sphinx + robot framework = documentation as result of functional testing

Sphinx + Robot Framework = documentation as result of functional testing Paweł Lewicki Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe [email protected] @plewy

Upload: plewicki

Post on 06-May-2015




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Sphinx is a Python documentation generator, Robot Framework is a test automation framework. These tools combined make documentation a part of the test coverage. Tests are written in human (customer) readable form and the result documentation contains screenshots from product in development.


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Sphinx + Robot Framework = documentation as result of functional testing

Paweł Lewicki

Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe

[email protected]@plewy

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● Tools● Simple example● Useful example


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● reStructured text● Python documentation generator● Pluggable● Different outputs● Standard in Python world

Tools: Sphinx

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Tools: Robot Framework

● Tests automation framework● tool for acceptance test-driven development● keyword-driven testing approach● Web testing with Selenium2 library

o headless with PhantomJS

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*** Variables ***

${LOGIN_URL} https://www.python.org/accounts/login/${HOME_URL} https://www.python.org

*** Keywords ***

Open Browser To Login Page

Open Browser ${LOGIN URL}

Maximize Browser Window

Title Should Be Sign In to Python.org


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*** Test Cases ***

Valid Login Open Browser To Login Page Input Text id_login demouser Input Text id_password demopass Click button css=.primaryAction

Location Should Be ${HOME_URL}

Page Should Contain demouser Title Should Be Welcome To Python.org [Teardown] Close Browser


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Keywords - selenium2

● “Add Cookie”● “Click Button/Image/Link”● “Drag And Drop”● “Element Should Contain”● “Input Password”● “Mouse Down”● “Radio Button Should Be Set To”● “Set Window Size”

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Keywords - selenium2screenshots

● “Add pointy note”● “Remove element”● “Update element style”● “Align elements horizontally”● “Capture viewport screenshot”● “Crop page screenshot”● jQuery based functions

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● buildout created with zc.buildout● Fixture of Sphinx documentation● reST code enriched with Robot Framework

Minimal setup

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parts = sphinx-build


recipe = zc.recipe.egg

eggs =


sphinxcontrib-robotframework [docs]


scripts =


# Usage:

# bin/sphinx-build -b html docs build

Minimal setupMinimal setup: buildout.cfg

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+---desktop \---_screenshots \---index.rst

+---tablet \---_screenshots \---index.rst

+---mobile \---_screenshots \---index.rst



Minimal setup: docs/

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PyGrunn site documentation


.. include:: robot.rst

.. toctree::

:maxdepth: 2





docs/: index.rst

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.. code:: robotframework

*** Settings ***

Resource Selenium2Screenshots/keywords.robot

*** Variables ***

${BASE_URL} = http://pygrunn.org

*** Keywords ***

Suite Teardown

Close All Browsers

docs/: robot.rst

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Tablet (768x)


.. code:: robotframework

… (cut part)

*** Keywords ***

Suite Setup

Open Browser ${BASE_URL}

Set window size 768 900

*** Test Cases ***

.. include:: ../_frontpage.rst

.. include:: ../_topmenu.rst

docs/: tablet/index.rst

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Initial viewport


Below we can see the screenshot taken from current pyGrunn.org site.

.. figure:: _screenshots/homepage.png

.. code:: robotframework

Site homepage viewport

Go to ${BASE_URL}

Capture viewport screenshot _screenshots/homepage.png

docs/: _frontpage.rst

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$bin/sphinx-build -b html docs build


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Cropping and annotations


Below we may see cropped and annotated page element.

.. figure:: _screenshots/topmenu.png

.. code:: robotframework

Capture annotated top menu

${note1} = Add pointy note

... css=.headerbar

... This Robot Framework stuff is very very cool!

... width=200 position=bottom

Capture and crop page screenshot _screenshots/topmenu.png

... css=.headerbar ${note1}

docs/: topmenu.rst

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Page 21: Sphinx + robot framework = documentation as result of functional testing

Useful example

● Plone theme product● Documentation as part of testing● Jenkins as visual regression tester

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Plone product (package/egg)

● plone.app.testingo fixture of fully working Plone site

● plone.app.robotframeworko Plone-related keywords

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Plone setup: testing.pyfrom plone.app.testing import FunctionalTestingfrom plone.app.robotframework.testing import REMOTE_LIBRARY_BUNDLE_FIXTURE


$bin/robot-server example.theme.testing.EXAMPLE_THEME_ROBOT_TESTING

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Edit document


.. figure:: _screenshots/document-edit.png

.. code:: robotframework

Capture Document Edit Screenshot

${uid} = Create content type=Document

... id=new-document

... title=${DUMMY_TEXT_LINE}

... description=${DUMMY_TEXT_SHORT} text=${DUMMY_TEXT}

Fire transition ${uid} publish

Go to ${PLONE_URL}/new-document/edit

Capture page screenshot _screenshots/document-edit.png

Plone setup: Robot content creation

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Keywords - plone.app.robotframework

● “Debug”● “Log in as test user”● “Trigger Workflow Transition”● “Add content”● “Click Action by id”

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● Git repository● Bash script

virtualenv .

bin/pip install distribute

bin/python bootstrap.py



bin/sphinx-build -b html docs build

● Documentation (build/index.html)

Jenkins setup

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Useful areas

● Customer documentation● Visual coverage of theme development

o commit hooks trigger new version● Multiple versions

o Screen sizes (responsiveness)o Language versions


o the same application many themes


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● https://github.com/lewicki/pygrunn_robot_demo

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Thank you!Questions?

Paweł Lewicki

Goldmund, Wyldebeast & Wunderliebe

[email protected]@plewy