spring solstice channelling 2005


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Channelled through Michelle Eloff©


Johannesburg, RSA

This information may be shared with other sources on strict conditions that no information is altered or deleted and the source of the information be acknowledged.


Please note that reading this information will have an effect on you. You will energetically be linked with the Channeling being and a similar process faciltated with you. It is not exactly the same as being in the presence of the channeling Master, however the effects are just as powerful. Do not concern yourself too much regarding time lines given to the participants in the channeling. You will be taken through a similar one in accordance with your Divine Plan,Timing & Purpose.

I am Kuthumi and I come forward upon the rays of love and wisdom to greet each of you at this time and to bring unto you the blessings of harmony, of abundance, of peace, and of vitality. Greetings, Beloved Ones.

Greetings, Lord Kuthumi.

And it is with great joy and pleasure in our hearts that we may gather with each of you upon this day as we hold you firmly within the heart of Christ and securely upon the hands of God.

Beloved ones, as we stand in the presence of all that is, we draw your energy into the sun temple of the Christed consciousness, and come together in celebration of your Spring Solstice. This is a time when energy is renewed and you undergo a very deep transformation as you pass through the last phase of the inner world of self discovery and introspection, and rise into the light of a new cycle to meet the sun, and the new opportunities life presents you with. The renewed energy of springtime is one that can bring with it highly volatile energies; the reason being for the southern hemisphere specifically, your spring time falls in the month of September which in itself is a time of great change, one in which you are undergoing the shift of consciousness that you have been working through from the month of January and as you step into the vibration of September you begin dropping that which you have journeyed through for the past 9 months. September is your labour month so to speak, the time when you feel the discomfort of the contractions that bring about the shedding of the old ways, preparing for the renewed energy to be born into the new world you have created for yourself. It is the time of endings and new beginnings, therefore many of you may be finding yourself swimming through rough seas, and doubting at times if you will ever find the shore or calmer waters again. Have faith, beloved ones, for it is before you.

You have come to integrate the light of the Solar Consciousness Plan of Renewed Life. This is the time when the Solar Masters gather together with Lord Ra in the Solar Temple and

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bring forth the new vibrations which inspire each person to awaken to the dawning of a new day, and embrace the power and light resident within each person, so as to embark upon a new phase of life and purpose. The solar consciousness plan is linked to your sun chakra. This is the chakra located between your base and sacral chakra. This chakra enhances the vibrations of inspiration that motivate your creative force. As you anchor this plan in your energy field and your chakric system upon this day you set in motion a new plan as well as furthering the activation of dormant DNA. The consciousness resident within dormant DNA embodies power beyond your current consciousness ability to imagine. The choice to embark �upon the path of self discovery in itself initiates activations of dormant energy which bring to the fore what is perceived as latent talents as well as surges of energy that previously you were not accustomed to experiencing, therefore be prepared beloved ones to experience an increase of energy, including mental and physical activity, and vitality. What you do with this energy is vital, for if you do not give it an avenue of expression beloved ones, it will cause disharmony in your physical body resulting in feelings of agitation, irritation and frustration. Any creative force not expressed becomes a self destructive energy. This is the main reason why we, the masters of light, encourage each of you to indulge in creative activity for it gives your system an avenue of expression. When one contains energy meant to be expressed one creates an internal eruption which is destructive rather than creative. Your inherent blueprint requires creative expression. All of you have been created in the image of Father-Mother God, the greatest creators of all time. Because you are an image of this mighty creative force, there is no avoiding your creative need. You will find as the new energy continues to be integrated over the months and years that lie before you, creativity will become one of the most important activities of your daily life. Without the creative expression as part of your regime you will experience a sense of limitation, irritation and frustration, as I have already mentioned. All of you here today, and those who will come to read these words or hear these words again, are the grounding mechanisms for the new templates of creative energy. Your world will be swept away by this new force. It is not a destructive force. It is not one that will remove people from the planet. What it will do however is remove people from their sense of isolation, the feeling of stagnation and the sense of being in a state of suspended animation. You will come to experience the kiss of life that comes with the new surge of energy, known as creativity.

This energy will awaken within you your prosperity consciousness and will activate the divine consciousness of acceptance inside of you which triggers the acceptance of the affirmation of truth. This affirmation of truth is accepting your divine right to be on earth and to manifest your needs as met, your divine right to be accepted and to accept divine abundance. Beloved ones, you have all reached a time in your personal awakening as a soul on the planet of higher learning where now you must embrace prosperity consciousness and actively integrate the consciousness of abundance. Your world is moving into eigth dimensional consciousness. The vibration of which is abundance, and unlimited in its expression. Your responsibility as co-creators comes under the spot light, for you will be shown the power as a co-creator inherent within you. You will witness how your thoughts, your conditionings, and your mind determine the quality of the abundance you create. Therefore know this, should you choose to focus on negativity know you will create it in abundance, for whatever you focus on will come to you in abundance. You will see that what you are within will be reflected in the world around you, therefore whatever change you desire to see in your world you must become in order for it to come to life. And this, beloved ones, is the Solar Consciousness Plan of Renewed Life. You bring the plan to life, for you are the encoders of this divine plan for the physical world you are a part of.

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Present with you in this place now are the Solar Lords of Light. Archangel Michael oversees and facilitates this particular activation alongside Lord Ra. I ask each of you now to close your eyes and to hold your concentration on the point between your base and sacral chakras. This is your sun chakra. Imagine that area of your body growing warm with the solar energy of Father-Mother God, beginning to activate itself in your physicality. If you cannot physically feel it, imagine what it would feel like. Take a deep breath in through your nose, and exhale through your mouth, relaxing your body and becoming aware of how you feel physically. Continue to breathe in deeply through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, and allowing all the muscles in your body to relax and become soft. In your mind call upon the presence of Father-Mother God; ask that this presence surrounds all your bodies. Call upon your Master Guide it matters not whether you know this beings name or not. Call upon � �all the Lords and Ladies of Love and Light who guide you and work with you, and through you. Call upon any other Being of Light whom you have a close relationship with. Ask Archangel Michael to merge his energy with yours. Ask Lord Ra to merge his energy with yours. And ask the Solar Lords of Light to merge their energy with yours. Now imagine yourself standing in the centre of a great big sun. The sun is a force of light, a source of creativity and energy. Feel the sun warm you and inspire you. Acknowledge that this body of light has no intention to harm you in any way whatsoever. It is one with you, for it is reflected within your being. This is what you now know as your sun chakra.

While standing in the centre of this body of light take a moment to reflect on your past and how you have utilized creativity to manifest solutions or find answers to questions that have been pressing upon your heart and mind. It is vital to bear in mind that creativity is any force of energy that manifests life. Creativity is not limited to the art of drawing, painting or sculpting. It is not limited to sewing, or to carving for example. Any energy that gives life is creative.

The Solar Lords ask you to now take your attention and focus on what you perceive as being a creative talent or gift. All of you have some kind of creative talent. Remember not to limit your perception of creativity. The Solar Lords now ask you if you wish to focus on strengthening this creative talent or if you wish to give birth to a latent talent, and if so, what is your choice. Now imagine yourself utilizing your enhanced creative ability or the revived creative ability. See it growing within you. Imagine it bringing answers to your questions. See its force breaking through walls of defense. Imagine it dismantling fences of limitation. Take a deep breath in through your nose and take this creative energy and move it into your sun chakra. As you continue to breathe in deeply and exhale fully imagine this creative power growing in strength as it becomes one with the fibres of your sun chakra. Imagine your mind, your body and your emotions becoming stronger, more centred and more alive as this creative presence begins a wave of vibration through your body. Imagine this wave of energy dismantling the old limited programs of conditioning trapped within your selves. Imagine your cell receptors responding to this creative energy and purging the poverty consciousness. Imagine your cell receptors opening and purging all negativity consciousness. Imagine yourself spitting this energy out. Visualize every pore of your skin opening and purging poverty consciousness, and all negativity consciousness. Imagine your body evicting every memory of fear, every belief in fear, and every attitude motivated by fear. Chase it out. Use the rays of your sun chakra to melt it, to burn it, and release it. Now open the receptors of your brain that respond to negativity and allow any memory of a person, a time or a place come to mind. Be spontaneous and trust that whatever is in your mind now is appropriate. Call Archangel Michael forward to stand before you. Ask him to utilize his mighty sword of truth and to slice through the attached cords of illusion that keep this memory alive in your

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conscious and sub-conscious self. Now evoke the power of your sun chakra. Imagine the rays of this creative force emerging and enveloping this memory. Burn it or melt it, and release it. Take a deep breath in through your nose, exhaling through your mouth, allowing all the new energy to flow through your body. The renewed life force is already coursing through your energy field, and is being activated in your chakric system.

Now think of abundance and imagine having everything that would make your life easy and comfortable as being in your life abundantly. An abundance of money, an abundance of love, an abundance of peace, of joy, support, an abundance of sincere friends, an abundance of creative energy, an abundance of physical energy, an abundance of happy thoughts, an abundance of motivation and inspiration. Be aware if any part of you resists the belief that this can be a part of your life, and feel where in your body this resistance is located. Those of you feeling resistance focus on the point in your body where you perceive the resistance to be held. Now evoke the creative power of the solar energy in your sun chakra and call upon the support of the Solar Lords and imagine this resistance being enveloped in the solar light. Now call upon the divine essence of Father- Mother God and imagine this essence penetrating the very core of this resistance. And now imagine this divine essence which has penetrated the core of your resistance to begin expanding within the resistance, and exploding and obliterating that force of resistance. Use the solar energy to melt all the fragments of resistance or to burn the fragments of resistance. Breathe in deeply and exhale fully. Allow yourself to have energy in your body, and allow yourself to release that which you no longer need. Now take a moment to scan your body from head to foot, using your creative energy in any way you can creatively imagine it and pinpoint intuitively any other point of resistance in your body. You may experience this as a halting of focus, suddenly stopping at a point in your body, feeling numbness, feeling a tingle. Trust your intuition.

Now repeat the process of evoking the solar power of your sun chakra and calling upon the solar power of the Solar Lords. Use this energy to enfold the resistance in your body. Call upon the divine essence of Father-Mother God to penetrate the very core of the resistance or the blockage in your body. Take a deep breath and imagine this divine essence of Father-Mother God expanding and exploding, obliterating the sense of resistance or limitation. Then use your solar energy to melt or burn away the fragments of resistance and limitation. Breathe in deeply and exhale as you allow your body to release, to let go and surrender.

Now give your creativity a form. It could be a symbol, a shape, even something you are familiar with. Acknowledge that this symbol, shape or form that you see now is your creative trigger. Every time you need an answer to a question or a solution to a problem, inspiration or motivation, each time you need your energy to be uplifted or simply to feel re-connected with God, imagine this symbol and each of you must draw it and keep it where you will see it most often. Your personal master guide now encodes your creativity trigger through your conscious, your subconscious and unconscious mind. Encoding the trigger in this manner supports you on all levels, therefore even in the throes of emotions or fear your creativity trigger will be activated and you will be able to tap into the creative force of the universe to bring solutions or whatever else it is you require to bring you back into centeredness and focus. Now when you are ready, take another deep breath in, exhaling through your mouth and in your mind please repeat after me:

"I call upon the divine essence and power of Father-Mother God. I command that my creative force be released into its full creative power and in so doing bringng with it my memory, my ability and my inner knowing that it is safe to trust this quality to bring balance, peace and

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truth to my life. I call upon the divine essence, power and light of Father-Mother God and the Solar Lords of the Light, and I ask that all conditionings of limitation, of poverty consciousness and attitudes of limitation and deprivation be released from my body cellularly, from my mind unconsciously, subconsciously, and consciously, under grace in perfect harmonious and miraculous ways. I call forth the creative force of all that I am and command my fully mastered and Christed self of the light to merge with and become one with my current self, and in so doing liberating me from the limitations of the collective consciousness �attachment to fear, to poverty, to victim and conditional love consciousness. I command liberation from the third dimensional old paradigm of poverty and I command the full integration of the light of prosperity consciousness now. I command the full power and divine love expression of my creativity to come forth and become one with my physical self, by emotional self, my mental and spiritual selves. I command this be anchored now. I command the full divinity of my solar consciousness become fully aligned and at one with the divine essence of Father-Mother God and in so doing fully activating my solar consciousness plan of renewed life and freeing me to fear-less-ly embrace my new life, motivated by the divine inspiration of the creative expression of solar love. I ask that this manifest NOW under grace in perfect, harmonious and miraculous ways, and so be it."

Take a deep breath in beloved ones, exhaling through your mouth, feeling the energy root itself in your base chakra. Take another deep breath in and as you exhale feel it root itself in your sun chakra. Deep breath in and as you exhale root these words in your sacral chakra. Deep breath in and root your new consciousness in your solar plexus chakra. Deep breath in and anchor your affirmations in your heart chakra. Deep breath in and root the new creative force in your throat chakra as you exhale. Deep breath in and anchor your intention in your third eye chakra. Deep breath in and embrace all you have intended for today in your crown chakra. And as you breathe in again imagine the solar power of your sun chakra wrapping itself around your body and sealing in all the new energy you have intended and called for. Now allow yourself to find a steady and comfortable rhythm of breathing.

Beloved ones you have successfully anchored your Solar Consciousness Plan of Renewed Life. You have activated the new creative template of prosperity within your cellular structure. You have also added to the further awakening of your dormant strands of DNA that contribute to the full activation of your creative abilities in their full force. This particular activation will stimulate the use of your brain to a greater capacity. This will heighten your senses physically and psychically. Your awareness will become sharper. Your ability of observation will become acuter. This will expand your ability to absorb more information consciously and to utilize it in service to yourself and for the greater good of the whole. This deeper connection with the collective creative force and divine essence of Father-Mother God will assist you in serving the greater plan of life and for humanitys ascension process. �

All you are required to do beloved ones is do what you do best and God will take care of the rest. The universe supports action. The time has come to respond to your inspiration and to allow yourself to dream your dreams to life, to entertain the magic inside of you. You are the master builders of the new template which is to become the foundation upon which the temple of Golden Consciousness is to be constructed. It is your emanations of creative force with the other light workers upon your planet who are doing similar work. This collective connection is what will carry all of you into the new world. We, the Lords of Light trust in your abilities to bring new life to life. We know your full potential. We have seen you in action, beloved ones. No longer do you have to fall victim to your victim consciousness. You are free to explore the creative template of the universe. Use this power wisely, and go forth and create.

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Beloved ones imagine your body anchored fully upon the earth, and breathe all of your consciousness back into your physical body, grounding yourself. Place both your feet firmly on the earth, and breathe all your energy back into your body. Stretch your legs out; rotate your ankles and your wrists.

Now we shall take any questions. Please proceed when you are ready.


Lord Kuthumi, I was yawning through the whole initiation. What does that mean?


Yawning is a way of releasing old energy, especially mental energy. Therefore if the mind has been a shield of defense, if it has been a veil of illusion, it must be supported in releasing the old way and of experiencing renewed life. Yawning is a way of releasing it. Is this clear?

Yes. Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, was my creativity what I was hiding behind a smoke screen? Was it my creativity?


Yes, sister.

So I can let go of that now? I have... Ja. Thank you. Thank you!

If you like, yes!


Thank you!

We are certainly not stopping you.


Janice: Lord Kuthumi, can you tell me who my Master Guide is?


Who do think it is? (laughter) Come on, one guess!


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Shes a clever girl. Yes.�

Thank you. Thank you Lord Kuthumi.

Took you that long?!?

(lots of laugher)


Angi: Lord Kuthumi, dare I ask who my Master Guide is?

(more laughter)


I dare you to guess!!

(lots more laughter)

Is it you?

Close. Do you know who my twin brother is?

No, I dont.�

I have two, in fact. My twin brothers or energies of light are Master El Morya and Lord Jesus. Can you guess now?


Who do you feel a connection with? Feel with your energy rather than think with your head.

Lord El Morya?

It is correct.

Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, can I ask who my Master Guide is?



Lets go around the group to satisfy everyones needs.� �

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Let us begin then from my left. Please give me your name so I make sure I get the right guide!


St Germain.

Thank you.




Lord Buddha.


It is I, Kuthumi.


Master El Morya.


Lord Hilarion.


Master Serapis Bey.


Lord Hilarion.


It is I, Kuthumi.


It is I, Kuthumi.

Warren G.

Hello son! It is I, Kuthumi.


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Lady Mary.


Greetings, daughter!


Lord Melchizedek.


Lord Hilarion.

Are you all satisfied?

Thank you. Thank you Master Kuthumi.

You are welcome. Any further questions?


Yes, please, Lord Kuthumi. I would like to ask if you can give me any guidance with regards to my son Shandon. If I can just help him hes on medication at the moment, which we dont � � �really want him to be on, and are there any other ways that I can support him better, that I can help him?


What is the medication he is on?

Its called Stratera. Its to help him concentrate.� �

Was he immunized after birth?

Yes, he was.

In this case for your son, we suggest a DNA flush. We also suggest that you look at his nutritional needs, especially around the essential fatty acids, vitamin B, and protein. Creative activities will help him to focus his energy in a non-invasive manner. Do you understand?


That should create a more comfortable shift for him, so as to wean him off the medication. Is this clear?

Yes it is. Thank you.

You are welcome.

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Lord Kuthumi, I find myself drawn into various areas of creativity. Can you help me on which one I should focus?


Son, this is one of the dilemmas of the new world of multi-dimensional living. Many people are having difficulty choosing one specific area, and in fact there are times that one does not have to choose one specific area but rather learn to integrate all of those which one is drawn to. Do you understand this?

I do. Thank you.

You are welcome.

I wish to add briefly at this point, that one of the side effects to immunization of children is what is referred to as Attention Deficit Disorder. The vibration or the lack of vibration rather, in the substance known as a vaccination causes active DNA to shut down within the children. It creates a reshuffling of their energy centres and nervous system and this causes what is interpreted as lack of concentration. Another aspect to bear in mind is that the new children are far more alert than the children of previous generations and need far more creative activity than in previous generations. Teachers, who are given the proper guidance and support to understand new children, will begin to see very clearly who are the academically orientated children and who are the creatively orientated children and will be able to support them accordingly. It is ridiculous to insist that a child of 4 years or 5, even 8 years old, be required to sit and concentrate or focus upon any task longer than 15 minutes. We are aware of the fact that in certain instances children as young as 4 and 5 years old are required to focus on a project for 45 minutes and are then diagnosed as having Attention Deficit Disorder, whereas children can realistically only concentrate for 15 minutes. Do you all understand?


Therefore do not judge your children based on current systems of unrealistic expectation upon the childs concentration ability. This is very important. For you as parents are catalysts in �bringing this change about. Have I made myself clear?


Please continue with your questions.


Lord Kuthumi, is there an alternative to immunization at this particular time?


Yes, there is. There are many homeopathic remedies. In fact a homeopathic remedy is available for every one of the so-called dis-eases that children are immunized against.

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Lord Kuthumi, to make all those 7D crystal remedies into homeopathic remedies, do we need the crystals to be pulverized or can we just use the whole crystal and make a tincture or a �something to that effect.


Sister, in certain cases there will need to be a pulverization of these crystals. However, do not stress for these crystals will let me put it this way that is their purpose. Do you understand? � �The ones that will be pulverized.

OK. So to have them made, weve asked somebody to have them made, do we need to take the� whole crystal and ask them to pulverize them?


All of the 7D ones, or just one or two need to be pulverized?

All of them.

All of them?


Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi how do we rectify energetically the children who are now suffering from ADD, ADHD, and various other problems because of immunization and antibiotics?


Sister it will take some time. Fortunately probiotics have already been created. Nutrition is one of the core areas of balancing the childrens energies, along with energy work. The DNA �flush which I have personally brought to humanity and taught is there to support children and adults who have had immunization, who have had anaesthesia, antibiotics, or any other kind of synthetic substance in their body. Children need to be supported within environments that stimulate the creative aspect and calm the mental aspect. Do you understand?

Yes, I do.

It is vital to bear in mind that modern life styles in themselves are very active. The world of over stimulation often impacts upon the children in a negative way. Parents are begining to learn the importance of colour therapy, of nutrition, creative therapy and very important as well, physical exercise. Not all children have to become tennis players, or soccer players.

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There are many gentle forms of exercise that give their body the necessary energy release to keep them balanced on all levels. Even adults are in need of exercise. Nature is a key healer for adults and children, and children need to spend more time in nature instead of in front of the very destructive and disruptive radiation of computers and television sets. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.


Lord Kuthumi, you mentioned something just now about synthetic things in your body. I have a titanium plate in my neck. Does that affect me?


Sister you have spoken to us about this before, and we already have a recalibrating process set up for you which takes care of this. Is this clear?

Yes thank you.


Lord Kuthumi, the DNA flush will you be taking us in the near future through another �process of how to do the DNA flush in our bodies, or is there someone we can go and see for that?


You are able to go through this process with any person whom I have already taught this to. I will align with the souls of ones such as yourself and if there is the need for it to be repeated I shall do so. Is this clear?

Thank you, Lord Kuthumi.


Lord Kuthumi, since a couple of days I feel a kind of pain around my heart and in the back at the level of the heart. Can you tell me what it is?


Those of you who are travelling physically to the heart of the heart point are being your process already. I am referring to the physical trip to Egypt. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.


Lord Kuthumi, I know that the nature of my work is going to change. Is there a direction I should be concentrating on?

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Sister, because the current flow of energy is so disruptive and volatile, it is important that you feel inside of your being what will bring you the greatest peace and inspiration. Have you as yet felt this?

I think it would be anything other than what Im doing now!�

So choose one anything!


The reason why I say this is because todays energy will catapult you into that creative river, �therefore you currently have the power to choose a creative strand of energy and run with it. Therefore I suggest that you take some time today to sit quietly in nature and sense where you would like to direct that energy. It is important for your future and personal well being. Is this clear?

Yes. Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, I wonder if you could maybe help me with this. For the last 4 years I have had tremours going up my spine. It was quite bad a couple of years ago, but it has improved vastly. Doctors havent been able to tell me what it is at all. So maybe you can tell me what it �is?


Are you familiar with the kundalini?

Yes I am.

This is the vibrations of your kundalini power activating energy along your spine. This electrical current links you to a being known as Lord Arcturus, and another being known as the Archangel Metatron. These two beings of great light are the ones who work with you and through you. I suggest you begin aligning yourself consciously with them on a daily basis, and giving permission for them to consciously guide you in the direction of your future path so that this current of electrical energy can be focused and expressed, therefore creating a conscious purpose and plan for you. The raising of your kundalini in a more conscious fashion will give birth to immense creative power. This you have been groomed for over the past four years; however Lord Arcturus and Archangel Metatron will take you through another 3 initiations of energy which shall prepare you for your service with them, which shall fully come into activation between September and October of the year 2006. Is this clear?

(inaudible).. that very uncomfortable feeling and I struggle with concentration and just the tremors have been very uncomfortable.

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Brother I suggest you obtain Selenite. A Selenite wand specifically. It is essential is be unpolished. Get one as long as possible. Place this along your spine every day. Lie on your stomach and place it on your spine. Use breathing to direct the energy in your body and it will bring an alignment of your spine and the energy. This will ensure that the discomfort be eliminated as much as is possible. Is this clear?

How do I work more consciously on the alignment with Lord Arcturus and Archangel Metatron? Just by invocation.?�

Yes. Invoke their presence and ask them to merge their energy with you and guide you through inspiration, thought imprints, to speak through your intuition and in any other language you are receptive to. Is this clear?

Yes. Thank you Lord Kuthumi.

You are most welcome. Blessings be with you.


Lord Kuthumi, can you please tell me about 2 guides: Lord Hilarion and Big Bear?

And ..?

Big Bear. Lord Petrus (?)


Beloved one, Lord Hilarion is one of the key lords of manifestation. He is also the Chohan of the ray of concrete knowledge and science. With his input of energy you will be guided to understand the essence of the spirit of science and the science within spirit. Now when I refer to science it does not mean you will be required to stand in a laboratory and play with green bubbling mixtures of any kind. Do you understand?


It is certainly to bring to light the mergence of spirit and science and to see that one without the other cannot be fully functional. The energy of the Great Bear is a combined energy that embodies the light of my energy, Kuthumi, that of Lord El Morya, and Master Jesus. It is an energy that has sustained the energy necessary for the great transformation of consciousness on your planet to take place. Great Bear aligns the energy of his initiates with the Native American Indian people, with the Bushman people, with the Eskimo people, and the Maoris. Do you understand? Each of these tribes holds an essence of the root races of your planet, whose truths and wisdom are reemerging to ensure that right action and right relation between human and all other kingdoms of life come into balance. Does that answer your question?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome.

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Lord Kuthumi, I have ringing in my ears all the time. Is it a medical condition or is it a psychic?�


Have you tried answering the door and seeing whos there?�


Its 24 hour ringing.�

Sister, its not tinnitus. This is the symptoms of clairaudient abilities activating. As one �becomes more detached from the density of third dimensional consciousness and moves more into fifth dimensional consciousness and beyond all the higher senses become more receptive. That is what you are experiencing. You will also begin to notice that as your guides communicate with you the tone and pitch will change as they enter into your energy field, transmit and move out of your energy field. Do you understand?

I do. Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, Ive felt kicking in my womb for the last 5 weeks, but never as intensively as �the last hour, so Im actually tired. It feels like its going to come out of my side any second. � �Whats this soul getting so excited about?�

(much laughter!)


Do you not think this is cause for great celebration?!?

Its getting overly excited! Actually I fell asleep I was so tired. Its just taken over my being � �entirely.

It is merging with joy, sister. Allow yourself to jump with joy.

Thats a bit of a problem because Ive been in a dead end career for the last 10 years. Ive just � � �found a career, and I found out that Im pregnant so Ive having difficulty embracing joy. Im � � �happy about it, but having difficulty embracing joy. I cant feel joyful every time he kicks - �everyone else around me is.

Sister what you can also ask is that your unborn child perhaps choose to express its energy in a more gentle way. You could also ask that it choose less sensitive areas of your body to do its calisthenics. Is this clear?

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Lord Kuthumi..?


One moment please sister.

Another suggestion we have for you is to emerge your body in water. This will soothe the sensitivity of your physical body and will also soothe your unborn child. Rescue remedy will also be good.

Is ..(inaudible) conducive at this point?

Repeat your question please.


Yes, you can use this.

Thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi I have been experiencing great discomfort in my liver and gallbladder area. Is there anything that I should know about, anything that I should take for it?


Milk thistle is very good for the liver, to detoxify it, of the negative belief systems that have prevented you from accepting your masculine power as a creative and active support system rather than a survival mechanism. Do you understand?


Your gall bladder represents truth. As one steps into the authentic self the gall bladder begins to release energetically the cellular memory of that which has denied it the opportunity of expressing the authentic and divine truth of the souls essence. We suggest sweet almond oil �massaged over that area of your physical body, with breathing exercises and positive affirmation. Is this clear?

Is that positive affirmation of the (inaudible) gallbladder and liver sufficient?

We suggest that you add: it is safe to trust your male self to support your creative activity, and that it is safe to reveal your authentic self. Is this clear?

It is. Thank you Lord Kuthumi.

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You are welcome. Beloved ones I shall take 2 more questions and then we must end this transmission.


Lord Kuthumi, brother Warren asked something about the kundalini. In a previous channelling I asked I think it was Master Djwahl Kuhl I asked the question that had to be answered and I dont know whether my question was answered. It was about my daughter �being electrically charged. Everything she touches the other day she touched the cell phone �charger and she actually broke it. She do I express myself clearly?�


Yes. Sister with your daughter specifically, it is an abundance of magnetic energy in her body. She in fact needs to call upon the assistance of Lord Melchizedek to balance the currents of magnetic energy through her body. When there is a lot of electrical energy in the ethers it can cause an overload of electrical energy within the physical body. This also occurs when one is undergoing an accelerated rate of awakening. Many people have found that they will blow light bulbs, they disrupt their computers, they blow up plugs and all sorts of other things. Lord Melchizedek helps to balance that flow. Is this clear?

Yes, thank you.

You are welcome.


Lord Kuthumi, I have a friend Meryl who at 16 was diagnosed with bipolar. Shes not sure that� she is bipolar, and because her mother has it she was immediately put onto Lithium and all sorts of other detrimental drugs, and shes really struggling with the whole cycle. What advice �do you have for her in terms of, is she bipolar, or has the medication interfered with her body?


Give us her full name please?


She is NOT bipolar. There is, it appears, a twist of energy between the mental and emotional bodies which has caused a fluctuation of emotive energy which leads to feelings of depression and elation at different times. Because many doctors do not understand the energetic makeup of the body a misdiagnosis such as this is often made. However, this is not the doctors fault as� such, for they have not been taught otherwise. We suggest that she explore alternative methods of bringing her body into alignment. She will need to undergo a very gentle detoxification on a physical level and begin working with her energy bodies to balance the twist of energy between her mental and emotional body. She must NOT rush this. She needs to work with it, with focused intention and patiently. We anticipate approximately 18 months and she will have brought her body back to full balance. It however, must be her individual will and choice to follow this route. Is this clear?

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Yes it is. Is there any master that she can call on to help her with this, and any stones she could use to help balance her energy?

All she needs do is to call on Lord Arcturus and his team of medical advisors and they will guide her in the right direction. Is this clear?

Yes it is. Thank you.

You are welcome.

And so it is beloved ones that our time has come to an end, but not for long. I will remain in telepathic communication with all of you. I am only a thought away, and can be called upon at any moment for guidance, for assistance, for support and protection. We bless each of you with the divine inner strength, the courage, the focus, the will power, the patience and perseverance to continue with the journey of life you have chosen, and to see your cycles through to completion.

Trust in the many invisible arms that hold you, and know that not ever do you walk alone for we are all one and with you always in all ways. May the light of Father-Mother God shine upon the path before you and may every step you take be a steady one.

I am Kuthumi, Chohan of the Golden Ray of Love and Wisdom, and I greet and bless you in love. Adonai.