sql data services

A Real World Web Site with SQL Data Services So Cal Code Camp January 24-25, 2009 James Johnson Inland Empire .NET User’s Group [email protected] www.iedotnetug.org

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January 24, 2009 presentation to So Cal Code Camp at Cal State Fullerton - A real live web site with SQL Data Services.


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A Real World Web Site with SQL Data ServicesSo Cal Code Camp January 24-25, 2009James JohnsonInland Empire .NET User’s [email protected]

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About me

Founder and President, Inland Empire .NET User’s Group. Past 5 years in Riverside, San Bernardino Counties www.iedotnetug.org

Executive Director, Geeks Without Borders www.geeks-without-borders.org

My Blog www.duringlunch.com

Serial Netrepreneur Latringo.com, ElSalvadorArtwork.com, TourElSalvador.com,

0AAFFF.com, AzureBlueCoding, AnonymousTypes.com, etc. Last but not least

No bailar con monos borracho al comer su almuerzo.

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More stuff

Have been developing software since i286 days Educational CD-ROMs If a mistake, had to redo the entire run Started looking at ways to have dynamic data Web development

Cold Fusion (yuck), PHP (yikes), ASP.NET (the promised land)

Met David Robinson on Code Trip (Feb 08) The rest is history

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SQL Data Services - Introduction


2. What is SDS

3. How to setup the development environment

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SQL Data Services - Introduction

1. SDS is a component of SQL Services

2. Integrated into the “cloud”

3. Provides database and querying

4. Flexibility

5. Scaling

6. Developer agility

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SQL Data Services - Introduction

SDS is built on SQL Server and Windows Server

2. Quickly build and extend applications

3. Low cost management with high scalability

4. Reliability, and security features

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SDS – Setting up the environment

Download Azure Services Training Kit www.microsoft.com/azure/trainingkit.mspx Contains Hands-on-labs (HOLs) for:

Windows Azure .NET Services Live Services SQL Services

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SDS – Setting up the environment

Sign up for the SDS Public CTP http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=133905&clcid=0x409 Sign up is free, but will ask for CC for verification

Create a Solution Name and Password Name of solution is the username when logging into

system via code

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SDS – Setting up the environment

SDS Developer Center http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/sqlserver/dataservices/default.aspx Link to change password for solution

SDS Primer http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc512417.aspx

Getting Started Forum http://social.msdn.microsoft.com/forums/en-


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Authorities, Containers, Entities

Authorities, Containers and Entities, Oh My

2. SDS data model is based on this concept

3. Provides flexible schema

4. Easy to create data structures

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Authorities, Containers, Entities


2. Topmost level of the hierarchy anontypes-01

3. DNS name https://anontypes-01.data.database.windows.net/v1

Maps to specific data center Is a unit of geo-location

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Authorities, Containers, Entities


2. Each container has unique id associated

3. Store the data contained in the application

4. Cannot be in a different geo-located Authority

5. Can contain homogeneous or heterogeneous data

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Authorities, Containers, Entities


2. Actual bits of data stored in container

3. Stores any number of user-defined properties/values

4. Retrieved, added, updated, deleted

5. Partial updates are not supported

6. Entire entity is replaced in container when updated

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Homogenous/Heterogeneous Data

Homogeneous data is similar to a database table, in which all entities are of the same kind

Books container stores “book” entities Highly structured applications should use

Heterogeneous data contains all types of entities MyOffice container stores “books”, “supplies”,

“furniture” Allows for querying across all entities in parent


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Flexible Entities

1. Key concept of SDS

2. XML fragment with one element per property value.

3. Value restricted to simple scalar type of string String, binary, Boolean, decimal, datetime

4. Fixed metadata properties – Id, Version, Kind1. Version. New version assigned with each update

2. Kind. User-defined, identifying the entity type

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Anonymous Types

A new podcasting website featuring the little known development geeks

Site runs on a hosted server Data is hosted on SQL Data Services Leads to differences in how we work with data When using REST, return types are XML Need to use LINQ

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Differences to remember

An Entity is like a property bag – keys/values Each Entity in a Container can have a different

structure Different paradigm than when working with

database tables There is no “primary key”, instead an “EntityID”

User defined value

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Can contain heterogeneous, homogeneous, or flexible entities

For this project decided to have four Containers at_page at_podcast at_podcastdata at_guest

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Site structure

Administer text data Upload and administer BLOB’s (podcasts)

Demo only shows uploading – not streaming down

Standard ASP.NET Membership, Roles, Authentication for Admin pages

Classes for different aspects of site functions Pages, Podcasts, Guests, Configuration, Utilities

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Using REST

POST (Insert, Create) PUT (Update) GET (Retrieve) DELETE (Delete)

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Page Administration

Insert, Save, Edit, Delete Page code creates XML passed to the class Methods

SelectPages() SelectPage() InsertPage() UpdatePage() DeletePage()

Make sure to HtmlEncode strings going in HTML chars will mess things up with validity of the XML

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Web site Page administration

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Uploading PodCasts (BLOBs)

Uploading of BLOBs is possible, but can only send the object, no other data

Create two XML strings PodCast

EntityId, Container, FilePath

PodCastData Meta and other data about the PodCast EntityId,Title, RunTime, Guest, Publish Date, etc.

Since two different containers, can have same EntityId

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Uploading PodCasts (BLOBs)

Two step process First insert the Meta data

Title, Guest, Description, etc.

If successful, upload the PodCast

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Public facing side

One Master Page Navigation, PodCast List

One Content Page Page Content for different “pages”

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Setting Navigation

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Setting Page Content

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Get All PodCasts Uses Join between Containers so that we can get

data back on the Guests as well

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Get Single Uses Join between Containers Uses Where to get specific Pod Cast

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Thank you

Email – [email protected] Inland Empire .NET User’s Group

www.iedotnetug.org 2nd Tuesday evenings of each month – Riverside

Geeks Without Borders www.geeks-without-borders.org

My Blog www.duringlunch.com

Please tip your wait staff PayPal address – [email protected]

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Thanks to our sponsors

We could not hold these code camps for you without our sponsors.

These Guys ROCK!