speech by president uhuru kenyatta during the official opening of the kenya diaspora easter...

SPEECH BY HIS EXCELLENCY HON. UHURU KENYATTA, C.G.H., PRESIDENT AND COMMANDER IN CHIEF OF THE DEFENCE FORCES OF THE REPUBLIC OF KENYA DURING THE OFFICIAL OPENING OF THE KENYA DIASPORA EASTER INVESTMENT CONFERENCE 2015, WINDSOR GOLF AND COUNTRY CLUB, KIAMBU COUNTY, 1 st APRIL, 2015 Ladies and Gentlemen, I am delighted to join you this morning. Let me begin by saying that this is a very exciting time for the Kenyan diaspora: it has grown, diversified, and become an essential player in the politics, the culture, and the development of our country. That ascendancy partly explains our gathering today, for this, the very first national diaspora conference hosted by my Government. I am also very grateful for the warm support for the conference from the diaspora and our business community. Indeed, the sponsors and exhibitors present today come from all sectors of business, and reflect the spirit of public-private partnership that we are so keen to renew. Ladies and Gentlemen, Our theme this morning is “Development and Innovation: Opportunities for diaspora”. I wish to remind you of the point for a single, simple reason. It is unlikely that we will have the opportunity to meet so many of the stakeholders and players in diaspora matters before next year. So let me urge the diaspora to fully engage them - especially the Government representatives who are here. Governments across the world are increasingly aware of the indispensable contribution of Diasporas to the growth and development of their countries of origin. Governments, especially our Government, have begun to take deliberate steps to formulate policies to harness this immense potential and mainstream it into national development plans. In Africa, we acknowledged the important role of the diaspora in the development of their countries of origin by declaring the African Diaspora the sixth constituency of the continent. The launch of the African Institute for Remittances in Nairobi in November last year stressed the significance of the economic contribution of our diasporas.

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Speech by President Uhuru Kenyatta during the Official Opening of the Kenya Diaspora Easter Investment Conference 2015


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COUNTY, 1st APRIL, 2015

Ladies and Gentlemen,

I am delighted to join you this morning. Let me begin by saying that this is a very exciting time forthe Kenyan diaspora: it has grown, diversified, and become an essential player in the politics, theculture, and the development of our country.

That ascendancy partly explains our gathering today, for this, the very first national diasporaconference hosted by my Government.

I am also very grateful for the warm support for the conference from the diaspora and our businesscommunity. Indeed, the sponsors and exhibitors present today come from all sectors of business,and reflect the spirit of public-private partnership that we are so keen to renew.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

Our theme this morning is “Development and Innovation: Opportunities for diaspora”. I wish toremind you of the point for a single, simple reason.

It is unlikely that we will have the opportunity to meet so many of the stakeholders and players indiaspora matters before next year. So let me urge the diaspora to fully engage them - especially theGovernment representatives who are here.

Governments across the world are increasingly aware of the indispensable contribution of Diasporasto the growth and development of their countries of origin.

Governments, especially our Government, have begun to take deliberate steps to formulate policiesto harness this immense potential and mainstream it into national development plans. In Africa, weacknowledged the important role of the diaspora in the development of their countries of origin bydeclaring the African Diaspora the sixth constituency of the continent.

The launch of the African Institute for Remittances in Nairobi in November last year stressed thesignificance of the economic contribution of our diasporas.

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The Institute will, among other things, assist in capacity building of member states of the AU,remittance senders, recipients, and other stakeholders, to manage remittances as a strategic asset.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

My Government accepts — indeed admires — the important contribution of our brothers and sisterswho are living abroad to the development of our country. Just last year, Kenyans living abroadremitted 1.5 Billion USD.

While these flows are highly appreciated, I would like you to know that we in Government want todeepen our engagement with the Diaspora beyond remittances in order to make you feel at homewhether you are here in Kenya or abroad.

In my various visits abroad, I always make it a point to meet with members of the Kenyan diasporato understand their challenges and the steps that can be taken in order to alleviate these challenges.

For example, while meeting with the diaspora in the United States last year, I issued a directive toenable those of you living in left–hand drive countries to enjoy the same benefits that your brothersand sisters in right–hand drive countries enjoy.

The guidelines are now in place and I am happy to note that they are being adhered to. In addition,Government continues to give high priority to addressing issues affecting the diaspora;consequently, diaspora diplomacy is now one of the pillars of Kenya’s Foreign Policy.

Apart from the remittances, which contribute significantly to our economic development, we haveenormous potential in our diaspora’s skills, knowledge and expertise, that should be tapped topositively contribute to the growth of our economy.

My Government is committed to the implementation of the National Diaspora Policy, which I

launched on 20th January 2015.

It remains of critical importance to mainstream the Kenyan diaspora in the development agenda inline with the aspirations and goals of Vision 2030, by creating an enabling environment in whichthe diaspora is effectively integrated and is able to make significant contribution to the developmentof this nation.

In this process of integration, the main thrust must be to unlock and maximize the hitherto untappedpromise of the diaspora and use this energy to carry our country to greater heights, while at the

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same time meeting the needs and expectations of Kenyans abroad at every point in time. This iscrucial in developing a mutually beneficial relationship.

Ladies and Gentlemen,

The momentum is with Kenya and Kenya’s diaspora.

Our Constitution provides for the progressive realization of the voting rights of Kenyan citizensabroad. During the 2013 General Elections, apart from the Kenyan diaspora within partner states ofEast Africa, the rest of you were unable to participate in those elections.

Let me assure you that the Government is committed to ensure that all Kenyans living abroad areprogressively facilitated to participate in the next elections to enable them to exercise theirdemocratic right to choose their leaders.

In this regard, I am happy to inform you that recently the government gazetted a Task Force on theFull Implementation of the Constitution of Kenya 2010 to Facilitate Voting by the diaspora in theGeneral Elections. The team has begun its work and will soon submit its report for implementation.

Our national security is, rightly, a matter of concern to the diaspora and in this regard you will havenoticed that the Cabinet Secretary responsible for this docket is present with us today.

Security is essential for attracting investment from the diaspora or other international investors. Iwant to give you my assurance that we remain committed - to creating a conducive investmentclimate – in our country by enhancing – security.

We are doing this partly by addressing the historical underfunding of our security agencies.However, the responsibility for the security of our country rests with each one of us.

Let me close this part of my remarks by reminding you that the diaspora are our first ambassadors.Your lives, and your conduct, wherever you live, are the first evidence foreigners have of what weare like. I encourage you to make sure that it is good.