squibs in our society

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Post on 08-Apr-2018




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  • 8/6/2019 Squibs in Our Society


    Theres room for everyone in the wizarding world: why should squibs be

    accepted into the wizard society.

    By Sophie Moore

    In the old days, muggleborns used to be considered freaks, someone

    wrong, and were ridiculed, and suffered a lot of prejudice. But, our

    grandparents overcame that, and proved that muggleborns can be just as

    good wizards as purebloods and half-bloods. But, even though now a

    days, muggleborns dont suffer as much prejudice as they used to,

    there are still some very traditional, and close minded families who

    still think that purebloods are the only real wizards.

    But, theres another kind of people who still suffer from prejudice,

    even from muggleborn wizards, the squibs. They are the child born of

    magical parents but having no ability. Still today, squibs are outcasted bysociety and ridiculed by them. Are they any less important, just because they

    dont have magic? They certainly arent, and squibs should receive the same

    kind of treatment that as any other wizard in the wizarding world. Just

    because they dont have the ability to use magic, it doesnt mean they dont

    have feelings, and just want to fit in the society.

    The custom with Squibs has been to send them to Muggle schools and encourage

    them to integrate into the Muggle world, which is "much kinder" than keeping

    them in the wizarding world, where they will always be "second-class". In

    contrast to most of the wizarding world's acceptance and even respect for

    Muggles and Muggle-born wizards, it is often considered embarrassing to have

    a Squib in the family. But, why should a squib be confined to the muggleworld, just because of their lack of magic? Its understandable that all the

    families want is for the squib to not feel so excluded from the others, but

    theyre just as bad, because theyre embarrassed of their own child. There

    should be a school exclusively for squibs, because if they learn how to live

    in the wizarding world, maybe they could be helpful to the society, instead

    of just being outcasted. Maybe, it could be created a pre-school for wizards,

    and squibs could teach the young wizards, because young wizards dont have

    any magic, just like squibs.

    So, even though there isnt any special school for squibs yet, the society

    shouldnt exclude the squibs from the rest of the wizarding world, and they

    should be accepted for who they are, because its not their fault that theywere born the way they are. Just because they dont have ability, theyre

    just like the muggleborns, except for the magic, and if society managed to

    accept muggleborns, it means that is completely possible for the people to

    overcome the prejudice of squibs, and welcome them on the wizarding world,

    just like the rest of the wizards.