sra76 september 2008 masonic magazine


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The monthly masonic magazine of Lodge Stirling Royal Arch No.76 Scotland.


The Webmaster 1

Brethren, as you can see the Newsletter is getting bigger and hopefully better. The Editorial Team (that’s me) decided that a new look was needed for the new session, I hope you like it. I tried to make the newsletter more like a magazine with a front cover picture relating to one of the articles inside. The newsletter will hopefully grow and to that end, thanks to all you readers for making this all worthwhile. This page, (page 1) will be the contents page that I normally put out in the form of an email covering the newsletter, along with the usually bits and pieces and my ramblings. So apart from that, nothing else has changed. And please remember, I’m always on the lookout for lectures/articles/poems etc that I can use in the newsletter, so get in touch if you have any I can use, and if you know of any Brother who you think would like to receive this newsletter each month, let me know by the usual method, through the Web site form. Click here to go to the page.[link]

In the main lectures web site, we have an article entitled, ‘The Annihilation of Freemasonry’ “There is only one group of men whom the Nazis and the Fascists hate more than the Jews, they are the Freemasons.” This is a nice wee article written at the beginning of World War 2 about the persecution of the Members of the Craft by the Nazis. [link] On page 2 of the newsletter there is a nice piece entitled, “The apron of White,” which I’m sure we are all familiar with. On Page 3, “How to wear a Ring,” points towards you or away from you? This article explores the argument. On Page 4, the ever popular Masonic Encyclopaedia, this month we explore the letter “G”. And finally, the cover story, “The Pyramid in Stirling.” Not many cities outside of Egypt have one, but Stirling does, discover the reason why and it’s location.

This Month….

Welcome Brethren To the new look Lodge

Stirling Royal Arch No.76Newsletter

The Webmaster 2

The apron of white leather, made of lamb skin, is a distinguishing badge worn by every member of the Masonic Order, and without which no brother can be admitted within the portals of a Lodge, nor allowed to take part in any Masonic procession of solemnity. The Apprentice is invested with it on his reception into the Order, and it is worn by those who have attained the higher degrees, and by all those who fill the most dignified offices. An apron is worn by operative masons to preserve their garments from stain; and thus, in speculative Masonry, the apron reminds us that we must keep ourselves from moral defilement; or in the figurative language of the Holy Scripture, must keep our garments white and keep ourselves unspotted from the world. White is a color which has always been considered as emblematic of purity and joy. The apron is made of lamb-skin because the lamb has in all ages been recognized as the emblem of innocence, and was therefore chosen by God Himself to be offered to Him in sacrifice, as a type of great propitiatory sacrifice, the Lamb of God - the Lamb without blemish and without spot, that taketh away the sin of the world. The Mason's apron is, therefore, not only a symbol ever reminding him of the duty

of maintaining to the utmost possible degree Purity of heart and Purity of life, and of ever seeking greater perfection in both, but also of propitiation for sin, and the pardon ready to be granted to every one who seeks it in the way appointed. It thus inspires him to work with hope, and that hope further encourages to further endeavors after those attainments which will make him a good man and a good Mason, exercising an influence for good amongst all around him - in the Lodge, in his own family, and it all the relations of life.

The Apron of White….

Fitly is the newly admitted Apprentice enjoined, in the charge addressed to him after his investiture with the apron, that he is never to put on that badge if at variance with any brother who may be in the Lodge. This rule not only secures that the Lodge shall not be disturbed by unseemly strife, but tends to keep brethren from quarreling, and to make them anxious for reconciliation when differences do arise, thus promoting that brotherly love which is the great duty of Freemasons continually to cherish and display. The Mason's lambskin apron always tells him that his mind should be filled with good thoughts and his heart with good feelings, with sentiments of piety and benevolence. It is an honorable Badge, which many of the greatest men have delighted to wear, and it ought to be the earnest desire of every Mason that he should never disgrace it, but on the contrary may every day become more worthy of it. I’m always on the lookout for Masonic lectures/articles/poems; if any Brother knows one that I can use, get in touch.

The Webmaster 3

"What is the proper way to wear a Masonic ring? Should the points of the compass be toward or away from the body?

"If you were hanging the American flag, would you put the stars down? The same holds true of the ring. Usually it is a gift, and has sentimental value for the wearer. It should look right side up to him. Rings are therefore worn with the points of the compass toward the wearer."

This subject is one on which Grand Lodges have made no regulation and popular opinion is divided. We must therefore reason from analogy. When the emblem of the square and compasses is displayed on a building, pennant, button, watch charm etc., universal custom requires the points of the compass point downward. When

displayed on the Altar they point away from the Master. As the Master from his station views the compass from the Altar of his lodge, the points are from, not towards him. As the wearer of a compass watch charm views it, the points are down and away from his eyes. In a similar way as he views the emblem on his ring the points should be down or away from his eyes.

How to wear a ring?….

The square is the symbol of earthly, the compass of heavenly perfection. As a combined emblem the ends of the square point up as a symbol of man's aspirations toward God; the points of the compass are down to represent heavenly qualities coming down from God to earth. Therefore it would seem that the proper way to wear a ring would be that is which its symbolism is best expressed; namely, that in which, when the hand is held in its usual position the points of the compass are towards the earth and away from the wearer's eyes.

Thus it will be seen that our conclusion does not agree with the writer in Temple Topics. He truly says that in hanging an American flag we would not put the stars down, but in hanging a compass or a square and compass, he surly would put the points of the compass down. The same rule holds when worn as a ring or button or a watch charm; namely, they would be worn the same way with the points down. When so worn they all serve the same purposes, and by no means the least of these purposes is to announce to the world the proud wearer is a Mason.

Taken from the Montana Mason 1936.

The Webmaster 4

G.A.O.T.U. The title applied in the technical language of Freemasonry to the Deity. It is appropriate that a society founded on the principles of architecture, which symbolizes the terms of that science to moral purposes, and whose members profess to be the architects of a spiritual temple, should view the Divine Being, under whose holy law they are constructing that edifice, as their Master Builder of Great Architect. Sometimes, but less correctly, the title "Grand Architect of the Universe" is found. Geometry It is unfortunate that for most men schoolroom drudgery has robbed this beautiful word of its poetry. The Greek geo (in compounds) was earth, land; metron was measure. The original geometer was a land measurer, a surveyor, but his methods became broadened and applied to many other kinds of problems, so that at last his craft became a portion of the art of mathematics. Geometry, that branch of mathematics which deals with figures in space, is associated in every Mason’s mind with the immortal Euclid, who figures 50 prominently in all the ancient Masonic manuscripts. It achieved its great place in Freemasonry because of its constant and prime importance in the builders’ art. Symbolically speaking geometry (to it the Letter G originally referred), consists of all those fixed principles and laws of morality and of thought to which a right character and a true mind adjust themselves.

Grammer Masonic Encyclopaedia…. One of the seven liberal arts and sciences, which forms, with Logic and Rhetoric. a triad dedicated to the cultivation of language. "God, ' says Sanctius, "created man the participant of reason; and as he willed him to be a social being, he bestowed upon him the gift of language, in the perfecting of which there are three aids. The first is Grammar, which rejects from language all solecisms and barbarous expressions; the second is Logic, which is occupied with the truthfulness of language; and the third is Rhetoric, which seeks only the adornment of language." Grand Grandis in the Latin meant great, large, awesome, especially in the sense of imposing; it was afterwards applied to the aged, the ripe in experience, an application easy enough to understand when one recalls the reverence paid by the Romans to seniority, long experi-ence, etc. this latter meaning appears in our grandfather, grandmother, grandsire, etc. In English the word developed in two directions, one toward that which is great, large, awe inspiring, as in “grandeur,” the other toward dignity, exalted power. Our own use of the term in “Grand” Lodge, “Grand” East, “Grand” Master, harks back to the latter of the two usages. The head of the Craft is called “Grand”’ Master because he is its most exalted official. Grip In early Masonic works this is called the gripe. German Freemasons call it der Griff, and the French ones, I'Attouchement. Next Month the Letter ‘H’.

The Webmaster 5

The Star Pyramid, Stirling.

Outside the Church of the Holy Rude is the Valley Cemetery. In past times it was the site of jousting tournaments and markets. Within the cemetery is a pyramid, built by William Drummond in 1863. William Drummond was a local surveyor and nurseryman, whose immediate descendants were a well known family in Stirling. They were responsible for a wide range of activities both locally and nationally. These included the establishment of an agricultural museum in the 1830's, an extensive seed and nursery business, exploration in Africa and the Drummond Tract Enterprise, the foremost 19th century publisher of Religious pamphlets. William was the eldest son of the well-known Stirling family which included Peter Drummond and his nephew Henry. He was one of the instigators of the Valley Cemetery and his obsession with religion can be seen in the Martyrs' Monument and the Star Pyramid (also known as Salem Rock).

He commissioned the Star Pyramid from William Barclay in 1863 - note the white marble Bibles incorporated by Barclay round the base of the edifice and the names of religious tracts (published by his brother Peter's "Drummond Tract Enterprise"). The Pyramid is dedicated to all those who suffered martyrdom in the cause of civil and religious liberty in Scotland. William planted a Pleasure Garden round the Pyramid, complete with trees and plants. He also paid for five of the six statues seen in various parts of the graveyard and donated trees to be planted round the National Wallace Monument.

The Cover Story….

This area was laid out as a public pleasure ground by local nurseryman and evangelist, William Drummond. The Star Pyramid, with its texts and emblems, was nearing completion in April 1863, when a bible and the Confession of faith were sealed into a chamber within the structure. It recalls the principles of the Reformation and publicised the famous Drummond Tract Enterprises. The pyramid is on a raised plinth of 4 steps and has a set of steps leading to it. Each of the faces are very similar. On one face is a circular marble plaque, the text of which is very worn and some of the lower part is readable. So if you are ever in Stirling look the Star Pyramid up, it’s right beside the Castle. Brethren, I’m always on the look-out for interesting articles such as this for the newsletter. If anyone has a story/article/lectures/photos or even an idea, please get in touch, I will be only too happy to include it. I’m especially looking for Masonic artefacts that you might think the Brethren of this newsletter might like to share.