speed control of pmsm motor

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  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Digital Implementation of Speed regulation for PMSM

    using GA


    1. Abstract

    2. Introduction

    3. Proposed system

    4. Various control techniques

    5. Literature surey

    !. "o#t$are description

    %. &loc' dia(ram

    ). Adanta(es

    *. +e#erences

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor



    ,i(ital control technolo(y has rapidly been deeloped #or po$er electronics

    and electrical dries- and it has been the impetus to the $idespread use o# a

    permanent ma(net synchronous motor in many industrial applications such

    as chip mount machines- semiconductor production machines- hi(h

    resolution computeri/ed numerically controlled machine tools- robotics- and

    hard dis' dries. A P0"0 has lo$ noise- lo$ inertia- hi(h torquetocurrent

    ratio- hi(h e#ciency- robustness- and lo$ maintenance cost. e propose a

    (enetic al(orithm A based speed re(ulator system #or a permanent

    ma(net synchronous motor. &y usin( the A the motor acceleration

    obserer as $ell as a speed re(ulator is desi(ned. In terms o# linear matri6

    inequalities- su#cient conditions #or the e6istence o# the re(ulator and

    obserer are deried.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor



    ! G"N"RA#

    7he deelopment and aailability o# ery hi(hener(y density permanentma(net materials has contributed to an increased use o# the permanent ma(net

    synchronous motor P0"0 in hi(h per#ormance applications. 8i(hspeed

    electric machines are o# interest as direct dries #or hi(hspeed millin(

    machines- compressors and pumps- yieldin( a hi(h output po$er at rather small

    machine dimensions. 7he hi(hspeed P0"0 permanent ma(net "ynchronous

    motor $ith sinusoidal currents is the best choice #or hi(hspeed operation

    because o# the hi(h e##iciency- lo$ torque ripple- lo$ noise- and e6cellent

    control per#ormance. 7he P0"0 eliminates rotational co((in( torque due to

    permanent ma(net pre#erred positions- decreases core loss and thus increases

    e##iciency- proider9 e6cellent torqueto olume and po$erto olume ratios-

    and has a linear current ersus torque relation. In the P0"0- in order to

    (enerate smooth torque and thus reduce noise and ibration- the current

    ae#orm should match the shape o# the motor electromotie #orce em#.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    !$ OB%"CTI&"

    7he ob:ectie o# the pro:ect is to drie the permanent ma(net

    synchronous motor by three phase sinusoidal stator currents.

    7he trape/oidal current drie systems are popular because o# the "implicity ;#

    their control circuits but su##er #rom a torque ripple problem durin(

    commutation. 7rape/oidal commutation is inadequate to proide smooth and

    precise motor control o# P0"0- particularly at lo$ speeds. "inusoidal

    commutation soles this problem. In order to (enerate smooth "inusoidal

    current $ae#orm- hi(h resolution rotor position #eedbac' is required. 7his hi(h

    resolution rotor position is typically proided by an Incremental encoder or

    resoler attached to the sha#t o# the motor.

    8all sensors$hich are installed in the stator by themotor manu#acturer

    are o#ten used. 8all sensors require little olume in comparison to the resoler


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    !' #IT"RATUR" SUR&"(

    1.Appli)ation Note *+,-*./No01$--*2 from N"C ele)troni)spresents a 3

    phase permanent ma(net synchronous motor control so#t$are deeloped #or


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    motor theory. Part 7$o relates brushless commutation usin( a alil 0otion

    Controller. Part 7hree includes some real$orld cases o# brushless motor

    e6amples- includin( tips and tric's to ma6imi/e the per#ormance o# a brushless


    4. Sali3 aris o;tur64/D"C1$--

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    position in#ormation $ith the resolution o# *= electrical de(rees. 7he

    conersion and compensation o# the rotor position si(nal based on Phase

    Loc'ed Loop PLL are analy/ed.

    *! Au1Ru4 5!= Oi6onomou4 N. presents Controlled ac dries $ithout speed

    sensors o# the motor sha#t are in increasin( demand. V

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    SO,TAR" US"D

    0A7LA& "I0DLI>E

    enetic Al(orithm Implementation in 0A7LA&

    "@ISTING S(ST"M:


    7he ?ollo$in( are the Adaptie Control "cheme used #or "peed +e(ulation

    ! Model Referen)ing Adapti0e Control /MRAC2

    0+AC is a controller that can modi#y its behaiour in response to the chan(es

    in dynamics o# the processes and the disturbances actin( on the process. "lidin(

    0ode Control techniques

    $! Self1Tuning Regulator /STR2

    7he (ain schedulin( and 0+A" are called direct methods- because the

    ad:ustment rule tells directly ho$ the controller parameters should be updated.

    A di##erence scheme is obtained i# the estimates o# the process parameters are

    updated and the controller parameters are obtained #rom the solution o# a

    desi(n problem usin( the estimated parameters.

    '! Gain s)3eduling S)3eme /GS2

    ain schedulin( is an adaptie control strate(y- $here the (ain o# the system is

    determined and based on its alue the controller parameters are chan(ed. 7his

    approach is called (ain schedulin( because the scheme $as ori(inally used to

    measure the (ain and then chan(e- that is- schedule the controller to compensate

    #or chan(es in the process (ain.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Draa)6s of t3e S8stem

    It is an openloop adaptation scheme- $ith no real learnin( or intelli(ence

    7he desi(n required #or its implementation is enormous

    It is 8ard to Implement #or Certain 0otors


    Digital Implementation of Speed regulation for PMSM using GA

    7he proposed A speed controller is robust because it does not depend on load

    torque ariations. It is also proed that the speed error o# the closedloop system

    coner(es to /ero. Via simulation and e6perimental results- it $as clearly

    proen that the proposed method (ies ery remar'able speed control

    per#ormance under model parameter and load torque ariations.

    7he A has #ound application in the area o# the automatic tunin( process #or

    conentional and intelli(ent controllers. "ame research has been conducted

    usin( (enetic al(orithms to help online or o## line control systems. It has

    primarily been utili/ed as an o##line technique #or per#ormin( a directed search

    #or the optimal solution to a problem. In this paper- the A is used online in

    realtime controller implementation to adaptiely search throu(h a population o#

    Controllers and determine the member most #it to be implemented oer a (ien

    samplin( period

    Ad0antages of GA ased Speed Control

    Concept o# ?le6ibility and

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    "upports multiob:ectie optimi/ation

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7he speed #eedbac' is (ien to the controller i.e is compared $ith the

    required speed depends on the di##erence alue P0 (atin( si(nals are



    7he con#i(uration o# P0"0 drie system is (ien in ?i(. 7he drie system arecomposed o# speed controller enetic PI or conentional PI- a current

    re(ulator- a hysteresis band current controller- a three phase P0 inerter and

    a position encoder


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    F is rotor position- r G actual speed and H - H - Ha b c i i i re#erence phase

    currents. G e speed error is di##erence bet$een H rG re#erence speed and r G

    actual speed. Dsin( G e speed error- the speed controller (eneratesI H called as

    re#erence current or control current.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7he synthesis o# a control system includes both the controller selection and the

    ad:ustment o# its parameters. In some cases- the type o# controller mi(ht be

    conentional PI. In this case- the tunin( problem must be satis#actorily soled.7o improe limitations o# conentional PI controller especially $hen applied to

    hi(h order systems- $e propose enetic PI controller #or the &,C0. 7he

    structures o# the proposed controller $ere motiated by the problems o#

    conentional PI controllers that they (enerally (ie ineitable oershoot $hen

    one tries to reduce rise time o# response especially $hen a system o# order

    hi(her than one is under consideration. "ince the undesirable characteristics o#

    the conentional PI controller are caused by inte(ratin( operation o# the

    controller- een thou(h the inte(rator itsel# is introduced to oercome steady

    state error in response- $e propose enetic PI controller that clear out

    inte(rated quantities accordin( to situation. 7he enetic PI (ies reduced rise

    time as $ell as small oershoot. 7his initial tunin( has been tested #or the

    system and a qualitatie tunin( has also been established.

    Need ,or Geneti) Algorit3m

    7his paper inesti(ates the use o# (enetic al(orithm A #or tunin( the (ains o#

    the conentional PI. "uch problems are ery hard in (eneral- and A o##ers a

    use#ul and success#ul alternatie to e6istin( techniques. 7hus enetic Al(orithm

    has made possible the establishment o# intelli(ent control. A is a (roup o#

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    do not require that #itness is a per#ect measure o# quality9 they can to some

    modest e6tent tolerate a #itness measure in $hich the #itter o# some pairs o#

    candidates is also the poorer as a solution.

    $! Sele)tion!

    "elect pairs o# candidate solutions #rom the current (eneration to be used #or

    breedin(. 7his may be done entirely randomly- or stochastically based on #itness

    or in other $ays but usually based on #itness- such that #itter indiiduals hae

    more chance o# bein( chosen.

    '! Breeding!

    Produce ne$ indiiduals by usin( (enetic operators on the indiiduals chosen in

    the selection step. 7here are t$o main 'inds o# operatorsK

    Recombination:A ne$ indiidual is produced by recombinin( #eatures o# a

    pair o# parent solutions.

    MutationK A ne$ indiidual is produced by sli(htly alterin( an e6istin( one

    7he idea o# recombination is that use#ul components o# the members o# a

    breedin( pair may combine success#ully to produce an indiidual better than

    both parents9 i# the o## sprin( is poor it $ill :ust hae lo$er chance o# selection

    later on. In any eent- #eatures o# the parents appear in di##erent combinations in

    the o##sprin(. 0utation- on the other hand- seres to allo$ local hillclimbin(-

    as $ell introduce ariation $hich cannot be introduced by recombination.

    .! Population update

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7he set is altered- typically by choosin( to remoe some or all o# the indiiduals

    in the e6istin( (eneration usually be(innin( $ith the least #it and replacin(

    these $ith indiiduals produced in the breedin( step. 7he ne$ population thus

    Produced becomes the current (eneration.

    7he A is an optimi/ation routine based on the principles o# ,ar$inian 7heory

    and natural (enetics. "ince the inception o# the A concept by 8olland in 1*%5

    it has been use#ul in solin( a $ide ariety o# problem. In the use o# the A-

    there are t$o important aspects9

    Chromosome codin(

    ,e#inin( the ealuation criteria

    7he A per#orms a parallel search o# a parameter space by usin( (enetic

    operators to manipulate a set o# encoded chromosome $hich represents system

    parameters. 7he operation o# the A chan(es sli(htly dependin( on the base o#

    the numbers to apply the (enetic operators crossover, mutation, reproduction,elitism.

    In the enetic PI controller tunin(- each chromosome has a (enes as a possible

    proportional and inte(ral (ain alues. Chromosome #itness is eoled durin(

    eolution usin( the inte(ral $ith respect to time o# the absolute speed error

    International JII.


    7he enetic PI controller #or the P0"0 dries is sho$n in ?i( the A uses the

    principles o# eolution and (enetics to select and adapt the controller parameters

    Kp and Ki. 7he controller parameters are coded by decimal numbers in

    chromosome. 7he candidate controllers o# the enetic PI controller are de#ined

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    as members o# the population. ,urin( time step- each member o# the population

    is ealuated on ho$ $ell it minimi/es the I7A

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    ( Produce the ne6t (eneration usin( A operators and let t3 t/ (o to step d

    h 7he ma6imally #it $ibecomes $* and send the chan(e o# control action

    i*(k) to control the drie. here i* ( k ) is the in#erred chan(e o# re#erence

    current by the controller

    At the kth samplin( time and de#ined as

    i* ( k ) M i* ( k O 1)Oi( k ) 11

    here- i* ( k O 1) is the preious re#erence current

    GA Based PI for PMSM Dri0es

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor





    A permanent ma(net synchronous motor P0"0 is a motor that uses

    permanent ma(nets to produce the air (ap ma(netic #ield rather than usin(

    electroma(nets. 7hese motors hae si(ni#icant adanta(es- attractin( the interest

    o# researchers and industry #or use in many Applications.

    $!! STATOR


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7he stator dia(ram o# P0"0 is sho$n in the aboe #i(ure. 7hree $indin(s A-

    &- C are placed in 12= de(ree electrically in the stator. 7hree 8all orth > and "outh " poles. &ased on the required

    ma(netic #ield density in the rotor- the proper ma(netic material is chosen to

    ma'e the rotor. ?errite ma(nets are traditionally used to ma'e permanent

    ma(nets. As the technolo(y adances- rare earth alloy ma(nets are (ainin(

    popularity. 7he #errite ma(nets are less e6pensie but they hae the

    disadanta(e o# lo$ #lu6 density #or a (ien olume. In contrast- the alloy

    material has hi(h ma(netic density per olume and enables the rotor to

    compress #urther #or the same torque. Also- these alloy ma(nets improe the

    si/eto$ei(ht ratio and (ie hi(her torque #or the same si/e motor usin( #errite

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    ma(nets. >eodymium >d- "amarium Cobalt "mCo and the alloy o#

    >eodymium- ?errite and &oron >d?e& are some e6amples o# rare earth alloy

    ma(nets. Continuous research is (oin( on to improe the #lu6 density to

    compress the rotor #urther. Aboe ?i(.2.2 sho$s the cross sections o# di##erent

    arran(ements o# ma(nets in a rotor. +ecent aailability o# hi(h ener(ydensity

    permanent ma(net P0 materials at competitie prices- continuin(

    brea'throu(hs and reduction in cost o# po$er#ul #ast di(ital si(nal processors

    ,"Ps and microcontrollers combined $ith the remar'able adances in

    semiconductor s$itches and modern control technolo(ies hae opened up ne$

    possibilities #or permanent ma(net brushless motor dries in order to meet

    competitie $orld$ide mar'et demands.

    $!$ ,"ATUR"S O, PMSM

    1. 8i(h e##iciency

    2. 8i(h torque to inertia ratio

    3. 8i(h torque to inertia ratio

    4. 8i(h torque to olume ratio

    5. 8i(h air (ap #lu6 density

    !. 8i(h po$er #actor

    %. 8i(h acceleration and deceleration rates

    ). Lo$er maintenance cost

    *. "implicity and ru((edness

    1=. Compact structure

    11. Linear response in the e##ectie input olta(e

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Permanent ma(nets that proide a constant ma(netic #ield on the rotor

    #ollo$ the rotatin( stator ma(netic #ield at a constant speed. 7his speed is

    dependent on the applied #requency and pole number o# the motor. "ince the

    s$itchin( #requency is deried #rom the rotor- the motor cannot lose its

    synchronism. 7he current is al$ays s$itched be#ore the permanent ma(nets

    catch up9 there#ore the speed o# the motor is directly proportional to the current

    s$itchin( rate. +ecent deelopments in the area o# semiconductor s$itches and

    coste##ectie ,"Ps and microprocessors hae opened a ne$ era #or the

    ad:ustable speed motor dries. "uch adances in the motor related subareas

    hae helped the #ield o# motor dries by replacin( complicated hard$are

    structures $ith so#t$are based control al(orithms. 7he result is considerable

    improement in cost $hile proidin( better per#ormance o# the oerall drie

    system. 7he synchronous motor is a constantspeed motor $hich al$ays rotates

    at synchronous speed dependin( on the #requency o# the supply olta(e and the

    number o# poles. 7he permanent ma(net synchronous motor is a 'ind o#

    synchronous motor i# its electrically e6cited #ield $indin(s are replaced by

    permanent ma(nets $hich proide a constant rotor ma(netic #ield.




    1. o rotor copper losses (enerated in the #ield $indin(s o# $ound#ield

    synchronous motor.

    3. 8i(her e##iciency because o# #e$er losses.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    4. "ince there is no circuit creatin( heat on the rotor- coolin( o# the motor :ust

    throu(h the stator in $hich the copper and iron loses are obsered is more easily

    achieed. +eduction o# machine si/e because o# hi(h e##iciency

    5. ,i##erent si/e and di##erent arran(ements o# permanent ma(nets on the rotor

    $ill lead to hae $ide ariety o# machine characteristics.


    7he stator $indin(s are ener(i/ed sequentially by the P0 inerter $ith

    the re#erence o# rotor position- It is important to 'no$ the rotor position in order

    to understand $hich $indin( $ill be ener(i/ed #ollo$in( the ener(i/in(

    sequence. 7$o ma:or methods are used to estimate the rotor position- one is by

    usin( the sensors li'e 1.8all e##ect sensor- 2.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    o# the conductor. 7he presence o# this measurable transerse olta(e is called

    the 8all

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    ?i(.2.5 ;ptical Interrupter ?i(.2.! "lotted ,isc

    An encoder is a rotary deice that outputs di(ital pulses in

    response to incremental an(ular motion. C

    systems to accurately position the J table. A rotary encoder typically has 2

    outputs. 7hese outputs emit si(nals that are *= de(rees out o# phase $ith respect

    to each other. 7he output si(nals may be square $ae or sine $ae. "ine $ae

    outputs are typically used in hi(her resolution encoder applications. ;ptical

    Interrupter and "lotted ,isc are sho$n in?i(2.5 and2.5 respectiely

    T5R"" P5AS" IN&"RT"R

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7hreephaseinerters are used #or ariable#requency drieapplications and #or

    hi(h po$er applications such as 8V,Cpo$er transmission. A basic three

    phase inerter consists o# three sin(lephase inerter s$itches each connected to

    one o# the three load terminals. ?or the most basic control scheme- the operation

    o# the three s$itches is coordinated so that one s$itch operates at each !=

    de(ree point o# the #undamental output $ae#orm. 7his creates a linetoline

    output $ae#orm that has si6 steps. 7he si6step $ae#orm has a /eroolta(e

    step bet$een the positie and ne(atie sections o# the square$ae such that the

    harmonics that are multiples o# three are eliminated as described aboe. hen

    carrierbased P0 techniques are applied to si6step $ae#orms- the basic

    oerall shape- or envelope- o# the $ae#orm is retained so that the 3rd harmonic

    and its multiples are cancelled.

    7o construct inerters $ith hi(her po$er ratin(s- t$o si6step threephase

    inerters can be connected in parallel #or a hi(her current ratin( or in series #or

    a hi(her olta(e ratin(. In either case- the output $ae#orms are phase shi#ted to

    obtain a 12step $ae#orm. I# additional inerters are combined- an 1)step

    inerter is obtained $ith three inerters etc. Althou(h inerters are usually

    combined #or the purpose o# achiein( increased olta(e or current ratin(s- the

    quality o# the $ae#orm is improed as $ell.

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    Rectifier and inverter pulse numbers

    +ecti#ier circuits are o#ten classi#ied by the number o# current pulses that #lo$

    to the ,C side o# the recti#ier per cycle o# AC input olta(e. A sin(lephase

    hal#$ae recti#ieris a onepulse circuit and a sin(lephase #ull$ae recti#ieris

    a t$opulse circuit. A threephase hal#$ae recti#ier is a threepulse circuit and

    a threephase #ull$ae recti#ier is a si6pulse circuit.ith threephase recti#iers- t$o or more recti#iers are sometimes connected in

    series or parallel to obtain hi(her olta(e or current ratin(s. 7he recti#ier inputs

    are supplied #rom special trans#ormers that proide phase shi#ted outputs. 7his

    has the e##ect o# phase multiplication. "i6 phases are obtained #rom t$o

    trans#ormers- t$ele phases #rom three trans#ormers and so on. 7he associated

    recti#ier circuits are 12pulse recti#iers- 1)pulse recti#iers etc.

    hen controlled recti#ier circuits are operated in the inersion mode- they

    $ould be classi#ied by pulse number also. +ecti#ier circuits that hae a hi(her

    pulse number hae reduced harmonic content in the AC input current and

    reduced ripple in the ,C output olta(e. In the inersion mode- circuits that

    hae a hi(her pulse number hae lo$er harmonic content in the AC output

    olta(e $ae#orm.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    PI CONTRO##"R 1 Proportional F Integral Controllers

    Proportional O Inte(ral PI controllers $ere deeloped because o# the desirable

    property that systems $ith open loop trans#er #unctions o# type 1 or aboe hae

    /ero steady state error $ith respect to a step input.

    7unin( PI Controllers eneral approach to tunin(K

    1. Initially hae no inte(ral (ain 7I lar(e

    2. Increase EP until (et satis#actory response

    3. "tart to add in inte(ral decreasin( 7I until the steady state error is remoed

    in satis#actory time may need to reduce EP i# the combination becomes


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Anti1indup in I F PI )ontrollers

    Dnder some operatin( conditions nonlinearity in the plant or controller can

    stop an Inte(ral controller #rom remoin( the steady state error. I# the Inte(rator

    output is not limited- then durin( this time the total o# the inte(rated summed

    error QEIetdtR $ill continue to build. ;nce the restrictions are #inally

    remoed- problems can arise because this built up Sener(yT must be remoed

    be#ore the inte(ral control can act normallyU this can ta'e a lon( time. 7o

    aoid this- anti$indup circuits are added that place limits on the inte(ral

    total. 7hese limits are usually placed on the summed output o# the PI

    controller as $ell


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    7he 0otor ,rier is the Inte(rated Part $ith 0otor Po$er and Control

    Components. 7he ,rier Controls the 0otor ,rie accordin( to the input

    command #rom 0otor Controller and po$er Circuit. In the aboe dia(ram

    ,+V)3=1 is an >e$ desi(ns o# po$er electronics systems are the norm due to ne$

    applications and lac' o# standardi/ation in speci#ications is because o#

    aryin( customer demands. Accurate simulation is necessary to minimi/e

    costly repetitions o# desi(ns and bread boardin( and hence reduce the oerall

    cost and the concepttoproduction time.

    7here are many bene#its o# simulation in the desi(n process- some

    o# them are listed belo$ hereK

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    "imulation is $ell suited #or educational purpose. It is an e##icient $ay #or

    desi(ner to Learn ho$ a circuit and its control $or'in(.

    It is normally much cheaper to do a thorou(h analysis than to build

    the actual circuit in $hich component stresses are measured. A

    simulation can discoer the possible problems and determine optimal

    parameters- increasin( the possibility o# (ettin( the prototype

    >e$ circuit concepts and parameter ariation includin( tolerances on

    components are easily tested. Chan(es in the circuit topolo(y are

    implemented at no cost. 7here is no need #or components to be aailableon short notice.

    "imulated $ae#orms at di##erent places in the circuit are easily monitored

    $ithout the hindrance o# measurement noise. As s$itchin( #requencies

    increases- the problem o# laboratory measurements becomes increasin(ly

    di##icult. 7hus- simulations may become more accurate than measurement

    ,estructie tests that cannot be done in the lab- either because o# sa#ety or

    because o# costs inoled- can easily be simulated. +esponse to #aults and

    abnormal conditions can also be thorou(hly analy/ed.

    7he so#t$are tool used #or the simulation studies is 0A7LA&@"I0DLI>E.

    0A7LA& is a hi(h per#ormance lan(ua(e #or technical computin(. It

    inte(rates computation- isuali/ation- and pro(rammin( in an easy to use

    enironment $here problems and solutions are e6pressed in #amiliar

    mathematical notation. 7ypical uses include 0ath and computation al(orithm

    deelopment ,ata acquisition modellin( simulation and prototypin( data

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    analysis e6ploration and isuali/ation scienti#ic and en(ineerin( (raphics

    application deelopment includin( (raphical user inter#ace buildin(.

    0A7LA& is an interactie system $hose basic data element is an

    array that does not require dimensionin(. 7his allo$s you to sole many

    technical computin( problems- especially those $ith matri6 and ector

    #ormulations- in a #raction o# the time it $ould ta'e to $rite a pro(ram in a

    scalar noninteractie lan(ua(e such as C or ?;+7+A>. 0A7LA& has

    eoled oer a period o# years $ith input #rom the users. In industry- 0A7LA&

    is the tool o# choice #or hi(hproductiity research- deelopment and analysis.

    0A7LA& #eatures a #amily o# addon applicationspeci#ic solutions called

    toolbo6es. Very important to most users o# 0A7LA&- toolbo6es allo$ you to

    learn and apply speciali/ed technolo(y. 7oolbo6es are comprehensie

    collections o# 0A7LA& #unctions that e6tend the 0A7LA& enironment to

    sole particular classes o# problems. Areas in $hich toolbo6es are aailable

    include si(nal processin(- control systems- neural net$or's- #u//y lo(ic-

    $aelets- simulation and many others. 7he 0A7LA& ersion used is %.).=.

    "imPo$er "ystems toolbo6 is mainly used.

    simulatin( basic electrical circuits and detailed electrical po$er systems. 7hese

    tools let one model the (eneration- transmission- distribution- and consumption

    o# electrical po$er- as $ell as its conersion into mechanical po$er. "im Po$er

    "ystems is $ell suited to the deelopment o# comple6- sel#contained po$er

    systems- such as those in automobiles- aircra#t- manu#acturin( plants- and po$er

    utility applications.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    "im Po$er "ystems operates in the "imulin' enironment. 7he

    libraries contain models o# typical po$er equipment such as trans#ormers- lines-

    machines- and po$er electronics. 7he "im Po$er "ystems main library- po$er

    lib- or(ani/es its bloc's into libraries accordin( to their behaiour. 7he po$er

    lib library $indo$ displays the bloc' library icons and names. ,oubleclic' a

    library icon to open the library and access the bloc's. 7he main "im Po$er

    "ystems po$er lib library $indo$ also contains the Po$er (ui bloc' that opens

    a (raphical user inter#ace #or the steadystate analysis o# electrical circuits.

    "teps inoled in the simulation are as #ollo$s-

    1. "tart 0A7LA&- by double clic'in( on the 0A7LA& icon

    2. In the 0A7LA&- clic' the "imulin' icon

    3. "elect >e$ #rom the ?ilemenu $hich creates a ne$ $or'space $here the

    &loc' dia(ram o# the system $ill be created

    4. Connect all the components as per the circuit dia(ram usin( the "imulin'


    5. "elect the simulation parameters and set the start time and stop time

    !. "tart the simulation and ie$ the $ae#orms at the respectie scope

    "7A+7I> 0A7LA&

    ;n indo$s plat#orms- start 0A7LA& by doubleclic'in( the

    0A7LA& shortcut icon on your indo$s des'top. ;n D>IJ plat#orms- start

    0A7LA& by typin( matlab at the operatin( system prompt. ou can customi/e

    0A7LA& startup. ?or e6ample- you can chan(e the directory in $hich

    0A7LA& starts or automatically e6ecute 0A7LA& statements in a script #ile

    named startup menu.

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    0A7LA& ,

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Ad0antage of GA ased Speed Control

    ,i(ital speed control

    It response sudden chan(es in load and it commanded speed

    V"I method is used

    Pro6imity sensor is used


    In this paper- a enetic al(orithm based PI speed controller #or P0"0 drie

    system is presented. 0athematical model o# a P0"0 #ed by three phase

    inerter is reali/ed- enetic PI speed controller #or speed control o# P0"0 are

    desi(ned. 7he enetic PI and conentional PI controller are desi(ned and

    simulated indiidually and results are (ien. ?rom the simulation results- it is

    clear that the desi(ned the enetic PI controller has better speed response than

    conentional PI controller

  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor



  • 8/12/2019 Speed Control Of PMSM motor


    Induction 0otor ,ries at Very Lo$ and `ero "peeds Dsin( >eural

    >et$or' ?lu6 ;bserers-TI222 ransactions on Industrial

    2lectronics- ol. 5!- no. )- 2==*.

    W15X C. Lascu- I. &oldea- ?. &laab:er(- SA Class o# "peed"ensorless

    "lidin(0ode ;bserers #or 8i(hPer#ormance Induction 0otor,ries-TI222 ransactions on Industrial 2lectronics- . 5!@*- 2==*.

    W1!X oun("u E$on- Yeon(8um Lee- "an(8o 0oon- &yun(Ei E$on-

    Chan(8o Choi- YulEi "eo'- S"tandstill Parameter Identi#ication o#

    VectorControlled Induction 0otors Dsin( the ?requency

    Characteristics o# +otor &ars-TI222 ransactions on Industr&

    0pplications- ol. 45- no. 5- 2==*.