spiritual direction: seminar three · giving permission to another/spiritual director to be...

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Life andDiscipleship

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Spiritual Direction:Seminar Three

Page 2: Spiritual Direction: Seminar Three · Giving permission to another/Spiritual Director To be directed means to open the self to participation in the love of God. Involves attachment


Spiritual Direction: Seminar Three

Presented by Jenny Campbell


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CWR, Waverley Abbey House, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK Tel: +44 (0)1252 784719 Email: [email protected] Website: cwr.org.uk Registered Charity No. 294387. Registered Limited Company No. 1990308. © CWR August 2017, CS. Not to be reproduced without permission. For more copyright information please refer to last page of notes.

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Looking to the future for my life and Spiritual Direction

Seminar Three

Three Reference Points

Seminar questions

1. How can I take spiritual maturity more seriously than before so that I fulfil my call?

2. Where do I find myself when it comes to accountability or spiritual check-ups?

‘Then we shall no longer be children […]. Instead, by speaking the truth in a spirit of love, we must grow up in every way to Christ, who is the head.’ Ephesians 4: 14, 15 (GNT)

Accountability in Discernment of Vocation


Vocation: a purpose to fulfil in my lifetime

The call of God: my intention is to lay hold of that purpose for which Christ Jesus laid hold of me (Phil 4).

Every person: all are called & we ought to test our call in the Lord.

Testing: invariably involves another person(s) be it to full time work or to serving in the church or community in some way.

Process of discernment: what does the call look like uniquely for this one made in God’s image?

Wrestling with God: a singular task & yet works itself out in community and/or with another significant other(s).

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Reading the signs: alone but tested in community or with a significant other, i.e. when to act, when to wait, when to be led.


‘The heart is deceitful above all things and beyond cure. Who can understand it?’ ( Jer 17: 9)

Know yourself: listen to feelings, temptations, rhythms of the soul, watch the movements of your soul.

Know yourself before God: place yourself in all your vulnerability before him & allow him to heal, guide & quieten you with his love.

Know yourself with others: place yourself in community & allow it to heal, confound & teach you.


• Discernment & reading the signs are not the same as decision-making, which is comparatively straightforward as we consider goals, pros & cons & actions.

• Discern our true vocation when we surrender our own ego-driven view of reality & this process often requires the intervention of another godly person (as well as God).

• Discernment with regard to vocation should proceed from a person’s grounded and ordinary life.

• Discernment with another person is listening and responding to that place within us where our deepest desires align with God’s desire – sift through motives & impulses to discover which ones lead to divine compassion & love for ourselves & others & which lead us away.

• Discernment with a spiritual director is to invite the Holy Spirit into the chaos – the worries, fears & loss – not toughing it out but going through it with Jesus who lives in wisdom in another person.

• Discernment flowers from the deep centre of the Holy Spirit as we, ‘born of the Spirit’, keep scanning our lives (at times with another) for the voice of the beloved & our lives become less chaotic.

• Discernment with another is a discipline, practice & habit

(c.f. Jonas. In Nouwen, 2013, xv -xxiii)

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Giving permission to another/Spiritual Director

To be directed means to open the self to participation in the love of God. Involves attachment to rather than detachment from those outside the self. That at times the way of knowledge is through attachment & relational.

(c.f. Green, 1991, 150)


Realising the gift of God within, a charism not asked for but bestowed by divine grace (not able to be bought).

Entails being a host & offering abundant hospitality to another person.

Means sharing our space, sharing the silence & the unspoken, listening to the story.

Being prepared for self-disclosure.

Involves practising ‘forgetting’ & resisting turning people into ‘cases’

Being a midwife, allowing gestation & not hurrying the birth of the new, present at the pushing & pulling – judging timing, confronting & celebrating.

Seeking guidance and direction to keep one’s own house clean & tidy.

(See Guenther, 1998, 6-41, 84-111)

Three Reference Points


Who will answer my questions? What questions are people asking? Embark on a quest. Who am I? Where am I going?I am the beloved of God – affirmation & an invitation to return.The role of the spiritual director – a friend not a counsellor – creating free space to think & pray.

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God: be still and know that I am God; looking for us; with us; encountering us personally.

The living Word of God: speaking it out of silence; hearing it through meditation; learning it through repetition & regular meditation (lectio divina)

Prayer: can be unceasing; crying out to God (the Psalms); conversation; contemplation; discipline.


Where do I belong? Finding my way home; finding myself in community.

Life together in community: forgiveness, celebration & love.

How can I be of service? Voluntarily downward mobility, ministering.


• The Book of Job: Write down your questions in your journal; recall a time when a question was treated glibly.

• What other questions could you explore with a spiritual director?• Log in a prayer diary the times when God has spoken.• Do this over a period of a year & note the changes in your soul.• Plan to attend a guided retreat & journal your reflections, breakthroughs.


• Guided meditation Psalm 46:10.• Finding God in a passage of Scripture – write Jesus a love letter.• Pray for ten minutes a day for a week, dealing with discipline &

distractions & journal & discuss with a friend/spiritual director.


• Look for ways to build community by listening to others & discerning the way ahead.

• Leaders to look to build prayerful accountability by listening to the Word & discerning the gifts in others.

• Look for ways to move from hostility to hospitality.


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K. Anderson, R. Reese (1999). Spiritual Mentoring: A Guide for Seeking and Giving Direction, Guildford, Eagle.

M. Guenther (1998). Holy Listening: The Art of Spiritual Direction. London, Darton, Longman & Todd.

D. Green (1991). Evelyn Underhill: Artist of the Infinite Life. London: Darton, Longman and Todd.

H. Nouwen (1998). Reaching Out. London, Fount.

H. Nouwen (2013). Discernment: Reading the Signs of Daily Life. London, SPCK.

H. Nouwen (2011). Spiritual Direction: Wisdom for the Long Walk of Faith. London, SPCK.

R. Foster (1978). Celebration of Discipline: The Path to Spiritual Growth. New York, Harper & Row.

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CWR, Waverley Lane, Farnham, Surrey GU9 8EP, UK

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