sqlite in adobe air

SQLite in Adobe AIR Peter Elst | May 23th 2008 - 2M08

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Page 1: SQLite in Adobe AIR

SQLite in Adobe AIRPeter Elst | May 23th 2008 - 2M08

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

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Why Koen?

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Why Koen?

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

Embedded SQL Database Engine

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

Embedded SQL Database Engine

Implements most of SQL92

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

Embedded SQL Database Engine

Implements most of SQL92

Light-weight, cross-platform, open source

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

Embedded SQL Database Engine

Implements most of SQL92

Light-weight, cross-platform, open source

No setup, configuration or server required

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Why SQLite in Adobe AIR?

Embedded SQL Database Engine

Implements most of SQL92

Light-weight, cross-platform, open source

No setup, configuration or server required

Each database is contained within a single file

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How do you use it?

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How do you use it?

1.Create a File reference

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How do you use it?

1.Create a File reference

2.Create an instance of flash.data.SQLConnection and flash.data.SQLStatement

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How do you use it?

1.Create a File reference

2.Create an instance of flash.data.SQLConnection and flash.data.SQLStatement

3.Open the database connection

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How do you use it?

1.Create a File reference

2.Create an instance of flash.data.SQLConnection and flash.data.SQLStatement

3.Open the database connection

4.Specify the connection and SQL query to run

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How do you use it?

1.Create a File reference

2.Create an instance of flash.data.SQLConnection and flash.data.SQLStatement

3.Open the database connection

4.Specify the connection and SQL query to run

5.Run SQLStatement.execute()

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How do you use it?

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How do you use it?

import flash.filesystem.File;import flash.data.*;

var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory. ↵resolvePath("contacts.db");

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How do you use it?

import flash.filesystem.File;import flash.data.*;

var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory. ↵resolvePath("contacts.db");

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();

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How do you use it?

import flash.filesystem.File;import flash.data.*;

var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory. ↵resolvePath("contacts.db");

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();


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How do you use it?

import flash.filesystem.File;import flash.data.*;

var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory. ↵resolvePath("contacts.db");

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();


sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts";

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How do you use it?

import flash.filesystem.File;import flash.data.*;

var dbFile:File = File.applicationStorageDirectory. ↵resolvePath("contacts.db");

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();


sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts";sqlStatement.execute();

var result:Array = sqlStatement.getResult().data;

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Synchronous versus Async

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Synchronous versus Async

Synchronous - blocks application until result is available

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();sqlConn.open(dbFile);

var result:SQLResult = sqlConn.getResult().result;

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Synchronous versus Async

Synchronous - blocks application until result is available

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();sqlConn.open(dbFile);

var result:SQLResult = sqlConn.getResult().result;

Asynchronous - uses events and event listeners

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();sqlConn.addEventListener(SQLResultEvent.RESULT, onSQLResult);sqlConn.addEventListener(SQLResultEvent.ERROR,onSQLError);


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Connects to the database file

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Connects to the database file

Provides events for asynchronous use

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Connects to the database file

Provides events for asynchronous use

Schema access

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Executes a SQL query on the specified database connection

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Executes a SQL query on the specified database connection

Provides events for asynchronous use

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Executes a SQL query on the specified database connection

Provides events for asynchronous use

Supports result paging

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Storage types

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Storage types

NULL - NULL value (null)

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Storage types

NULL - NULL value (null)

INTEGER - signed integer (int)

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Storage types

NULL - NULL value (null)

INTEGER - signed integer (int)

REAL - floating point (Number)

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Storage types

NULL - NULL value (null)

INTEGER - signed integer (int)

REAL - floating point (Number)

TEXT - UTF16 text string (String)

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Storage types

NULL - NULL value (null)

INTEGER - signed integer (int)

REAL - floating point (Number)

TEXT - UTF16 text string (String)

BLOB - blob of data

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SQLStatement Parameters

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SQLStatement Parameters

The parameters feature protects your SQL statements from SQL injection

var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = @ID";sqlStatement.parameters["@ID"] = someVariable;sqlStatement.execute();

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SQLStatement Parameters

The parameters feature protects your SQL statements from SQL injection

var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE id = @ID";sqlStatement.parameters["@ID"] = someVariable;sqlStatement.execute();

You can use the @ or : character to denote a parameter to be replaced

sqlStatement.parameters[":NAME"] = someVariable;

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SQLStatement Parameters

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SQLStatement Parameters

Using the ? character you can have unnamed parameters and an index based array

var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts WHERE name = ? ↵ AND lastname = ?";sqlStatement.parameters[0] = "Peter";sqlStatement.parameters[1] = "Elst";sqlStatement.execute();

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Result Paging

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Result Paging

Paging allows you to limit the amount of rows you get returned when doing a select operation

var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts";sqlStatement.execute(10);

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Result Paging

Paging allows you to limit the amount of rows you get returned when doing a select operation

var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "SELECT * FROM contacts";sqlStatement.execute(10);

You can get the next batch of rows returned by calling the next method on the SQLStatement instance


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SQLResult.data - array of objects for each row of the result

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SQLResult.data - array of objects for each row of the result

SQLResult.complete - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the full result was shown

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SQLResult.data - array of objects for each row of the result

SQLResult.complete - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the full result was shown

SQLResult.lastInsertRowID - return id for the last row that was inserted

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SQLResult.data - array of objects for each row of the result

SQLResult.complete - returns a boolean indicating whether or not the full result was shown

SQLResult.lastInsertRowID - return id for the last row that was inserted

SQLResult.rowsAffected - number of rows affected by an insert, update or delete operation

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Transactions allow multiple SQL statements to run within one write operation to the database

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Transactions allow multiple SQL statements to run within one write operation to the database

Much more optimized way of handling large insert operations, allows rollback of the complete transaction if an error occurs

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var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "INSERT into contacts VALUES (@NAME, @EMAIL)";

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var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "INSERT into contacts VALUES (@NAME, @EMAIL)";


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var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "INSERT into contacts VALUES (@NAME, @EMAIL)";


for(var i:uint=0; i<contacts.length; i++) { sqlStatement.parameters["@NAME"] = contacts[i].name; sqlStatement.parameters["@EMAIL"] = contacts[i].email; sqlStatement.execute();}

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var sqlStatement:SQLStatement = new SQLStatement();sqlStatement.sqlConnection = sqlConn;sqlStatement.text = "INSERT into contacts VALUES (@NAME, @EMAIL)";


for(var i:uint=0; i<contacts.length; i++) { sqlStatement.parameters["@NAME"] = contacts[i].name; sqlStatement.parameters["@EMAIL"] = contacts[i].email; sqlStatement.execute();}


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Database schema

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Database schema

Allows you to introspect tables, views, columns, indices, triggers

var sqlConn:SQLConnection = new SQLConnection();sqlConn.open(dbFile);

sqlConn.loadSchema();var result:SQLSchemaResult = sqlConn.getSchemaResult();

var table:SQLTableSchema = result.tables[0];var column:SQLColumnSchema = table.columns[0];

trace(column.name);// returns name of the first column in the first table

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SQLite wrapper classes

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SQLite wrapper classes

You can use ActionScript 3.0 classes as MXML tags

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SQLite wrapper classes

You can use ActionScript 3.0 classes as MXML tags

SQLite and Query classes

<sql:SQLite id="db_conn" file="contacts.db"open="contacts_query.execute()" />

<sql:Query id="contacts_query" connection="{db_conn}" sql="SELECT * FROM contacts" />

<mx:DataGrid id="contacts_dg"dataProvider="{contacts_query.data}" />

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SQLite synchronisation

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SQLite synchronisation

Synchronizing an online and offline SQLite database

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SQLite synchronisation

Synchronizing an online and offline SQLite database

Different strategies

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SQLite synchronisation

Synchronizing an online and offline SQLite database

Different strategies

Online database overwrites offline

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SQLite synchronisation

Synchronizing an online and offline SQLite database

Different strategies

Online database overwrites offline

Check timestamp on each row, new overwrites old

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Demo time

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Demo time

Contact Manager

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Demo time

Contact Manager

SQLite Editor

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Demo time

Contact Manager

SQLite Editor

YouTube Database

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Demo time

Contact Manager

SQLite Editor

YouTube Database

HTML/JavaScript + SQLite

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SQLite on Mac OSX

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Contact me

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Contact me

Questions, comments, feedback?

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Contact me

Questions, comments, feedback?

Email: [email protected]: www.peterelst.comTwitter: www.twitter.com/peterelstLinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/peterelst

Thanks and enjoy the rest of the day!