spectrum handoff decisions

International Journ Internat ISSN No: 245 @ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www Spec Bisma 1 M. Department of Sri Sai College of Engin ABSTRACT In modern society wireless communic very important role with huge incre services and standards. Although ther pros of using cognitive radio networks increasing the spectrum utilization networks, but still there exist some cha need to be discussed in detail: First, s radio networks are planned to op heterogeneous spectrum environm comprises of both licensed and unlicen bands, most of the research has been do licensed band of the spectrum and only has been carried out in such an en merging licensed and unlicensed spectr transmission increases the spectrum cognitive radio wireless networks. The develop new spectrum handoff scheme the performance of the secondary user their handoff delay. KEYWORD: CR, SDR, DSA. I. INTRODUCTION With most of our activities implying wireless access in one way or ot communication has now become extrem in modern society. As a result, app services, standards, and the number of w are increasing day by day, considering the limited available radio spectrum r been allocated well and can restrict this this amount of expansion is ultimately the available radio frequency spectrum regulatory agencies have adopted, un strict approach to the licensing of limit spectrum to different entities (e.g., mili cellular telephony, service providers, and TV), all of these entities poss nal of Trend in Scientific Research and De tional Open Access Journal | www.ijtsr 56 - 6470 | Volume - 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep w.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct ctrum Handoff Decisions a Bashir 1 , Er. Tajinder Pal Singh 2 . Tech Scholar, 2 Assistant Professor f Electronics and Communication Engineering, neering & Technology Badhani, Pathankot, Punj cation plays a ease of users, re are several s, for example of wireless allenges which since cognitive perate over a ment, which nsed spectrum one in only the some research nvironment as rum bands for utilization of ere is need to es to improve rs in terms of some kind of ther, wireless mely important plications and wireless users, g that most of resources have s growth. Also, y controlled by m; government ntil recently, a ted amounts of itary, analogue public safety sess exclusive transmissions to their assign By using this strict approach accessing a radio spectrum fixed spectrum allocation me Spectrum Access (FSA). A Spectrum Policy Task Force ( The Federal Communication which gave a proof to the dedicated (licensed) spectr utilization efficiency, such as or analogue cellular telephon utilized. The study reveale geographic changes in spectr from 15-85% in the bands belo lower than this at higher temporally unused spectrums or white spaces, are illustrat figure. These spectrum holes a the “virtual channels”. Thes logical channels built over th licensed PU channels. Spectrum Hole II. RADIO SPECTRU RADIO NETWORKS In most of the countries of radio spectrum is controlled usage of the radio spectr regulatory bodies defined evelopment (IJTSRD) rd.com p – Oct 2018 2018 Page: 36 jab, India ned frequency channels. h, the main method of resource is based on a ethod, known as Fixed report prepared by the (SPTF) and published by n Commission (FCC), fact that most of the rum experiences low those allocated to a TV ny, which are not fully ed both temporal and rum utilization, ranging ow 3GHz, while ranging r frequencies. These s, called spectrum holes ted further in following are sometimes known as se virtual channels are he spectrum holes of the e concept UM & COGNITIVE S the world, the precious d by government. The rum is controlled by by each country’s

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In modern society wireless communication plays a very important role with huge increase of users, services and standards. Although there are several pros of using cognitive radio networks, for example increasing the spectrum utilization of wireless networks, but still there exist some challenges which need to be discussed in detail First, since cognitive radio networks are planned to operate over a heterogeneous spectrum environment, which comprises of both licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands, most of the research has been done in only the licensed band of the spectrum and only some research has been carried out in such an environment as merging licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands for transmission increases the spectrum utilization of cognitive radio wireless networks. There is need to develop new spectrum handoff schemes to improve the performance of the secondary users in terms of their handoff delay. Bisma Bashir | Er. Tajinder Pal Singh "Spectrum Handoff Decisions" Published in International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (ijtsrd), ISSN: 2456-6470, Volume-2 | Issue-6 , October 2018, URL: https://www.ijtsrd.com/papers/ijtsrd18404.pdf Paper URL: http://www.ijtsrd.com/engineering/electronics-and-communication-engineering/18404/spectrum-handoff-decisions/bisma-bashir


Page 1: Spectrum Handoff Decisions

International Journal of Trend in

International Open Access Journal

ISSN No: 2456

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com

Spectrum Handoff Bisma Bashir

1M.Department of Electronics a

Sri Sai College of Engineering & Technology Badhani, Pathankot, Punjab, India

ABSTRACT In modern society wireless communication plays a very important role with huge increase of users, services and standards. Although there arepros of using cognitive radio networks, for example increasing the spectrum utilization of wireless networks, but still there exist some challenges which need to be discussed in detail: First, since cognitive radio networks are planned to operate heterogeneous spectrum environment, which comprises of both licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands, most of the research has been done in only the licensed band of the spectrum and only some research has been carried out in such an environment as merging licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands for transmission increases the spectrum utilization of cognitive radio wireless networks. There is need to develop new spectrum handoff schemes to improve the performance of the secondary users in terms of their handoff delay. KEYWORD: CR, SDR, DSA. I. INTRODUCTION With most of our activities implying some kind of wireless access in one way or other, wireless communication has now become extremely important in modern society. As a result, applications and services, standards, and the number of wireless users, are increasing day by day, considering that most of the limited available radio spectrum resources have been allocated well and can restrict this growth. Also, this amount of expansion is ultimately controlled by the available radio frequency spectrum; governmentregulatory agencies have adopted, until recently, a strict approach to the licensing of limited amounts of spectrum to different entities (e.g., military, analogue cellular telephony, service providers, public safety and TV), all of these entities possess

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD)

International Open Access Journal | www.ijtsrd.com

ISSN No: 2456 - 6470 | Volume - 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep

www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct

Spectrum Handoff Decisions

Bisma Bashir1, Er. Tajinder Pal Singh2 M. Tech Scholar,

2Assistant Professor

Department of Electronics and Communication Engineering, f Engineering & Technology Badhani, Pathankot, Punjab, India

In modern society wireless communication plays a very important role with huge increase of users, services and standards. Although there are several pros of using cognitive radio networks, for example increasing the spectrum utilization of wireless networks, but still there exist some challenges which need to be discussed in detail: First, since cognitive radio networks are planned to operate over a heterogeneous spectrum environment, which comprises of both licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands, most of the research has been done in only the licensed band of the spectrum and only some research has been carried out in such an environment as

rging licensed and unlicensed spectrum bands for transmission increases the spectrum utilization of cognitive radio wireless networks. There is need to develop new spectrum handoff schemes to improve the performance of the secondary users in terms of

With most of our activities implying some kind of wireless access in one way or other, wireless communication has now become extremely important in modern society. As a result, applications and services, standards, and the number of wireless users,

reasing day by day, considering that most of the limited available radio spectrum resources have been allocated well and can restrict this growth. Also, this amount of expansion is ultimately controlled by the available radio frequency spectrum; government regulatory agencies have adopted, until recently, a strict approach to the licensing of limited amounts of spectrum to different entities (e.g., military, analogue cellular telephony, service providers, public safety and TV), all of these entities possess exclusive

transmissions to their assigned frequency channels. By using this strict approach, the main method of accessing a radio spectrum resource is based on a fixed spectrum allocation method, known as Fixed Spectrum Access (FSA). A report prepared by Spectrum Policy Task Force (SPTF) and published by The Federal Communication Commission (FCC), which gave a proof to the fact that most of the dedicated (licensed) spectrum experiences low utilization efficiency, such as those allocated to a TV or analogue cellular telephony, which are not fully utilized. The study revealed both temporal and geographic changes in spectrum utilization, ranging from 15-85% in the bands below 3GHz, while ranging lower than this at higher frequencies. These temporally unused spectrums, called spectrum holes or white spaces, are illustrated further in following figure. These spectrum holes are sometimes known as the “virtual channels”. These virtual channels are logical channels built over the spectrum holes of the licensed PU channels.

Spectrum Hole concept


In most of the countries of the world, the precious radio spectrum is controlled by government. The usage of the radio spectrum is controlled by regulatory bodies defined by each country’s

Research and Development (IJTSRD)


| Sep – Oct 2018

2018 Page: 36

f Engineering & Technology Badhani, Pathankot, Punjab, India

transmissions to their assigned frequency channels. By using this strict approach, the main method of accessing a radio spectrum resource is based on a fixed spectrum allocation method, known as Fixed Spectrum Access (FSA). A report prepared by the Spectrum Policy Task Force (SPTF) and published by The Federal Communication Commission (FCC), which gave a proof to the fact that most of the dedicated (licensed) spectrum experiences low utilization efficiency, such as those allocated to a TV

ogue cellular telephony, which are not fully utilized. The study revealed both temporal and geographic changes in spectrum utilization, ranging

85% in the bands below 3GHz, while ranging lower than this at higher frequencies. These

ed spectrums, called spectrum holes or white spaces, are illustrated further in following figure. These spectrum holes are sometimes known as the “virtual channels”. These virtual channels are logical channels built over the spectrum holes of the

Spectrum Hole concept


In most of the countries of the world, the precious radio spectrum is controlled by government. The usage of the radio spectrum is controlled by regulatory bodies defined by each country’s

Page 2: Spectrum Handoff Decisions

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com

government such as of com in the UK and FCC in the USA; enforce the spectrum allocation paradigm “command-and-control”. The legacy of fixed spectrum access (FSA) policy is followed by almost all existing wireless devices and networks in order to use the radio spectrum, in which the spectrum bands are licensed to being devoted (primary) services and users, such as cellular networks, TVs, and vehicular ad hoc networks but only the primary users can operate in the assigned spectrum in these systems. On the other hand, the other systems are not allowed to use this spectrum, even when it is idle. Although the issue of interference among different devices and networks can be efficiently controlled and coordinated by using FSA, this policy still causes significant spectrum under-utilization, as reported in. The growth of new wireless services and applications along with diverse network architectures (such as heterogeneous networks) has been adversely affected by the inefficiency of the radio spectrum. As a consequence, new flexible and dynamic spectrum regulations should be introduced in order to overcome this issue. III. COGNITIVE RADIO The exploration of the cognitive radio trend involves an interdisciplinary effort from different technical areas, including: communications engineering, the networking, spectrum policies, adaptive systelearning, signal processing, the information theory, the game /cooperative theory, economics and social sciences. Although there have been many advances in the cognitive radio trend with respect to enabling DSA networks, further study is required to make DSA a feasible spectrum allocation paradigm in CRNs. Major existing studies on cognitive radios cover:1. Spectrum policy alternatives and system models2. Spectrum sensing algorithms 3. Cognitive radio architecture and software

abstractions 4. Cognitive algorithms for adaptation and resource

management 5. DSA technology and algorithms 6. Protocol architectures for CRNs 7. Network security for CRNs 8. Cooperative wireless communications9. Cognitive medium access control (MAC)10. Cognitive networking and the Internet11. Game theory for cognitive radio networks12. Physical layer aspects

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456

www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct

com in the UK and FCC in the spectrum allocation paradigm

control”. The legacy of fixed spectrum access (FSA) policy is followed by almost all existing wireless devices and networks in order to use the radio spectrum, in which the spectrum bands

oted (primary) services and users, such as cellular networks, TVs, and vehicular ad hoc networks but only the primary users can operate in the assigned spectrum in these systems. On the other hand, the other systems are not allowed to

en when it is idle. Although the issue of interference among different devices and networks can be efficiently controlled and coordinated by using FSA, this policy still causes significant

utilization, as reported in. The growth ess services and applications along with

diverse network architectures (such as heterogeneous networks) has been adversely affected by the inefficiency of the radio spectrum. As a consequence, new flexible and dynamic spectrum regulations

ced in order to overcome this issue.

The exploration of the cognitive radio trend involves an interdisciplinary effort from different technical areas, including: communications engineering, the networking, spectrum policies, adaptive systems and learning, signal processing, the information theory, the game /cooperative theory, economics and social

Although there have been many advances in the cognitive radio trend with respect to enabling DSA

o make DSA a feasible spectrum allocation paradigm in CRNs. Major existing studies on cognitive radios cover:

Spectrum policy alternatives and system models

Cognitive radio architecture and software

algorithms for adaptation and resource

Cooperative wireless communications Cognitive medium access control (MAC) Cognitive networking and the Internet

heory for cognitive radio networks

Some of research focuses on the implementation of CRs which require no changes in existing networks (infrastructures). Other research suggests more than a single radio for each secondary user, or tsecondary users have a wide band spectrum sensing. The following subsections introduce some basic and vital aspects and definitions related to the cognitive radio. IV. SOFTWARE-DEFINED RADIO (SDR)The rapid evolution of microelectronics has enabledthe development of softwaretechnology, where the baseband digital processing is completely achieved in software. This technology allows to adapt to operating parameters (e.g., carrier frequency, transmit power, codingmodulation strategy), based on learning from previous events and current inputs to the system. This gives opportunities to unlicensed users to access the licensed spectrum without interfering with the primary users. V. CHALLENGES OF COGNITIVE RADIO

TECHNOLOGY The two main aspects of cognitive radio are:1. Cognitive capability: Because of the high

variation in the available spectrum and 2. The diversity of applications that can be used by

CR technology, CR users must be able to:� Identify and detect which parts of the

available at a specific time and location through real time interaction with the surrounding environment (spectrum wideband sensing)

� Choose the appropriate band for transmission (spectrum decision)

� Share access processing with other CR users (spectrum sharing)

� Vacate the spectrum when a primary user appears in the selected band (spectrum mobility)

These network capabilities can be realized by spectrum management functions (see Section 2.9). Re-configurability: CR users must have the followingabilities: � They must be able to adapt to the modulation

scheme in order to improve spectrum access process.

� They must be able to operate on different systems with different protocols in a wideband frequency range supported by its hardware design. Using thcapability, the best networks and channels can be

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456-6470

2018 Page: 37

Some of research focuses on the implementation of CRs which require no changes in existing networks (infrastructures). Other research suggests more than a single radio for each secondary user, or they assume secondary users have a wide band spectrum sensing. The following subsections introduce some basic and vital aspects and definitions related to the cognitive

DEFINED RADIO (SDR) The rapid evolution of microelectronics has enabled the development of software-defined-radio (SDR) technology, where the baseband digital processing is completely achieved in software. This technology allows to adapt to operating parameters (e.g., carrier frequency, transmit power, coding scheme and

ation strategy), based on learning from previous inputs to the system. This gives

opportunities to unlicensed users to access the licensed spectrum without interfering with the


two main aspects of cognitive radio are: Cognitive capability: Because of the high variation in the available spectrum and The diversity of applications that can be used by CR technology, CR users must be able to: Identify and detect which parts of the spectrum are available at a specific time and location through real time interaction with the surrounding environment (spectrum wideband sensing) Choose the appropriate band for transmission

Share access processing with other CR users

Vacate the spectrum when a primary user appears in the selected band (spectrum mobility)

These network capabilities can be realized by spectrum management functions (see Section 2.9).

CR users must have the following

They must be able to adapt to the modulation scheme in order to improve spectrum access

They must be able to operate on different systems with different protocols in a wideband frequency range supported by its hardware design. Using this capability, the best networks and channels can be

Page 3: Spectrum Handoff Decisions

International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456

@ IJTSRD | Available Online @ www.ijtsrd.com

selected and then CR users are able to reconfigure themselves to be compatible with the new environment.

� They must be able to frequency agility, which means the ability of the CR user can change its transmission frequency.

� They must be able to control the transmission power, for example, transmitting power control can be used to control the power level dynamically, which reduces the emitted power to allow greater sharing of the spectrum when a higher power level is not necessary.

VI. CONCLUSION The research paper describes the spectrum handoff decisions. The paper introduces Cognitive Radio with full information of Software Defined Radio (SDR). The paper also describes the Challenges of Cognitive Radio Technology. This paper addresses one of the fundamental problems of signal drops during traversing through heterogeneous network. The method of cognition allows the best spectrum selection ensuring lossless handoffs. REFERENCES: 1. Wyglinski and M. Nekovee, "Cognitive radio

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International Journal of Trend in Scientific Research and Development (IJTSRD) ISSN: 2456

www.ijtsrd.com | Volume – 2 | Issue – 6 | Sep-Oct

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