sports performance 15 st. peter the apostle

Sports Performance 15 St. Peter the Apostle Foundations of Training (1) Lesson 2: Training Methods

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Sports Performance 15 St. Peter the Apostle. Foundations of Training (1) Lesson 2: Training Methods. Functional Training. A relatively new term in performance This is the _____________ type of training in sports - PowerPoint PPT Presentation


Page 1: Sports Performance 15 St. Peter the Apostle

Sports Performance 15St. Peter the Apostle

Foundations of Training (1)Lesson 2: Training Methods

Page 2: Sports Performance 15 St. Peter the Apostle

Functional Training A relatively new term in

performance This is the _____________

type of training in sports Combination of ________

components – Strength, Power, Agility, Balance, Core, Endurance, Speed, etc.

Other training types work in conjunction with functional training – ____

________________________ ________________________

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Functional Training What the fitness

professionals have done is _________ daily movements of the individual and look at more ________ ways to execute these ___________________.

The _________ goal is to make movements as efficient as possible.

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Functional Training – How? Depends on what the

_____________does for the majority of their sport.

Example: A hockey player would

do movements which mimic or _________ hockey such as single leg twisting drills to mimic getting hit by an __________ or drills which would mimic skating.

Page 5: Sports Performance 15 St. Peter the Apostle

Functional Training – When? The easiest answer to this

question is _____________! _____________an athlete enters

the gym, they should do some form of functional training.

It could be as a warm-up or as a cool-down or the entire __________________.

When an athlete trains, the focus would be on the i____________sport and/or goals. Ex: Lance Armstrong would focus on Power, Speed and Aerobic rather than building muscle like a _____________________.

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Functional Training – What? Exercise

Examples: ___________________ ___________________ ___________________ ___________________

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Functional Training - FITT Frequency: ___________per week Intensity/Repetitions: depends on

the __________________…try to do the exercise with decent form and an intensity which will have you fatigue around 6-12 or 12-20 repetitions. The more it is done the faster the message is learned by the _____________ connection. It also depends on the training phase you are in.

Time/Rest: Once again, depends on the intensity, but rest periods of _________ seconds are most popular. If the intensity is high, ________________will suffice.

Sets: Generally, 2-5 sets will be prescribed, again depending on the training phase.

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Circuit Training Circuit training is a

combination of _____ _________movements and _________________.

An exercise "circuit" is one ____________ of all prescribed exercises in the program.

Circuits can target different _____________ _of fitness – aerobic, strength, agility, muscular endurance, etc.

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Resistance Training Whether the goal is to

_________________________, develop better athletic _________________, or reduce body fat, the use of resistance training is an important component of any program.

The main ______________ that occur from resistance training include ____________, muscular endurance, hypertrophy, strength and ____________.

The tissue needs the __________ or it will not ______.

You do not need “weights”. Examples can also include ___________, medicine balls, ____________________, etc.

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Core Training The core region consists of far

more than just the ________________muscles.

In fact core strength training aims to target all the muscle groups that __________________and ___________.

It's these muscle groups that are critical for the ___________________from l_______ to ______body parts during many sporting activities.

From this solid, balanced base the limbs can be moved ___________ and ____________________.

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Flexibility Training Flexibility has been

defined as the _______ ___________about a joint.

A more _______ athlete is a more __________ athlete.

Dynamic (moving) stretching is the most common as a warm-up and static (stationary) stretching post-activity.

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Cardiovascular Training Focuses primarily on


It’s training the ________________of the heart, blood vessels, and lungs.

To train these areas, the athlete needs to sustain exercise over _______________of time.

Examples: ____________ ______________________

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Agility Training The ability to________and

________________change direction.

It includes the facets of _____________and ________________.

Need basic strength and _________ training.

Must incorporate exercises that involve changes of direction in the _________possible _________________.

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Balance Training Maintaining balance

means having the _______________within your base of _________.

___________the surface of your balance workout and different __________of balance.

Using weights, bosu balls, ______________all assist the training of an athlete’s balance.

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Speed Training It is the ability to reach a

__________________of movement in whatever mode of ______________.

Practicing moving and accelerating faster helps to condition the ______________ system to improve the firing patterns of fast twitch ____________________.

Two variations of basic speed training are _________ and ______ speed training.

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Plyometric Training Characterized by

___________________________in response to rapid, dynamic movement of the involved muscles.

A form of training for power – ___________

_________________ Incorporates ___________

movements. Examples include Box

Jumps, Bounding, _______________________