sports international magazine issue16

July 2015 1 The Pro Sports Magazine July 2015 The Hannah’s - world class Paralympians FIFA Women’s World Cup review, SIM Outstanding Athlete. Recipes, Top tips and more... Rebecca Coales, The ‘Haka’, Dragons 7’s Rugby, Fran Kirby, Caroline Buchanan, Anita White, Netball World Cup Exclusive interviews and articles... Photo: Papaya Photography

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Featuring: Rebecca Coales, The ‘Haka’, Dragons 7’s Rugby, Fran Kirby, Caroline Buchanan, Anita White, Netball World Cup, FIFA Women’s World Cup review, SIM Outstanding Athlete.


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The Pro SportsMagazine

July 2015

The Hannah’s - world class Paralympians

FIFA Women’s World Cup review,SIM Outstanding Athlete. Recipes, Top tips and more...

Rebecca Coales, The ‘Haka’, Dragons 7’s Rugby, Fran Kirby, Caroline Buchanan, Anita White, Netball World Cup Exclusive interviews and articles...

Photo: Papaya Photography

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2 July 2015

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photo-shoot and interviews discussing all things Paralympic and disability. Such a fun day spent with them. To many we will be introducing a new sport in freediving and talking about how female athletes are bridging the business and sport gap successfully as well as previewing the Netball World Cup and summarising the Football World Cup that has just been. It’s packed with information and articles so please read it, share it and tell everyone about it!

Thank you as always for reading and your support of the magazine.

Myak-Paul Homberger - Editor

The Football World Cup is now over and what a success it has been with records broken for audiences and press around the world amongst others. People the world over have been talking about the World Cup as a sport rather than ‘a women’s game’; pundits have spoken about players as being skilful and good rather than “she is a good female footballer,” and nations around the world have watched as their teams have competed for the largest women’s sporting tournament in the world.

The Football World Cup has now set the precedent of how to do things going forward and I look forward to seeing other sports and governing bodies learn from what was achieved in Canada.

As I sit and write this the women’s Ashes is about

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SPORTS International


July 2015 Issue No 016

to start in England amidst much excitement and an ever evolving format and the Netball World Cup in Australia launches in August. The world is becoming more and more used to hearing, watching and seeing women’s sport with TV networks like the BBC and Fox being huge supports, using ‘red button features’ and big ad campaigns for women’s sport as never seen before.

These are exciting times for women’s sport and so I would urge everyone to enjoy what is happening. Yes there is more to be done but rather than moan about inequality let’s all get involved to make what is good better and enjoy what we never thought would be possible 10 years ago.

This issue features two Paralympic athletes whom I spent time with for their


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w w w . p a p a y a p h o t o g r a p h y . c o . u k

S P O RT S ● S P E C I A L I S T E V E N T S ● C O R P O R AT E E V E N T S

PapayaP h o t o g r a p h y

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ContentsContributors 6The Hannah’s - world class Paralympians 8Rebecca Coales – Freediver 18The Haka 26Dragons 7’s International Invitational Rugby team 30Caroline Buchanan - the modern business woman athlete 36FIFA Women’s World Cup review. 44Inspiring Women to Lead the Way 52Sport explained: Netball 58Netball World Cup - Team Profiles 64FIFA World Cup in Numbers 76Sports International Magazine’s Outstanding Athlete 82Pioneers - Dame Mary Peters CH, DBE 86Recipe - No Bake fruit, nut and seed bars 92 Thankyou’s 95Contact 98

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July 2015 Issue No 016

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6 July 2015

ContributorsMyak-Paul Homberger

Aside from being a huge sports nut and champion of women’s sport, has numerous qualifications including being a BAWLA qualified weight training coach, two martial arts black belts alongside his instructor level in Urban Krav Maga. He is also an NLP practitioner and sociologist with an HND in RAB.

Photography is his main passion and he has been published internationally. Myak has worked with men’s and women’s national teams, as well as with premiership teams and individual players.

Nikki Richardson

Nikki is the Media and Communications Lead for the International Netball Federation. She is a member of the Females Achieving Brilliance (FAB) management group and works with the Women’s Sport Leadership Academy (WSLA) steering group – organisations both committed to helping women develop and make an impact in leadership roles in sport.

Nikki has 25 years’ experience in sports marketing and communications, from grassroots to elite level, across many major sports and flagship global events. She is passionate about using sport, particularly women’s sport, as an enabler to change lives. Studying for an MBA, Nikki is focusing on how women’s sport and business can link positively through corporate social responsibility.

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Adam Barlow

Adam Barlow’s passion for football began in 1994 watching Lincoln City in the lower leagues of the English football league system. In 2008 he took up blogging and started watching more semi professional football in order to gain an insight into the game at grass roots as he was keen to develop his understanding of the game at all levels. Watching the England Women’s team play and beat Serbia in a European Championship qualifier at Doncaster in 2011, he was very impressed by the skill of the players and quickly made the decision to learn and write more about women’s football.

In 2012 he attended his first

FAWSL game at Lincoln Ladies and started writing as the official fans’ blogger on the website. As time went on he became more engrossed in both writing and the women’s game, writing articles for the website and helping to compose the player profiles for the website. He now regularly reports for Sports International Magazine and would like to help give women’s sport the platform it deserves.

Away from football his other sporting passion is Taekwondo, having trained in the sport since 1989 and achieving the rank of third Dan Black Belt and helping in the running of classes.

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The Hannah’s - world class Paralympians talking all things disability and more

Photo: Papaya Photography

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Interview and article by Myak Homberger

I feel incredibly privileged to count a Paralympian as a good friend of mine. She has opened up a whole world to me that I was unaware of and she has taught me so much not only about myself but also about disability and how people treat people with disabilities. My life is so much richer for her friendship.

As a result of this I have since interviewed many Paralympians, featured them on the cover of the magazine and I have the greatest of respect for what they do and what they have achieved. The more I listen and learn the more it becomes obvious that there is a huge gap in understanding and perception in the public eye towards Paraplympians. In part it is because people are scared to ask questions for fear of offending and so when I had the opportunity to spend time with two Paralympians with such great status I thought what better an opportunity to spend time talking with them about the myths, frustrations and amusing things that the general public wouldn’t know.

Hannah Cockcroft is amongst other things a multi record holding gold medal Paralympian wheel chair racer and Hannah Russell is one of the brightest stars in swimming, with multiple world records to her name at 18. We covered so much ground in our chat as well as during the photo shoot for the cover that I decided to list key subjects and write about them instead of a standard article.

Types of Paralympian

There are two types of Paralympians according to Hannah Cockcroft: “ones with a massive chip on their shoulder and second are those that aren’t bothered.” For her it isn’t about those who were born disabled and those who have become disabled; interestingly, it’s about a mind set within each person and athlete. There are those, like Hannah who compete because they enjoy it and because they want to do it - as she says, “the winning is a nice positive, but I would still do it.” And then as she continues to explain, there are those who are ‘tortured souls’ who are doing it to prove a point and gain something. As Hannah explains, “...they want people to feel sorry for them or they have the attitude that they are going to win gold because it’s their payment for being disabled”.

This is a side to Paralympics you don’t hear of, but one that is a

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familiar one to me: approaches and mindsets in Paralympics that are poles apart with very little middle ground - but very interestingly, not one based on whether you are born with a disability or not, which would seem to be the obvious conclusion.

For Hannah and nearly all of the Paralympians I have spoken with, it is about their mindset, their approach to life and how they view themselves. What sums it up best for me is Hannah Cockcroft’s opening comment to me when we started our chat: “People think Paralympians are inspirational, but we are just people who decided to get up and do something with our lives.” And Hannah Russell’s, “I don’t think of it as a disadvantage and that makes me a stronger person.”

Both athletes have the view that they are athletes who happen to have a disability and they find a way of working around it, to them there is no baggage and no excuses. This makes them remarkable people to be around and dominant in their fields.

Common misunderstandings and treatment

It seems that the biggest frustration with able bodied people is that so often their desire to help over takes logic and all normal social etiquette. Hannah Cockcroft’s biggest bug bear is people asking if she needs a push and when she declines still pushing her. As she amusingly explains, “no one asks if you need help walking and then picks you up and walks along carrying you!” We all laughed at the absurdity of this potential situation and yet this is how she feels.

This is the thing for so many Paralympians, they just want to be treated normally and given the same level of assumed intelligence - which leads

“I don’t think of it as a disadvantage and that makes me a stronger person.”

Photo: Papaya Photography

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to the next and possibly the most important and yet frustrating of all issues. “People sometimes don’t realise that it’s my legs that don’t work, not my brain,” says Hannah Cockcroft. A fine example would be previous cover star Sophie Christensen, who is a triple gold Paralympian with a first class Masters in maths.

The list of examples and frustrations is long and somewhat embarrassing to listen to - yet it seems that so many people are doing things like this, not with malice but from a complete lack of understanding. “People talking to you in a child-like voice”! “I am an adult, I am normal, I just need to sit down a lot,” explains Hannah Cockroft.

The interesting thing in all these conversations is that none of the athletes are angry, there is a sense of frustration at times but by far the overwhelming sense and desire is to be understood and respected as people and athletes. Paralympians want to do things

Photo: Papaya Photography

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“People think Paralympians are inspirational, but we are just people who decided to get up and do something with our lives.”

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themselves, they don’t always need help, they live full lives and enjoy them, on occasions they may need help and for the most part they will ask.

Hannah Russell (who is partially sighted) explains how she loves her independence, going to university and living on her own, but at times she is aware she needs to ask for guidance and this seems to be the balance. They are very capable and if they need help they know it and will ask, for the rest of the time they are just normal athletes and people.

Joking about disability

One thing everyone around the world is aware of is that joking about people who are disabled or joking about disability is a no go area, however behind the scenes at training camps and in Paralympic venues athletes joke with and about each other and their disabilities. When I first heard about this I was quite surprised, but as I spend more time with Paralympians it has become one of the common threads.

Both Hannahs laugh as we talk about this aspect of the Paralympic scene. “You have to do it!” exclaims Hannah Cockcroft. She continues to explain that for able bodied people to do it and even disabled people who you don’t know to do it would be offensive, but among friends and fellow athletes it’s funny and part of the glue that brings them together. It brings a light hearted sense to something that maybe isn’t in everyday life and provides them with a way of getting on with it. “It’s a way of accepting who we are,” Hannah says.

A more serious side to it is that often this connection and sense of community provides a security that then allows the athletes to talk

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to each other about their personal tragedies, struggles, etc. with people who fully understand. “Surrounded by disabled people you are no longer different, it’s like therapy,” Hannah explained about the environment that can be so helpful for Paralympians.


I have been involved in women’s sport and championed it for more than ten years now and I am fully aware of the challenges for the athletes, the teams and womens sport around the world and yet it pails into insignificance when you listen to the stories of female Paralympians.

I have not met one Paralympian that doesn’t train as hard, work as hard or sacrifice as much as their able bodied female or male counterparts and yet the gap between female able bodied and their disabled counterparts is huge and the gap between them and the men is an ocean of difference. Sometimes pictures say a thousand words and other times numbers do, so here are some numbers:

Hannah Cockcroft MBE, double gold Paralympian, multi-world champion, multi-world record holder last year competed in 54 races around the world, winning all 54 of them and yet was only paid for winning 3 of those races! In so doing she ‘earned’ £6,000, with all her other income having to come from sponsorship and other activities that take her away from training. By contrast, top male Paralympians can earn £5,000 just to race in events, so the gap is huge. “The perception is that because I have won gold medals there is money, the reality is there isn’t,” Hannah says of her dual frustration of having to train and try and find a way to bring money in - but then also having to convince people that actually she really does need money.

Photo: Papaya Photography

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The thing I find interesting is that both the Hannah’s agree when I ask what the solution is: they say “come watch us compete”, buy a ticket, because ticket sales boost income, more publicity brings sponsors, sponsors share with their customers, which means more fans and people realising what a great sport it is - and the circle is complete. What’s important to them is people being involved more than cold hard cash. Yes, it would help them, but that isn’t their motivation. Getting people involved and raising the profile of Paralympics is - and that says a lot about them as people and athletes.

Message for fans and people from ‘the Hannahs’

At the end of the interviews and photo shoot I asked both ‘Hannahs’ if there was a message to give to readers and their response was this:

“Please see us as the athlete not the disability. Look at me and think, ‘wow she must train hard to move so quickly’, and don’t pity or feel sorry for us. Come and support us,” said Hannah Cockroft.

“Ability, not disability is what I live by and I want others to see that and appreciate it,” said Hannah Russell.

I love spending time with athletes like this, they bring challenge to my life and show me how to look at things differently. They are hard working and committed people with the funniest sense of humour ever! Take the time to watch an event, go to an event and chat to them, you will see what an incredible aspect to a sport that is ‘underground’. Let’s make it mainstream.

Cuvée Rosé.The Ultimate.















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Photo: Papaya Photography

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Cuvée Rosé.The Ultimate.















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18 July 2015

Rebecca Coales – freediver

Interview and article by Myak Homberger

Imagine holding your long could that could be....20 seconds....30 seconds? At what point if you were underwater would you start to panic?

“It’s relaxing once you have dealt with the urge to breathe,” says Rebecca Coales very matter of factly. Ranked 4th in the World and the holder of 5 UK records, Rebecca loves being in the water as much as she can, missing it when she is not near it.

There are a number of freedive disciplines divided into two main categories, open water and pool based. There are three pool disciplines in freediving today:

- static apnea: a timed breath-hold underwater with no swimming

- dynamic apnea: the distance a diver covers swimming on one breath

- dynamic apnea no fins: the distance a diver covers swimming without fins on one breath.

Rebecca competes in the pool and in the distance apnea form of discipline; this means it’s not about how long she is underwater but rather how far she can swim underwater using

a form of adapted underwater breast stroke. On top of this, if when you are competing and you come out of the water you do not remove your goggles, give the ‘ok’ sign and say loudly enough for the judge to hear, all in that specific order, you will be automatically disqualified even if you have covered the most distance. As Rebecca explains, “you have to show the judge that you are fully conscious and this is the real skill to push yourself and come up and do all of the above in the right order”. This is so much about the mental and the physical and yet on a different level to most sports, this is also about overcoming a basic human fear and completely removing the one thing most athletes learn to use so well, oxygen.

So what sort of times and distance are we talking about being underwater for? Rebecca has swum 475ft underwater whilst holding her breath for 3 minutes. Whilst it’s not her disciple of choice she has also held her breath in the static apnea for 5.27 minutes, a huge achievement and remarkable to think that the human body is capable of doing that. Rebecca says, “it’s that primeval fear of not being able to breathe and overcoming those thoughts.”

This seems to be the biggest challenge, the mental one. Once this has been overcome, it’s

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“It’s relaxing once you have dealt with the urge to breathe,”

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“It’s relaxing once you have dealt with the urge to breathe,”

Photo credit Nick Robertson-Brown

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about relaxing into it and enjoying it Rebecca explains. It seems that for her it’s about slowing everything down, looking inside yourself and your head and almost meditating. She finds peace here and as she talks it’s fascinating to listen to her complete conviction in what she is doing and the sense you get that down there, holding her breath, she is truly herself.

Rebecca explains that after about 30 seconds people begin to have the urge to breathe, but it’s ‘just’ a signal the body sends to the brain caused by the chemical changes. “Once you have got your head around that, it’s relaxing and enjoyable,” she says. It’s all about the rising C02 levels in your body, not because your body doesn’t have oxygen, Rebecca explains, and continues by saying that it’s about training your responses to deal with the higher levels of C02 and lower levels of oxygen in your body. If you have too much C02 then you start to get headaches as a warning sign. “When you hold your breath and put your face in water your body is built so that it automatically slows your heart rate and starts to bring the oxygen from your extremities to the centre to conserve oxygen. We are designed to do this,” Rebecca explains of the technical side of freediving. I find it incredible that the human body can do this and that it is designed in this way.

All of this focus, understanding of your body and the need to focus on things other than the need for oxygen and how long you have been

“When you hold your breath and put your face in water your body is built so that it automatically slows your heart rate and starts to bring the oxygen from your extremities to the centre to conserve oxygen. We are designed to do this,”

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underwater, have made for a perfect place to learn about yourself and to deal with the stress of life. But it’s a holistic approach - Rebecca is very clear that freedivers are incredibly conscious of their diet and fitness. It is the key to being able to do the things they do, so it seems that this is more about a lifestyle and a way of life rather than a sport that you can somehow detach from. It isn’t the first time that athletes we have spoken to talk about the peace that water brings, but this is about a connection not to the water as such, but to everything else it brings to her and it all seems good.

Photo courtesy Rebecca Coales

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“You never find yourself

until you face the truth.”

- Pearl Bailey

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26 July 2015

The Haka

By Myak Homberger

I have had the privilege of seeing the women’s Haka on many occasions from a front row seat in my role as a photographer. I have also over the years talked with the players of what it means to perform the Haka and be a part of it. This has been a story I have wanted to tell for some time given the unique and incredible nature of the story as well as the surprising lack of coverage it has had.

The women’s Haka is not ‘the one the guys do’, it’s completely different, it is specific to the women and has a completely different meaning. The elders were approached and asked if they could write a Haka specifically for the women and so one was born, unique to the women. The Haka speaks of those who have gone before, their ancestors, the sense of belonging and the honour of representing their country. It is about celebration and pride. To watch the team do the Haka is a spine tingling moment as you see the passion and emotion they put into doing it. Here

Photo credit Neil Kennedy

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is my video from the 2014 Amsterdam 7’s series to give you an insight if you haven’t seen it already

Jordan Webber describes doing the Haka as “emotional, giving everything you’ve got and hearing your sistas beside you doing the’s really special.”

 “The clashing of the tides resound, it is the taste of victory that draws us here and we honour the legacy of the champions who precede us, the thrill travels down our spine and we feel the closeness of our ancestors as we alight the battlefield their chiefly cloak caresses the shoulders of this valiant team that roars in full force.

We will not submit! Hit hard! Be swift!

Fight to the end! In order that the legacy will endure into the future! Here we are! Seize it!

It is done!”

THE HAKA (as translated for Rio 2016)

Photo credit Neil Kennedy

Photo credit Neil Kennedy

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Selica Winiata explains what it’s like to do the Haka: “it’s hard to describe, you get to a place where you get goosebumps”.

Every player I have spoken to over the years has said pretty much the same thing about what the Haka means and what it means to do it. This is not a derogatory thing but actually shows how imbedded it is in the culture and that it comes from the grass roots through, as opposed to a gimmick that is rolled out for major events. There is such a deep level of meaning to the women who do the Haka, who have done it and those who aspire to do it in the legendary black jersey. Each player without exception talks with emotion about it, you can see and hear how much it means to them.

Every now and then a player adds a little something that gives us another view of the Haka. I like how New Zealand 7’s captain Sara Goss, whilst talking to me about the Haka, explained

how the jersey, the Haka and representing New Zealand all mix into one. Sara talked about the honours board they have in their changing room and how it showed the level of competition in the team and that it takes a special person to

“it’s hard to describe, you get to a place where you

get goosebumps”. 

Photo credit Neil Kennedy

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wear the jersey and that it’s not easy to get one. As she continued, “when someone does get that jersey there are a lot of tears as it shows what it means.” She added, “we don’t play in New Zealand and so we take our family name on the back of our shirts around the world with us.”

This is the same way as the players speak of taking their families and ancestors with them and that, that is part of what the Haka means to them. There is such an incredible connection with not only their family but their ancestors and those who have gone before, but also the responsibility that they have for those that are to come - and this is all borne out in the Haka. It’s a sense of belonging and one of gratitude and humility.

Ruby Tui sums it up by saying “It is everything we stand for, it’s the highest honour you can give, it’s one of the most emotional and strengthening things you can do. It’s of immeasurable importance to us. If it wasn’t for our ancestors and family, our country wouldn’t be here and we wouldn’t have a country to play for and we wouldn’t be here.”

I don’t think you could sum it up better than that. For the players who perform it the Haka is about culture, heritage, thankfulness and a humility that recognises that they are the chosen few in this moment, that there will be those who are to come and those that have been - and in this moment it is their responsibility and honour to do the Haka.

Photo credit Neil Kennedy

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Dragons 7’s International Invitational Rugby teamDoing, not talking

Photo: Papaya Photography

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By Myak Homberger

I have been involved in women’s sport for many years now and for the last few I years have travelled, been invited to awards, been to many women’s sports events, networks etc. Some have been incredible and others shocking, but the one theme that runs through all of these is that people need to get involved. Yes, money is great and so much more can be done with money, but actually there has to be a desire and a vision to start with - and that you can’t buy.

I have always wanted to make a difference and in starting the magazine I put both my money and a considerable amount of time where my mouth was and the feedback and support has been great. In doing this the opportunity came up to become a partner in a women’s rugby 7’s team. The exciting thing for me is that as a South African rugby runs through my veins and so to combine this with women’s sport is the best of both worlds.

The reason for writing this article is to encourage people to get involved in women’s sport at any level and say that by doing, things happen; by just talking nothing happens.

I have looked at everything in the same way I would look at any business I am involved in and approached things as professionally as possible. Along with founder and Coach Nigel Francis we started with a set of values and an ethos we wanted all the women who played for the team to uphold:

• Enjoy playing and have fun• If you commit to play, keep your word or you are letting the side

down• This is about team not individuals• No second chances if you break your word• Professional in all our conduct

We looked at the players we had relationship with and approached them, as relationship is what’s important. Having seen some of the smaller nations do incredible things because of relationship, we were clear this is how it needed to be done.

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Running alongside this we wanted to be respectful of the nations the athletes played for and seek their permission to allow the players to play. We want to work with unions (national governing bodies) and support the good work they are doing. For me this is a key to women’s sport in general: if everyone worked together and supported each other, so much more would be done rather than working in silos or duplicating things.

Kit, kit, kit is something people are always talking about and the list of challenges is a long one and so again we looked at it and decided the best way to support what we are trying to do is create our own from scratch. I’m not saying this is for everyone, it’s only because of my contacts and previous sourcing experience I did it. But what it gives us is a blank canvas for us to promote and do what we want to do with the kit. We steered clear of ‘pink it and shrink it’ and came up with something that can work across the genders, appeal to everyone and be used across all the kit we need. What I also wanted to do was thank the people and companies that have been so supportive of the magazine by putting their logos on the kit.

With all the above sorted I organised a professional photo-shoot with some of the players in a studio wearing the new kit. I did this because I wanted the players to see that we were serious but also again to be able to give something back to all the sponsors and supports. They can use it for their own promotion and show how

Photo: Papaya Photography

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they are supporting women’s sport. With each person and company that talks about women’s sport, the circle of new people who hear about it and want to know more expands.

It’s not a fairy-tale because the kit still needs tweaking, all the arrangements weren’t perfect and we have learnt a lot. One tournament we were booked in got cancelled and we lost in the dying seconds of the final in one but won another, so a mixed start but what’s important is that everyone enjoyed themselves, everyone got on well and had fun playing the game they all love. Isn’t this what’s important? Yes, we all want to win, but not by doing it at any cost. We

now have a committed group of players who have had a positive experience, we have learnt a lot and will continue to get better and more professional as we go - but never loosing sight of why we’re doing it.

All of this has been achieved on less money than anyone would believe, but we have done something - and if we can do this then think what you can do in your sport, your country or your team? Let’s do rather than just talk.

Photos: Papaya Photography

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C a r o l i n e Buchanan -

Photo courtesy Caroline Buchanan

the modern business woman athlete

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By Myak Homberger

Caroline Buchanan is a x5 World BMX Champion and x5 World Mountain Bike Champion at the pinnacle of two sports. I have known Caroline for a couple of years now and she has featured in the magazine before. What stood out for me then and it is something that I have observed over the last couple of years, is how in a world where getting hold of money for women’s sports is tough, Caroline has worked relentlessly to build a business model that is finally working for her. It shows that it can happen and that there are models other than the obvious out there that can allow female athletes to live their dream without living in debt.

The stories of athletes struggling are as old as time. What I like about Caroline is her perspective of sport and business and that she at no point is hard done by. This is an athlete who has found a way that works - but what I like is Caroline’s perspective on all the tough years and getting where she is now. “For five years I said yes to everything, over-giving to huge brands all to earn my spot. I see it as an apprenticeship,” Caroline says of her five years creating a business and a model that is paying off. This is a great way of looking at the early years - and actually a very positive way for the next generation of athletes as they look to fund themselves and progress in

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their sports.

To provide some perspective, Caroline says that even as a multiple world champion, x16 Australian champion representing her nation, she entered the 2012 Olympics with Aus. $50,000 debt; with her biggest sponsor providing only $7,000 per year and others providing product only. In 2014 Caroline finally made a profit, having started competing at the age of nine. This outlook provides an alternative view to the glamorous one people so often see from the outside.

Caroline’s desire and determination to ensure that the next generation of BMX riders have

a better start than she did and that they don’t have all of the challenges she faced, saw her set up Buchanan Next Gen (featured in issue 8). She explains that she didn’t want the girls to face the same challenges that she had faced. With three riders on the team now aged 8, 12 and 14, Caroline says that they are on a better sponsorship deal than she was in the 2012 Olympics.

Not only has Caroline created a business model for herself that works, she also wants to give back and is creating an environment where the young girls can aspire and achieve whilst being supported financially. This is a huge credit to

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Photo courtesy Caroline Buchanan

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Photo courtesy Caroline Buchanan

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Caroline in what she has achieved here. These things don’t happen overnight, so when you are watching the 2024 Olympics look out for the Next Gen girls riding in Australian colours.

The one thing that Caroline repeats throughout our conversation is “be true to yourself, staying true to yourself, staying true to me”. Part of her success is that people are believing in Caroline because she is real, she doesn’t compromise because of a lucrative off that doesn’t fit with who she is, she does it it because it fits with her. Caroline may be a businesses woman but it’s secondary to having values and being an athlete - and it seems like this in part is the secret of her success. As Caroline says, “it’s about cementing your brand.”

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The cornerstone of Caroline’s success is summed up in her comment about “being super pro-active and not waiting for opportunities to come to me. I made the opportunities”. She explains how she learnt to do Photoshop and design packages as well as video editing - all so that she could send content to people and media outlets. She would (and still does) send post-race reports and content as well as as well as create video to sponsors and media around the world. Caroline explains, “I am literally handing content to sponsors, saying ‘look at all this stuff I am providing you’ “. This ‘stuff’ provides value for sponsors over and above the obvious TV coverage and brand placement: it allows them to use the content and redistribute it.

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The wonderful thing about this is that because multiple media outlets and sponsors suddenly have content, they use it and talk about it - and what this does is bring Caroline’s name to the fore. It’s a very clever and simple way of doing things, but a very effective one. As Caroline says, “’s the 1 percenters that all add up”. I met Caroline a couple of years ago when she contacted me - and this is her point, that she has contacted media all around the world as has expanded her reach, pushing herself and her brand and making it as easy as possible for media and sponsors to work with and promote her, her brand and Buchanan Next Gen - genius.

As a media person wanting to promote female athletes and women’s sport you would be shocked to learn how much I struggle at times to get anything out of athletes. If more athletes took Caroline’s model and pushed content, how much more would we see in the media, how many more people would talk about women’s

sport and how many more sponsors would participate?

We can talk for hours about pay equality but Caroline is doing something about it and it’s about being pro-active, but it’s also about more than that: it’s about ensuring that the next generation have a better foundation.

Photo courtesy Caroline Buchanan

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FIFA Women’s World Cup review.

By Adam Barlow

The best 24 sides from around the world came together in Canada in June and July to contest the FIFA Women’s World Cup and all 24 treated the world to some spectacular football and fascinating matches. Before the tournament kicked off, much of the talk centred on two issues; would the artificial turf being used in all the stadiums affect the matches, and secondly would expanding the tournament to 24 teams lessen the quality of the tournament? Thankfully the answer to both was no.

Group stages 

The hosts Canada got things underway in Group A against China and although they weren’t at their best, got off to a winning start with a 1-0 win. As predicted beforehand, group A was one of the closest in the tournament. Canada collected 5 points to top the group with China taking the runners up spot on goals scored from the Netherlands who claimed one of the best 3rd place qualifier spots. New Zealand finished bottom and will look back on a missed penalty against Canada when the score was 0-0 late on as a huge missed opportunity to make

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headway. Group B was in contrast the most one sided group of all with both Germany and Norway being far too strong for Thailand and Ivory Coast. Germany won the group on goal difference from Norway largely helped by a 10-0 win over the Ivory Coast in their opening game. The 1-1 draw between Germany and Norway was one of the better of the first round while Thailand’s 3-2 win over the Ivory Coast was one of the most entertaining.

Holders Japan won all three matches in group C as expected but what was not expected was Cameroon beating Switzerland to second place and becoming the only African side to make the second round. The Swiss did however scrape through in 3rd place. Group D was another very competitive group which was won by the USA with Australia upsetting the form-book to finish second. Sweden drew all 3 games to also qualify for the second round. Brazil led the way in group E with a 100% record with South Korea in second. Spain finished bottom of the group, only getting one point and thus becoming one of the biggest disappointments of the whole tournament. France won group F but only after being on the end of the biggest shock result of the tournament when they lost to 2-0 to Columbia. England took second spot with Columbia in 3rd.

Second round

Most of the last 16 games were close as the action started to hot up. Canada beat Switzerland 1-0 to set up a last eight clash with England who came from behind to stun Norway late on. Australia won a knockout game for the first time at a World Cup beating Brazil 1-0. This booked a date with Japan in the quarter finals who had eased past the Netherlands 2-1. Over on the other side of the draw Germany thrashed

Photo credit Myroslava Terlecky

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Sweden 4-1 to set up a heavy weight showdown with France who were far too good for South Korea dispatching them 3-0. Cameroon had won many friends in Canada with their style of play and attitude, and many were sad to see them eliminated at the hands of China who won 1-0. The last quarter final saw the USA end Columbia’s progress; running out 2-0 winners.

Quarter finals

The heavyweight showdown between France and Germany lived up to the hype. France dominated the match and took the lead with a stunning strike from Luisa Necib. However Germany drew level late in the game with a penalty from Sasic. The teams couldn’t be separated in extra time and became the only match to be decided by penalties in the tournament. There had to be a fall guy and sadly for France Clair Lavogez saw her penalty saved as Germany prevailed 5-4 on penalties. There was no such worry for the USA who beat China 1-0 in a one sided contest. Japan won the battle of the Asian qualifiers by beating Australia. Canada had failed to really hit top gear in the tournament and the last eight was to be the point when they left their own party as England stunned them with 2 early goals in front of over 54,000 fans in Vancouver. Sinclair did pull one back for the hosts but it wasn’t enough.

Semi finals

Penalty taking has often been the strength of German football so when they had a penalty against the USA in the second half of their semi final game there only seemed to be one outcome. However Sasic dragged it wide. Minutes later the USA were awarded a spot kick and this time Lloyd made no mistake. The Americans added another later on to reach their 4th final in 7 attempts. The second semi final saw

Photo credit Myroslava Terlecky

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Photo credit Myroslava Terlecky

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another two penalties with Japan striking first through Miyama with Williams hitting back for the Lionesses. With the game heading to extra time Laura Bassett diverted a cross into the back of her own net in heartbreaking fashion. England had been the revelation of the tournament and won many admirers for both their style of play and the cruel way by which they were eliminated.

England weren’t quite done though as they claimed the bronze medal by beating Germany 1-0 in extra time. This was the first time England had ever beaten Germany and underlined their status as one of the world’s best.

The final

The final was a contrast of styles; the high energy style of the USA and the Japanese possession

based approach. Japan however were totally over whelmed as the US raced into a 4-0 lead after only 16 minutes, with Lloyd hitting a hat-trick for the US including a fantastic 50 yard strike. There was simply no way back for Japan even though they got some credibility back in the second half, as the US ran out 5-2 winners and became the first side to win the Women’s Word Cup 3 times.

The USA may have got their hands on the trophy but the real winner was the Women’s game itself and the fans all over the world who were treated to a month of fantastic football.

Photo credit Myroslava Terlecky

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52 July 2015

Inspiring Women to Lead the Way

By Nikki Richardson

In June 2014, 36 outstanding women from 14 countries, representing every continent, came together for the Women’s Sport Leadership Academy (WSLA) - a week-long residential course designed to forge the future leaders of women’s sport worldwide. Building on the success of last year’s event, WSLA is taking place again this month, hosted by the University of Chichester in the UK, and facilitated by the Anita White Foundation and Females Achieving Brilliance (FAB).

WSLA 2015 will see more than 40 leaders from women’s sport in 18 countries participating in a unique residential learning environment, which includes high-profile guest speakers, workshops, personal development planning, national and international support groups, as well as physical activities.

A towering force in the international women and sport movement, former England Women’s Hockey captain and Sport

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England Director Anita White explains that the importance of WSLA is helping women in middle and senior management positions in national and international sports organisations to overcome barriers and move into senior decision making positions: “Essentially WSLA is about empowering and inspiring women to go back to their organisations in their own countries and make a difference. The motivation they get from attending a week-long intensive residential course is really to feel they can do it.

“For many years we have thought sport was missing out because there weren’t enough women leaders. It’s only recently that more women leaders have emerged in this country, and in a lot of other countries sport is very much a male domain. We feel that this situation disadvantages sport and disadvantages women. What’s remarkable is that when you get a group of women together, even though they come from different situations, locations and cultures, you find that they share a huge amount. A lot of them have experienced many of the same things and have found their way through barriers. They share these things with each other, and it creates a really interesting dynamic.”

White passionately believes that, given the opportunity, women’s sport has the power to improve lives: “We have quite a lot of women coming from sport for development organisations, where sport is being used as a tool for personal and social development, and for international development. For example we have

women running their own projects geared to getting kids off the streets, giving them a sense of purpose, a sense of self-worth, developing

“It’s only recently that more women leaders have emerged in this country, and in a lot of other countries sport is very much a male domain.”

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their leadership skills – more about personal development than simply developing their sporting abilities.”

Hugely improved media coverage of women’s sport in the UK seems to indicate a sea-change in the attitude of broadcasters and will undoubtedly attract investment from commercial partners. White is optimistic, and salutes the work of others raising public awareness of women’s sport: “There’s been a huge change. It seemed that a lot of the spotlight was on women during the 2012 London Olympics. I think women really came through in terms of the public consciousness, women presenters on TV, people like Clare Balding and Gabby Logan are right up there in the mainstream. There are women like Denise Lewis speaking for sport, and a lot of very, very good women involved in sport in the media. Of course the women’s performances at the Games were excellent as well, and that really helped.”

Of course women’s sport extends far beyond the Olympians, as White points out: “Women’s cricket has come up hugely, women’s hockey, women’s football, women’s rugby, netball, all those team sports that for so long have been Cinderellas, have come up in terms of what is offered to sports women, especially at elite level. They’ve suddenly got much, much more backing financially and they’re doing really well.”

Clean sport and sporting excellence is crucial, but so are the women in sports federations that drive inclusive sport forward. White believes that WSLA provides a unique opportunity for these women to meet and share learning: “I don’t think there are too many other opportunities to get the kind of personal development experience WSLA provides, alongside an international networking experience. That’s something very special and I think the notion of sharing with people from around the globe is attractive, and for many of these women there won’t be these kind of leadership opportunities in their countries. The applicants show a great deal of initiative in raising a proportion of the funds themselves. We then try and help with scholarships, top ups and travel grants.”

“There’s been a huge change. It seemed that a lot of the spotlight was on women during the 2012 London Olympics.”

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A week seems a very short time to change the world, but WSLA’s effect is deliberately long-reaching, White explains: ‘”It’s not just about the residential week – we stay in touch with the women, to provide mentoring and guidance. We ask them to let us know what they are doing, so we can measure the impact of what we are doing. It’s not just that when they go away they feel more confident and skilled-up in their abilities – it is also about what they do when they get back.”

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White is understandably proud of what WSLA is achieving, but characteristically candid about the need for further work. WSLA is joint effort between the Anita White Foundation (AWF), Females Achieving Brilliance (FAB), led by Pauline Harrison and Lucy Faulkner, which provides a forum and support network for high-flying females in sport organisations in the UK, and the University of Chichester. White identifies that the missing element is a commercial partner: “We are very committed to securing a commercial sponsor. The university has been really generous in supporting us with their staff and facilities, but it’s unrealistic to expect that they can do that ad infinitum. We need to be self-sufficient in a business sense.”

White has a clear idea of the kind of partner WSLA will be looking for – and the opportunities and benefits a commercial partner would gain: ‘We would be looking for an organisation that shares our values and can go along with our objectives. Of course they will benefit from access to a global network. In terms of

brand image, they would be associated with something that was very positive, particularly in global women’s sport development, which is a real ‘good news’ story’. We will be looking out for an organisation that is interested in women and sport, and the women’s sport market. It is

obviously attractive to be associated with WSLA by name, but from a corporate social responsibility perspective we can offer the opportunity for the staff of a commercial partner to share skills

and experience with women engaged in life-changing projects globally – and you don’t get a better personal development opportunity than that.”

The 2015 Women’s Sport Leadership Academy will be underway by the time these words are read. 43 women, decision makers, ‘doers’, will be sharing their experiences, learning from each other, networking and returning to their organisations energised. The success of WSLA is evidence that this an exciting time to be in women’s sport – and that women are making change happen.

“I don’t think there are too many other opportunities to get the kind of personal development experience WSLA provides”

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Photo Credit: Huw Williams

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Netball is a fast, skilful team game based on running, jumping, throwing and catching. Teams may include up to 12 players but only 7 may take the court at any one time.


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Each player has a playing position determined by the areas on the court where they may move. The playing positions are shown by identification letters worn above the waist, on both the front and the back of the player. Those positions are GS, GA, WA, C, WD, GD and GK.

The major aim of the game is to score as many goals as is possible from within an area called the Goal Circle, which is a semi-circle centred on the goal line and measuring 4.9 metres in radius (16 feet). Only two players from each team may score goals, the Goal Attack and Goal Shooter.


Photos courtesy Netball World Cup

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A Netball is made of leather, rubber or similar material, weighing 400 - 450 gms (14 - 16 ounces) and measuring 690 - 710 mms (27 - 28 inches) in circumference.

The Court is 30.5 metres (100 feet) long and 15.25 metres (50 feet) wide, which is divided into thirds. There is a center circle with a diameter of 0.9 metres (3 feet) and two goal circles which are semi-circles measuring 4.9 metres (16 feet) in radius.

All lines are part of the court and measure 50mm (2 inches) in width.

The Goal Posts are placed mid point of each goal line and measure 3.05 metres (10 feet) in height. The goal rings have an internal diameter of 380mm (15 inches). The goal ring projects horizontally from the post on a single attachment measuring 150mm (6 inches) in length.

A game consists of 4 x 15 minute quarters with an interval of 3 minutes between the first and second and third and fourth quarters and a 5 or 10 minute half time interval.

The Rules of Netball may be placed into two generic groups, those which infringe only a rule and are called minor rules although they make up the majority of the rules, and those which infringe the rights of an opponent and consequently are called major rules.

The minor rules, among which are the infringements of held ball, stepping, breaking, offside and over a third, are penalized with a free pass. The major rules, which mainly consist of obstruction, intimidation, contact and discipline are penalized with a penalty pass or penalty pass or shot. In this penalty, the offender must stand out of play until the ball has left the thrower’s hands.

With thanks to the International Netball Federation

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Photos courtesy Netball World Cup

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SPORTS International


SPORTS International


“The most common way people give up their power is

by thinking they don’t have any.”

- Alice Walker

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64 July 2015

Australia (Diamonds) - World ranking: 1 

Australia will contest their 14th consecutive Netball World Cup in Sydney. They are one of only 4 nations participating in Sydney along with England, Jamaica & New Zealand who will continue their record of having played at every World Cup since 1963. On top of this, Australia has never finished lower than 2nd at a Netball World Cup, an amazing result but equally one that puts huge pressure on the team. This will be the 3rd time Australia has hosted the Netball World Cup, with their first hosting of the Netball World Cup in Perth in 1967 and then Sydney in 1991.

Barbados (Bajan Gems) - World ranking: 10 

Barbados will compete at their 8th Netball World Cup in Sydney in 2015. Barbados first participated at the 1979 World Cup in Port of Spain, Trinidad, where they finished 8th out of 19 nations. Sydney will be the 6th consecutive World Cup Barbados has appeared at. Barbados’ highest World Cup finish was 6th in 1987 in Glasgow.

England - World ranking: 3 

England are one of 4 nations participating in Sydney along with Australia, Jamaica & New Zealand that will continue their record of having played at every World Cup since 1963. England has never finished lower than 4th place at the World Cup with its highest ever finish being 2nd behind Australia in 1975 in Auckland, New Zealand. England has hosted the Netball World Cup on 2 occasions, the first tournament in 1963 in Eastbourne and then in 1995 in Birmingham. England has had a different coach at all 13 previous World Netball Cups.

Netball World Cup - Team Profiles

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Fiji - World ranking: 7 

Fiji will compete at their 8th Netball World Cup in Sydney in 2015. Fiji first participated at the 1975 World Cup in Auckland, New Zealand where they finished 8th out of participating 11 nations. Sydney will be the 5th consecutive World Cup Fiji has appeared at. Fiji’s highest World Cup finish was 6th in 1999 in Christchurch, New Zealand.

Jamaica - World ranking: 4 

Jamaica is one of 4 nations participating in Sydney along with Australia, England & New Zealand that will continue their record of having played at every World Cup since 1963. Jamaica’s highest World Cup finish is 3rd on 3 occasions (2007, 2003 & 1991) and their lowest finish is 6th in 1967 in Perth, Australia. Jamaica has hosted the Netball World Cup twice, 1971 and 2003 both in Kingston.

Malawi (Malawi Queens) - World ranking: 5 

This will be Malawi’s 5th Netball World Cup appearance. Malawi first played at the World Cup in 1995 in Birmingham, England where they finished in 8th out of 27 participating nations. Malawi’s highest ever World Cup finish was 5th at the 2007 World Cup in Auckland, New Zealand.

New Zealand - World ranking: 2 

New Zealand is one of 4 nations participating in Sydney along with Australia, England & Jamaica that will continue their record of having played at every World Cup since 1963. New Zealand has won the Netball World Cup on 4 occasions, 3 times outright (1967, 1987 & 2003) and in 1979 jointly with Australia and Trinidad & Tobago. New Zealand has never finished lower then 3rd place at the Netball World Cup. New Zealand has hosted the Netball World Cup on 3 occasions (1975 Auckland, 1999 Christchurch & 2007 Auckland)

Samoa - World ranking: 13 

Samoa will compete at their 7th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Samoa first participated at the 1991 World Cup in Sydney where they finished 8th out of 20 participating nations. Sydney will be the

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Photos courtesy Netball World Cup

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Photo courtesy Netball World Cup

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7th consecutive World Cup Samoa has appeared at. Samoa competed as Western Samoa at the 1991 & 1995 World Cups. In 1997 it formally changed its name to Samoa. Samoa’s highest World Cup finish was 6th out of 24 participating nations in 2003 in Kingston, Jamaica.

Scotland - World ranking: 12 

Scotland will compete at their 13th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Scotland missed just the last World Cup in Singapore in 2011, but has played in all 12 other World Cups. Scotland first participated at the 1963 World Cup in Eastbourne, England where they finished 8th out of 11 participating nations. Scotland’s highest World Cup finish is 6th on three occasions, outright in 1983 in Singapore & 1971 in Kingston, Jamaica and equal 6th with Wales in 1975 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Singapore - World ranking: 18 

Singapore will compete at their 9th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Singapore first participated at the 1967 World Cup in Perth, Australia where they finished 8th out of 8 participating nations. Singapore’s highest World Cup finish was 8th at the 1967 World Cup but its best positional finish was 12th at the 1999 World Cup in Christchurch, New Zealand where 26 nations participated.

South Africa - World ranking: 6 

This will be South Africa’s 8th Netball World Cup appearance. South Africa first played at the World Cup in 1963 in Eastbourne, England where they finished 6th out of 11 participating nations. South Africa played at the 1967 World Cup in Perth and did not reappear until 1995 in Birmingham, England after South African sports teams were again allowed to compete on the world stage post-apartheid. This will be South

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Africa’s 6th consecutive World Cup appearance. South Africa’s highest ever World Cup finish was 2nd at the 1995 World Cup in Birmingham, England. South Africa played Australia in the final losing the match 48-68. South Africa is the only nation other than Australia and New Zealand to have played in a World Cup final. Finals were introduced in 1991 in Sydney, Australia and South Africa’s appearance in that final against Australia remains the only time any other nation has been part of the 6 previous Netball World Cup finals.

Sri Lanka - World ranking: 24 

Sri Lanka will compete at their 9th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon when it participated at the 1963 World Cup in Eastbourne, England. They finished 9th out of the 11 participating nations. Sri Lanka was known as Ceylon until 1972 when it gained independence and was renamed. Sri Lanka’s highest World Cup finish was 9th out of 11 participating nations at the 1963 World Cup. Their best positional finish was 12th place at the 1999 World Cup where there were 26 nations.

Trinidad & Tobago World ranking: 9 

Trinidad & Tobago will compete at their 13th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Trinidad & Tobago missed just the 1991 World Cup in Sydney but have played all 12 other World Cups. Trinidad & Tobago are the only other nation other than Australia and New Zealand to be crowned World Netball Champions. Trinidad & Tobago were joint winners with Australia and New Zealand in 1979 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Trinidad & Tobago’s lowest Netball World Cup finish was 11th out of 16 participating nations at the 2007 World Cup in Auckland, New Zealand. Trinidad & Tobago hosted the 1979 Netball World Cup in Port of Spain, Trinidad.

Photo courtesy Netball World Cup

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Uganda World ranking: 15 

They were undefeated winning all 5 tests. Uganda has qualified for their 2nd Netball World Cup. Their last appearance was in 1979 in Port of Spain in Trinidad & Tobago. Uganda finished 13th out of 19 participating nations at their only World Cup appearance in 1979 in Port of Spain, Trinidad. Uganda is one of four African nations with Malawi, South Africa & Zambia to qualify for the Netball World Cup 2015 in Sydney.

Wales - World ranking: 8 

Wales will compete at their 13th Netball World Cup in Sydney. Wales missed just the 1967 World Cup in Perth, Australia but they have played in all 12 other World Cups. Wales first participated at the 1963 World Cup in Eastbourne, England where they finished 10th out of 11 participating nations. Wales’ highest World Cup finish was 6th on two occasions, outright in 1979 in Port of Spain, Trinidad and equal 6th with Scotland in 1975 in Auckland, New Zealand.

Zambia World ranking: 22 

Zambia has qualified for their 2nd Netball World Cup. Their last appearance was in 1999 in Christchurch, New Zealand where they finished 17th out of 26 participating nations. Zambia is one of four African nations with Malawi, South Africa & Uganda to qualify for the Netball World Cup 2015 in Sydney.

With thanks to the Netball

World Cup

Photo courtesy Netball World Cup

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Top Tips

Round the cornersof the tape beforeapplying to skin.

Never apply tobroken or frail skin.

Start with clean dryskin, and preferably

trimmed or shaved hair.

Apply 30 minutesbefore activity.

Handle the backingpaper, not the glue.

Check out ourapplication videos

DISCLAIMERThe instructions we provide here are on our website are for illustrative purposes only. They are not meant to replace professional medical advice. If you are su�ering from a medical problem you should immediately contact your physician. Muscular and skeletal problems are often indicative of serious health issues and you should seek treatment from your doctor or therapist. Cancer paitents should not use SPORTTAPE and do not use on the abdomen if pregnant. Warranties and remedies are limited to replacement cost.


Ankle Swelling Requires: 2x Long <I-Strip>Position: Lying Down

The Basic FLEX TAPE Techniques

End-To-End Taping Technique Centre Taping TechniqueThis is the most common application technique. Tear and remove the backing tape 2-3cm from one end and apply the tape to the skin with 0% stretch to create an anchor. Then lay the tape with the desired stretch, finishing with 0% tension at the end.

This technique is used to apply SPORTTAPE over a point of pain or around a joint. Tear the centre of the backing paper and peel back either side leaving 2-3cm at each end. Apply the exposed tape to the skin with the recommended stretch leaving 0% tension at both ends.

2.1. 3.2.1. 3.

Anchor the <Y-Strip> to the thigh and run

down to the knee with 0% stretch.

Bend knee and apply with 50% stretch

around the knee cap and anchor both ends.


Using the centre technique, Apply the short

<I-Strip> below the kneecap with 50% stretch

and anchor either end.


Knee Pain Requires: 1x Long <Y-Strip> 1x Short <I-Strip>Position: Seated and Knee Bent

Repeat step 1 andanchor the strip from the opposite side of the leg.


AC Joint Requires: 1x Long <Y-Strip> 1x Short <I-Strip>Position: Standing

Bend arm behind back. Anchor the

<Y-Strip> midway down the arm and apply the first tail

around the front of the shoulder with

0% tension.


Raise arm forwardsand across body. Apply the second tail with 0% stretch around the back of the shoulder.


Using the centre technique, apply the final <I-Strip> over the AC joint with 50% stretch.


Cut and prepare lymph fan. Anchor with 0% stretch and apply tails with 15% tension in a wave pattern towards the ankle and over the swelling.


Calf Pain

Anchor the baseof a long <I-Strip> to

the lower calf just above the Achillies Tendon. Stretch the calf and apply tape

with 0% tension.


Repeat with the

other long <I-Strip> but on the otherside

of the calf.


Using the centre technique, Apply the

short <I-Strip> across the point of

pain with 50% stretch and anchor

both ends.


Requires: 2x Long <I-Strip> 1x Short <I-Strip>Position: Standing and Calf Stretched


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74 July 2015


DAY ONE - Friday 7 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.30am

10.50am Jamaica v Samoa

12.50pm Malawi v South Africa

2.50pm England v Scotland

4.50pm New Zealand v Barbados

7.00pm Opening Ceremony

8.50pm Australia v Trinidad & Tobago

Netball Central Preliminary Round Matches

Fiji v Wales

Singapore v Sri Lanka

Uganda v Zambia

DAY TWO - Saturday 8 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 10.00am

11.20am Fiji v Uganda

1.20pm New Zealand v Trinidad & Tobago

3.20pm Australia v Barbados

5.20pm England v Jamaica

7.20pm Malawi v Sri Lanka

Netball Central Preliminary Round Matches

Scotland v Samoa

South Africa v Singapore

DAY THREE - Sunday 9 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Wales v Zambia

12.20pm Trinidad & Tobago v Barbados

2.20pm Australia v New Zealand

4.20pm England v Samoa

6.20pm Malawi v Singapore

DAY FOUR - Monday 10 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 11.00am

12.20pm South Africa v Sri Lanka

2.00pm Special Event – Australian Netball Diamonds on court*

3.20pm Fiji v Zambia

5.20pm Wales v Uganda

7.20pm Jamaica v Scotland

DAY FIVE - Tuesday 11 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Qualification Round Match

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand V TBC

8.20pm Australia V TBC

Netball Central Qualification Round Matches

Two Qualification Round Matches

DAY SIX - Wednesday 12 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Qualification Round Match

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand V TBC

8.20pm Australia V TBC

Netball Central Qualification Round Matches

One Qualification Round Match

DAY SEVEN - Thursday 13 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 1.00pm

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm Qualification Round Match

8.20pm Qualification Round Match

* Australian Diamonds Special Event: To celebrate the Netball World Cup Schools Legacy Program and the World’s Biggest Netball Clinic, the Australian Netball Diamonds will make a special appearance on court, at Allphones Arena on Day 4, Monday 10 August 2015.

Please note the game times of Australian and New Zealand matches on days 5, 6 & 8 are known based on broadcast agreements.

DAY EIGHT - Friday 14 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 11.00am

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand v TBC

8.20pm Australia v TBC

DAY NINE - Saturday 15 AugustAllphones Arena Semi Finals + Play Offs

Doors Open at 8.40am

10.00am Play Off Match

12.10pm Semi Final 1

2.20pm Semi Final 2

4.30pm Play Off Match

Netball Central Play Offs

Four Play Off Matches

DAY TEN - Sunday 16 AugustAllphones Arena Finals + Placing Games

Doors Open at 8.00am

8.50am Placing Game

11.00am Placing Game

1.10pm Bronze Medal Match (3 & 4)

3.20pm Gold Medal Match (1 & 2) , World Cup Decider, followed by Closing Ceremony

Netball Central Placing Games

Four Placing Games

We invite you to peruse the Competition Schedule for NWC2015.

Matches can be subject to change, and will be communicated by NWC2015 to fans via should this occur.

It is important to note that Day Tickets are available to all Allphones Arena matches, while Netball Central Matches are allocated to NWC2015 Legacy Programs and are not

available for purchase.




7-16 AUGUST 2015

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DAY ONE - Friday 7 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.30am

10.50am Jamaica v Samoa

12.50pm Malawi v South Africa

2.50pm England v Scotland

4.50pm New Zealand v Barbados

7.00pm Opening Ceremony

8.50pm Australia v Trinidad & Tobago

Netball Central Preliminary Round Matches

Fiji v Wales

Singapore v Sri Lanka

Uganda v Zambia

DAY TWO - Saturday 8 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 10.00am

11.20am Fiji v Uganda

1.20pm New Zealand v Trinidad & Tobago

3.20pm Australia v Barbados

5.20pm England v Jamaica

7.20pm Malawi v Sri Lanka

Netball Central Preliminary Round Matches

Scotland v Samoa

South Africa v Singapore

DAY THREE - Sunday 9 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Wales v Zambia

12.20pm Trinidad & Tobago v Barbados

2.20pm Australia v New Zealand

4.20pm England v Samoa

6.20pm Malawi v Singapore

DAY FOUR - Monday 10 AugustAllphones Arena Preliminary Round Matches

Doors Open at 11.00am

12.20pm South Africa v Sri Lanka

2.00pm Special Event – Australian Netball Diamonds on court*

3.20pm Fiji v Zambia

5.20pm Wales v Uganda

7.20pm Jamaica v Scotland

DAY FIVE - Tuesday 11 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Qualification Round Match

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand V TBC

8.20pm Australia V TBC

Netball Central Qualification Round Matches

Two Qualification Round Matches

DAY SIX - Wednesday 12 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 9.00am

10.20am Qualification Round Match

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand V TBC

8.20pm Australia V TBC

Netball Central Qualification Round Matches

One Qualification Round Match

DAY SEVEN - Thursday 13 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 1.00pm

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm Qualification Round Match

8.20pm Qualification Round Match

* Australian Diamonds Special Event: To celebrate the Netball World Cup Schools Legacy Program and the World’s Biggest Netball Clinic, the Australian Netball Diamonds will make a special appearance on court, at Allphones Arena on Day 4, Monday 10 August 2015.

Please note the game times of Australian and New Zealand matches on days 5, 6 & 8 are known based on broadcast agreements.

DAY EIGHT - Friday 14 AugustAllphones Arena Qualification Round Matches

Doors Open at 11.00am

12.20pm Qualification Round Match

2.20pm Qualification Round Match

4.20pm Qualification Round Match

6.20pm New Zealand v TBC

8.20pm Australia v TBC

DAY NINE - Saturday 15 AugustAllphones Arena Semi Finals + Play Offs

Doors Open at 8.40am

10.00am Play Off Match

12.10pm Semi Final 1

2.20pm Semi Final 2

4.30pm Play Off Match

Netball Central Play Offs

Four Play Off Matches

DAY TEN - Sunday 16 AugustAllphones Arena Finals + Placing Games

Doors Open at 8.00am

8.50am Placing Game

11.00am Placing Game

1.10pm Bronze Medal Match (3 & 4)

3.20pm Gold Medal Match (1 & 2) , World Cup Decider, followed by Closing Ceremony

Netball Central Placing Games

Four Placing Games

We invite you to peruse the Competition Schedule for NWC2015.

Matches can be subject to change, and will be communicated by NWC2015 to fans via should this occur.

It is important to note that Day Tickets are available to all Allphones Arena matches, while Netball Central Matches are allocated to NWC2015 Legacy Programs and are not

available for purchase.




7-16 AUGUST 2015

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76 July 2015

For those of you that love stats then here it is! The FIFA Women’s World Cup Canada 2015 has been a huge success not just with the number of records that were broken but the feel good factor it created around the world and all the media coverage and “chat” online. As well as this the support and way that FIFA have run this World Cup is an example to other sports as to how it should be done, they are a true credit to women’s sport.

With all 52 matches played over 30 day tournament a total of 1.35 million fans attended. So aside from the USA claiming a historic third title here are some FIFA stats to enjoy and see just how far the game has come for women, its incredible and exciting to be a part of.

Attendance Stats

Total attendance: 1,353,506

Average attendance: 26,029

Biggest attendance: 54,027 for the Canada vs. England quarter-final in Vancouver

Seven matches had over 50,000 spectators in attendance

Canada 2015 set a new total attendance record for a FIFA competition other than the FIFA World Cup™

Competition Stats

Total of 146 goals scored

Average of 2.81 goals per match compared to 2.69 in 2011

Average of 173.7 duels per match compared to 155.5 in 2011

Average of 374.3 short passes per match compared to 332.2 in 2011 (England achieved a historic first victory over Germany after 18 defeats and two draws.

USA vs. Japan beat the previous record set in 2011 for the highest scoring Final in FIFA Women’s World Cup™ history

Carli LLOYD (USA) scored the first ever hat-trick in a FIFA Women’s World Cup™ Final

USA surpassed Germany as the top scoring team in FIFA Women’s World Cup™ history with 112 goals

TV stats

Canada: CTV and RDS broke the Canadian viewing record for any FIFA Women’s World Cup™ match (quarter-final: average audience 3.2 million)

FIFA World Cup in Numbers

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78 July 2015

USA: FOX scored its biggest ever audience for a football match (semi-final: average audience 8.4 million)

France: W9 achieved its best figures on record and set a new French digital terrestrial viewing record (quarter-final: average audience 4.1 million)

Japan: Fuji TV attracted more than twice the number of viewers for the semi-final than in 2011 (semi-final: 9.3 million)

Broadcasters in the following countries beat the highest TV audience for any match from the 2011 edition of the FIFA Women’s World Cup™: Australia, Brazil, China, Korea Republic and Norway

Digital Stats

20 million unique visitors to FIFA Women’s World Cup™ section, consuming 225 million pages and spending 7.8 billion seconds engaged

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178% increase in daily visitors to FIFA Women’s World Cup™ section compared to 2011

130% increase in followers for the FIFA Women’s World Cup™ Facebook Page to 662,000

81% increase in Twitter followers for @FIFAWWC to 222,000

37% increase in followers for FIFA on Instagram to 1.37 million

9 billion impressions of Tweets about the FIFA Women’s World Cup™

FIFA’s YouTube channel smashed its all-time monthly views record in June (28 million views vs. 19 million in June 2014 during the 2014 FIFA World Cup Brazil™)

Canada 2015 attracted 19 million views on FIFA’s YouTube channel, with 38 million minutes of content consumed. 7 million views in the United States, 2 million in Canada and 1.75 million in Japan during the competition. Plus, 15 hours of the 6th FIFA Women’s Football Symposium live streamed

Source: FIFA and Prozone Sports GmbH

Photos credit Myroslava Terlecky

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80 July 2015#LiveYourGoals /fi fawomensworldcup@FIFAWWC

The Live Your Goals campaign is part of FIFA’s long-term commitment to

support women’s football worldwide and encourage more young women

and girls to participate in the sport.



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“Courage is like a muscle. We

strengthen it with use.”

Ruth Gordon

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SPORTS International


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82 July 2015

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OUTSTANDINGA T H L E T EThere are so many reasons why Fran Kirby should be our outstanding athlete this issue. Fran is one of the people/athletes who when you first meet you instantly warm to, it’s hard not to like her. The humbleness, the smiley face and genuine love of the beautiful game is what makes Fran such a great athlete and person.

Fran started playing at a young age and joined her hometown club, Reading, at the age of seven and made her debut for the first team at the age of sixteen. Amongst her accolades, she was top division 2 scorer in her first year back in football after a break, won a gold medal with Team GB at the Uni Games, achieved 24 goals in sixteen appearances in the 2014 season, ending the season as the league’s top goal scorer and at the 2014 FA Women’s Awards she was named the inaugural WSL2 Players’ Player of the Year. Fran took nine goals in her first two league appearances for Reading this year prior to going to the World Cup, showing what superb form she was in. She scored in her first international

Fran KirbyBy Myak Homberger

match, a dream start to her career.

Fran has only been involved in the England senior squad for a year and yet in that time she has been player of the match, been to a World Cup and scored England’s first goal in the World Cup. Not a bad start for someone who only came back to football a couple of years ago. For me, what I love about Fran was the story surrounding her come back to football was her starting to play Sunday league and doing it because she loved it. To me that’s the story and the role model, Fran loves playing and she exudes that happiness and delight that’s contagious.

Aside from all the stuff fairy tales are made of, she also until the middle of July, played for a second division club (Reading WSL2 division) - the first player to be picked to represent their country from the second division. Add to this that she was dubbed ‘mini Messi’ (reference to Lionel Messi, regarded by many is the best footballer of the generation) during the World Cup as well

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Photo credit Myroslava Terlecky

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From Fran’s first appearance I and the team have been fans and I have so enjoyed watching her grow and succeed as she has, it’s been a pleasure to witness. Her passion for life, her love and enjoyment of football and the tangible love and closeness for her mother and all that she did and gave to her and how she holds that memory is moving. So for all this and more to come, this is the reason Fran Kirby is our outstanding athlete of this issue.

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as signing to Chelsea for a record £50,000 fee in July. This is someone who is doing it all and doing it at speed, but with a smile and relishing it. As she said to me, “I’m taking the challenges and loving the pressure,” and this she does full-on. To watch her train or listen to how she pushes herself even by her own admission, “...working hard is part of being at an international level and I take it very seriously, week in week out giving 110%”.

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By Myak Homberger

The stories of pioneering women in sport have always fascinated and inspired me, hence starting a feature in the magazine on pioneers.

What I have found so incredible is to be able to meet and spend time with some of these living legends; words can’t explain what it is like to sit with such amazing athletes and trailblazers of the modern era.

Dame Mary Peters is by no means an exception to this. She represented Northern Ireland in pentathlon and shot putt at every Commonwealth Games between 1958 and 1974. What an incredible amount of time to represent your country and aged 33, in her third and last Olympics Mary won gold in Munich in the pentathlon. As well as this she won 3 gold and a silver Commonwealth games medals in her career.

There are so many things that make Mary’s story so amazing, she finished 4th in 1964 and 9th in 1968, so to then win gold in 1972 was a huge comeback. Not only this, but in winning she set two new world records. First, she beat the local favourite Germany’s Heide Rosendahl by the

“I went to Munich believing I could win and that I wanted to.”

PioneersDame Mary Peters CH, DBE

Photo courtesy Dame Mary Peters

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smallest number of points (10) and gained the most number of points for the pentathlon 4,800. As Mary recounts, “I went to Munich believing I could win and that I wanted to.”

Although she was so focused on winning the thing I like whilst talking with her is that she still enjoyed it and it was an experience she was clearly enjoying and made her enjoy every minute. She knew how hard she had trained and the sacrifices she had made to be there. Mary recalls how because there were no training facilities in Belfast she had to walk and catch two

separate buses across the city to go and train, as she says, “all whilst bombs were going off” and whilst working full time!

Mary’s victory was marred by the troubles in Northern Ireland though and once again she proved what an amazing person she is. Death threats were phoned into the BBC after her winning saying: “Mary Peters is a Protestant and has won a medal for Britain. An attempt will be made on her life and it will be blamed on the IRA ... Her home will be going up in the near future.” Despite this Mary insisted on going back to

Photo courtesy Dame Mary Peters

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Photo courtesy Dame Mary Peters

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Belfast. She was greeted by fans and a band at the airport and paraded through the city streets, but was not allowed back in her flat for three months. Mary speaks so fondly of how she was welcomed and as she does you get the sense she sees people as people rather than a religion or sect or colour - and it’s this view that allowed her and continues to see her help so many people in Northern Ireland.

This was the era of the non-professional, the amateur and Mary was adamant that if she was an amateur that’s how it should be. She recalls a story to me of how after one event a gentleman who had promoted the event approached her

and offered her the equivalent of £1,000 to cover her expenses and she refused point blank. “I didn’t take it, I wasn’t going to take it and I didn’t want anyone to say I lost my amateur status,” she said.

These were times that are so different to today. There is so much talk about pay parity, prize money parity and the low pay and money in general for female athletes today and yet people like Mary funded their sport themselves whilst representing their countries as complete amateurs. One of the many things that stands out about Mary is her attitude to the women earning a living as athletes now and all that goes

“it’s been a wonderful life, I couldn’t change a thing. We did it for the travel and success and fun.”

Photo courtesy Dame Mary Peters

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90 July 2015

with it from sponsorship deals to agents etc. “I have no resentment for those earning a fortune from it now. You can only sleep in one bed, as long as they are putting something back,” Mary said.

As we continue to talk she is clear that the modern era and the last couple of years in particular have seen a lot of positives for women’s sport but she balances it with a caution to this generation that putting money over country and money over enjoyment and love of the sport isn’t right and that giving back is vital. She appreciates people need to earn a living but not at the risk of losing sight of why we all started competing.

She finishes by saying, “I was in the red when I retired, but it’s been a wonderful life, I couldn’t change a thing. We did it for the travel and success and fun.”

To Mary giving back is the key to it all and the passion and enthusiasm with which she talks is wonderful to listen to and be a part of. What I like as well is that she would do it all again in a heartbeat and not change a thing, not even money. What a great way to look back on your life and career, a truly remarkable pioneer.

Photo courtesy Dame Mary Peters

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“If I had to live my life again, I’d make the same mistakes,

only sooner.”

Tallulah Bankhead

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SPORTS International


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92 July 2015

Recipes and Tips sponsored by

The haricot bread companyHand-crafted Artisan Bread

No-bake fruit, nut and seed bars

Photo: Zac Peatling

Photo: Zac Peatling

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100g sultanas (or any chopped dried fruit or

mixture of dried fruit)

30g almonds

20g cashew nuts

20g sesame seeds

20g pumpkin seeds

10g sunflower seeds

230g porridge oats

80g butter, cut in pieces

80g light muscovado sugar

100ml honey

Recipes and Tips


Grease and base line a 20cm square tin with greaseproof paper.

Coarsely chop the nuts.

Lightly toast the nuts and seeds in a non-stick frying pan over a moderate heat until just beginning to turn brown (take care not to over-toast the nuts as they will turn bitter). Leave to cool.

Melt the butter, sugar and honey in a saucepan over a low heat, then simmer for about two minutes, stirring all the time, until slightly thicker and syrupy.

Photo: Zac Peatling

Put the oats and sultanas or dried fruit into a bowl and mix well, then mix the nuts and seeds in too.

Stir the syrup into the dry mixture quickly and mix well.

Quickly tip into the tin and smooth the surface (it starts setting very quickly, so you have to work quickly at both stages).

With the back of a clean dry spoon press the mixture down to smooth and even out the surface.

Leave to cool and set, then cut into 18 bars. Store in a tin or tightly covered with foil.

Good-for-you ingredients

Nuts are rich in protein, fibre and healthy fats, and contain high levels of anti-oxidants as well as vitamins and minerals.

Seeds are packed with nutrients such as protein, fibre, minerals, vitamins and omega-3 fatty acids.

By Isa du Toit

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94 July 2015

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you are now. To Dame Mary Peters, such a pleasure to spend time with you and learn from you. Ian and the 17 Management team for conducting themselves in such a different way, a real breath of fresh air! To “the Hannah’s,” such fun spending time with you and knowing that you have such a future ahead still is exciting.

To Nikki and INF, you are a shining example of how passionate and supportive governing bodies can be and to The Netball World Cup, thank you for all your info and help. Adam and Myroslava such legends, so committed to women’s sport and football in particular, thank you for all your help and positivity. FIFA thank you for not only providing access but also your support and the media packs you produce have been amazing. The World Cup was sublime, thank you!

So once again thank you for reading and I hope you enjoy this issue.

Thank you’sIt’s amazing to me that we are at issue 16 and 3 years down the road from the idea of doing a magazine, so firstly a huge thank you to all those who have read the magazine and passed it on. To all the athletes, coaches and support staff that have given their time so graciously. To all the governing bodies that have seen the vision and been so supportive, thank you.

A huge thank you to all our sponsors who are such great supporters of women’s sport and all they do behind the scenes - Laurent-Perrier, Spur Restuarants, The Biltongman, Performance Mouthwear, The Haricot Bread Company, Rugby Spy, Sporttape. You are a shinning example of people you believe in and are passionate about women’s sport, thank you.

As far as this issue goes, I would like to thank the whole of the New Zealand team both present and those past that I know and have spent time with, it’s been a privilege to watch you develop and grow into the amazing team

The views and opinions expressed by the writers in this magazine are their own and not necessarily those of Sports International Magazine. © Copyright 2015 Sports International Magazine. All Rights Reserved

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96 July 2015

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The Pro SportsMagazine

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Photo Papaya Photography

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Photo: Papaya Photography

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Photo: Papaya Photography


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Photo: Papaya Photography