or terminating shall be provided without additional hitches. At the riser pedestals, the cable end shall be temporarily secured so that the cable minimum bending radius is not exceeded.

8. Cable Inspection:

a. A thorough visual inspection for flaws in the cable jacket or other signs of

mechanical damage shall be made as the cable leaves the reel. The pulling rate shall be low enough to allow for inspection. Pulling rate shall not exceed thirty (30) feet per minute unless allowed by the Owner. If an apparent defect is noted, pulling operations shall be stopped and the Owner notified.

9. Lubrication:

a. During installation, the cable shall be continuously lubricated with Polywater J

lubricant, or Owner accepted alternate. Lubrication shall be applied per the manufacturers recommended procedure and quantities.

10. Minimum Bending Radius:

a. Extreme care shall be taken at all times to prevent sharp bends in the cable. The

cable shall not be bent to an inside radius of less than the cable manufacturers stated minimum allowable bending radius under any circumstance.

11. Allowable Tension:

a. A reliable and accurately calibrated direct reading dynamometer, supplied by

the Contractor, shall be used in the pulling mechanism to indicate the pulling tension on the winch line. The Contractor shall furnish proof of recent (within the last 30 days) calibration of the dynamometer being used, or it may be calibrated at the Project site. Pulling tension and the length of cable pulled shall be continuously recorded on a strip chart. If at any time the pulling tension approaches or exceeds the cable manufacturers stated allowable maximum tension, pulling operations shall be stopped and the Owner contacted. The maximum pulling tension on the pulling line as measured by the dynamometer


shall not be exceeded unless directed by the Owner.

b. Pulling tension and cable section length data shall be recorded on the required form, and shall be submitted to the Owner no later than twenty-four hours after each pull has been completed.

12. Cutting Cable:

a. Once a pull has been completed, the cable shall be cut only after the Owner has

inspected the leading end of the cable. The first three feet of cable beyond the end of the pull eye shall be considered waste cable, and shall not be used within the terminations or splices.

13. Sealing Conduits after Cable Pulling:

a. All unused conduits shall be plugged with Jackmoon blank plugs or Owner

accepted alternate. "Condulator" riser ventilators or Owner accepted alternate shall be installed at the riser structures taking care not to obstruct the vent holes.

14. Excess Cable:

a. If the Owner decides to save the excess cable as spare cable, the unit price for

packaging excess cable shall be used. Packaging shall be in accordance with Section 2.1.N of this specification.

b. If excess cable is to be scrapped, the Contractor shall lawfully dispose of such


15. Jacket Test:

a. Once a section of 115 kV cable has been pulled and before any terminations or splices are applied to the cable, the cable shall be subjected to an 8.0 kV DC jacket test for 1 minute. Jacket faults shall be repaired (if accessible), or the cable section shall be replaced by the Contractor. Leakage current shall be measured and recorded for record purposes only.

3.3. 115 kV Terminations

1. Termination Material Handling: a. Material associated with termination installation (tapes, compounds, connectors,

insulators, housings, sleeves, etc.) shall be kept clean and free from contamination and shall be maintained in storage by the Contractor as specified by the respective suppliers.

2. Terminal Structure:

a. The Owner will furnish and install all outdoor termination structures.

3. Termination Shelter: a. For outdoor terminations, a suitable shelter shall be provided over the area

where the termination shall be built. A termination shall not be installed until


the Contractor has erected this shelter. At no time during the terminating operations shall the cable be exposed to dirt, windblown dust, rain, snow or other contaminants.

b. The shelter shall have a rigid frame. Walls may be tarpaulin, plastic sheeting, or

other material acceptable to the Owner. The shelter shall be of adequate size to perform the work, and shall be adequately lighted throughout the terminating process.

c. Should the termination manufacturer require temperature and/or humidity

control during installation of terminations, the Contractor shall provide such control. Terminations shall only be installed when temperature and humidity levels are within specified limits.

d. A working flashlight and a 5 lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher shall be kept in

the shelter at all times throughout the terminating process.

4. Termination Construction:

a. All terminations shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's detailed drawings and instructions.

5. Work Hours:

a. Once begun, termination operations shall proceed twenty four hours a day

without interruption until that termination is completed. b. The Owner may inspect termination operations on either a part time or full time

basis as it may elect. 6. Upon completion of 115 kV terminating, including all bonding connections, the

Contractor shall label exposed cable at the risers as follows: On 115 kV cables: “Circuit xxxx” and “Phase x” labels on each

phase approximately 6 feet above finished grade. Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each

cable approximately 6 feet above grade, or at each splice housing, as applicable.

Bonding Leads: “Phase x” and/or “Ground” on each lead at the link box.

Labels shall be attached to cables with heavy duty black nylon cable ties. Labels shall be installed facing in the direction specified by the Owner. The Owner will provide specific wording for labeling at the terminals.

3.4 115 kV Cable Splicing

a. Splice Material Handling: Material associated with splice installation (tapes,

compounds, connectors, insulators, housings, sleeves, etc.) shall be kept clean and free from contamination and shall be maintained in storage by the


Contractor as specified by the respective suppliers. b. Manhole Preparation: Prior to splicing any 115 kV cable, the manholes shall be

thoroughly dewatered. Any mud or other debris within the manhole shall be removed and lawfully disposed of by the Contractor. Polyethylene sheeting shall be applied to manhole walls, floor and ceilings to limit manhole humidity and water drips in the splicing area.

c. Should the splice or cable manufacturer require temperature and/or humidity

control during installation of splices, the Contractor shall provide such control. Splices shall only be installed when temperature and humidity levels are within specified limits.

d. A working flashlight and a 5 lb. dry chemical fire extinguisher shall be kept in

the manhole at all times throughout the splicing process.

4. Splice Construction:

a. All splices shall be made in strict accordance with the manufacturer's detailed drawings and instructions.

5. Work Hours:

a. Once begun, splicing operations shall proceed twenty four hours a day without

interruption until that splice is completed. b. The Owner may inspect splice operations on either a part time or full time basis

as it may elect.

6. Phasing:

a. The cables shall be phase checked by the Contractor at the time that the final splices are made on each cable. The Owner will witness the phasing process.

7. Arc Proofing

All 115 kV cables and splices within manholes shall be covered from duct face to duct face with Arc Proofing tape and fiberglass tape in accordance with National Grid Standard 35.13.

8. Labeling

Within manholes and handholes, and after all 115 kV cable splicing, fiber optic cable splicing, and cable sheath bonding connections have been completed, and after arc proofing tape has been installed, Contractor shall label cables and other manhole equipment as follows:


Manhole number “MH xxxx” mounted in each chimney (Note: 2 chimneys per manhole)


115 kV cables: “Circuit xxxx” and “Phase x” labels on each phase cable below each manhole opening (2 manhole openings per manhole)

Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each cable below each manhole opening (2 manhole openings per manhole).

Ground Continuity Conductor – “Circuit xxxx Ground” on each cable at each ductline face

Bonding Leads: “Phase x” and/or “Ground” on each lead at the link box. Handholes:

Handhole number “HH xxxx” mounted in each chimney Fiber Optic Cables: Fiber Optic Cable number “FO xxxx” on each cable,

below each manhole opening. Ground Continuity Conductor – “Circuit xxxx Ground” on each cable,

below each manhole opening In manholes and handholes, labels shall be attached to cables with heavy duty black nylon cable ties. Labels in manhole chimneys shall be attached with stainless steel screws and wedge type concrete anchors. Labels shall be installed so that they are readable from above the manhole without entering the manhole, or as otherwise specified by the Owner. The Owner will provide specific wording for labeling at the manholes and handholes.

3.5 Cable Sheath Bonding

1. All cable sheath sections shall be single point bonded with solid grounding (through link boxes) on one end and sheath voltage limiters (SVL's) on the other end. All bonding leads and ground continuity conductor shall be 4/0 cu, 2.4 kV unshielded cable. See the Drawings for details on cable sheath bonding.

2 The Contractor shall mount Link Boxes securely near the ceiling of the manholes,

and in a position where they are visible and accessible from the manhole cover openings. The Contractor shall install restraint/support for the cable bonding leads as shown on the Drawings.

3 The ground continuity conductor shall be spliced through the manholes to make a

continuous conductor between the terminal stations. Bonding leads shall be securely connected to the cable splices, to the link box connectors, and to the ground continuity conductor. Bonding leads shall be neatly routed from splices to the link boxes and from the link boxes to the ground continuity conductor, and shall be clamped and supported at no more than 3 foot intervals. All cable sheath bonding connections shall be insulated to a 1 kV minimum rating, using Tyco PowerGel connectors or other method acceptable to the Owner.

a. At the terminations, the Contractor shall install 4/0 copper 2.4 kV non-shielded

insulated cable between the station ground grid and each cable termination, connecting through a link box. The 4/0 stranded copper ground lead shall be clipped to the structure at distances no greater than 3' -6" horizontal, and 4' -0" vertical.


b. The Contractor shall install link boxes to the riser structure as shown on the

Drawings. The Link Box on the above ground cable ends shall be equipped with solid links. Connections to the station ground grid shall be by exothermic welding or compression. Connections at the link boxes and cable terminations shall be by NEMA 2 hole compression lugs.

3.6. 115 kV Cable Acceptance Testing

1. Electrical Testing:

a. Each completed three phase circuit shall be subjected to a D.C. jacket and bonding integrity test in accordance with AEIC CS9 Appendix G. The Contractor shall provide all required equipment to perform these acceptance tests.

b. Cable insulation resistance shall be recorded for each phase cable, from

conductor to shield, using a 5 kV (minimum) megger. Insulation resistances shall be recorded for record purposes only.

c. After completion of the jacket integrity test, the cables shall be energized at

nominal operating voltage from the Owner’s 115 kV system for a period of twenty-four hours. The Contractor and cable manufacturer representative shall be present on the Project site during this test. The electrical test shall be coordinated with the Owner. The Contractor shall measure and record sheath bonding currents at all Link Box locations in Accordance with AEIC CS9 Appendix G.

3.7 Fiber Optic Cable Installation

3.7A The Contractor shall survey all manholes and fiber optic conduits to determine the optimum splice point locations. The Contractor shall develop and submit to the Owner a fiber optic cable pull plan four weeks prior to commencing Work. Included in this plan shall be a schedule for the cable installation, pulling directions, splice locations, traffic protection, and any special restrictions or concerns. In development of the pulling plan, the Contractor shall attempt to minimize the number of splices in the fiber optic cable.

3.7B The Contractor shall continuously monitor the pulling tension to demonstrate compliance to the cable manufacturer’s specifications.

3.7C The cable minimum bending radius shall not be exceeded.

3.7D A tension/distance chart shall be provided to demonstrate that the maximum tension has not been exceeded.

3.7E Fiber optic cable splices shall be made in submersible splice enclosures.

Splice enclosures shall be mounted on brackets located near the manhole ceiling. The bracket shall support the weight of the splice and associated


cable. The splice shall be fastened to the bracket with heavy duty nylon tie wraps (minimum tensile release 120 lbs). Tie wraps shall only restrain splices from moving off the brackets, and shall not be used for supporting the weight of the splice or cable.

3.7F All slack loops shall be mounted to the ceiling of the manholes, utilizing

mounting clips, stainless steel screws, and wedge type anchors. A 100 foot slack shall be installed in every manhole along the route (approximately every 1500 feet) with 100-200 foot slack at splice points.

3.7G Cable shall be supported on manhole walls with mounting clamps, stainless

steel screws, and wedge type anchors, at no more than 4 foot intervals, and approximately 6 inches from the manhole ceiling.

3.7E Cable labels shall be installed at every point that a cable enters or leaves a


3.7F Fiber Optic Cable Pre-Installation Test

The Contractor shall perform an optical time domain reflectometer (OTDR) test at the installation site. The OTDR test shall be on each fiber, of each reel of cable after the reel is placed on the let off stand, prior to installation. Attenuation exceeding fiber manufacturer’s specification shall be reported to the Owner prior to installation.

If no problems are reported to the Owner, in writing, prior to the installation of the reel, the Contractor accepts responsibility of the cable in good condition for the installation.

The Contractor shall maintain the reel test results. Upon completion of the reel testing, only vendor supplied attenuation data (attached to the reel) shall be forwarded to the Owner.

3.7G Fiber Optic Splicing

Splices shall be performed in an environmentally controlled state and monitored for loss during splicing. All fiber splices shall be fusion splices. Mechanical splices are not acceptable.

The attenuation caused by each splice point shall not exceed 0.2 dB per fiber splice one way and 0.15dB bi-directional averaged. Splices not meeting this threshold shall be re-spliced. Any splice which could not be brought below the threshold shall be brought to the Owner’s attention.

Sufficient slack shall be coiled in splice trays to allow for future splicing.

At the Stone Break Transition, the Contractor shall splice the fiber optic cable to the Optical Ground Wire (OPGW) in a splice enclosure provided by others. The OPGW will have 24 single mode fibers. The Owner will provide a description of the OPGW fiber optic cable, and a fiber connection guide if


tube fill, tube colors, and/or fiber colors do not match between the two cables.

The Owner may witness splicing on a full or part time basis, as it elects.

3.7H Fiber Optic Cable Final Testing

A. All Optical Testing shall be performed on all cables in the presence of the Owner. The Contractor shall provide the Owner with a minimum of 48 hours notice of the testing schedule. The Contractor shall only use an Owner accepted testing agency for final testing. Unless accepted by the Owner, the final testing agency shall not be the same as the splicing agency. Any fiber damage or high losses which could not be repaired shall be reported immediately to the Owner. Additionally:

Link Test 1: All fiber shall be tested with a GN NTETTEST

SMA4000 OTDR or equivalent, equipped with a single mode module of sufficient dynamic range to test the proposed cable length.

Every fiber shall be tested bi-directionally at 1550nm wavelength. Index of refraction shall be set appropriately for the type of fiber used. All fiber traces shall include event table Continuity tests shall be used to verify fiber continuity and absence of

trans-positioning of fiber strands or buffer tubes.

Link Test 2: Perform attenuation test utilizing a power meter/light source at 1550nm; provide documentation electronically after completion of project.

Maximum attenuation allowed for a specific fiber is arrived with the


(AxL) + (0.08 x N) db


“A” is attenuation at 1550 nm “L” is the fiber length in Km “N” is the number of splices in the segment


Tests will be performed using the following setup parameters



Full Auto – Off Units: Km Auto Mode – On Smooth Level – light Auto Analysis – On Splice Loss Threshold – 0.05 db Auto Save – Off (Secondary ) – 0.50 db Auto Smoothing – Off End to End –40db Auto Print – Off Reflectance –60 db Setup Script – Off Break/End 3.00 db


No. AVGS: Medium (32,768) Range / Res.: Will be set by Auto Mode Index: Will be set to appropriate IOR Backscatter: Default settings

Final OTDR traces submitted shall adhere to the following format and requirements:

Only final accepted traces need to be submitted with the final package Both hardcopy and disk formats must be submitted Two OTDR traces, one from each direction, for each fiber shall be submitted A copy of the test certification form shall be attached to the final test results

(Appendix “C”) A bi-directions splice loss summary report shall be generated and submitted with

the final OTDR traces Each OTDR trace shall clearly indicate the following in the header block: location

(include pole M/H number, street, and town) direction of test, date, fiber number, and total end to end loss.

3.7J Fiber Optic Record Revisions

The Contractor shall provide “Record Revision” Drawings within 4 days after completion of construction and testing.

The drawings shall be either generated by the Contractor, or a marked up copy of an Owner drawing. The drawing must indicate the approximate locations (on the map) of the slack and splice points.

In addition to the drawing the as-builds shall include the following at a minimum:

Cable footages between manhole and pole sections (include manhole and pole



Reel number used in each section; slack lengths, and slack and splice locations.

3.7K Fiber Optic Submittals

The Contractor shall submit the following within 4 days of work completion:

Record revisions (marked up map and installation checklist). OTDR traces Power meter & light source link final test documentation Test Certification Form (Appendix “C”)

3.8 Project Documentation:

a. The Contractor shall provide copies of all project documentation to the Owner.

The Owner will not declare Final Acceptance of the cable system prior to receiving this documentation.

b. Project documentation shall include but is not limited to the following:

115 kV Cable cross section drawing Ground Continuity Conductor cross section drawing Three (3) sets of termination instructions and drawings Three (3) sets of splice instructions and drawings Drawings and data for link boxes (Surge Voltage Limiter style and Solid

Link style) Drawings for other cable accessories (clamps, cable supports, etc). Cable pulling tension logs 115 kV cable test results Fiber Optic Cable Cross Section drawing Fiber Optic Cable Test Results