spiritized: living life with spirit


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All things spiritual, all the time. Read Clairporium's third edition of Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit.


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by Trish LeSage

by Shoshanna French

by Bernadette King

by Bernard Charles

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3 Contributors

4 ConnectWith Us

5 Letter From The Editor

6 Love Inthe 5thDimensionby Trish LeSage

14 Aurasby Bernadette King

10 Taking the Mystery out ofIntuitionby Shoshanna French

20Age Grace-fully with Colorby Bernard Charles

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[August 2014]

Living Life with Spirit

Anne Nessa

Lead Editor





Trish LeSage Bernadette King

Shoshanna French Bernard Charles


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Page 5: Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit

Welcome to our third edition of Spiritized! Thank you for joining us.

This edition features articles from well-known metaphysical practitioners includingTrish LeSage, Bernard Charles, Shoshanna French, and Bernadette King.

Our focus right now is on learning about the uses of Young Living Essential Oils andincorporating them into Clairporium. In the very near future you will see a brilliantClairporium brand site where we teach about and sell the oils. Please join ourFacebook group, Young Living Success with Clairporium. I hope that you enjoy this edition of Spiritized as much as I do!

With Love,Anne

Anne Nessa

LetterFrom The Editor

Connect With Me

Page 6: Spiritized: Living Life with Spirit

We all know that there are many different kinds of love. There is romantic love, the love between parent and child, the love between siblings, the love between friends, the love between pet owner and pet, and many other kinds of love. However, when we speak of love in the 5th dimension, we are not limited to these kinds of love. Fifth dimensional love includes all of these kinds of love, and it also extends beyond the confines of 3rd dimension love to include other types of love.

For example, once one reaches fifth dimen-sion consciousness, they automatically begin to feel love towards everyone. They begin to see themselves in everyone, and they feel a close connection to everyone. They cannot harm anyone nor anything, and they do not even think of harming others. They genuinely care about others.

Lovein the


Trish LeSage

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About The AuthorTrish LeSage is a best selling author on Amazon and is a writer of magazine articles on Metaphysics, self-empower-ment, spiritual awakening, ascension, and body-mind-spirit topics. She is the author of four books, including her recently published book, ”How To Achieve Fifth Dimension Consciousness”.

More information about her work is available on her website at: www.beyond3dbooks.com

They, in other words, are heart centered.

Fifth dimensional love also extends beyond humanity to the animal, insect, and plant kingdoms and beyond. A person who reaches fifth dimension consciousness begins to feel a connection with mother nature and all of its creatures and feels as if they are one with the animal kingdom. The person may even begin to feel as though animals possess a human soul and human characteristics. This 5th dimensional love also leads one to respect and to feel compassion for the animal, insect, and plant kingdoms. Genuinely caring about mother Earth and all of her occupants is of great importance and becomes a part of the 5th dimension human’s permanent behavior and becomes a permanent personality characteristic. It becomes a part of who the person is at their very core.

Once a person reaches fifth dimension consciousness, they feel so much joy and enthusiasm that they love their life. They love living, and they love life in general.

This love for everyone and the love that one feels for life uplifts and inspires the individual to the point that they want to spread their love and light into the world by encouraging, inspiring, and uplifting humanity.

Imagine what the world would be like if all of humanity were to exist at a 5th dimension state of heart centered love consciousness. Since everyone would genuinely love everyone else, and everyone would genuinely care, there would be no separation, no hurting one another, no crime, no wars, no “conqueror mentality”, no competition, no greed nor hoarding of resources, no lack of regard for destroying the environment, no lack of regard for depleting the Earth of its natural resources, and the list goes on and on.

If all of humanity were operating at a 5th dimension state of heart centered love consciousness, we would all feel peace within, and external peace would exist throughout the world, there would be unity and collaboration, and the Earth and all of its inhabitants would be well cared for, and abundance would exist for all. Yes, what a wonderful world it would be!

If enough of us care, humanity can transcend the negativity of the third dimension Earth and ascend to the heart centered, utopian “Heaven on Earth” of the 5th dimension and beyond. We can make it if we want it enough, and we can make it if we try!

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Positively Positive!

LOVEI feel the

of thosewho are notPhysically


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“Be KIND wheneverpossible.

It is alwayspossible”

Quotes of the month

-Dalai Lama

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Silent time: Remove all distractions and

Practices for being present:

Practices for being present don’t have to be difficult or take a long time. You do have to try some different ones. It is the best way to discover what works best for you.

Link to test


Want to recognize your gift more? You need to slow down enough to notice your perceptions both of the world around you and what is going on within. In other words practice being present. In our day-to-day life, we are often moving forward at such a hurried pace that we are not present. There are the bills to pay and appointments to show up for. We think about the list of things to we have to handle.

For many of us when we stop moving our mind keeps going. Even in sleep we are running through our dreams trying to get it all done. Is it challenging for you to get your mind to slow down? You are not alone. I work with so many clients who have tried glasses of wine, television,chocolate, and other things to have their mind quiet down. Often sitting inmeditation is talked about as THE way to practice being present. Being present is being able to hold the awareness of both what is happening within us as well as outside of us. Over the years I have learned some other great practices for beingpresent.

I started doing psychic readings 18 years ago. When I shared what I did for a living, I would most often get confusion, fear, or outright hostility. Well, in 2014 it is a bit different. The other day I shared with my barista at Starbucks that I am a psychic, she said, “oh like that Long Island Medium lady. I love that show.” Intuition isn’t just showing up on TV.Well-respected publications like Psychol-ogy Today, Yoga Journal, Huffington Post, New York Times, and U.S. News have nowpublished articles about intuition. Trustedleaders like Steve Jobs, Oprah, Bill Gates, the Dalia Lama, and Stephen Hawking are all talking about intuition. If so many people talk about its importance or using it, why does intuition seem like such a mystery? I believe the answer lies in how we relate to it. Many see it assomething that occurs in unseen, and therefore it feels removed from real life. The first step in demystifying intuition is to learn to recognize it. Intuition can be perceived physically in our body like pain, tightness, or tingling. It can be perceived mentally as sudden ideas, curiosity, or hesitation. Some receiveguidance through emotions. Intuitive gifts also include the ability to see images in our mind or dreams, smelling things that are not there, knowing things about people or places without prior knowledge, and being able to hear a voice that is not your own within speaking to you. If you would like to learn more about how your unique intuitive gift, you can take my free Intuitive Blueprint test.

Taking the Mysteryout of Intuition

by Shoshanna French

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For those of you that have practices for being present not mentioned here, please email so I can try yours as well. I wish you great blessings on your journey. Don’t forget Intuition is a great gift AND a useful tool.

Go be in Nature: Being in nature for some has a way of quieting the mind for some and turning up the volume of our intuition.

Movement Meditation: Certainphysical acts work great for being able to hold that dual inward and outer awareness at the same time. I have found Yoga, walking, running, andswimming all work well. Next time you go for a walk try this “Noticing” practice:

As you take a step, pay attention to how each step feels through your foot. Notice how your weight shifts through your legs. Now focus on your posture. How do you shoulders feel? Your jaw? Your hands? Can you relax them all as your arms swing naturally as you walk? Now take a moment to look up. What do you see? What color is the sky or the tree tops? Now look down. Are you walking on as-phalt, concrete, dirt, or grass? Notice what you notice. For the rest of your walk if you feel your mind speed up again, just move yourself through that inward and then outward noticing practice.

Being in Water: Whether you float in a pool, soak in a hot tub, or unwind in a bubble bath, water has a way of helping us slow down and get present. If you like taking bubble baths, try the following visioning exercise:

Focus on the heat of the water and how your body feels. Imagine the water is pulling away physical stress from your body. See each thought that is filling your mind surrounded in a bubble and floating away. Let yourself feel weightless, warm, and protected. Imagine each bubble in the water is filled with peace, light, and joy. (If you don’t have a bath, try this with a shower with your head under the cascade of water.

Guided Visual Meditation: Try this meditation. You could try your hand at writing one and then record yourself reading the meditation. Make sure to include the following steps: connect to your breath, sink into your body, let go of your day, go to a place where you feel relaxed (the more vivid the imagery the better), and give yourself time to get back. This is a great practice for those that are Heart Intuitives.

relax. Close your eyes and listen to music that is soothing (without words isusually best). Take deep inhales to the count of 2 (or 3 or 4) and then exhale to the count of 2 (or 3 or 4). The idea is tofocus entirely on your breath. Start with 5 minutes and build up to 15 minutes.

As it pours over you it pulls stress,emotional turmoil, and overwhelm down the drain. Any water works well for this.)

About The AuthorShoshanna French is a Coach and an Intuitive. She provides clarity and guidance for clients all over the world. Plus she teaches others how to Live Intuitively. You can find out more information about her and her business Simple Spirit on her website:


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Positively Positive!

I replace myangerwith




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“Remember to

Quotes of the month

-Mattie J T Stepanek

PLAYafter every


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AURASNo, it’s not a song from an opera.

Second only to “I see dead people”, the next most popular joke folks usually crack upon discovering I’m a psychic medium is “What color is my aura”. Is snarky on the color wheel? Hey, at least they know about auras - ish.

This means “we” are getting to “them”. LOL

For the sake of full disclosure, I have never seen an aura.Then what the heck am I doing writing an article about them, right? Well...

Like all matters Woo Woo, I look to science for help with understanding the whys and wherefores of that which cannot yet be explained - well, explained to me at least. I find that, along with my conscious decision to live a life of faith and spirituality, understanding the science based data currently available aids me in tapping even farther into

my own divine nature - i.e. “I see more dead people”. (How this works is a subject for another article.)

Are Auras Realby Bernadette King

To determine if auras are real it makes good sense to trace their first appearance in history. If you read the Internet, you’ll find that hundreds of articles which cite auras being used in art throughout the ages (wow, alliteration alert!). The authors submit this as substantial proof that not only do auras exist but that they were clearly seen and accepted as real by our ancestors because art imitates life, right?

Dig the tiniest bit deeper and you’ll also find that halos used in art could potentially be due to a little case of anthropomorphism - the attribution of human characteristics toanything other than a human being. The golden halos and rays we often see in great mas-terpieces generally are surrounding deities as well as religious icons and rulers of the day.

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Rare is the piece which shows Joe Blow cocooned in a halo whilst plowing his field of wheat. The “aura” in these cases are thought the work of visionary artists ascribing the sun’s symbolism (illumination) to mankind.

That said, what about the ‘Radiant Faces of Moses’ (Exodus)? Could the following be a literal translation?

34:29 And it came to pass, when Moses came down from mount Sinai with the two tables of testimony in Moses’ hand, when he came down from the mount, that Moses wist not that the skin of his face shone while he talked with him.

34:30 And when Aaron and all the children of Israel saw Moses, behold, the skin of his face shone; and they were afraid to come nigh him.

Fast forward from cave drawings to the late 1930’s. SemyonDavidovichKirlian accidentally discovered he could‘photograph’ electrical discharges (energy) thus giving rise to the psychic fair attraction we all know and love today - The Kirlian Photography booth.

By the 1960’s the widespread use ofpsychedelic drugs and birthing of the New Age movement catapulted auras tospiritual icon status faster than you can say, “The colors. They’re alive!”

In the 2000’s we have all kinds of opinions regarding the reality of auras;

Human luminescence caused bybacterial infections. - (Alvarado, 1987)

The GDV Technique (Bioelectrophotog-raphy)

Bioenergy Studies

Finally, there’s even a scientific hypothesis which claims the ability to see auras isabsolutely real. The kicker is it’s alsoconsidered a neuropsychological“condition”. A “condition”. In a physicalphenomenon known as “synesthesia”(specifically, “emotional synesthesia”) the brain regions responsible for theprocessing of each type of sensory stimuli are intensely interconnected. This way, synesthetes (those who see auras) can see or taste a sound, feel a taste, or associate people with a particular color. It’s kind of like when something you eat “tastes” like a smell with which you are very familiar.

If Auras are real, can we see them?

Quite frankly, trying to come up with enough credible research based evidence to wholly support an answer of ‘yes’ made me actually see auras as a headache set in. Nonetheless, here’s my final answer - Yes and here’s why I think so…

At the outset of this article I stated that I’m a professional psychic medium. While I want to believe that loved ones who’ve crossed over ‘talk’ to me at just the right moment, when a client needs them, I have no conclusive evidence for such. Meaning, it could very well be that the energetic or electrical imprint of a soul behind the veil is out there in the etheric or Akashic Re-cords. For reasons as yet unknown to me, I happen to be able to receive that electrical output and decipher it - much like a human cell phone.

In this, when a complete stranger came in for a reading and I say, “I see a Caucasian woman in her mid-forties who appears to

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be presenting a tambourine, does this resonate with you?” and she replies, “My mother passed away 6 weeks ago. She was white, 47 and a music teacher who collected vintage tambourines.” then it’s just as plausible to me that auras are real and we can see them.

OK. Then how do we see them?

There are zillions of books, websites, magazine articles, etc. espousing their techniques for seeing auras. No “one” is the “right” one. My best advice is, keep it simple. Everything and everyone is made of vibrational energy. There is no such thing as solid matter. We’re just a bunch of particles doing the Hula at warp speed.

But, if you relax enough - slow down enough - you can see the dance. It’s kind of like how you can see heat waves radiating off a car.

So break out the grass skirt and coconut bra! Grab a Mai Tai and watch for those heat waves, tropical heat waves…

About The AuthorBernadette King is the founder/publisher ofBuildingBeautifulSouls.com, one of largest Internetresources for all things New Age and Metaphysical.At BuildingBeautifulSouls.com you’ll find in-depthinformation on Dreams, Spirit Animals, Tarot Cards,Signs & Symbols, Zodiac Signs, etc.

A professional psychic medium and tarot reader,Bernadette is also a website development and brandingspecialist.

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Positively Positive!

I never knowwhatAMAZINGINCREDIBLEpersonI will meetnext.


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Quotes of the month




-Mother Teresa

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Age Gracefully with Color

by Bernard Charles

Along my path as a color psychic I discovered some real color therapies that you can use to unleash and pamper your inner child in order to gain back the fun, creative and magical side of summer and beyond. Last night I watched a dragon documentary and reveled in the thought of prehistoric dragons roaming the lands then evolving into sea and forest dwellers. The fantastical film, got me so fired up! Connecting with the nature of my youth has always been natural to me just like my fascination with dragons.

The symbol of a dragon can display a myriad of intentions and concepts for various people, but I see the color green when working with dragon energy. As synchronicity would have it, this is first on my spectrum of youth bearing colors because green is a color traditionally dominant of the heart chakra. (My favorite chakra indeed!) This center of energy is all about love.

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By working with the Soul Path Tribe’s Estsanatlehi this past Spring, green color opened many messages of land, freedom and growth for me. So I dabbled with moss agate stones and shamanic dance rituals to raise the flair of my inner draconian. Green color energy activates a playground or a field of opportunity. Believing that you can run around wild and free is essential for youth because you leave the constraints of adulthood at bay. Palm trees, ferns and green grass are elements of connecting with the natural world. Reconnecting with my youth is about connecting with nature.

After making playtime a part of my afternoon schedule, I moved my attention on identity. Consciously assessing if I was being a child in any given moment or an adult. It wasn’t fun to constantly poke at myself, but that’s how I ultimately process this life. My child-like wonder steps up to the plate and curiosity takes control.

I experienced my first gay pagan festival under this self-imposed reflection and well, lets just say I got a good wake up call. Up until this point, I was neglecting how my sexuality could be a catalyst for innocence. The color of nude is youthful. This isn’t necessarily white or completely black, but an offset of these colors will do. Ivory and charcoal come to the surface, but interest-ingly enough magenta. According to my color deck, this sassy pink color is about connecting to your deepest inner knowing.

What lies below the surface can often dictate our identity and how we proactively or inactively interact with the world. It’s great to have an active imagination but channeling your whimsical visions into physical expression or creation needs balance. You can’t keep coming to the stage with nothing to show.

Beauty seems to be a bi-product of our great natural masterpieces. Dancing, the moon, night and pearls have this innate journey that allows beauty to manifest from frustration and agitation, so it might seem tough and messy in raw form (like the Sandra to Sandy transformation in Grease), but you eventually conjure the tools you need to hold true identity. This process of “black and white” left my identity vulnerable and bare, but the lessons will forever be timeless.

Every month I have an intention color set as part of my color club and while working with on this age-defying color journey, a distant child memory rose to the surface of my conscious. When I was younger, I remember being outside with my grandmother and she would hold a buttercup flower under my chin and told me that I liked butter.

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The reflection of yellow energy under my chin instantly connected me to keeping my chin up in life.

Yellow has always been cutesy and familiar to me. And recently I purchased yellow pants to wear and while I was out and about in this uplifting color so many daffodils and tulips sprouted before me. It was a gregarious sight to see in my town besides my Banana Republic pants.

Yellow energy is obnoxiously positive and sunny that’s what I tell my clients when we sit and I read their energy through color.

Cheersome to the max and so it’s no wonder this color inspires youth because before cynicism churns into existence, there is a primary attitude in children that seems to feel boundless and unlimiting. Optimism is not dead with yellow by your side.

Yet, an adult approved color that seems to maximize youth under this category of happiness is Gold. The gold energy is abundant and heralds good. It’s one of the colors I add to the crown chakra because of our mainstream conditioning of Heaven being portrayed with golden gates. Of course, I do connect my grandmother with gold energy as I know she is up in Heaven with a buttercup in hand ready to see if I still like butter. I keep my chin up for her and for the greater good.

Our last couple of colors for a youthful appeal are my favorite: orange and tangerine. The bouncy catalysts of vitality. Orange overall is a great reminder to consume Vitamin C for immunity and children often times expel toxins quickly through their mean metabolism and constant explosions of energy.

As we progress in life, we want to nurture our health and keep in mind the benefits of embracing spontaneity.

Adding more zest to your life in creative and out-of-the-box ways will make sure to invoke that child-like wonder I was referring to earlier!

I always take a quick sniff of tangerine essential oil when I need a simple boost in energy, but you can easily buy an orange scarf too and we will rock the world!

Color energy has transformed my life and I know it will do the same for you. The great thing about living fully in and for color is that it will remind you to play freely, identify authentically, keep confidently and live excitedly. All powerful ingredients to age beautifully.

About The AuthorBernard Charles, a registeredmetaphysician uses his intuitiveabilities to manifest andunleash thepotential in every person he meets.


He performs intuitive card readings working with color, angels and tarot to see clearly into situations for the highest good. He is certified in crystal healing, meditation and law of attrac-tion. Today he enjoys drinking tea and dusting off his crystal collection while being a full time social media manager at Thrive Wellness Center and leading others through love, light and color with his 365-Day Color Journal.

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Dan Lisswith



What Dan’s Clients Say

Receive Guidance and Clarity when it’s most needed






“I have had two Transition Point readings with Dan Liss. Both readings concerned a multitude of transition points (moving, career, finances). Dan provided accurate information and thesessions left me with greater clarity andunderstanding of my choices and the details surrounding those choices.”

-Anne Nessa

“Your Transition Point reading reassured me. I believe that one of the ways we are all chang-ing now is the way that we make decisions – as in I see that we are moving away from a linear way of thinking and decision-making, towards freedom and possibilities. You had mentioned, “In the bigger picture, the important question for you is taking a look at what kinds of things you would like to do.” To me that means, it’s not really a matter of “What am I going to do next,” but rather making sure I pursuesomething that I am passionate about. I think the reading was very thorough, HELPFUL, and reflected your wisdom.”


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Positively Positive!



are my

I am thinking&


NEW DAY.{clicktotweetthis}

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Quotes of the month

-Mahatma Gandhi

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Activate Your Spiritual Awakening

Julie Herbert with

Pendulum Reading

New Relationship Reading

Psychic SevenReading

“Very impressed! Professional, honest, helpful. I think she is spot-on and will definately recommend her to my friends in need of help. Thank You Julie!”


Julie’s Relationship Cross Spread reading was on-target, informative, and uplifting! She pinpointed the positive aspects of the relationship and gave practical advice for making it even better!

-Deborah Dahmen

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ON THE BLOGClick here to catch up on all the spirituality!

Ascended Master Guide Readings

Ascended Masters Journey Blog Series #1: When the Student is Ready, the Ascended Master Appears10 Fast Facts about Feng Shui

My Evening with James Van Praagh

Astro-ShamanicReflections of Spring Equinox Spirituality

Live Your Life with Intention!

Trickster Psycho-Energetics ofRetrograde Mercury

Remote Energy Work forChildren – why my kids and the neighbor kids ask for it all the time!

5 Ways Aquarians Make Life MoreInteresting