speech-to-speech mt design and engineering

Speech-to-Speech MT Design and Engineering Alon Lavie and Lori Levin MT Class April 16 2001

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Speech-to-Speech MT Design and Engineering. Alon Lavie and Lori Levin MT Class April 16 2001. Outline. Design and Engineering of the JANUS speech-to-speech MT system The Travel & Medical Domain Interlingua (IF) Portability to new domains: ML approaches Evaluation and User Studies - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


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Speech-to-Speech MTDesign and Engineering

Alon Lavie and Lori Levin

MT Class

April 16 2001

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• Design and Engineering of the JANUS speech-to-speech MT system

• The Travel & Medical Domain Interlingua (IF)• Portability to new domains: ML approaches• Evaluation and User Studies• Open Problems, Current and Future Research

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• Fundamentals of our approach

• System overview

• Engineering a multi-domain system

• Evaluations and user studies

• Alternative translation approaches

• Current and future research

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JANUS Speech Translation

• Translation via an interlingua representation

• Main translation engine is rule-based

• Semantic grammars

• Modular grammar design

• System engineered for multiple domains

• Recent focus on domain portability– using machine learning for rapid extension to a

new domain

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The C-STAR Travel Planning Domain

General Scenario:

• Dialogue between one traveler and one or more travel agents

• Focus on making travel arrangements for a personal leisure trip (not business)

• Free spontaneous speech

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The C-STAR Travel Planning Domain

Natural breakdown into several sub-domains:

• Hotel Information and Reservation

• Transportation Information and Reservation

• Information about Sights and Events

• General Travel Information

• Cross Domain

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Semantic Grammars

• Describe structure of semantic concepts instead of syntactic constituency of phrases

• Well suited for task-oriented dialogue containing many fixed expressions

• Appropriate for spoken language - often disfluent and syntactically ill-formed

• Faster to develop reasonable coverage for limited domains

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Semantic Grammars

Hotel Reservation Example:

Input: we have two hotels available

Parse Tree:


(we have [hotel-type]

([quantity=] (two)

[hotel] (hotels)


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The JANUS-III Translation System

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The JANUS-III Translation System

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The SOUP Parser

• Specifically designed to parse spoken language using domain-specific semantic grammars

• Robust - can skip over disfluencies in input• Stochastic - probabilistic CFG encoded as a

collection of RTNs with arc probabilities• Top-Down - parses from top-level concepts of the

grammar down to matching of terminals• Chart-based - dynamic matrix of parse DAGs

indexed by start and end positions and head cat

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The SOUP Parser

• Supports parsing with large multiple domain grammars

• Produces a lattice of parse analyses headed by top-level concepts

• Disambiguation heuristics rank the analyses in the parse lattice and select a single best path through the lattice

• Graphical grammar editor

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SOUP Disambiguation Heuristics

• Maximize coverage (of input)• Minimize number of parse trees (fragmentation)• Minimize number of parse tree nodes• Minimize the number of wild-card matches• Maximize the probability of parse trees• Find sequence of domain tags with maximal

probability given the input words: P(T|W), where T= t1,t2,…,tn is a sequence of domain tags

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JANUS Generation Modules

Two alternative generation modules:

• Top-Down context-free based generator - fast, used for English and Japanese

• GenKit - unification-based generator augmented with Morphe morphology module - used for German

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Modular Grammar Design• Grammar development separated into modules corresponding to

sub-domains (Hotel, Transportation, Sights, General Travel, Cross Domain)

• Shared core grammar for lower-level concepts that are common to the various sub-domains (e.g. times, prices)

• Grammars can be developed independently (using shared core grammar)

• Shared and Cross-Domain grammars significantly reduce effort in expanding to new domains

• Separate grammar modules facilitate associating parses with domain tags - useful for multi-domain integration within the parser

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Translation with Multiple Domain Grammars

• Parser is loaded with all domain grammars

• Domain tag attached to grammar rules of each domain

• Previously developed grammars for other domains can also be incorporated

• Parser creates a parse lattice consisting of multiple analyses of the input into sequences of top-level domain concepts

• Parser disambiguation heuristics rank the analyses in the parse lattice and select a single best sequence of concepts

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Translation with Multiple Domain Grammars

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A SOUP Parse Lattice

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Domain Portability: Travel to Medical

Knowledge-Based Methods

Re-usability of knowledge sources for translation and speech recognition

Corpus-Based Methods

Reduce the amount of new training data for translation and speech recognition

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• New domain: Medical– Doctor-patient diagnostic conversations– Global importance in emergencies and in

machine translation for remote health care– Synergy with Lincoln Lab

• Joint evaluation

• Joint interlingua

– Test case for portability

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• Advantage: Interlingua• Problem: Writing semantic grammars

– Domain dependent

– Requires time, effort, and expertise

• Approach:– Grammar modularity

– Domain action learning

– Automatic/Interactive semantic grammar induction

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Hybrid Stat/Rule-based Analysis

• Developing large coverage semantic analysis grammars is time consuming difficult to port analysis system to new domains

• “low-level” argument grammars are more domain-independent: contain many concepts that are used across domains: time, location, prices, etc.

• “high-level” domain-actions are domain-specific, must be redeveloped for each new domain: give-info+onset+symptom

• Tagging data sets with interlingua representations is less time consuming, needed anyway for system development

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Hybrid Rule/Stat Approach

• Combines grammar-based and statistical approaches to analysis:– Develop semantic grammars for phrase-level arguments that are

more portable to new domains

– Use statistical machine learning techniques for classifying into domain-actions

• Porting to a new domain requires:– developing argument parse rules for new domain

– tagging training set with domain-actions for new domain

– training the classifiers for domain-actions on the tagged data

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The Hybrid Analysis Process

Parse an utterance for arguments Segment the utterance into sentences Extract features from the utterance

and the single best parse output Use a learned classifier to identify

the speech act Use a learned classifier to identify

the concept sequence Combine into a full parse

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Argument Parsing

The SOUP parser produces a forest of parse trees that cover as much of the input as possible

The parse forest can be a mixture of trees allowed by any of the grammars

Only the best parse is used for further processing

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Argument Parse ExampleWe have a double room available for you at twenty-three thousand five hundred yen

[=availability=]::PSD ( we have [super_room-type=] ( [room-type=] ( a [room:double] ( double room ) ) ) available )

[arg-party:for-whom=]::ARG ( for [you] ( you ) )[arg:time=]::ARG ( [point=] ( at [hour-minute=] (

[big:hour=] ( [big:23] ( twenty-three ) ) ) ) )[arg:super_price=]::ARG ( [price=] (

[one-price:main-quantity=] ( [n-1000=] ( thousand ) [price:n-100=] ( five hundred ) )

[currency=] ( [yen] ( yen ) ) ) )

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Automatic Classification of Domain Actions

Train classifiers for speech acts and concepts Training data: Utterances labeled with speech act,

concepts, and best argument parse Input features

n most common words Arguments and pseudo-arguments in best parse Speaker Predicted speech act (for concept classifier)

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Full Parse ExampleWe have a double room available for you at twenty-three thousand five hundred yen

give-information+availability+room ([=availability=]::PSD ( we have [super_room-type=] (

[room-type=] ( a [room:double] ( double room ) ) ) available )

[arg-party:for-whom=]::ARG ( for [you] ( you ) )[arg:time=]::ARG ( [point=] ( at [hour-minute=] (

[big:hour=] ( [big:23] ( twenty-three ) ) ) ) )[arg:super_price=]::ARG ( [price=] (

[one-price:main-quantity=] ( [n-1000=] ( thousand ) [price:n-100=] ( five hundred ) )

[currency=] ( [yen] ( yen ) ) ) ))

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Classification Results UsingMemory-based (TiMBL) Classifiers

Classification Accuracy (16-fold Cross Validation)









500 1000 2000 3000 4000 5000 6009

Training Set Size


n A



Speech Act

Concept Sequence

Domain Action

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Status and Open Research

• Preliminary analysis engine implemented, currently used for travel domain in NESPOLE!

• Areas for further research and development:– Explore a variety of classifiers– Explore features for domain-action classification– Classification compositionality – how to claissify the

components of the domain-action separately and combine them?

– Taking advantage of additional knowledge sources: the interlingua specification, dialogue context

– Better address segmentation of utterance into DAs

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Automatic Induction of Semantic Grammars

• Seed grammar for a new domain has very limited coverage

• Corpus of development data tagged with interlingua representations available

• Expand the seed grammar by learning new rules for covering the same domain-actions

• First step: how well can we do with no human intervention?

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Outline of Semantic Grammar Induction

Tree Matching Linearization








( [manner=]



[adj:sym-name=] )

Learned Grammar

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Human vs Machine Experiment

• Seed grammar

• Extended by a human

• Extended by automatic semantic grammar induction

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Seed Grammar

Cross Domain

Medical Shared

Around 100 rules and 6000 lexical items

Around 200 rules Around 600 rules and growing

MedicalHello. My name is Sam.

I have a burning sensation in my foot.

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A Parse Tree[request-information+existence+body-state]::MED ( WH-PHRASES::XDM ( [q:duration=]::XDM ( [dur:question]::XDM ( how long ) ) ) HAVE-GET-FEEL::MED ( GET ( have ) ) you HAVE-GET-FEEL::MED ( HAS ( had ) ) [super_body-state-spec=]::MED ( [body-state-spec=]::MED ( ID-WHOSE::MED ( [identifiability=] ( [id:non-distant] ( this ) ) )

BODY-STATE::MED ( [pain]::MED ( pain ) ) ) ) )

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Manual Grammar Development

•About five additional days of development after the seed grammar was finalized

•Focusing on medical rules only

•Domain-independent rules remain untouched

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Development and evaluation sets

• Development set: 133 sentences– from one dialog

• Evaluation set: 83 sentences– from two dialogs – unseen speakers– Only SDUs that could be manually tagged with a full IF

according to the current specification were included.

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Grading Procedure: Recall and Precision of IF Components

c:give-information+ speech act

existence+body-state concepts

(body-state-spec=(pain, top-level argument

identifiability=no), sub-argument

body-location= top-level argument

(inside=head)) sub-argument

• Recall – ignored if number of items is 0

• Precision – ignored if 0 out of 0

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Sub-level Values


Sub-Level Args

Top-Level Values


Top-Level Args


Concept List



Speech Act


Human vs. Machine: Evaluation Results

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User Studies• We conducted three sets of user tests• Travel agent played by experienced system user• Traveler is played by a novice and given five minutes of

instruction• Traveler is given a general scenario - e.g., plan a trip to


• Communication only via ST system, multi-modal interface and muted video connection

• Data collected used for system evaluation, error analysis and then grammar development

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System Evaluation Methodology

• End-to-end evaluations conducted at the SDU (sentence) level

• Multiple bilingual graders compare the input with translated output and assign a grade of: Perfect, OK or Bad

• OK = meaning of SDU comes across• Perfect = OK + fluent output• Bad = translation incomplete or incorrect

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August-99 Evaluation

• Data from latest user study - traveler planning a trip to Japan

• 132 utterances containing one or more SDUs, from six different users

• SR word error rate 14.7%

• 40.2% of utterances contain recognition error(s)

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Evaluation ResultsMethod Output

LanguageOK+Perfect Perfect

SOUP -Transcribed English 74% 54%SOUP-Recognition English 59% 42%SOUP-Transcribed Japanese 77% 59%SOUP-Recognition Japanese 62% 45%SOUP-Transcribed German 70% 39%SOUP-Recognition German 58% 34%

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Evaluation - Progress Over Time

Method OK+Perfect Perfect

Jan-99 Transcribed 69% 46%

Apr-99 Transcribed 70% 49%

Aug-99 Transcribed 74% 54%

Jan-99 Recognition 55% 36%

Apr-99 Recognition 57% 38%

Aug-99 Recognition 59% 42%

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Current and Future Work

• Expanding the interlingua: covering descriptive as well as task-oriented sentences

• Developing the new portable approaches• development of the server-based architecture for

supporting multiple applications:– NESPOLE!: speech-MT for advanced e-commerce

– C-STAR: speech-to-speech MT over mobile phones

– LingWear: MT and language assistance on wearable devices

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Students Working on the Project

• Chad Langley: Hybrid Rule/Stat Analysis, Speech MT architecture

• Ben Han: Automatic Grammar Induction

• Alicia Tribble: Interlingua and grammar development for Medical Domain

• Joy Zhang, Erik Peterson: Chinese EBMT for LingWear

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The JANUS Speech-MT Team• Project Leaders: Lori Levin, Alon Lavie, Tanja

Schultz, Alex Waibel• Grammar and Component Developers: Donna

Gates, Dorcas Wallace, Kay Peterson, Alicia Tribble, Chad Langley, Ben Han, Celine Morel, Susie Burger, Vicky MacLaren, Kornel Laskowski, Erik Peterson