s.pz.abt.503 and 2./s.pz.abt.502, 27 dec 1942-12 jan 1943

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s.Pz.Abt.503 and 2./s.Pz.Abt.502 with Heeresgruppe Don 27 Dec 1942 - 12 Jan 1943


s.Pz.Abt.503 and 2./s.Pz.Abt.502 with Heeresgruppe Don27 Dec 1942 12 Jan 1943(taken from Kriegstagebuch, Heeresgruppe Don, Anlagen Band 5 and Band 6)

Collected and compiled by John Winner May 2012

I have compiled this information to help track the movement and deployment of these Tiger units during part of their time with Heeresgruppe Don. The information contained in this document is meant to supplement the information contained within Tigers in Combat I, by Wolfgang Schneider. The information will be presented in the original German. If you wish to see the original documents they are available at: http://www.maparchive.ru/index.php/army-groups/50-army-groupdon/356-army-group-don-roll-270.html. I will provide image numbers for each entry so you may see them on the originals for yourself. I could find no information in Kriegstagebuch, Heeresgruppe Don, Anlagen Band 4, covering the dates 15 Dec 23 Dec 1942. I did search these dates as s.Pz.Abt.503 was sent to the eastern front on 21 Dec 1942, but does not appear in the records of Heeresgruppe Don until 27 Dec 1942. Some of the information may repeat as I have included every scrap of information I could find in the records. Each entry will be seperated by a double line. The actual documents will be presented only in parts as other parts are not relivant to this study. If some sort of identification for the document is not visible on the image it will be titled. All images will be referenced by the numbers used on the before mentioned website so the reader may look at them in whole if need be. Any additional information that is found by the reader in these original documents, or if you have copies of the Kriegstagebuch, Heeresgruppe Don, or any Anlagen to the Kriegstagebuch after the date of 12 Jan, please contact me at: [email protected]. I would love to add as much information to this document as possible.

27 December 1942Telex 0381/42 [image 0598] Zeit: 04.45 OKH Gen.St.d.H Op.Abt. (I S/B) Nr. 421003/42 g.Kdos.Chefs

Telex 0832/42 [image 0594 - 0595] Zeit: 05.45 OKH Gen.St.d.H. - Op.Abt. (I S/B) Nr. 421034/42 g.Kdos.Chefs. Weisung fr die weitere Kampffhrung

Fernschreiben an Pz.A.O.K. 4 [image 0576] Zeit: 11.25 Heeresgruppe Don, Ia Nr. 0383/42 geh.Kdos.Chefs. Weisung Nr. 2.

No information found for December 28 or 29 1942

30 December 1942Antransport Stand 30.12. morgens. [image 0363]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0288] Zeit: 23.40 Tagesmeldung 4.)...... Antransporte:

31 December 1942Stand Antransport 31.12. morgens [image 0275]

Tagesmeldung [image 0196]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. Tagesmeldung Antransporte:

1 January 1943[image 0187]

[image 0198]

These two documents were issued to help the Luftwaffe not attack the new Tiger tank.

Pz.AOK. 4 [image 0167] 09.00 H.Gruppe Don, Ia Nr. 2/43 geh.

Stand Antransport 1.1.43 morgens. [image 0173]

Tagesmeldung [image 0138]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0135 - 0136] Zeit: 23.50 Tagesmeldung 2.) Pz.AOK 4:


2 January 1943Stand Antransport 2.1.43 morgens [image 0126]

Tagesmeldung [image 0051]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0049] 4.) Antransporte

6.) Panzer- und Paklage:

3 January 1943Tagesmeldung [image 0014] 4.)

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0010] Zeit: 23.40 Tagesmeldung 4.) Antransporte:

4 January 1943Stand Antransport 4.1.43 morgens [image 1398]

Tagesmeldung [image 1352]

6.) Panzerlage:

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1349, 1351] Zeit: 00.40 {5.1.43} Tagesmeldung 4.) Antransporte:

6.) Panzerlage und Paklage: Pz.AOK 4:

5 January 1943Stand Antransport 5.1.43 morgens [image 1341]

Tagesmeldung [image 1279]

6.) Panzerlage:

Ziffer 7 der Tagesmeldung [image 1345]

[image 1327]

[image 1326]

Fernspruch Nr. 136 [image 1329] Zeit: 13.00 52/43 geh.O.B.Pz.A.O.K.4

Ab Generalfeldmarschall von Manstein [image 1289]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1277] Zeit: 23.30 Tagesmeldung

4.) Antransporte:

6.) Panzer- und Paklage:

6 January 1943[image 1272]

Telex 61.43 g.Kdos Zeit: 02.30 OKH Gen.St.d.H. Op.Abt. (I S/B) Nr. 223/43 g.Kdos.

Stand Antransport 6.1.43 morgens

[image 1273]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. Zeit: 08.45 Morgenmeldung

[image 1217]

[image 12687]

[image 1235]

Fernspruch von 4. Panzerarmee [image 1234] Zeit: 17.10

Telex 61/43 [image 1184] Zeit: 21.05 OKH Gen.St.d.H./Op.Abt. (I S/B) Nr. 261/43 g.Kdos.

Tagesmeldung [image 1214]


Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1208] Zeit: 23.20 Tagesmeldung 4.) Antransporte:

6.) Panzer- und Paklage:

7 January 1943Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1201] Morgenmeldung

[image 1205] Morgenmeldung

Stand Antransport 7.1.43 morgens [image 1158]

[image 1182]

[image 1183]

Tagesmeldung [image 1145]

6.) Panzerlage

Fernschreiben an OKH.Op.Abt. [image 1139, 1142, 1143] Tagesmeldung

8 January 1943Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1075] Tagesmeldung

Nachmeldung zur Tagesmeldung Pz.AOK 4 [image 1079] Zeit: 22.50 6.)

Fernspruch vom Pz.AOK 4 [image 1094]

9 January 1943Beurteilung der Lage [image 1059]

Tagesmeldung [image 1005, 1006]


Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1000, 1002, 1003] Zeit: 23.15 Tagesmeldung

Panzer- und Paklage:

10 January 1943Tagesmeldung [image 0934]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 1928] Zeit: 00.30 {11.1.43}

11 January 1943Morgenmeldung [image 0922] Zeit: 09.00

Tagesmeldung [image 0854] 6.) Panzerlage:

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image Tagesmeldung 6.) Panzer- und Paklage:

12 January 1943Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0844] Morgenmeldung

Morgenmeldung [image 0845]

Tagesmeldung [image 0807]

Fernschreiben an OKH/Op.Abt. [image 0806] Zeit: 00.15 Tagesmeldung