sports - nys historic...

Middle island Mrs . Mildred Nassnu. SElden 2-b81S Mi. and Mis Htmo \dn of [ Arnold L)n\e attended the tin is- tening reception ot Let Pkitto Satuida\ at Mi. and Mis Joh n l liompson 's Kami in Go-lit n Mis Se ma Adei ot Biookh n was a u ek< « . uest ol hei son and daut'litei-in- aw , Mi. duo] Mi - Adei oil Am dd Dnve , and tool Mic ot hei "ian thildien dui mu Mi and Mi Ade 's \M upstate in Goshen Mu Ii. 11 ' . infant daiujitt i of Mi ami Mis . John Tomes ol \mhnt Kodd . was iluistene d Sainia\ it St Maivaiet ot Si ot land K C. I hin t h in Selden l> > the lie\ Kogi i Gueiault Cod pan nts aie th bao . \ - . m aiuimoihei. \li- Anne Fitts ol Rhode Is and . and i gitatuiu li . Sen no \\ ohm 1 ot Uhode Island. Immediately lollow in» tht chi stenine , i lanuk ptit\ was hold at the home ot Mi . and Mis . 'l out \ Mis . Mai j Molmoud of New 1 ork Cilj is a housi guest o\ ' h 1 .son-ri-la\\ and daiuhtti. Mi and Mis . Daniel Kelman of Rotk\ Point Road Ml s Mo n oud w ill \isit m Miild' e Island toi a couple of weeks Mi and Mis Da\id Kosi nbni ^ of Pine Cone Stiiet enu i lame , at a fanulj iiitle baibec ue Sun- day. Guests weie M and Mis Samuel Miller . Mi. and Mis Wil- liam Fo\ , Mi and Mis . Fdwaid Fox. Mi. and Mrs . Wa 't, i Sdi- nieder , Mi. and Mis . \ithtu Md- ki . Mr. and Mis Max Millo . Mis . Marion Millei , Mi. and Mis llvmaii Gieenbum, Beniamin Sli-m , Mr and Mis Pa\nl \lt ^ man . Miss Mildred tJinsbuig, of BiookUn . Moms Creenwald , Mis Sally Y OPIS of the Bronx. Mr. and Mis " Stanh y Moss , Mi. and Mis Bernard Watnik and Mi. and Mis . lljman Cone of Midd e Island Mrs . Fied Heddink of Middle Island Road is a patient at Bi ook- haven Memonal Hospital. The Middle Island Volunteer Fire Depaitment held a Field da\ June 18 at the Yap hank Fue Training Centu at 0 !0 am Mr. s Mihh ed Nassau of Swe/ey- town Road celebrated hei hiith - da\ at the Pine drove Inn , Patch- ouue , June 15 Dinner mu sts wei e her dauuhtei . Miss Glona Jean Nassau, an 1 Miss Myitle Ruland Miss Doroth\ Kiudn akei of Swezey Lane n centK ici eived an award for piofiiioiu v in aicount- ing by the National O ffice Manage- ment Association. Miss Kned- makei is a student at Poi t Jef- tei s t )n Seuioi Iliuh School and she will graduate this month fiom theie. Ph ¦ Middle Island Ci\ic Asso- ciation he d its meeting at 8:30 j) m. .luii' 1 10 at the Middle Island Piesb\ , terian Church. Independenc e day for the Es- tonians will be observed on June 2 1 A celebration will be held at 7 p m. at the Estonian Hall on Middle Island Boulevaid. There will be dancing and singing and teh( shmont w ill be served. Sunday sei vices at the Middle Island Piesbyteiian Church are Sunday school at 9:45 a. m. and morning w orship at 11 a. m. with nuiseiN care foi the children dur- ing the w orship boui. The Rev. Edwin t! Towiisend is pastoi. Cncle 1 ot the Woman s Asso- ciation met at the chin ch social hall at 1-10 p. m. June 12 and Cnile 2 of the Woman ' s Associa- tion held its meeting the same day at 8 p m at the manse. Sunday s ei vices at the Hol y Tnnitv Luthera n Church are wor- ship hour at ii- . '10 a. m and church school it 11 a m. The Rev. Fred- enek Abel is pastor. TRY OT R CLASSIFIFD COLUMNS Eleven Girls Receive Practical Nursing Pins Students of Newfield: PINS AWARDED—Miss Barbara Ingraldi , one of 11 girls receiv- ing practical nursing pins June 16 at Newfield High School , Selden , is given her pin by Mrs. Kathleen Reilly, R.N., school instructor. Miss Ingraldi is in first graduating class of students taking school' s practical nursing course. An historic and impressive ceremony took place last Friday eve- ning at Newfield High School , Selden , as the first graduating class in licensed practical nursing received their pins. The class of "11 girls was the first ever to complete such a course on eastern Long Island. The second class , composed of seven girls , who have comp leted their first year of training, received their caps as part of the eve- ning ' s exercises. Through the combined efforts of Central School District No. 11 and Brookha\ en Memorial Hospi- tal , the two-year course is made available to eleventh grade stu- dents who give promise of having adequate mental and ph ysical ability, interest and stability, to bo candidates for a practical nurs- ing pi ogiam. ^ J. Russell Clark , administrator of Brookhaven Memorial Hosp ital , said to the students and guests , "It is with great p leasure and in- terest that I am here tonight to congratulate and welcome these young women into a proud pro- fession. The idea of integrating a piactical nurses' couise into higb school cumculura was involution- al y in the nurses ' training field. If you do not do well , some will say, 'The high school program is a failure ' . If you do well they will say, 'The pi ogram prove ? that our young peop le can be trained during high school yeai s' . Tt is not going to be easy. How- ever , you have been around the hosp ital long enough during .your training to reali/. e nursing is Tro t easy. ... In conclusion , I would like to speak for Brookhaven Me- morial Hospital in say ing that it has been a p leasure to cooperate with the Board of Education and their lepiesentatives, Ward Fied- ler , John Westberg, Mrs . Reill y and Mrs. Johnson. I believe we have a fine program here and am happy to continue woiking with you. " Following the pinning and cap- ping ceremonies, the students took the Florence Ni ghtingale Pledge and were presented with awards. The Centereach Lions Club , repre- sented by Dr. George Hillman , president-elect , presented bandage scissors to each student capped. Anna Nicoli , R. N., chief of nurses at Brookhaven Memorial Hospital , presented each student with a pen and pencil set. All of the students taking- part in the practical nursing program are from the Lake Grove , Center- each and Selden areas. Those p in- ned included Barbara Anderson , Barbara Ingraldi , Carol Achock , Marie Leslie , Nancy Strong, Irene Powell , Georgina Tsleger , Kath- leen Ray, Michele Murph y, Judith Orris , and Lucy Lazzaro. Nancy Strong was the highest ranking student in the graduating group and received a college scholarship to fu rther her nursing education. Those students receiving their caps were Gail Bennett, Louise Will , Linda King, Arline Berger , Pamela O'Malley, Lois Lamplough and Flora Sates. The Advance is on sale at Byr- ne' s Stationery, Ruth's Stationery and Zieran ' s Delicatessen in Blue Point. —Adv. Cromarty Seeks Abstention Vote Decision Appeal Suffolk GOP Leader Aithur M. Cromarty is appealing a luhng ol the Appellate Division , which thiee weeks ago . b y a split 3-to-2 vote , said an abstention vote of a supervisor must be counted as a vote. Mr. Cromai ty, who is Babylon Town supei visoi , cast an abstain- ing vote last Januaiy at a regular meeting of the 10-member Board of Supei\ibois , m an attempt to halt the appointment of County Attorney George W. Peicy, Jr., and seveial other officials. Under the County Charter . County Exei utive H. Lee Denni- son may not cast a tie-breaking vote , unless all of the supervisors vote and are split 5 to 5. After the roll was called at the January meeting, with Mr. Cromarty ab- staining, Boaid Chaiiman William J. Leonard ruled Mr. Ciomaity ' s abstention was a no vote , and gave Mr. Dennison the right to vote to carry the resolutions. Justice L. Barron Hill , a month later , luled Mr. Leonai d was wrong and annulled the reso- lutions. The Democrats then ap- pealed to the Appellate Division and were successful when on May 31 , that court leversed Judge Hill' s decision. The decision said that a board member cannot be present and seek legislation by refusing to vote. Tuesday, Mr. Cromarty ' s attor- ney, Eugene Blumberg, filed a no- tice of appeal of the Appellate Court ' s decision. The final ruling will have to be made by the state ' s highest tribunal , the Court of Ap- peals , which is not expected to hear the case until the Fall. Mr . Dennison said that Mr. Cro- marty has every righ t to apeal. "But , " he declared , "I still main- tain every supervisor has the dut y to vote at all times. " ID Cards For Alcohol Use To Be Issued In cooperation with the Alcohol- ic Be/eiage Control Board and the Suffolk County Restaurant Owners Association , special dates and locations have been set up for the issuance of identification cards to those who have attained their eighteenth birthday and wish to be served alcoholic beverages. The schedule for these special dates is as follows: June 26 , Baby- lon Town Hall , Board Room , 200 Sunrise Highway, North Linden- hurst; June 27 , Ishp Town Hall , Court Room , Second Floor , Main Sheet , Islip; June 28 , Huntington Town Hall , Court Room , Second Floor , Main Street , Huntington , June 29 , Patcl ogue Village Hall , Room No. 7 , Baker Street , Pat- chogue. The hours on all these special dates are fi om 4 to 8 p. m. for the convenience of those who work. However , these identification cards can be obtained from the sheri ff' s office any weekday, Mon- day through Friday, from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m. at 219 Griffing Avenue , Riverhead. The only qualification necessary is a biith certificate or a photo- stat of a birth certificate. No other form of identification will be ac- cepted. There is no charge for the is- suance of these cards. For further information , the public mav telep hone the sheriff' s office. PArk 7-217G. j IT'S HERE--- IT'S NEW g J3 j | THE AREA'S ONLY ilTJjL* I I SURGICAL SUPPLY CENTER fpfegls j | PATCHOGUE SURGICAL Co. IMS f | JACK LEVIXE , Prop. ^^ r^T^^| i Trusses Supports Bells Hospital Beds 0 p W heel Chairs and Nursing Supplies 0 | S VLES and RFATVLS $ I PATCHOGUE SURGICAL CO. j I 27 W. MAIN ST., NEXT TO W T HELAN'S :: GR 5-2444 $ p iiiiiiiim 1 LAKE RONKONKOMA I i PORTION RD. SHOPPING CENTER 1 ! FREE f\ CIRCUS I | MON. THRU SAT. J*^~^ JUNE 26 - JULY 1 I I 3 SHOWS DAILY TgT /% \ ONE EXTRA SHOW I | 2:30 - 7:30 - 9:30 p. m. BV %^M f^ SATURDAY NITE , 10:30 pm. | 1 FPFr . -w2P^^ #^ ^^Sk ^I h % FRFF 1 I HAGAN-WALLACE WILD ANIMAL CIRCUS I I FEATURING 1 | SWEDE JOHNSON ^ - s^ | I and SULTAN [. \A Daring acrobats , perform- I I "The World' s \v^>*^ \ * ng an ^ ma ^ s ' clowns, uni- I H Largest Trained Lion " , % «-. ' /? l\ \ v __ . L ^ __. = | Wei ghing o^ er 1 ,000 pounds! ^44^ \ ** ' C°nt0rtl°mStS | | One of the most fearless ^^^ ^ \ jUgg lerS ' . acrobaUc acts > | | of all wild .animal train- /fc^ ^Tt^S^S^ if W ^^ I nctoans > trained pon- g | ers in a cage with his # # W ff rr^(^\\ (^ 1 ies > trained dogs , mon- 1 | man -eating African lions . *' , » \\LiMwm?\ .J.___ f i t i ^ | -face-to-face with the '( ( ^ ^M ft Jm ^ ^^ " I | most ferocious of all jun - jj rf \_/ y\ ^^TB acts ' 1 1 gle-bred animals ! \\ i \A \ l // _____ I 1 3 SHOWS DAILY ^|f> ffl/ 3 SHOWS DAILY f | FREE! > */t FREE! | | Join Our Big LOW PRICE Party Complimentary Discount | | RIDE TICKETS from the Shopping Center Merchant s | g ^ on recei\e complimentary discount ride tickets free. This ticket allows you B H to ride one oi the THRILL RIDES for ju st 15c instead of the usual 25c. 1 | TREASURE ISLAND MIDWAY | 1 A Fantastic GARDEN OF RIDES . . . Merry Go Rounds . . . Ferris Wheels . . . Airplanes you I jj can drh e jourself . , . Ponies . . . Elephants . . . Horses and Autos the Kiddies can ride ... 1 | j Rides that Loop the Loop . . . Lp-Side-Down Rid es . . . Rides that Travel Like the Wind. g sss jjJMBW^'^tw^'^J Wy1 If J*W . ' ' 'JIMt 1 .. '"' * B , "U|M 9W M9_wtmms 99W___________________mf*. s 1 FREE" m^__mm^^B FREE" 1 1 LAKE RO N KO N KOMA ! ( PORTION RD. SHOPPING CENTER 1 5diiniiiiiiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuiiiii^ i PrcTOlVFY ' ^l O DAYS ^ ^^^ ^^ Beginning j yilM| Thursday, June 22nd j RJlfl Get a _ Beautiful 5x7" j | jL j Picture of Your B aby 'JPteJ n A ^"^ _€* AGE LIMIT 5 YEARS ; <ii#K||; for Mm £ Vk ** °ne °r tw° ch n - ^m ^ ^S^ */ H ^^>jBf tographed SINGLY | : ^^^ &. ] child under five , :^ j mP ^^ ml $1.50 for the flr*t j ^^^J ^IS^S' Choote any one of several completely finished photographs . *. all j *4^^^P^^ O In different poses ... for only 49c* You will not be urged to buy, ^^^^^ r hut if you wish you can buy the remaining photographs at only .^^feaB^ ' *25 for tho flr*t/ ^* for the *nd qnc* 95c f - r OBy oddltlonol pIcJ i^^^^^^^ k tures bought In the store* ^^^^^^^ Monday and Friday—9 a.m. to 8 p.m. < JBl~ 4 UP PHOTOGRAPHIES HOURS: Tue., Wed., Thur . —9 a.m. to 5 :30 p.m. : - SlP ^ i^ W Saturday—9 a.m. to 4:30 p.m. . ^l||j|f|F Pixy Pin - Ups Exclusively at Penney 9 * ..tJW... . : , ¦ . ¦- - ¦ ¦ ¦ a* U\\t \\Z Slnung^ | 2|f LUNCHEON AND DINNER ' | -JT SERVED IN A CHARMING i 0 COLONIAL ATMOSPHERE \ I jL j e \\2 I EXCELLENT CUISINEj » ' Specializing in < STJEAKS , CHOPS and SEAFORD i COCKTAIL LOUNGE | ENTERTAINMENT NITELY \ I K DANCING SATURDAY NITE AIR CONDITIONED FOR YOUR COMFORT j Patchogue-Port Jefferson Road | Adjacent to 112 Motel S I MEDFORD, N. Y. :: ROUTE 112 :: GR 5-3112 | mf The lmmoi t ilized "jiound of fk^ir nia\ he tut out unless Putt hoyue \ illai^ e iesideiitb pa\ tin n ta\t s bt IOH > ,hil > 1. I s tht date aft* i wlm h thru' will he a penalty if the \ illaj ^ e tax bill isn 't paid. Deput\ Village Clei k CJer- t* uile kuwse , filling m for ( h i k Rorald Ulau who is at a 1 . S. \itny Reser\ e Tiain- liiu i amp, ^aid this week that tin Nilla ue O II HL will he open tiom !• a. in. to 4 p. m. each wet kdax and 11 om i) a in to neon each Satuiday to l eceive the taxes . Chei ks aie ai' iep tablo with- nit penaltN when postmaikt d en ii hefuie ,Iul\ 1. An addi- tional suin of a ptl cent loi tht fust month and one-half ol one pel cent lor each ad- ditional month and fraction theiealtei will be attached to tin bilK , which cover the pi I led fi om dune 1, 19(51 , thiough May . '$1 , 1%2. Village tax Bill Due On or Before July 1 Plans are presentl y under- wa\ to oigani/e a theatie grou]) lor residents of Brook- haven Town, according to Recreation Dnector James- E. Reese. A meeting was held June la , at which time inteiested parties confeii' etl with Mr. li. eese concerning pel form- ances for the coming Fall season. Fuither info i mation con- cerning tht theatie gioup will be announced soon . Pla n Theatre Group For Town Residents Sybelle Leads Patchogue Biz Softball League [ All indications point to a close lace in the Patchogue Business- men ' s Softball League this season . Fust p lace Sy bebe Carpets scoi- ed its fouith victory in five staits with a 4-1 victory ovei defending champion Watts Plumbing (foim- erly Patchogue Bowling Center). Foui Seasons Sports Center , win- ners of onl> two games last Sum- mer , equalled its 19(50 output with a 4-3 triump h over newcomer Lo- cal 2. '17. In the other game p lajed last week , Patchogue Lumber (foimeily Carl & Bob' s) won its second game in four staits with a 10-inning 8-7 victory over Lyons Ford. Charlie Bratisax went the route for the Carpetmen as the Sv belle hurler allowed just three sing les. He walked three and fanned six. Bob Brooks , the leading pitcher in the Biz League last Summer , with a 14-1 lecoid. went down to his second defeat. He allowed sev- en hits , including two by Jern Zimling haus . Sybelle scored twice in the hist inning and wiapped it up w ith two moi-e in the sixth . The Plum- bers ' onl y run came in the opening inning on a sing le b y Bill Cockerill and an error by i nji t fielder Mike j Ranieri. Al Rocklem was the winner as ! he suivived two late inning rallies b y the Teamsters to win out. With the tying run on second and two out in the seventh , he fanned player-manager Joe Noya for the final out. Teamster pitchers Cross and Noya combined to hold the Spoits- men to just two hits but a run in the fourth and thiee moi e in the fifth pioved to be theii down- fall. John Dulmovits ' single with the hasps loaded and none out gave the Lumbermen its victor y over Lyons Fold. The lattei had »one ahead in the extra inning gam" with a run m the top half of the inning on an error , a sacrifice and a single by Doug Wells. Both teams smashed 24 hits be- ' tween them , 13 by the victorious Lumbermen. Joe Martin had three while Clarence Maler , Steve Mus- so and Dudmovits had tw r o each. Malei ' s two hits v, eie doubles- while Bob Brouwer had a trip le. p\bille C u pi ts 200 002 0—1 7 1 Watts Plumbing 100 000 0 1 " , 1 HK\T1SA\ .i ii il li ZimluiKh.uis , BROOKS .mil Lum 1 oiu Si.isons 000 1'0 0—1 2 0 Local 2i7 100 (IDl 1 —i { 1 ROC KLI IN mil James , CROSS. Noji ( " >) anil Alias I Mins I ui (I 200 010 iOO 1—7 11 S Pat Lumbe —102 120 000 2 -S 1? 2 SC OTT and I.duau!- . MiC.INNUSS and Beebe. STANDINGS W L Pet. SMulli C.n iK-ts 1 1 \()0 Lot il 2 !7 1 2 000 1 mn S< asons 2 2 r >00 PitihoKiu I unibi i 2 2 "500 Watts 1 ' l u m b un 2 2 VM I,M.ns I oid 1 1 200 SPORTS ELKS AWARD—Joseph Hill , Newfield High School student , re- ceives savings bond from Bernard T. Hanley, exalted ruler of Port Jefferson Elks Lodge 2138, at last Friday ' s awards assembly in the Selden school. It was the first such award given by the new Elks lodge as part of the lodge ' s youth activity program. SELDEN—Charles Beckers was given the Balfour Award for meritorious sen ice to the school by Principal John P. Westberg at Friday ' s awards assembly of Newfield High School . Awards presented to students by outside organizations were: American Legion to Daniel Ingegno and Maryann Groeger bv Walter Skidmore ; Automobile Club of<s> America to Lorraine Trelewicz by Roger Wycoff; Beauty Culture Teachers Guild to Carol Piotrow- ski by Mrs. Ethel Smith ; Center- each Fire Department Ladies ' Auxiliary to Daniel Ingegno and Susan Seaman by Mrs. Roby Jen- ness; L. I. chapter , National Office Management Association to Bar- bara Connell , Anne Ruland and Anna Gross , by Ozzie Jones. Other awards g iven were by Middle Country Central School District 11 Secretarial Associa- tion to Anna Gross by Mrs. Marie Lavin , president; National Mathematics Association to Charles Beckers bv Stephen Tupper; Port Jefferson Elks Lodge No. 2138 to Joseph Hill by Bernard T. Han- ley; Cristo Award of Proctor and Gamble to Rosemary Perrino by Mrs. Tressie DeLizio; School Pro- jectionist Club of America to John Gyulay bv Bernai d Fox ; Sears Roebuck Foundation to Ruth Ficht by Ral p h Fiorelli and Underwood Corpoiation to Anna Gross by Miss Alice Ottun. After an insti umental solo by Dictmar Riccomini , Mr . Tup pet presented four scholarships on be- half of the Middle Country Teach- ers Association. Scholarships of $400 each w ere given to Nancy jStrong, Joan Contino , Daniel In- gegno and Andrew Junker. Awards for meritorious work in a school department or organiza- tion were pi esented by audio- \ isual to John Gyulay by Mr. Fox; chorus to Robei t Foell by James Truscello , band dn ector; Distribu- tive Education Clubs of America to Theiesa Wii ght by C. Curvin Thomas ; diamatics to Harold Kingsley (best actor) and Joan Spiehogel (best actiess) by Miss Hazel Supernaw ; English to Anna Gross by Mrs. Phy llis Lombardi ; Future Business Leaders of Amer- ica to Anna Gioss bv Miss Ottun ; Future Teachers of America to Kenneth Bogensberger by Mrs. Shirley Willi g; General Organiza- tion leadership to Daniel Ingegno by Cornelius Ryan; homemaking to Rosemary Perrino by Mrs . De- Lizio ; industrial arts to Robert Prohaska by Lawrence Barnett . Other awards given were by the language department to Miss Groe- ger (French), Joan Tedesco (La- tin) and Daniel Panessa (Span- ish), all presented b y Miss Berth a Petit; library to Teresa Anderson by Miss Virg inia Turrell ; Long Is- land Nature Explorers to Michael Osarchuck by Jost t/h Painter; mathematics to Charles Beckers by Mr. Tupper; Medietas (yearbook ) to Miss Spielvogel b y Mr. Painter; music to Harold Kingsley by Mr. Truscello; National Honor Societ y to Charles Beckers by Miss Ot- tun ; Quadrang le to Susan Se aman by Mrs. Lombardi; science to Charles Beckers bv Mr. Tupper; social studies to Daniel Ingegno by Charles Wedemeyer; voca- tional to Raymond Wheeler (car- pentry), Frank Camerlingo (elec- tricity), Nancy Strong (practical nui'sing) and Joan Bambara (beau- ty culture), all presented by Mrs. Ethel Smith. TO BE SUCCESSFUL ADVERTISE Beckers Gets Balfour Award at N ewfield HS NEW ADDITION Exalted Ruler Edward Gervey, left, places jewel of office on Past Exalted Ruler Harry Novick , who con- ducted dedication services Saturday night for air-conditioned extension to clubhouse of Patchogue Elks 1323 on East Main Street , Patchogue. Close to 250 members and friends attended event. Also present were Town Supervisor August Stout , Jr. and Patchogue Mayor Robert T. Waldbauer.

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Page 1: SPORTS - NYS Historic · Uhode Island. Immediately lollow in» tht chi stenine, i lanuk ptit\ was hold

Middle islandMrs . Mildred Nassnu. SElden 2-b81S

M i . and M i s H t m o \dn of [Arnold L)n\e a t t ended th e t in is-t e n i n g reception ot Let P k i t t oS a t u i d a \ at M i . and M i s Joh nl liompson 's Kami in Go-li t n M i sSe ma Adei ot Biookh n was au ek< t.i l «. uest ol hei son andd a u t ' l i t e i - i n - aw , M i . duo] Mi -Adei oil Am dd Dnve , and to olM i c ot hei " i a n t h i l d i e n dui muMi and Mi Ade 's \ M u p s t a t ein Goshen

Mu Ii. 11 ' . i n f a n t daiuj i t t i of M iami M i s . John Tome s ol \ m h n tKodd . w a s i l u i s t e n e d S a i n i a \ i tSt M a i v a i e t ot Si ot l and K C.I hin t h in Selden l> > t h e lie\Kogi i G u e i a u l t Cod pan nts a i et h bao .\ -. m a i u i m o i h e i . \ l i -A n n e F i t t s ol Rhod e I s and . andi g i t a t u i u li . Sen no \\ ohm 1 ot

Uhode Is land. I m m e d i a t e l y l o l l o win» th t chi s t en ine , i l a n u k p t i t \w a s hold at the home ot Mi . andM i s . 'l out \

M i s . Mai j Molmoud of New1 ork Cil j is a hou si guest o\' h 1

.son-ri-la\\ and d a i u h t t i . Mi andM i s . Daniel K e l m a n of R o t k \P o i n t Road M l s Mo n oud w i l l\ i s i t m M i i l d ' e I s l a n d t o i a c o u p l eof w e e k s

M i and M i s D a \ i d Kosi n b n i ^of Pine Cone S t i i e t enu i l ame ,at a fanul j i i i t l e baibec ue Sun-day . Guests w e i e M and M i sSamuel Mil ler . M i . and M i s W i l -l iam Fo\ , Mi and M i s . F d w a i dFox. Mi. and Mrs . Wa 't, i Sdi-nieder , M i . and M i s . \ i t h t u M d -k i . Mr. and M i s Max Mi l lo .M i s . Marion Mi l le i , Mi . and M i sl lvmaii Gieenbum , Ben iaminSli-m , Mr and M i s Pa \n l \ l t

^man . Miss Mildred t J i n sb u i g , ofB iookUn . Moms Creenwald , M i sSally Y O P I S of the Bronx. Mr. andMi s " Stanh y Moss , Mi . and M i sBernard Watn ik and Mi . and M i s .l l j m a n Cone of Midd e I sland

Mrs . Fied Heddink of MiddleIsland Road is a pa t i en t at Bi ook-haven Memonal Ho spital.

The Middle Island VolunteerFire Depai tment held a Field da\June 18 at the Yap hank FueTraining Centu at 0 !0 a m

Mr.s Mihh ed Nassau of Swe/ey -town Road celebrated hei hii th -da\ at the Pine drove Inn , Patch-ouue , June 15 Dinner mu st s wei eher dauu h te i . Mi ss Glona JeanNa ssau, an 1 Miss M y i t l e Ruland

Miss Doroth\ K i u d n akei ofSwezey Lane n centK ici eived anaward for p io f i i i o iu v in a i coun t -ing by the Nat ional Office Manage-ment Association. Mi ss Kned-

makei is a s tudent at Poi t Jef-te i st )n Seuioi I l i u h School andshe w i l l graduate this month f iomthe ie .

Ph ¦ Middle Island Ci \ ic Asso-cia t ion he d its meeting at 8:30j ) m. .luii' 1 10 at the Middle IslandPie sb\ , t e r ian Church.

Independenc e day for the Es-t o n i a n s w i l l be observed on June2 1 A celebration will be heldat 7 p m. at the Estonian Hall onMidd le I s land Boulevaid. Therew i l l be dancing and singing andt e h ( shmont w ill be served.

Sunday sei vices at the MiddleIsland Piesbyteiian Church areSunday school at 9:45 a. m. andmorning w orship at 11 a. m. withn u i s e i N care foi the children dur-ing the w orship boui. The Rev.Edwin t! Towiisend is pastoi.

C n c l e 1 ot the Woman s Asso-cia t ion met at the chin ch socialhal l at 1- 10 p. m. June 12 andC n i l e 2 of the Woman 's Associa-tion held its meeting the same dayat 8 p m at the manse.

Sunday sei vices at the HolyTnni tv Luthera n Church are wor-ship hour at i i - .'10 a. m and churchschool it 11 a m. The Rev. Fred-enek Abel is pastor.


Eleven Girls ReceivePractical Nursing Pins

Students of Newfield:

PINS AWARDED—Miss Barbara Ingraldi, one of 11 girls receiv-ing practical nursing pins June 16 at Newfield High School,Selden, is given her pin by Mrs. Kathleen Reilly, R.N., schoolinstructor. Miss Ingraldi is in first graduating class of studentstaking school's practical nursing course.

An historic and impressive ceremony took place last Friday eve-ning at Newfield High School, Selden, as the first graduating classin licensed practical nursing received their pins.

The class of "11 girls was the first ever to complete such acourse on eastern Long Island. The second class, composed of seven

girls, who have completed theirfirst year of training, receivedtheir caps as part of the eve-ning's exercises.

Through the combined effortsof Central School District No. 11and Brookha\ en Memorial Hospi-tal , the two-year course is madeavailable to eleventh grade stu-dents who give promise of havingadequate mental and physicalability, interest and stability, tobo candidates for a practical nurs-ing pi ogiam. ^

J. Russell Clark , administratorof Brookhaven Memorial Hospital ,said to the students and guests,"It is with great pleasure and in-terest that I am here tonight tocongratulate and welcome theseyoung women into a proud pro-fession. The idea of integratinga piactical nurses' couise into higbschool cumculura was involution-al y in the nurses' training field.If you do not do well, some willsay, 'The high school program isa failure '. If you do well theywill say, 'The pi ogram prove?that our young people can betrained during high school yeai s'.Tt is not going to be easy. How-ever, you have been around thehospital long enough during .yourtraining to reali/.e nursing is Troteasy. . . . In conclusion , I wouldlike to speak for Brookhaven Me-morial Hospital in saying that ithas been a pleasure to cooperatewith the Board of Education andtheir lepiesentatives, Ward Fied-ler , John Westberg, Mrs. Reill yand Mrs. Johnson. I believe wehave a fine program here and amhappy to continue woiking withyou."

Following the pinning and cap-ping ceremonies , the students tookthe Florence Nightingale Pledgeand were presented with awards.The Centereach Lions Club , repre-sented by Dr. George Hillman ,president-elect, presented bandagescissors to each student capped.Anna Nicoli , R. N., chief ofnurses at Brookhaven MemorialHospital , presented each studentwith a pen and pencil set.

All of the students taking- partin the practical nursing programare from the Lake Grove, Center-each and Selden areas. Those pin-ned included Barbara Anderson ,Barbara Ingraldi , Carol Achock,Marie Leslie, Nancy Strong, IrenePowell, Georgina Tsleger, Kath-leen Ray, Michele Murphy, JudithOrris, and Lucy Lazzaro.

Nancy Strong was the highestranking student in the graduatinggroup and received a collegescholarship to further her nursingeducation.

Those students receiving theircaps were Gail Bennett, LouiseWill , Linda King, Arline Berger ,Pamela O'Malley, Lois Lamploughand Flora Sates.

The Advance is on sale at Byr-ne's Stationery, Ruth's Stationeryand Zieran's Delicatessen in BluePoint.—Adv.

Cromarty SeeksAbstention VoteDecision Appeal

Suffolk GOP Leader Ai thur M.Cromarty is appealing a luhngol the Appellate Division , whichthiee weeks ago . by a split 3-to-2vote, said an abstention vote of asupervisor must be counted as avote.

Mr. Cromai ty, who is BabylonTown supei visoi , cast an abstain-ing vote last Januaiy at a regularmeeting of the 10-member Boardof Supei \ ibois , m an attempt tohalt the appointment of CountyAttorney George W. Peicy, Jr.,and seveial other officials.

Under the County Charter .County Exei utive H. Lee Denni-son may not cast a tie-breakingvote , unless all of the supervisorsvote and are split 5 to 5. Afterthe roll was called at the Januarymeeting, with Mr. Cromarty ab-staining, Boaid Chaiiman WilliamJ. Leonard ruled Mr. Ciomaity'sabstention was a no vote , and gaveMr. Dennison the right to vote tocarry the resolutions.

Justice L. Barron Hill , a monthlater , luled Mr. Leonai d waswrong and annulled the reso-lutions. The Democrats then ap-pealed to the Appellate Divisionand were successful when on May31, that court leversed Judge Hill'sdecision. The decision said that aboard member cannot be presentand seek legislation by refusingto vote.

Tuesday, Mr. Cromarty's attor-ney, Eugene Blumberg, filed a no-tice of appeal of the AppellateCourt's decision. The final rulingwill have to be made by the state'shighest tribunal , the Court of Ap-peals, which is not expected tohear the case until the Fall.

Mr. Dennison said that Mr. Cro-marty has every right to apeal."But," he declared, "I still main-tain every supervisor has the dutyto vote at all times."

ID Cards ForAlcohol UseTo Be Issued

In cooperation with the Alcohol-ic Be/eiage Control Board andthe Suffolk County RestaurantOwners Association , special datesand locations have been set up forthe issuance of identification cardsto those w h o have attained theireighteenth birthday and wish tobe served alcoholic beverages.

The schedule for these specialdates is as follows: June 26, Baby-lon Town Hall , Board Room , 200Sunrise Highway, North Linden-hurst; June 27, Ishp Town Hall,Court Room , Second Floor, MainSheet , Islip; June 28, HuntingtonTown Hall , Court Room , SecondFloor , Main Street , Huntington ,June 29, Patcl ogue Village Hall ,Room No. 7, Baker Street, Pat-chogue.

The hours on all these specialdates are fi om 4 to 8 p. m. forthe convenience of those who work.

However , these identificationcards can be obtained from t h esheri ff 's office any weekday, Mon-day through Friday, from 9 a. 4 p. m. at 219 Griffing Avenue,Riverhead.

The only qualification necessaryis a biith certificate or a photo-stat of a birth certificate. No otherform of identification will be ac-cepted.

There is no charge for the is-suance of these cards.

For further information , thepublic mav telephone the sheriff'soffice. PArk 7-217G.

j IT'S HERE-- - IT' S NEW gJ3 j| THE AREA'S ONLY ilTJjL* II SURGICAL SUPPLY CENTER fpfegls j| PATCHOGUE SURGICAL Co. IMS f| JACK LEVIXE, Prop. ^^r^T^^|i Trusses • Supports • Bells • Hospital Beds 0p W heel Chairs and Nursing Supplies 0

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Patchogue-Port Jefferson Road |Adjacent to 112 Motel S

I MEDFORD, N. Y. :: ROUTE 112 :: GR 5-3112 |


The lmmoi t ilized "jiound offk^ i r n ia \ he t u t out unlessPutt hoyue \ illai ^ e ies ide i i tbpa\ t in n t a \ t s bt I O H > ,hil > 1.

I l i . i t s th t date aft * i w l m hth ru ' w i l l he a penalty if the\ illaj ^ e tax bill isn 't paid.

Deput \ Vi l lage Clei k CJer-t * ui le kuw se , f i l l ing m for( h i k Rorald Ulau w h o is ata 1 . S. \ i t n y Reser\ e T ia in -l i i u i amp, ^aid th i s week tha tt i n N i l l a u e O II H L w i l l he opent i o m !• a. in. to 4 p. m. eachwet kdax and 11 om i) a in toneon each Sa tu iday to l eceivethe taxes .

Chei ks a i e ai' i ep tablo w i t h -nit pena l tN w h e n pos tmaik t d

en i i he fu ie , Iul \ 1. An addi-t i o n a l suin of a pt l cent loith t fus t m o n t h and one-halfol one pel cent lor each ad-d i t i ona l month and fractiont h e i e a l t e i w i l l be attached tot in bilK , wh ich cover thepi I led fi om dune 1, 19(51 ,t h i o u g h May .'$ 1 , 1%2.

Village tax Bill DueOn or Before July 1

Plans are presentl y under-w a \ to o igan i /e a th ea t i egrou]) lor residents of Brook-haven Town, according toRecreation Dnec tor James- E.Reese.

A meeting was held Junela , at which t ime inteiestedparties confeii ' etl w i t h concerning pel form-ances for the coming Fallseason.

Fu i the r info i mat ion con-cerning tht theatie g i o u p w i l lbe announced soon .

Plan Theatre GroupFor Town Residents

Sybelle LeadsPatchogue BizSoftball League

[ All indicat ions point to a closelace in the Patchogue Business-men 's Softball League this season .

Fust place Sybebe Carpets scoi-ed its foui th victory in five staitswith a 4-1 victory ovei defendingchampion Watts Plumbing ( foim-erly Patchogue Bowl ing Center) .Foui Seasons Sports Center , win-ners of onl> two games last Sum-mer , equalled its 19(50 output witha 4-3 triump h over newcomer Lo-cal 2.'17. In the other game plajedlast week, Patchogue Lumber( fo imei ly Carl & Bob's) won itssecond game in four staits with a10-inning 8-7 victory over LyonsFord.

Charlie Bratisax went the routefor the Carpetmen as the Sv bellehurler allowed just three sing les.He walked three and fanned six.

Bob Brooks , the leading pitcherin the Biz League last Summer,with a 14-1 lecoid. went down tohis second defeat. He allowed sev-en hits , including two by JernZimlinghaus .

Sybelle scored twice in the histinning and wiapped it up w ithtwo moi-e in the sixth . The Plum-bers ' onl y run came in the openinginning on a sing le by Bill Cockerilland an error by i nji t fielder Mike jRanieri.

Al Rocklem was the winner as !he suivived two late inning ralliesby the Teamsters to win out. Withthe tying run on second and twoout in the seventh , he fannedplayer-manager Joe Noya for thefinal out.

Teamster pitchers Cross andNoya combined to hold the Spoits-men to just two hits but a r u nin the fourth and thiee moi e inthe fifth pioved to be theii down-fall.

John Dulmovits ' single with thehasps loaded and none out gavethe Lumbermen its victor y overLyons Fold. The lattei had »oneahead in the extra inning gam"w i t h a run m the top half of theinning on an error , a sacrifice anda single by Doug Wells.

Both teams smashed 24 hits be- 'tween them , 13 by the victoriousLumbermen. Joe Martin had three

whi le Clarence Maler , Steve Mus-so and Dudmovits had twro each.Malei 's two hits v, eie doubles-while Bob Brouwer had a triple.p \ b i l l e C u pi ts 200 002 0—1 7 1Wat ts P lumbing 100 000 0 1 ", 1

H K \ T 1 S A \ .i ii il li ZimluiKh.uis ,BROOKS .mil Lum1 oiu Si.isons 000 1'0 0—1 2 0Local 2 i 7 100 (IDl 1 — i { 1

ROC KLI IN mil James , CROSS. Noji( "> ) ani l A l i a sI Mins I ui (I — 200 010 iOO 1—7 11 SPat Lumbe —102 120 000 2 -S 1? 2

SC OTT and I.duau!- . MiC.INNUSS andBeebe.


SM u l l i C.n iK -ts 1 1 \()0Lot il 2 !7 1 2 0001 mn S< asons 2 2 r>00P i t i h o K i u I unib i i 2 2 "500W a t t s 1 ' lumbun 2 2 VMI,M.ns I o i d 1 1 200


ELKS AWARD—Joseph Hill, Newfield High School student, re-ceives savings bond from Bernard T. Hanley, exalted ruler ofPort Jefferson Elks Lodge 2138, at last Friday's awards assemblyin the Selden school. It was the first such award given by thenew Elks lodge as part of the lodge's youth activity program.

SELDEN—Charles Beckers was given the Balfour Award formeritorious sen ice to the school by Principal John P. Westberg atFriday 's awards assembly of Newfield High School.

Awards presented to students by outside organizations were:American Legion to Daniel Ingegno and Maryann Groeger bv WalterSkidmore ; Automobile Club of<s>America to Lorraine Trelewicz byRoger Wycoff; Beauty CultureTeachers Guild to Carol Piotrow-ski by Mrs. Ethel Smith ; Center-each Fire Department Ladies'Auxiliary to Daniel Ingegno andSusan Seaman by Mrs. Roby Jen-ness; L. I. chapter , National OfficeManagement Association to Bar-bara Connell , Anne Ruland andAnna Gross, by Ozzie Jones.

Other awards given were byMiddle Country Central SchoolDistrict 11 Secretarial Associa-tion to Anna Gross by Mrs.Marie Lavin , president; NationalMathematics Association to CharlesBeckers bv Stephen Tupper; PortJefferson Elks Lodge No. 2138 toJoseph Hill by Bernard T. Han-ley; Cristo Award of Proctor andGamble to Rosemary Perrino byMrs. Tressie DeLizio; School Pro-jectionist Club of America to JohnGyulay bv Bernai d Fox ; SearsRoebuck Foundation to Ruth Fichtby Ral ph Fiorelli and UnderwoodCorpoiation to Anna Gross byMiss Alice Ottun.

After an insti umental solo byDictmar Riccomini , Mr . Tup petpresented four scholarships on be-half of the Middle Country Teach-ers Association. Scholarships of$400 each w ere given to NancyjStrong, Joan Contino , Daniel In-gegno and Andrew Junker.

Awards for meritorious work ina school department or organiza-tion were pi esented by audio-\ isual to John Gyulay by Mr. Fox;chorus to Robei t Foell by JamesTruscello , band dn ector; Distribu-tive Education Clubs of Americato Theiesa Wii ght by C. CurvinThomas ; diamatics to HaroldKingsley (best actor) and JoanSpiehogel (best actiess) by MissHazel Supernaw ; English to AnnaGross by Mrs. Phyllis Lombardi ;Future Business Leaders of Amer-ica to Anna Gioss bv Miss Ottun ;

Future Teachers of America toKenneth Bogensberger by Mrs.Shirley Willi g; General Organiza-tion leadership to Daniel Ingegnoby Cornelius Ryan; homemakingto Rosemary Perrino by Mrs. De-Lizio ; industrial arts to RobertProhaska by Lawrence Barnett.

Other awards given were by thelanguage department to Miss Groe-ger (French), Joan Tedesco (La-tin) and Daniel Panessa (Span-ish), all presented by Miss BerthaPetit; library to Teresa Andersonby Miss Virginia Turrell ; Long Is-land Nature Explorers to Michael

Osarchuck by Jost t/h Painter;mathematics to Charles Beckers byMr. Tupper; Medietas (yearbook )to Miss Spielvogel by Mr. Painter;music to Harold Kingsley by Mr.Truscello; National Honor Societ yto Charles Beckers by Miss Ot-tun ; Quadrangle to Susan Seamanby Mrs. Lombardi; science toCharles Beckers bv Mr. Tupper;social studies to Daniel Ingegnoby Charles Wedemeyer; voca-tional to Raymond Wheeler (car-pentry), Frank Camerlingo (elec-tricity), Nancy Strong (practicalnui'sing) and Joan Bambara (beau-ty culture), all presented by Mrs.Ethel Smith.


Beckers Gets BalfourAward at Newfield HS

NEW ADDITION — Exalted Ruler Edward Gervey, left, placesjewel of office on Past Exalted Ruler Harry Novick, who con-ducted dedication services Saturday night for air-conditionedextension to clubhouse of Patchogue Elks 1323 on East MainStreet, Patchogue. Close to 250 members and friends attendedevent. Also present were Town Supervisor August Stout, Jr. andPatchogue Mayor Robert T. Waldbauer.