spring 2012

THE SNELLING CONNECTION Newsletter for the Hancock-Hamline Collaboration Spring Issue 2012 Volume 15, Issue 3 Page 1 New Co-Editors Announced A WHOLE NEW LOOK Check out our redesign! Thank-You READERS! for making this newsletter possible. Amanda, Tessa say goodbye as Zach, Isaac take on leadership [Photo by: Margot Howard] [Photo by: _________________] [Left] Snelling Connection class poses with Teacher Glynis Grostephen and outgoing CO-Editors Tessa Mortenson and Amanda Skevik. [Above] Incoming Co-Editors Zachary Knudson and Isaac Mullin join the Snelling Connection. Soon after Amanda Skeviki’s time at Snelling Connection came to an end, Zach Knudson and Isaac Mullin were introduced as the new co-editors. Skeviki has been missed, by Snelling Connection students a lot. Mullin’s opportunity in journalism began on April 4, 2012. Mullin had an interest in Snelling Connection by the ads that were posted up. While Knudson had an interest by his background in his past. Like any ordinary student, Mullin and Knudson have siblings. Mullin has four sisters and six brothers. “I love going home to both my siblings and my parents. Family is the most important thing in my life,” said Mullin. On the other hand, Mullin wants to stay in college for 4 years. After those four years, he wants to successes in becoming an elementary teacher. Mullin and Knudson are a great help to the Snelling Connection students. As for Knudson, he has 2 brothers, and 1 sister. “Absolutely! We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but my siblings have always been there for me when I need them most,” Knudson said when asked about how much he enjoys his siblings. Knudson also plans on staying in college for four years, and hopes to become either a teacher, or something in business. They both also help prepare the Snelling Connection students for the issue. Journalism and teaching are two specic things Mullin likes to do. While Knudson likes to teach and help people. Well Mullin wants to use his knowledge to help students learn. In his time as a teenager, Mullin had experiences in journalism. He started by working on his high school’s newspaper called The Pine Curtain. Meanwhile, Mullin additionally spent a semester working for Hamline’s newspaper called The Oracle. Knudson also got started working on a newspaper in high school, called The Crier, where he became the Editor-in- Chief. Both Mullin and Knudson were section editors for The Oracle for a semester. But even though Mullin and Knudson only has one semester at Snelling Connection, so far they’ve been enjoying it. “I love it! There is so much positive energy. I get excited for Tuesdays and Thursdays to be impressed by all the students hard work and creativity,” said Knudson. “Although I’ve only has one class period which I’ve been present for, I absolutely enjoy it. I have worked with many of the students already, and I know they will be just as fun to work with on the Snelling Connection,” Mullin said. Snelling Connection is ending soon this year. But Knudson and Mullin aren’t leaving yet. Hopefully, they will stay for a very long time. Writing is important to everyone. We write every day, it doesn’t matter how you write. Enjoy and appreciate writing. If you can read, you can write. By Mai-Lee Xiong Journalist [Photo by: Aydyrus Abdirahman]

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Spring 2012 issue of the Snelling Connection newsletter.


Page 1: Spring 2012


SNELLING CONNECTIONNewsletter for the Hancock-Hamline Collaboration

Spring Issue 2012 Volume 15, Issue 3

Page 1

New Co-Editors Announced


NEW LOOKCheck out

our redesign!


for making this newsletter possible.

Amanda, Tessa say goodbye as Zach, Isaac take on leadership

[Photo by: Margot Howard]

[Photo by: _________________]

[Left] Snelling Connection class poses with Teacher Glynis Grostephen and outgoing CO-Editors Tessa Mortenson and Amanda Skevik. [Above] Incoming Co-Editors Zachary Knudson and Isaac Mullin join the Snelling Connection.

Soon after Amanda Skeviki’s time at Snelling Connection came to an end, Zach Knudson and Isaac Mullin were introduced as the new co-editors. Skeviki has been missed, by Snelling Connection students a lot. Mullin’s opportunity in journalism began on April 4, 2012. Mullin had an interest in Snelling Connection by the ads that were posted up. While Knudson had an interest by his background in his past. Like any ordinary student, Mullin and Knudson have siblings. Mullin has four sisters and six brothers. “I love going home to both my siblings and my parents. Family is the most important thing in my life,” said Mullin. On the other hand, Mullin wants to stay in college for 4 years. After those four years, he wants to successes in becoming an elementary teacher. Mullin and Knudson are a great help to the Snelling Connection students. As

for Knudson, he has 2 brothers, and 1 sister. “Absolutely! We’ve had our fair share of ups and downs, but my siblings have always been there for me when I need them most,” Knudson said when asked about how much he enjoys his siblings. Knudson also plans on staying in college for four years, and hopes to become either a teacher, or something in business. They both also help prepare the Snelling Connection students for the issue. Journalism and teaching are two specifi c things Mullin likes to do. While Knudson likes to teach and help people. Well Mullin wants to use his knowledge to help students learn. In his time as a teenager, Mullin had experiences in journalism. He started by working on his high school’s newspaper called The Pine Curtain. Meanwhile, Mullin additionally spent a semester working for Hamline’s newspaper called The Oracle. Knudson also got started working on a newspaper in high school, called The Crier, where he became the Editor-in-

Chief. Both Mullin and Knudson were section editors for The Oracle for a semester. But even though Mullin and Knudson only has one semester at Snelling Connection, so far they’ve been enjoying it. “I love it! There is so much positive energy. I get excited for Tuesdays and Thursdays to be impressed by all the students hard work and creativity,” said Knudson. “Although I’ve only has one class period which I’ve been present for, I absolutely enjoy it. I have worked with many of the students already, and I know they will be just as fun to work with on the Snelling Connection,” Mullin said. Snelling Connection is ending soon this year. But Knudson and Mullin aren’t leaving yet. Hopefully, they will stay for a very long time. Writing is important to everyone. We write every day, it doesn’t matter how you write. Enjoy and appreciate writing. If you can read, you can write.

By Mai-Lee XiongJournalist

[Photo by: Aydyrus Abdirahman]

Page 2: Spring 2012

Page 2

Th e Snelling ConnectionNEWS

Faduma Yakob is the New Lead Tutor for the Hamline-Hancock Collaboration. Stepping into the position as Lead Tutor , Yakob is prepared to help manage the Hamline tutors. She applied for the job, got an interview, and received the title because she was most qualifi ed. The job is to schedule all the tutors into a classroom. Also, she does all the communication to the tutors, and has to

make sure all tutors are signing up for the trainings. She needs to make sure all the classrooms have help from tutors. She started training in this past January. “It really helped to have Faduma, because I don’t have time to schedule tutors to classes, it also makes it more manageable for me,” said Deborah Shipp, Assistant Principal at Hancock Elementary. Yakob will offi cially take over in September of 2012 and will carry out her duties as Lead Tutor through the 2012-2013 school year.

Collaboration Picks New Lead TutorFaduma Yakob chose to replace Cassy Popp next school yearBy Malee YangJournalist

[Photo by: Aydyrus Abdirahman]Faduma Yakob, the new Lead Tutor at Hancock-Hamline University Collaborative Magnet School.

Hancock Elementary has an unusually large amount of student teachers this spring; a total of seven. We were able to interview two student teachers who include Karin Johnson and Annika Graif. They usually student teach for 12 weeks. They chose Hamline because Hamline has a good schedule for working because it’s part time and also because most classes are in the evening and at night. They chose to be a teacher because their teachers were inspirations, and because they enjoy being around kids. Karin Johnson said they would start off as a substitute and work her way to becoming a full-time teacher. Annika Graif doesn’t really care where she ends up teaching, just as long as she gets to teach kids. Karin and Annika are willing to teach any grade, but if Annika prefers second through fourth grade or middle school for social studies. Both teachers-to-be are hoping to be teachers that are respected, but you never know.

Student TeachersSeven Hamline students practice teaching studentsBy Yee ThaoJournalist

Hamline student teacher Karin Johnson ready to dive into teaching kindergartners.

[Photo by: Tallese Graham and Emma Luchsinger]

Daniel Gerdes is starting a pen pal program between two different classes. While one class is in South Dakota, one is in Minnesota. Wounded Knee School is a school in a reservation camp for the Dakota Indians in South Dakota. He’s been involved witht this school since 2009, and he has been in contact with the teachers and administrators since 2008. He learned more about the situation on the reservation and felt that something needed to be done to help improve education. That’s why he chose pen pal, because it helps promote literacy, by improving writing skills as well as communication and reading skills. Along with a pen pal program, there will be a book drive to repopulate the Wounded Knee School’s library. He is going to ask the students at Hancock to bring in books they don’t use at home that are in good condition to donate to the Wounded Knee School.

“I think the conditions on the reservation [are] very, very poor. To help that situation, I would like to help promote literacy in the younger population to begin improving the quality of life for the Oglala People in Pinwridge,” Gerdes said. Pinwridge is a group of the greater Sioux tribe. Gerdes also said that the program will create a more comprehensive education by providing a more diverse selection of books for them to read. He is trying to connect the Wounded Knee School class to a Hancock Class. Mr. Lein’s sixth grade class is writing letter to the students in the Wounded Knee School. “I’ve never had a pen pal before and I’m really excited,” Student Angela Xiong said. Now that the letter have reached them, they have begun responding. “I really enjoy doing this and I hope I get a letter back from one of the students,” Student Ana Cabreello said.

Pen Pal Program EstablishedClass in South Dakota partners with Mr. Lein’s class at Hancock ElementaryBy Malee YangJournalist

Dan G, Hamline student tutor at Hancock-Hamline Magnet Elementary School, minutes before teaching Mr. Lein’s class.

[Photo by: Ana Caballero]

Page 3: Spring 2012

Page 3

Th e Snelling ConnectionNEWS

Every year, 300-500 million people are infected with Malaria. Even 3,000 die a day. What can we do to make this stop? Well, Daniel Campbell might have a way. Daniel Campbell Communications Assistant at Hamline University, and Deziree Brown, student worker at Hamline, are leading the project called “Imagine No Malaria” to stop Malaria from spreading and killing people around the world. Malaria is a disease that kills a child all around the world every minute. It comes from mosquito bites, but it’s 100% preventable and treatable. Campbell is working with a Hancock class to make art projects and put them in an art gallery. Campbell and Brown began to come to start the project at Hancock on May 8 with the second, third and fourth grade students from the Learning Center. All of the art projects completed will be displayed at Homewood Studios Art Gallery in North

Minneapolis on October 10-20, 2012. The students art projects are making a collage of how the world would be like without Malaria. After the art projects are on display, people can come to the Art Gallery and but the project, or just to see them.

Campbell created this event because it helps educate Hancock students about Malaria in Africa and so they can experience art. Also, he would like to see more Americans learn about and

start caring for those who have Malaria. “The best thing about this project

is that I can help Hancock students make a real difference in the world. Hopefully when you grow up, you’ll continue to use your creativity to make the world a better place,”

Campbell said. “I would love to do more projects like this!”

For more information about “Imagine No Malaria” go to www.hamline.edu/imaginenomalaria.

IMAGINE No MalariaBy Selene MohammadJournalist

[Left to Right] Daniel Campbell works with a student to create an art project; Daniel Campbell takes a break from working with students; Students work together to create an art project for Imagine No Malaria.

[Photos by: Rayan Dhamuke]

[Illustration by: Taw Bee]

One out of every four people in the world is starving, which is why for the third year, Daniel Campbell and Lisa Fralish helped put on the Empty Bowls fundraiser which raises money to end hunger in local communities. Students were able to make bowls for the event, which was at Klas Center at Hamline University. Not only did Hancock-Hamline Collaborative Magnet School students make bowls, but so did Hamline University students, Northern Clay Center, Fired It Up Studios, Edina Art Center, Bungalow Pottery, Dock 6 Pottery, Yali You, Halley Sobeck, Hmong Academy, Michael Ziomko, and other local artists. “I had fun making the bowls,”

said one Hancock student. “I think that helping the hungry is very necessary.” The event was on April 2, and lasted from 11 am to 7 pm. Those who came would choose a bowl made by members throughout the community, get soup, and participate in activities. A variety of community organizations helped by donating soup. Organizations included Salut, Cafe LAtte, Saffron Restaurant and Lounge, Seward Co-op, The Wedge, Gingko Coffeehouse, Jefferson’s Pub and Grill, Jane Southwood and the Mississippi Market. Everyone was welcome to attend. Many attendants were able to learn more about hunger in Minnesota. “In Minnesota, people are more likely to be hungry,” said Fralish. Participants at Empty Bowls were able to donate money to help fi ght

hunger in Minnesota. Those who did were able to take a bowl home. Over 200 people attended, and 2,081.31 were raised and split between Keystone & Community Service, and the White Earth Land Recovery Project.

Empty Bowls raises awarenessEvent educates students, community members about hunger in MinnesotaBy Keleenah YangJournalist

Daniel and Lisa, from Hamline University, with Hancock Hamline Snelling Connection Editor Keleenah Yang.

[Photo by: Najma Ali]

Page 4: Spring 2012

Page 4

Th e Snelling ConnectionFEATURE

Snelling Connection Updates

JournalistsKeleenah Yang | 6th GradeKhalaya Cummings | 6th Grade Mai Lee Xiong | 6th GradeNajma Ali | 6th GradeSelene Mohammed | 6th Grade

Web Design EditorsAlyssa Xiong | 5th GradeDeka Abdi | 6th GradeMalee Yang | 6th GradeNewal Mohamed | 6th Grade

Photographers Aydyrus Abdirahman | 4th GradeEmma Luchsinger | 4th GradeRayan Dhamuke | 5th GradeTallese Graham | 6th GradeTaw Bee | 5th Grade

Illustrator Jeffrey Otis | 6th Grade

SC Student Leader & BloggerYee Thao | 6th Grade

Alot of changes are in the making for this publication. Not only is there new leadership, we have also redesigned the style of the publication itself. Next year, students will vote to pick an official logo and slogan for the Snelling Connection publication. On behalf of all individuals who work hard with the Hamline-Hancock collaboration, thank you to those who will be leaving positions after the end of this school year, particularily Pres Martin of Hamline, and Co-Editors Amanda and Tessa. Your leadership has made the collaboration strong and powerful. A warm welcome to those who are joining the collaboration in the next upcoming school year. It’s important that we continue to strive to make this partnership as strong as possible in order to create a more successful future for alll students. We do that, by keeping one core belief in our head - College begins in Kindergarten! — Zachary Knudson

Snelling Connection Staff

“Impossible!” screamed in my head “...will we even make it to the middle?” This river would lead us to refugee camps where we would be taught, then led, to another country to settle (the United States, France, or anywhere else). Kaozoupa Elizabeth Lee ‘s journey to college included writing about the risks her father, and his family, took when they crossed the Mekong River to escape war in Laos. This story also gives us a hint of Elizabeth’s inherent determination to achieve during her life. At Hancock School, Elizabeth worked hard and took advantage of all the wonderful opportunities available. She became Hancock Student Council President, helping with many service-learning projects. She was part of an “Odyssey of the Mind” team, winning third place in competition. She researched and prepareda project on China for the Minnesota Geography Fair. And, Elizabeth was selected to appear on a Dragonfl y TV episode about tornadoes! Elizabeth also benefi tted from the Hancock/Hamline pairings. She helped with the fi rst Earth Day Festival; took part in Mock Trials in fi fth grade at the Hamline University School of Law; and she took part in a grade level collaboration with Gifted Services and the Women in Natural and Social Sciences that provided experimentsto get students interested in the sciences. Elizabeth also was part of a debate group stemming from a Kids Voting kick off presented by David Hudson and David Schultz from HamlineUniversity. She studied the issue of school uniforms and during a Kids Voting election, Hancock voted against having school uniforms. In sixth grade Elizabeth wrote this in the Snelling Connection:

“I think Hamline is a great benefi t to Hancock students. It has so much to offer and I think it’s great they share their auditoriums and campus grounds with us. Hamline means a lot to me and I think it also means a lot to others, both staff and students.” Kids’ Corner, November 2000 Not only did Elizabeth had many Hamline experiences and Hancock experiences in elementary school, she became: a Girl Scout Gold Award Recipient, 2003 Saint Paul Winter Carnival Queen of the Snowfl akes, 2006 United States Senate Youth Program Participant, U.S. Department of State Intern, Summer of 2010, Laos, and lastly a translator for Assistant Secretary of State, Eric Schwartz and U.S. Senator, Al Franken. Her journey led to college and on May 23, 2011, Elizabeth graduated from Yale University! Her plans are to attend Law School and/or Graduate School for International Relations. With hard work and determination, nothing is impossible for Elizabeth.

SC Co-EditorsZachary Knudson | Hamline StudentIsaac Mullin | Hamline StudentTessa Mortenson | Hamline StudentAmanda Skeivik | Hamline Student

The Road to YaleCollege Begins in Kindergarten!By Glynis GrostephanSnelling Connection Instructor


[Submitted Photos]

Give your gift @ www.hamline.edu/hancock today!