sponsorship prospectusdisa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/.../03/...festival-sponsorship-proposal.pdf ·...

20-24 May 2019 Hamilton Exhibition & Conference Centre SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUS Breaking new ground in digital transformation Southern Grampians Shire Council DIGITAL INNOVATION & SMART AGRICULTURE 2019 FESTIVAL disa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au

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Page 1: SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUSdisa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/.../03/...Festival-Sponsorship-Proposal.pdf · event logo) given to all delegates k SGSC will work with you to provide the opportunity

20-24 May 2019Hamilton Exhibition & Conference Centre


Breaking new ground in digital transformation

Southern Grampians Shire Council


Page 2: SPONSORSHIP PROSPECTUSdisa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/.../03/...Festival-Sponsorship-Proposal.pdf · event logo) given to all delegates k SGSC will work with you to provide the opportunity


Southern Grampians Shire Council presents the inaugural Greater Hamilton Digital Innovation and Smart Agriculture (DISA) 2019 Festival leveraging off our experience as a regional area undergoing a digital transformation program for our community.

The primary focus of the Festival is to showcase how rural communities are embracing new technology and innovative practices to gain an edge. Whether you are from a rural council, work on a farm or live in a rural community, you will learn from your peers who have taken up the challenge to break new ground using technology to build a greater future not only for themselves but for the region.

Greater Hamilton region is transforming into a Smart Connected Community that is a leading example of a successful digital economy for regional Australia and we invite you to become part of our journey.


The Greater Hamilton region has been positioning itself to take advantage of the opportunities that digital transformation can bring to a rural community. We have been working hard to develop a strong local digital ecosystem that:

• provides for a more digitally connected community,• builds an economy that can rapidly respond to the

business opportunities in the digital area, and• enhances the services we offer to our community.

It is crucial that we align ourselves with key partners in education, business and the community to create a healthy digital ecosystem that can achieve our goals of:

• creating digital pathways, careers and opportunities for our youth to retain them in our region,

• enticing more people and families to the area by not only offering a great lifestyle but digital connectedness,

• enabling business innovation for current and new businesses to grow, and

• attracting greater visitation to the area using digital solutions that help us stand apart from the rest of the market.

Taking a look back at Southern Grampians Shire Council (SGSC) at the start of 2015 and if someone mentioned ‘Digital Transformation’ you would have seen a lot of blank looks on people faces. At that stage SGSC didn’t have a dedicated Information Technology (IT) business unit, let alone thinking strategically about the opportunities possible around ‘digital’. Fast forward four years to 2019 and SGSC has two key strategic documents focused on digital transformation of our community, a national Local Government award for Digital Innovation, a grant from the Federal Government to implement our Smart Communities Roadmap and staff and community members talking about sensor technology and data.

The Smart Cities and Suburbs grant from the Federal government has enabled SGSC to implement its Smart Community Roadmap with a number of smart city/community pilots, such as:

k Smart lighting / security k Parking sensors k Weather stations installed in each of our 10

townships providing localised weather data k Smart bins k A LoRaWAN sensor network covering more than

55km2 k Moisture sensors in sporting ovals and the botanic

gardens k Public WiFi through the Hamilton CBD and each of

our 11 townships k Self-walking tours via a tourist-focused

smartphone app k People counting k And more

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Smart Farming k IoT (sensor) technology k Precision Ag k Farm Tours k Drones k Business Intelligence

Community Learning k Configure IoT LoRa sensor k iPad 101 k Schools involvement k Building website / online trading k Hack event k Internet Banking k Social Media k 3D printing k Internet Security / Safety

Council / Agency Innovation k IoT / Smart Community use cases k Public WiFi, k People Counting / Usage k Smart Lighting k Data Analytics



The 2019 conference will have are two main themes:

SMART AGRICULTURE A focus on the farming community, suppliers and innovators within the agriculture space. How sensor technology can be leveraged to help farmers make better decisions and be more efficient in how they manage their farm. SGSC has invested in a LoRaWAN sensor network which is free for our community to use allowing a low cost entry into using sensor technology.

SMART COMMUNITY / CITIESIt is time for rural councils, agencies and authorities to step up and embrace digital transformation and transform into a Smart Community. There are many examples of smaller councils using technology and innovative practices to help their communities thrive. From sensor technology, public WiFi, smart lighting and open data, all these topics are relevant to help smaller rural councils, agencies and authorities improve and be more efficient.


The DISA 2019 Festival will pull together a selection of digital, IoT, graphic and smart innovation topics and programs that will run over a week-long festival aimed at all sections of interest and at all levels of understanding. The festival will host an umbrella of activities over the week run by a variety of people / organisations, with the pinnacle of the week being the conference on Wednesday preceded by a welcome reception with farm tours and other demonstrations on the Tuesday.


A highlight at the DISA 2019 Festival is the trade exhibition and conference which will support exciting sponsorship opportunity which will include the following features:

k Time between the speaker sessions to allow delegates to explore the trade expo for up to 4 hours.

k Layout includes 20 exhibitor booths and catering stations located centrally.

k Exhibitor Booths are a 3 meters x 3 meters area, partition walls on 2 sides, a table, 2 chairs, power and a single sign displaying organisation name will be provided.

k An online campaign including promotion of sponsors on the conference website, SGSC websites and other digital engagement mediums.


The DISA 2019 Festival will primarily be held at The Hamilton Exhibition and Conference centre, a state of the art purpose built conference and exhibition space located conveniently at the Hamilton Showgrounds. Buses will take participants on a day of farm tours in the surrounding region.

The Trade Exhibition will be held in Function Room 3, The Hamilton Exhibition and Conference Centre, where all delegate catering will be served, providing your organisation with great networking opportunities.The Welcome Reception will be held in the Dundas Room at The Hamilton Exhibition and Conference Centre.

Hamilton Exhibition and Conference CentreHorner Street, Hamilton VictoriaHAMILTON VIC 3300

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k Acknowledgment as Principal Sponsor by chairperson throughout the conference, including welcome and close

k Provision of delegate list including Organisation, position title and contact details (subject to privacy laws)

k Position on the panel discussion at conference k Exhibition booth, including preferential position k Prominent signage at each event k Opportunity to present to attendees during the

Conference k Exclusive logo presence on showbags (co branded

with the event logo) given to all delegates k Provision of promotional material in event showbags k Logo presence on lanyards (co branded with the

event logo) given to all delegates k SGSC will work with you to provide the opportunity

to meet with targeted attendees k Six networking passes to Welcome Reception

(Tuesday evening) k Six conference exhibitor passes (includes morning

tea, lunch, afternoon tea and conference entry) k Sponsorship logo acknowledgment pre- and post-

conference across all DISA 2019 Festival marketing and communication channels

k Corporate video/advert (approx. 1-2 minutes in length - any material substantially longer will be edited) in MP4 or MOV format, portrait. A compilation of Strategic Partner footage will be compiled and played beside the registration desk


k Acknowledgment as Networking Event Sponsor by chairperson throughout the conference

k Exhibition booth, including preferential position k Prominent signage at networking event k Opportunity to present to attendees at networking

function k Provision of promotional material in event

showbags k Two networking passes to Welcome Reception

(Tuesday evening) k Two conference exhibitor passes (includes morning

tea, lunch, afternoon tea and conference entry) k Sponsorship logo acknowledgment pre and post

conference across all DISA 2019 Festival marketing and communication channels

k Corporate video/advert (approx. 1 minute in length - any material substantially longer will be edited) in MP4 or MOV format, portrait. A compilation of Strategic Partner footage will be compiled and played beside the registration desk


Around the Farm Tours and the Conference day we are looking to hold a number of Community Based Technology events during the week. If you have examples of technology based activities / programs to engage our community, we would love to hear from you. Whether it be a coding workshop aimed at school students, a workshop on how to configure a LoRaWAN sensor, how to be safe on the internet or how to build a website for your business… if you have an idea, please contact us to discuss the opportunity.

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Sponsorship entitlementsPrincipalSponsor$7,500

Welcome ReceptionSponsor$3,000

Farm TourSponsorIn kind


Acknowledgment by chairperson -

Speaking opportunity at conference (15min) - - -

Speaking opportunity at welcome reception (5min) - -

Exhibition booth -

Complementary tickets to welcome reception (6) (2) (2) (2)

Conference passes (6) (2) (2) (2)

Logo on marketing materials

Position on the panel discussion at conference - - -

Exclusive logo presence on lanyards and showbags - - -

Corporate video / advert -


k Acknowledgment as Farm Tour sponsor by chairperson throughout the conference, including welcome and close.

k Exhibition booth, including preferential position k Prominent signage at Farm Tour k Opportunity to present to attendees at networking

function k Provision of promotional material in event showbags k Two networking passes to Welcome Reception

(Tuesday evening) k Two conference exhibitor passes (includes morning

tea, lunch, afternoon tea and conference entry) k Sponsorship logo acknowledgment pre and post

conference across all DISA 2019 Festival marketing and communication channels

k Corporate video/advert (approx. 1 minute in length - any material substantially longer will be edited) in MP4 or MOV format, portrait. A compilation of Strategic Partner footage will be compiled and played beside the registration desk


k Single 3m x 3m exhibition booth (partition walls, tables, chairs, power & signage included)

k Two networking passes to Reception dinner (Tuesday evening)

k Two conference passes (includes morning tea, lunch, afternoon tea and conference entry)

k Sponsorship logo acknowledgment pre and post conference across all DISA 2019 Festival marketing and communication channels

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DAY 2 AGENDA Wednesday 22 May - CONFERENCE

8.00am Registration and Expo Trade Show Room

9.15 Keynote Speaker - Smart Community / Futurist


10.00 Keynote Speaker - Smart Ag / Regional Futurist

10.30 Morning Tea in Expo Trade Show Room


11.15am Paul McManus – Meshed IoT

11.45 Pieter Badenhorst – Molecular Plant Breeding Group

12.15pm Phil Chan – AgriWebb

12.45 Lunch in Expo Trade Show Room

2.00 Ben Fleay – Precision Ag

2.30 Sean Starling – Meat & Livestock

3.00 Tim Driver – Datamars


11.15am Martijn Schoder - Nous Group

11.45 Ben Gower - CEO Wattle Range

12.15pm Tim & Jeremy Butler - Naeus

12.45 Lunch in Expo Trade Show Room

2.00 Paul McManus – Meshed IoT

2.30 Green Frog Systems

3.00 Russell Bennett - Southern Grampians Shire Council


8.00am Depart


Hamilton Regional Livestock Exchange (HRLX)

Department of Environment, Land, Water and Planning (DELP)


Farm 1 – Telstra IoT

Farm 2 – LoRaWAN

Afternoon Tea

Farm 3 – Fleet Space

5.30pm Welcome Reception (Drinks and Finger Food) – Exhibition time

3.30pm Afternoon Tea

4.00 Networking Opportunity

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This prospectus contains a number of unique sponsorship opportunitiesavailable to showcase your organisation.

We recognise that one size does not fit all when it comes to sponsorshipinvestment and we are happy to discuss and design a tailor made packagespecific to your organisation’s budget, needs and marketing objectives.

To discuss opportunities in more detail please contact:

Leesa Iredell Event CoordinatorEmail: [email protected]: (03) 5573 0456

Russell Bennett Manager Business SystemsEmail: [email protected]: (03) 5573 0455 Mob: 0408 615 747

We can tailor packages to suit

your unique objectives and



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k Complete the Sponsorship Application Form online at disa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au/sponsorship or by completing the below form and return to Southern Grampians Shire Council

k Confirmation of your booking will be acknowledged by email k Southern Grampians Shire Council will raise an invoice for payment k Payment must be received before the event date

Company Name: ABN:


Contact Name:


Telephone: Mobile:


Sponsorship / Exhibitor level (please tick one only):

Level Total Amount (inc GST)

Principal Sponsor $7,500

Networking Event Sponsor - SOLD OUT $3,000

Farm Tour Sponsor - SOLD OUT In kind

Exhibitor $1,000

Custom Package TBA

We accept the sponsor package as outlined in this proposal and agree to the terms and conditions outlined on the reverse side of this application form. We agree to pay the sponsorship fee indicated (incl. GST) in accordance with the details provided.

Authorised Signature:

Print Name: Date:

Please return to:Russell Bennett Manager Business SystemsEmail: [email protected]: (03) 5573 0455 Mob: 0408 615 747

Leesa Iredell Event CoordinatorEmail: [email protected]: (03) 5573 0456


*Please include a high resolution file (pdf, eps or jpg are preferable) of your company logo when returning this form, thank-you.

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1. Definitionsa. ‘The Event’ is Digital Innovation and Smart Agriculture 2019 Festival which will take place from 20-24 May 2019 at Hamilton

Exhibition and Conference Centre, Hamilton VIC 3300.b. ‘Application’ means an application to be a sponsor or exhibitor.c. ‘Sponsor’ means any person, firm, body corporate, unincorporated association or authority allocated space by the organiser of the

event and includes all employees, agents and representatives of such person, firm, body corporate, unincorporated association or authority.

d. ‘Organiser’ means the Southern Grampians Shire Council, its employees, agents and contractors.e. ‘Venue’ means the Hamilton Exhibition and Conference Centre.

2. Application for Participation and Acceptancea. A binding contract comes into existence in accordance with the Application and Terms and Conditions upon the Organiser’s acceptance

of the Application.b. The Organiser has the right to reject or accept any Application.

3. Sponsor Obligationsa. a. The Sponsor will provide all necessary information and material required for the Organiser to carry out its obligations to the Sponsor,

by the dates stipulated by the Organiser.b. The Sponsor will make good and compensate Venue for damage caused by any act or omission of the Sponsor or other persons arising

from or in connection with the use of the exhibition venue by the Sponsor.c. The Sponsor must have the display space ready with all exhibits completed and available for display by the time specified by the

Organiser before the opening of the Exhibition.d. Sponsors are responsible for any damage or loss of own goods and equipment left in the Hotel or function area prior to or after the

function and must secure all goods and equipment during the Event.e. All Sponsor deliveries to the Venue must be prior advised to the Venue and must be marked with the name and date of the Event and

Sponsor.6. Exhibition Space: Standard Fittings, Design and Signs

a. The Organiser agrees to provide the Exhibition booth and fittings, as detailed in this application, whereby applicable to the sponsorship level selected.

b. The Organiser will ensure that booth positions will be allocated according to sponsorship value and on a first served basis should value be equivalent.

3. Assignment The Sponsor may not assign its rights under the agreement without the Organiser’s prior written consent.

4. Terms of Payment The agreement will be terminated if the Sponsor does not pay the required fee prior to the event. In the event of termination by the Organisers, the Sponsor will not be entitled to any form of compensation.

5. Withdrawals The Sponsor will not withdraw, cancel, alter or reduce in any way their Application. In the event the Sponsor withdraws after receipt of signed application and confirmation of acceptance, the following terms shall apply:

k Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement 60 days before event 50% of sponsorship value will be charged. k Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement 30 days before event 75% of sponsorship value will be charged. k Withdrawal, cancellation or reduction of agreement <30 days before event 100% of sponsorship will be charged.

6. Insurance and Indemnitya. The Sponsor shall take out and maintain a policy of public liability insurance for an amount of not less than $5,000,000 during the

Event.b. The Sponsor will indemnify the Organisers against any cost, claim, liability and expense to which the organisers are in any way subject

arising from or in connection with any act or omission of the Sponsor.7. Compliance

The Sponsor will comply with all applicable laws and regulations and all reasonable directions from the Organiser and the owner of the exhibition venue.

SOUTHERN GRAMPIANS SHIRE COUNCIL111 Brown StreetHamilton VIC 3300Email: [email protected]: (03) 5573 0444www.disa.sthgrampians.vic.gov.au

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Please visit the website for more information

Digital Innovation &Smart Agriculture (DISA) 2019 Festival


We hope that you join us showcasing what rural communities are achieving.
