sql-installation & network setup

SQL-Installation & Network Setup e eStream Software SQL SQL I I nstallation & nstallation & Network Setup Network Setup Author / Compiled by Document name Date (last modified) : : : Loo document.doc Page i

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup


eStream Software

SQLSQL IInstallation &nstallation &

Network SetupNetwork Setup

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup


eStream Software

Table of contents

1 INTRODUCTION............................................................................................22 INSTALLATION FIREBIRD DATABASE SERVER.......................................22.1 Insert SQL Accounting CD.....................................................................2

2.2 Firebird Database Server Installation Wizard.......................................3

2.3 To check Firebird Engine Started..........................................................8

3 HOW TO INSTALL SQL ACCOUNTING INTO SERVER?............................93.1 Insert SQL Accounting CD.....................................................................9

3.2 SQL Accounting Installation Wizard......................................................9

4 OTHER SETTING IN WINDOWS.................................................................134.1 Share Estream Folder...........................................................................13

4.2 Windows Firewall Setting.....................................................................15

5 SQL ACCOUNTING SETTING IN NETWORK............................................175.1 Choose Working Environment.............................................................17

5.2 Choose Database Collection File (DCF) Option.................................17

5.3 Select Database Server.........................................................................18

5.4 Define Account Book Manager............................................................19

5.5 Create New Database............................................................................22

5.6 SQL Accounting Logon........................................................................24

6 SQL ACCOUNTS CLIENT SETUP..............................................................246.1 SQL Accounting Installation................................................................24

6.2 Client PC Account Book Manager Setting..........................................24

7 POSSIBILITY WARNING MESSAGE..........................................................267.1.1 Failed to locate Default Database Collection File (DCF) “C:\Program Files\eStream\SQLAccounting\Default .DCF”..............................................................................................26

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Version No.

Date Initiated by Remarks

1.0 10 Aug 2006 Loo Chin Soon Initial document

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

1 INTRODUCTIONThis guide will teach you on the new setup for SQL Accounting in a network environment.


2.1 Insert SQL Accounting CD

You must install the Firebird Engine in order to run SQL Accounting in network mode. Click on Firebird button as circled in below screen.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

2.2 Firebird Database Server Installation Wizard

1) You must install the Firebird Engine in order to run SQL Accounting in network environment.

2) You will see below License Agreement. Please read it and accept the agreement before proceed to NEXT.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

3) Click NEXT to proceed.

4) Leave it as default and click on NEXT to proceed.

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eStream Software

5) Leave it as default and click on NEXT to proceed.

6) Leave it as default and click on NEXT.

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eStream Software

7) Leave it as default (DO NOT CHANGE THE SETTING HERE). Click NEXT to proceed.

8) Click INSTALL to start installation.

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9) Just click NEXT.

10) Click FINISH to end the installation.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

2.3 To check Firebird Engine Started

Go to control panel and you will find the Firebird 1.5 Server Manager as show screen below. Double click and check the status.

Just make sure the Firebird service is running.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software


3.1 Insert SQL Accounting CD

After you have insert the SQL Accounting CD into the server, .you will see the following screen appeared. You have to point to SQL Account and click on “Install SQL Accounting (Version XXXXXXX)”.

3.2 SQL Accounting Installation Wizard

1) You have to wait below screen process finished.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

2) Click NEXT to proceed.

3) You will see below License Agreement. Please read it and accept the agreement before proceed to NEXT.

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eStream Software

4) Leave it default and click on NEXT.

5) Leave it default and click on NEXT.

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

6) Review and confirm the setting by click INSTALL to start installation.

7) Click FINISH to finish the installation.

8) You can see a shortcut icon created in your PC desktop.

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eStream Software


4.1 Share Estream Folder

You need to share-out the Estream folder in Program Files. This is to enable other PC client to access the database file in server. Right click on the Estream folder and select “Sharing and Security …”.

Then you will get the following screen, so you must tick both:-a) Share this folder on the network.b) Allow network users to change my files.

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eStream Software

You will found that the Estream folder will shared out (a hand hold the folder) as below screen.

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Tick both

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

4.2 Windows Firewall Setting

1) Go to control panel and double click on Windows Firewall.

2) You will see the following screen prompted. By default is “ON”.

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eStream Software

3) Go to Exception tab and click on “Add Port…” button.

4) Follow the below info in the screen below, then click OK button.

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eStream Software


5.1 Choose Working Environment

Please choose an appropriate working environment.a) Standaloneb) Network

5.2 Choose Database Collection File (DCF) Option

For first time installation, please choose ‘Create New DCF’ option and click OK to proceed.

You have to input “Default” as the filename for DCF under C:\Program Files\Estream\SQLAccounting and SAVE it.

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Choose an appropriate environment

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

NOTE:If you have created the DCF file, you may choose second option, ie. ‘Open Existing DCF’.

5.3 Select Database Server

For network setting, you must choose the Firebird 1.5 Server. Below is the list of options available: a) Standalone Server (Recommended for single PC) b) Firebird 1.5 Server (Recommended for network environment)c) Firebird 1.0 Server (Not recommended)d) Interbase 6.0 Server (Not recommended)e) Interbase 7.1 Server (Not recommended)f) Microsoft SQL Server 2000 (Coming Soon)g) Oracle Server (Not applicable)

Note:You must install the Firebird Database Server. For more detail about installation, please refer to Chapter 2 : INSTALLATION FIREBIRD DATABASE SERVER.

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eStream Software

5.4 Define Account Book Manager

1) Click on ‘Firebird 1.5 Server Properties…’ in Account Book Manager window.

2) You will see below screen appeared. For network, please choose option-Remote (TCP/IP Network). Otherwise, choose option-Local (Standalone PC).

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SQL-Installation & Network Setup

eStream Software

3) Once you have selected option- Remote (TCP/IP Network), you will get a confirmation for the Server IP Address message as show below.

4) After that, click on TEST Connection button.

This test connection will prompt you different status depends on the test connection results. Possible status:a) Status: Connection Active Server Version: WI-V1.5.1.4481 Firebird 1.5b) Status: Unknown. It will prompted you the below message, so you have to make sure:

Server is connected in network environment. Server IP address is correct. Firebird Database Server Engine is started.

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eStream Software

5) Next, you have to define the path in Folder Setting correctly and carefully. Click on the open folder button to define it.a) Database Folder: C:\Program Files\eStream\SQLAccounting\DBb) Server Backup Folder: C:\Program Files\eStream\SQLAccounting\Backupc) Network Backup Folder: \\**ServerName\eStream\SQLAccounting\Backup

**ServerName: Make sure choose the correct server.

Please do click on ‘Test Backup Folder Accessibility’ to check the status. Possible status:a) Status: You have acess to backup folder. (Correct)b) Status: You don’t have enough access right to backup folder. (Incorrect. You

have to check the share folder access right.)c) Status: Network backup folder and Server backup folder are not in same

physical folder. (Incorrect. Make sure both backup folders are point to same source.)

Tips:If you get the below warning message, just click OK to continue.

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eStream Software

5.5 Create New Database

1) Click on NEW button and select ‘Create New Database’ to create new database. There are some options: a) Evaluation with Sample Data…b) Create New Database…c) Restore From Backup…

2) You will get below message. Just click OK to proceed.

3) Please specify a new database file name. DO NOT change it, just leave as default. Click OK to proceed.

4) You will get the below message that new database created.

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eStream Software

5) You will see a New Company added into database list as shown below.

6) Click on CLOSE button to exit the Account Book Manager. If you have get the below message, please click Yes.

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eStream Software

5.6 SQL Accounting Logon

After close the Account Book Manager, you will prompted LOGON screen. First time login as:User: ADMINPassword: ADMIN


6.1 SQL Accounting Installation

Refer to Chapter 3: How to Install SQL Accounting into Server.

6.2 Client PC Account Book Manager Setting

1) For client PC, please select Network and click OK.

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eStream Software

2) Please select ‘Open Existing DCF’ and click OK to proceed.

3) Browse thru ‘My Network Place Entire Microsoft Windows Network WorkGroup or your domain’ and select the server name. From this stage, you will see the sharing folder (eStream\SQLAccounting).Select and OPEN the ‘DEFAULT.DCF’ file.

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eStream Software


7.1.1 Failed to locate Default Database Collection File (DCF) “C:\Pr ogram Files\eStream\ SQLAccounting\Default .DCF”.

If you get the above message, please do the following checking:a) Make sure the Server or Workstation PC is connected in network environment; orb) Make sure the ‘DEFAULT.DCF’ file is under correct directory in the server.


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