spirit 101 (phase 3)


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PH 3

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Spirituality 101 A Cosmic Mother Earth Project By Niccole Lee Copyright © 2013, Niccole Lee. All rights reserved.

The creator of this eBook and the accompanying materials have used their best efforts in preparing this eBook. The creator makes no

representation or warranties with respect to the accuracy, applicability, fitness, or completeness of the contents of this eBook. The information contained in this eBook is strictly for educational purposes. Therefore, if you wish to apply ideas contained in this

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This eBook is not to be sold for any purpose.

This eBook is strictly for educational purposes.

This eBook is strictly for educational purposes.

This eBook is strictly for educational purposes.

This eBook is strictly for educational purposes.

Ω ♣ ♥ Ω ♣ ♥ ♣ Ω ♥


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THE MISSION To help all humans on Earth gain a sense of truthful, spiritual worldly knowledge while still maintaining their own sense of creative individuality. The purpose of this project is not to replace any current religious beliefs but rather, to enhance and add onto each belief system through simple science and factual observations with in the natural public domain. In essence, life is a changing concept in which everyone learns more and more everyday. Therefore this is not an absolute conclusion but rather, a new means with which to view our ever changing world.

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The scope of this project incorporates certain aspects of many religious beliefs. But the main grounding force of this project is Mother Earth and the Spirit of Nature in the natural world. Ultimately, Earth is the MOTHER of all humanity and this project is in honor of this great Matriarch. This project is, more or less, a tool for teaching all humans no matter the age, race, creed, nationality, gender, or religion.


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For the seed of spirituality to grow, a human must be disciplined with their self.

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But to understand why humans need discipline let’s go back to the natural world and review a law of science known as gravity…

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It is scientific fact that the Earth has a force that keeps all life grounded to it, the force of gravity. And, because of this gravitational force, energy produced is cycled in and around the Earth as shown in the diagram above. (One example of this energy cycle is seen by way of weather patterns.)


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It seems that humans also have a gravitational energy field that is cycled around the body just like Mother Earth.

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1. Positive and negative thoughts determine how a human feels.

2. When the human feels good or bad they are driven to act, according to that emotion.

3. The action of the human reinforces the positive or negative thought.

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This cycle is also the gear which works within your mind…..

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The cycle/gear can either grind you down into the negativity……

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Or it can help you rise up and live a happy life.

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Depending on the human’s attitudes and beliefs, discipline can be either positive or negative. But when we talk about discipline we mean having self-discipline. And when we talk about self-discipline we are talking about self control.

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Self-discipline equips humans with a control switch, similar to an “on/off”


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Control is a mental muscle that

needs to be worked on for it to get stronger, similar to body building. Body builders have a specific regiment in order to make their muscles larger. They are dedicated and disciplined. Because of their self control they get stronger. So in essence, the more a human is mentally disciplined then the more they are mentally stronger. Get the idea?

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Spirituality is about caring and it starts with caring about your self!

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Everyone experiences highs and lows in their life, that’s just how life works and it’s how humans learn to cope with problematic situations. Therefore, not everyone is 100% positive all the time every day. It seems like we are all in the “Bumper Cars” ride at

some theme park, bumping along and crashing into other people who don’t know how to drive their own crazy bumper car.

But if you look at it from a more broad perspective, in all actuality, everyone is in the same park with almost the exact same vehicle as everyone else. But some people can handle the bump and bruises while others seem to have a hard time with the ride.

So perhaps your should ask yourself: How do you want to handle this ride?

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Having a positive mindset also helps the mind ascend with a higher awareness increasing the consciousness and the abilities to understand the world. So this line is added to these levels…

The Baseline – Natural World





Positive Mindset

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The Baseline – Natural World




Positive Thoughts

Negative Thoughts

But let’s take a look at two realistic paths of humans in this modern era, examples from a broad perspective…


Path #1 – This subject was born into a good family, had a good education, but seemingly tumbles down into negative due to a mid-life

crisis or a traumatic event.

Path #2 – This subject was born into a broken family, got into drugs and almost lost their life. But ultimately they change their lives around,

become aware of their world and gain spirituality.

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Even though each path is different, they both can be measured on the same scale. They both are riding on the same ride in the same theme park. But while one may have developed the

control and discipline to change their life, the other may not have had that same chance. No path is better or worse then the other.

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How are you?

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One of the most difficult challenges everyone has to face is looking at their selves in the mirror and being positive.

Do you like yourself, honestly?

Are you happy with yourself?

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Now is the time to really observe how you think.

Start a record of how you think, positive and negative, for one week. Simply jot down a few notes of your current mood, what got you in that mood and when it changes. After a week sum up your positive moods then sum up your negative moods. Now compare the

two and determine if you are mostly positive or negative.

The purpose of this exercise is to get you to be aware of your thoughts and if they are mostly positive or negative. This is also a simple form of self- discipline.

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Can you sit still for 30 minutes a day and observe your thoughts? Most people can’t do this because as soon as a negative thought enters their mind they quit the exercise and avoid it altogether. But the discipline in

this exercise helps the person see the thought for what it is, and continue with this exercise. So be aware of your thoughts!

This is simply self-discipline, getting you to take time out for yourself, observing your thoughts, and practicing

this exercise everyday. This is helping you build that mental muscle of control.

The first few times you try this exercise it maybe difficult for some or it maybe easy. Whatever the case maybe, practice it anyway.

Then to go a step further, question yourself and ask why you are having those thoughts. Make yourself feel

important. You are your best friend so listen to your self.

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Let’s Review… Humans have an energy field fashioned like Mother Earth’s, it is in the form of a cycle which can be manipulated by both outside and inside forces.

Having self –discipline means having the mental muscle with which to control one’s own thoughts.

Spirituality is a form of self-discipline because it means the human cares for him or herself.

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One of the best teachers that can help you change your negative thoughts is Louise L. Hay (www.louisehay.com). She has free resources on her website , and there are inspirational insights from Louis found on YouTube channels uploaded by various users. Her backstory is amazing so you are encouraged to learn about her personal history as well. But if you find it hard to think positive just go to www.louisehay.com/affirmations and read the positive quote for the day, “Life is an adventure, and the Universe is always on our side.”

I like who I am…

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