spm 4551 2005 biology k1

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  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    Ihe following information are features ofan organelle in a cell.. Spherical or oblong shaPed. Smooth outer membrane and foldedinner membrane


    4 The main componmembrane areA lipid and carbohB protein and carbC protein and liPi

    onz This questionpaper consistsof 50 questions.Answer allquestio

    Section A

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    ; j7 of the following is a connective 1l The figure shows thea fish.

    What is organ X?A LungB KidneyThe figure shows adieotyledon root co

    The information belowclasses and their energTthe following rePresentsshows four foodcontent. Which offats?

    Food class Enerry contcnU kI Per10o g

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    195 The diagram shows, parts of the humanbrain.

    Which of the following pairs of part of brainand its function is correct?

    The figure showschromosomes.Thegenes in the chroPqRsTUvW

    Part ofbrainAP

    FunctionControls peristalsismovementControls balancing ofa

    $ 20 Which of the folloMendel's experimeA Colour of leafB Number of seC Size of fruit

    P q RST and t representA allelesB genotype

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    i.,2l A former mining gtound can form a primaryforest.Which of the following sequences s correctin the formation of the primary forest?A Successor,climax community, pioneerB Pioneer, climax community, successorC Successor,pioneer, climax community

    - D Pioneer, successor,climax communityv 24 What is "biochemical oxygen demand". GOD)?A The quantity ofoxygen produced by anaquatic organism

    B The quantity of oxygen used by anaquatic organismC Indicator t0 measure the level of,waterpollutionD Indicator of the amount of a waterpollutant

    C Site of proteinsynthesisD Site ofglycoprosynthesis

    27 An experiment wasthe effect ofconcenton the mass of poThe initial massobtained. They werand the final massThe graph showexperiment.Which of the gramay be expected the sucrose solutio0.04 mol dm-3?


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    29 The graph shows the optimum pH of anell'zyrne Y in its reaction.Rate ofreactionof enzymeY

    I2345678910pHEnzyme Y isA salivary amylase C trypsinB pepsin D rennin30 The diagram shows cross sections of theleaves offow different hibiscus species.Which of the following leaves A B, Cor D, will produce the highest rate of

    33 An experiment wasthe rate of water loThe wind and relatkept constant.The graph shows 0600 to 1300 houWhich of the curyeto show the rate oafter 1300 hours?160

    Rauof 14Tatr lr0F*. rmnff' mm


  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    381:|5 A child runs very fast when chased bYa fierce dog.Which of the following reactions occur inthe child's body?I Blood glucose level increasesII Metabolic rate increases '''III Body temperature decreasesfV Rate of heart beat increases 'A I and II onlyB III and fV onlyC I, II and fV onIYD II, III and IV onlyThe figure shows stages n the developmentof an embryo sac in the ovule of a floweringplant.

    The figure showstraits in pea plantsThe allele for smooto the allele for wriThe allele for purpleto the allele for whKey: S : snooth seedoninant a

    s : wrinkled srecessivea


    Embryo sacmother cell 4 megasporeceIIs



  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    41 The table shows changes in a cell during mitosis.StageStructuriin cell P

    {1t".a 'i RNucleus membrane Present Nit NilChromosome At cell poles Move towardscell poles At the eqof celCytoplasm Divides Does not divide Does not dSpindle fibre Nil Present Presen

    What are P, Q, R and S?PA AnaphaseB MetaphaseC TelophaseD Prophase




  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    45 An experiment was carried out to investigatethe rate of transpiration in a plant usinga potometer.tUe ngrr"" showsthe set up of the apparatus,tirne taken in minutes andthe distancecoveredby the meniscus of the water in cm'

    47 Figure 1 shows thecoleoptile to auxin inJelly block withu* - fi__-..._""lTJ

    I I l- | Maize co! l l !#li.\:ii..j;::lla!'t;ngjgeginniDg of exPerimentFigure

    Another experimenas shown in FigurelMovement of water colunnMeniscus

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    49 The figure shows a monohybrid crossbetween durian tree P and durian tree Q.507o of the offspring are tall and 507o arcdwarf.Parents Durian tree P X Durian tree Q

    (Tall) I (Dwarf)VVOffspring Durian tree R Durian tree S(Tall) (Dwarf)

    Ifdurian tree R is crossedwith durian treeS, what percentage of the trees producedwill be dwarflA OVoB 25Vo

    'r'50 The table shows thpopulation of gardgarden.Numb

    Visit MarFirst 2Second(After aweek)


    The estimated popuC 50VoD 75Vo

    snails isA20B L25

  • 8/2/2019 Spm 4551 2005 Biology k1


    SPM DGMINATION PAPER 2OO52B 3B 4C 58B 9B 10D 1114 A 15B 168.17 20 D,21 C 22 B 2326A27C28C29C308

    32 A 33D 34 D 3538,D 39A 40 B 4r44c 45 A 46 A 4750D

    Paper I1D7A13A19A25A

    31 C37A43c49C