[srijan wednesday webinars] client wrangling your way to great projects

@srijan #SrijanWW Welcome Client Wrangling™ Your Way to Great Projects If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. -- Will Rogers Susan Rust @Susan_Rust

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Post on 28-Jul-2015




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@srijan #SrijanWWWelcome

Client Wrangling™ Your Way to Great Projects

If you find yourself in a hole, the first thing to do is stop digging. -- Will Rogers

Susan Rust @Susan_Rust

@srijan #SrijanWWw

@srijan #SrijanWWWelcome!

• Thanks to Priyanka, Srijan and all of you for being here today!

• We’re going to take a quick poll to see who is here.

• Priyanka will share the results.

@srijan #SrijanWWThe End

Let’s reverse engineer our

webinar and look at the

tools used in successful

Client Wrangling.

@srijan #SrijanWWProjects Have Challenges

@srijan #SrijanWWChallenges =Turnover = $

@srijan #SrijanWWSolution is Client Wrangling

1. Close the Gap

2. Reduce Risk

3. Build Trust

4. Communicate

5. Follow Process

@srijan #SrijanWWFacets of Client Wrangling

1. Close the Gap

5. Create Process

2. Reduce Risk

4. Communicate

3. Build Trust






@srijan #SrijanWWProject PhasesClient Wrangling DevelopmentPlanning

ANALYSIS:Closing the GapManage ExpectationsWeb Objectives Site AuditStakeholdersContent Analysis3rd-Party IntegrationTrainingContent TypesUser StoryboardsTaxonomiesDashboardsWorkflow

ARCHITECTURE:DrupalData modelContentMigrationIntegrationDeploymentPerformanceScalingViewsWireframes

DEVELOPMENT:BuildMigrateIntegrateDesignThemeUpdate DocsComplete TicketsAllocate ResourcesTrack Burn RateDemos


QA / UATTestingTimeline for UATDashboardsHostingBetaFeature Polish

@srijan #SrijanWWDrupal Can = Serenity

Client Wrangling:Closing the Gap

@srijan #SrijanWWFacets of Client Wrangling

1. Close the Gap

5. Create Process

2. Reduce Risk

4. Communicate

3. Build Trust






@srijan #SrijanWWResults of Client Wrangling






1. Close the Gap Manage client expectations

@srijan #SrijanWWGreek-to-Geek

clients talk greek

{:engineers talk geek//}

@srijan #SrijanWWCommunication Gap

What Developers


Drupal, Beer, Coffee

What Clients Know

Their Stuff

The Gap

@srijan #SrijanWWBusiness Rules

• A web project is often the catalyst for a rewrite of their own business rules.

• Clients often ne http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpixshark.com%2Fstone-heel-caveman.htm&ei=vGv2VKzpBMW1ggSQgYOoBA&bvm=bv.87519884,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGQYMfQ-BjmbK_cYLRfIjk1QdMbJQ&ust=1425521845412535 ed help making the leap from manual to web processes.

New Client

Bored Engineer

@srijan #SrijanWWMaking the Gap Worse!

Anything you want.

Drupal cando anything.

What can I have?

What can Drupal do?

Bigger Gap

@srijan #SrijanWW


This is What I Want.

Cool. Bigger Gap

Unmanaged Expectations


@srijan #SrijanWWSample Text From Customer

• Possibly categories can be extracted automatically from the content if a particular text format is used during text upload.

• A single magazine issue consists of many articles per week, which cover a broad spectrum of activities.The content section will cover multiple web pages, which requires an easy navigation concept. A mixture of images and text shall attract potential readers to select an article and to navigate to the according page.

• The user Interface needs to present a fixed structure of content elements which allow regular users (or traditional print magazine readers) to understand and use the provided structure:

• A good concept can be found with www.flipboard.com

• Likewise, a browser add-on may be necessary to produce the desired user experience.

@srijan #SrijanWWSample Text From Customer

• Possibly categories can be extracted automatically from the content if a particular text format is used during text upload.

• A single magazine issue consists of many articles per week, which cover a broad spectrum of activities.The content section will cover multiple web pages, which requires an easy navigation concept. A mixture of images and text shall attract potential readers to select an article and to navigate to the according page.

• The user Interface needs to present a fixed structure of content elements which allow regular users (or traditional print magazine readers) to understand and use the provided structure:

• A good concept can be found with www.flipboard.com• Likewise, a browser add-on may be necessary to produce the

desired user experience.

@srijan #SrijanWWAllocating Resources

$100k budget:How much goes to


@srijan #SrijanWWAllocating Resources

clientwrangling architecture development design/

themeuat / bugs

feature polish

10% 30% 30% 15%10%

20% budget 60% budget = $42k

@srijan #SrijanWW

BudgetMVP* = Need

Cool. Bigger Gap

Managed Expectations


@srijan #SrijanWW

MVP* = Need

Cool. Bigger Gap

MVP = Minimum Viable Product

@srijan #SrijanWWCW = Closing the Gap

MVPGood $$

Reasonable Timeline

Partner Understands their needs

Client Wrangling:Why Do You Need a Website?

Who is it For?What Does it Do?

@srijan #SrijanWWClient Project

@srijan #SrijanWWDiscovery






2. Reduce Risk Study their business, manage their

expectations, have a process.

@srijan #SrijanWWManaging Risk

• A web project is often the catalyst for a rewrite of their own business rules.

• Clients often ne http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpixshark.com%2Fstone-heel-caveman.htm&ei=vGv2VKzpBMW1ggSQgYOoBA&bvm=bv.87519884,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGQYMfQ-BjmbK_cYLRfIjk1QdMbJQ&ust=1425521845412535 ed help making the leap from manual to web processes.

New Client

Bored Engineer

@srijan #SrijanWWWhy, What, Who



@srijan #SrijanWWClients Are Not Architects

@srijan #SrijanWWDon’t Accept Assumptions

@srijan #SrijanWWThey Think This:

• A web project is often the catalyst for a rewrite of their own business rules.

• Clients often ne http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpixshark.com%2Fstone-heel-caveman.htm&ei=vGv2VKzpBMW1ggSQgYOoBA&bvm=bv.87519884,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGQYMfQ-BjmbK_cYLRfIjk1QdMbJQ&ust=1425521845412535 ed help making the leap from manual to web processes.

@srijan #SrijanWWRFP, SOW, Client Specs

• A web project is often the catalyst for a rewrite of their own business rules.

• Clients often ne http://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=images&cd=&ved=0CAcQjRw&url=http%3A%2F%2Fpixshark.com%2Fstone-heel-caveman.htm&ei=vGv2VKzpBMW1ggSQgYOoBA&bvm=bv.87519884,d.eXY&psig=AFQjCNGQYMfQ-BjmbK_cYLRfIjk1QdMbJQ&ust=1425521845412535 ed help making the leap from manual to web processes.

@srijan #SrijanWWSample Text From Customer

• Possibly categories can be extracted automatically from the content if a particular text format is used during text upload.

• A single magazine issue consists of many articles per week, which cover a broad spectrum of activities.The content section will cover multiple web pages, which requires an easy navigation concept. A mixture of images and text shall attract potential readers to select an article and to navigate to the according page.

• The user Interface needs to present a fixed structure of content elements which allow regular users (or traditional print magazine readers) to understand and use the provided structure:

• A good concept can be found with www.flipboard.com

• Likewise, a browser add-on may be necessary to produce the desired user experience.

@srijan #SrijanWWSample Text From Customer

• Possibly categories can be extracted automatically from the content if a particular text format is used during text upload.

• A single magazine issue consists of many articles per week, which cover a broad spectrum of activities.The content section will cover multiple web pages, which requires an easy navigation concept. A mixture of images and text shall attract potential readers to select an article and to navigate to the according page.

• The user Interface needs to present a fixed structure of content elements which allow regular users (or traditional print magazine readers) to understand and use the provided structure:

• A good concept can be found with www.flipboard.com• Likewise, a browser add-on may be necessary to produce the

desired user experience.

@srijan #SrijanWW30 Pages of Booby Traps

• 30 pages of landmines and booby traps.

Client Wrangling:Reducing Risk With Storyboards

@srijan #SrijanWWEither Way Works


@srijan #SrijanWWUser Stories

Site Visitor


Hidden Stakeholders

@srijan #SrijanWWUser Stories

Hidden Stakeholders

Understanding the client’s business goals and objectives surfaces hidden stakeholders and functionality.

@srijan #SrijanWWBusiness Process

@srijan #SrijanWWTheir Business Process

@srijan #SrijanWWGREEK! We Need Geek!

@srijan #SrijanWW1000 Words

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet. consectetur adipiscing elit. Integer nec odio. Praesent libero. Sed cursus ante dapibus diam. Sed nisi. Nulla quis sem at nibh elementum imperdiet. Duis sagittis ipsum. Praesent mauris. Fusce nec tellus sed augue semper porta. Mauris massa. Vestibulum lacinia arcu eget nulla. Class aptent taciti sociosqu ad litora torquent per conubia nostra, per inceptos himenaeos. Curabitur sodales ligula in libero.

Sed dignissim lcinia nunc. Curabitur tortor. Pellentesque nibh. Aenean quam. In scelerisque sem at dolor. Maecenas mattis. Sed convallis tristique sem. Proin ut ligula vel nunc egestas porttitor. Morbi lectus risus, iaculis vel, suscipit quis, luctus non, massa. Fusce ac turpis quis ligula lacinia aliquet. Mauris ipsum. Nulla metus metus, ullamcorper vel, tincidunt sed, euismod in, nibh.

@srijan #SrijanWWSpreadsheets

@srijan #SrijanWW

CSV File

Project: Supercool WebsiteUsers & Roles

A Few Good Pictures

• User Stories

• Storyboard

• User Dashboards

@srijan #SrijanWWUser Stories

• Find them All!

@srijan #SrijanWWWorkflow per Content Type

• Workflows for each content type create clarity for clients.

@srijan #SrijanWWUser Dashboards

• Workflows for each content type create clarity for clients.

Client Wrangling:Discussing Technical Debt

@srijan #SrijanWWTechnical Debt

• What it is technical debt?

• Who owns technical debt?

• Share each time they incur technical debt and let THEM make the choice

@srijan #SrijanWWTechnical Debt Matrix

Tech Debt

Minimal Debt

Moderate Debt

High Debt

Must Have


Like to Have

@srijan #SrijanWWRisk Matrix

Risk DooB Light Custom

Heavy Custom

Low Risk 1/1 1/2 1/3

Mod. Risk 2/1 2/2 2/3

High Risk 3/1 3/2 3/3

@srijan #SrijanWWCost Matrix

Cost Low $ Mid $ Unknown

Low hours 1/1 1/2 1/3

Mod. hours 2/1 2/2 2/3

Unknown 3/1 3/2 3/3

Low Risk

Mod. Risk

High Risk

Client Wrangling:Build Trust

@srijan #SrijanWWWant Velocity?

@srijan #SrijanWWProcess = Trust

GIVE Your Team

Responsibility &


@srijan #SrijanWWAuthority

• Have Checks & Balances

• Allow Team to Throw a Red Flag

• Agree How to Triage

@srijan #SrijanWWProject Managers Rule

@srijan #SrijanWWProcess

@srijan #SrijanWWSprint Updates

• Create Top Level Tickets• Allocate Resources• Monitor Build• Watch Burn Rate• QA / Test• Demo to Client• Get Feedback• Update Docs• Change Orders / Backlog / Next Phase• Get Sign Offs from Architect and Client• Send out Update Emails

Client Wrangling:Communicate with Customers

@srijan #SrijanWWCommunication

@srijan #SrijanWWCommunication

@srijan #SrijanWWCommunication

• Say no go to bad clients

• Say no to good clients when it’s necessary

• Say no when you won’t succeed

• Speak frankly, don’t be afraid

@srijan #SrijanWWLots of Input, Need Output

Storyboard Estimate SoWProposal UAT

Emails Meetings Calls Client DocsRFPs

@srijan #SrijanWWSeparation of Church & State

Clients PMs Teams

@srijan #SrijanWWScrum

@srijan #SrijanWWClarify

• Do not use BACKLOG to mean the following:• Bug• Backlog (in scope, doing later)• New Feature (requires a Change Order)• Next Phase (needs architecture, impacts development

timeline or budget)

• Use the correct language

@srijan #SrijanWWMight Morphing Storyboards

@srijan #SrijanWWStoryboard Morphs!

Change Orders Estimate SoWProposal UAT

Emails Meetings Calls Client DocsRFPs

@srijan #SrijanWWGrows With the Project

discovery architecture development design/theme uat / bugs

5% 10% 30% 30% 15%10%


Storyboard QA / UAT

Client Wrangling:Creating Process

@srijan #SrijanWWTickets

• Many shops run their company off false data.

@srijan #SrijanWWNot a Ticket:

• Build a view

• 8h

@srijan #SrijanWWNot a Ticket:

• Build a view

• 8h

Always add dashboard block

Really? 10?

Every config. in the ticket

@srijan #SrijanWWBad Ticket = Extra Work



PM Themer

@srijan #SrijanWWFacets of Client Wrangling

1. Close the Gap

5. Create Process

2. Reduce Risk

4. Communicate

3. Build Trust






@srijan #SrijanWWProject PhasesClient Wrangling DevelopmentPlanning

ANALYSIS:Closing the GapManage ExpectationsWeb Objectives Site AuditStakeholdersContent Analysis3rd-Party IntegrationTrainingContent TypesUser StoryboardsTaxonomiesDashboardsWorkflow

ARCHITECTURE:DrupalData modelContentMigrationIntegrationDeploymentPerformanceScalingViewsWireframes

DEVELOPMENT:BuildMigrateIntegrateDesignThemeUpdate DocsComplete TicketsAllocate ResourcesTrack Burn RateDemos


QA / UATTestingTimeline for UATDashboardsHostingBetaFeature Polish

@srijan #SrijanWWDrupal Can = Serenity

@srijan #SrijanWWw

@srijan #SrijanWWThank You!

Take this conversation online by tweeting using the hashtag #SrijanWW and @susan_rust

Let’s do Questions!