spss data access pack installation instructions for unix

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  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix


    SPSS Data Access Pack InstallatioInstructions for UNIX

    Before YouInstall

    The SPSS Data Access Pack allows you to install any or all of the following


    ! Connect ODBC drivers

    ! SequeLink ODBC client

    ! SPSS ODBC driver

    ! Online documentation for Connect ODBC and SequeLink in Adobe Acroba

    (PDF) format

    ! Acrobat Reader

    These components allow you to retrieve data from databases in a network

    environment. How you proceed depends on whether or not you have an SPSS

    system administrator.

    If you have an SPSS system administrator. Contact your SPSS system administrato

    for information about how to configure your desktop computer with the SPSS

    Data Access Pack. In some cases you will not need to install anything. If your

    administrator tells you to run this setup procedure, follow his or her instructions

    you currently have SPSS Data Access Pack drivers installed, do not reinstall the

    unless directed to do so by your administrator.

    If you do not have an SPSS system administrator. If there is no system administrato

    your site, or if you are not using this SPSS product in a network environment, yo

    installODBC drivers by running this setup.


  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix



    If you are an SPSS system administrator. Decide which database access technology you

    want to use at your site. Then decide which client software to install and where to

    install it. For more information about available database access technologies, refer

    toGetting Started with SPSS Data Access Technology(which you can find on the


    If you have installed an earlier version of the SPSS Data Access Pack. Installing a

    driver or client from this SPSS Data Access Pack does not uninstall earlier drivers.

    Instead it makes the newly-installed software available to you. The newly-installed

    software must be manually configured; the configuration of your earlier driver is not

    transferred. If your earlier driver is working properly and meets your needs, it is

    best not to upgrade to a new version. Only upgrade when you require support for a

    database that was previously unsupported or when you require an enhancement.

    Note: If you are a Java developer and want to access data from Java applets or

    applications, consider using Connect JDBC or the SequeLink JDBC Client, which are

    included in the SPSS Data Access Pack. For more information, see the SPSS Data

    Access Pack JDBC Installation Instructions(which you can find on the CD-ROM).

    What You Need to Run Connect ODBC

    Available drivers are listed in the ODBC Database Support Matrix, which you can find

    on the CD-ROM.. The drivers support ODBC specification 3.52, as well as ODBCCore, Level 1, and Level 2 functions. On the support matrix, click the Database Client

    Software tab to determine if additional software is required for a particular driver.

    What You Need to Run the SequeLink ODBC Client

    No additional hardware or software is required to run the SequeLink ODBC client

    on UNIX operating systems.

  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix


    SPSS Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for

    Installing the SPSS Data Access Pack

    Installing Connect ODBC Drivers

    To install a Connect ODBC driver, first locate the compressed file and then insta

    Locate the Driver

    Use following table to locate the Connect ODBC driver TARfile for your operat


    Table 1

    Connect ODBC Drivers Operating Systems and File Locations

    OperatingSystemCD-ROM File Location (in/merant/client/unix/)

    AIX aix/odbc/aix.tar.gZ

    HP-UX hpux/odbc/hp.tar.gZ

    Linux linux/odbc/linux.tar.gZ

    Solaris solaris/odbc/sol.tar.gZ

    Install the Driver

    E Copy or download theTARfile for your operating system from the CD to the UN

    computer. Put it in the directory where you want to install the driver.

    E Uncompress the file. For example, uncompress sol.tar.gZ. This uncompresses a


    E Extract theTARfile. For example,tar -xvf sol.tar. This extracts all files required

    run the ODBC drivers.

    E Configure the ODBC environment. From the directory where you extracted the f

    run./setodbcpath.sh. This will set the ODBC home directory to the current dire

  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix



    Installing the SequeLink ODBC Client

    To install the SequeLink ODBC client, first locate the compressed file and then

    install it.

    Locate the Compressed File

    Use following table to locate the SequeLink ODBC clientTARfile for your operating


    Table 2

    SequeLink ODBC Client Operating Systems and File Locations


    CD-ROM File Location (in/merant/client/unix/

    )AIX aix/sequelnk/slclient.tar.gZ

    HP-UX hpux/sequelnk/slclient.tar.gZ

    Linux linux/sequelnk/slclient.tar.gZ

    Solaris solaris/sequelnk/slclient.tar.gZ

    Install the Client

    E Copy the file for your operating system from the CD to the UNIX computer. Put it

    in the directory where you want to install the client.

    E Uncompress the file. For example,uncompress slclient.tar.gZ. This uncompresses a


    E Extract theTARfile. For example, tar xvf slclient.tar. This extracts all files required

    to run the client.

    E Configure the ODBC environment. From the directory where you extracted the files,

    run./setodbcpath.sh. This will set the ODBC home directory to the current directory.

    Installing Acrobat Reader

    If you do not already have Acrobat Reader, you can install it from the CD-ROM.

  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix


    SPSS Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for

    E Insert your product CD into the CD-ROM drive.

    E Navigate to the/Acrobat/unixdirectory.

    E Uncompress the file for your operating system.

    E Refer toInstguid.txtfor installation instructions.

    After You Install

    After you install Connect ODBC drivers or the SequeLink client, additional step

    are required before you can use them to connect to your database. How you proc

    depends on whether or not you have an SPSS system administrator.

    If you are an SPSS system administrator.Create and configure end user connectio

    accordingto the database access technology that you are using at your site.

    If you havean SPSS system administrator.Get connection instructions from your S

    system administrator.

    If you do not have an SPSS system administrator. Create and configure ODBC dat

    sources for the Connect ODBC driver(s) or SequeLink client that you installed.

    Connecting to Your Database with Connect ODBC

    If you are an SPSS system administrator, create and configure an ODBC data so

    An ODBC Administrator does not exist on UNIX. You create and configure an

    ODBC datasource by editing theodbc.inifile with a text editor. The odbc.inifil

    installed with the driver files. See theConfiguring Drivers and Data Sourcessec

    in theInstallation on UNIXchapter of the DataDirect Connect ODBC Installatio

    Instructions for detailed instructions. You can find this guide on the CD-ROM.

    If you have an SPSS system administrator, ask him or her about configuring ConODBC.

  • 5/28/2018 Spss Data Access Pack Installation Instructions for Unix



    Connecting to Your Database with SequeLink ODBC Client

    If you are an SPSS system administrator, see Getting Started with SPSS Data Access

    Technology(which you can find on the CD-ROM) and the DataDirect SequeLink

    documentation. The SequeLink client requires an ODBC data source; however no

    ODBC Administrator exists on UNIX. Basically, you create and configure an ODBC

    data source by editing the odbc.inifile with a text editor. The odbc.inifile is installed

    with the SequeLink ODBC client in the root of your SequeLink ODBC client

    directory. See the DataDirectSequeLink Administrator's Guide,Configuring ODBC

    Client Data Sources on UNIX, for detailed information about editing yourodbc.inifile

    and setting important environment variables. You can find this guide on the CD-ROM.

    If you have an SPSS system administrator, ask him or her about configuring

    SequeLink client.

    UpdatingYour Installation

    You can install additional components at any time by repeating the setup process.

    Note: Installing a newer version of a driver or client from SPSS Data Access Pack

    does not uninstall earlier drivers. Instead it makes the newly-installed software

    available to you. The newly-installed software must be manually configured; the

    configuration of your earlier driver is not transferred. If your earlier driver is working

    properly and meet your needs, it is best not to upgrade to a new version. Only update

    when yourequire support for a database that was previously unsupported, or when

    you require an enhancement.